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GOCE卫星重力计划及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于CHAMP和GRACE卫星,GOCE(Gravity Field and Stead—state Ocean Circulation Explore)是欧空局(ESA)的一颗重力场和静态洋流探测卫星。利用它可得到空间分辨率为200—80km的全球重力场模型和1cm精度的大地水准面.简要介绍了目前重力卫星的发展现状与其局限性,详细叙述了GOCE卫星的组成、科学目标、测量原理、在地球物理等学科中的重要应用,并提出GOCE等重力卫星资料在我国的应用设想。  相似文献   

GIM在LEO卫星单频GPS定轨中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭冬菊  吴斌 《天文学报》2012,53(1):36-50
电离层延迟误差是单频GPS(Global Positioning System)数据最主要的误差源,为提高基于单频GPS数据的LEO(Low Earth Orbiting)卫星定轨精度,必须消除/减弱GPS观测数据中电离层延迟影响.研究了全球电离层模型GIM(Global IonosphericMaps)在基于单频GPS伪距数据的低轨卫星运动学和动力学定轨中的应用,并通过估算电离层尺度因子的方法消除C/A码伪距观测量中电离层延迟影响.由于LEO卫星星载GPS信号受电离层延迟影响与卫星轨道高度相关,选取了轨道高度在300~800 km的CHAMP(CHAllenging Mini-satellite Payload)、GRACE(Gravity Recovery AndClimate Experiment)、TerraSAR-X及SAC-C等LEO卫星C/A码伪距观测量作为试算数据.CHAMP等卫星实测数据计算结果表明:以JPL(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)发布的GIM模型作为背景模型,通过电离层比例因子法能很好地消除C/A码伪距观测量中电离层延迟影响,提高LEO卫星运动学和动力学定轨精度,其中,CHAMP卫星轨道最低,受电离层延迟影响最严重,定轨精度提高最显著,分别为55.6%和47.6%;SAC-C卫星轨道高度最高,受电离层延迟影响最小,相应的定轨精度提高幅度也最低,分别为47.8%和38.2%.  相似文献   

运动学定轨是星载GPS特有的定轨方法,该方法不依赖于任何力学模型(地球重力场、大气阻力及太阳辐射压等),尤其适用于受大气阻力影响严重的低轨卫星定轨.基于双频星载GPS数据,研究了运动学定轨原理,讨论了数据预处理方法,建立了一套非差运动学定轨算法.并以GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment)-A、B卫星2008年2月实测数据作为试算验证了本研究方法的有效性和可靠性.GRACE 卫星实测数据计算结果表明:运动学定轨能达到5 cm精度(相对于SLR (Satellite Laser Ranging)),与动力学和简化动力学定轨精度相当.  相似文献   

GRACE重力计划在揭示地球系统质量重新分布中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年3月成功发射的美德合作卫星重力计划GRACE(Gravity Recovery And ClimateExperiment),即将提供空间分辨率约为200 km而时间分辨率为1个月的时变地球重力场模型序列。GRACE计划的星座由两颗相距约220 km,高度保持为300-500 km、倾角保持约90°的近极轨卫星组成。由于采用星载GPS和非保守力加速度计等高精度定轨技术,以及高精度的星一星跟踪数据反演地球重力场,在几百公里和更大空间尺度上, GRACE重力场的精度大大超过此前的卫星重力计划。根据GRACE时变重力场反演的地球系统质量重新分布,将对固体地球物理、海洋物理、气候学以及大地测量等应用有重要的意义。虽然其设计寿命只有5 yr,但研究表明GRACE的结果可用于研究北极冰长期时间尺度的变化,并进而研究极冰融化对全球气候变化,特别是对海平面长期变化的影响。在季节性时间尺度上,利用GRACE重力场反演的质量重新分布足以揭示平均小于1 cm的地表水变化,或小于1 mbar。的海底压强变化。除了巨大的社会效益和经济效益外,这些变化对了解地球系统的物质循环(主要是水循环)和能量循环有非常重要的意义。介绍GRACE重力场揭示的地球系统质量重新分布,为理解其地球物理应用提供必需的准备;同时针对我国大陆和沿海地区的地球物理应用提出初步的设想。  相似文献   

基于GRACE数据的西南陆地水储量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘卫  缪元兴 《天文学报》2011,52(2):145-151
利用地球重力卫星GRACE(Gravity Recovey and Climate Experiment)2005年1月~2010年4月期间64个月的数据,对我国西南地区陆地水储量变化进行了反演.结果表明,选取适当的高斯半径(R=600 km)和所采用数据的平均引力场作为背景引力场,则基于GRACE数据反演的西南陆地水...  相似文献   

卫星动力学模型误差是客观存在的事实,动力学模型误差传递到轨道确定算法中构成部分形式未知的模型误差,并且与测量系统自身的系统误差和随机误差耦合在一起形成定轨模型误差,严重影响轨道确定精度.详细推导了存在动力学模型误差的轨道改进方程,对模型中能准确描述的部分建立了参数化模型,对不能准确描述的误差部分,建立了非参数模型.构建了部分线性轨道改进模型,利用二阶段估计法和核函数估计法对模型误差进行拟合估计,并在轨道改进中予以补偿.根据数据深度理论,建立了非参数模型误差的深度加权核估计方法,提高了模型误差估计的抗差性.最后结合天基空间目标监视系统进行了轨道确定仿真实验.实验结果表明,模型误差是影响轨道确定精度的重要因素,核函数估计法可以有效估计定轨中的模型误差,窗宽是提高模型估计精度的重要变量,通过深度加权处理可以明显提高核函数估计的抗差性,提高轨道确定精度.  相似文献   

精度是北斗卫星导航系统(Beidou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)服务指标体系的重要内容.给出了北斗卫星导航系统精度指标的含义及精度指标的评估方法,利用实测数据分析了北斗系统实际实现的精度指标,并将其与GPS系统实际实现的精度指标作比较分析.DOP(几何精度因子)值由卫星导航系统空间星座分布决定,是影响用户定位授时精度的重要因素,比较了北斗与GPS在中国区域DOP值分布的差异.GPS系统PDOP(定位几何精度因子)分布均匀,随用户经度和纬度变化不大,在1.0–2.0之间.而受混合星座影响,北斗系统PDOP分布随着测站经度和纬度变化较大,变化范围为1.5–5.0;且随测站纬度增加而变大,由中心经度(东经118?)向两侧不断变大.对于影响用户等效距离误差的空间信号精度进行了比较分析.利用IGS(国际GNSS服务组织)提供的事后精密轨道、激光跟踪数据和北斗双向时频传递测量的卫星钟差评估了北斗基本导航电文的精度.结果表明:北斗IGSO(倾斜地球同步轨道)卫星和MEO(中轨道)卫星轨道径向误差约为0.5 m,大于GPS卫星轨道小于0.2 m的径向误差.北斗GEO(地球同步轨道)卫星激光残差约为65 cm,IGSO卫星和MEO卫星激光残差约为50 cm.受卫星钟差数据龄期影响,MEO卫星钟差参数误差明显大于IGSO卫星和GEO卫星,约为0.80 m.最后,采用MGEX(多GNSS系统试验项目)多模接收机进行了定位试验,分析了北斗系统和GPS在定位精度上的差异.结果表明:受星座构型影响,北斗卫星导航系统定位精度与GPS系统定位精度相比有所差异,但满足水平定位精度优于10 m、高程定位精度优于10 m的设计要求,双系统组合定位精度好于单一系统定位精度.  相似文献   

利用CHAMP (CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload)、GRACE-A (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment-A)、SWARM-C (The Earth''s Magnetic Field and Environment Explorers-C)等3颗极轨卫星的资料, 研究360—480km高层大气密度在低纬度区域的午夜极大值(Midnight Density Maximum, MDM)现象. MDM一般出现在23:00- 02:00 LT (Local Time)之间,峰值位置在低纬度15°以内,谷值位置在中纬度35°-45°附近,整体略偏向南半球,振幅约为平均密度的26%.随着高度增大以及太阳辐射水平的增强,MDM振幅呈减小趋势;冬至和夏至日附近的季节效应会减弱MDM振幅,在春秋分日的振幅最大.用3个主流大气模型DTM2000 (Drag Temperature Model 2000), NRLMSISE00 (US Naval Research Laboratory, Mass Spectrom-eter and Incoherent Scatter radar)和JB2008 (Jacchia- Bowman 2008 model)对MDM进行模拟,JB2008没有刻画出MDM现象;另两个模型低估了MDM效应,在360km和480km两个高度DTM2000模型的振幅仅为观测的46%和53%, NRLMSISE00模型仅为观测的33%和26%;模型没有准确刻画出MDM与高度、辐射水平和季节的关系.联合3颗卫星的资料,研究了-种基于地理纬度的6阶勒让德多项式,同时融合地方时和高度因素的经验函数,在振幅和相位上可以较好地刻画MDM特征,相关系数达到0.923,可为大气密度模型的修正提供借鉴,服务于低轨道航天器高精度轨道预报.  相似文献   

卡西尼号探测器携带了光学成像科学子系统(ISS: Imaging Science Subsystem), 在2004--2017年间拍摄了一些土星内卫星的图像. 部分图像中土星内卫星非常靠近土星环, 观测对象受土星环散射光影响导致测量精度差, 甚至无法测量. 由此提出一种适用于这类图像的背景消除算法, 可对受土星光环散射光影响的土星内卫星进行测量. 归算了7颗近环内卫星(土卫十(Janus)、土卫十一(Epimetheus)、土卫十五(Atlas)、土卫十六(Prometheus)、土卫十七(Pandora)、土卫三十二(Methone)和土卫四十九(Anthe))的70张ISS图像, 并与不消除散射光的方法进行了比较. 结果显示, 该方法至少可以提高43%的精度. 和喷气推进实验室的土星卫星历表\lk SAT415相比, 测量得到的赤经和赤纬方向的残差均值分别为0.72km和2.26km, 标准差分别为10.99km和11.36km.  相似文献   

基于精密光压模型的GRACE卫星加速仪校标新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以精密光压模型为工具,计算GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)卫星受到的太阳光压摄动力,以此对加速仪的y轴、z轴的尺度因子进行估算并固定为常值,然后通过动力学定轨方法对另外4项加速仪校标参数(x轴尺度和偏差,y、z轴的偏差)进行求解,得到了2002–2014年每一天的加速仪校标参数.统计结果如下:GRACE-A卫星x、y、z 3个轴的尺度因子分别为0.9435±0.0187、0.9393±0.0444、1.0371±0.0391,GRACE-B卫星3个轴的尺度因子分别为0.9313±0.0170、0.9488±0.0452、1.0274±0.0446.与早期工作的差异在于,在动力学法定轨之前,先利用精密光压模型对y、z轴的尺度因子进行约束,有助于减小资料误差对弱信号轴(y,z)的影响,从而提高校标结果的稳定性.以GRACE-A卫星的y、z轴为例,尺度因子的标准差约0.0391–0.0444,而未加光压模型约束的动力学校标方法的标准差为0.21–0.31,新方法得到的标准差降幅超过78%;同样,线性偏差的标准差降幅超过85%.因此,新方法得到的校标参数更加稳定,对于研究大气旋转效应以及热层大气风场具有特殊的价值.  相似文献   

《Global and Planetary Change》2006,50(1-2):112-126
Signatures between monthly global Earth gravity field solutions obtained from GRACE satellite mission data are analyzed with respect to continental water storage variability. GRACE gravity field models are derived in terms of Stokes' coefficients of a spherical harmonic expansion of the gravitational potential from the analysis of gravitational orbit perturbations of the two GRACE satellites using GPS high–low and K-band low–low intersatellite tracking and on-board accelerometry. Comparing the GRACE observations, i.e., the mass variability extracted from temporal gravity variations, with the water mass redistribution predicted by hydrological models, it is found that, when filtering with an averaging radius of 750 km, the hydrological signals generated by the world's major river basins are clearly recovered by GRACE. The analyses are based on differences in gravity and continental water mass distribution over 3- and 6-month intervals during the period April 2002 to May 2003. A background model uncertainty of some 35 mm in equivalent water column height from one month to another is estimated to be inherent in the present GRACE solutions at the selected filter length. The differences over 3 and 6 months between the GRACE monthly solutions reveal a signal of some 75 mm scattering with peak values of 400 mm in equivalent water column height changes over the continents, which is far above the uncertainty level and about 50% larger than predicted by global hydrological models. The inversion method, combining GRACE results with the signal and stochastic properties of a hydrological model as ‘a priori’ in a statistical least squares adjustment, significantly reduces the overall power in the obtained water mass estimates due to error reduction, but also reflects the current limitations in the hydrological models to represent total continental water storage change in particular for the major river basins.  相似文献   

The gravity field dedicated satellite missions like CHAMP, GRACE, and GOCE are supposed to map the Earth's global gravity field with unprecedented accuracy and resolution. New models of the Earth's static and time-variable gravity fields will be available every month as one of the science products from GRACE. A method for the efficient gravity field recovery is presented using in situ satellite-to-satellite observations at altitude and results on static as well as temporal gravity field recovery are shown. Considering the energy relationship between the kinetic energy of the satellite and the gravitational potential, the disturbing potential observations can be computed from the orbital state vector, using high-low GPS tracking data, low–low satellite-to-satellite GRACE measurements, and data from 3-axis accelerometers. The solution method is based on the conjugate gradient iterative approach to efficiently recover the gravity field coefficients and approximate error covariance up to degree and order 120 every month. Based on the monthly GRACE noise-only simulation, the geoid was obtained with an accuracy of a few cm and with a resolution (half wavelength) of 160 km. However, the geoid accuracy can become worse by a factor of 6–7 because of spatial aliasing. The approximate error covariance was found to be a very good accuracy measure of the estimated coefficients, geoid, and gravity anomaly. The temporal gravity field, representing the monthly mean continental water mass redistribution, was recovered in the presence of measurement noise and high frequency temporal variation. The resulting recovered temporal gravity fields have about 0.3 mm errors in terms of geoid height with a resolution of 670 km.  相似文献   

The inversion of the variation in the land water storage in Southwest China is carried out by taking advantage of the data obtained by the earth gravity satellite GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment) for 64 months from January 2005 to April 2010. The result shows that by selecting an appropriate Gauss radius (R = 600 km) and taking the average gravitational field of the adopted data as the back-ground gravitational field, the land water storage in Southwest China inverted on the basis of the GRACE data reflects the drought in Southwest China at the beginning of 2010 very well.  相似文献   

We investigate how well the GRACE satellite orbits can be determined using the onboard GPS data combined with the accelerometer data.The preprocessing of the accelerometer data and the methods and models used in the orbit determination are presented.In order to assess the orbit accuracy,a number of tests are made,including external orbit comparison,and through Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) residuals and K-band ranging (KBR) residuals.It is shown that the standard deviations of the position differences between the so-called precise science orbits (PSO) produced by GFZ,and the single-difference (SD) and zero-difference (ZD) dynamic orbits are about 7 cm and 6 cm,respectively.The independent SLR validation indicates that the overall root-mean-squared (RMS) errors of the SD solution for days 309-329 of 2002 are about 4.93cm and 5.22cm,for GRACE-A and B respectively; theoverall RMS errors of the ZD solution are about 4.25 cm and 4.71 cm,respectively.The relative accuracy between the two GRACE satellites is validated by the KBR data to be on a level of 1.29 cm for the SD,and 1.03 cm for the ZD solution.  相似文献   

Because the precise measurement of the Martian gravitational field plays a significant role in the future Mars exploration program, the future dedicated Mars satellite-to-satellite tracking (Mars-SST) gravity mission in China is investigated in detail for producing the next generation of the Mars gravity field model with high accuracy. Firstly, a new semi-numerical synthetical error model of the cumulative Martian geoid height influenced by the major error sources of the space-borne instruments is precisely established and efficiently verified. Secondly, the deep space network in combination with the satellite-to-satellite tracking in the low-low (DSN-SST-LL) mode is a preferred design owing to the high precision determination of the gravity maps, the low technical complexity of the satellite system and the successful experiences with the Earth’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) projects and the lunar Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) program. Finally, the future twin Mars-SST satellites plan to adopt the optimal matching accuracy indices of the satellite-equipped sensors (e.g., \(10^{-7}\) m/s in the inter-satellite range-rate from the interferometric laser ranging system (ILRS), 35 m in the orbital position tracked by the DSN and \(3\times 10^{-11}\) m/s2 in the non-conservative force from the drag-free control system (DFCS)) and the preferred orbital parameters (e.g., the orbital altitude of \(100\pm 50\) km and the inter-satellite range of \(50\pm 10\) km).  相似文献   

The importance of an accurate model of the Moon gravity field has been assessed for future navigation missions orbiting and/or landing on the Moon, in order to use our natural satellite as an intermediate base for next solar system observations and exploration as well as for lunar resources mapping and exploitation. One of the main scientific goals of MAGIA mission, whose Phase A study has been recently funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), is the mapping of lunar gravitational anomalies, and in particular those on the hidden side of the Moon, with an accuracy of 1 mGal RMS at lunar surface in the global solution of the gravitational field up to degree and order 80. MAGIA gravimetric experiment is performed into two phases: the first one, along which the main satellite shall perform remote sensing of the Moon surface, foresees the use of Precise Orbit Determination (POD) data available from ground tracking of the main satellite for the determination of the long wavelength components of gravitational field. Improvement in the accuracy of POD results are expected by the use of ISA, the Italian accelerometer on board the main satellite. Additional gravitational data from recent missions, like Kaguya/Selene, could be used in order to enhance the accuracy of such results. In the second phase the medium/short wavelength components of gravitational field shall be obtained through a low-to-low (GRACE-like) Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking (SST) experiment. POD data shall be acquired during the whole mission duration, while the SST data shall be available after the remote sensing phase, when the sub-satellite shall be released from the main one and both satellites shall be left in a free-fall dynamics in the gravity field of the Moon. SST range-rate data between the two satellites shall be measured through an inter-satellite link with accuracy compliant with current state of art space qualified technology. SST processing and gravitational anomalies retrieval shall benefit from a second ISA accelerometer on the sub-satellite in order to decouple lunar gravitational signal from other accelerations. Experiment performance analysis shows that the stated scientific requirements can be achieved with a low mass and low cost sub-satellite, with a SST gravimetric mission of just few months.  相似文献   

After GRACE and GOCE there will still be need and room for improvement of the knowledge (1) of the static gravity field at spatial scales between 40 km and 100 km, and (2) of the time varying gravity field at scales smaller than 500 km. This is shown based on the analysis of spectral signal power of various gravity field components and on the comparison with current knowledge and expected performance of GRACE and GOCE. Both, accuracy and resolution can be improved by future dedicated gravity satellite missions. For applications in geodesy, the spectral omission error due to the limited spatial resolution of a gravity satellite mission is a limiting factor. The recommended strategy is to extend as far as possible the spatial resolution of future missions, and to improve at the same time the modelling of the very small scale components using terrestrial gravity information and topographic models.We discuss the geodetic needs in improved gravity models in the areas of precise height systems, GNSS levelling, inertial navigation and precise orbit determination. Today global height systems with a 1 cm accuracy are required for sea level and ocean circulation studies. This can be achieved by a future satellite mission with higher spatial resolution in combination with improved local and regional gravity field modelling. A similar strategy could improve the very economic method of determination of physical heights by GNSS levelling from the decimeter to the centimeter level. In inertial vehicle navigation, in particular in sub-marine, aircraft and missile guidance, any improvement of global gravity field models would help to improve reliability and the radius of operation.  相似文献   

With the precise GPS ephemeris and clock error available, the iono- spheric delay is left as the dominant error source in the single-frequency GPS data. Thus, the removal of ionospheric effects is a ma jor prerequisite for an improved orbit reconstruction of LEO satellites based on the single-frequency GPS data. In this paper, the use of Global Ionospheric Maps (GIM) in kine- matic and dynamic orbit determinations for LEO satellites with single-frequency GPS pseudorange measurements is discussed first, and then, estimating the iono- spheric scale factor to remove the ionospheric effects from the C/A-code pseu- dorange measurements for both kinematic and dynamic orbit determinations is addressed. As it is known that the ionospheric delay of space-borne GPS sig- nals is strongly dependent on the orbit altitudes of LEO satellites, we select the real C/A-code pseudorange measurement data of the CHAMP, GRACE, TerraSAR-X and SAC-C satellites with altitudes between 300 km and 800 km as sample data in this paper. It is demonstrated that the approach to eliminating ionospheric effects in C/A-code pseudorange measurements by estimating the ionospheric scale factor is highly effective. Employing this approach, the accu- racy of both kinematic and dynamic orbits can be improved notably. Among those five LEO satellites, CHAMP with the lowest orbit altitude has the most remarkable improvements in orbit accuracy, which are 55.6% and 47.6% for kine- matic and dynamic orbits, respectively. SAC-C with the highest orbit altitude has the least improvements in orbit accuracy accordingly, which are 47.8% and 38.2%, respectively.  相似文献   

Atmospheric densities have been deduced from high resolution radar-determined orbital decay data and from data obtained from a uniaxial accelerometer flown onboard the low altitude satellite 1970-48A. Data were obtained during late June and early July, 1970. The orbital decay-deduced densities, having an effective 6 hr temporal resolution, were determined at an altitude of 143 km, essentially one-half scale height above perigee. The accelerometer deduced densities at the same altitude were obtained on both the approaching-perigee and leaving-perigee portions of each of fifty-nine orbits. A detailed comparison of the densities derived from both types of data is presented. In general, agreement is very good. A comparison of both types of data has also been made with the Jacchia 1970 and 1971 atmospheric models as well as the new OGO-6 atmospheric model. The Jacchia models display reasonable agreement with the data, but the OGO-6 model is unsuitable as a representation of atmospheric density at this altitude.  相似文献   

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