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精准水稻种植信息系统结构、管理与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
精准农业是当今世界农业发展的新潮流 ,中国 2 1世纪农业的发展方向之一。稻谷产量占我国粮食总产量的 4 0 %左右 ,实现精准水稻种植具有重大意义。在上海市农工商现代化农业园区“精准农业试验与示范基地”开展的水稻精准种植试验 ,结果与其他地块相比较 ,化肥使用量减少 1 5 % ,单产提高 8% ,总收益提高 1 8%。精准水稻种植信息系统是实现水稻精准种植的核心 ,目前完成 PRC/ INFO1 .0版本的开发 ,本文介绍了系统的结构、功能和技术特点。  相似文献   

为跟踪国际上农业高技术的最新发展 ,在国家计委、北京市政府和北京市计委领导和支持下 ,北京市农林科学院承担了“北京精准农业示范工程项目”,率先在我国开展精准农业示范研究。精准农业是 80年代中期从事作物栽培、土壤肥力、作物病虫草害防治的专家们在进行作物生长模拟、栽培管理、测土配方施肥等专家应用系统研究中 ,为进一步了解农田内小区作物产量和生长环境条件的时空差异 ,从而实现定位、定量投入而发展起来的。迄今精准农业在美国、加拿大、法国等发达国家也不过 5~ 6年的应用试验历史。  相似文献   

为了解决多云雨地区遥感数据时空覆盖缺失的问题,以满足对地块尺度作物种植信息日益迫切的应用需求,本文在遥感图谱认知理论框架下发展了一种基于多星数据协同的地块尺度作物识别与面积估算方法。首先,基于米级高分辨率影像提取农田地块对象;其次,通过对多源中分辨率时序影像的有效化处理和指数计算,获取“碎片化”的高时空覆盖有效数据,并以地块对象为单元构建时间序列;然后,在时序分析基础上,建立多维特征空间,结合作物生长物候特征,构建决策树模型进行作物分类识别与面积计算;最后,以湖南省宁远县为研究区开展了水稻种植信息的提取实验。结果表明:本文方法可在农田地块尺度下实现不同水稻类型的准确识别及其种植面积的精细提取,早、中、晚稻的用户精度分别可达94.33%、90.76%和95.95%,总体分类精度为92.51%,Kappa系数为0.90;早、中、晚稻面积提取精度分别为93.37%、91.23%和95.42%。试验结果证明了本文方法的有效性,为其他作物种植信息的精细提取提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

基于组件GIS的精准水稻种植信息系统的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
组件式软件开发已经成为当今软件技术的潮流之一,基于COM的组件式GIS开发技术近些年来广泛应用于GIS工程中。精准农业(PA)是GIS、GPS、RS等信息技术综合在农业生产中的典型应用,这一应用需要集成的信息处理系统软件支持。本文就上海精准农业试点中的配套软件“精准水稻种植信息处理系统”(PRC/INFOV1.0)的研制过程对组件GIS的开发与集成技术进行探讨。  相似文献   

精准农业是指按照田间每一操作单元的具体条件,精细准确地调整各项土壤和作物管理措施,最大限度地优化使用各项农业投入(如化肥、农药、水、种子和其他方面的投入量),以获取最高产量和最大经济效益,同时减少化学物质使用,保护农业生态环境,保护土地等自然资源.本文从精准农业对数据的要求入手,提出以格网为单元的精准农业数据库的设计思...  相似文献   

基于Google Earth Engine和NDVI时序差异指数的作物种植区提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高农作物种植信息遥感监测的效率,扩展数据适用范围,本文提出了一种基于时间序列NDVI差异指数的作物种植区提取方法。随着海量遥感与云计算的发展,Google Earth Engine作为一个全球尺度地理空间分析云平台,弥补了单机计算耗时长的不足,为快速遥感分类带来了新机遇。基于Google Earth Engine平台,以河南省开封市杞县为研究区,以2019—2020年杞县地区多时相Sentinel-2影像为数据源,结合物候信息,根据不同作物在时间序列NDVI曲线上的差异构建NDVI时序差异指数,从而提取作物种植区,区分不同作物类型,并与其他方法进行了精度验证和对比。结果表明:① NDVI时序差异指数法以作物物候信息为基础,与GEE高性能的计算能力相结合,形成了作物种植信息快速提取框架,可以方便快捷地进行作物种植区提取,较本地处理具有明显优势;② 杞县冬小麦和大蒜种植区有明显的空间分异性,冬小麦种植区主要集中在研究区西北部以及南部的农村居民点周围,而杞县大蒜则由于产品流通需要,主要集中在研究区中部以及东北部,居民点较为密集,交通便利的城市周边;③ 与时间序列支持向量机法和最大似然法相比较, NDVI时序差异指数进行作物种植区提取的总体精度达到83.72%, Kappa系数为0.67,分别比最大似然法提高了10.02%和0.21,比支持向量机法提高了4.18%和0.09,表明该方法能更高效率,更高精度地提取作物种植信息,实现区域作物种植信息的高效准确监测。总体来看,该方法在一定程度上可拓展遥感数据在农业领域的应用范围,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

及时、准确地获取农作物种植信息,对于农业生产管理和国家粮食安全有重要意义。目前越来越多的免费卫星数据可以用于作物分类及生理参数反演。Sentinel-2卫星于2015年6月发射,提供了13个光谱波段,具有较高的时间分辨率、空间分辨率和光谱分辨率,为不同作物特征区分以及大范围作物种植面积快速提取业务化运行的精度与效率提高带来了契机。随着Sentinel-2数据的免费下载,这就为大面积生产下一代区域或者国家尺度的高分辨率(10~30 m)农情遥感产品提供了可能。物候信息包含了作物随着季节不断变化的特征,利用如NDVI等时间序列植被指数找出不同作物的特征进而开展作物分类得到了广泛应用。本文以油菜为主要研究对象,以长江中下游地区的江汉平原为实验区,基于作物物候差异与面向对象决策树的方法,对Sentinel-2卫星影像用于油菜种植区提取的效果进行了评估与分析。首先利用作物不同生长时期各波段光谱信息以及归一化植被指数等信息的差异分析并找出油菜种植区提取的最佳时相,然后对影像进行多尺度分割,根据对象特征建立决策树逐一去除非植被、林地等干扰类型,进而提取出油菜种植区域。通过分析发现,基于Sentinel-2影像的图像分割可以有效生成不同作物类型的对象;油菜开花期的特征是其区分于其他作物的关键因素,利用该特征可以有效消除分类时其他地物类型对油菜的影响,提高作物分类信息提取的精度和效率。研究表明:在区分油菜的决策树分类特征信息中,贡献最大的是归一化植被指数(NDVI),近红外波段(NIR)和亮度(Brightness)信息。用162个油菜验证样本点计算混淆矩阵,油菜种植面积提取的总体分类精度为98%以上,Kappa系数为0.95。说明结合物候信息利用Sentinel-2数据进行大范围作物种植面积提取具有巨大潜力,可以提高大范围油菜种植区域快速提取的精度和效率。  相似文献   

基于抽样技术的地面调查与遥感影像分类相结合的方法在大范围作物种植面积提取中得到广泛使用。无人机影像具有低成本、高时效、高分辨率的一系列优点,可以快速实现特定区域范围内的农情采样任务。本文以水稻样地为研究对象,采用便携式无人机Mavic Pro进行航拍。对所获取无人机影像进行预处理生成分辨率为3.95cm/pix的正射影像,采用面向对象的思想,目视评价和ESP工具相结合快速选择了最优分割尺度为300,应用了支持向量机、随机森林和最邻近监督分类方法对影像进行了地物分类和水稻面积快速提取。采用目视解译分类结果进行分类结果和面积精度评价,总体精度最高的方法为最邻近分类法,此时水稻分类用户精度为95%,面积一致性精度为99%。研究结果说明了无人机遥感和自动分类能够在平原水稻种植区快速获取样方内高分辨率影像并提取水稻种植面积,弥补了农田被遮挡时地面调查数据的缺失,为大范围水稻种植面积、产量等信息的计算提供样本和验证依据。  相似文献   

论精准农业建设的地理信息技术关键   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
 精准农业是具有超前性的农业高技术,代表了当前国际上农业发展的新趋势,同样也是我国农业发展的重要方向。本文论述了精准农业建设中涉及的地理信息技术关键,包括多维农业信息动态获取、智能化数据分析及农业电子地图快速制作等,这对我国的精准农业建设将有重要的理论意义和实践价值  相似文献   

开展特定区域水稻种植产业布局是科学制定区域农业种植产业规划的重要内容,而水稻种植适宜性评价是水稻种植产业布局的前提。本文以中国好粮油示范县——福建省浦城县为研究区,基于层次分析模型构建土壤条件、立地条件、灌排条件、气候条件和机械耕作条件5大类共21个指标的水稻种植适宜性评价体系,利用地学模型、回归模型和空间插值等方法计算、模拟评价指标空间分布数据,形成5 m×5 m分辨率的评价指标栅格数据集,基于经验指数法建立适宜度指数模型,开展精细尺度下的水稻种植环境综合适宜性评价。利用实测样点水稻产量与水稻种植环境综合适宜度指数进行分析,发现二者呈显著正相关,验证了本研究评价工作的正确性和可行性。最后利用K-means属性聚类法识别研究区水稻种植多维环境适宜性的空间模式。结果表明:① 研究区水稻种植高度适宜、较适宜、中度适宜耕地面积占全县耕地面积的84.4%,次适宜耕地仅占15.6%,耕地整体适宜性较高;② Ⅰ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性和各类指标适宜性均较高;Ⅱ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较高,但灌排条件适宜性很低;Ⅲ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较高,但立地、土壤条件适宜性较低;Ⅳ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较低,灌排条件适宜性最低。本研究可为水稻种植适宜性评价提供方法借鉴,并为浦城县更合理科学地开展农业种植规划提供依据。  相似文献   

In terms of demands of rice farming in the southern China,the information processing system and the yield measurement system that is installed in combine harvester,are designed and completed.Now the systems have been used in demonstration site in the Experiment Base of Shanghai Precision Agriculture.Based on the idea of spa-tial-oriented,object-oriented,user-oriented,the Farm Geographic Information System for precision farming of rice was developed,which is characterized by intelligence and visualized.The Decision-making Management System is integrated with rice growth model,expert model for rice cultivation.The DGPS,RS,GIS and intelligence sensors and computer technique were adopted in building the artificial intelligence system for measuring grain yield that is installed in combine har-vester,so the combine harvester could provide the grain yield distribution map real-timely.The environmental and econom-ic assessment shows that the precision rice farming applied in the demonstration site will benfit the society,economy and ecology greatly.  相似文献   

及时准确地获取水稻种植模式变化对于有效防控“非粮化”和完成“双碳”目标具有重要意义。现有研究多基于固定时间窗口挖掘水稻生长期特征,且多使用的是单一卫星影像数据,难以应用于大范围水稻制图。本文通过Sentinel-1/2数据构建动态窗口提取移栽期光学/雷达特征,利用其耦合关系实现水稻种植模式制图。将该算法应用于湖南和江西两省水稻制图。基于1402个地面参考点位对水稻提取结果进行验证,总体精度达92.80%;在县域尺度上,湖南和江西两省水稻制图面积与农业统计数据也具有高度一致性,R2达0.85以上。相比于用固定窗口进行水稻特征提取,该方法具有较强的鲁棒性和迁移能力,为实现更大范围作物制图提取提供新的思路和参考依据。2018—2021年江西省水稻制图结果表明,水稻总种植面积减少9.47%,约3460 km2,水稻种植强度从1.62下降至1.49;在种植模式上,“双改中”趋势明显,双季稻种植面积锐减21.61%,其中约84%改种中稻。  相似文献   

空间数据模型建立的目的是反映现实世界。当今的GIS系统的空间数据模型,主要反映地图制图领域的点、线、面对象管理与操作的几何知识。本文通过对比研究,发现土地管理空间概念的领域知识,包含几何知识。几何知识是依据几何特征属性识别的土地管理领域知识之一。将土地管理领域空间概念的领域知识对象化,建立与几何知识对象等价的对象组件,扩展对象关系型的空间数据模型,建立了"[领域空间知识对象]+[GIS的点、线、面的几何对象]+[扩展属性]"的空间数据模型。这种模型简化了空间数据库的管理操作,降低了对工作人员制图专业知识的要求,降低了空间对象实例与其属性的耦合度,减少了政策变化对数据的影响程度,提高了数据的稳定性和共享度。鉴于这种空间数据库模型,本文开发了空间知识对象的江苏省"515"城乡一体化地籍系统的数据检查子系统,在镇江市、江都市等多个市县的"515"城乡一体化地籍调查的数据检查入库工作中得以应用,证明了模型设计的可行性,收到了良好的效果,为专题GIS空间数据管理,提供了一种的新的空间数据模型。  相似文献   

Many agricultural landscapes have been formed through the interaction and co-evolution of nature and people, and represent the living landscapes shaped over time through intensive and continuous human cultivation. Terraced paddy fields are being re-evaluated to take into account the multiple functions they fill beyond only rice cultivation, particularly their contribution to the national biodiversity strategy of Japan. Since the 1990s, terraced paddy fields have been considered a representative cultural landscape of Japan and, at the same time, multi-stakeholder conservation activities have been conducted throughout Japan to reverse the increasing abandonment of terraces. Shiroyone Senmaida is an outstanding cultural landscape and a major tourist attraction in Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa Prefecture, which was designated through an initiative by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) pilot site in 2011. It is important to clarify tourist preference for terraced paddy field landscapes to contribute to future policy making toward improved agricultural landscape conservation. A key finding of this study is that tourists visiting to enjoy the agricultural landscape are also concerned on the sustainability of the farming methods and preferred to maintain the naturalness of the landscape. Respondents with higher educational levels and greater concern for the biological and traditional farming knowledge aspects of the rice terraces were also more inclined to favor sustainable farming practices. Tourists preferred to maintain the naturalness and rurality of the agricultural landscape, and indicated that construction of excessive tourist facilities would cause the landscape to deteriorate. It was suggested that the local community and surroundings, including rural settlements, hills, and forests, should also be conserved together with the scenic terrace.  相似文献   

Content and density of soil organic carbon(SOC) and labile and stable SOC fractions in peat mire soil in wetland, soybean field and rice paddy field reclaimed from the wetland around Xingkai Lake in Northeast China were studied. Studies were designed to investigate the impact of reclamation of wetland for soybean and rice farming on stability of SOC. After reclamation, SOC content and density in the top 0–30 cm soil layer decreased, and SOC content and density in soybean field were higher than that in paddy field. Content and density of labile SOC fractions also decreased, and density of labile SOC fractions and their ratios with SOC in soybean field were lower than that observed in paddy field. In the 0–30 cm soil layer, densities of labile SOC fractions, namely, dissolved organic carbon(DOC), microbial biomass carbon(MBC), readily oxidized carbon(ROC) and readily mineralized carbon(RMC), in both soybean field and paddy field were all found to be lower than those in wetland by 34.00% and 13.83%, 51.74% and 35.13%, 62.24% and 59.00%, and 64.24% and 17.86%, respectively. After reclamation, SOC density of micro-aggregates( 0.25 mm) as a stable SOC fraction and its ratio with SOC in 0–5, 5–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm soil layers increased. SOC density of micro-aggregates in the 0–30 cm soil layer in soybean field was 50.83% higher than that in paddy field. Due to reclamation, SOC density and labile SOC fraction density decreased, but after reclamation, most SOC was stored in a more complex and stable form. Soybean farming is more friendly for sustainable SOC residence in the soils than rice farming.  相似文献   

Transforming sloping land into terraced land is an effective approach to cope with the problems including farmland shortage and severe soil erosion.This paper introduces a new system based on rainwater harvesting and recycling technology,which may effectively improve farmland productivity rainwater use efficiency and reduce water and fertilizer inputs.The new system consists of three subsystems:1) A plough layer with the dual function of crop cultivation and rainwater harvesting; 2) A tank below the plough layer for storing water; 3) An irrigation-drainage subsystem.The plough layer and the storage tank,both treated for reducing seepage,are connected through the irrigation and drainage system.Results showed that,compared with the traditional paddy fields,rice evapotranspiration( and crop coefficient) in the test field remained at a similar level,while the irrigation amount was reduced by 44.3% under the condition of basin irrigation,and the drainage amount decreased by 86.6%,and the non-point source pollution was reduced to 67.7%~87.9%,and the rainwater utilization efficiency increased by 30% and reached 95.4%,and crop yield of middle-season rice reached 9,975 kg/hm2,which was only 0.4% lower than that in the traditional paddy field in the terms of dry matter.The new technology sheds light on new possibilities for transformation of hilly sloping land.  相似文献   

典型地物波谱库的数据体系与波谱模拟   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文讨论典型地物波谱知识库的数据体系与地物波谱模拟的相关问题 ,并给出波谱知识库支持的农业定量遥感应用示例。波谱知识库的数据体系强调波谱参数与环境参数的配套 ,波谱数据测量是在相关规范的支持下完成的 ,质量控制贯穿于数据采集的全过程。波谱模拟通过遥感物理模型完成 ,模拟波谱计算包括地表参数的时间、空间扩展与遥感物理模型运算。最后以作物生长模型结合植被组分光谱模型和冠层遥感模型为核心 ,构造了定量遥感的农业示例。  相似文献   

Quantification of soil spatial and temporal variability at watershed scale is important in ecological modeling, precision agriculture, and natural resources management. The spatio-temporal variations of soil nitrogen under different land uses in a small watershed (12.10 km2) in the hilly area of purple soil at the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in southwestern China were investigated by using conventional statistics, geostatistics, and a geographical information system in order to provide information for land management and control of environmental issues. A total of 552 soil samples (0 to 15 cm) from 276 sites within the watershed were collected in April and August of 2011, and analyzed for soil total nitrogen (STN) and nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N). We compared spatial variations of STN and NO3-N under different land uses as well as the temporal variations in April (dry season) and August (rainy season). Results showed that STN contents were deeply affected by land-use types; median STN values ranged from 0.94 to 1.27 g·kg?1, and STN contents decreased in the following order: paddy field > forestland > sloping cropland. No significant difference was found for STN contents between April and August under the same land use. However, NO3-N contents were 23.26, 10.58, and 26.19 mg·kg?1 in April, and 1.34, 8.51, and 3.00 mg·kg?1 in August for the paddy field, sloping cropland and forestland, respectively. Nugget ratios for STN indicated moderate spatial dependence in the paddy field and sloping cropland, and a strong spatial dependence in forestland. The processes of nitrogen movement, transformation, absorption of plant were deeply influenced by land use types; as a result, great changes of soil nitrogen levels at spatial and temporal scales were demonstrated in the studied watershed.  相似文献   

Land-use change is an important aspect of global environment change. It is, in a sense, the direct result of human activities influencing our physical environment. Supported by the dynamic serving system of national resources, including both the environment database and GIS technology, this paper analyzed the land-use change in northeastern China in the past ten years (1990–2000). It divides northeastern China into five land-use zones based on the dynamic degree (DD) of land-use: woodland/grassland — arable land conversion zone, dry land — paddy field conversion zone, urban expansion zone, interlocked zone of farming and pasturing, and reclamation and abandoned zone. In the past ten years, land-use change of northeastern China can be generalized as follows: increase of cropland area was obvious, paddy field and dry land increased by 74.9 and 276.0 thousand ha respectively; urban area expanded rapidly, area of town and rural residence increased by 76.8 thousand ha; area of forest and grassland decreased sharply with the amount of 1399.0 and 1521.3 thousand ha respectively; area of water body and unused land increased by 148.4 and 513.9 thousand ha respectively. Besides a comprehensive analysis of the spatial patterns of land use, this paper also discusses the driving forces in each land-use dynamic zones. The study shows that some key biophysical factors affect conspicuously the conversion of different land-use types. In this paper, the relationships between land-use conversion and DEM, accumulated temperature (⩾10°C) and precipitation were analysed and represented. We conclude that the land-use changes in northeast China resulted from the change of macro social and economic factors and local physical elements. Rapid population growth and management changes, in some sense, can explain the shaping of woodland/grassland — cropland conversion zone. The conversion from dry land to paddy field in the dry land — paddy field conversion zone, apart from the physical elements change promoting the expansion of paddy field, results from two reasons: one is that the implementation of market-economy in China has given farmers the right to decide what they plant and how they plant their crops, the other factor is originated partially from the change of dietary habit with the social and economic development. The conversion from paddy field to dry land is caused prmarily by the shortfall of irrigation water, which in turn is caused by poor water allocation management by local governments. The shaping of the reclamation and abandoned zone is partially due to the lack of environment protection consciousness among pioneer settlers. The reason for the conversion from grassland to cropland is the relatively higher profits of farming than that of pasturing in the interlocked zone of farming and pasturing. In northeastern China, the rapid expansion of built-up areas results from two factors: the first is its small number of towns; the second comes from the huge potential for expansion of existing towns and cities. It is noticeable that urban expansion in the northeastern China is characterized by gentle topographic relief and low population density. Physiognomy, transportation and economy exert great influences on the urban expansion. Foundation item: Under the auspices of Knowledge Innovation program Key Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX-2-308). Biography: LIU Ji-yuan (1947 - ), male, a native of Shanghai Municipality, professor, Director General of Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include environment and resources, remote sensing and geography.  相似文献   

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