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中国已经步入以"走出去"为鲜明特征的经济全球化新阶段。针对国内经济地理学对中国对外直接投资研究尚较少或刚起步的现状,从全球和东盟区域尺度分析了中国对外直接投资的企业类型、区位分布、行业领域和投资来源地等特征。据此围绕目前中国对外直接投资区位研究的一个争论,结合地理学关注空间差异、地方、嵌入等因素的视角,探讨了中国对外直接投资的若干研究议题,包括:1)东道国和母国之间的制度距离对中国对外直接投资区位选择的影响机制;2)中国境外企业在东道国的地方嵌入机制——或者说企业克服母国和东道国制度差距的模式;3)不同类型(国有/非国有)、不同投资动机的企业对外直接投资区位决策的差异;4)中国各地区对外直接投资的差异及其形成的原因和产生的影响。简言之,对中国对外直接投资的经济地理研究需要同时关注投资"流入地"和"流出地"的地理分异现象及其形成机制。  相似文献   

余官胜  林俐 《地理研究》2015,34(2):364-372
企业对外直接投资海外集群和区位选择均是当前理论和政策的热门话题,着眼于研究两者之间的关系。由于东道国国别经济存在较大的差异,因此中国企业在对外直接投资区位选择过程中较为注重特定的国别状况,东道国经济规模、人均收入、贸易开放、资源条件等因素均构成了企业对外直接投资区位选择的影响因素,此外本国企业在东道国的海外集群也是企业对外直接投资区位选择决策的不可忽视因素。利用浙江省微观企业数据构造二值选择模型,并使用浙江省在某东道国的对外直接投资项目数度量在该国的海外集群状况,研究发现:企业海外集群是东道国吸引新晋企业对外直接投资的重要区位优势,并且这种区位优势在资源越丰富和市场规模越大的国家发挥的作用也越大。为了消除回归的内生性问题,使用地理距离作为企业海外集群的工具变量,通过二阶段二值选择模型得出了类似的结论;并且通过分样本实证研究发现无论在发达国家还是发展中国家东道国,企业海外集群吸引新晋企业对外直接投资的正向影响均保持不变。结果说明了企业对外直接投资海外集群具有自我延续性,也反映了信息在企业对外直接投资区位选择中的重要性。  相似文献   

基于关系视角的中国对外直接投资区位   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
作为发展中国家和转型期经济体,中国在对外直接投资发展中具有很强的特殊性,较多的受到国家政策及其经济增长方式的影响,具有明显的政策导向、资源导向和国有经济为主体的特征。在此背景之下,本文基于2002-2012年的中国企业对外直接投资数据和2003-2011年的中国对外直接投资流量、存量金额数据,在经典国际直接投资理论的基础上,从"关系"的视角出发,结合中国对外直接投资发展历程,系统、详细地分析了中国对外直接投资的发展模式和区位分布特征。研究发现:中国的对外直接投资在区位分布、产业分布、投资模式和企业所有制方面都相对集中,但都呈现出向多元化发展的趋势;与东道国之间存在密切的政治关系、社会关系和经济关系是中国对外直接投资的区位选择的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

基于关系视角的中国对外直接投资研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于关系视角梳理了国内外对外直接投资的研究进展,认为已有的传统理论在解释中国企业对外投资方面虽仍起作用,但难以解释中国跨国企业缺乏所有权优势、快速的国际化步伐和依赖社会关系网络等显著特征,因此必须用中国特有的变量加以补充解释;一方面,文章重点综述了基于合同和契约建立的正式关系网络,强调政治关系和经济关系对中国企业对外直接投资的影响;另一方面,深入探讨基于情感和血缘建立的非正式关系网络对企业跨国投资的影响,认为华人华侨网络是影响中国对外直接投资具有中国特色的关键变量,能帮助企业有效地了解当地制度与文化,实现地方嵌入。最后,提出针对中国特点的中国企业对外直接投资的研究方向:1)建构基于中国特色的企业对外直接投资理论框架;2)基于关系视角的中国企业对外直接投资需要进一步探讨;3)基于族裔网络关系视角的对外直接投资研究有待探索。  相似文献   

西部大开发引进海外华人华侨"资源"的思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
作者通过实地调研了解到海外华人华侨“资源”已经对中国西部开发发挥作用,以下三个方面是进一步引进华人华侨“资源”开发西部的主要方向:一是以其浓厚乡情为引导,在教育,扶贫,救灾等方面继续做突出贡献:二是发挥新移民中的高层次人才对其家乡如川,渝等地的高科技领域中的开拓作用。三是原籍北西部海外华人华侨也已经在西部投资办企业,作者认为,凭借西部地区丰富的资源,只要营造良好投资环境,进一步引进原籍非西部地区海外华人华侨“资源”的前景十分广阔。  相似文献   

上海对外直接投资的特征和模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文首先从经济发展水平、产业结构和出口依存度角度, 分析上海对外直接投资的动力机制,继而在阐明产业演化规律的基础上,总结出上海对外直接投资的产业特征和模式。文中还对企业对外投资区位选择的特征和区位选择的模式作了规律性的概括。  相似文献   

自上世纪90年代后半期开始,世界经济呈现一体化整合的态势,全球和中国对外直接投资的规模不断扩大,温州民营企业对外直接投资也快速发展,被商务部称为“走出去”的“温州模式”。本文基于全球生产网络理论,建立了民营企业对外直接投资区位选择的优势拓展因素、制度利用因素和优势寻求因素的分析框架。通过温州民营企业对外直接投资区位选择的实证分析结果来看,优势拓展因素仍起到重要作用,优势寻求型的技术创新资源、市场营销渠道、市场信息资源是区位选择新的重要因素,但制度因素的作用也不可忽视。  相似文献   

陈秀容 《地理研究》2001,20(3):354-363
东南亚是海外华人华侨社会历史最悠久、人口最多、经济角色十分突出的地区。总体上,华人华侨与所在国原住民和睦相处,已逐步融入主流社会,为当地社会进步做出了贡献。但由于各国历史发展不同,华人与所在国原住民融合程度大不相同。本文以印尼与泰国相比较,探讨华人与原住民融合状况,并从政治经济和社会文化因素等方面对造成悬殊差别的原因进行了分析  相似文献   

跨国公司对华直接投资区位选择战略分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
姜岩 《世界地理研究》2003,12(3):32-37,58
区位因素是影响跨国公司制定对外直接投资战略的重要因素之一。本文以香港、澳门、日本、韩国、美国、德国等国家和地区为代表,分析了跨国公司对华直接投资的动机及区位选择战略,在此基础上提出加入WTO之后中国企业海外直接投资的区位选择战略。  相似文献   

东南亚华人企业集团对华直接投资的区位选择与产业特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
开展东南亚华人企业集团对华直接投资研究,对于进一步吸引东南亚华人资本,正确引导华人资本的流向,加强中国与东南亚国家之间的经贸合作,具有重要的理论和现实意义。本文通过定性与定量分析的方法,在探讨东南亚华人企业集团对华直接投资的空间分布与转移规律的基础上,构建了其区位选择模型,进而深入剖析东南亚华人企业集团对华直接投资的产业特征。  相似文献   

With the implementation of the "Going out" strategy and the Belt and Road Initiative, China's investments have become increasingly influential in the global market. The contemporary literature has revealed how overseas Chinese networks and communities have actively promoted foreign investments into China over the past four decades. Whether this factor can help Chinese capital flow out once again is still ambiguous. This study examines this question by investigating Chinese corporate investments in Southeast Asia from 2001 to 2016. Through the discrete-selection logistic regression model, the study analyzes the correlation between overseas Chinese social networks and the location choices of Chinese corporate investments. The results show the following:(1) overall, there is a significant positive correlation between the population of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asian countries and the location choices of Chinese corporate investments;(2) in terms of the time sequence, the significance of the correlation is increasing, which implies that overseas Chinese have positive impacts on promoting the location choice of Chinese enterprises and that the impact is potentially increasing; and(3) in terms of the industrial structure and corporate functions, the impacts vary and are only significant in some industries and corporate segments.  相似文献   

Especially since 2012 Chinese companies have acquired stakes as investors and constructors of overseas ports in both high-income and emerging economies. These initiatives play an important role in the construction of a Maritime Silk Road and China's Belt and Road Initiative(BRI). Although a result of many factors, of which Chinese port investments are only one, macro-geographical gravity methods show that distance impedance and increases in the export market potential, export supply capacity and access to imports of these countries drove increases in income per capita. Export supply capacity rose particularly in Southeast Asia and more recently in Sub-Saharan Africa. In difficult times for the world economy, countries in which China invested in overseas port infrastructure saw increases in national export market potential and income per capita, due to reduction in the impedance of distance, while in the case of developing economies export market supply capacity and access to imported capital equipment and intermediate goods improved.  相似文献   

以中国企业2005~2015年对东南亚直接投资的项目作为研究样本,分析国有企业和民营企业在东南亚直接投资的国家选择和影响因素。研究表明,国有企业不回避政治风险较高的国家,倾向于开拓新的国家市场;相反,民营企业倾向投资政治风险低的国家,投资与中国贸易联系紧密、相对市场规模较大以及劳动力成本较低的国家。基于国有企业和民营企业对东南亚直接投资影响因素的差异,为中国对东南亚直接投资提出政策建议。  相似文献   

With rapid globalization, industrial parks are playing an increasingly important role in the national and regional development. Since the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI) was put forward, national-level overseas industrial parks of China have emerged with new development features and trends. It is of great importance to carry out a comparative study on domestic and overseas industrial parks of China. Based on the perspective of spatiotemporal evolution, this paper compares and analyzes national-level overseas industrial parks along the Belt and Road(BR) and domestic industrial parks of China. In time, China's industrial parks have experienced four stages with distinctive state-led characteristic. There are different development paths and modes for overseas industrial parks along the BR and domestic industrial parks. In space, the national-level overseas industrial parks are invested and constructed by Chinese enterprises(mostly from the coastal developed cities), and mainly distributed in the countries along the BR. Through typical cases comparison of Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone and Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area, the paper finds that national-level overseas industrial parks are basically market-driven and concentrated in traditional advantageous industries, while domestic industrial parks are mainly government-led high-tech industries. Localization of overseas industrial parks and remote coupling with domestic industrial parks become very important.  相似文献   

当前海外园区已成为中国与“一带一路”沿线国家开展经贸合作的重要平台,在“一带一路”建设中发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。目前国内外关于中国海外园区的研究多聚焦园区的经济功能,而其制度和文化平台功能有待深入探讨。基于制度和文化的视角,本文以柬埔寨西哈努克港经济特区为案例,剖析海外园区的运行机制和建设模式,揭示海外园区对中国中小企业对外投资的促进作用。研究发现,西哈努克港经济特区通过构建多层级协调机制、打造优良投资环境、促进信息与资源共享以及释放集聚经济效应,为入区企业提供了优质的制度环境和充足的跨国发展空间,帮助入区企业更好地适应东道国投资环境,为大量中小企业对外投资实现路径突破和路径创新提供了更多可能性。基于案例研究,本文认为海外园区对于中国中小企业对外投资起到了重要的促进作用,为它们海外投资克服制度与文化差异提供了缓冲空间和发育土壤,起到了“投资花园”的作用。  相似文献   

This article contributes to a small but growing body of multi-sited and multi-scalar research on the Belt and Road Initiative.We focus on relations at the national,regional and international scales,and present original research from China and Turkey,to show how the Istanbul-Ankara high-speed railway has served as a testing ground for China's Belt and Road Initiative(BRI).Its construction was initially funded by the European Investment Bank,but it is now part of the backbone of the Turkish Government's Middle Corridor plan which enhances west-east connectivity and integration with the Caucasus and Central Asia.We show that in contrast to multinational corporations from the OECD that seek to remain footloose,Chinese state-owned enterprises(SOEs)seek to adapt to,apprehend and ultimately shape local in-stitutions.In the case of Turkey this proved difficult given its institutional alignment with the European Union.Thus,while the railway project was completed successfully by a consortium led by a Chinese SOE,Turkey's dynamic and complex regulatory environment discourages Chinese SOEs in the infrastructure sector.We conclude that the Turkish and Chinese gov-ernments are currently pursuing complementary territorial visions yet their cooperation is project-based and pragmatic.  相似文献   

This article contributes to a small but growing body of multi-sited and multi-scalar research on the Belt and Road Initiative. We focus on relations at the national, regional and international scales, and present original research from China and Turkey, to show how the Istanbul-Ankara high-speed railway has served as a testing ground for China's Belt and Road Initiative(BRI). Its construction was initially funded by the European Investment Bank, but it is now part of the backbone of the Turkish Government's Middle Corridor plan which enhances west-east connectivity and integration with the Caucasus and Central Asia. We show that in contrast to multinational corporations from the OECD that seek to remain footloose, Chinese state-owned enterprises(SOEs) seek to adapt to, apprehend and ultimately shape local institutions. In the case of Turkey this proved difficult given its institutional alignment with the European Union. Thus, while the railway project was completed successfully by a consortium led by a Chinese SOE, Turkey's dynamic and complex regulatory environment discourages Chinese SOEs in the infrastructure sector. We conclude that the Turkish and Chinese governments are currently pursuing complementary territorial visions yet their cooperation is project-based and pragmatic.  相似文献   

“一带一路”生产网络及中国参与程度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着全球化深入发展,全球生产网络已经成为协调和组织全球生产活动最主要的组织平台。共建“一带一路”倡议的提出标志着包容性全球化时代的到来,中国也将更快速、深入地融入全球生产网络中。在此背景下,“一带一路”沿线地区内部是否形成了较强的生产网络联系,中国在其中的参与程度又如何,是一个非常有意义的研究议题。论文基于全球生产网络视角,运用投入产出分析、增加值分解以及网络分析等方法,开展了定量研究。结果表明:① 研究期内,“一带一路”区域内部生产网络联系强度不断提升;② 中国在“一带一路”生产网络价值流动中处于核心和首位地位,且首位优势不断增强;③ 中国获取增加值空间分布上,呈现出东高西低、东南集聚的空间特征,东南亚是中国获取增加值的最主要来源地;④ 中国从“一带一路”沿线国家最终品中获取增加值效率较低,面临着“低端锁定”的困境,价值捕获能力亟待进一步提升。因此,中国应加大空间整合力度,最大化与“一带一路”区域的生产合作,同时进行由增量到提质的发展方式转型,提升增加值获取效率,为中国经济发展找到新的增长点。  相似文献   

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