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The Great Green Wall Initiative (GGWI) has an overall objective of fighting desert encroachment through proven practices of sustainable management of land, and the reinforcement and protection of natural resources and systems of production and transformation, while also ensuring socio-economic development of local communities through multi-purpose activity platforms. The activities described in the present study are designed to accomplish several goals: (1) generate wealth, (2) strengthen access to basic social services, (3) manage the transition to a green economy as a means of creating suitable conditions for the emergence of rural production centers, (4) integrate sustainable development in order to eradicate poverty and food insecurity, and (5) strengthen adaptation and resilience capacities of local populations. The present study was undertaken on the basis of a wide variety of available publications and documentation, including articles and scientific papers, thesis, meeting summaries and reports, concerning the implementation of the Great Green Wall Initiative/GGWI in Senegal.  相似文献   
Groundwater resources play a pivotal role in the rural water delivery system in Ghana. The hydrogeological system of Middle Voltaian terrain was simulated using available data on hydraulic heads and boundary conditions. The objective was to characterize the general groundwater flow pattern and provide local estimates of the distribution of hydraulic conductivity and recharge fields. The results suggest a predominant NE–SW flow direction, which ties in with the general regional structural trend and indicates that the hydrogeological conditions of the rocks are controlled by structural entities created in the wake of fracturing and/or weathering of the rocks whose primary permeabilities are considerably reduced because of high compaction and low‐grade metamorphism. Calibrated hydraulic conductivities range between 1.90 and 10.81 m/d. The spatial distribution appears to reflect the intensity of fracturing and/or weathering of the rock and the proportion of the clay fraction of the weathered zone. Vertical groundwater recharge has been estimated to range between 0.3% and 4.1% of the annual rainfall. This recharge rate is quite low and reflects the imperviousness of the thick overburden because of high clay content in some places and high compaction in others. Despite this apparently low recharge rate, groundwater resources potential in the area appear to be high, and increased abstraction from existing abstraction wells by up to 50% does not appear to register significant effects on groundwater budgets at the simulated recharge rates. This suggests that the well yields are much lower than the potential of the aquifer system. The apparently low yields might be associated with poor well development and the choice of inappropriate well completion materials. This study recommends a monitoring system to be developed for a much more regional groundwater flow simulation under transient conditions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a priceless resource in the economies of the rural populations in northern Ghana. A combination of multivariate statistical and spatial analytical techniques was applied to groundwater data from the Voltaian and Birimian aquifers in parts of northern Ghana. The objective was to classify the groundwater quality control parameters and determine whether the aquifers deliver groundwater of acceptable quality for domestic and commercial irrigation purposes. It was found that groundwater quality is dominated by the weathering of accessory minerals that are predominant in the Obosum and Oti beds of the Middle Voltaian in the north, and incongruent silicate mineral weathering ranks second among the major causes of variation. The two processes account for over 70% of the total variance in the hydrochemistry and interpolation maps generated for these two major factors are discussed. The mineral weathering and dissolution processes are less apparent within the Birimian aquifers. Four spatial groundwater types were distinguished by differences in EC and pH, which are high among the water types within the Obosum and Oti beds, and generally low within the Birimian aquifers. Mineral stability diagrams suggest that montmorillonite is the most stable clay mineral phase in the system, a significant finding in terms of cation exchange processes. This, in turn, has affected the irrigation quality of groundwater from the aquifers in the area. Our findings suggest that the Birimian aquifers are more suitable for irrigation, due to generally low salinities and sodicities, and those associated with the Obosum and Oti beds of the Middle Voltaian are less suitable.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor Y. Guttman

Citation Yidana, S.M., Banoeng-Yakubo, B., Aliou, A.-S., and Akabzaa, T., 2012. Groundwater quality in some Voltaian and Birimian aquifers in northern Ghana—application of mulitvariate statistical methods and geographic information systems. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 57 (6), 1168–1183.  相似文献   
Arid areas are widespread globally and support a third of the world’s population’s livelihoods. The increasing population, urbanization, land-use changes, and the climate significantly affect coupled natural and human systems and threaten environments and socio-ecological land systems. The degradation of drylands poses a severe and widespread threat to the lives of millions of people, especially in developing countries and in the global environment. This review assesses published literature on dryland socio-ecological systems to reveal current research trends and changes in research themes over time and introduces basic theories and advances in dryland socio-ecological system frameworks, resilience measurement, and regime shifts. Developing a more general but adaptable framework and a more practical strategy for long-term coordination and partnership and attaining specific insights into ecological services should receive more attention and be strengthened in future studies on drylands sustainability.  相似文献   
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