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滑坡坝及形成的堰塞湖在世界各国的山区广泛分布。它能够形成天然水库,在发生溃坝和洪水漫坝的情况下,造成的灾害损失很大。历史上产生过许多天然滑坡坝,有些很快发生溃坝,有些存在时间很长。存在时间较长的滑坡坝,它周围风景秀丽,成为旅游热点地区,同时也可开发其水资源。在开发和利用这种滑坡坝时,它的安全性需要分析评价。由于它的坝高是自然形成,不受人为控制,坝高的安全程度需要分析研究。在人工坝高超高设计方法中,库区风速、浪高等是影响坝高的因素。计算时考虑最危险的情况和风速、波浪等因素叠加,滑坡坝的坝高符合设计坝高,满足规范要求,在这种情况下不会发生洪水漫坝和溃坝,不会对下游造成危害。某滑坡坝位于拟建某水电站的上游,在国家级自然保护区内,是著名的旅游景点,其安全性对旅游开发、工程建设和下游居民生命财产安全影响很大。为了评价滑坡坝的稳定性,需要对其发生洪水漫坝和溃坝的可能性进行研究,论证其安全性。通过使用人工坝超高计算方法进行计算,结果表明:它的天然坝高超过同等规模人工坝的设计超高要求,不会发生洪水漫坝和溃坝,对电站建设和下游居民不会产生威胁。滑坡坝是稳定的,可以进行综合开发。这种计算方法对类似工程也有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

自然形成的滑坡坝很容易发生溃坝。通过对某滑坡坝溃坝情况计算表明:即使在溃坝情况下,也不会对下游人民生命财产和拟建某电站的安全运行构成威胁,也不会诱发别的地质灾害。  相似文献   

国内外大量的文献资料和作者的野外现场调查表明,滑坡堵江成坝形成堰塞湖在山区一带广泛发育研究发现堵江滑坡作坝存在的地质问题,主要包括坝体的渗透变形、稳定性、沉降及不均匀沉降和砂土液化问题。对上术叶质问题进行探讨,并对堵江滑坡坝进行实例分析,对开发利用滑坡堵江形成堰寒湖藏的丰富水能资源具有指导作用。  相似文献   

国内外大量的文献资料和作者野外现场调查表明:滑坡堵江成坝形成堰塞湖在山区一带广泛发育,研究发现堵江滑坡作坝存在的工程地质问题主要包括渗透变形、稳定性、沉降及不均匀沉降和砂土液化问题。文中对上述工程地质问题进行了探讨,并对滑坡坝的利用情况进行了实例分析,为开发堵江滑坡坝、堰塞湖蕴含的丰富水利水电资源起指导性作用。  相似文献   

国内外大量的文献资料和作者的野外现场调查表明,滑坡堵江成坝形成堰塞湖在山区一带广泛发育.研究发现堵江滑坡作坝存在的工程地质问题,主要包括坝体的渗透变形、稳定性、沉降及不均匀沉降和砂土液化问题.对上述工程地质问题进行探讨,并对堵江滑坡坝进行实例分析,对开发利用滑坡堵江形成堰塞湖蕴藏的丰富水能资源具有指导作用.  相似文献   

白什滑坡坝漫溢溃坝的水文条件预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为防避四川省北川县白什滑坡坝溃坝酿至溃决洪水与泥石流灾害,对导致漫溢溃坝的水文条件进行了预测。在论述白什滑坡和滑坡坝的特征的基础上,通过对可能发生的溃坝类型、形成漫溢型溃决所需临界水头、溃决时水流流速和导致溃决的洪峰流量的预计,得出了一般洪水时不会溃坝、100年一遇洪水时可能溃坝的预测结论。  相似文献   

滑坡天然坝的形成和溃决与洪灾周平根(地质矿产部环境地质研究所.北京.100081)过去人们研究岸坡稳定时,仅考虑滑坡的滑动速度和涌浪预测,而对滑坡造成的天然坝堵江及天然坝溃决时对洪灾的影响重视不够。大涌浪造成的上、下游灾害,如意大利瓦依昂坝滑坡和我国...  相似文献   

滑坡堵江在中国山区广泛发育,全部或不完全堵塞江河,形成堰塞湖。作者近年来的研究工作主要在堵江滑坡的识别和调查上,目前已识别堵江滑坡160余个。在这些资料的基础上,研究了中国堵江滑坡的诱发因素、不同类型堵江滑坡发育的背景条件,天然堆石坝和堰塞湖的基本特征。  相似文献   

四川岷江叠溪较场地震滑坡及环境保护   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
根据对岷江叠溪较场滑坡最新的调研勘测资料 ,阐明了 193 3年 8月震惊世界的叠溪 7.5级地震引发的地震堵江滑坡的基本特征。通过对其形成演化机制的论述 ,评价了滑坡及堰塞坝稳定性和发展趋势 ,提出了防范对策。  相似文献   

金沙江上游沃达滑坡自1985年开始出现变形,现今地表宏观变形迹象明显,存在进一步失稳滑动和堵江的风险。采用遥感解译、地面调查、工程地质钻探和综合监测等方法,分析了沃达滑坡空间结构和复活变形特征,阐明了滑坡潜在复活失稳模式,并采用经验公式计算分析了滑坡堵江危险性。结果表明:沃达滑坡为一特大型滑坡,体积约28.81×106 m3,推测其在晚更新世之前发生过大规模滑动;滑坡堆积体目前整体处于蠕滑变形阶段,局部处于加速变形阶段;复活变形范围主要集中在中前部,且呈现向后渐进变形破坏特征,复活区右侧变形比左侧强烈。滑坡存在浅层和深层两级滑面,平均埋深分别约15.0,25.5 m,相应地可能出现两种潜在失稳模式:滑坡强变形区沿浅层滑带滑动失稳时,形成的堵江堰塞坝高度约87.2 m;滑坡整体沿深层滑带滑动失稳时,形成的堵江堰塞坝高度约129.2 m。沃达滑坡存在形成滑坡-堵江-溃决-洪水链式灾害的危险性,建议进一步加强滑坡监测,针对性开展排水、加固等防治工程。  相似文献   

Ice, moraine, and landslide dams in mountainous terrain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We review recent work on ice, moraine, and landslide dams in mountainous terrain, thus complementing several comprehensive summaries on glacier dams in intracontinental and Arctic areas of low relief. We discuss the roles of tectonic and climatic forcing on ice-, moraine-, and landslide-dam formation and sudden drainage, and focus on similarities and differences between their geomorphic impacts on confined valleys drained by steep bedrock and gravel-bed rivers.Despite numerous reported failures of natural dams in mountain belts throughout the world, their relevance to long-term dynamics of mountain rivers remains poorly quantified. All types of dams exert local base-level controls, thus trapping incoming sediment and inhibiting fluvial bedrock incision. Pervasive geomorphic and sedimentary evidence of outburst events is preserved even in areas of high erosion rates, suggesting that sudden dam failures are characterized by processes of catastrophic valley-floor aggradation, active-channel widening, and downstream dispersion of sediment, during which little bedrock erosion seems to be achieved.We find that, in the absence of direct evidence of former dams, a number of similarities among the geomorphic and sedimentologic characteristics of catastrophic outburst flows may give rise to ambiguous inferences on the dam-forming process. This is especially the case for tectonically active mountain belts where there is ample and comparable potential for the formation and failure of ice, moraine, landslide, and polygenetic dams concomitant with climatic oscillations or earthquake disturbance. Hence, the palaeoclimatic implications of erroneously inferring the cause of dam formation may be significant.We recommend that future research on natural dams in mountainous terrain addresses (a) climate- and earthquake-controlled systematics in the pattern of formation and failure; (b) quantification of response of mountain rivers to catastrophic outburst events and their concomitant process sequences; (c) elaboration of a comprehensive classification of natural dams in mountainous terrain with special attention to polygenetic dams; (d) physical-based modelling of dam formation, failure, and routing of water and sediment outbursts; and (e) quantitative controls on the contribution of natural dams to sediment budgets in mountainous terrain.  相似文献   

由于本身特征的复杂差异性和背景环境信息干扰,目前地质灾害自动识别难度较大,尚无法满足应用需求。利用算法自动提取某类地质灾害普遍具备且明显区别于周围地物的特征,是实现地质灾害自动识别的有效途径。一定规模的滑坡堵江事件常通过链式过程在山间河谷形成裂点等诸多微地貌特征,成为其遥感解译和现场调查的重要标志。本文从河流地貌演化角度出发,以河流裂点作为滑坡堵江的普遍地貌特征,提出了基于河长-坡降指数(Stream Length-gradient index,SL) 的滑坡堵江事件自动识别方法,并通过GIS程序设计和编写提供了相应功能模块。以DEM、遥感影像和区域地质图为数据源,利用该方法在西藏亚东县康布麻曲上游流域开展应用分析,得到以下结论:针对1:5万DEM数据,采样点计算间隔设定为300m比较合理,能够同时满足降低数据误差和突出地形差异的要求;研究区中不同因素按照对河流地貌的改造程度,排序为滑坡堵江>基岩变化>构造活动;经验证研究区滑坡堵江事件自动提取的正确率达85.71%,表明在高山峡谷地区,基于河长—坡降指数开展滑坡堵江事件自动识别具有可行性,效果理想。  相似文献   

袁广祥 《地质与勘探》2012,48(1):170-176
[摘 要] 川藏公路帕隆藏布段位于雅鲁藏布江的一级支流帕隆藏布流域,沿帕隆藏布及其支流修 建,穿越了多种成因类型的堆积体。通过对该地区的调查,对这些堆积体的成因类型及分布规律进行分 析。第四纪以来,青藏高原发育的多次冰川活动,使帕隆藏布流域保留了第四纪古冰川作用遗留下来的 古冰碛。在帕隆藏布主河谷及其支流河谷中广泛分布着河流搬运沉积的堆积,在宽谷地段尤为明显。 由于帕隆藏布流域地质灾害发育,形成了数量众多、规模巨大的地质灾害二次堆积体,包括泥石流堆积 体、崩塌滑坡堆积体、雪崩堆积体以及碎屑流堆积体。  相似文献   

Sinkhole subsidence due to mining   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
This paper reviews the modes of formation of sinkhole subsidence associated with mining activities, drawing on examples in India. Sinkhole (pot-hole) subsidence is an abrupt local depression at the surface which can be hazardous to life and property due to its tendency to occur without warning. Shallow extraction, weak overburden and geological discontinuities are the main factors which cause them. Sinkholes occur due to the failure of a mine roof which migrates through the overlying strata until the failure zone intercepts the unconsolidated overburden. Alternatively they may occur by the creation of cavities in the overburden following the inflow of sand and soil from the overlying weathered and friable strata through faults. Overburden cavities eventually cave in and sinkholes appear at the surface. Sinkholing phenomena can be controlled to some extent by proper design of mining supports and construction of walls to create a barrier around an area prone to sinkholes in bord and pillar workings. Backfilling and grouting can be used to stabilize abandoned underground workings.  相似文献   

滑坡坝坝顶溢流冲刷的基本理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据滑坡坝坝顶溢流对坝坡的冲刷过程中坝坡土体的受力分析,研究了坝坡土体发生冲刷的条件和冲刷速度,提出了坝体稳定性与坝顶溢流速度和坝体物质组成的关系,基本建立了坝顶溢流对坝坡冲刷的基本理论。  相似文献   

One of the most important dangers that treat earth dams which can lead to interior failure over a prolonged period is the hydraulic fracturing factor. In the case of zoned dams, due to differences in stiffness of the core and its abutment zone, differential settlements occur between them. This factor is responsible for the arching phenomenon. Differential settlements between core and shell cause cracks within the core initially sub-surface, Those cracks may develop the first impounding causing internal erosion on the dam core. In this research, using a computer modeling of Ghavoshan rockfill dam (located the west part of Iran) as a case study computed by SIGMA/W program, the role of the dam core shape on those factors is demonstrated. It is found that an inclined core shape is preferred in a condition that is especially important settlements of construction during for dam body. The result of finite element analysis indicates desired conditions from the point of view of stress, deformation and resistance against hydraulic fracturing for the same width of dam designs. Moreover, this can be higher priority for embankment dam designs.  相似文献   

初论地质异常   总被引:79,自引:16,他引:79  
赵鹏大  池顺都 《地球科学》1991,16(3):241-248

Volcanic activity can enhance several secondary effects, including the formation of one or more natural dams. A common example is from volcanic collapse, where huge mass volumes are rapidly emplaced, obstructing the drainage around a volcano. Their duration depends on the volume of the obstructing mass, inflow rate, and on its textural characteristics. A block facies of a debris avalanche produces durable and permeable dams that consist of decimeter to meter-sized blocks without matrix, whereas a mixed facies is easily eroded after overflowing. Analysis of the sedimentological characteristics of different volcaniclastic deposits that formed natural dams indicate that a mean grain size (Md) equal to −1 phi divides the field of debris avalanche dams (Md < −1 phi) from that formed from other types of volcanic deposits. In addition, the matrix proportion of dams formed by debris avalanches are less than the 50% and the percentage of mud fraction is highly variable, up to 30%. Combining the granulometric textures with duration time of the dam shows no clear relation. Dam durability is probably more dependent on the volume of the lake and the inflow rate. Only in some cases, as mud fraction increases is the blockage also less durable because the lower permeability favors rapid infilling. The texture of the dam also determines the types of secondary flows that originate by their breakdown. These vary from cohesive debris flow to hyperconcentrated flow, representing different hazards due to their magnitude and their different behavior downstream.  相似文献   

Bir M'Cherga-Ain Asker area, situated in the hinterland of Zaghouan thrust (Tunisian dorsal), was the land example treated with metric and cartographic scale in order to identify duplex genesis criteria and to include thrusting tectonics associated with tear faults, which are in fact the directory response generating duplex structures identified in outcrop for the first time through Tunisia in this case. Given its geological location between the "dôme" and the "dorsal" zone of Tunisia, this area was the most exposed to a highly paleostress history expressed by a huge fault system remobilization and reactivation through several tectonic events from NE–SW middle Cretaceous distension to a NW–SE and NNW–SSE Paleogene compression. Regarding fault planes generated analysis, they show numerous streak generation of normal, strike-slip, and reverse faults that go with geodynamic and paleostress evolution of the studied area; we note that each streak generation is perfectly matching with one of the tectonic event (mentioned before) affecting the area. In this paper, we analyze duplex structure elaboration scenarios to assess the involved kinematics and their geometrical recognition criterious. We propose to discuss the causes of duplex structures installation in a thrust belt system and the predictable geometrical styles after its installation on foreland or backland. Using the geometrical criteria acquired through this analysis, we will show that such, however, exceptionable structures exist on the land, and that they record the mechanisms of their genesis linked to the tear faults acting in this case. We describe "tear faults" as the sliding breaks which disunite two compartments during deformation, allowing them to undergo different independent deformations in their drawing and their width (for example more or less stretched folds). These types of faults differ from that of the true stick-slip faults, which slice and shift preformed structures (it's even this shift which makes it possible to highlight them); here, there are no shift but dissimilarity of the structures on both sides of the fault; therefore, deformations are the direct results of displacements; they are expressed in thrust belts by ramp folds, intense internal deformations, and even by complex duplex structures. A duplex feature that is not mainly studied is made up by tilted imbricate sedimentary sequences (or horses), separated by link thrusts and underlined respectively at their tops and bottoms by roof and floor thrusts. Imbrications cause a shortening, a thickening, or a thinning of stratigraphic columns and even its crushing and inverting. In thrust belts, duplexes are usually set up following two or even more deformational events; those structures start typically with decollement and imbricate sedimentary unit ones which are made cover by a roof thrust sometimes visible at outcrop. Through this paper, we suggest to discuss geometrical duplex criteria, and we will try a zooming through different scales, from regional to local one in order to show how the shape (expression) of the deformation differs.  相似文献   

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