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农田生态系统是受人为活动强烈控制和干扰的系统,对其碳源/汇的评价是全球碳循环研究的热点.首先概括了以涡度相关法为手段的中国农田生态系统碳通量的研究进展,重点总结了中国农田生态系统碳通量的时间变化、驱动机制和模型模拟等方面的研究成果,并在此基础上对今后中国农田生态系统碳通量研究提出了建议,认为长期观测与研究、多因子协同作用、模型开发与尺度推绎、数据质量监控和评价是今后研究的重点方向. 相似文献
为了评估安徽省寿县国家气候观象台新增的近地层通量观测系统业务运行状况,利用2007年9月—2008年8月寿县近地层通量系统观测资料,分析了农田下垫面能量平衡情况。结果表明:全年能量平衡比率平均为0.89,但不同条件下存在差异:白天明显大于夜间,春、夏、秋季明显大于冬季,裸地和麦、稻田明显大于雪地,晴、昙、阴、雨天气情况下差异不大。总体来说,能量不平衡是通量观测中较为普遍的现象,一般认为不平衡程度在10%~30%为合理范围,寿县国家气候观象台全年的能量不平衡程度 (11%) 恰好属于这个范围,并接近不平衡程度的下限,说明涡度相关法在淮河流域农田生态系统通量观测中可靠性较高。 相似文献
能量平衡分析作为评价涡度相关法通量观测数据可靠性方法,备受学界重视。应用OLS(Ordinary least squares)和EBR(Energy Balance Ratio)2种方法,系统分析了广东省鼎湖山针阔叶混交林生态系统能量平衡特点,并分析各种涡度通量修正方法对能量平衡的影响,结果表明鼎湖山通量站平均能力平衡不闭合度为33%-47%,略高于普遍报道的不闭合度范围(10%-30%)。WPL修正、μ*订正和坐标转换,使得能量平衡闭合度有所提高,但夜间特别是冬季能量平衡较差问题依然没有得到根本解决,表明夜间弱湍流并不是导致夜间能量平衡闭合度差的主要原因。为客观评价本通量站以及ChinaFLUX能量平衡状况和通量数据质量,确定涡度相关法CO2通量数据分析方法和改进策略提供依据。 相似文献
LI-7500分析仪仪器表面加热效应对开路式涡动相关系统CO2通量观测结果影响显著,利用Burba校正方法对提高观测站CO2通量观测精度、年净生态系统碳交换量(NEE)估算、全球CO2交换量估算和气候变化模拟等具有重要意义.基于临泽站绿洲玉米农田的开路式涡动相关系统和小气候观测系统所获得的一年数据,利用Burba校正方法分别对LI-7500分析仪光路中的感热通量、大气潜热通量、CO2通量以及NEE的季节变化过程进行了修正.结果表明,LI-7500分析仪底部窗口和支杆部分热量交换是光路中感热通量校正量的主要贡献者,平均分别为6.81 W·m-2和2.68 W·m-2,其加热效应主要来源于太阳辐射和电子元件运行产生的热量;加热效应对潜热通量影响最小,平均校正量仅为0.24 W·m-2;Burba校正对CO2通量和NEE的季节变化影响显著,其平均校正量分别为19.14μg· CO2·m-2·s-1和313.21 mg·C·m-2·d-1,而且气温越低加热效应对通量的影响越显著;除生长季空气中水汽浓度显著高于非生长季而导致潜热校正量较大外,生长季其他各通量的校正量明显小于非生长季,生长季光路中感热、周围大气潜热、CO2通量和NEE日校正量分别为6.94 W·m-2、0.33 W·m-2、12.86 μg·CO2·m-2·s-1和161.58mg·C· r-2·d-1,分别是非生长季的60.4%,220.0%,50.6%和37.4%.若未进行仪器表面加热效应的Burba校正,在生长季和非生长季累计高估的绿洲玉米农田生态系统碳吸收量分别为25.85 g·C·m-2和88.47 g·C·m-2. 相似文献
利用2012年11月11日至2013年1月20日上海秋冬季涡动相关通量观测资料,对比分析地表能量平衡和CO2通量在不同天气条件下的日变化特征。结果表明:2012-2013年上海晴天和多云天气条件下,最大能量通量为储热项,其次为感热项;用于蒸发的潜热通量项最小,低于50 w·m-2。储热项日峰值出现在11时,出现时间早于净辐射通量,而在日落前转为负值。感热项日变化曲线并不以12时为中心呈对称分布,日落后感热项仍为明显正值。中午至日落时波文比值为3以上。感热通量受风向影响最大,在主导风向为西北风时,感热通量日峰值从其他风向的175 w·m-2左右减小至120 w·m-2左右。霾和云对短波辐射均表现为衰减作用,云的衰减作用明显大于霾。云使地表向上长波辐射和净长波辐射明显减少,而使大气逆辐射增加。晴天条件下,全天表现为CO2排放源,且日变化呈双峰型,两个峰值出现时间正好对应上下班高峰时段,傍晚峰值大于早上峰值。 相似文献
地表能量平衡是地-气间相互作用的重要方式,随着涡旋相关技术在物质传输和能量交换研究中的广泛应用,如何评价其观测数据的可信度则变得尤为重要。利用成都平原温江大气边界层观测站2008年观测资料,分析了农田下垫面上能量收支各分量和辐射平衡各分量的特征及变化规律,并运用最小二乘法(Ordinary Least Squares,OLS)线性回归方法和能量平衡比率(Energy Balance Ratio,EBR)方法对湍流通量(感热与潜热通量之和)与有效能量(净辐射与地表土壤热通量之差)之间的关系进行了研究,得到了一些有意义的结果。 相似文献
土壤热通量在半干旱草原下垫面能量平衡研究中极为重要,土壤热通量估计不够准确是导致地表能量不平衡的一个重要原因。利用2008年6—9月锡林郭勒草原主生长期地表辐射、通量和土壤温度梯度观测资料,研究中纬度半干旱草原下垫面地表能量平衡特征。首先,在分析能量平衡各分量月平均日变化特征的基础上,通过对土壤热流量板观测的5 cm深度土壤热通量(G)的相位前移,研究了土壤热通量相位滞后对地表能量平衡产生的影响;其次,利用谐波分析方法,通过计算地表土壤热通量(Gs),分析了地表到热流量板之间的土壤热量储存对地表能量平衡的影响。结果表明:(1)将土壤热通量相位前移30 min,湍流通量与可利用能量(Rn-G)线性回归的斜率从0.835增加到0.842,地表能量闭合率提高了0.7%,但仍有15.8%的能量不闭合;(2)考虑了地表到热流量板之间的土壤热量储存之后,湍流通量与可利用能量之间的回归斜率达到0.979,能量不闭合程度仅为2.1%。 相似文献
模式评估是模式发展中的重要一环。本文利用来自FLUXNET2015数据集的30个站点的涡动相关系统观测数据,重点关注能量通量,对通用陆面模式(Common Land Model version 2014,CoLM2014)在不同典型下垫面的模拟能力进行评估。结果表明,模式总体上能抓住感热、潜热和净辐射通量在日、季节和年平均等不同时间尺度上的变化特征,对感热、潜热和净辐射通量都有较好的模拟能力,净辐射的模拟效果最好,潜热通量次之。季节变化模拟中,感热、潜热通量在夏季不同植被型下站点的空间离散程度大于冬季,不同站点间模拟效果相差较大,净辐射多站点标准差变化幅度要小于感热、潜热,不同站点间模拟效果偏差较小。CoLM在常绿针叶林、稀树林地、草地、农田模拟感热、潜热通量的效果相对较好,在永久湿地、落叶阔叶林下模拟感热通量较差。本研究对CoLM2014在未来的改进和发展中提供了有用的参考。 相似文献
LI Jie LIU Shuhu LIU Heping Johnny CHAN Andrew Y. S CHENG HU Fei LIU Huizhi 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》2003,17(4):448-464
Mainly.three methods have been developed to calculate turbulence heat flux.They are eddy covariance method,Bowen ratio/energy balance method and aerodynamic method.In this paper, all the three methods have been used to calculate sensible heat flux,latent heat flux and imbalance energy near the surface with the experiment data of EBEX-2000.Then comparisons of the three methods and some possible explanations of the surface imbalance energy are given. 相似文献
Based on 3 years (2003-05) of the eddy covariance (EC) observations on degraded grassland and cropland surfaces in a semi-arid area of Tongyu (44°25′N, 122°52′E, 184 m a.s.1.), Northeast China, seasonal and annual variations of water, energy and CO2 fluxes have been investigated. The soil moisture in the thin soil layer (at 0.05, 0.10 and 0.20 m) clearly indicates the pronounced annual wet-dry cycle; the annual cycle is divided into the wet (growing season) and dry seasons (non-growing season). During the growing season (from May to September), the sensible and latent heat fluxes showed a linear dependence on the global solar radiation. However, in the non-growing season, the latent heat flux was always less than 50 W m^-2, while the available energy was dissipated as sensible, rather than latent heat flux. During the growing season in 2003-05, the daily average sensible and latent heat fluxes were larger on the cropland surface than on the degraded grassland surface. The cropland ecosystem absorbed more CO2 than the degraded grassland ecosystem in the growing season in 2003-05. The total evapotranspiration on the cropland was more than the total precipitation, while the total evapotranspiration on the degraded grassland was almost the same as the total annual precipitation in the growing season. The soil moisture had a good correlation with the rainfall in the growing season. Precipitation in the growing season is an important factor on the water and carbon budget in the semi-arid area. 相似文献
Ozone(O3)fluxes were measured over a maize field using the eddy covariance(EC)technique and gradient methods.The main objective was to evaluate the performance of the gradient methods for measuring the O3 flux by comparing them with the EC O3 flux.In this study,turbulent exchange coefficients(K)calculated with three methods were compared.These methods were the aerodynamic gradient(AG)method(in which K is calculated by using wind speed and temperature gradients),the aerodynamic gradient combined with EC(AGEC)method,in which the friction velocity and other variables are based on EC measurements,and the modified Bowen ratio using the EC sensible heat flux and temperature gradient(MBR)method.Meanwhile,the effects of the measurement and calculation methods of the O3 concentration gradient were analyzed.The results showed that:(1)on average,the transfer coefficient computed by the MBR method was 40%lower,and the coefficient determined with the AG method was 25%higher,than that determined with the AGEC method.(2)The gradient method’s O3 fluxes with the MBR,AGEC,and AG methods were 30.4%lower,11.7%higher,and 45.6%higher than the EC O3 flux,respectively.(3)The effect of asynchronous O3 concentration measurements on the O3 gradient must be eliminated when using one analyzer to cyclically measure two-level O3 concentrations.The accuracy of gradient methods for O3 flux is related to the exchange coefficient calculation method,and its precision mainly depends on the quality of the O3 gradient. 相似文献
利用上海郊区奉贤的涡动相关通量观测资料,对2015年9月至2016年8月二氧化碳(CO2)通量的时空分布特征、年总排放量进行了分析.结果表明,上海奉贤春、夏、秋季的9-14时CO2通量几乎全为负值,冬季CO2通量则全天均为正值.奉贤CO2通量没有明显的周末效应.植物光合作用是影响奉贤CO2通量时间变化特征的主要因素.各... 相似文献
This paper describes the application of the variance method for flux estimation over a mixed agricultural region in China. Eddy covariance and flux variance measurements were conducted in a near-surface layer over a non-uniform land surface in the central plain of China from 7 June to 20 July 2002. During this period, the mean canopy height was about 0.50 m. The study site consisted of grass (10% of area), beans (15%), corn (15%) and rice (60%). Under unstable conditions, the standard deviations of temperature and water vapor density (normalized by appropriate scaling parameters), observed by a single instrument, followed the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. The similarity constants for heat (CT ) and water vapor (Cq) were 1.09 and 1.49, respectively. In comparison with direct measurements using eddy covariance techniques, the flux variance method, on average, underestimated sensible heat flux by 21% and latent heat flux by 24%, which may be attributed to the fact that the observed slight deviations (20% or 30% at most) of the similarity “constants” may be within the expected range of variation of a single instrument from the generally-valid relations. 相似文献