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GRS 1915+105是银河系内的低质量黑洞X射线双星,其能谱和黑洞自旋已经得到了广泛的研究.自2018年6月开始,其X射线流量下降到了低流量水平,其间偶尔会产生多波段的耀发.利用Insight-HXMT(Insight-Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope,简称为慧眼)卫星在2020年8月30日到2020年10月13日之间对GRS1915+105的观测数据,研究了其能谱特性,发现在此次爆发过程中, X射线能谱可以用一个康普顿化的多温黑体谱很好地拟合.整个爆发的硬度强度图(Hardness-Intensity Diagram, HID)一直处于软态.采用GRS1915+105的最新动力学参数M=12.4-1.8+2.0M⊙, i=60°±5°, D=8.6-1.6+2.0kpc (M、M⊙、i和D分别表示黑洞质量、太阳质量、盘倾角和距离),得到其无量纲黑洞自旋a*的一个下限a*> 0.9990,确认了GRS 1915+105是一个具有极端自旋的黑洞.考虑本地吸收体的...  相似文献   

从RXTE(Rossi X-ray timing explorer)观测原始数据出发,分析了耀变体3C 273在X射线波段2~10 keV从1996年2月2日(MJD 50115)到2007年8月27日(MJD 54339)的数据.一共得到了1 010次观测数据的光子谱指数和相应的流量,平均每次观测时间为1 666.76 s.通过分析3C 273在观测期间2~10 keV硬X射线的能谱变化及光变行为,发现在2000年2月,2003年3、4月,2004年2、3、7月,2006年及2007年,其光子谱指数Γ与流量lgF_(2~10 keV)存在显著反相关.在1999年和2000~2007年观测期间,Γ与lgF_(2~10 keV)月平均行为也同样存在显著反相关.对整个观测期间的光变行为作定量的分析,发现几次较大的光变,并在部分光谱拟合中发现Fe发射线存在的证据,其平均宽度为93.85±21.49 eV.通过分析光变强度与Fe发射线特性,发现3C 273同时具有耀变体与Seyfert星系的一些性质.  相似文献   

黑洞暂现双星MAXI J1820+070于2018年3月的明亮爆发为研究光学快速测光能力提供了重要机遇. 以快速光学相机(Fast Optical Camera, FOC)为终端设备分别在2018年4月22日、5月26日和8月31日(UTC)使用云南天文台丽江观测站2.4m望远镜对爆发中的黑洞双星MAXI J1820+070进行了亚秒时标的测光观测. 通过观测数据分析, 研究了相机的快速测光性能.对全帧和1/4帧两种观测模式的帧间间隔(frame time), 测得平均帧间间隔为(22.866 pm 0.679)ms和(5.868 pm 0.169)ms. 通过视场中多颗明亮参考源校准,提取了观测对象和参考源的光变曲线, 获得了光变曲线的傅里叶功率谱, 区分了观测对象本征光变和仪器或望远镜等观测因素带来的非本征光变, 成功探测到目标黑洞双星MAXI J1820+070中的光学波段低频准周期振荡信号, 并判别了观测中来自仪器设备或与观测条件相关的时变信号. 这成功验证了相机高速稳定的测光性能和对短至5ms时标光变信号的探测能力.  相似文献   

银河系内的X射线双星暂现源大多是吸积的黑洞或中子星系统。最近十几年以来,还探测到几十颗具有极低爆发光度(2~10 keV的光度约10~(27)~10~(29) J·s~(-1))的X射线暂现源,称为甚弱X射线暂现源(very faint X-ray transient,简称VFXT)。根据观测和理论分析,VFXT的长期平均物质吸积率约小于10~(-13)~10~(-12) M_⊙·a~(-1),这样低的吸积率无法用传统的X射线双星演化理论解释。首先总结了VFXT的观测特征,指出其族群多样性的特征。评述了现有可能的机制,并指出还需要更多的观测和理论研究来揭示这类奇特的暂现源的本质。  相似文献   

2005年11月XMM-Newton望远镜对窄线赛弗特星系ESO 113-G010进行了长达100 ks的观测.采用Lomb-Scargle周期图(LSP)法和加权小波Z变换(Weighted Wavelet Z-transform,WWZ)两种方法对数据进行分析,发现存在着~2.24 11和~4.09 h准周期振荡(Quasi-Periodic Oscillation,QPO),其置信度分别为7.3σ和4.8σ.这两个QPO信号的周期具有大约1:2 (1:1.83)的关系.在该源的其他的观测中并没有发现QPO信号,表明这是一种暂现现象.ESO 113-G010中心黑洞的质量MBH和其QPO频率f_(QPO)满足已知的从恒星级黑洞到超大质量黑洞的质量与QPO频率之间的对数线性关系.该源的能谱分析显示在1 keV以下有软X射线超的现象.  相似文献   

简要介绍有关黑洞的理论及其表现形式,详细综述在星系中心及X射线双星中搜寻和证认黑洞的原理、方法及现状.在星系层次,除活动星系核中心可能存在的黑洞外,在邻近星系中已找到至少11个黑洞候选者,但观测所及的最小尺度仍比黑洞视界高几个量级。在恒星层次,利用动力学判据,人们己在大质量X射线双星和软X射线暂现源中找到至少10个强候选者,并利用辐射判据找到更多的候选者,但目前仍然没有找到黑洞双星区别于中子星双星的决定性判据.所有这些说明,迄今尚未找到充足的证据证明黑洞的存在。  相似文献   

伽马暴偏振探测仪(POLAR)是天宫2号实验室上搭载的一个γ射线偏振仪,于2016年9月15日搭载在天宫2号进入低轨运行,主要用于探测在50-500 keV能区的硬X射线辐射的线偏振.POLAR由25个模块组成,每个模块有64个塑料闪烁体棒,总计有1600个塑料闪烁体棒,具有较大的有效探测面积和视场.在轨运行期间探测到多个小耀斑,它们的硬X射线光子能量通常小于50 keV,无法直接使用在轨和地面的高能定标结果来进行能谱分析.结合拉马第太阳高能光谱成像探测器(RHESSI)对耀斑SOL2016112907能谱的观测和蒙特卡洛模拟,对耀斑期间被激活的闪烁体棒进行能量低于50 keV的低能相对定标.虽然定标得到的能量阈值(~10 keV)和转换因子相对稳定,但是和高能定标给出的结果相比有显著差异,并且不同闪烁体棒显示出的差异没有明显的规律性.  相似文献   

利用“慧眼”(Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope, Insight-HXMT)卫星在2017年9月对黑洞候选体MAXI J1535-571的观测数据,研究了该源在爆发期内的时变现象.当源处于不同的爆发谱态时,功率密度谱的谱型存在明显差异.在硬中间态,有明显的限带噪声(band-limited noise)成分和QPO (Quasi-Periodic Oscillation)成分.分析结果表明:低频限带噪声的特征频率随能量的变化呈现正相关,即软能段光子的特征频率小于硬能段光子的特征频率. 0.1–0.5 Hz频率区间的限带噪声RMS (Root Mean Square)谱在硬中间态和软中间态均出现峰值,且在高能端存在差异,可能是主导噪声RMS的能谱成分占比不同.当谱态由硬中间态过渡到软中间态时, C型QPO的RMS谱保持相似趋势,但限带噪声RMS谱存在谱态依赖现象,暗示着噪声和QPO有不同的起源机制.  相似文献   

用径移主导吸积流模型(ADAF)不仅可以成功解释很多低吸积率天体的连续谱辐射,也可以说明X射线波段的谱线发射,而后者目前尚少有讨论.以黑洞X射线双星GX339-4处在低吸积率的宁静态情况为例,计算了它的铁线发射,表明在ADAF情况下的确可以产生足够强的可以在观测上检测的类氢和类氦铁Kа线.  相似文献   

采用吸积盘-冕模型研究了粘滞对黑洞X射线双星和低光度活动星系核(LLAGN)中吸积盘的截断以及黑洞X射线双星中高低态转变的影响.以前的分析表明,冕的结构对粘滞的大小非常敏感.因此详细计算了一系列粘滞系数情况下冕的结构.为了便于与观测比较,将数值计算结果进行解析拟合得到最大蒸发率和粘滞系数a的关系,M/MEDD≈1.08a3.35;截断半径和粘滞系数的关系,R/Rs≈36.11a-1.94.这些结果可以用来解释光谱态的高低态的转换和截断半径的变化.并将这些结果应用到几个黑洞X射线双星XTE J118 480,GX 339-4,以及活动星系核NGC 4636中.  相似文献   

We present the INTEGRAL and RXTE X-ray observations of XTE J1550-564, a Galactic microquasar and a black hole candidate, during its outburst in the spring of 2003. The source during the outburst was in a canonical hard state, and its spectrum remained constant in both the rise and decay phases.  相似文献   

The outburst of X-ray transient source XTE J2012+381 was detected by the RXTE All-Sky Monitor on 1998 May 24th. Following the outburst, X-ray observations of the source were made in the 2–18 keV energy band with the Pointed Proportional Counters of the Indian X-ray Astronomy Experiment (IXAE) on-board the Indian satellite IRS-P3 during 1998 June 2nd–10th. The X-ray flux of the source in the main outburst decreased exponentially during the period of observation. No large amplitude short-term variability in the intensity is detected from the source. The power density spectrum obtained from the timing analysis of the data shows no indication of any quasi-periodic oscillations in 0.002–0.5 Hz band. The hardness ratio i.e. the ratio of counts in 6–18 keV to 2–6 keV band, indicates that the X-ray spectrum is soft with spectral index >2. From the similarities of the X-ray properties with those of other black hole transients, we conclude that the X-ray transient XTE J2012+381 is likely to be a black hole.  相似文献   

We report on new X-ray outbursts observed with Swift from three Supergiant Fast X-ray Transients (SFXTs): XTE J1739−302, IGR J17544−2619 and IGR J08408−4503. XTE J1739−302 underwent a new outburst on 2008 August 13, IGR J17544−2619 on 2008 September 4 and IGR J08408−4503 on 2008 September 21. While the XTE J1739−302 and IGR J08408−4503 bright emission triggered the Swift /Burst Alert Telescope, IGR J17544−2619 did not, thus we could perform a spectral investigation only of the spectrum below 10 keV. The broad-band spectra from XTE J1739−302 and IGR J08408−4503 were compatible with the X-ray spectral shape displayed during the previous flares. A variable absorbing column density during the flare was observed in XTE J1739−302 for the first time. The broad-band spectrum of IGR J08408−4503 requires the presence of two distinct photon populations, a cold one (∼0.3 keV) most likely from a thermal halo around the neutron star and a hotter one (1.4–1.8 keV) from the accreting column. The outburst from XTE J1739−302 could be monitored with a very good sampling, thus revealing a shape which can be explained with a second wind component in this SFXT, in analogy to what we have suggested in the periodic SFXT IGR J11215−5952. The outburst recurrence time-scale in IGR J17544−2619 during our monitoring campaign with Swift suggests a long orbital period of ∼150 d (in a highly eccentric orbit), compatible with what previously observed with INTEGRAL .  相似文献   

We report results from a systematic study of X-ray emission from black hole transients in quiescence. In this state, mass accretion is thought to follow the geometry of an outer optically thick, geometrically thin disc and an inner optically thin, geometrically thick radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF). The inner flow is likely also coupled to the jets near the black hole that are often seen in such systems. The goal of the study is to see whether the X-ray emission in the quiescent state is mainly powered by the accretion flow or by the jets. Using data from deep XMM – Newton observations of selected black hole transients, we have found that the quiescent X-ray spectra are, to a high precision, of power-law shape in the cases of GRO J1655-40 and V404 Cyg. Such spectra deviate significantly from the expected X-ray spectrum of the RIAF at very low-accretion rates. On the other hand, they can naturally be explained by emission from the jets, if the emitting electrons follow a power-law spectral distribution (as is often assumed). The situation remains ambiguous in the case of XTE J1550-564, due to the relatively poorer quality of the data. We discuss the implication of the results.  相似文献   

In 1998–1999, the X-ray transients XTE J2012+381 and XTE J1550-564 were observed with the TTM X-ray telescope onboard the Mir-Kvant astrophysical module. Spectral properties of these sources on the descent of the light curve after the secondary maxima of their outbursts are studied. Upper limits on the off-state flux are given. Comparison with other X-ray novae observed with the TTM telescope leads us to conclude that XTE J2012+381 and XTE J 1550-564 are soft X-ray novae. XTE J2012+381 probably belongs to the subclass of long-period X-ray transients.  相似文献   

An unusual timing and spectral state of a black hole microquasar XTE J1550-564 observed with RXTE is analyzed. Millisecond variabilities are found, which are significantly shorter than the minimum possible time scale in the light curves of black hole binaries, as suggested by Sunyaev & Revnivtsev (2000). The X-ray spectral fitting result indicates that there is an unusual soft component in the spectrum, which may be responsible for the millisecond variabilities. The millisecond variabilities as well as the unusual soft spectral component should be produced from some small, but independent active regions in the accretion disk.  相似文献   

We have investigated the Quasi Periodic Oscillation (QPO) properties of the transient accreting X-ray pulsar XTE J1858 + 034 during the second outburst of this source in April–May 2004. We have used observations made with the Proportional Counter Array (PCA) of the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) during May 14–18, 2004, in the declining phase of the outburst. We detected the presence of low frequency QPOs in the frequency range of 140–185 mHz in all the RXTE-PCA observations. We report evolution of the QPO parameters with the time, X-ray flux, and X-ray photon energy. Though a correlation between the QPO centroid frequency and the instantaneous X-ray flux is not very clear from the data, we point out that the QPO frequency and the one day averaged X-ray flux decreased with time during these observations. We have obtained a clear energy dependence of the RMS variation in the QPOs, increasing from about 3% at 3 keV to 6% at 25 keV. The X-ray pulse profile is a single peaked sinusoidal, with pulse fraction increasing from 20% at 3 keV to 45% at 30keV. We found that, similar to the previous outburst, the energy spectrum is well fitted with a model consisting of a cut-off power law along with an iron emission line.  相似文献   

We present the results of the analysis of Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ( RXTE ) observations of the new X-ray transient, SWIFT J1753.5−0127, during its outburst in 2005 July. The source was caught at the peak of the burst with a flux of 7.19e-09 erg s−1cm−2 in the 3–25 keV energy range and observed until it decreased by about a factor of 10. The photon index of the power-law component, which is dominant during the entire outburst, decreases from ∼1.76 to 1.6. However, towards the end of the observations the photon index is found to increase, indicating a softening of the spectra. The presence of an ultrasoft thermal component, during the bright phases of the burst, is clear from the fits to the data. The temperature associated with this thermal component is 0.4 keV. We believe that this thermal component could be due to the presence of an accretion disc. Assuming a distance of 8.5 kpc,   L X/ L Edd≃ 0.05  at the peak of the burst, for a black hole of mass  10 M  . The source is found to be locked in the low/hard state during the entire outburst and likely falls in the category of the X-ray transients that are observed in the low/hard state throughout the outburst. We discuss the physical scenario of the low/hard state outburst for this source.  相似文献   

We report the result of an XMM–Newton observation of the black hole X-ray transient XTE J1650–500 in quiescence. The source was not detected, and we set upper limits on the 0.5–10 keV luminosity of  0.9–1.0 × 1031 erg s−1  (for a newly derived distance of 2.6 kpc). These limits are in line with the quiescent luminosities of black hole X-ray binaries with similar orbital periods (∼7–8 h).  相似文献   

In 1998 September, the X-ray transient XTE J1550–564 underwent amajor outburst in soft and hard X-rays, followed by a radio flare. Australian Long Baseline Array imagesobtained shortly after the peak in the radio flare showed evolving structure.The components observed have an apparent separation velocity of >2c.  相似文献   

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