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宋阳  史新芝  张英 《地下水》2009,31(4):33-35
在地下水资源评价工作中,利用井灌回归系数计算井灌回归水量,是目前较为通用方法之一.利用上世纪70年代以来聊城市茌平丁块和临清胡里庄试验区的资料,结合现有其它地下水开发利用方面取得的勘察、调查研究成果,对本地区的井灌回归系数进行了系统的研究和分析,运用地中渗透仪入渗资料、土壤水盐运动观测的含水率资料和降雨资料等多种方法分析,提出代表不同地下水埋深情况的引黄灌区、井河灌区、井灌区的井灌回归系数.  相似文献   

一灌溉回归系数β值的确定,对地下水资源评价伋为重要。近几年,各地陆续做一些井灌回归试验,取得了各种特定环境下的井灌回归系数β_*。同时,对灌溉水的垂直入渗机理、回归水的成因及其与各种影响因素的关系,积累了一定的成果。就目前来说,依搲试验资料计算β值的方法主要有下列两利。 1、水位升值法,包括水丘法、中心试区水位升值法等。该法认为,由灌溉形成的  相似文献   

灌溉回归问题的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灌溉回归系数是地下水资源评价中计算综合补给量的重要参数和河川迳流还原计算的依据,也是衡量农田灌溉水平的一项重要指标。为了研究灌溉回归机理、探讨计算灌溉回归系数的适用方法,我们在中国科学院山东禹城综合试验站开辟了灌溉试验区。于今年三月结合大面积灌溉小麦返青水,按照当地灌水做法,进行了一场灌溉试验,就有关问题介绍如下。  相似文献   

本文从地下水的利用潜力和开采潜力分析入手,包括农业灌溉节水量、污水再利用量、咸水、微咸水的利用、增加评价深度可扩大的水量几方面分析计算,在全区资源评价结果基础上,确定各地区地下水潜力系数和地下水综合潜力模数,最终得出潜力评价结果。  相似文献   

郑三元  王振龙 《地下水》1996,18(3):97-101
本文从地下水资源动态转化与供需平衡的角度,以开采量、农田除涝防渍及机井水泵吸程水位为约束条件,井灌区灌溉效益最大为目标,建立了井灌经济模型,优化计算了作物种植组成及充分、非充分灌溉供水保证程度,对井灌工程进行了财务经济分析,提出了经济井径、井深、经济井距等井灌开发方案。  相似文献   

计算地下水开采量足评价水均衡所面临的难点与不确定性因素之一。农业灌溉对地下水的大量开采使得对含水层地下水进行量化难以实施(即流量计及能量消耗数据)。本文提出一种通过对多时相和多光谱卫星影像进行分析,从而确定用于灌溉开采地下水水量的定量方法。该方法首先对农作物进行高精度分类并将这些数据录入地理信息系统,利用该系统对各种作物灌溉需求做出正确评价,并按照该地区的农业实践对其校正。结果表明了农业灌溉所使用与提取的地下水量在时空上的分配。该方法已经成功应用于Mancha东方水文系统(西班牙,7260km3),在该地区超过90%的农业用水消耗的是水文资源。在该案例中成果精度高于95%,而其成本仅为传统方法的六分之一。  相似文献   

孙胜祥 《地下水》2005,27(1):10-11,18
关中地区机井灌溉发展历史悠久,地下水资源开发利用程度较高,本文分析了井灌发展的现状,针对如何巩固发展井灌,根据关中地区不同地貌单元提出井灌发展的建议.  相似文献   

文章基于过去供水勘探计算评价地下水资源成果和多年开采情况调查的基础上,总结并研究了地下水资源补给条件确定及计算方法、参数确定等问题,深入分析并评 地下水资源各种计算评价方法的适合条件笔参数确定出现的原委,进而提出确定边界条件的经验和示原则及勘探试验、监测工程布置的原则,供今后地下水勘探和资源计算评价参考。  相似文献   

通过现场实验计算第四系松散含水层的降水入渗系数和灌溉回归系数 ,为平原地区“三水转化”研究及地下水资源计算提供水文地质参数 ,比实验室模拟法有更强的实用性和准确性  相似文献   

李少锋 《地下水》2007,29(2):51-52,85
以已有的地下水资源评价成果为依据,结合地下水实际开采现状和地下水动态变化特点,对陕西省三门峡库区移民返迁区渭河南北滩 100 m 深度内的潜水及浅层承压水进行补排平衡计算,确定出了移民返迁区渭河南北滩的地下水可开采量.  相似文献   

地下水资源构成变化及驱动力分析研究对于城市水资源的开发利用、发展规划及城市资源的管理具有实际指导意义。前人对新疆伊犁霍城县的研究多为当年水资源量,未涉及水资源构成变化的讨论。文章采用地下水均衡、数理统计及因子分析等方法,对霍城县近30年地下水资源构成变化及驱动力进行了定量研究。结果表明:1985—2014年霍城县地下水资源总体呈下降趋势,1985—1990年间为正均衡,2000—2014年演变为负均衡。同时地下水资源构成发生了深刻变化,从水均衡法得到河道和渠系入渗补给显著减少,田间入渗补给量持续增加,泉水排泄量减少22.85%,人工开采量增加15.2%;从因子分析法对比出1985—2000年较2000—2014年,水资源构成项中的主要成分与水资源总量的正负相关性发生了改变。泉水排泄量、河道入渗量、水库入渗量与水资源总量的相关性由负相关变为正相关,田间入渗补给及人工开采由正相关变为负相关;水均衡法和因子分析法对地下水资源构成变化分析结果呈现较高的相关性,结果表明人类活动对地下水资源构成产生深刻影响,是造成霍城县地下水资源变化的主要驱动力,其中灌溉面积不断增大的同时,改进灌溉方式提升灌溉水利用系数,使得田间入渗量增加速度较为平缓。人工开采使地下水位持续下降,造成泉水资源量呈阶段性衰减,同时研究区地下水位重新分布,灌溉面积及灌水总量增大,使得蒸发量增大。故而针对各驱动力提出相应节水措施对指导当地水资源的可持续利用有着重要意义。  相似文献   

华北平原东部水资源可持续利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方生  陈秀玲  Th.M.Boers 《地下水》2003,25(4):207-214
华北平原东部水资源短缺,深层地下水严重超采,生态环境恶化。为水资源的可持续利用.要发展井灌井排渠灌沟排,以开发利用当地浅层地下水包括微成水和成水为基础.以引调可利用的地表水补源。以调控地下水埋深在临界动态为棱心,以土壤及潜水的地层空间作为调节大气降水、土壤水、地下水、地表水的地下水库.最大限度圯犯时空分布不均的天然降雨转化为可持续利用的水资源。  相似文献   

Climate change affects not only water resources but also water demand for irrigation. A large proportion of the world’s agriculture depends on groundwater, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. In several regions, aquifer resources face depletion. Groundwater recharge has been viewed as a by-product of irrigation return flow, and with climate change, aquifer storage of such flow will be vital. A general review, for a broad-based audience, is given of work on global warming and groundwater resources, summarizing the methods used to analyze the climate change scenarios and the influence of these predicted changes on groundwater resources around the world (especially the impact on regional groundwater resources and irrigation requirements). Future challenges of adapting to climate change are also discussed. Such challenges include water-resources depletion, increasing irrigation demand, reduced crop yield, and groundwater salinization. The adaptation to and mitigation of these effects is also reported, including useful information for water-resources managers and the development of sustainable groundwater irrigation methods. Rescheduling irrigation according to the season, coordinating the groundwater resources and irrigation demand, developing more accurate and complete modeling prediction methods, and managing the irrigation facilities in different ways would all be considered, based on the particular cases.  相似文献   

Geochemical and isotopic characterization of groundwater and lake-water samples were combined with water and total dissolved solids balances to evaluate sources of groundwater quality deterioration in eastern Hetao Basin, Inner Mongolia, China. Groundwater quality is poor; 11 of 13 wells exceed drinking-water guidelines for at least one health-based parameter and all wells exceed aesthetic guidelines. The well water is largely derived from Yellow River irrigation water. Notably high uranium concentrations in the Yellow River, relative to world rivers, suggest groundwater uranium and other trace elements may originate in the river-derived irrigation water. Complex hydrostratigraphy and spatial variation in groundwater recharge result in spatially complex groundwater flow and geochemistry. Evapotranspiration of irrigation water causes chloride concentration increases of up to two orders of magnitude in the basin, notably in shallow groundwater around Wuliangsuhai Lake. In addition to evapotranspiration, groundwater quality is affected by mineral precipitation and dissolution, silicate weathering, and redox processes. The lake-water and TDS balances suggest that a small amount of discharge to groundwater (but associated with very high solute concentrations) contributes to groundwater salinization in this region. Increasing salinity in the groundwater and Wuliangsuhai Lake will continue to deteriorate water quality unless irrigation management practices improve.  相似文献   

探索变化环境下新疆平原区地下水资源量的变化趋势,是识别地下水环境问题、加强地下水资源管理的基础工作。基于水利部门历次水资源调查评价成果、水利统计资料汇编等数据,对1956—2016年新疆平原区地下水资源量变化及其影响因素进行分析,对变化原因进行探讨。结果表明:1956—2016年新疆平原区地下水资源量呈减少趋势,其中地下水天然补给量基本稳定,地表水体转化补给量持续减少;从地下水补给结构分析,渠系渗漏补给量大幅减少,导致地下水资源量减少;河道渗漏补给量增加,抵消了地下水资源量的减幅。平原区灌溉面积扩大导致的农田灌溉耗水量增大是地下水资源量减少的根本原因,人类活动对地下水资源量的影响大于气候变化。  相似文献   

The groundwater of medium salinity refers to the groundwater with a mineralization degree of 2-7 g/L that can be directly or indirectly used for irrigation. This paper determined the distribution area of the groundwater with medium salinity in Tarim Basin, estimated the total amount of recharge resources and exploitable quantity of the groundwater of medium salinity. The irrigation water quality assessment was conducted on the groundwater of medium salinity by using multiple factors and methods. The salt tolerance parameters and irrigation water mineralization control parameters of the cotton in under-mulch-drip irrigation were determined. The under-mulch-drip irritation technology for cotton in groundwater of medium salinity was developed and applied successfully to the demonstration area. The social, economic and ecological effects of this technology as well as the application prospect were analysed. This paper also puts forward two questions that need to be further studied  相似文献   

地下水是孔雀河流域农业灌溉的主要水源之一,其对本地区经济发展的支撑作用日益增强。为实现孔雀河流域水资源合理开发和生态保护,采用环境同位素和水化学方法,研究了孔雀河流域地下水与地表水关系。结果表明:地下水的主要补给来源为河水。含水层成因类型和现代河道分布共同控制着孔雀河流域地下咸淡水的空间分布格局;氢氧稳定同位素对不同水体的相互转化指示作用较强,但难以区别更新世与全新世的地下水;3 H和14 C放射性同位素组分对地下水循环演化及更新能力的指示作用较好,14 C年龄变化特征可以很好指示承压水的运移方向和速率;13 C可作为初步判断地下水类型或年龄的参考指示剂;大量渠系引水灌溉使得潜水接受地表水入渗补给能力增强,更新能力显著提高,但承压水目前的开采利用仍以消耗更新能力差的老水为主。当地应优化调整地下水开发格局,减少流域中游河套内农灌区承压水开采量,加大流域下游微咸水分布区潜水开采利用,降低潜水位,减轻土壤盐渍化,促进水土资源开发的良性循环。  相似文献   

Water resources use is a key parameter in the hydrological cycle, especially in arid inland of Northwest China, groundwater movement and circulation processes are closely related to the surface water, while recoverable and renewable groundwater mainly comes from the conversion of surface river water, and there is extensive transfer among rainfall, surface water and groundwater. Human activity, in particular, large-scale water resources exploitation and development associated with dramatic population growth in the last decades, has led to tremendous changes in the water regime. There are misuse and wastage of surface water with traditional multi-channel irrigation for most rivers, which in turn leads to over-exploitation of groundwater to augment supplies. This situation has been exacerbated by rapid population growth and socio-economic development, with decreased irrigational systems return to groundwater due to the irrigation system in the middle reaches of rivers in the Hexi region becoming better. The investigations of this study revealed that over the last decades, man-made oases have developed rapidly in various inland river basins. With the increasing human demand for water, the contradiction between water demand and water supply is becoming increasingly acute and the amount of groundwater usage significantly increased. Notwithstanding the annual surface water from mountains is relatively stable in the Hexi region, the recharges of groundwater have been reduced by 11.1%, with a maximum reduction of 50% in the Shiyang River basin. Groundwater abstraction increased by approximately six times, particularly in the Shiyang River basin, groundwater abstraction exceeds recharge by 4.1×108 m3 year−1 in recent decades. Consequently, the groundwater level has declined widely by 3–16 m, with a maximum decline of 45 m in several groundwater observation wells in the Minqin basin on the lower reaches of the Shiyang River basin. These cause serious human activity-induced environmental problems, such as water-quality deterioration, vegetation degradation, soil salinization and land desert desertification, etc. It is suggested that modernized irrigation technology and new regulation to cover water resources management and allocation with the river basins are urgently needed to achieve a sustainable development. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of the development of water resources on the environment in arid inland river basins in Northwestern China, which were analyzed by comparing the three main river basins (i.e., the Shuilei, the Heihe and the Shiyang River basins) with different water resources development cases.  相似文献   

华北平原地下水补给量计算分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用溴示踪法研究华北平原山前冲积平原和中部平原有灌溉和无灌溉区域的地下水补给,得到研究区平均地下水补给量为126.10 mm,平均补给系数为0.185 2,有灌溉实验点的补给量和补给系数大于无灌溉实验点。同时对示踪剂运移深度和含水量分布、降雨灌溉量和地下水埋深等影响因素进行分析。将各实验点计算结果与国内有关学者采用示踪剂法所得到的补给系数进行对比分析,论证了研究结果的可靠性,此研究成果可为华北平原地下水资源分析提供重要参考。  相似文献   

地下水位预测是区域水资源管理的重要依据。针对地下水位在时间序列上表现出高度的随机性和滞后性,建立了基于主成分分析与多变量时间序列CAR(Controlled Auto-Regressive)模型耦合的地下水位预报模型,将该模型应用于济南市陡沟灌区地下水位预测,结果显示,模型模拟值与实测值的决定系数R2和Nash-Suttcliffe系数Ens均达到0.90以上;以2011年为基准年,当降水量减少10%~20%,蒸发量和生活用水量增加10%~20%,调入27.39万~137.0万m3地表水用于农业灌溉时,到2030年灌区地下水位将维持在30.99~31.29 m,较基准年上升0.12~0.42 m。在区域水资源紧缺的背景下,适当引入地表水灌溉,减少地下水的开采,灌区地下水位将逐步回升,对于灌区的可持续发展和区域水资源的合理利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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