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铌和钽在特殊合金鋼、噴气工业、无綫电技术以及其他工業部門有广泛而重要的用途,因此寻找铌和钽的矿物原料资源应該是我們目前的迫切任务之一。铌和钽的重要矿石是钶铁矿-钽铁矿族矿物及黃綠石-細晶石族矿物,至于其他多数的铌钽酸鹽矿物或钛铌钽酸鹽矿物,如褐钇钶矿、钶钇矿及黑稀金矿等,一般只是作为钇族稀土类元素的资源来进行小規模开采。因为象褐钇钶矿这些矿物,一般比较分散,很少形成規模巨大的矿床;同时由于这些矿物的化学組成相当复杂,在分离及冶煉方面存在有一定的困难。尤其象黑稀金矿或复稀金矿等含钛高的矿物,铌、钽和钛的分离、提取,是一个尚待研究的問題。  相似文献   

山丁 《地质科学》1960,3(6):301-316
由于地球化学条件的不同,各个地貭过程中常形成一些为它所特有的矿物,即特征矿物。这些矿物的詳細研究对于了解該地貭过程的矿物一地球化学作用有着首要的意义。钛妮鈣铈矿、异性石、閃叶石等等都为碱性岩(鈉貭火成岩)的特征矿物。钛妮鈣铈矿属鈣钛矿族,由于类貭同象的发育,本族矿物包括許多矿种,除鈣钛矿、钛妮鈣铈矿外,还有铈鈣钛矿、钛妮铁鈣矿、钛妮钍铈矿(伊林矿)、钛铌铈鈉矿等。本文准备就钛妮鈣铈矿及鈣钛矿-钛妮鈣铈矿族矿物学的某些問題作一些討論。 鈣钛矿、铈鈣钛矿可作为钛的資源,并順便利用其中的稀土元素。钛妮鈣钸矿則为铌、钽、钛、稀士(镧、铈、镨、钕)的綜合資源。这些元素的工业意义这里不必談了,应該指出的是这些矿物常在岩体中大面积出露,因而具有巨大的远景。此外这些矿物在砂矿中亦有富集。  相似文献   

聚源钨矿是华南地区为数不多的大型石英脉型白钨矿矿床之一。在详细的野外地质调查基础上,本文利用α径迹蚀刻、电子显微镜、扫描电镜以及电子探针等实验手段,对该矿床含钨和含铀矿物开展了精细矿物学的研究工作,探讨了成矿过程中钨和铀的富集规律。研究显示,该矿床钨铀矿物的形成可分为四个阶段:第一阶段,钨铀主要进入富含Nb、Ti的氧化物矿物,形成铌铁矿、钇易解石等富钨矿物,另有极少量的钨进入黑钨矿和早阶段白钨矿;第二阶段,铌铁矿与钇易解石被后期流体交代,形成含钨富铀的骑田岭矿、铌锰矿以及钛-钇易解石;第三阶段,钨进入中阶段白钨矿,这一阶段也是钨最主要的矿化阶段;第四阶段,钨进入晚阶段白钨矿。最后两阶段白钨矿中铀含量不高。骑田岭矿(WO_3 26.74%~29.68%),是聚源钨矿中除白钨矿和黑钨矿之外钨含量最高的含钨矿物。该矿易解石族矿物WO_3最高可达9.80%,极度富钨,是目前有文可查的钨含量最高的易解石。聚源钨矿中的含钨矿物大多数为白钨矿,但绝大多数的白钨矿却在骑田岭矿、易解石族矿物、铌铁矿族矿物、黑钨矿之后形成,说明成矿流体在演化过程中,绝大多数W首先进入富含Nb、Ti的含铀矿物和少量黑钨矿,之后才是白钨矿的大量结晶。  相似文献   

一、前言近年来,对作为稀土和铌矿物原料的易解石类矿物的研究,引起了人們的广泛兴趣。本文卽意在对該类矿物作一全面性的討論。我們知道,在矿物学上象易解石、钇易解石、多钛钶矿这样一些含稀土的偏钛铌酸盐  相似文献   

铌钽铁矿族矿物(CGM)是重要铌、钽矿石矿物,记录了花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属矿床的岩浆热液演化过程.扎乌龙位于四川省西部石渠县,为大型花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属矿床.文章以扎乌龙14号伟晶岩脉为研究对象,开展了系统的铌钽铁矿族矿物研究工作.14号伟晶岩脉分带良好,从边部到中心可划分为云母石英电气石带(Ⅰ带)、斜长石带(Ⅱ带)、钠长石锂辉石带(Ⅲ带)和石英锂辉石带(Ⅳ带),均发育有铌钽铁矿族矿物.根据矿物内部结构和化学成分,推断14号伟晶岩脉存在2个阶段铌钽矿化:早阶段在各带内均形成铌铁矿-铌锰矿(CGM-1),内部呈现均一结构或振荡环带,指示以铌结晶为主的岩浆阶段;晚阶段在Ⅲ带和Ⅳ带内形成钽铁矿和少量富钽的铌铁矿-铌锰矿(CGM-2),围绕早阶段铌铁矿-铌锰矿再生长或穿切、交代早阶段铌钽矿物,指示以钽结晶为主的岩浆-热液过渡阶段.铌钽铁矿族矿物呈现出2种演化趋势,分别为早阶段铌铁矿-铌锰矿的Mn/(Mn+Fe)比值随着Ta/(Ta+Nb)比值升高而增加,晚阶段富钽矿物Mn/(Mn+Fe)比值随着Ta/(Ta+Nb)比值升高而不变,指示扎乌龙14号伟晶岩脉总体为中等程度分异,早期岩浆阶段各带内连续、晚期岩浆-热液阶段发生跳跃的不连续演化过程,并指示早阶段演化受岩浆结晶分异的控制、晚阶段演化主要受结晶分异、富Li流体环境和其他含Fe-Mn矿物共同控制的地球化学行为.  相似文献   

我国稀土铌钽矿物学研究回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为高新技术原料用的稀土铌钽是国家发展的支柱之一, 稀土铌钽矿物学研究在与国家的技术进步同步前进。 通过研究,已经获得了我国产出的全部百余种稀土铌钽矿物的化学组成、物理性质、稀土配 分、结晶参数、共生组合和产状成因的全面系统的鉴定描述成果;发现了多种稀土铌钽新物,并提出许多新规律和新理论,建立了易解石和褐钇铌矿两个新的矿物族;确定了稀土铌钽铁锰钨的复杂氧化物的晶体结构关系;确立变生矿物学为矿物学研究的一个特殊分支,探讨了稀土次生富集的离子型稀土矿成矿机理。  相似文献   

張静 《地质科学》1964,5(4):360-368
钛铌钽酸盐类矿物是稀有元素矿物中最复杂的一类矿物。矿物种类較多,成分也很复杂,同时这些矿物的物理性貭都比較近似,因而利用一般物理方法較难鉴別这类矿物,尤其是它們的变种,因此,要詳細的研究这一类矿物,将必須是把結晶构造与矿物化学組成两方面的工作紧密結合起来。  相似文献   

贡伟亮  赵伟 《矿物学报》1993,13(2):104-108
作者进行了稀土铌钛氢氧化物共沉淀实验,对共沉淀物及其高温灼烧产物进行了XRD、IR、DTA和Raman研究,结合前人高温高压实验结果以及野外地质事实,提出了热液体系复杂氧化物矿物易解石和黑稀金矿的络合物高温水解、氢氧化物共沉淀、脱水去羟、聚合成核和结晶的成因模式。  相似文献   

铌钽矿研究进展和攀西地区铌钽矿成因初探   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
王汾连  赵太平  陈伟 《矿床地质》2012,31(2):293-308
铌钽矿主要产出类型包括伟晶岩型、富Li-F花岗岩型、碱性侵入岩型、碳酸岩型及冲积砂矿型。前2种类型以钽为主,后3种则以铌占主导。铌和钽大多以铌钽独立矿物(铌铁矿、钽铁矿、细晶石、烧绿石等)呈浸染状分布于含矿岩石中,也有部分以类质同象的形式分布于云母、榍石、霓石、钛铁矿等矿物中。关于铌钽矿的富集机制,一些学者认为可由富F-Na和稀有金属(铌、钽等)的花岗质熔体经结晶分异作用形成;另一些学者则根据铌钽矿化与岩石的钠长石化、锂云母化等紧密共生的特点,认为铌钽的富集是岩浆期后流体交代早期形成的花岗岩所致。攀西(攀枝花-西昌)地区的铌钽矿床(化)基本上都是沿着断裂带分布,矿体赋存于印支期碱性岩脉(碱性正长伟晶岩)中,有少数存在于碱性花岗岩中,与区域上邻近的正长岩体及花岗岩体关系密切。其矿石矿物主要为烧绿石、褐钇铌矿等。初步推断,攀西地区的铌钽矿与二叠纪地幔柱活动有关。碱性的正长岩体及花岗岩体与广泛分布的峨眉山玄武岩、辉长岩均是地幔柱岩浆活动的产物,长英质岩体(包括正长岩体和花岗岩体)是富铌钽岩石的母岩体。碱性伟晶岩脉(如炉库和白草地区)是碱性岩浆逐步演化的产物,含矿的碱性花岗岩是花岗质岩浆分异演化的结果。此外,在该地区的铌钽矿床中,铌钽矿物几乎都富集在钠长石化发育的地段,说明后期的热液交代对铌钽的富集也起到了一定作用。因此,攀西地区铌钽的富集是岩浆结晶分异和岩浆期后热液交代共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

华南是我国重要的战略性矿产资源基地,以花岗岩相关的稀有和稀土金属成矿作用而举世瞩目。其中,铌的成矿作用一般与过铝质高分异花岗岩有关,稀土元素则随岩浆演化程度增强而富集程度降低,而江西铁木里含黑云母碱长花岗岩体同时富集铌和稀土元素,矿化组合极具特色。本文在详细的矿物岩相学研究基础上,利用电子探针、飞秒激光电感耦合等离子质谱对铌和稀土矿物进行了矿物地球化学分析,借此对铁木里碱长花岗岩中铌和稀土元素的富集机制进行探讨。铁木里岩体由肉红色含黑云母碱长花岗岩(r-G)和灰白色含黑云母碱长花岗岩(g-G)组成,发育暗色包体。r-G中的铌矿物主要为岩浆期形成的铌铁金红石,稀土矿物包括岩浆期形成的硅钛铈矿、独居石、磷灰石和热液期形成的独居石和氟碳(钙)铈矿。g-G中的铌矿物包括岩浆期形成的铌铁金红石和热液期形成的铌铁金红石、易解石、铌铁矿,稀土矿物包括岩浆期磷灰石和热液期磷灰石、独居石、氟碳(钙)铈矿。暗色包体为岩浆混合成因,内含磷灰石、独居石和零星的硅钛铈矿、金红石。矿物组合特征显示,铁木里碱长花岗岩中的铌和稀土元素经过了岩浆和热液两个时期的富集。应用金红石、磷灰石、绿泥石等矿物成分特征约束了岩浆-...  相似文献   

新近发现一种含钡和稀土的氟碳酸盐矿物,经电子探针、矿物化学、X-射线粉品、X-射线能谱、电子衍射、扫瞄电予显微镜和透射电子显微镜等分析,偏光显微镜和反光显微镜光性鉴定,差热分析以及显微硬度、比重和其他物理性质测定,确定是一种新矿物。  相似文献   

程敏清 《地质科学》1981,(3):286-290
关于褐钇铌矿族的研究,国内外积累了不少资料。其主要产在黑云母花岗岩、花岗伟晶岩、微斜长石岩、交代变质岩、蚀变花岗岩、白岗岩及花岗岩的残坡积和冲积砂中。1979年我们在进行内蒙白云鄂博铌、稀土、铁矿床物质成分的研究时,在白云石型铌、稀土矿石中发现含铈褐钇铌矿,与该区原已发现的褐铈铌矿等矿物组成了褐钇铌矿-褐铈铌矿系列。  相似文献   

β—钕褐钇铌矿(Fergusonite-beta-Nd)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
至今,吐界上已经发现的褐钇铌矿族矿物中仅有钛褐钇铌矿、铈褐钇铌矿、铈-钇-褐钇铌矿……等,而未见有矿物中稀土元素以钕为最富的单斜钕褐钇铌矿的报道[1,4,5]。  相似文献   

Kuranakhite discovered in China for the first time   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Kuranakhite was firstly discovered in the oxidized zone of the Kuranakh gold mine, southern Russia, and since then there has been no report on it. Kuranakhite in this paper was discovered in the Jialu gold mine, Luonan County, Shaanxi Province. The mineral often occurs as irregular granular aggregates varying from 0. 05 to 0. 25 mm in size. The mineral is light brown to brown in color, translucent, brown in steak, and vitreous in luster. Hv is 231 – 439kg/mm2, HM = 4∼5 and measured density is 6.72(2)g/cm3. Its reflection color is bluishgray to light-blue and it shows middle anisotropism and weak bireflectance. Its polarization color is blue to grayish-brown and there is no internal reflection. The index of refraction is:N a = 2.01,N β = 1. 98,N γ = 1. 96. The average composition is PbO 45. 40 wt %, MnO2 16.41wt%, TeO3 38.10wt%, totalling 99. 91wt%. The empirical formula is Pb0.99Mn0.92 Te1.06O6, which can be simplified as PbMnTeO6. Principal lines in the X-ray power pattern [d(I)(hkl)] are:0.341 (100), (111); 0.2556(60), (130); 0.2043 (50), (041);0.1666 (20), (310); 0.1598(40), (241); and 0.1472(15), (330). It was determined that kuranakhite is orthorhombic; its space group may be C;a = 0.511(1) nm,b = 0.891(2)nm,c = 0.532(l)nm, a:b = 0.57, c:b = 0.60;V = 0.242 (3) nm3;Z = 2, and calculated density = 6.66(1) g/ cm3. This project was financially supported by both the Armed Police Headquarters of Gold Exploration and the Science Foundation of Shaanxi Provincial Educational Commission (No.HJ96-2-4;96JK-026).  相似文献   

氟碳钡铈矿(Cordylite)BaCe2(CO3)3 F2本世纪初首先发现于格陵兰纳尔萨尔苏克(Narssarssuk)的碱性正长伟晶岩脉中,与霓石、氟碳铈钙矿、柱星叶石和碳锶铈矿共生。1965年该矿物又发现于我国白云鄂博西矿区热液交代的元古代白云岩中。1975年,加拿大魁北克省圣赫莱山(Mont st. Hilaire,Quebec)的霞石正长岩中的伟晶岩脉中也发现了这一矿物,它与方沸石、霓石和钠闪石共生。  相似文献   

三家金矿发现Hg—Au—Ag矿物—α—汞金银矿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
a-汞金银矿是1986年笔者在河北省青龙县三家金矿某富矿带采集的金矿石标本中发现的,见于矿石光片及人工重砂中。经电子探针分析,平均含Ag 41.53%,Au 22.34%,Hg 36.09%,简化化学式为:(Ag,Au)3Hg。其x射线粉晶数据为:2.382(9) (111),2.060(6)(200),1.461(7)(220),1.245(10)(311),1.194(5)(222),与1929年Pabst等人合成的a汞金矿(含Au 82.75%)可以比较,属等轴晶系。笔者确定它为Hg、Au、Ag金属互化物,且是Hg-Au-Ag系列矿物的新变种。  相似文献   

Middendorfite, a new mineral species, has been found in a hydrothermal assemblage in Hilairite hyperperalkaline pegmatite at the Kirovsky Mine, Mount Kukisvumchorr apatite deposit, Khibiny alkaline pluton, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Microcline, sodalite, cancrisilite, aegirine, calcite, natrolite, fluorite, narsarsukite, labuntsovite-Mn, mangan-neptunite, and donnayite are associated minerals. Middendorfite occurs as rhombshaped lamellar and tabular crystals up to 0.1 × 0.2 × 0.4 mm in size, which are combined in worm-and fanlike segregations up to 1 mm in size. The color is dark to bright orange, with a yellowish streak and vitreous luster. The mineral is transparent. The cleavage (001) is perfect, micalike; the fracture is scaly; flakes are flexible but not elastic. The Mohs hardness is 3 to 3.5. Density is 2.60 g/cm3 (meas.) and 2.65 g/cm3 (calc.). Middendorfite is biaxial (?), α = 1.534, β = 1.562, and γ = 1.563; 2V (meas.) = 10°. The mineral is pleochroic strongly from yellowish to colorless on X through brown on Y and to deep brown on Z. Optical orientation: X = c. The chemical composition (electron microprobe, H2O determined with Penfield method) is as follows (wt %): 4.55 Na2O, 10.16 K2O, 0.11 CaO, 0.18 MgO, 24.88 MnO, 0.68 FeO, 0.15 ZnO, 0.20 Al2O3, 50.87 SiO2, 0.17 TiO2, 0.23 F, 7.73 H2O; ?O=F2?0.10, total is 99.81. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of (Si,Al)12(O,OH,F)36 is K3.04(Na2.07Ca0.03)Σ2.10(Mn4.95Fe0.13Mg0.06Ti0.03Zn0.03)Σ5.20(Si11.94Al0.06)Σ12O27.57(OH)8.26F0.17 · 1.92H2O. The simplified formula is K3Na2Mn5Si12(O,OH)36 · 2H2O. Middenforite is monoclinic, space group: P21/m or P21. The unit cell dimensions are a = 12.55, b = 5.721, c = 26.86 Å; β = 114.04°, V = 1761 Å3, Z = 2. The strongest lines in the X-ray powder pattern [d, Å, (I)(hkl)] are: 12.28(100)(002), 4.31(81)(11\(\overline 4 \)), 3.555(62)(301, 212), 3.063(52)(008, 31\(\overline 6 \)), 2.840(90)(312, 021, 30\(\overline 9 \)), 2.634(88)(21\(\overline 9 \), 1.0.\(\overline 1 \)0, 12\(\overline 4 \)), 2.366(76)(22\(\overline 6 \), 3.1.\(\overline 1 \)0, 32\(\overline 3 \)), 2.109(54)(42–33, 42–44, 51\(\overline 9 \), 414), 1.669(64)(2.2.\(\overline 1 \)3, 3.2.\(\overline 1 \)3, 62\(\overline 3 \), 6.1.\(\overline 1 \)3), 1.614(56)(5.0.\(\overline 1 \)6, 137, 333, 71\(\overline 1 \)). The infrared spectrum is given. Middendorfite is a phyllosilicate related to bannisterite, parsenttensite, and the minerals of the ganophyllite and stilpnomelane groups. The new mineral is named in memory of A.F. von Middendorff (1815–1894), an outstanding scientist, who carried out the first mineralogical investigations in the Khibiny pluton. The type material of middenforite has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

Cuprokalininite as an accessory mineral has been found in Cr-V-bearing quartz-diopside metamorphic rock of the Sludyanka Complex, South Baikal region, Russia. This mineral is named as Cu analogue of kalininite (ZnCr2S4), is associated with quartz, Cr-V-bearing tremolite and mica, calcite, diopside-kosmochlor, goldmanite-uvarovite, dravite-chromdravite, Cr-V spinellide, karelianite-eskolaite, V-bearing titanite, pyrite, and plagioclase. Cuprokalininite forms euhedral microcrystals up to 0.05–0.20 mm in size, of octahedral and cuboctahedral habit with faces o {111} and a {100}, and polysynthetic and simple twinning along the {111}. Cleavage and parting were not observed. The mineral is black with a dark bronze tint, black streak, and metallic luster. The microhardness (VHN) is 356–458 (loadings are 20 and 30 g), 396 kgf/mm2, on average. The Mohs hardness is 4.5–5.0, d calc = 4.16(2). In reflected light, the mineral is pale-cream-colored, without anisotropy; reflectance values (λ, nm-R, %): 400-34.3, 420-34.1, 440-33.9, 460-33.7, 480-33.5, 500-33.2, 520-33.0, 540-32.8, 560-32.3, 580-32.2, 600-31.9, 620-31.6, 640-31.2, 660-30.9, 680-30.6, 700-30.4. Cubic, space group Fd [`3]\bar 3 m, Z = 8; unit cell parameter a = 9.814(2) ?, V = 945.2(4) ?3. The strongest lines of the X-ray powder diffraction pattern [d, ? (I) (hkl)]: 3.44 (6)(220), 2.94 (10)(311), 2.44 (6)(400), 1.884 (9)(511, 333), 1.731 (10)(440), 1.133 (6)(751, 555), 1.098 (6)(840), 1.030 (6)(931), 1.002 (10)(844). Chemical composition (mean of 202 microprobe analyses of 11 grains, wt %): Cu 21.03, Fe 0.47, Zn 0.17, Cr 29.01, V 5.85, As 0.21, Sb 0.08, S 43.25; the total is 100.07. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of seven ions is (Cu0.98Fe0.02Zn0.01)1.01(Cr1.65V0.34As0.01)2.00S3.99. The type material has been deposited at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(3):244-257
Alternation layered lake sediment that had accumulated over a period of 22 years, from 1990 to 2012, was collected from the Tamagawa Dam Lake, which is located in the northeastern part of Akita Prefecture. The lake water is acidified (pH = 4.1) by the inflow of high‐acidic thermal water (pH = 1.2) from the Obuki Hot Spring, the main hot spring in the Tamagawa Hot Spring area. The vertical variations in Si, Al, Fe, Ti, and Pb contents of the sediment were determined by XRF, EPMA, and LA‐ICP‐MS in order to clarify the sedimentation processes of the lake sediment. The layers consisting of the sediment could be mostly classified into three types: dark brown, yellowish brown, and reddish layers. The contents of Si, Al, Fe, and Ti corresponded to the variation in color of each layer in the sample. Based on the Si, Al, and Fe contents in the sediment of Tamagawa Dam Lake, the sources of these elements were classified as detrital origin in dark brown and yellowish brown layers (Si, Al, and Ti) and chemical precipitate origin in reddish layers (Fe). Detrital components were derived from volcanic rocks in the watershed of Tamagawa Dam Lake. The variation of Pb content did not accord with the color of layers. The content of Pb in the sediment of Tamagawa Dam Lake ranges from 45 to 522 ppm. The vertical variation of Pb content in sediment corresponded to the temporal variation of Pb content in thermal water from the Obuki Hot Spring from 1990 to 2012. A large influence of hydrothermal activity of the Tamagawa Hot Spring on the vertical distribution of Pb was found during the active period of the Obuki Hot Spring, resulting in high Pb content within layers at 5–8 cm from the bottom of the sample. T‐Fe2O3‐rich reddish layers were also found in this range. Therefore, it is assumed that T‐Fe2O3 and Pb originated from Obuki Hot Spring and precipitated in Tamagawa Dam Lake. However, no correlation was found between T‐Fe2O3 and Pb contents for any of the dark brown, yellowish brown, and reddish layers. Some layers with high Pb content were also found to have high SiO2 and Al2O3 contents. These findings indicate that there are several possibilities for the sedimentation process of Pb. The sedimentation of Pb as well as that of T‐Fe2O3 in Tamagawa Dam Lake provides a good example of the accumulation of elements by chemical precipitation away from the source of elements.  相似文献   

Abramovite, a new mineral species, has been found as fumarole crust on the Kudryavy volcano, Iturup Island, Kuriles, Russia. The mineral is associated with pyrrhotite, pyrite, würtzite, galena, halite, sylvite, and anhydrite. Abramovite occurs as tiny elongated lamellar crystals up to 1 mm long and 0.2 mm wide (average 300 × 50 μ m), which make up chaotic intergrowths in the narrow zone of fumarole crust formed at ~600°C. Most crystals are slightly striated along the elongation. The new mineral is silver gray, with a metallic luster and black streak. Under reflected light, abramovite is white with a yellowish gray hue. It has weak bireflectance; anisotropy is distinct without color effects. The chemical composition (electron microprobe) is as follows, wt %: 20.66 S, 0.98 Se, 0.01 Cu, 0.03 Cd, 11.40 In, 12.11 Sn, 37.11 Pb, 17.30 Bi; the total is 99.60. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 12 atoms is Pb1.92Sn1.09In1.06Bi0.89(S6.90Se0.13)7.03. The simplified formula is Pb2SnInBiS7. The strongest eight lines in the X-ray powder pattern [d, Å (I)(hkl)] are 5.90(36)(100), 3.90(100)(111), 3.84(71)(112), 3.166(26)(114), 2.921(33)(115), 2.902(16)(200), 2.329(15)(214), 2.186(18)(125). The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) patterns of abramovite are quite similar to those of the homologous cylindrite series minerals. The new mineral is characterized by noncommensurate structure composed of regularly alternated pseudotetragonal and pseudohexagonal sheets. The structure parameters determined from the SAED patterns and X-ray powder diffraction data for pseudotetragonal subcell are: a = 23.4(3), b = 5.77(2), c = 5.83(1) Å, α = 89.1(5) °, β = 89.9(7)°, γ = 91.5(7)°, V = 790(8) Å3; for pseudohexagonal subcell: a = 23.6(3), b = 3.6(1), c = 6.2(1) Å, α = 91(2)°, β = 92(1)°, γ = 90(2)°, V = 532(10) Å3. Abramovite is triclinic, space group P(1). The new mineral is named in honor of Russian mineralogist Dmitry Abramov. The type material of abramovite has been deposited in the Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.  相似文献   

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