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土体在剪切变形过程中产生主应力方向的旋转时,主应变增量方向与主应力方向之间存在着非共轴现象,然而传统的弹塑性本构模型未能考虑该现象的影响。通过在屈服面的切线方向增加一项非共轴塑性应变增量,即可实现对非共轴现象的反映。采用显式积分算法和自动分步方法,将非共轴本构模型运用到桶形基础地基承载力问题的有限元计算中,并讨论了流动法则、内摩擦角、膨胀角等因素与非共轴模型的联系。计算结果表明:采用有限元程序默认容许误差时,该本构模型可达到理想的收敛精度,并且,该模型对关联、非关联流动法则均适用。采用共轴模型进行数值计算时,不同流动法则对计算结果的影响可以忽略;采用非共轴模型时,不同流动法则的计算结果之间存在差异。非共轴现象对地基承载力-位移曲线具有软化作用,并且,该软化作用在采用非关联流动法则时变得更加明显  相似文献   

基于屈服面角点非共轴理论中采用Gram-Schmit正交化方法,提出了一种新的非共轴本构模型。模型修正了原有的流动法则,其中非共轴流动方向被定义为将单位应力增量方向在参考主应力正交方向上的投影,同时与塑性标量因子相关联。另外,根据广义应力的状态下的剪胀方程推导了一种新的塑性函数形式。以状态相关砂土模型为基本模型,分别采用新的非共轴模型和未修正的模型模拟了Toyoura砂的空心圆柱单剪试验和空心圆柱扭剪试验,将模型模拟的结果与试验数据进行对比,结果表明,新非共轴模型能更为合理地反映试验中非共轴现象及其变化规律,特别是固定主应力轴方向的单调剪切试验。  相似文献   

基于临界状态模型的砂土非共轴本构模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扈萍  茂松  马少坤  秦会来 《岩土力学》2011,32(Z1):230-235
传统的砂土本构理论隐含了应力和塑性应变率的共轴条件,无法客观描述主应力轴旋转试验中的非共轴现象,并且当密度和围压变化较大时也不适用。基于材料状态相关砂土临界状态概念,将Pietruszczak和Stolle所提出的砂土本构模型进行了改进,并在模型中引入非共轴塑性流动理论来描述非共轴现象。通过对单剪试验和空心圆柱试验进行数值模拟,表明基于临界状态理论的非共轴模型能够合理描述主应力轴旋转过程中砂土的非共轴变形特性  相似文献   

土体非线弹性-塑性本构模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
把本质上属于亚弹性本构模型,在岩土工程界广为应用的Duncan-Chang模型与服从Drucker-PragerMohr-Column屈服准则的弹塑性本构模型相结合,推出了非线弹性-塑性的组合本构模型,以克服经典的弹塑性模型不能考虑岩土材料在塑性屈服前的非线性行为以及一般的Duncan-Chang模型不适用于应力水平接近于屈服或破坏状态等缺点。所建议的本构模型简单实用,能较好地综合利用工程地质勘察资料和常规的土工试验数据。针对实际边坡具体地层条件的分析表明,该模型及其非线性析算法的正确性和可行性,而且在岩土工程方面具有广泛的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

粗粒土与结构接触面三维本构关系及数值模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
张嘎  张建民 《岩土力学》2007,28(2):288-292
基于试验结果,探讨了粗粒土与结构接触面的三维力学特性,该接触面在三维剪切时两个方向上的剪应力-应变关系表现出较强的耦合特性,但其主剪应变的大小只与主剪应力的大小有关。基于提出的接触面弹塑性损伤理论,建立了描述三维条件下接触面力学特性的本构模型及其数值格式。编制了有关程序,采用该模型对接触面的力学响应进行了预测。预测结果表明,建立的接触面三维本构关系及数值模型是合理和可行的,能够较好地反映包括剪切耦合特性在内的接触面主要力学特性。  相似文献   

田雨  姚仰平  罗汀 《岩土力学》2018,39(6):2035-2042
从发挥面的角度出发,分析论证各向异性是引起岩土材料出现非共轴现象的根本原因,得到与材料力学一致的结论。当共轭的两发挥面与沉积面的夹角不相等时,主应力面上将出现塑性应变增量的切向分量,所以塑性应变增量的主方向与应力的主方向非共轴。按照这一结论,对非共轴的数值模拟,也应当根据各向异性本构模型进行。为考虑各向异性影响新近提出的各向异性变换应力法,改变了各应力分量的相对大小,得到的各向异性变换应力张量与真实应力张量的主方向不一致,因此也能反映非共轴。利用各向异性变换应力法,能够在现有的弹塑性本构模型的框架下,描述土的非共轴现象。以各向异性UH模型为例,预测各种加载条件下的非共轴变形,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

加筋土本构模型研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
概括了加筋土理论计算的分析方法 ,对采用复合模型进行研究所必须的加筋土本构模型的进展进行综述 ,综合分析了各种加筋土本构模型的适用条件和局限性 ,提出了今后加筋土本构模型研究的重点  相似文献   

传统的塑性位势理论隐含了应力主方向和塑性应变增量主方向共轴的假定,无法客观地描述主应力轴旋转过程中的非共轴现象。基于广义位势理论提出的拟弹性弹塑性本构模型,把总的塑性应变分解为满足弹性分解准则的拟弹性部分和符合传统塑性理论假设的纯塑性部分,分解后建立的模型更为合理和简便,同时又可以解决土的非共轴问题。通过单剪试验结果的验证表明,基于广义位势理论的拟弹性弹塑性模型的模拟效果较好,传统的弹塑性模型(共轴模型)模拟得到的主应力方向和塑性主应变增量方向保持共轴,而拟弹性弹塑性模型(非共轴模型)的模拟结果则能够合理地描述主应力轴旋转过程中的非共轴特性,结果更符合实际,从而为解决土的非共轴特性问题提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

考虑损伤的节理本构模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在弹塑性损伤的理论框架内,讨论了节理等地质间断面的本构模型。这个模型能够反映节理面的损伤弱化,扩容和弹性刚度劣化等复杂特性。这个模型的另一优点是,塑性变形增量与屈服面是非正交的,但本构矩阵具有对称性。这种对称性在岩石力学的理论研究和数值分析中是至关紧要的。  相似文献   

在ABAQUS中开发实现Duncan-Chang本构模型   总被引:21,自引:6,他引:21  
徐远杰  王观琪  李健  唐碧华 《岩土力学》2004,25(7):1032-1036
美国HKS公司开发的软件产品ABAQUS是目前世界上最强大的非线性有限元分析工具之一。该软件包括了众多材料本构模型,但尚缺少国内外土工数值分析中广泛采用的Duncan-Chang本构模型。这一缺憾影响了ABAQUS软件在土工分析中的应用范围。本文旨在介绍ABAQUS中开发Duncan-Chang材料本构模型实现方法,给出了开发过程的概要,完成了两个典型常规三轴压缩模型问题数值测试。结果表明:在ABAQUS中增加Duncan-Chang材料本构模型后,不仅可以充分地利用该软件强大的非线性求解平台,而且还有可能完成复杂土工应力应变的有限元数值分析问题,同时,具有计算速度快、计算精度高和前后处理快捷方便的优点,极大地降低了土工分析程序开发的难度,并减少了维护工作量。  相似文献   

A 3D elasto-plastic rate-dependent model for rock mechanics is formulated and implemented into a Finite Element (FE) numerical code. The model is based on the approach proposed by Vermeer and Neher (A soft soil model that accounts for creep. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium “Beyond 2000 in Computational Geotechnics,” pages 249-261, 1999). An original strain-driven algorithm with an Inexact Newton iterative scheme is used to compute the state variables for a given strain increment.The model is validated against laboratory measurements, checked on a simplified test case, and used to simulate land subsidence due to groundwater and hydrocarbon production. The numerical results prove computationally effective and robust, thus allowing for the use of the model on real complex geological settings.  相似文献   

修正剑桥模型的隐式积分算法在ABAQUS中的数值实施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
范庆来  栾茂田  杨庆 《岩土力学》2008,29(1):269-273
利用大型有限元软件ABAQUS所提供的用户材料子程序UMAT接口,针对修正的剑桥本构模型开发了隐式积分算法,并且与自动选择时间步长的增量有限元方程迭代解法相结合,对正常固结土与超固结土的三轴排水与不排水试验进行了数值模拟。结果表明,所发展的隐式本构积分算法与时间步长自动选择方法具有较好的稳定性和较高的计算精度,能够得到比较合理的数值分析结果。  相似文献   

The finite‐element formulation and integration algorithms developed in Part I are used to analyse a number of practical problems involving unsaturated and saturated soils. The formulation and algorithms perform well for all the cases analysed, with the robustness of the latter being largely insensitive to user‐defined parameters such as the number of coarse time steps and error control tolerances. The efficiency of the algorithms, as measured by the CPU time consumed, does not depend on the number of coarse time steps, but may be influenced by the error control tolerances. Based on the analyses presented here, typical values for the error control tolerances are suggested. It is also shown that the constitutive modelling framework presented in Part I can, by adjusting one constitutive equation and one or two material parameters, be used to simulate soils that expand or collapse upon wetting. Treating the suction as a strain variable instead of a stress variable proves to be an efficient and robust way of solving suction‐dependent plastic yielding. Moreover, the concept of the constitutive stress is a particularly convenient way of handling the transition between saturation and unsaturation. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a complete finite‐element treatment for unsaturated soil problems. A new formulation of general constitutive equations for unsaturated soils is first presented. In the incremental stress–strain equations, the suction or the pore water pressure is treated as a strain variable instead of a stress variable. The global governing equations are derived in terms of displacement and pore water pressure. The discretized governing equations are then solved using an adaptive time‐stepping scheme which automatically adjusts the time‐step size so that the integration error in the displacements and pore pressures lies close to a specified tolerance. The non‐linearity caused by suction‐dependent plastic yielding, suction‐dependent degree of saturation, and saturation‐dependent permeability is treated in a similar way to the elastoplasticity. An explicit stress integration scheme is used to solve the constitutive stress–strain equations at the Gauss point level. The elastoplastic stiffness matrix in the Euler solution is evaluated using the suction as well as the stresses and hardening parameters at the start of the subincrement, while the elastoplastic matrix in the modified Euler solution is evaluated using the suction at the end of the subincrement. In addition, when applying subincrementation, the same rate is applied to all strain components including the suction. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to model numerically concrete flow inside formworks like the Lbox. For this purpose, we use a finite element method with Lagrangian integration points (FEMLIP). We are able to follow in time and space material motion with any type of material behaviour, including non‐linear and time‐dependent ones. We also can deal with free surfaces or material interfaces. Bingham's rheology is used for fresh concrete behaviour. In order to compare with experiments, we have considered three concretes (OC, HPC and SCC) with contrasted rheologies. Their yield stress is identified by experimental slump tests and also compared with the value given by a formulation concrete software. Experimental data are found to be quite close to numerical predictions. We have also made some experimental flow tests in a LBOX. We measured the flow speed and the flow shape in the final stage. The numerical modelling of these experiments is very encouraging and shows the capability of the FEMLIP using the Bingham's law to model concrete flow and filling properties. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The influence of a non-coaxial model for granular soils on shallow foundation analyses is investigated. The non-coaxial plasticity theory proposed by Rudnicki and Rice (J. Mech. Phys. Solids 1975, 23, 371–394) is integrated into a Drucker–Prager model with both perfect plasticity and strain hardening. This non-coaxial model is numerically implemented into the finite-element program ABAQUS using a substepping scheme with automatic error control. The influence of the non-coaxial model on footing settlement and bearing capacity is investigated under various loading and boundary conditions. Compared with the predictions using conventional coaxial models, the non-coaxial prediction results indicate that the settlement of a footing increases significantly when the non-coaxial component of plastic strain rate is taken into consideration, although ultimate footing bearing capacities are not affected significantly. The non-coaxial model has a different effect on footing settlements under different loading and boundary conditions. In general, the discrepancies between coaxial and non-coaxial predictions increase with increasing rotation of principal stresses of the soil mass beneath a footing. It can be concluded that if the non-coaxial component of plastic strain rate is neglected in shallow foundation problems using the finite-element method, the results tend to be non-conservative when designs are dominated by settlement of footings.  相似文献   

徐令宇  蔡飞  陈国兴  王国新 《岩土力学》2016,37(11):3329-3335
已有震害研究表明,震后边坡会因持续变形而破坏,且伴随着土体强度逐渐降低的现象,即土的循环软化行为。因此,有必要研究考虑循环软化的非线性动力本构模型以用于复杂条件下地震边坡稳定性分析。在已有的非线性动力本构模型基础上,提出了考虑循环软化的处理方法。同时,在FLAC3D平台上实现了本构模型二次开发,并通过了理论公式与已有文献中试验数据的验证。结果表明:计算出的骨干曲线与理论公式一致,且计算出的动剪切模量比及阻尼比与试验数据吻合较好,能够克服Hardin-Drnevich模型和Davidenkov模型在较大应变处(>0.01%)过高地估算阻尼比的缺陷;考虑了循环软化后,计算出的剪切强度有明显降低,且当遇到骨干曲线剪应力可以连续地过渡到软化后的主干曲线上,模型的收敛性较好。所开发的本构模型可为大应变条件下软土场地及边坡地震灾害评估提供支持。  相似文献   

A comprehensive numerical study on finite element implementation of hypoplastic models is presented. Two crucial aspects, local integration of the constitutive equations (the local problem) and forming tangent operators for Newton–Raphson iteration (the global problem), are investigated. For solving the local problem, different integration algorithms, including explicit and implicit methods, are examined using tri-axial compression tests and incremental stress response envelopes, as well as typical boundary value problems. For solving global problems, three different ways of generating the tangent operator are compared. The numerical evidences indicate that, in terms of accuracy, efficiency and robustness, explicit methods with substepping and error control are the best choices for constitutive integration of hypoplastic models while the so-called continuum tangent operators have certain advantages over two other types of numerically-generated consistent tangent operators.  相似文献   

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