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Evapotranspiration is difficult to quantify because of the many factors and complex processes that influence it. Several empirical methods have been developed over the years to estimate potential evapotranspiration based on easily available parameters. Directly measured data of actual evapotranspiration have been rather sparse in the past and still need to be improved in particular regions like western Siberia. The transition zone between the warm temperate and cold temperate continental climates is very sensitive to climate change, and water stress is an increasingly important issue in these regions with a highly dynamic agricultural activity. So there is a growing need to estimate actual evapotranspiration. Widely usable approximations are needed. In this study, the values of potential evapotranspiration computed with the original version, and eight modifications of the Penman formulation were compared and related to the actual evapotranspiration measured by eddy covariance over a grassland area in western Siberia. The original 1948 and 1963 Penman formulations are best for estimating potential evapotranspiration in the transition zone between the forest steppes and the pre‐taiga. A nearly linear relationship between the potential and actual evapotranspiration was found. A simple modification of the Penman equation (i.e. the multiplication of the result by a factor of 0.47) is suggested for approximating the actual evapotranspiration based on standard meteorological data for the region. The original Penman formulation is most robust and will provide the widest applicability in the future under changing climate and environmental conditions. In this context, it is further recommended not to neglect the ventilation term of the Penman equation, which is often assumed to be negligibly small. A detailed correlation analysis showed that under dry soil conditions, the vegetation largely contributed to the actual evapotranspiration and, in contrast to widely held expectations, that the Penman equation is best adapted to vegetated surfaces. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For flux measurement, the eddy covariance technique supplies a possibility to directly measure the exchange between vegetation and atmosphere; and there are two kinds of eddy covariance systems, open-path and close-path systems. For the system error, it may result in difference of flux measurements by two systems. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the measured results from them. ChinaFLUX covers of eight sites applied the micrometeorological method, in which Changbai Mountains (CBS) and Qianyanzhou (QYZ) carried out open-path eddy covariance (OPEC) and close-path eddy covariance (CPEC) measurements synchronously.In this paper the data sets of CBS and QYZ were employed. The delay time of close-path analyzer to the open-path analyzer was calculated; the spectra and cospectra of time-series data of OPEC and CPEC were analyzed; the open-path flux measurement was used as a standard comparison, the close-path flux measurement results were evaluated. The results show that, at two sites the delay time of CO2 density for close-path analyzer was about 7.0-8.0 s, H2O density about 8.0-9.0 s; the spectrum from the open-path, close-path and 3D sonic anemometer was consistent with the expected -2/3 slope (log-log plot), and the cospectra showed the expected slope of -4/3 in the internal subrange; the CO2 flux measured by the close-path sensor was about 84% of that of open-path measurement at QYZ, about 80% at CBS, and the latent heat flux was balanced for two systems at QYZ, 86% at CBS. From the flux difference between open-path and close-path analyzers, it could be inferred that the attenuation of turbulent fluctuations in flow through tube of CPEC affected H2O flux more significantly than CO2 flux. The gap between two systems was bigger at CBS than at QYZ; the diurnal variation in CO2 flux of two measurement systems was very consistent.  相似文献   

Sublimation is a critical component of the snow cover mass balance. Although sublimation can be directly measured using eddy covariance (EC), such measurements are relatively uncommon in complex mountainous environments. The EC measurements of surface snowpack sublimation from three consecutive winter seasons (2004, 2005 and 2006) at a wind‐exposed and wind‐sheltered site were analysed to characterise sublimation in mountainous terrain. During the 2006 snow season, snow surface and near‐surface air temperature, humidity and wind were also measured, permitting the calculation of sublimation rates and a comparison with EC measurements. This comparison showed that measured and simulated sublimation was very similar at the exposed site but less so at the sheltered site. Wind speeds at the exposed site were nearly four times than that at the sheltered site, and the exposed site yielded measured sublimation that was two times the magnitude of that at the sheltered site. The time variation of measured sublimation showed diurnal increases in the early afternoon and increased rates overall as the snow season progressed. Measured mean daily sublimation rates were 0.39 and 0.15 mm day?1 at the exposed and sheltered sites, respectively. At the exposed site, measured sublimation accounted for 16% and 41% of the maximum snow accumulation in 2006 and 2005, respectively. At the sheltered site, measured seasonal sublimation was approximately 4% in 2004 and 2006 and 8% in 2005 of the maximum snow water equivalent. Simulated sublimation was only available for 2006 and suggested smaller but comparable percentages to the sublimation estimated from observations. At the exposed site, a total of 42 mm sublimated for the snow season, which constituted 12% of the maximum accumulation. At the sheltered site, 17 mm (2.2% of maximum accumulation) was sublimated over the snow season. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although Eddy Covariance (EC) technique is one of the best methods for estimating the energy and mass exchanges between underlying surface and atmosphere in micrometeorology, errors and uncertainties still exist without necessary corrections. In this paper, we will focus on the effect of coordinate system on the eddy fluxes. Based on the data observed over four sites (one farmland site, one grassland site and two forest sites), the effects of three coordinate system transforming methods (Double Rotation-DR, Triple Rotation-TR and Planar Fit-PF)on the turbulent fluxes are analyzed. It shows that (i) the corrected fluxes are more or less than the uncorrected fluxes, which is related mainly to the sloping degree of surface, wind speed and wind direction; and (ii) pitch angle has a sinusoidal dependence on wind direction, especially in the regular sloping terrain; and (iii) PF method is something like the simplification of TR or DR,and there are not obvious distinctions in correction in sloping grassland and flat farmland, but PF method is not suitable for uneven and irregular forest sites.  相似文献   

Direct measurements of winter water loss due to sublimation were made in a sub‐alpine forest in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Above‐and below‐canopy eddy covariance systems indicated substantial losses of winter‐season snow accumulation in the form of snowpack (0·41 mm d?1) and intercepted snow (0·71 mm d?1) sublimation. The partitioning between these over and under story components of water loss was highly dependent on atmospheric conditions and near‐surface conditions at and below the snow/atmosphere interface. High above‐canopy sensible heat fluxes lead to strong temperature gradients between vegetation and the snow‐surface, driving substantial specific humidity gradients at the snow surface and high sublimation rates. Intercepted snowfall resulted in rapid response of above‐canopy latent heat fluxes, high within‐canopy sublimation rates (maximum = 3·7 mm d?1), and diminished sub‐canopy snowpack sublimation. These results indicate that sublimation losses from the sub‐canopy snowpack are strongly dependent on the partitioning of sensible and latent heat fluxes in the canopy. This compels comprehensive studies of snow sublimation in forested regions that integrate sub‐canopy and over‐story processes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At present, using Eddy Covariance (EC) method to estimate the "true value" of carbon sequestration in terrestrial ecosystem arrests more attention. However, one issue is how to solve the uncertainty of observations (especially the nighttime CO2 flux data) appearing in post-processing CO2 flux data. The ratio of effective and reliable nighttime EC CO2 flux data to all nighttime data is relatively low (commonly, less than 50%) for all the long-term and continuous observation stations in the world. Thus, the processing method of nighttime CO2 flux data and its effect analysis on estimating CO2 flux annual sums are very important. In this paper, the authors analyze and discuss the reasons for underestimating nighttime CO2 flux using EC method, and introduce the general theory and method for processing nighttime CO2 flux data. By analyzing the relationship between nighttime CO2 flux and air fraction velocity u., we present an alternate method, Average Values Test (AVT), to determine the thresholds of fraction velocity (u.c) for screening the effective nighttime CO2 flux data. Meanwhile, taking the data observed in Yucheng and Changbai Mountains stations for an example, we analyze and discuss the effects of different methods or parameters on nighttime CO2 flux estimations. Finally, based on the data of part ChinaFLUX stations and related literatures, empirical models of nighttime respiration at different sites in ChinaFLUX are summarized.  相似文献   


Remote sensing is considered the most effective tool for estimating evapotranspiration (ET) over large spatial scales. Global terrestrial ET estimates over vegetated land surfaces are now operationally produced at 1-km spatial resolution using data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the MOD16 algorithm. To evaluate the accuracy of this product, ground-based measurements of energy fluxes obtained from eddy covariance sites installed in tropical biomes and from a hydrological model (MGB-IPH) were used to validate MOD16 products at local and regional scales. We examined the accuracy of the MOD16 algorithm at two sites in the Rio Grande basin, Brazil, one characterized by a sugar-cane plantation (USE), the other covered by natural savannah vegetation (PDG) for the year 2001. Inter-comparison between 8-day average MOD16 ET estimates and flux tower measurements yielded correlations of 0.78 to 0.81, with root mean square errors (RMSE) of 0.78 and 0.46 mm d-1, at PDG and USE, respectively. At the PDG site, the annual ET estimate derived by the MOD16 algorithm was 19% higher than the measured amount. For the average annual ET at the basin-wide scale (over an area of 145 000 km2), MOD16 estimates were 21% lower than those from the hydrological model MGB-IPH. Misclassification of land use and land cover was identified as the largest contributor to the error from the MOD16 algorithm. These estimates improve significantly when results are integrated into monthly or annual time intervals, suggesting that the algorithm has a potential for spatial and temporal monitoring of the ET process, continuously and systematically, through the use of remote sensing data.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor T. Wagener

Citation Ruhoff, A.L., Paz, A.R., Aragao, L.E.O.C., Mu, Q., Malhi, Y., Collischonn, W., Rocha, H.R., and Running, S.W., 2013. Assessment of the MODIS global evapotranspiration algorithm using eddy covariance measurements and hydrological modelling in the Rio Grande basin. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (8), 1658–1676.  相似文献   

The complexity of the evapotranspiration process and its variability in time and space have imposed some limitations on previously developed evapotranspiration models. In this study, two data‐driven models: genetic programming (GP) and artificial neural networks (ANNs), and statistical regression models were developed and compared for estimating the hourly eddy covariance (EC)‐measured actual evapotranspiration (AET) using meteorological variables. The utility of the investigated data‐driven models was also compared with that of HYDRUS‐1D model, which makes use of conventional Penman–Monteith (PM) model for the prediction of AET. The latent heat (LE), which is measured using the EC method, is modelled as a function of five climatic variables: net radiation, ground temperature, air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed in a reconstructed landscape located in Northern Alberta, Canada. Several ANN models were evaluated using two training algorithms of Levenberg–Marquardt and Bayesian regularization. The GP technique was used to generate mathematical equations correlating AET to the five climatic variables. Furthermore, the climatic variables, as well as their two‐factor interactions, were statistically analysed to obtain a regression equation and to indicate the climatic factors having significant effect on the evapotranspiration process. HYDRUS‐1D model as an available physically based model was examined for estimating AET using climatic variables, leaf area index (LAI), and soil moisture information. The results indicated that all three proposed data‐driven models were able to approximate the AET reasonably well; however, GP and regression models had better generalization ability than the ANN model. The results of HYDRUS‐1D model exhibited that a physically based model, such as HYDRUS‐1D, might be comparable or even inferior to the data‐driven models in terms of the overall prediction accuracy. Based on the developed GP and regression models, net radiation and ground temperature had larger contribution to the AET process than other variables. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is more and more popular to estimate the exchange of water vapor, heat and CO2fluxes between the land surface and the atmosphere using the eddy covariance technique. To get believable fluxes, it is necessary to correct the observations based on the different surface conditions and to determine relevant techinical parameters. The raw 10 Hz eddy covariance data observed in the Yucheng and Changbai Mountains stations were recalculated by various averaging periods (from 1 to 720 min) respectively, and the recalculated results were compared with the results calculated by the averaging period of 30 mins. Meanwhile, the distinctions of fluxes calculated by different averaging periods were analyzed. The continuous 15 days observations over wheat fields in the Yucheng station were mainly analyzed. The results are shown that: (i) In the Yucheng station, compared with the observations by 30 min, when the averaging period changes from 10 to 60 min, the variations of the eddy-covariance estimates of fluxes were less than 2%; when the averaging period changes less than 10 min, the estimate of fluxes reduced obviously with the reduction of the averaging period (the max relative error was -12%); and when the averaging period exceeds 120 min, the eddy covariance estimates of fluxes will be increased and become unsteady (the max relative error is over 10%); (ii) the eddy covariance estimates of fluxes over wheat field in the Yucheng station suggusted that it is much better to take 10 min as an averaging period in studying diurnal change of fluxes, and take 30min for a long-term flux observation; and (iii) normalized ratio was put forward to determine the range of averaging period of eddy covariance measurements. By comparing the observations over farmlands and those over forests, it is indicated that the increase of eddy covariance estimates over tall forest was more than that over short vegetation when the averaging period increased.  相似文献   

Limited urban water supplies in southwestern USA cause water managers and planners to re‐assess water losses and needs from consumptive water use by riparian vegetation. Here, we report on field measurements of evapotranspiration (ET) for inland saltgrass [Distichlis spicata var. stricta (L.) Greene]; a once common riparian plant native to the desert southwest. The objective was to develop a saltgrass crop coefficient, Kc, similar to agricultural crop coefficients commonly used in irrigation water management. The developed Kc, in conjunction with the local climate, can then be used to assess the water savings that may be achieved in riparian zones for saltgrass versus invasive species and for use in irrigation management and scheduling of saltgrass in urban setting. The ET of saltgrass was measured in its native riparian setting located in the flood plain of the Rio Grande, north of Caballo Lake, New Mexico, in 2011 using an eddy covariance technique in the energy budget method. Total ET of 692 mm was measured during the growing season (n = 241 days) and 837 mm during the year. The American Society of Civil Engineers standardized ET for short crop (ETso) was calculated using climate data measured at the study site as 1560 mm during the growing season and 1870 mm during the year. Crop coefficients (ET/ETso) were fitted with a polynomial equation as a function of day of the year to develop saltgrass Kc function. A graphical and simplified method of computing Kc as a function of day of the year and crop season was also developed as an alternative method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In our study, we analysed a period from 2003 to 2012 with micrometeorological data measured at a boundary-layer field site operated by the Lindenberg Meteorological Observatory – Richard-Aßmann-Observatory of the German Meteorological Service (DWD). Amongst others, these data consist of real evapotranspiration (ETr) rates measured by eddy covariance and soil water contents determined by time domain reflectometry. Measured ETr and soil water contents were compared with those simulated by a simple soil–vegetation–atmosphere transfer (SVAT) scheme consisting of the FAO56 Penman-Monteith equation and the soil water flux model Hydrus-1D. We applied this SVAT scheme using uncompensatory and compensatory root water uptake (RWU). Soil water contents and ETr rates calculated using uncompensatory RWU showed an acceptable fit to the measured ones. In comparison, the use of compensatory RWU resulted in lower model performance due to higher deviations between measured and simulated soil moisture values and ETr rates during dry summer periods.  相似文献   

Current efforts to assess changes to the wetland hydrology caused by growing anthropogenic pressures in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region (AOSR) require well-founded spatial and temporal estimates of actual evapotranspiration (ET), which is the dominant component of the water budget in this region. This study assessed growing season (May–September) and peak growing season (July) ET variability at a treed moderate-rich fen and treed poor fen (in 2013–2018), open poor fen (in 2011–2014), and saline fen (in 2015–2018) using eddy covariance technique and a set of complementary environmental data. Seasonal fluctuations in ET were positively related to net radiation, air temperature and vapour pressure deficit and followed trends typical for the Boreal Plains (BP) and AOSR with highest rates in June–July. However, no strong effect of water table position on ET was found. Strong surface control on ET is evident from lower ET values than potential evapotranspiration (PET); the lowest ET/PET was observed at saline fen, followed by open fen, moderately treed fen, and heavily treed fen, suggesting a strong influence of vegetation on water loss. In most years PET exceeded precipitation (P), and positive relations between P/PET and ET were observed with the highest July ET rates occurring under P/PET ~1. However, during months with P/PET > 1, increased P/PET was associated with decreased July ET. With respect to 30-year mean values of air temperature and P in the area, both dry and wet, cool and warm growing seasons (GS) were observed. No clear trends between ET values and GS wetness/coldness were found, but all wet GS were characterized by peak growing seasons with high daily ET variability.  相似文献   

The Kouris catchment is located in the south of the Troodos massif in Cyprus. The hydrology is driven by a Mediterranean climate, a mountainous topography, and a complex distribution of hydrogeological properties resulting from complex geology. To quantify the regional water balance further, a simple method using continuous streamflow records in the River Limnatis (Kouris catchment) was applied to calculate the actual evapotranspiration rate in the dry seasons. It was found that daily cycles of streamflow, recorded by automatic pressure logger, were caused by direct evaporation from the groundwater table and by transpiration of riparian forest. The daily amounts of ‘missing’ streamflow were calculated for the period 30 October–4 November 2001 and were extrapolated to the entire dry season and to the whole Kouris catchment. The actual evapotranspiration rate from the alluvial aquifer of the region is 2·4 ± 0·5 Mm3 for April–September 2001. The validity of the assumptions and the uncertainties in the estimates used in the method are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluxes of latent heat, sensible heat, and water vapor, including turbulent deposition of fog droplets, were measured for two months in autumn 2005 within a subtropical montane cypress forest in Taiwan. The goal of the study was to determine whether significant evapotranspiration can occur during foggy conditions. Water vapor fluxes, QW, as determined with the Bowen Ratio method, were compared to those simultaneously measured with the eddy covariance method. The median Bowen Ratio was 1.06, and the median QW flux was 5 · 2 × 10?5 kg m?2 s?1. The vertical gradients of temperature and specific humidity over the forest, ΔT and Δq, peaked around noon during days without fog, and were reduced during foggy conditions. For 66% of the data points, ΔT and Δq were negative, corresponding to positive (upward) fluxes of sensible heat QH and latent heat QE. A Monte Carlo simulation proved that statistically significant evapotranspiration rates, i.e., upward water vapor fluxes, occurred during fog. At the same time, deposition fluxes of fog droplets occurred. Our results show that even during fog events, significant evapotranspiration may occur. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Understanding the variation and magnitude of crop coefficient (Kc) is important for accurate determination of crop evapotranspiration and water use. In this study, we calculated Kc in an irrigated maize field with ground mulching by eddy covariance evapotranspiration measurements during the whole growing periods in 2009 and 2010 in an arid region of northwest China. A semi‐empirical practical approach for estimating Kc was proposed by introducing the dynamic fraction of canopy cover and incorporating the effect of leaf senescence as a function of days after sowing. The contribution of arid advection of sensible heat resulting from irrigation to Kc and the response of Kc to canopy conductance (Gc) were investigated. The averaged values of daily Kc were lower than typical values obtained previously without mulching due to decreasing effect of mulching on Kc, with 0.82 and 0.80 for the 2 years, respectively. The maximum average Kc occurred at the heading stage, with 1.21 and 1.04 for the 2 years, respectively. The difference of Kc was attributed to the difference of leaf area index. The semi‐empirical practical approach could well estimate the variations of Kc, thus could be a robust and useful tool for the practical users and water managers. The contributions to daily Kc from the arid advection were 4.4–28.0% of the measured Kc. The Gc had stronger control on daily Kc at the early and later stages than at the middle stage. When Gc, leaf area index and relative soil extractable water were lower than the respective threshold values of 20 mm s?1, 3.0 m2 m?2 and 0.5, the daily Kc increased significantly with the increase of the three factors, and almost remained constant when the three factors were beyond the threshold values. These results are helpful for quantifying contributions of individual factors to Kc, and subsequently improving water management practices according to Kc. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Total evaporation (ET) is one of the major components of the water budget of a wetland. Very little research has been conducted on the loss of water to the atmosphere from different wetland vegetation types occurring in southern Africa. This study on the ET of taro (locally known as madumbe) and sedge within the Mbongolwane wetland was conducted to assess the potential impact of madumbe cultivation on the hydrology of the wetland. Sugarcane planted on the contributing catchment outside the wetland was the other crop examined. Two field campaigns were conducted in November 2009 and January 2010 during the growing season of the madumbe crop to quantify ET rates in the Mbongolwane wetland and from sugar cane in the surrounding catchment. ET was measured over two vegetation types in the wetland, namely: madumbe (Colocasia esculenta); sedge (Cyperus latifolius) with some reeds (Phragmites australis); and sugarcane in adjacent terrestrial areas. ET from the madumbes ranged from 1.0 to 6.0 mm day?1. The daily average ET rates in November 2009 were 3.5 and 4.9 mm for the madumbe and sedge sites, respectively, and 4.0 mm for sugarcane grown in the catchment. The daily average ET rates in January 2010 were 3.3 and 3.7 mm for the madumbes and sedge sites, respectively, and 2.4 mm for the sugarcane site. The daily ET was therefore lower at the madumbe site in November 2009 and in January 2010 compared to the sedge site. An average crop factor of 0.6 was obtained from this study during the growth stage of the madumbes. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Potential evapotranspiration (PET) is a key input to hydrological models. Its estimation has often been via the Penman–Monteith (P–M) equation, most recently in the form of an estimate of reference evapotranspiration (RET) as recommended by FAO‐56. In this paper the Shuttleworth–Wallace (S–W) model is implemented to estimate PET directly in a form that recognizes vegetation diversity and temporal change without reference to experimental measurements and without calibration. The threshold values of vegetation parameters are drawn from the literature based on the International Geosphere–Biosphere Programme land cover classification. The spatial and temporal variation of the LAI of vegetation is derived from the composite NOAA‐AVHRR normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) using a method based on the SiB2 model, and the Climate Research Unit database is used to provide the required meteorological data. All these data inputs are publicly and globally available. Consequently, the implementation of the S–W model developed in this study is applicable at the global scale, an essential requirement if it is to be applied in data‐poor or ungauged large basins. A comparison is made between the FAO‐56 method and the S–W model when applied to the Yellow River basin for the whole of the last century. The resulting estimates of RET and PET and their association with vegetation types and leaf area index (LAI) are examined over the whole basin both annual and monthly and at six specific points. The effect of NDVI on the PET estimate is further evaluated by replacing the monthly NDVI product with the 10‐day product. Multiple regression relationships between monthly PET, RET, LAI, and climatic variables are explored for categories of vegetation types. The estimated RET is a good climatic index that adequately reflects the temporal change and spatial distribution of climate over the basin, but the PET estimated using the S–W model not only reflects the changes in climate, but also the vegetation distribution and the development of vegetation in response to climate. Although good statistical relationships can be established between PET, RET and/or climatic variables, applying these relationships likely will result in large errors because of the strong non‐linearity and scatter between the PET and the LAI of vegetation. It is concluded that use of the implementation of the S–W model described in this study results in a physically sound estimate of PET that accounts for changing land surface conditions. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration (ET) is an essential component of the hydrological cycle and plays a critical role in water resource management. However, ET is often overlooked in order to transform rainfall to runoff for better streamflow simulation. Hydrological models are commonly used to estimate areal actual evapotranspiration (AET) after calibration against observed discharge. However, classical approaches are often inadequate to appropriately simulate other hydrologic components. Hence, it is important to introduce natural heterogeneity to enhance hydrological processes and reduce water balance errors. In this study, the effectiveness of introducing a constant crop coefficient (Kc), flux tower‐based Kc, and leaf area index (LAI) to three hydrological models (Three‐Parametric Hydrologic Model [TPHM], Génie Rural à 4 paramètres Journalier [GR4J], and Catchment hydrologic cycle Assessment Tool [CAT]) is assessed for the simulation of daily streamflow and AET in a mountainous mixed forest watershed (8.54 km2) in South Korea. The results show that the streamflow simulations after introduction of Kc and LAI to the original models are quite similar. However, the effectiveness of the AET estimation was significantly enhanced after introduction of the flux tower‐based Kc and LAI. The information criterion computed to compare the models reveals that the flux tower‐based Kc‐simulated AET demonstrated better agreement with the observed AET. The Pearson's correlation coefficients (R2) of the TPHM (8%), GR4J (55%), and CAT (55%) models also showed improvements that were greater than the constant based Kc simulation. Similarly, the limitations of the three models with respect to capturing seasonal variation as well as high and low flows were enhanced after the introduction of the flux tower‐based Kc, which adequately reproduced hydrological processes with minimum water balance errors and bias. A regression analysis revealed the potential of estimating Kc as a linear function of LAI (R2 = 0.84). The results of this study indicate that introduction of Kc and LAI to the conceptual rainfall–runoff models can be considered an effective approach to reduce water balance errors and uncertainties in hydrological models and improve the reliability of climate change studies and water resource management.  相似文献   

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