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针对石家庄市利用南水北调水和当地雨洪水作为补给水源建设滹沱河地下水库过程中存在受水区和水源区具有不同年际变化特征的实际情况,在分析南水北调水源区汉江流域和受水区石家庄市降水丰枯遭遇特征的基础上,应用模糊数学和多维联合分布概率计算方法计算滹沱河地下水库的模糊加权补给水量,并应用数值法模拟各种丰枯遭遇条件下地下水库的人工补给效果.结果表明:不同丰枯遭遇条件下的补给水量为(4.64~8.72)×108m3/a,其中模糊加权补给量为6.66×108m3/a;人工补给可使地下水位多年平均回升1.47~3.45 m/a;滹沱河地下水库的有效蓄水率为80%~90%,且人工补给的增大会引发侧向流出量增加,有效蓄水率相应降低.  相似文献   

基于三维copula函数的不同水文区丰枯遭遇分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
不同水文区的丰枯遭遇概率分析属于多变量概率分布问题,涉及的水文区越多,变量的维数就越高,问题就越复杂。为找到一种简单通用的多变量( )水文概率问题的求解方法,以不同水文区丰枯遭遇概率分析为例,引入三维copula函数构建多变量联合概率模型,将其用于分析长江、淮河、及黄河流域的径流量的联合概率和条件概率问题。研究结果表明,当变量维数 时,由copula函数可以很容易地构建多变量概率分布模型;对一组水文数据系列,有多个不同copula函数可以选择,可采用拟合优度检验方法择优;copula函数构建的多变量概率模型,可以计算各种条件下的联合概率分布,可以分析各种不同量级水文变量的遭遇概率和条件概率;通过与多维转换为一维方法的比较,三维Frank copula函数具有更优良的拟合优度、无偏性、及有效性,且计算更简便。  相似文献   

基于三维copula函数的多水文区丰枯遭遇分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
谢华  罗强  黄介生 《水科学进展》2012,23(2):186-193
不同水文区的丰枯遭遇概率分析属于多变量概率分布问题,涉及的水文区越多,变量的维数就越高,问题就越复杂.为找到一种简单通用的多变量(n≥3)水文概率问题的求解方法,以不同水文区丰枯遭遇概率分析为例,引入三维copula函数构建多变量联合概率模型,将其用于分析长江、淮河及黄河流域的径流量的联合概率和条件概率问题。研究结果表明,当变量维数n≥3时,由copula函数可以很容易地构建多变量概率分布模型;对一组水文数据系列,有多个不同copula函数可以选择,可采用拟合优度检验方法择优;copula函数构建的多变量概率模型,可以计算各种条件下的联合概率分布,可以分析各种不同量级水文变量的遭遇概率和条件概率;通过与多维转换为一维方法的比较,三维Frank copula函数具有更优良的拟合优度、无偏性及有效性,且计算更简便。  相似文献   

基于多元Copula函数的引滦水库径流丰枯补偿特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究引滦水库的天然来水系列之间的丰枯补偿特性,以期优化滦河中下游水库群联合供水的调度及合理配置该区域水资源.通过运用三元Copula联结函数构造了潘家口水库、陡河水库和于桥水库年入库天然径流系列的三维联合分布,然后利用此联合分布计算了这3个水库年天然来水量丰枯遭遇的概率.结果表明,3个水库径流系列的丰枯同步概率高达46.96%,潘家口水库对陡河水库和于桥水库不具补偿能力的概率为30.2%;为保证天津、唐山等地的供水安全,必须加强引滦水库群的优化调度,充分发挥各个引滦水库的调蓄功能,以降低不利丰枯遭遇带来的影响.  相似文献   

南水北调供水的重点是城市,而城市用水最大的是工业,受水区工业用水占城市总用水的65.6%.遵照朱镕基总理关于南水北调工程“先节水后调水”的指示,开展受水区工业节水的分析工作意义重大。重点对黄淮海流域以及南水北调中、东线工程受水区的工业用水、节水现状、节水潜力及节水投资与效益等进行了分析。得出了区域工业节水在全国处在相对较高水平,工业节水的重点在现有工业及乡镇工业,但节水不能完全解决工业用水增长需求等结论。  相似文献   

焦珣  高淑琴  张岩  张莹 《第四纪研究》2010,30(1):193-200
南水北调工程是优化我国水资源配置、解决北方水资源短缺问题的重大举措。由于南水北调中线工程的调蓄作用,河南省受水地区水源结构的改变对主要的供水水源第四系地下水资源势必造成一定的影响。论文在建立河南平原地下水流数值模型的基础上,按照受水区的分配水量相应压采各城市的浅层地下水开采量,模拟预测南水北调中线工程实施后第四系地下水流系统的演化趋势。预测结果表明: 河南平原受水区浅层地下水位都得到了不同程度的恢复,到2010年,郑州市、新乡市、濮阳市漏斗中心水位相比南水北调中线工程实施前(2007年1月1日)将分别提高6.64m,8.15m和4.15m,很大程度上减轻了地下水的开采压力,有效地恢复了地下水位降落漏斗,缓解了当地水资源的供需矛盾;  但是由于农业灌溉超量开采地下水,河南平原中部和东部的非受水区浅层地下水位仍持续下降;  南部尽管不在受水区范围内,但是供水水源主要来自地表水,所以浅层地下水位无明显变化。结合前人的供需水量预测结果,到2010年,南水北调中线工程分配给受水区的水量与受水区的需水量基本持平。  相似文献   

基于概率加权FDC法的河流生态需水量计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
龙凡  梅亚东 《水文》2017,37(4):1-5
基于河流流量过程的年内和年际变化特性,提出了一种计算河道内生态需水量的概率加权FDC(流量历时曲线)方法。该方法基于年均流量系列和逐月月均流量系列的特定频率,将年均流量系列和逐月月均流量系列划分为丰、平、枯组,通过建立年月丰枯遭遇的Copula联合分布函数,求得不同典型年下各月丰平枯的条件概率,将其作为概率权重,得到不同典型年生态需水过程的计算公式,改进了FDC法,计算出了丰、平、枯典型年的年内生态需水过程。以屏山站为例,将计算结果与Tennant法、逐月最小生态径流法、年内展布法和改进FDC法进行了对比分析。计算结果表明:由此方法得到的生态流量在Tennant法评价体系中,能很好的满足河道的生态需水要求,且较好地体现了河流径流的年内及年际变化过程,符合实际情况。  相似文献   

南水北调中线工程交叉建筑物水毁风险分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
南水北调中线工程输水总干渠上需建数以百计的河渠交叉建筑物。总干渠经过地区为暴雨多发区,只要其中任一座遭遇特大洪水而失事,干渠供水将会受到影响。对这些交叉建筑物进行水毁风险分析,是此项工程规划、设计和运行管理的供输水风险评价和可靠度分析必不可少的组成部分。主要从水文风险要素的辨识入手,采用概率组合法,建立了整个总干渠洪水水毁风险计算的框架,并提出了二维复合事件的风险计算模型。所建模型巧妙地解决了各交  相似文献   

区间暴雨和外江洪水位遭遇组合的风险   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
流域区间的治涝方案以及排涝设施的规模都与区间暴雨和外江洪水位的遭遇息息相关,因此需要研究区间暴雨与外江洪水位遭遇的风险规律.采用copula函数建立区间暴雨和外江洪水位的联合分布,用联合概率密度来描述两者遭遇的机率,提出了以遭遇为设计组合的排涝风险率和重现期的分析方法.实例研究表明,copula函数能够较好地模拟广东省阳山县区间暴雨与外江洪水位的联合分布;联合概率密度曲线表现为明显的正偏态分布,对于不超过10年一遇的暴雨,遭遇同频率的外江水位的机率最大;但对10年一遇以上的暴雨,最大遭遇机率的外江水位的重现期低于暴雨重现期;对任一排涝重现期,则有成反相关的区间最大暴雨和外江洪水位重现期的多种组合方案,且任一组合方案的暴雨重现期都大于排涝重现期.  相似文献   

南水北调中线工程对汉江水华影响研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
汉江中下游近年来出现水华的根本原因是汉江下游水体污染严重,氮、磷等污染物浓度过高,春季光照充足、水温升高,汉江枯水时长江水位偏高导致汉江流速变缓。在污染负荷保持现状的前提下,建立水动力学模型和富营养化模型,并通过在诱发水华的各环境因子样本集合中抽样组合,计算南水北调中线工程调水前与调水后的水华发生概率。结果表明,调水145亿m3后汉江水华发生的概率将会增加,而引江济汉工程的兴建能有效控制水华的发生。  相似文献   

董前进  陈森林 《水文》2014,34(2):14-18
以三峡水库上游寸滩至万县区间降水预报误差和入库洪水预报误差相应数据为例,在探讨两者统计相关性的基础上,采用Frank、Gumbel、Clayton三种二元Copula连接函数分析了两预报误差的相关结构,以离差平方和最小为准则进行了Copula函数的选择,并与两预报误差独立情况下联合频率分布进行比较和分析。研究结果表明,降水预报误差和洪水预报误差的相关性对其二元联合分布有一定影响,同时,在两预报误差负相关条件下,其联合分布可做简化处理。本文研究结果可为水库预报调度风险管理提供决策参考。  相似文献   

利用1971-2010年青海省境内43个气象站的降水量和水汽压月资料, 运用整层大气可降水量经验公式, 计算了青海高原东部农业区、环青海湖区、三江源区和柴达木盆地4个不同生态功能区的可降水量和降水转化率. 结果表明: 不同生态功能区可降水量均呈单峰形态分布, 均在夏季达到最大值; 降水转化率在三江源区和东部农业区呈双峰分布, 柴达木盆地和环青海湖地区呈单峰分布. 不同生态功能区年可降水量近40 a均呈上升趋势, 其中, 柴达木盆地和环青海湖区上升趋势显著; 不同生态功能区年可降水量均发生了突变, 东部农业区发生在1983年, 柴达木盆地发生在1996年, 三江源区和环青海湖区发生在1993年. 可降水量自西向东呈逐渐增加趋势, 降水转化率形成以青海湖区为中心的马鞍形场.  相似文献   

This paper introduces four kinds of novel bivariate maximum entropy distributions based on bivariate normal copula, Gumbel–Hougaard copula, Clayton copula and Frank copula. These joint distributions consist of two marginal univariate maximum entropy distributions. Four types of Poisson bivariate compound maximum entropy distributions are developed, based on the occurrence frequency of typhoons, on these novel bivariate maximum entropy distributions and on bivariate compound extreme value theory. Groups of disaster-induced typhoon processes since 1949–2001 in Qingdao area are selected, and the joint distribution of extreme water level and corresponding significant wave height in the same typhoon processes are established using the above Poisson bivariate compound maximum entropy distributions. The results show that all these four distributions are good enough to fit the original data. A novel grade of disaster-induced typhoon surges intensity is established based on the joint return period of extreme water level and corresponding significant wave height, and the disaster-induced typhoons in Qingdao verify this grade criterion.  相似文献   

East River, one of the major tributaries of Pearl River, is the major source of water supply for mega-cites within and in the vicinity of the Pearl River Delta, China. The availability and variability of water resources of the East River basin are therefore of practical importance. This study aims to investigate the probabilistic behavior of hydrological droughts in the East River basin using the trivariate Plackett copula. Daily streamflow data for the period of 1975–2009 from 3 hydrological stations in the East River basin are analyzed. Defining hydrological droughts by drought severity, duration, and minimum flow, secondary return periods are computed. Results show that the Plackett copula satisfactorily models bivariate and trivariate probability distributions of correlated drought variables. Results of risk evaluation show an increasing drought risk from the upper to the lower East River basin. This result is important for basin-scale water resources management in the East River basin.  相似文献   

黑河上游降水同位素特征及其水汽来源分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了加深对黑河上游水循环过程的理解, 以研究区5个站点2015年8月至2016年8月的降水同位素实测数据和气象数据为基础, 除对降水同位素特征进行分析外, 主要利用TrajStat软件中的后向轨迹计算模块与潜在源贡献因子分析(PSCF)方法, 对研究区降水的水汽来源进行了分析, 并结合水汽通量等方法进行了补充分析。结果表明: 降水同位素呈夏高冬低趋势, 大气水线斜率(8.02)和截距(11.02)均高于全球大气水线的斜率(8.00)和截距(10.00), 存在温度效应(δ18O=0.43x-10.82, r=0.54, P<0.0001), 不存在降水量效应(δ18O=-0.05x-7.81, r=0.03, P<0.0001); 研究区降水受多种水汽影响, 西风水汽影响最大。夏季除受西风水汽影响外, 还受东南季风水汽影响显著且水汽来源复杂; 研究区夏季的潜在蒸发源地集中在一些相对湿度和蒸发量较大的地区, 如祁连山区、 河西地区、 柴达木盆地北部、 青藏高原东南部及酒泉地区西南部等; 当降水量小、 温度高时, 持续性降水的大气水线方程的斜率和截距较小, 暴雨稳定同位素值较贫化, 受东南季风水汽影响最大, 其次是北方和西风水汽, 多种水汽辐合是暴雨事件发生的必要条件。  相似文献   

The flood characteristics, namely, peak, duration and volume provide important information for the design of hydraulic structures, water resources planning, reservoir management and flood hazard mapping. Flood is a complex phenomenon defined by strongly correlated characteristics such as peak, duration and volume. Therefore, it is necessary to study the simultaneous, multivariate, probabilistic behaviour of flood characteristics. Traditional multivariate parametric distributions have widely been applied for hydrological applications. However, this approach has some drawbacks such as the dependence structure between the variables, which depends on the marginal distributions or the flood variables that have the same type of marginal distributions. Copulas are applied to overcome the restriction of traditional bivariate frequency analysis by choosing the marginals from different families of the probability distribution for flood variables. The most important step in the modelling process using copula is the selection of copula function which is the best fit for the data sample. The choice of copula may significantly impact the bivariate quantiles. Indeed, this study indicates that there is a huge difference in the joint return period estimation using the families of extreme value copulas and no upper tail copulas (Frank, Clayton and Gaussian) if there exists asymptotic dependence in the flood characteristics. This study suggests that the copula function should be selected based on the dependence structure of the variables. From the results, it is observed that the result from tail dependence test is very useful in selecting the appropriate copula for modelling the joint dependence structure of flood variables. The extreme value copulas with upper tail dependence have proved that they are appropriate models for the dependence structure of the flood characteristics and Frank, Clayton and Gaussian copulas are the appropriate copula models in case of variables which are diagnosed as asymptotic independence.  相似文献   

基于Clayton copula和Kendall分布函数分析广东西江马口站和北江三水站枯水流量的联合分布及其风险概率。根据两站流量之间的时空关联与变异,以1959-2010年西江马口站历年连续7日平均最小流量和对应期间的北江三水站枯水流量为样本,分别计算1959-1985年和1986-2010年两个时段(分别称为样本A和样本B)的西江北江枯水流量联合分布的"或"重现期、"且"重现期和二次重现期及其最可能的设计分位数。结果表明:①样本B中马口站的枯水流量设计值小于样本A相应重现期设计值,三水站则显著增大;②1985年后西江和北江枯水流量同频率遭遇的可能性较前期明显减小;③二次重现期所对应的累积频率代表了特定设计频率情况下西江和北江枯水流量遭遇的风险率;④由更严谨的二次重现期计算的马口站枯水流量最大可能设计值Q7d,T=20aQ7d,T=10aQ7d,T=2a设计值或更适合分别作为西江三角洲供水规划、生态需水和调水压咸设计参考值。  相似文献   

This study presents a methodology for risk analysis, assessment, and combination of drought disasters under the different irrigational levels in Baicheng City, which is supported by run theory, copula functions, crop growth model, and technique of natural disaster risk assessment from the viewpoints of climatology, geography, hydrology, agricultural science, disaster science, environmental science, and so on. Along with the global warming, the occurrences of water-related disasters become more frequent and more serious. It is necessary to determine the laws of the relationship between irrigational ability and the loss caused by drought. Drought events were identified by using run theory; the drought frequency was calculated by using copula function; the loss of every drought event was simulated by using EPIC model; and the relationship curves under the different irrigational supply conditions between the drought frequency and the yield reduction rate of the drought event were fitted to assess the impact of irrigational supply rate on the loss caused by drought. The results show that in the range of crop water demand, the loss caused by drought decreases as the result of the increase in irrigational supply rate; however, their variations are not proportional. The loss caused by the certain frequency drought event under the certain irrigational supply condition could be calculated by the curve of drought disaster risk assessment constructed by this study. The results obtained from this study are specifically intended to support local and national governmental agencies on agricultural disaster management.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of low flow as a criterion for different objectives in water resource management, including drought is of crucial importance. Despite the complex nature of water deficits, univariate methods have often been used to analyze the frequency of low flows. In this study, low flows of Dez River basin were examined during period of 1956–2012 using copula functions at the upstream of headbranches’ junction. For this purpose, at first 7-day series of low flow was extracted at the studied stations, then their homogeneity was examined by Mann–Kendall test. The results indicated that 7-day low flow series of Dez basin were homogenous. In the next stage, 12 different distribution functions were fitted onto the low flow data. Finally, for Sepid Dasht Sezar (SDS), Sepid Dasht Zaz (SDZ), and Tang Panj Bakhtiyari (TPB) stations, logistic distribution had the best fit, while for Tang Panj Sezar (TPS) station, GEV distribution enjoyed the best fit. After specifying the best fitted marginal distributions, seven different copula functions including Ali–Mikhail–Haq (AMH), Frank, Clayton, Galambos, Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern (FGM), Gumbel–Hougaard (GH), and Plackett were used for bivariate frequency analysis of the 7-day low flow series. The results revealed that the GH copula had the best fitness on paired data of SDS and SDZ stations. For TPS and TPB stations, Frank copula has had the best correspondence with empirical copula values. Next, joint and conditional return periods were calculated for the low flow series at the upstream of branches’ junction. The results of this study indicated that the risk of incidence of severe drought is higher in upstream stations (SDZ and SDS) when compared with downstream stations (TPB and TPS) in Dez basin. Generally, application of multivariate analysis allows researchers to investigate hydrological events with a more comprehensive view by considering the simultaneous effect of the influencing factors on the phenomenon of interest. It also enables them to evaluate different combinations of required scenarios for integrated management of basin and planning to cope with the damages caused by natural phenomena.  相似文献   

挠力河流域湿地和耕地变化对径流深的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用线性、对数、指数和三次函数关系拟合挠力河流域1956~2000年湿地面积、耕地面积以及面降水量对径流深的影响,得出:①三次函数拟合的相关性最好;②湿地面积减少和耕地面积增加与径流深的相关性小于面降水量与径流深的相关性.通过分析湿地面积减少和耕地面积增大对径流递减贡献机理,认为湿地面积减少,降低了湿地冷湿效应,增加了陆面蒸发的潜力;湿地转变成耕地,改变了土壤对降水的再分配过程;耕地面积的扩大增大了土壤蒸发潜力;旱地改成水稻田增大了地表水的利用率和地下水的利用量,这些是流域地表径流深减小的原因.研究结论显示湿地面积的减少和耕地面积的增加对流域径流深的递减有较为明显的贡献;径流深的减小是流域呈干旱趋势的指征.  相似文献   

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