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目前尚未有划分陆相断陷盆地页岩岩相组合的研究成果和技术方法,不同页岩岩相组合的基本特征还需要进一步明确.在页岩油井取心井段岩心精细观察描述的基础上,利用岩石薄片观察和X射线-全岩矿物衍射分析明确取心段页岩的基本岩石和岩相类型,通过主要矿物成分及主微量元素测试分析,提取济阳坳陷古近系页岩沉积古环境信息;依据四古环境(古气候、古物源、古盐度、古水深)基本特征,按照沉积环境相似性以及内部结构均一性等原则对东营凹陷沙四上亚段页岩层系进行岩相组合划分,建立了基于沉积环境主控的页岩岩相组合分级划分方案,并结合储层和有机地化分析测试明确了主要岩相组合的储集性和含油性特征.结果表明:(1)东营凹陷沙四上页岩是典型的富碳酸盐页岩(碳酸盐质页岩)和混积型页岩,纹层特征显著,孔隙类型多样,层理缝和构造缝较发育,有机质丰度高,演化程度中等-低,埋藏深、压力系数高.(2)依据沉积构造部位、古环境,东营凹陷沙四上亚段页岩可划分为8类岩相组合,在盆地中心以发育基质型碳酸盐质页岩岩相组合为主、块状白云岩夹层型页岩岩相组合为辅,在北部陡斜坡带主要发育砂岩夹层型页岩岩相组合,在南部缓斜坡带主要发育块状白云岩夹层型以及纹层...  相似文献   

王勇  张顺 《地质论评》2021,67(Z1):67z1135-67z1136
正济阳坳陷沙四上亚段泥页岩细粒沉积是下一步油气勘探的主要目标,2020年度页岩油勘探获得重大突破,部署的义页平1和樊页平1页岩油专探井,取得峰值日油105 m~3和200.89 m~3的高产,预示着济阳坳陷页岩油气获得突破,奠定了泥页岩细粒的研究地位。但随着勘探的深入,发现济阳坳陷沙四上亚段泥页岩细粒沉积类型多样、  相似文献   

邓美寅  梁超 《地学前缘》2012,(1):173-181
济阳坳陷渤南洼陷沙三下亚段泥页岩厚度大、分布广,主要发育了深灰色泥岩、灰质泥岩、油泥岩、泥质灰岩和黄褐色—灰褐色油页岩。泥页岩的有机碳含量高,最高可达9.0%;生烃潜量高,最高可达82.6mg/g;演化程度高,最高可达3.0%;该区泥页岩既是良好的烃源岩,也是页岩油气赋存的有利场所。为研究该区沙三下亚段页岩油气储集空间,文中通过岩心观察、偏光显微镜、扫描电镜等手段,认为研究区泥页岩储集空间中裂缝包括构造裂缝、层间微裂缝、超压破裂缝;空隙主要为微孔隙,包括黄铁矿晶间孔、粘土矿物晶间孔、方解石晶间孔。总体上来讲,储集空间以构造张裂缝、层间微裂缝、粘土矿物晶间孔及方解石晶间孔为主导。通过对比不同岩相间储集空间的类型与特征,认为沙三下12下、13上砂组纹层状泥质灰岩为储集性能最好的岩相。  相似文献   

在济阳坳陷3000m以下的古近系中,可见含纹层状方解石脉的黑色页岩,往往与钙质纹层页岩、油页岩、钙质页岩相伴生或薄互层出现。镜下研究表明,这些纹层状方解石脉干净、明亮,晶粒垂直纹层生长,具有明显的近距离经溶解再重结晶的特征,而且与有机质的含量密切相关,页岩中并无石膏的发育和残留。在岩石地球化学上,较相邻的其他页岩,Mg/Ca、Mn/Ca值明显降低,而Sr/Ca值则明显升高,同时碳酸盐的δ18O明显降低,δ13C小幅上升或波动。这些证据表明黑色页岩中的纹层状方解石脉是钙质纹层页岩或富碳酸盐油页岩在晚成岩期随有机质的热演化经溶解和再沉淀作用的产物,并随孔隙水的排出伴有碳酸盐的流失。  相似文献   

黄骅坳陷沧东凹陷孔二段泥页岩沉积厚度大,有机质丰度高、类型好,是泥页岩致密油气勘探开发的重点层位之一。在岩心精细观察与描述基础上,利用偏光显微镜、荧光显微镜、激光共聚焦显微镜观察以及X射线衍射分析、岩石热解分析等技术手段,对沧东凹陷孔二段泥页岩的岩石学特征、裂缝类型及发育特征(长度、开度、角度、充填物等)进行研究,并分析了裂缝发育的主控因素。沧东凹陷孔二段泥页岩主要由长英质矿物、碳酸盐矿物及黏土矿物组成,主要岩性包括云质泥岩、砂质泥岩、泥质云岩、砂质云岩及白云岩等,沉积构造类型包括块状构造、层状构造、纹层状构造及透镜状构造等。孔二段泥页岩主要发育构造缝、层理缝、差异压实缝及异常高压缝等4种裂缝,其中构造缝最发育,其次为层理缝和差异压实缝,异常高压缝发育较少,裂缝中充填物主要包括黄铁矿、方沸石、方解石及沥青等。研究表明,构造作用、岩性与矿物组成、沉积构造、成岩作用及有机质丰度是控制沧东凹陷孔二段泥页岩裂缝发育的主要因素。  相似文献   

陆相页岩油储集层孔隙结构特征及储集能力受泥页岩在埋藏过程中经历的复杂成岩改造影响,纵向上表现出显著的差异性,但相关研究仍不够深入。以渤海湾盆地东营凹陷古近系沙河街组沙四上亚段典型陆相富有机质泥页岩为研究对象,基于岩心观察描述、岩石薄片鉴定、扫描电镜等多尺度观察手段,结合X射线衍射分析、同位素地球化学分析、物性分析及能谱分析等测试资料,开展泥页岩成岩作用特征及其控储差异研究。研究结果表明: (1)研究区可识别出7种成岩作用类型,其中,建设性成岩作用以方解石重结晶、黏土矿物转化及白云石化作用为主; 沙四上亚段整体处于中成岩A阶段。(2)方解石重结晶、黏土矿物转化及白云石化作用在垂向上表现出显著的差异性演化特征,重结晶成因的亮晶方解石主要发育于纯上3小层与纯上2小层,黏土矿物转化所形成的晶间中—高孔区主要发育于纯上2小层; 研究区主要发育2种类型的白云石,其中,泥晶白云石主要发育于纯上3小层,微晶铁白云石主要发育于纯上1、2小层。(3)方解石重结晶和黏土矿物转化的协同使得纯上2小层产生了大量微孔,同时适量的铁白云石可作为骨架矿物支撑孔隙,有利于中深层孔隙的保存,是该小层成为优质储集层的关键。  相似文献   

陆相页岩油储集层孔隙结构特征及储集能力受泥页岩在埋藏过程中经历的复杂成岩改造影响,纵向上表现出显著的差异性,但相关研究仍不够深入。以渤海湾盆地东营凹陷古近系沙河街组沙四上亚段典型陆相富有机质泥页岩为研究对象,基于岩心观察描述、岩石薄片鉴定、扫描电镜等多尺度观察手段,结合X射线衍射分析、同位素地球化学分析、物性分析及能谱分析等测试资料,开展泥页岩成岩作用特征及其控储差异研究。研究结果表明: (1)研究区可识别出7种成岩作用类型,其中,建设性成岩作用以方解石重结晶、黏土矿物转化及白云石化作用为主; 沙四上亚段整体处于中成岩A阶段。(2)方解石重结晶、黏土矿物转化及白云石化作用在垂向上表现出显著的差异性演化特征,重结晶成因的亮晶方解石主要发育于纯上3小层与纯上2小层,黏土矿物转化所形成的晶间中—高孔区主要发育于纯上2小层; 研究区主要发育2种类型的白云石,其中,泥晶白云石主要发育于纯上3小层,微晶铁白云石主要发育于纯上1、2小层。(3)方解石重结晶和黏土矿物转化的协同使得纯上2小层产生了大量微孔,同时适量的铁白云石可作为骨架矿物支撑孔隙,有利于中深层孔隙的保存,是该小层成为优质储集层的关键。  相似文献   

本文从辽河西部凹陷岩心观察入手,结合岩石薄片鉴定与X衍射全岩定量分析技术,完善了湖相泥质岩类岩石学分类方法。根据新的分类方案,页岩可分为黏土型页岩、长英型页岩和混合型页岩等。其中黏土型页岩呈密集层状构造,黏土矿物为主,有机质层状富集,发育在陆源输入相对较弱的环境里;长英型页岩以泥级石英长石为主,镜下层状结构不明显,发育于陆源输入较强的淡水沉积环境;混合型页岩中发育黏土矿物、长英质和碳酸盐岩矿物,无主体成分,有机质以湖泊藻类为主,有机质纹层与黏土或者与碳酸盐岩纹层间互层结构,发育在微咸水至咸水的闭塞湖相环境。有机地化分析和生烃动力学实验研究表明半深湖相-深湖相的具有纹层结构黏土型页岩及混合型(含碳酸盐质)页岩,有机质类型以Ⅰ-Ⅱ1型为主,生烃能力很强,长英类页岩和块状泥岩次之。混合型页岩主要分布盘山洼陷沙四上亚段杜二层段和高升层段,黏土型页岩主要分布在杜家台和曙光斜坡区沙四上亚段杜一层段。混合型页岩区为油田公司近期非常规油气勘探的主攻方向。  相似文献   

根据孢粉化石恢复的古气候,济阳坳陷古近系沙河街组沉积时期为亚热带气候,沙河街组四段上亚段、三段下亚段和沙河街组一段沉积时期,气候处于由干旱向潮湿转换时期,藻类勃发,水体仍具一定盐度,是最有利于页岩发育的气候.济阳坳陷沙四上和沙三下页岩中有机质丰度高,有机质类型以腐泥型为主,孢粉化石相对贫乏,孢粉相对密度与有机碳有呈负相关的趋势.区域上,目前钻探页岩厚度较大的井都分布在孢粉相对密度低的地区,且紧邻高值区,据此可确定页岩发育有利区域应该在孢粉相对密度较高的两侧、前方至深湖区.  相似文献   

济阳坳陷下第三系湖相生油岩的微观特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用背散射电子成像技术、扫描电镜和能谱分析对山东济阳坳陷下第三系主要湖相生油岩的微观组构、成分特征进行了高分辨率的观察和分析,同时对其中藻类化石丰度进行了定量统计。结果显示,这些生油岩既有共性又有显著的差异。共性表现在它们都具有纹层状构造,而且有机质都特别丰富,呈纹层分布。差异性表现在纹层单元的成分明显不同:富有机质纹层页岩由有机质纹层和粘土矿物纹层组成;钙质纹层页岩则有两种情况:一类由有机质纹层和钙质超微化石纹层组成,另一类由有机质纹层和粗粒方解石纹层组成,粗粒方解石中含有钙质超微化石;钙质纹层泥岩由细粒方解石纹层和含有机质的粘土矿物纹层组成。生油岩中有机质的分布也有两种形式:一类是有机质纹层,另一类则是藻类化石层,如沟鞭藻化石层和钙质超微化石 (颗石藻 )层.  相似文献   

Based on analysis of geophysical data such as core observation, rock slices identification, physical property, scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction, logging data etc., 16 factors of sedimentation, diagenesis, fluid pressure, and their relationships with reservoir physical property were analyzed, and the results indicate sedimentation is the internal factor controlling the reservoir property, diagenesis is the external and final decisive factor and abnormal fluid pressure is an important factor preserving the deep reservoir property. Quantitative characterization of diagenesis indicates that compaction and dissolution are more important than cementation and they respectively cause porosity change of ?23.6% and 7.7% and ?6.2%. Through optimizing 11 main controlling factors and constructing reservoir evaluation index (REI) according to the hierarchical cluster and principal component analysis, reservoir classification standard was established and reservoirs were divided into four classes. The studies show that Es32SQ4 consists mainly of class I and II, while Es32SQ6 is mainly of class III and II; the favorable zone is the north and south slope of Qibei sub-sag and the Liujianfang fault-nose. The successful application of the quantitative and comprehensive evaluation in the Qibei area verifies the advanced, practicable method of less artificial factor is suitable for the low porosity and permeability reservoir.  相似文献   

对济阳坳陷早中侏罗世大量的岩心、测井等资料进行了综合研究。结果表明,研究区早中侏罗世主要发育的沉积相类型是:(1)纵向上呈粒度向上变细的河流相;(2)具有较高成分成熟度和结构成熟度的多种层理类型发育的三角洲相;(3)具有低成分成熟度和结构成熟度的杂乱堆积的扇三角洲相;(4)杂色泥岩和生物钻孔发育的滨浅湖亚相;(5)黑色泥岩及大量植物化石发育的湖湾亚相;(6)多层薄煤层发育的沼泽相。受北西向断层的控制,这一时期研究区为一相互分割的山间盆地,湖盆范围时大时小,湖水深度不断变化,总体来说湖水较浅,主要发育滨浅湖亚相。  相似文献   

In general, aragonite exists as a metastable carbonate mineral under near-surface conditions, and is commonly transformed into calcite under the subsurface and during diagenesis. It is thus seldom found in sedimentary rocks, but aragonite is common in the Paleogene lacustrine shales in the Jiyang Depression in eastern China. Dissolution experiments were conducted on the Paleogene aragonite-enriched and calcite-enriched shales at different temperatures, pressures and acetic acid concentrations, and in different types of solution. The results show that aragonite is insoluble in the in situ formation water but dissolved more readily under acetic acid conditions than calcite with the degree of dissolution increasing with increasing temperature, pressure and acetic acid concentrations. During the shallow burial diagenesis of the Paleogene sediment sequence in the Jiyang Depression, aragonite was relatively stable and was not dissolved by the connate pore water in the shales. Increasing burial (temperature) and maturity of the organic matter produced large amounts of organic acids that accelerated the dissolution of aragonite. In the late stage, as the organic matter became over-matured, the pore water changed from acidic to alkaline, and calcite precipitated from the carbonate-rich solution. Therefore, the conditions provided by organic acids enabled the conversion of aragonite to calcite during sedimentary diagenesis in the Paleogene lacustrine shales in the Jiyang Depression. This transformation corresponded to the thermal evolution of the organic matter within the shale sequence.  相似文献   

In order to find out the characteristics and influencing factors of shale oil reservoir in the lower third member of Shahejie Formation of Paleogene in Luojia area of Zhanhua sag, the authors studied the lithology, space type, influencing factors and evaluation parameters of shale oil reservoir by comprehensive analysis of cores, thin sections, SEM and so on. The results show that mineral composition and sedimentary structure are two important factors, based on which the shale oil reservoir can be divided into seven types. The reservoir space of different lithological types varies greatly. Laminated argillaceous limestone and limestone reservoirs were mostly developed, and laminated gray mudstone reservoirs were relatively developed, followed by massive mudstone. The massive argillaceous limestone, massive grey mudstone and laminated siltstone reservoirs were less developed. The reservoir space of shale oil reservoir in the study area was mainly influenced by mineral composition, sedimentary structure, organic matter content and occurrence mode as well as diagenesis. On this basis, calcite content, laminar structure, TOC content, Ro and porosity were selected as evaluation parameters and the shale reservoir in Luojia area of Zhanhua sag was classified into three types: high quality reservoir, favorable reservoir and unfavorable reservoir.  相似文献   

Isotopic and mineralogic data from an 8500-m thick section of the Great Valley sequence, northern California, indicate that changes in the δ18O values of authigenic minerals resulted from the conversion of smectite to a 10 Å clay-mineral as temperature increased with burial in the Jurassic- Cretaceous outer-arc basin. The clay-mineral assemblage in mudstone is characterized by a proportional increase of the 10 Å clay-mineral with increasing stratigraphic depth, and by a depletion in the δ18O value of the mixed-layer smectite/10 Å clay-mineral with descending stratigraphic position from +21.9 to + 15.5%. SMOW. Modeling of the oxygen isotopic data from authigenic phases, based on equilibrium fractionation during clay-mineral diagenesis, indicates that δ18O values of calcite in mudstones and of calcite cements in sandstone precipitated along a temperature gradient of about 25°C/km during maximum burial to about 6–7 km. δD values of the mixed-layer smectite/10 Å clay-mineral range between ?69 to ?44%. SMOW. Using temperatures calculated from the oxygen isotopic data, the deuterium and oxygen isotopic data indicate that the smectite underwent late-stage dehydration and probably buffered the composition of formation waters from sea water values to isotopic compositions of δ18O ≈ +8%. SMOW and δD ≈ ?25%. SMOW. The δ13C values of calcite from mudstone and sandstone imply that crystallization of authigenic calcite was linked to organic diagenesis during which dissolved HCOt-3 was continuously enriched in 13C as temperature increased with burial. At the base of the sequence and immediately overlying the ophiolitic basement rocks, several hundred meters of strata were altered by more oxygen-depleted (δ18O ? +4 to +5%.) hydrothermal fluids emanating from the ophiolitic rocks, probably at maximum burial depth.  相似文献   

渤海西部海域新生代盖层特征及对油气的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
渤海西部海域新生代盖层发育情况与油气富集密切相关。利用渤西地区丰富的钻井资料、测井资料、取心分析化验资料等对研究区新生代盖层发育特征、封闭性及其对油气成藏的控制作用开展了研究。研究结果表明,该区主要发育东二段下部、明下段下部及明下段上部3套区域泥质岩盖层,东二段下部区域泥岩盖层相比于明下段两套区域泥岩盖层具有单层泥岩厚度大、色暗、质纯、高泥地比、横向分布稳定及更高成岩阶段等特点,东二段下部泥岩盖层封闭性好于明下段泥岩盖层;东二段下部区域泥岩盖层控制了油气在凹陷区域深部沙河街组、东营组的聚集成藏并决定了油气朝沙垒田古隆起上倾方向运移,明化镇组下段区域"终极盖层"与断裂共同作用控制了整个渤西地区新近系的油气富集程度;提出了"周边凹陷东二下区域泥岩盖层底面构造脊输导体系"、"凸起斜坡及内部明下段泥岩盖层、断裂‘耦合’油气输导体系"两种区域盖层控制下的油气输导模式。   相似文献   

Growth rates of wollastonite reaction rims between quartz and calcite were experimentally determined at 0.1 and 1 GPa and temperatures from 850 to 1200 °C. Rim growth follows a parabolic rate law indicating that this reaction is diffusion‐controlled. From the rate constants, the D′δ‐values of the rate‐limiting species were derived, i.e. the product of grain boundary diffusion coefficient D′ and the effective grain boundary width, δ. In dry runs at 0.1 GPa, wollastonite grew exclusively on quartz surfaces. From volume considerations it is inferred that (D′CaOδ)/(D′SiO2δ)≥1.33, and that SiO2 diffusion controls rim growth. D′SiO2δ increases from about 10?25 to 10?23 m3 s?1 as temperature increases from 850 to 1000 °C, yielding an apparent activation energy of 330±36 kJ mol?1. In runs at 1 GPa, performed in a piston‐cylinder apparatus, there were always small amounts of water present. Here, wollastonite rims always overgrew calcite. Rims around calcite grains in quartz matrix are porous and their growth rates are controlled by a complex diffusion‐advection mechanism. Rim growth on matrix calcite around quartz grains is controlled by grain boundary diffusion, but it is not clear whether CaO or SiO2 diffusion is rate‐limiting. D′δ increases from about 10?21 to 10?20 m3 s?1 as temperature increases from 1100 to 1200 °C. D′SiO2δ or D′CaOδ in rims on calcite is c. 10 times larger than D′SiO2δ in dry rims at the same temperature. Growth structures of the experimentally produced rims are very similar to contact‐metamorphic wollastonite rims between metachert bands and limestone in the Bufa del Diente aureole, Mexico, whereby noninfiltrated metacherts correspond to dry and brine‐infiltrated metacherts to water‐bearing experiments. However, the observed diffusivities were 4 to 5 orders of magnitude larger during contact‐metamorphism as compared to our experimental results.  相似文献   

The calcium isotopic compositions (δ44Ca) of 30 high-purity nannofossil ooze and chalk and 7 pore fluid samples from ODP Site 807A (Ontong Java Plateau) are used in conjunction with numerical models to determine the equilibrium calcium isotope fractionation factor (αs−f) between calcite and dissolved Ca2+ and the rates of post-depositional recrystallization in deep sea carbonate ooze. The value of αs−f at equilibrium in the marine sedimentary section is 1.0000 ± 0.0001, which is significantly different from the value (0.9987 ± 0.0002) found in laboratory experiments of calcite precipitation and in the formation of biogenic calcite in the surface ocean. We hypothesize that this fractionation factor is relevant to calcite precipitation in any system at equilibrium and that this equilibrium fractionation factor has implications for the mechanisms responsible for Ca isotope fractionation during calcite precipitation. We describe a steady state model that offers a unified framework for explaining Ca isotope fractionation across the observed precipitation rate range of ∼14 orders of magnitude. The model attributes Ca isotope fractionation to the relative balance between the attachment and detachment fluxes at the calcite crystal surface. This model represents our hypothesis for the mechanism responsible for isotope fractionation during calcite precipitation. The Ca isotope data provide evidence that the bulk rate of calcite recrystallization in freshly-deposited carbonate ooze is 30-40%/Myr, and decreases with age to about 2%/Myr in 2-3 million year old sediment. The recrystallization rates determined from Ca isotopes for Pleistocene sediments are higher than those previously inferred from pore fluid Sr concentration and are consistent with rates derived for Late Pleistocene siliciclastic sediments using uranium isotopes. Combining our results for the equilibrium fractionation factor and recrystallization rates, we evaluate the effect of diagenesis on the Ca isotopic composition of marine carbonates at Site 807A. Since calcite precipitation rates in the sedimentary column are many orders of magnitude slower than laboratory experiments and the pore fluids are only slightly oversaturated with respect to calcite, the isotopic composition of diagenetic calcite is likely to reflect equilibrium precipitation. Accordingly, diagenesis produces a maximum shift in δ44Ca of +0.15‰ for Site 807A sediments but will have a larger impact where sedimentation rates are low, seawater circulates through the sediment pile, or there are prolonged depositional hiatuses.  相似文献   

济阳坳陷古近系储层孔隙类型与次生孔隙成因   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
济阳坳陷包括东营凹陷、惠民凹陷、沾化凹陷和车镇凹陷,充填的古近系碎屑岩储层埋藏经历了早、中成岩阶段,目前大多沉积储层处于中成岩阶段A期。砂岩储层发育原生和次生孔隙,砂岩次生孔隙的形成主要是烃源岩成熟产生的有机酸对长石颗粒和碳酸盐胶结物溶蚀形成的,但在不同凹陷储层溶蚀对象存在差异。如东营凹陷储层次生孔隙的形成主要为碳酸盐胶结物溶蚀成因,长石溶蚀次之;沾化凹陷和惠民凹陷次生孔隙的形成主要为长石溶蚀成因,碳酸盐胶结物溶蚀次之;车镇凹陷储层的上部次生孔隙为长石溶蚀成因,下部为长石和碳酸盐溶蚀成因。济阳坳陷古近系垂向上2个深度段发育次生孔隙,其发育深度自西向东、由南向北加深,发育位置受控于凹陷内生油中心位置,临近生油中心的砂体内次生孔隙发育。储层综合评价表明,不同沉积凹陷的良好储层发育的地区和深度是不同的。东营凹陷北部坡陡带及中央隆起带储层主要为Ⅰ、Ⅱ类好储层,沾化凹陷孤岛、孤东和孤南层序Ⅲ及Ⅳ、Ⅴ(沙河街组沙三段上亚段至东营组东三段)的储层物性较好,车镇凹陷北部陡坡带、南部缓坡带的层序Ⅲ及Ⅳ(沙河街组沙三段上亚段至沙一段)发育良好储层,惠民凹陷中央隆起带和夏口断裂带层序Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ(沙河街组沙三段下亚段至沙二段下亚段)发育较好储层。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了南阳凹陷核桃园组砂岩中碳酸盐胶结物的矿物成份、产状及分布特征.研究表明,核桃园组中碳酸盐胶结物的成分、含量和分布明显受沉积相和成岩作用的控制.碳酸盐胶结物的形成是砂泥岩系统相互作用的结果.泥岩压实及粘土矿物的成岩转化提供了其主要的物质来源.这种认识为砂岩储层的评价提供了重要的依据.  相似文献   

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