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渗漏问题一直是赤泥堆场的一个难题。在岩溶地区的赤泥堆场,因岩溶裂隙管道的存在,渗漏的产生是必然的,而防渗处理又是一个比较复杂、系统的工程。而对堆存强碱性(溶液的pH值≥12)液、固体物的堆场,若发生废液外渗,其对环境的危害及影响都较大。对赤泥堆场岩溶渗漏通道采取垂直帷幕注浆、场内封堵落水洞、赤泥铺盖等综合防渗措施进行治理,通过灌浆前后地层的渗透性对比和泉点水质监测,结果表明防渗治理的效果很好。  相似文献   

刘浩  田茂中 《中国岩溶》2019,38(4):515-523
冗赖水库位于珠江流域的北盘江与南盘江两大水系之间的高原岩溶台地,左右岸外侧均存在低邻槽谷,坝址下游存在底部发育落水洞的大型岩溶海子,水库成库难度大,当地人饮水问题突出。通过岩溶水文地质调查、钻探、物探、连通试验等手段,从地形条件、地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质条件、岩溶发育特征等方面,对冗赖水库成库条件进行了分析论证。认为水库库盆底部依托隔水性岩体,不存在库水渗漏问题,但水库两岸受分水岭地下水位低、断层破碎带及岩溶发育等影响,存在库水渗漏问题,同时库首两岸可能存在顺平缓岩层面、溶蚀裂隙等产生渗漏问题。因此建议采用垂直防渗方式,防渗标准(透水率)小于3 Lu或防渗帷幕下限接稳定地下水位以下10 m,遇到溶洞等地质缺陷时应查明其分布特征,并根据实际情况降低防渗底线。   相似文献   

岩溶区尾矿库渗漏是矿山引发环境污染的主要途径之一,其形成机理复杂、治理难度大,已成为矿业开发中的重大隐患。岩溶区尾矿库渗漏是复杂的、多因素共同作用的结果。渗漏虽然受多种因素的影响,但其发生主要是由上部附加应力作用、下部岩溶发育程度和地下水侵蚀(掏蚀)作用3个影响因素决定。文章在总结和分析前人研究的基础上,结合北山铅锌矿尾矿库最新调查成果,通过调查分析尾矿库的地质构造、岩溶发育特征、工程地质条件、水文地质条件等因素,对影响尾矿库渗漏的3个主要因素逐一分解,研究了深层与浅层渗漏的形成机理与破坏机制,结果表明尾砂堆积、高水头压力等产生的附加应力导致了库底岩土体支撑应力的破坏,频繁、大幅度的水位波动以及地下水侵蚀(掏蚀)作用产生的负压效应引发岩溶管道的连通,是导致尾矿库渗漏的主要原因。通过螺栓堵塞技术、配制有机充填材料封堵渗漏通道、地下水引流、坡面防护等措施对渗漏区进行了治理,取得了较好的防渗效果。   相似文献   

岩溶地区岩体裂隙网络渗流分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王环玲  徐卫亚  余宏明 《岩土力学》2005,26(7):1080-1084
岩溶区由于其特殊的岩性,造成岩体裂隙非常发育,这些发育的裂隙很容易形成连通网络,在具有化学侵蚀性水流的作用下,裂隙通道被加宽,从而导致渗漏量增加。在岩溶区岩体裂隙发育特点的基础上对岩体裂隙网络进行了划分,用Monte-Carlo三维模拟技术模拟岩体裂隙的发育程度,同时也模拟出裂隙网络连通图,该图再现了优势裂隙的发育方向。在岩体节理网络的基础上,将各种裂隙和孔隙按规模和渗透性分为四级处理, 即一级真实裂隙网络、二级随机裂隙网络、三级等效连续介质体系、四级连续介质体系,各级裂隙之间以水量平衡原理建立联系。然后采用多重裂隙网络渗流模型对岩溶区岩体裂隙的渗流进行分析。研究表明,将多重裂隙网络渗流模型应用于岩溶区坝基岩体渗流分析中,能够比较确切而直观的反映出岩溶区岩体裂隙系统渗流分布规律,对岩溶区水库的防渗和防腐蚀措施具有重要的指导意义  相似文献   

在总结和分析前人研究成果的基础上,结合云南省罗平湾子水库地层岩性、地质构造、水文地质工程地质条件、岩溶发育特征、水库汇流条件、多次补漏未遂等因素,对影响水库渗漏的主要因素进行分解,结果表明:岩溶强发育带地层中溶蚀孔、洞发育,土工膜铺盖封闭库底,蓄水后便在土工膜之下、地下水位之上的岩溶空隙中形成真空,在库水位频繁、大幅度波动条件下易发生真空吸蚀作用,充填物部分被淘空;库底以上的蓄水压力与库底以下的真空产生的负压叠加后形成附加应力,当附加应力大于孔洞之上岩土体的抗剪强度,或大于孔、洞充填物与洞壁之间的粘结强度时发生冲切破坏,这是导致水库多次补漏未遂,且同一渗漏片区重复发生岩溶塌陷、出现落水洞的主要原因。在库区内补漏具有很大的局限性,而在库区外适当部位设置防渗帷幕,不仅可根治渗漏,还可明显抬高地下水位,改善蓄水条件,扩大原设计库容数倍。   相似文献   

磷石膏堆场特别是岩溶区堆场渗漏对地下水和地表水水质影响较大。根据现场连通试验、物探及钻探揭示资料分析,研究区主要有三种渗漏类型:裂隙型(双眼井泉)、裂隙-管道型(发财洞岩溶管道)和管道型(鸭草坝岩溶管道水系统)。天然不防渗条件下,库水通过地表落水洞、溶缝和溶隙等入渗地下水,产生岩溶渗漏。入渗补给独田地区的S1号泉、杨花冲地区的S23号泉、下摆郎地区的S13、S14号泉。其它泉水受隔水层的阻隔及地下水的补、排条件所限,没有受到污染。独田堆场运行后堆场存在渗漏情况,但是,防渗系统运行后渗漏的污染情况较之前有较为明显的下降。  相似文献   

通过水文地质勘察,查清了扎塘赤泥库向牟老泉和百花湖方向的岩溶渗漏通道,根据弥散试验和长期水质监测资料,建立了水动力弥散叠加模型,进行了渗漏污染预测评价。对岩溶渗漏通道采取了垂直帷幕注浆、库内封堵落水洞、赤泥铺盖等综合防渗措施,历时10年,实现了在岩溶发育地区对高浓度碱水进行防渗治理的预定目标,杜绝了扎塘赤泥库废水外排,治理工程取得了显著的效果,保护了岩溶水资源环境。   相似文献   

通过水文地质勘查,分析了渣场的地质构造、岩溶发育及水文地质条件,基本弄清了长空渣场的岩溶渗漏方向:当渣场堆渣高程为1261.0—1263.5m,向北渗漏;当堆渣高程超过1263.5m,直至1290.0m,将会造成发散性渗漏,即向北、向南东及向西产生邻谷渗漏。用一维水动力弥散公式进行了渗漏污染预测评价。根据岩溶渗漏类型,提出了渣场应采取压实粘土加铺设高密度聚乙烯膜(HDPE膜)全水平防渗措施。  相似文献   

平寨水库坝址区以碳酸盐岩为主,岩溶较发育,水库左岸底层灌浆廊道大型充填溶洞,是水库地下工程施工开挖中揭露的规模最大、对水库渗漏影响最大、设计及施工处理难度最大的溶洞。本文以工程前期地质勘察工作为基础,在区域地貌、地质构造格局、地层岩性、地表及地下水系发育特征研究的基础上,结合工程防渗施工揭露的岩溶水文地质现象、洞穴充填物研究等,从可溶性岩层、地下水来源及运移途径、暗河冲刷与洞顶坍塌作用4个方面,对溶洞发育形成机制进行了研究。分析认为,鸡场背斜北西翼纵向张裂隙和横张裂隙及层间滑脱、断裂破碎带,为五里大洞鸡场洼地上坝洼地地下水向三岔河的径流提供了运移的原始空间与通道,形成溶洞的地下水为五里大洞鸡场洼地上坝洼地地下暗河,长期溶蚀作用使裂隙通道变为溶蚀宽缝并最终转化为岩溶管道,岩溶水沿此通道在左岸底层灌浆廊道桩号0+238~0+296m附近下中部岩体呈虹吸状循环,地下水的强烈冲刷与洞顶坍塌在溶洞形成过程中的作用巨大,后因深部径流条件改变,岩溶管道被逐渐堵塞,形成如今的大型充填溶洞。  相似文献   

莲花台水电站岩溶发育特征及工程意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据地质调查和勘探资料,阐明莲花台水电站坝址区岩溶发育形态、规模及空间展布特征,归纳岩溶发育规律。结果表明:坝址区岩溶发育主要受岩性和地质构造控制,岩溶现象分布范围广,岩溶发育较为密集,具有垂向分带性及空间分布不均匀性的特征;岩溶发育对工程的影响主要表现在岩溶渗漏和岩溶塌陷稳定问题两个方面,岩溶渗漏可能造成电站无法达到设计正常蓄水水位,岩溶空间的存在可能引起坝基抗滑稳定问题。因此,建议设置防渗帷幕,并对坝基开挖揭露的溶洞进行换填加固及固结灌浆等工程处理措施,通过处理,可有效避免岩溶发育对工程的影响。   相似文献   

白云岩和石灰岩山区石漠化速度差异原因分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
石漠化主要形成在由白云岩和石灰岩组成的碳酸盐岩分布区。白云岩石漠化的发生率较石灰岩低。主要原因是白云岩与石灰岩相比,总体特征是风化颜色深、矿物颗粒粗且分布不均匀、硬度大容易破碎、孔隙并口裂隙发育、表面粗糙。白云岩的这些特征有利于物理风化成壤,有利于保存土壤和植被生活,石漠化的发生率就相对较低。  相似文献   

张静  张宝民  单秀琴 《地质通报》2017,36(4):664-675
塔里木、四川及鄂尔多斯盆地是中国中西部海相白云岩的主要发育地区。三大盆地重点层系海相白云岩新近的成因研究表明,大规模准同生白云岩和埋藏成因白云岩的发育均与蒸发台地密切相关。蒸发台地中由海水浓缩形成的富Mg~(2+)卤水一方面在准同生期,通过蒸发泵和下渗机制交代碳酸钙沉积物而形成与蒸发岩共生的准同生白云岩,另一方面作为富含Mg~(2+)的地层孔隙水,在准同生-浅埋藏期乃至中、深埋藏期,通过侧向渗透、侧向与垂向压实排挤和垂向热对流机制与粗结构的碳酸钙沉积物发生交代反应,在蒸发岩系周边和上下形成广泛分布的埋藏成因白云岩。与热流体作用有关的白云石化主要依靠构造断裂、裂缝、不同级次的层序界面、孔洞层等输导体系发生,分布较局限。热流体云化常表现为对先期白云岩进行叠加改造而形成热水改造白云岩。热流体性质不一,可以是深埋藏混合热水、深部循环水、地幔深部的岩浆热液等。白云石(岩)的生物成因不仅表现为微生物作用导致白云石直接沉淀,还表现为生物的存在与活动为白云石化作用提供Mg~(2+)和云化流体通道。由微生物和宏观藻释放出Mg~(2+),在埋藏期对方解石进行交代是各种富含藻类的灰岩中部分白云石的重要形成机制。生物扰动可明显改善岩石的孔渗性,从而显著促进白云石化作用的发生。  相似文献   

The Ringwood evaporite is part of the 900 m.y. old Bitter Springs Formation, a warm-water shallow-marine sequence of stromatolitic dolomite and limestone, microfossiliferous chert, red beds, quartzite, and evaporites. The evaporite at Ringwood comprises two parts: (i) a lower 127 m characterized by brecciated pyritic bituminous dolomite, together with smaller amounts of dolomite-gypsum breccia, friable chloritic dololutite, coarsely crystalline anhydrite, and satin-spar gypsum; and (ii) an upper 133 m which is similar except that bituminous dolomite forms only one bed, and the characteristic rock-type is dolomite-gypsum breccia. The evaporite is overlain by limestone breccia and massive stromatolitic limestone, interpreted as an algal reef. Gypsum is secondary after anhydrite, and the ratio of gypsum to anhydrite increases upwards. The evaporite shows none of the features of a sabkha or desiccated deep ocean basin deposit, and instead is interpreted as the filling of a barred basin which was cut off from the ocean by growth of an algal barrier reef. As circulation became restricted, bituminous dolomite deposited in the lagoon behind the reef, together with pyrite from the destruction by anaerobic bacteria of algal debris derived from the reef. With continued evaporation, brine concentration increased and gypsum precipitated. Occasional dust storms contributed wind-blown clay to the deposit. The barrier reef transgressed diachronously across the evaporite lagoon, and was eventually drowned when normal marine conditions became established. Burial of the evaporite to about 7000 m beneath the succeeding sediments of the Amadeus Basin converted gypsum to anhydrite, and formed chlorite by reaction of clay with dolomite. Late Palaeozoic tectonism folded and brecciated the rocks, and was followed by erosion which eventually exposed the evaporite to ingress of meteoric water. Hydration of anhydrite to gypsum ensued, the reaction becoming less complete with increasing depth from the ground surface.  相似文献   

With the deepening of oil and gas exploration, the importance of depth is increasingly highlighted. The risk of preservation of storage space in deep reservoirs is greater than that in shallow and medium layers. Deep layers mean older strata, more complex structural evolution and more complex hydrocarbon accumulation processes, and even adjustment and transformation of oil and gas reservoirs. This paper systematically investigates the current status and research progress of deep oil and gas exploration around the world and looks forward to the future research focus of deep oil and gas. In the deep, especially the ultra-deep layers, carbonate reservoirs play a more important role than clastic rocks. Karst, fault?karst and dolomite reservoirs are the main types of deep and ultra-deep reservoirs. The common feature of most deep large and medium-sized oil and gas reservoirs is that they formed in the early with shallow depth. Fault activity and evolution of trap highs are the main ways to cause physical adjustment of oil and gas reservoirs. Crude oil cracking and thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) are the main chemical modification effects in the reservoir. Large-scale high-quality dolomite reservoirs is the main direction of deep oil and gas exploration. Accurate identification of oil and gas charging, adjustment and reformation processes is the key to understanding deep oil and gas distribution. High-precision detection technology and high-precision dating technology are an important guarantee for deep oil and gas research.  相似文献   

渗漏污染是建干岩溶地区赤泥堆场的主要环境工程地质问题。解决这一问题的关键是通过查明地下水的渗流特性,从而确定其渗漏通道。试验研究表明,堆场内各水点之间、堆场与外部各水点存在一定的水力联系,其流速受季节影响,在枯水期较为缓慢;地下水流向主要取决于地下暗河的走向;堆场区地下水流向总体是自堆场向北流向右江,局部地下水的流向受构造和岩溶裂隙控制;岩溶管道是渗流的主要通道。因此,存在因赤泥渗流污染居民生产与生活水源地的可能,污染物的扩散途径主要是岩溶通道。  相似文献   

The transport process of nZnO in geosynthetic clay liner (GCL), an anti-seepage material used in municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, under different seepage temperature conditions was conducted. The transport behavior of nZnO in GCL was analyzed. Results showed that the retardation performance of current GCL used in MSW landfills anti-seepage system against nZnO pollutants was poor. nZnO successfully permeated the GCL and entered external soil–groundwater environment, posing health threats to the life of organisms. Although seepage temperature exerted a small effect on nZnO suspension leakage volume, change in seepage temperature affects the mass of transported nZnO in GCL by redispersion of nZnO in suspension. As the seepage temperature increases, the mass of nZnO that permeated the GCL increases, reaching a maximum at 50 °C, and then decreases.  相似文献   

In urban areas, there are many situations where basement of new constructions or underground utilities are proposed to be constructed adjacent to old buildings. Of greatest concern are buildings with shallow foundations that do not extend below the zone of influence of the adjacent excavation. For deep excavation, the presence of a cantilever stage at the beginning of a construction sequence can often lead to excessive movements. Therefore over-excavation can also be a primary cause of excessive movements. In the present study, shallow excavation was considered. Three Dimensional Finite Element (3D FE) study was carried out in the present study. A cantilever contiguous pile wall was selected because it is common and relatively economic to be used in cohesive soil. Parametric study were performed considering excavation depth, pile embedded depth, and wall stiffness. Some design recommendations were given to provide a safe supporting system in clay.  相似文献   

徐州岩溶塌陷时空分布规律及成因分析   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
文章通过对以往岩溶地面塌陷勘查工作成果进行系统梳理,揭示了徐州地区裸露型岩溶和覆盖型岩溶的分布规律及历史上岩溶塌陷的时空分布特征,发现塌陷的分布具有明显的规律性:(1)塌陷受废黄河断裂带控制,离废黄河断裂带越近岩溶发育越强烈,离废黄河断裂带较远的部位岩溶发育明显减弱;(2)塌陷主要分布于浅部岩溶强烈发育地段的奥陶系灰岩中,少数分布于寒武系灰岩之中;(3)塌陷集中分布在古河道形成的,砂性土单层结构地段,少数分布在砂性土-黏性土双层结构地段;(4)塌陷全部位于岩溶水开采降落漏斗内。结合岩溶塌陷的时间与地下水的动态活动过程之间的关系,全面分析地面塌陷形成的原因,提出了古河道与废黄河断裂带的重叠部位为岩溶地面塌陷发生的有利部位,但最终发生地面塌陷则是人类工程活动过程引起岩溶水位剧烈波动——大幅、快速下降的结果。该研究成果可为徐州市今后进一步防治岩溶塌陷地质灾害提供地质科学依据,有重要的实用价值。   相似文献   

湖南道县铁锰矿区岩溶发育影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈亮晶  姚腾飞  周鑫 《中国岩溶》2012,31(3):240-247
湖南道县铁锰矿区岩溶发育主要受地层岩性、地形地貌、断裂构造等因素的控制,岩溶形态主要有溶洞、暗河、溶沟、溶槽、漏斗、落水洞和溶蚀洼地等,岩溶非均一性特征明显。在地层岩性上,以矿区CaO含量最高的上泥盆统佘田桥组和锡矿山组下段二至四层白云质灰岩、白云岩与锡矿山组下段第一层泥灰岩、泥质灰岩隔水层交界部位岩溶最为发育,佘田桥组见溶洞260个,占总溶洞数的96.7%。在平面上,岩溶以中部及北部地势平坦的覆盖岩溶区最为发育,见洞率54.8%,其次是岩石裸露的东部及南部低山丘陵区,矿区南部见洞率40.4%。在垂向上,由浅及深岩溶发育由强至弱,标高0~220m钻孔揭露溶洞237个,占溶洞总数的86.5%,-150~0m揭露溶洞28个,占溶洞总数的10.2%,-400m以下无溶洞及溶蚀现象。在地质构造上,断裂及其影响带岩溶较发育,断裂带见溶洞209个,占总见洞数的76.3%,且溶洞充填率较高。   相似文献   

. A study has been conducted for the exploration of underground voids and strata conditions at shallow depth in a limestone mine of Manikgarh Cement at Maharashtra in India. The Manikgarh Cement is surrounded with high-quality limestone having platy formations with excessive fractures and fissures. A perennial river, the Amal Nala, is flowing across the middle of limestone mining lease of the Manikgarh Cement Captive Mine. The impact of this water body on the mining is the central theme of this study. Excavation of limestone is in progress in different blocks on both sides of the Amal Nala. For the purpose of planning it was necessary to know the ground conditions of the area surrounding the Amal Nala so that seepage of the water can be checked. If there is no adverse impact due to deepening of mining activity, the minerals lying at depth can be safely exploited. A ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey was carried out in the mining lease area to investigate the condition of the strata (status of fractures, cracks, cavities, etc., through which seepage or water percolation takes place). The results of this survey reveal that solid compact layers exist from the surface to depths varying from 2 to 5 m only along the three sections G1G1, G2G2 and G3G3 (lying in the mining area of the Manikgarh limestone along both sides of the Amal Nala). Fractured/weathered rocks and solution cavities exist from the surface to depths varying from 4 to 16.5 m. Therefore, extraction of limestone is possible only to depths of 2 to 5 m from the surface in this mining area. If extraction continues below this depth, the seepage of water from the Amal Nala will start due to the presence of enormous fractures and cavities (solution holes) in the underlying limestone strata. In addition, the water of the Amal Nala will be disturbed, which is the main water reservoir of this area.  相似文献   

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