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This paper presents a complete finite‐element treatment for unsaturated soil problems. A new formulation of general constitutive equations for unsaturated soils is first presented. In the incremental stress–strain equations, the suction or the pore water pressure is treated as a strain variable instead of a stress variable. The global governing equations are derived in terms of displacement and pore water pressure. The discretized governing equations are then solved using an adaptive time‐stepping scheme which automatically adjusts the time‐step size so that the integration error in the displacements and pore pressures lies close to a specified tolerance. The non‐linearity caused by suction‐dependent plastic yielding, suction‐dependent degree of saturation, and saturation‐dependent permeability is treated in a similar way to the elastoplasticity. An explicit stress integration scheme is used to solve the constitutive stress–strain equations at the Gauss point level. The elastoplastic stiffness matrix in the Euler solution is evaluated using the suction as well as the stresses and hardening parameters at the start of the subincrement, while the elastoplastic matrix in the modified Euler solution is evaluated using the suction at the end of the subincrement. In addition, when applying subincrementation, the same rate is applied to all strain components including the suction. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
非饱和土渗流与变形耦合问题的有限元分析 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
基于多孔介质力学原理,建立能模拟非饱和土两相流动与变形耦合问题的理论模型。利用Galerkin法对控制方程进行离散,得到控制方程的有限元计算格式。在此基础上,自主开发了有限元计算程序U-DYSAC2,并对Liakopoulos两相流动试验这一经典算例以及重非亲水相流体(DNAPL)在饱和多孔介质中迁移的离心模型试验进行了数值模拟。计算结果表明,理论预测与试验结果基本吻合,验证了所提出的分析方法在模拟非饱和土渗流以及变形问题时的有效性,从而为定量研究饱和-非饱和渗流以及变形问题提供了一条有效途径。 相似文献
The aim of this paper is to extend the generalized plasticity state parameter‐based model presented in part 1 to reproduce the hydro‐mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils. The proposed model is based on two pairs of stress–strain variables and a suitable hardening law taking into account the bonding—debonding effect of suction and degree of saturation. A generalized state parameter for unsaturated state is proposed to reproduce soil behavior using a single set of material parameters. Generalized plasticity gives a suitable framework to reproduce not only monotonic stress path but also cyclic behavior. The hydraulic hysteresis during a drying—wetting cycle and the void ratio effect on the hydraulic behavior is introduced. Comparison between model simulations and a series of experimental data available, both cohesive and granular, are given to illustrate the accuracy of the enhanced generalized plasticity equation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
在本构关系中如何确定有效应力是非饱和土力学界的重要课题之一。将非饱和土简化为气、液、固三相及其交界面组成的集合体。基于热力学原理,在Helmholtz自由能中考虑力-水耦合特性,将各相及其交界面的质量、动量、能量、熵守恒方程及相应的限制条件与自由能函数的物质导数联立代入熵不等式,根据该不等式适用所有热力学状态的条件推导出考虑气-液交界面面积密度的有效应力公式,并在利用该公式确定有效应力参数时将气-液交界面的面积密度表示为基质吸力与饱和度的函数。最后,利用已有文献中3种土的多阶段减、增湿三轴剪切试验结果,验证了该有效应力参数表达式相较于已有文献表达式在描述干湿循环下有效应力参数与基质吸力关系时的优势。 相似文献
Joachim Klein 《国际地质力学数值与分析法杂志》1981,5(3):263-283
Ground freezing technology is favoured in civil engineering, mainly in tunnelling. The time-dependent material characteristics in the form of creep control the bearing capacity of any frozen earth support system. The finite element method in connection with an initial strain algorithm is able to include these effects. The information about stress redistribution and deformation rate is important for an economic design. Case histories of different tunnel linings in frozen soil and two other examples of realized projects show the usefulness of such a procedure. 相似文献
The behavior of granular materials is known to depend on its loose or dense nature, which in turns depends both on density and confining pressure. Many models developed in the past require the use of different sets of constitutive parameters for the same material under different confining pressures. The purpose of this paper is to extend a basic generalized plasticity model for sands proposed by Pastor, Zienkiewicz and Chan by modifying the main ingredients of the model flow—rule, loading–unloading discriminating direction and plastic modulus—to include a dependency on the state parameter. The proposed model is tested against the available experimental data on three different sands, using for each of them a single set of material parameters, finding a reasonably good agreement between experiments and predictions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Zero effective stress boundary condition along with constant fluid flux is commonly encountered in geotechnical applications such as uncased borehole stability, fluid injection and production at an uncased borehole, hydraulic fracturing and sand production. This complex boundary condition introduces high nonlinearity in the numerical simulation. Conventional iterative methods such as Newton–Raphson method are required to solve this nonlinear problem iteratively, which involve huge computing time and also pose numerical difficulties on the convergence. To overcome this numerical difficulty and hence reduce the computing time, a novel numerical technique is proposed in this paper. Its performance is evaluated using a numerical example simulating fluid injection around an uncased borehole. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
为描述非饱和土的应力-应变特性,基于非饱和土三轴剪切试验,提出泊松比变化率(即切线泊松比随轴向应变的变化速率)的概念,发现非饱和土的切线模量和泊松比变化率均随轴向应变的增加呈指数衰减规律,基于此提出了一种描述非饱和土应力-应变关系的新非线性模型。该模型不仅能描述应变硬化,而且能描述应变软化;能对非饱和土三轴不固结不排水剪、固结排水剪、固结不排水剪试验的应力-应变关系进行描述;模型共包含6个参数,物理意义明确,确定方法简便。利用提出的模型对国内外文献中的三轴试验进行了模拟,结果表明,模拟结果与试验数据有很好的吻合度,从而验证了模型对试验数据的合理性和适用性。 相似文献
The numerical modelling of the first part of this work is extended to include a nonlinear elastic—plastic material response. The parameters for the rheological model are deduced from published soil tests and from the behavior of the field during the rebound phase which is assumed to be purely elastic. Unlike the linear case, the response of the plastic model is highly dependent on the stresses in the field prior to production. When these stresses are purely lithostatic and horizontally uniform the fit to observations is not significantly improved over the linear models. When a flexural prestress which accounts for the formation of the structural anticline of the field is included, simulations explain observations quite well. 相似文献
A finite element code is developed to model the structure-frozen soil/ice interaction using a time incrementing, fully implicit, iterative algorithm, and a constitutive model based on the concept that total strain tensor consists of an elastic and a creep component. The code is used to investigate the applicability and limitations of the power law as the creep model for frozen soil by simulating two pressuremeter tests. Two extended phenomenological models based on the generalized power law are used in axisymmetric finite element analyses to simulate two, long-term, stage-loaded pressuremeter tests, and comparison of results with test data indicates that one model demonstrates a better ability to approximate the actual response to subsequent load steps, under certain restrictions. Stress analyses demonstrate the ability of the constitutive model to show transient as well as subsequent quasi-stationary stress stages in creep analysis. Additional simulations of short-term pressuremeter tests on ice are performed to further illustrate some limitations of the power-law model. Examples for prediction of creep settlements on frozen geomaterials are demonstrated by considering the interaction of fully flexible circular footings and concrete cylindrical footings (of different embedment depths) with frozen sands. 相似文献
Acta Geotechnica - Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is an essential input data for many engineering problems involving water flow through unsaturated soils. The paper aims to present a pore-scale... 相似文献
Making use of the homogenization method for periodic media, developed in the context of elastoplasticity, a simplified constitutive law is proposed for a stone column-reinforced soil, regarded as a homogeneous but anisotropic medium. The closed-form expressions derived for such a constitutive law allow for its implementation into a f.e.m-based numerical procedure. The computational code so obtained is then applied to simulating the response of a foundation soil reinforced by a group of floating columns, expressed in terms of load–settlement curves drawn up to the ultimate bearing capacity. 相似文献
A rheological model has been developed for simulating the secondary consolidation of soils. Numerical procedures have been incorporated into a coupled consolidation program using results from a representative oedometer test. A solution of a two-dimensional problem has also been performed. The technique is numerically stable and has provided satisfactory predictions for the consolidation settlements and the dissipation of pore water pressure within soils. 相似文献
In a companion Part I of this paper (Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 2008; DOI: 10.1002/nag.735 ), a coupled hydro‐mechanical (HM) formulation for geomaterials with discontinuities based on the finite element method (FEM) with double‐node, zero‐thickness interface elements was developed and presented. This Part II paper includes the numerical solution of basic practical problems using both the staggered and the fully coupled approaches. A first group of simulations, based on the classical consolidation problem with an added vertical discontinuity, is used to compare both the approaches in terms of accuracy and convergence. The monolithic or fully coupled scheme is also used in an application example studying the influence of a horizontal joint in the performance of a reservoir subject to fluid extraction. Results include a comparison with other numerical solutions from the literature and a sensitivity analysis of the mechanical parameters of the discontinuity. Some simulations are also run using both a full non‐symmetric and a simplified symmetric Jacobian matrix. On top of verifying the model developed and its capability to reflect the conductivity changes of the interface with aperture changes, the results presented also lead to interesting observations of the numerical performance of the methods implemented. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
基于材料三剪强度准则和非饱和土力学特性,提出了非饱和土的单应力变量和双应力变量三剪强度准则,并对其做了特征分析。分析表明,通过改变准则中的主应力影响系数b,所提准则就可以对其他强度准则进行非线性近似表达。在π平面的极限线中,所提强度准则覆盖了由内边界的单剪强度准则到外边界的三剪统一强度准则之间的所有外凸区域。因此,其适用于各种复杂应力状态下的非饱和土体,也能反映非饱和土单轴抗拉抗压强度不等的特征。另外,还用其他文献的真三轴试验数据对所提准则做了试验验证,其中,非饱和黏土砂的真三轴试验值与中主应力影响系数b=0.6时的三剪强度准则预测值吻合较好,双应力变量下准则的预测值比单应力变量下的预测值更符合试验值;非饱和黄土真三轴试验值与中主应力影响系数b=0.2时的三剪强度准则预测值吻合较好,两种应力变量下的三剪强度准则预测值差别较小。 相似文献
Giuseppe Buscarnera 《Acta Geotechnica》2014,9(2):313-327
The paper investigates the mathematical structure of plasticity models for unsaturated soils and provides a strategy to capture the loss of uniqueness of the incremental solution upon loading and/or wetting paths. To derive bifurcation conditions in simple analytical form, the analysis is restricted to isotropic stress states. This choice has allowed the inspection of the most common classes of constitutive models through a unified notation, as well as the study of different forms of coupling between plasticity and state of saturation. It is shown that, similar to saturated soil plasticity, the loss of admissibility of the plastic solution is governed by critical values of the hardening modulus. At variance with the classical case, however, these moduli can be positive even if the plastic flow rule is associated (bifurcation in the hardening regime). The paper shows that such non-trivial features derive from hydro-mechanical coupling, i.e. they depend on the approach used to reproduce suction effects and evolving retention properties. In other words, although the problem of loss of uniqueness affects all classes of plasticity models for unsaturated soils, different constitutive assumptions may not have the same outcome in terms of bifurcation potential. As a result, new concepts are introduced to compare the mathematical robustness of the different constitutive approaches, as well as to interpret their predictions in the light of precise bifurcation criteria. 相似文献