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多种再分析地表温度资料在中国区域的适用性分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
朱智  师春香  张涛  朱晨  孟现勇 《冰川冻土》2015,37(3):614-624
利用1979-2010年中国805个站点的逐日地表温度观测资料与ERA-Interim、ERA-Interim/Land、JRA-55、NCEP/NCAR和NCEP/DOE五种再分析地表温度资料, 对五种再分析地表温度资料在中国区域的适用性进行了比较与分析. 结果表明: 从空间分布特征来看, JRA-55资料与观测资料最为接近; 五种再分析地表温度资料在东部地区的适用性好于西部地区, 且均不能很好地模拟出青藏高原地区和西北西部地区的地表温度分布. 从地表温度的长期变化来看, 五种再分析地表温度资料虽然可以描述地表温度变化趋势, 但均存在低估现象, 且低估现象随着地表温度的增加变得更加严重. 在地表温度人工观测和自动观测交接的时间段, 可以使用再分析资料作为地表温度均一化的参考序列.  相似文献   

地表温度综合反映了大气、植被和土壤等因素的能量交换状况, 是冻土分布模型和一些寒区陆面过程模式的上边界条件, 对多年冻土分布制图和活动层厚度估算有重要意义. 为了评估ERA-Interim 地表温度产品在青藏高原地区的适用性, 综合比较了青藏高原69个海拔2 000 m以上气象站1981-2013年地面实际观测值与ERA-Interim之间的差异及其分布状况. 结果表明, 两种资料的变化趋势一致, 但是ERA-Interim地表温度在数值上与实际观测值差别显著, 平均偏低7.4℃. 原因之一可能是由ERA-Interim再分析资料格点的海拔高度与气象站实际海拔高度差异引起的. 根据两种温度产品之间海拔的差异, 对ERA-Interim地表温度重新进行模拟, 经过模拟后的ERA-Interim地表温度与实际观测值的差值在大部分气象站变小, 平均偏高0.4℃. 因此, 经过重新模拟的ERA-Interim地表温度基本能够反映青藏高原地表温度的真实情况. 以模拟后的ERA-Interim地表温度作为地面冻结数模型的输入参数模拟了青藏高原冻土分布, 结果表明青藏高原多年冻土区面积为1.14×106 km2, 季节冻土区面积为1.43×106km2.  相似文献   

在全球变暖的背景下,南极已成为全球气候变化研究的热点,然而其区域内的观测站点稀疏且缺乏较长的时间序列,限制了人们对南极气候变化机制的分析与理解。Polar WRF作为目前最先进的极地区域气候模型之一,有力弥补了观测资料不足的缺陷,然而模式存在误差,在应用之前有必要对其定量评估。本文利用Polar WRF3.9.1对2004-2013年南极冰盖2m气温、10m风速和地表气压进行了数值模拟,并与28个气象站数据进行了对比分析,结果表明:模式对气温的模拟值在东南极沿岸偏低,在内陆偏高,在南极半岛既存在冷偏差也存在暖偏差,而对风速和气压的模拟整体呈高估。而从均方根误差和平均绝对误差的空间分布来看,模式对气温和气压的模拟结果在东南极沿岸的精度高于内陆和南极半岛,而风速则在内陆的精度要高于沿岸地区。但总体来说模拟效果较为理想,在2004-2013年间气温、风速、气压的模拟值的变化趋势与实测值的变化趋势相同。模式模拟的年平均2m气温和近地面气压在所有站点都通过了α=0.1的显著性检验,季节误差和月误差整体较小,且所有月份的相关系数都分别大于0.90与0.79。模式对10m风速的模拟精度要略低,部分沿岸站点的年平均误差超过了7.5m·s^(-1),但整体而言其在四季和各个月份的相关性均大于0.5且误差小于4.5m·s^(-1)。虽然Polar WRF作为天气模式,但在模拟长时间尺度的气候方面仍然表现较好。  相似文献   

海潮引起的滨海地区包气带气压周期性变化的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李海龙  焦赳赳 《地球科学》2003,28(5):505-510
滨海地区的地下水位由于海潮而上下波动, 这早已是为人熟知的事实.但是, 滨海地区包气带中气压也会随海潮的起伏而作周期性变化, 这一点却很少为人注意.如果地表由渗透性差的材料如水泥或沥青路面覆盖(这种情况在香港高度城市化的近海地区很常见), 海潮的起伏会产生幅度异常高的气压波动.在某些情形下, 足够高的气压会引起如路面拱起等工程问题.因此, 研究海潮引起的包气带气流, 不仅具有理论意义, 还对滨海地区土木工程有实际指导作用.以香港某滨海地区为例, 建立了该地区一剖面上水气两相流的二维数学模型, 并用TOUGH2程序进行了数值模拟.通过数值敏感度分析, 探讨了影响沥青路面下气压的主要水文地质因素.在根据该地区实际水文地质情况选取了适当的模型边界条件和模型参数后, 沥青路面下气压的数值模拟结果和观测数据吻合程度良好.   相似文献   

降水观测误差修正对降水变化趋势的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
依据中国气象局国家气候数据中心提供的660个气象站1951-2004年逐日气温、降水、风速资料, 以及雨雪类型资料, 在乌鲁木齐河源降水误差对比观测试验基础上, 对我国的降水资料进行了系统的修正计算. 这一修正不仅使降水量在数量上增加, 更接近实际值, 同时由于相关气象要素的变化, 还会对降水的长期变化趋势产生影响, 通过对比分析原始观测降水系列和修正后的降水系列的长期变化趋势, 结合理论分析估计这一影响的大小.结果表明: 我国观测和修正后的全国面积加权平均降水量分别为565.2 mm和654.9 mm, 平均修正量为89.7 mm (16%);修正后的降水系列, 绝对趋势大于实际观测系列趋势, 而相对趋势则小于观测系列. 全部台站统计结果表明, 实际的降水变化趋势被低估了6%, 而相对变化趋势被高估了约10%. 同时, 由于我国大部分地区风速呈减少趋势, 导致降水观测误差减小, 结果实际的降水变化趋势远小于观测资料显示的趋势值, 1955-2004年全国实测降水的变化趋势为-1.9 mm·(10a)-1, 而修正后降水的变化趋势高达-6.0 mm·(10a)-1. 目前依据实测的降水观测资料得出的降水变化趋势远远小于实际的变化趋势.  相似文献   

在渤海,中尺度模式预报的风速通常比实际风速低得多.利用1990-2001年渤海不同观测站的风场、温度场资料,按季节、风向对海、陆风速统计分析,得到海陆风速的对比值,同时对造成海陆风速差异的原因进行动力、热力等分析.结果表明:海、陆风速在不同的天气系统以及动力和热力方面都存在明显差异.据此渤海风速场推算模式进行了改进,既考虑动力摩擦的作用,也考虑热力差异引起的海陆风增幅作用,改进的渤海风场推算模式有了很大的提高.因此,应用改进后的渤海风速场推算模式,对中尺度数值预报的风速场进行订正,使预报的风速明显提高,更加接近实际情况.  相似文献   

青藏高原地区多套位势高度和风场再分析资料的对比分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
胡梦玲  游庆龙  林厚博 《冰川冻土》2015,37(5):1229-1244
针对20CR、CFSR、NCEP1、NCEP2、ERA-Interim、ERA-20CM和JRA-55再分析位势高度和风场资料,基于探空资料,采用计算均方根误差、相关分析等方法从气候均值、长期变化趋势和年际变率三个方面评估再分析资料在青藏高原地区的适用性.结果表明:再分析资料的适用性存在季节、空间和垂直层次上的差异.气候均值方面,NCEP1和ERA-Interim位势高度资料与观测资料最接近,适用性最佳,而ERA-20CM资料偏差最大.春夏季,NCEP2和NCEP1的风速资料质量较优,20CR和ERA-20CM资料质量相对较差;而秋冬季,ERA-20CM风速资料与探空资料最接近,质量最好.气候变化趋势方面,JRA-55、ERA-Interim和NCEP1资料质量存在时空的差异,但均能很好地反映出位势高度的变化趋势.年际变率方面,除了ERA-20CM,各再分析资料与探空资料相关性高,对年际变率的刻画基本一致,其中JRA-55和ERA-Interim位势高度资料与探空资料相关性最好.就季节而言,冬季再分析资料质量最高,适用性好,其次为春季,夏季资料质量最低.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅北部地区春季大气特征及日变化分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用珠峰北部地区的观测资料和AIRS卫星遥感资料,分析了喜马拉雅北部地区的大气日变化及其垂直结构.结果发现喜马拉雅北部地区气温日变化具有明显的单峰单谷型特征,一天气温最高值出现在18:00左右,最低值出现在早上7:00~9:00.风速的日变化呈现单峰型特征.气压的平均日变化呈双峰双谷型分布特征,气压极大值出现在2:00和12:00,气压极小值出现在6:00和19:00时,其中19:00出现气压最小值.感热通量、潜热通量的平均日变化和气温日变化具有一致性,春季感热通量大于潜热通量.净辐射通量的日变化特征是单峰型特征,每日最大值出现的时间比感热通量及潜热通量的最大值出现的时间早2个小时.引起高原地区日变化剧烈有2个主要原因:一是高原地区大气柱的质量较小,对太阳辐射的削弱较小,且相同的辐射加热和冷却可使较少大气产生较大温度变化;二是高原地区是大气云光学厚度较小的区域,由此可使地面在日间接受较强烈的太阳短波辐射而增温较大,在夜间又接受较小的大气长波逆辐射而降温较大.  相似文献   

刘世杰 《地下水》2019,(3):94-96,173
CMA和JMA卫星遥感降水产品由于时间和空间尺度较多,在国内许多地区水文监测及水资源领域中得到应用,以甘肃武威南部地区为研究对象,结合区域实测降水数据,对CMA和JMA两种常用卫星降水产品在甘肃武威地区的适用性进行分析,并对其修正方法进行研究。结果表明:CMA卫星降水产品总体精度好于JMA,但JMA在大雨量级的精度好于CMA卫星降水产品,采用卡尔曼滤波方法对降水产品进行修正后,卫星降水产品总体精度得到较为明显的改善。研究成果对于甘肃地区卫星降水产品的数据同化具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

中国西部积雪日数类型划分及与卫星遥感结果的比较   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6  
何丽烨  李栋梁 《冰川冻土》2011,33(2):237-245
根据中国105°E以西地区232个地面气象台站1951-2004年积雪日数观测资料和1980-2004年SMMR、SSM/I逐日雪深资料,划分中国西部积雪类型并分析其年代际变化,并对两种资料的结果进行了比较.结果表明:北疆、天山和青藏高原东部地区年平均积雪日数大于60 d,为稳定积雪区;南疆盆地中心、四川盆地和云南省南...  相似文献   

In the last thirty years great strides have been made by large-scale operational numerical weather prediction models towards improving skills for the medium range time-scale of 7 days. This paper illustrates the use of these current forecasts towards the construction of a consensus multimodel forecast product called the superensemble. This procedure utilizes 120 of the recent-past forecasts from these models to arrive at the training phase statistics. These statistics are described by roughly 107 weights. Use of these weights provides the possibility for real-time medium range forecasts with the superensemble. We show the recent status of this procedure towards real-time forecasts for the Asian summer monsoon. The member models of our suite include ECMWF, NCEP/EMC, JMA, NOGAPS (US Navy), BMRC, RPN (Canada) and an FSU global spectral forecast model. We show in this paper the skill scores for day 1 through day 6 of forecasts from standard variables such as winds, temperature, 500 hPa geopotential height, sea level pressure and precipitation. In all cases we noted that the superensemble carries a higher skill compared to each of the member models and their ensemble mean. The skill matrices we use include the RMS errors, the anomaly correlations and equitable threat scores. For many of these forecasts the improvements of skill for the superensemble over the best model was found to be quite substantial. This real-time product is being provided to many interested research groups. The FSU multimodel superensemble, in real-time, stands out for providing the least errors among all of the operational large scale models.  相似文献   

海洋卫星测高技术和海洋地形试验TOPEX卫星计划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
TOPEX卫星是目前精度最高的海洋测高卫星,利用SLR技术确定的TOPEX卫星轨道径向精度达到2.8cm,这使它可以有效地监测全球的海洋地形。TOPEX卫星主要用于全球的海面变化和洋流研究。利用TOPEX资料可以得到新的地球引力场,海洋大地水准面和海潮模型。  相似文献   

2017年中国气象局发布中国第一代全球大气和陆面再分析产品(以下简称“中国再分析产品”)CRA Interim, 通过对比CRA Interim气温资料与中国在南极考察区域中山站 - Dome A断面气象站实测2 m气温、 欧洲中期数值预报中心再分析产品(以下简称“欧洲再分析产品”)ERA Interim和ERA5相应的气温资料, 分析了CRA Interim气温在东南极中山站 - Dome A断面的适用性。结果表明: 三种再分析产品均能反映研究区域的气温变化, 均具有一定适用性, 但是都存在一定偏差且适用性存在区域差异和季节差异。CRA Interim、 ERA Interim、 ERA5对中山站 - Dome A断面气温的解释方差分别为81.3%、 87.1%、 87.2%。中国与欧洲再分析产品对日均值与最低温的反演都呈现负偏差, CRA Interim对最高温的反演表现为负偏差(-1.8 ℃), 欧洲再分析产品则表现为正偏差(ERA Interim和ERA5偏差分别为0.5 ℃和0.8 ℃)。中国与欧洲再分析产品在位于冰盖边缘的中山站适用性最好, 位于冰盖内陆的Dome A次之, 对Eagle站气温的反演偏差较大。三种再分析产品对冬季气温反演最差, ERA Interim对秋季气温反演最好, CRA Interim和ERA5对夏季气温反演最好。CRA Interim、 ERA Interim、 ERA5对极端低温事件发生时最低温的解释方差分别为46.1%、 76.9%、 87.3%, 对极端高温事件发生时最高温的解释方差分别为59.9%、 65.1%、 73.6%, 极端事件发生时ERA5对极端气温的反演更为准确。2016年9月3日 - 13日极端低温事件主要受冷高压的影响, 7月25日 - 8月6日极端高温事件主要受暖低压和暖舌的影响。CRA Interim能够反演东南极中山站 - Dome A断面的气温及极端气温事件的变化, 但对风场尤其是中山站风场的反演不准确。与欧洲再分析产品相比, CRA Interim在中山站 - Dome A断面的适用性较低, 三种再分析产品中ERA5更适于南极极端天气与气候的研究。  相似文献   

A number of physical factors have been introduced to improve limited area model forecasts. The factors include land surface fluxes, shallow convection and radiation. The model including these additional physical factors (modified physics) is run for five cases of monsoon depression which made landfall over the Indian coast, and the results are compared with those of the control run. The forecasts are verified by computing the root mean square and mean errors. The differences in these skill scores between the two model runs are tested for their statistical significance. It is found that the modified physics has a statistically significant effect on the model skill with the maximum impact on the mean sea level pressure and the temperature. Detailed analyses of mean sea level pressure, wind, rainfall and temperature further confirm that the modified physics has maximum impact on mean sea level pressure and temperature and marginal impact on wind and rainfall. Furthermore, analyses of some model parameters related to physics at a grid point for one case of depression were done. The results show that the inclusion of the land surface physics, shallow convection and radiative processes have produced a better precipitation forecast over the grid point.  相似文献   

High-quality informations on sea level pressure and sea surface wind stress are required to accurately predict storm surges over the Korean Peninsula. The storm surge on 31 March 2007 at Yeonggwang, on the western coast, was an abrupt response to mesocyclone development. In the present study, we attempted to obtain reliable surface winds and sea level pressures. Using an optimal physical parameterization for wind conditions, MM5, WRF and COAMPS were used to simulate the atmospheric states that accompanied the storm surge. The use of MM5, WRF and COAMPS simulations indicated the development of high winds in the strong pressure gradient due to an anticyclone and a mesocyclone in the southern part of the western coast. The response to this situation to the storm surge was sensitive. A low-level warm advection was examined as a possible causal mechanism for the development of a mesocyclone in the generating storm surge. The low-level warm temperature advection was simulated using the three models, but MM5 and WRF tended to underestimate the warm tongue and overestimate the wind speed. The WRF simulation was closer to the observed data than the other simulations in terms of wind speed and the intensity of the mesocyclone. It can be concluded that the magnitude of the storm surge at Yeonggwang was dependent, not only on the development of a mesocyclone but on ocean effects as well.  相似文献   

Storm surge models usually do not take into account the explicit effect of wind gusts on the sea surface height. However, as the wind speed enters quadratically into the shallow water equations, short-term fluctuations around the mean value do not average out. We investigate the impact of explicitly added gustiness on storm surge forecasts in the North Sea, using the WAQUA/DCSM model. The sensitivity of the model results to gustiness is tested with Monte Carlo simulations, and these are used to derive a parametrisation of the effect of gustiness on characteristics of storm surges. With the parametrisation and input from the ECMWF model archive, we run hindcasts for a few individual cases and also the 2007–2008 winter storm season. Although the explicit inclusion of gustiness increases the surge levels, it does not help to explain, and hence reduce, the errors in the model results. Moreover, the errors made by ignoring gustiness are small compared to other errors. We conclude that, at present, there is no need to include gustiness explicitly in storm surge calculations for the North Sea.  相似文献   

As one of the most important mesoscale ocean features, the mesoscale eddies are omnipresent and have significant impact on the overlying atmosphere. Based on the comprehensive review of the influence of mesoscale eddies on the atmospheric boundary layer and the local circulation, the corresponding physical mechanisms and their impacts on weather systems were presented systematically. ①Eddy-induced SST anomalies may modify the surface wind speed, horizontal divergence, cloud and precipitation through turbulence heat flux anomalies. Meanwhile, additional secondary circulations arise over the eddies. What is more, there are obvious regional and seasonal differences for atmospheric responses. ② Studies in the South China Sea, the Kuroshio Extension region and the Southern Ocean indicate that atmospheric responses to mesoscale eddies can be explained by the changes of sea level pressure or the vertical momentum transport. These two mechanisms can be distinguished by the phase relationship between the atmospheric anomaly center and the eddy core. Diagnosis on the inner dynamical processes may draw better conclusions. ③The energy conversions are affected by mesoscale eddies, which may affect storm tracks and jet streams, and finally result in distant influences on weather patterns. Moreover, sea temperature anomalies from sea surface to the thermocline associated with mesoscale eddies have significant impacts on the intensification and the maintenance of tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of a surface data assimilation (SDA) technique, together with the traditional four-dimensional data assimilation (FDDA), on the simulation of a monsoon depression that formed over India during the field phase of the 1999 Bay of Bengal Monsoon Experiment (BOBMEX). The SDA uses the analyzed surface data to continuously assimilate the surface layer temperature as well as the water vapor mixing ratio in the mesoscale model. The depression for the greater part of this study was offshore and since successful application of the SDA would require surface information, a method of estimating surface temperature and surface humidity using NOAA-TOVS satellites was used. Three sets of numerical experiments were performed using a coupled mesoscale model. The first set, called CONTROL, uses the NCEP (National Center for Environmental Prediction) reanalysis for the initial and lateral boundary conditions in the MM5 simulation. The second and the third sets implemented the SDA of temperature and moisture together with the traditional FDDA scheme available in the MM5 model. The second set of MM5 simulation implemented the SDA scheme only over the land areas, and the third set extended the SDA technique over land as well as sea. Both the second and third sets of the MM5 simulation used the NOAA-TOVS and QuikSCAT satellite and conventional upper air and surface meteorological data to provide an improved analysis. The results of the three sets of MM5 simulations are compared with one another and with the analysis and the BOBMEX 1999 buoy, ship, and radiosonde observations. The predicted sea level pressure of both the model runs with assimilation resembles the analysis closely and also captures the large-scale structure of the monsoon depression well. The central sea level pressures of the depression for both the model runs with assimilation were 2–4 hPa lower than the CONTROL. The results of both the model runs with assimilation indicate a larger spatial area as well as increased rainfall amounts over the coastal regions after landfall compared with the CONTROL. The impact of FDDA and SDA, the latter over land, resulted in reduced errors of the following: 1.45 K in temperature, 0.39 m s−1 in wind speed, and 14° in wind direction compared with the BOBMEX buoy observation, and 1.43 m s−1 in wind speed, 43° in wind direction, and 0.75% in relative humidity compared with the CONTROL. The impact of SDA over land and sea compared with SDA over land only showed a further marginal reduction of errors: 0.23 K in air temperature (BOBMEX buoy) and 1.33 m s−1 in wind speed simulations.  相似文献   

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