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Over a 1-year period, field and satellite measurements of surface water turbidity were combined in order to study the dynamics of the turbidity maximum zone (TM) in a macrotidal estuary (the Gironde, France). Four fixed platforms equipped with turbidity sensors calibrated to give the suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentration provided continuous information in the upper estuary. Full resolution data recorded by the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors onboard the Terra and Aqua satellite platforms provided information in the central and lower estuary twice a day (depending on cloud cover). Field data were used to validate a recently developed SPM quantification algorithm applied to the MODIS ‘surface reflectance’ product. The algorithm is based on a relationship between the SPM concentration and a reflectance ratio of MODIS bands 2 (near-infrared) and 1 (red). Based on 62 and 75 match-ups identified in 2005 with MODIS Terra and Aqua data, the relative uncertainty of the algorithm applied to these sensors was found to be 22 and 18%, respectively.Field measurements showed the tidal variations of turbidity in the upper estuary, while monthly-averaged MODIS satellite data complemented by field data allowed observing the monthly movements of the TM in the whole estuary. The trapping of fine sediments occurred in the upper estuary during the period of low river flow. This resulted in the formation of a highly concentrated TM during a 4-month period. With increasing river flow, the TM moved rapidly to the central estuary. A part of the TM detached, moved progressively in the lower estuary and was finally either massively exported to the ocean during peak floods or temporary trapped (settled) on intertidal mudflats. The massive export to the ocean was apparently the result of combined favorable environmental conditions: presence of fluid mud near the mouth, high river flow, high tides and limited wind speeds. The mean SPM concentration within surface waters of the whole estuary showed strong seasonal variations but remained almost unchanged on a 1-year-basis. These observations suggest that the masses of suspended sediments exported toward the ocean and supplied by the rivers were almost equivalent during the year investigated (2005). Results show the usefulness of information extracted from combined field and current ocean color satellite data in order to monitor the transport of suspended particles in coastal and estuarine waters.  相似文献   

Tropical estuaries are under increasing pressure worldwide from human impacts, but are poorly studied compared with temperate systems. This study examined a tropical macrotidal estuary, Darwin Harbour, in northern Australia, using a combination of direct measurements and literature values to determine the main sources of primary production and the sources of nutrients supporting growth. The main source of primary production was calculated to be the extensive area of fringing mangroves and resulted in a net autotrophic system (PG:R = 2.1). Much of the carbon in the mangrove forests appears to be retained within the forests or respired, as the water column was also net autotrophic despite the carbon inputs. Phytoplankton were the second largest primary producer on a whole-of-harbour basis, with low biomass constrained by light and nutrient availability. The phytoplankton were likely to be nitrogen (N) limited, based on low N:phosphorus (P) ratios, low dissolved bioavailable N concentrations (ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3), urea), and evidence that phytoplankton growth in bioassays was stimulated by NH4+ addition. The largest new source of N to the system was from the ocean due to higher N concentrations in the incoming tides than the outgoing tides. Atmospheric inputs via N fixation on the intertidal mudflats and subtidal sediments were substantially lower. The rivers feeding into the harbour and sewage were minor N inputs. Nitrogen demand by primary producers was high relative to available N inputs, suggesting that N recycling within the water column and mangrove forests must be important processes. Darwin Harbour is adjacent to the rapidly growing urban area of Darwin city, but overall there is no evidence of anthropogenic nutrient inputs having substantial effects on primary production in Darwin Harbour.  相似文献   

Sediment profiles in the Banks, Ince and Widnes Warth salt marshes in Northwest England contain a mappable record of historic pollution. For persistent organochlorine compounds this stretches back over 90 years. The PCB and HCH profiles can be successfully rationalised by dating methods, and they can be related to the dates of initial production and subsequent withdrawal from use of these chemicals as a result of restrictive environmental legislation. HCB has a more complex pollution profile as it has been manufactured in Northwest England, both deliberately as a pesticide and accidentally as a by-product of several chlorination processes, dating back to the start of the 20th century. The concentrations of degradation products of DDT are relatively constant through the sediment profile and are dominated by op'- and pp'-DDD with only minor contributions from the most toxic species, pp'-DDT. The quantities of these compounds resident in the reservoir of pollutants under these marshes have been calculated, and have fallen progressively in the last 30-50 years.  相似文献   

In order to understand the hydrodynamic parameters that control the fluvial sediment dynamics on an intertidal mudflat located in a sheltered zone in the upper part (fluvial part) of the macrotidal Seine estuary (France), a two-year field study of high-frequency field measurements was carried out. The bed-level evolution of the mudflat surface was measured from the semi-diurnal period to annual time scales using a high-resolution altimeter. The data showed that the sedimentary patterns on the mudflat were mainly controlled by river flows and tides. During high river flows in winter, sedimentation dominated; suspended particulate matter concentrations were higher, submersion was constant and at semi-diurnal scale, sedimentation duration was more important than erosion due to an asymmetrical tide. By contrast during low river flows in summer, erosion dominated mainly as a result of immersion/emersion of tidal flats during semi-diurnal cycle. From this annual sedimentation–erosion cycle we identify a temporary storage of 10–30% of the fine-grained (<63 μm) river-borne particles on mudflats in the upper section of the fluvial Seine estuary during high river flows.River-related sediment fluxes were estimated from the measurement of fine-grained sedimentation zones in the fluvial part of the estuary. The erosion/sedimentation processes were perennial, and the amounts of contributing sediments were directly related to the solid river load. Our results indicate that mudflats in the fluvial part of the Seine estuary play an important role in the downstream transfer of fine-grained suspended particulate matter (SPM) towards the turbidity maximum and the Rouen docks particularly during low river flows, when roughly 30–50% of the SPM originates from the eroded intertidal flats.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2003,46(1-2):189-197
A study was undertaken to investigate the potential long-term sustainability of sea kayaking in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. The biological and physical state of the environment of four islands frequently visited by sea kayakers was measured in spring, summer, and fall, 1997. Information was also collected on the quality of kayakers’ wilderness experience, and whether encounters with other groups of people or the quality of the environment affected that experience.The kayakers’ impact on the bio-physical states of the islands was found to be minimal. Few impacts were recorded, and most of these were in areas that were frequently and readily modified by waves and tides. All respondents indicated that their wilderness experience was good to excellent, with 97% indicating a very good to excellent experience. More than 80% of respondents indicated that the quality of the natural environment had either a positive or very positive impact on their wilderness experience. Nearly half (43%) of respondents indicated that encounters with other groups of people had a negative or very negative effect on their wilderness experience.Recommendations have been developed for the management of islands in maritime environments with the goal of long-term sustainability.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate lead were measured over an annual cycle (12 surveys between February 1998 and January 1999) in the Morlaix River estuary (Brittany, France). The concentrations were investigated in both the water column and the sediment of the river bottom in relation to hydrological conditions. In the water column, dissolved and particulate lead concentrations ranged from 0.1 to 4.4 nM and from 0.04 to 1.9 μmol g− 1, respectively. Lead concentrations in surface sediment varied from 0.04 to 0.19 μmol g− 1 and concentrations in the sediment pore water of the estuary were below the detection limit. Compared with the ranges known for pristine estuaries, concentrations of Pb in the water column of the Morlaix River estuary were found to be much higher. Concentrations of Pb also exceeded the lower range of those known for industrialized estuaries. Extensive agricultural activities in the drainage basin may be responsible for Pb levels above pristine conditions. Furthermore, the sediment appeared not to be contaminated. A mass balance was constructed quantifying all known sources and sinks for the Pb in the estuary. Riverine input accounts for most of the total annual metal flux. Burial in sediments was the major sink within the estuary, which acts as a trap especially for the particulate lead. The mass balance shows that the metal accumulation ranged between 414.6 and 446.0 kg year− 1.  相似文献   

Biological invasions represent one of the significant components of global change. A comparative study of invaders and co-occurring natives is a useful approach to gaining insights into the invasiveness of exotic plants. Spartina alterniflora, a C4 grass, is a widespread invader in the coastal wetlands in China and other regions of the world. We conducted a comparative study of S. alterniflora and native C3 species, Phragmites australis and Scirpus mariqueter, in terms of their gas exchange and efficiencies in resource utilization. We tested the hypothesis that S. alterniflora has growth-related ecophysiological advantages over the natives in its non-native range, which result in its rapid growth and enhance its invasiveness. Photosynthesis, leaf area index (LAI), specific leaf area (SLA), and the efficiency of resource use (light, water, and nitrogen) were examined monthly for eight months in 2004. Overall, S. alterniflora had greater LAI, higher maximal net photosynthetic rate (Amax), and longer growing season than those of the native species. On average, the efficiencies of S. alterniflora in light, water, and nitrogen utilization were respectively 10.1%, 26.1%, and 33.1% higher than those of P. australis, and respectively 70.3%, 53.5%, 28.3% higher than those of S. mariqueter. However, SLA of S. alterniflora was significantly lower than those of P. australis and S. mariqueter. Although there was no general pattern in the relationship between invasiveness and plant photosynthetic types, in this study, most of the ecophysiological characteristics that gave S. alterniflora a competitive advantage in the Yangtze River estuary were associated with photosynthetic pathways. Our results offer a greater understanding of the relationship between invasiveness and plant photosynthetic type. Our results also indicate that LAI and the length of the photosynthetic season, which vary with habitats, are also important in invasion success.  相似文献   

秋季湛江港和入海口温盐结构及生态特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用2015年10月采集的湛江港海域水体叶绿素a浓度、温度、盐度等参数,分析了秋季湛江港和入海口温盐结构及生态特征。研究结果表明,湛江港海域盐度的水平分布上由湾内往湾外逐渐递增,叶绿素a浓度由湾内往湾外逐渐递减,水深比较浅的区域水温较高,同时在航道入海口底层存在着“高盐低温低叶绿素”的相对稳定的冷水团结构。该水团的形成是由于湛江港出海口独特的地形构造促进区域性水体层化,同时底部水体透明度低,限制航道入海口区域底层的浮游植物的生长等因素所致。  相似文献   

Vegetation of two San Francisco Bay, California, U.S.A. tidal marshes was examined to determine the effects of recirculation ditches designed to eliminate mosquito-breeding. Salicornia virginica L. biomass and production in Petaluma Marsh and plant species composition in Suisun Marsh were measured with respect to distance from ditches and natural channels. In Petaluma Marsh, both annual above-ground production estimates and infrared aerial photographs indicated that S. virginica growth rates were higher near ditches than in the open marsh. In the floristically diverse, less saline Suisun Marsh, there was a displacement of the more salt tolerant S. virginica by the less tolerant Juncus balticus Willd. and a significantly greater number of species near the ditches. Results in both marshes are correlated with low groundwater salinities near ditches and suggest that tidal circulation within ditches locally ameliorates extremes in soil conditions.  相似文献   

The behavior and budget of Mn, Cd and Cu in the Gironde estuary were investigated through data from both the water column (WC) and sediment depth profiles. In the estuarine freshwater reaches, Mn and Cd removal from and Cu addition to the dissolved phase occurs with a magnitude equivalent to 10%, 30% and 25% of their respective annual fluvial gross dissolved input, respectively. In the saline estuary, diffusive benthic outflow is the main source of dissolved Mn (74% of the total gross dissolved input within the estuary) to the WC. In contrast, Cd (96%) and Cu (89%) are mainly released into the dissolved phase of the WC from fluvial, estuarine and dredging-related particles through complexation (Cd) and organic carbon mineralization (Cu). Anthropogenic activities (sediment dredging) induce pore water inputs, particulate sulfide oxidation and sediment resuspension, significantly contributing to the metal budget of the WC. The related amounts of metals released could be equivalent to 20–50% (Cd) and up to 70% (Cu) of their respective net dissolved addition. Mass balances suggest that a large part of the metals previously released into the dissolved phase from processes within the estuary are removed by suspended particles due to (co-)precipitation of Fe/Mn (oxy)hydroxides and scavenging on autochthonous organic matter. On an annual basis, the Gironde estuary acts as a net sink of dissolved Mn, removing 60% of the dissolved fluvial inputs, and as a net source of dissolved Cd and Cu, contributing ∼ 85% and 20–45% to the dissolved Cd and Cu fluxes to the ocean.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu and Cd have been determined in leaves, stems and roots of Spartina maritima and Halimione portulacoides from the Tagus estuary salt mash (Corroios) and in the sediments between their roots. Biological materials and sediments were sampled every 2 months, between July 1991 and July 1992. Root biomass increased from July to September and from January to March. The greatest metal concentrations occurred in the roots, with lowest levels in January and increasing levels during the growth periods. Zn, Pb and Cu in sediments exhibited a corresponding change in concentrations, reaching maximum in January and subsequently decreasing in spring. The ratios between metal concentrations in the root and in sediments were higher for H. portulacoides when compared to S. maritima, whose roots are surrounded by a more acidic and reduced sediment environment. It was concluded, therefore, that H. portulacoides is a more effective accumulator of metals than S. maritima, and both root-sediment systems exhibited a seasonal variation of metal concentrations.  相似文献   

Bacterial abundance was studied from April to December 1979 in the sediments of a Bay of Fundy mudflat. Bacterial biomass ranged from 1·6 to 2·8 g C m−2 in the top 5 cm and bacterial numbers normalized for the amount of organic carbon in the sediment were about 9 × 1011 g−1 C at the surface during most of the year. However, when a bloom of pennate diatoms occurred in the fall, bacterial numbers per gram carbon doubled. There was a correlation of r=0·83 between bacteria g−1 C and chlorophyll a for all sampling dates at the high intertidal station. Sieved size fractions of surface sediment taken during a period of low micro-algal biomass and just after the micro-algal bloom showed a strong correlation (r=0·92) between the increases in bacterial and algal abundance for the fractions > 20 μm. We suggest that the apparent relation between benthic micro-algal and bacterial abundance on both a seasonal and within-sediment basis may be due to the release of extracellular material by the micro-algae.  相似文献   

Vertical accretion rates were determined for brackish marshes in an estuarine tributary on the Eastern Shore of Chesapeake Bay. These rates determined on the basis of the peak phase of early European settlement as recorded in pollen spectra of the marsh sediments range between 0. 18 to 0.74 cm yr−1 over approximately the last 194 years and generally decrease down the estuary. More recent accretion rates (estimated from changes in pine pollen concentration) appear to have accelerated, exceeding the present local rate of sea level rise. The implications for using estuarine marsh accretion rates as surrogates for changes in sea level are discussed.  相似文献   

A steady state, mass balance, trophic network has been constructed to illustrate the flow of energy in the Seine Estuary by using Network Analysis and Ecopath methods. This ecosystem shows 15 compartments from primary producers to the top consumers (fish and birds). This study has been compared with other ecosystems of comparable nature located in North America (Narragansett, Chesapeake, Delaware Bays), Europe (Ems Estuary, Dublin Bay and Bay of Somme), and South Africa (Swartkops Estuary) in which analysis of trophic network has been applied with similar methods.The Seine Estuary shows values of some global parameters and indices either close to large North American bays and a South African estuary characterised by the complexity of their trophic network, or values near European bays and estuaries, or else remain typical of the Seine estuary. All of this reflects specific functioning of the Seine Estuary which can be explained by the analysis of the dominant food web. In the upstream sector an important pelagic food web was found correlated with highest primary production, especially planktonic, which is rapidly consumed by an abundant zooplankton and suprabenthos (Mysidacae and Decapoda Crustacea). This reveals the dominant consumer role of this sector. The external fluvial inputs (277.80 gC m−2 y−1) are transferred to the downstream sector which produces the major export (548.43 gC m−2 y−1), in parallel with the low consumption and efficiency of dominant benthos component from its bentho-pelagic food web. This reflects the dominant exporter role of this sector.In the Seine Estuary low values of detritivory index D/H (2.52), recycling index FCI (16.1%) and connectance (0.24) were found associated with high values of P/B ratio (38.2%), sum of exports (548.43 gC m−2 y−1) and the great difference between ratio of ascendency to capacity development A/C and internal ratio Ai/Ci. This shows the lack of a dominant resource as in Delaware Bay, that the state of development is different from a mature ecosystem, and the dependance on external connections similar to the Bay of Somme, another ecosystem of Eastern Channel, France.  相似文献   

The estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) that develops in the lower salinity areas of macrotidal estuaries has been considered as an important nursery for many fish species. Mysids are one of the dominant organisms in the ETM, serving as a key food source for juvenile fish. To investigate the horizontal distribution and population dynamics of dominant mysids in relation to the fluctuation of physical conditions (temperature, salinity, turbidity, and freshwater discharge), we conducted monthly sampling (hauls of a ring net in the surface water) along the macrotidal Chikugo River estuary in Japan from May 2005 to December 2006. Hyperacanthomysis longirostris was the dominant mysid in the estuary, usually showing peaks of density and biomass in or close to the ETM (salinity 1–10). In addition, intra-specific differences (life-cycle stage, sex, and size) in horizontal distribution were found along the estuary. Larger males and females, particularly gravid females, were distributed upstream from the center of distribution where juveniles were overwhelmingly dominant. Juveniles increased in size toward the sea in marked contrast with males and females. The findings suggest a possible system of population maintenance within the estuary; gravid females release juveniles in the upper estuary, juveniles grow during downstream transport, young males and females mature during the upstream migration. Density and biomass were primarily controlled by seasonal changes of temperature, being high at intermediate temperatures (ca. 15–25 °C in late spring and fall) and being low at the extreme temperatures (ca. 10 °C in midwinter and 30 °C in midsummer). High density (up to 666 ind. m−3) and biomass (up to 168 mg dry weight m−3) of H. longirostris were considered to be comparable with those of copepods in the estuary.  相似文献   

Eutrophication often causes hypoxia in estuarine and coastal systems, but the mechanisms that control hypoxic events vary among estuaries and are often difficult to discern. We monitored surface and bottom dissolved oxygen (DO) in the Upper Newport Bay (UNB), a tidally mixed estuary in southern California subject to anthropogenic nutrient loading, eutrophication and hypoxia. Our goal was to identify the environmental factors regulating DO dynamics. Six hypoxic events occurred between June and November and were associated with a combination of low solar radiation, increased freshwater discharge following precipitation, and enhanced haline stratification during reduced tidal range periods. At the head of the estuary, high macroalgal biomass and pronounced haline stratification resulted in high DO in the surface layer and low DO in the bottom layer. Oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor waters were transported down-estuary by ebb tides, resulting in DO heterogeneity throughout the UNB. Cross-wavelet analysis illustrated the down-estuary propagation of high/low DO signal correlated with the phases of diurnal photosynthetic and semi-diurnal tidal cycles.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of organic matter in a macrotidal estuary, the Loire, France, has been studied for two years during different seasons. Both particulate matter and sediment have been sampled in the riverine zone, in the maximum turbidity zone and in the ocean near the river mouth. Two techniques have been used: carbon isotopic ratio determination and analysis of lipid-marker signatures in the n-alkane, n-alkene and fatty acid series. For the period corresponding to the output of the maximum turbidity zone in the ocean, the complete change of organic matter, continental in nature in the inner estuary, pure marine in the outer estuary is well illustrated by the decrease of δ13C values and of carbon preference index of n-alkanes. Input sources of organic matter by continental plants, plankton and micro-organisms are discussed from biogeochemical-marker analyses data along with the processes of accumulation of particles and their evolution with the season. Some criteria for evidencing the nature of various organic-matter pools are assessed and compared in different chemical-marker series as follows: high molecular weight n-alkanes and fatty acids, perylene for continental imprints, polyunsaturated 18-, 20- and 22-carbon fatty acids, n-C17, n-alkenes and squalene for algae imprints, branched iso and anteiso fatty acids, Δ11-C18:1 for microbial imprints.  相似文献   

Three locations were selected for detailed study of the epibenthos of sublittoral hard substrates in the Deer Island region of the Bay of Fundy. A total of 10 transects, using photographic and quadrat methods, yielded data on percentage coverage, density and diversity of biota in relation to depth.A cluster analysis, using the Jaccard Coefficient of Association, produced five major clusters, representing three depth zones. The shallow and mid-depth zones lie within the infralittoral, the deep zone within the circalittoral.The shallow zone extends from mean low water (MLW) to a mean depth of 5 m below MLW and consists of two clusters representing minor biological differences. It is characterized by crustose coralline algae and Petrocelis middendorfii which together cover over 70% of the primary substrate. Other macro-algae are rare, as are bryozoans, while sponges are absent. The sea urchin Stronglyocentrotus droebachiensis, the limpet Acmaea testudinalis and chitons belonging to Tonicella are very common and may exert a significant influence on the community structure in terms of grazing pressure.The mid-depth zone has a mean depth of 10 m and consists of two clusters, one representing well-illuminated upward-facing surfaces, the other representing shaded steeply-inclined cliff faces. The zone is characterized by higher species richness (relative to the shallow zone); greater coverage of sponges, bryozoans and hydroids; lower densities of sea urchins and limpets; and less areal coverage by encrusting algae. The cliff-face cluster is characterized by enrichment of bryozoans, anemones, sponges and brachiopods.The deep zone has a mean depth of 18 m, and is animal-dominated, supporting the greatest species richness, with sponges, hydroids, anemones, brachiopods and tunicates common, but algal coverage much reduced.Organisms colonizing the upward-facing surfaces in the shallow and mid-depth zones are here regarded as belonging to the encrusting algae-urchin community, while biota of the shaded cliff faces of the mid-depth zone, together with the biota of the deep zone, are regarded as belonging to the Terebratulina septentrionalis community of previous authors.  相似文献   

本文采用"初值方法"研究了芬迪湾、缅因湾和圣劳伦斯湾的潮汐共振情况。结果表明,缅因-芬迪湾系统共振是由陆架共振造成的,最强共振周期约为13.0h。芬迪湾次强共振周期约为9.2h,是由该海湾本身的四分之一波长共振引起的。圣劳伦斯湾共振现象主要体现在其东北海区,共振周期约为9.2h,可能是由半波长共振引起的。  相似文献   

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