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This paper compares pastoralists in South Australia in the nineteenth century with Australian mining companies in the twentieth century as they resist the efforts of government to extract a greater proportion of the wealth created in the exploitation of natural resources. In effect, in both cases the struggle relates to the allocation of economic rent between private and corporate capital on the one hand, and the owners of the resources, the people of Australia, on the other. It is difficult not to be impressed by the similarities in the ideologies, objectives and strategies of these two groups of resource exploiters, separated though they are by over one hundred years.  相似文献   
Tackling fuel poverty is central to the delivery of the Scottish Executive’s commitment to social justice. Many Scottish rural households are not linked into the mains gas network and rely on expensive alternatives, despite being surrounded by plentiful supplies of low-cost renewable wood biomass. A regional study was undertaken to establish the potential market for pelletised wood fuel, available as a low-value by-product from the rapidly expanding Scottish forest industry sector. The wider implications of the research findings are analysed by extending the principles of industrial symbiosis from a site-specific to a regional scale. Promoting an indigenous pellet-based wood fuel market for rural Scotland would fulfil important Scottish Executive economic, social and environmental sustainability objectives. Adding off-site social symbiotic elements increases the potential for on-site technical symbiosis in nascent Scottish forest industry clusters. At present, market failure is preventing the realisation of these benefits, and the paper concludes by identifying ways in which market intermediation, through wood fuel energy service companies, might overcome the current barriers to exploiting such symbiosis.  相似文献   
莫来石在电子,光学和高温结构中的应用已广泛以受到关注。本文介绍了以电子基板材料和红外辐射材料为应用背景下,有关莫来石基陶瓷的组成与性能间的关联研究,显示了新型莫来石材料在这些应用领域的潜在优良和良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
基于上市公司网络的长三角城市网络空间结构研究   总被引:24,自引:8,他引:16  
李仙德 《地理科学进展》2014,33(12):1587-1600
公司内部网络研究是当前城市经济网络研究的重要内容.本文利用2005、2010年长三角A股上市公司企业网络数据库,运用社会网络分析方法、位序—规模分析法等,分析了2005、2010年长三角城市网络空间结构演变及其主要影响因素.研究发现:①长三角上市公司总部沿沪宁—沪杭—杭甬Z字形轴线集聚,从一主(上海)二副(杭州、南京)三中心向一主(上海)三副(杭州、苏州、南京)四中心空间结构演变;苏州超过南京成为第三大企业总部集聚中心.②长三角城市网络核心—边缘结构整体延续,Z字形轴线城市维持核心地位,具备强大的网络权力与威望.③长三角城市网络除等级扩散、邻近扩散等特征之外.还具有明显的行政地域性.主要体现在省会南京、杭州分别成为江苏、浙江省内外上市公司子公司的重要据点;尤其是南京凭借省会优势,中心度仍然高于总部职能较强的苏州.④在长三角经济一体化背景下,跨行政地域性的联系有所加强,特别是上海、苏南向苏中、苏北的扩散明显;浙西南仍是网络相对封闭、孤立的地带,中心度相对较低.⑤行政等级和区划,市场容量等是长三角城市网络空间结构的主要影响因素,而到上海高速公路时间距离、劳动力成本和土地成本的影响在统计上未通过显著性检验.  相似文献   
Turkana County, located in the arid region of northwestern Kenya, has long been imagined as backwards and unproductive. As a result, successive governments have neglected to provide adequate social services and investments in the county, leaving Turkanas to rely on humanitarian organisations for access to rights and protections traditionally associated with citizenship. Yet when oil was discovered in Turkana in 2012, the county was thrust into the international spotlight. The oil exploration and development activities that followed the oil discovery have already begun to impact life in Turkana. Accordingly, this paper focuses on changing social and political relationships in light of emergent spaces of enclave oil development in Turkana. Our analysis draws from key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and field observations carried out in Kenya between October 2014 and May 2015. Specifically, we demonstrate that the Kenyan state’s historically hands-off approach to governing this region has led some Turkanas to seek recognition, legitimization, and fulfillment for their rights from oil companies, rather than the state. We argue that this is drawing oil companies and rural communities into an uneasy citizen-state-like relationship, altering the experiences and practices of citizenship in Turkana. We conclude that while the presence of oil companies in Turkana may benefit some, it also works to the detriment of others, introducing new forms of inequality and marginalization – a process we refer to as ‘crude citizenship’.  相似文献   
2001年1月1日,上市公司开始全面实施《企业会计制度》,进行八项计提,新增了固定资产减值准备、在建工程减值准备、无形资产减值准备、委托贷款减值准备四项计提内容.这些会计制度的实施,一定程度上挤干了上市公司资产中的水分,体现了谨慎性原则,但也在一定程度上影响了上市公司业绩.从2001 年披露的年报分析,由于上市公司采用了新的《企业会计制度》,其主要财务指标所体现的业绩呈较大幅度的下降,上市公司亏损面和亏损额的增加引发了人们对上市公司业绩和盈利能力,乃至上市公司整体质量的讨论.  相似文献   
基于制造业企业网络视角的城市网络核心—边缘结构的研究将加深对城市网络演化规律的理解。利用2020年中国制造业500强企业网络数据和隶属联系模型构建城市网络,研究了中国城市网络核心—边缘结构的演化特征,定量测度了核心—边缘结构的影响因素,并根据国际生产折衷理论解析了城市网络地位分异的动力机制。研究发现: 2005—2020年,核心区块的城市数量逐渐增加,主要由直辖市、经济特区以及东、中部地区的省会城市组成,这些城市通过互惠性的链接关系形成了凝聚子群,网络权力较为集中;边缘区块的城市则主要位于中、西部地区,城市间经济联系相对稀疏,整体网络结构并不稳定,城市的发展受到了网络资本的约束。关键资源、基础设施和区位优势是影响中国城市网络地位的决定性因素,择优选择、网络邻近和路径依赖构成了中国城市网络核心—边缘结构演化的动力机制,这将进一步增强核心城市的网络地位。在网络环境下,城市间的差距趋于扩大,城市网络地位的提升取决于城市在网络中的影响力,中国城市化政策需要做出相应调整。  相似文献   
通过对欧盟独立交易登记系统(CITL)的抓取、识别、清洗与融合构建了全样本的交易大数据集合,完整地重现了欧盟碳排放权交易体系(EU ETS)在试验阶段的市场微观结构。进而从市场内部微观视角出发,对EU ETS的市场微观体系、排放企业的微观交易行为,以及市场供需微观演化等予以分析,结果表明在市场建立初期:排放企业的交易大多是以配额履约为目的;交易行为呈现活跃度低、季节性和同向性的特点;市场上少量的高排放企业凭借其在配额总量、资金和信息上的优势在交易中占据了主导地位。此外,微观行为数据还反映了金融部门在碳配额交易中的作用:配额在前期流向金融部门使得供过于求的状况有所缓解,但当配额流出金融部门时,市场供需失调的情况被迅速放大。在碳市场建立初期,理解EU ETS市场参与者微观行为特点以及潜在的风险,对中国即将启动的全国统一碳排放权交易体系的机制设计有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
张清 《探矿工程》2009,36(10):15-17,20
电磁随钻技术承载信息量大、传输速度快,便于对井下情况进行实时监控,受钻井工艺的影响小,近年来该技术的应用发展十分迅速。概述了目前井下钻探中电磁信号传输应用的基本方式,采用等效传输线方法分析了井下发射极的结构参数,并进行了初步试验验证。试验结果能部分验证理论的正确性,但仍有部分参数的计算无法根据理论模型做出合理解释,其试验结果也不甚合理,尚需进一步改善理论模型,以便更好地理解钻杆/大地电磁传输系统。  相似文献   
徐克健 《现代测绘》2011,34(5):39-41
站在承包商的角度,诠释了在实行工程勘测项目经理责任制与承包制的情况下,如何全方位的管理项目,提出了相对的应对之策。  相似文献   
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