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通过平面拉动法分别测量了5种不同开口比人工鱼礁礁体模型对5种不同粒径大小底质间的最大静摩擦系数,分析了不同粒径底质以及礁体不同开口比的最大静摩擦系数变化规律。试验研究表明:最大静摩擦系数与底质粒径大小呈强负相关(r=-0.964,P<0.01);控制底质粒径时,最大静摩擦系数与礁体质量呈弱负相关(r=-0.265,P<0.01),与礁体开口比呈弱正相关(r=0.245,P<0.01);礁体本身的设计属性如开口比是最大静摩擦系数的主要影响因子。对于新设计礁型在进行礁体稳定性校核时,应根据礁体开口比和实际海域底质泥沙的粒径组成,选取适当的最大静摩擦系数。  相似文献   

江苏海岸辐射沙洲是江苏重要的海上风电规划区域,该海域的地层资料和试桩资料极为缺乏。通过钢管桩的现场静荷载试验,对江苏海岸辐射沙洲地层中大直径钢管桩基础承载性能进行研究,以揭示各地层的主要承载性能参数。试桩结果表明,江苏海岸辐射沙洲地层中钢管桩实际的轴向极限承载力明显小于高应变动测结果,只有高应变动测结果的79.09%。总侧摩擦阻力占总承载力的95.61%,而桩端阻力只占总承载力的4.39%。桩内土对管壁的侧摩阻力作用很小,主要是桩外土对管壁的侧摩阻力在发挥作用。辐射沙洲地层中粉土夹粉质黏土的承载性能一般,不适应作为钢管桩的持力层。轴向抗压静载试验得到的极限侧摩阻力高于静力触探的测试结果和API法的计算值。浅部砂层实际的极限水平土体抗力高于API法计算值,在水平荷载作用下上部砂层的p-y曲线具有明显软化效应,土体的软化效应在设计时需进行考虑。  相似文献   

为了确定桩的刚度,通常需要通过静载荷试验测取,耗资巨大。而现行《港工规范》桩的刚度计算公式是经验性的,与实测值相比误差较大。本文提出的用模拟桩周土约束的剪切弹簧模型来计算单桩刚度,并推导出了相应的理论计算公式。把计算值与实测值作了比较,结果比较一致。  相似文献   

小尺度群桩应用广泛,一直是学者研究的重点,小尺度有别于大尺度桩柱,由于桩柱周围存在漩涡的脱落,使得受力特性复杂。以往的研究过程中,波浪主要采用单向不规则波浪,并且试验模型多以两桩或三桩组成的群桩结构为主,桩数相对较少。多向不规则波与群桩结构的作用特点有别于单向不规则波且研究较少。通过物理模型试验,针对多向不规则波对于9桩桩排群桩结构的作用进行了研究。首先综合考虑KC1/3数和相对桩径的影响,提出以参数KCLD 1/3数来衡量群桩的效应,并分析了正向力与横向力随着参数KCLD 1/3数和相对桩距的变化关系,研究了群桩中不同桩位桩柱波浪力的变化规律和方向分布宽度对于群桩波浪力的影响。研究结果表明,群桩中各桩的正向力随着方向分布标准差的增大而减小,而横向力在相对桩距较大时随着方向分布标准差的增大而增大,同时群桩中不同位置桩上的波浪力具有较大的差异。  相似文献   

CFG桩在地基处理工程中已越来越广泛应用,针对大型炼厂工程地基处理的复杂性,开展了CFG桩施工前后的标准贯入、重型动力触探及施工后的单桩和复合地基静载荷试验,基于标准贯入和重型动力触探试验结果分析了CFG桩对桩间土的影响。以单桩和复合地基载荷试验结果对大型油罐CFG桩复合地基承载能力进行了评价,并与理论估算进行了对比。此外,建立了CFG复合地基的三维有限差分模型,对桩身6m以下不同厚度的软土夹层对CFG桩复合地基的影响进行了详细分析,进一步验证现场试验结果,得出一些结论。标准贯入和重力动力触探试验结果揭示CFG桩对桩间土未有明显的挤密效应;静载荷试验结果表明,CFG桩复合地基承载力能达到设计要求;现场试验和数值模拟结果揭示桩身10m以下软土夹层不会明显影响复合地基的承载特性。  相似文献   

大直径单桩风机基础冰荷载模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武海斌  黄焱  李伟 《海洋工程》2018,36(2):83-91
针对渤海某海域以单桩结构为支撑的海上风电系统,对大直径直立桩风机基础进行了一系列静冰载荷模型试验研究。首先,针对目标海域海冰调研结果确定多个冰速工况,对3 MW及4 MW装机功率对应的两种不同直径的单桩基础开展静冰载荷模型试验;随后在试验现象及试验结果的分析中重点关注了冰排在大直径结构前的破坏模式及破坏特点;最终,通过对比模型试验冰力极值试验结果与多规范冰载荷计算结果,确定大直径直立桩静冰载荷计算规范的合理选择,并根据试验结果对直立桩静冰载荷计算方法进行了经验参数修正。得出的相关结论可为渤海海域大直径单桩式风机基础冰载荷的工程估算提供参考。  相似文献   

为提高基础利用率增加海上风电设施的可行性,对楔形单桩基础竖向承载力特性进行研究分析。采用PLAXIS 3D 有限元软件建立楔形单桩基础模型,从桩侧摩阻力、桩侧法应力及土体位移对比分析楔形单桩基础与等截面单桩竖向承载特性差异,并探讨内摩擦角、楔角及楔高对承载力的影响。研究表明:楔形单桩基础竖向承载力高于等截面单桩基础,且承载力随着楔角、楔高的增大而增大,提高率最大达24.786%。倾斜侧壁的引入改变了桩侧摩阻力的传递规律;倾斜侧壁挤密桩周土体,桩侧摩阻力与法向应力增大,从而有效提高单桩基础的竖向承载力。研究成果可为今后海上风电单桩基础截面型式的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

采用1∶5的比尺模型试验,研究了横向加载过程中U型钢板桩的位移和土压力响应以及破坏模式,并对比分析了不同土质干湿状况、加载速率、埋置深度以及加载高度等影响因素下U型钢板桩位移和土压力的变化规律。试验结果表明,当U型钢板桩凸面加载时,位移随埋置深度、加载等级、加载高度的增加而增加,干砂中的位移大于湿砂中的位移;当凹面加载时,位移随着埋置深度的增加而减小,随着加载等级的增大而增大,在不同加载高度与不同土质干湿情况中差别不大。随着加载力增大,U型钢板桩在受力侧土压力分布呈现“R型”分布,且土压力均随着埋置深度与土体含水率的增大而增大。在加载力作用下桩体产生转动,并随着加载力的增大在距钢板桩底部约1/3埋置深度处发生弯曲。  相似文献   

目前我国海上风电开发已经进入了规模化、商业化的发展阶段,海上风电的建设呈现由近海到远海,由浅水到深水的趋势。在响水、东台海上风电场中,均采用稳桩平台定位、起重船吊打工艺。文章结合某海上风电工程深水条件下大直径单桩沉桩施工情况,介绍自带定位抱桩器的1000t支腿起重船沉桩施工技术。  相似文献   

波群对垂直桩柱的作用力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在波浪槽中进行了具有不同群因子和连长的随机波群对三种直径的桩柱作用力的实验研究,指出波浪峰力的比值不随波群的连长变化,而随波群因子的增加而增大。由于桩柱是一非线性系统,作用力的群团子大于波浪的群因子,其连长小于波浪的连长。波浪峰力的比值不仅随KC数的增加而增大,还随波群因子GF的增加而增大。  相似文献   

以浙江舟山大陆连岛工程宁波连接线项目为依托,选择1根典型摩擦桩开展了自平衡试桩法在沿海软弱地层中的试验研究,并对自平衡测试后的试桩进行了传统桩顶堆载验证试验。介绍了自平衡试桩法从设计、现场试验及数据分析的全过程及各阶段的设计要点,并对容易引起测量误差的现有位移测量方法进行了改进,避免了易发缺陷的荷载箱处虚位移的影响。试验测得了试桩的负摩阻力系数值及单桩承载力值,其结果符合试验设计要求,试桩承载力满足设计要求,相关试验设计及测得的参数可以作为此类地层中自平衡测试的参考。经与传统桩顶堆载验证试验对比可知,自平衡试桩法在工程上的应用具有合理性与准确性。  相似文献   

The behavior of single piles subjected to negative skin friction in soft soil was conducted by analyzing the results from full-scale long-term field measurements and three-dimensional (3D) numerical analyses. A skin friction coefficient (α and β coefficients) of the instrumented piles is back-calculated at different degrees of consolidation (U) of soft marine clay. Back-calculated β-values ranged from 0.15 to 0.35 for clay, and from 0.30 to 0.55 for sand, respectively. In addition, back-calculated α-values ranged from 0.1 to 0.3 for coated pile, and from 0.2 to 0.8 for uncoated pile when undrained shear strength of the soft clay was about 30–60 kPa, respectively. Moreover, this study describes behavior of a pile based on full-coupled 3D finite element (FE) analysis. The appropriate parametric studies needed for verifying the pile-soil interaction with consolidation are presented in this paper. Compared to the results from the measurements, it is shown that the computed results are capable of predicting the pile-soil behavior under consolidation. The major parameters that influence the pile behavior are discussed for different soil-pile conditions.  相似文献   

承受水平荷载作用的桩基,规范中常采用m法进行桩基水平承载力的计算,地基土水平地基抗力系数的比例系数m值在规范中根据地基土的状态、类别以表格给出。在地基勘察中,现在广泛采用静力触探试验。直接利用静力触探数据给出比例系数m值。将使桩基设计所用参数更加直接准确。本文利用天津地区地层大量静力触探资料与地基土状态数据,利用统计分析回归方法,总结出地基土的液性指数IL与静力触探参数锥尖阻力qc及摩阻比Rf间的关系式,针对天津的地层土体,给出利用静力触探资料查用m值的表格,为桩基的设计计算提供资料。  相似文献   

In this article, two full-scale pile loading tests were conducted to observe the field performance of the super-long bored piles, and a simplified approach for nonlinear analysis of the load-displacement behavior of a single pile was presented. The field tests on piles indicates that, under the maximum test load, more than 70% of the pile top settlement is caused by the compression of pile shaft. For practical purposes, the pile top settlement can be reduced through improving the pile shaft strength. When the load reaches the maximum test load, the proportion of the load carried by the pile tip is approximately 30%. The super-long pile is functioning as an end-bearing friction pile. The skin friction at shallow depth is fully mobilized and decreases from a peak value with increasing load. However, the skin friction of deeper soil is not fully developed due to less relative displacement. Furthermore, a BoxLucas1 model is used to capture the relationship between unit skin friction and pile-soil relative displacement, whereas a hyperbolic model is used to describe the relationship between toe stress and pile base displacement. Based on the BoxLucas1 model and the hyperbolic model, a load transfer method is used to clarify the response of a single pile, and a computational flow chart is developed. The efficiency and accuracy of the present method is verified using the field tests on piles. The proposed simple analytical approach is economical and efficient, resulting in savings in time and cost.  相似文献   

The low side friction of piles in coral sand results in the low bearing capacity of foundations. In this paper, expansive concrete pile is utilized to improve the bearing capacity of pile foundations in coral sand. Both model tests and numerical simulation are performed to reveal the bearing mechanism of expansive concrete pile in coral sand.Results showed that the lateral earth pressure near pile increases obviously and the side friction of piles is improved,after adding expansion agent to the concrete. The horizontal linear expansion is 1.11% and the bearing capacity increased 41% for the pile, when 25% expansion agent is added. Results in finite element numerical simulation also show that ultimate bearing capacity increases with the increase of the linear expansion ratio. Besides, the area for obvious increase in side friction is below the surface of soil about three times the pile diameter, and the expansion leads to a high side friction sharing of the pile. Therefore, the cast-in-place expansive concrete pile is effective in improving the bearing capacity of piles in coral sand.  相似文献   

Most field tests are carried out using working piles for verification purposes in China, and loading tests are terminated before achieving true pile capacity. In this work, two full-scale destructive loading tests on tension piles instrumented with strain gauges were conducted to capture true pile capacity. The load-displacement response, load transfer, and threshold of the pile-soil relative displacement for fully mobilizing skin resistance in the uplift case were discussed. It was found that the shaft resistance degradation is observed to be along the pile depth with a reduction factor of 0.905 to 0.931, and the thresholds of pile-soil relative displacement for fully mobilizing skin resistance of the tension pile in different soils are found to be in the range 0.67% to 1.34% of the pile diameter. Based on the field test results, a simple softening model was proposed to describe the degradation behavior of skin friction along the pile-soil interface. Further study was conducted to assess the influence of the threshold of pile-soil relative displacement for fully mobilizing skin friction and the reduction factor on the skin friction. As to the analysis of the response of single pile subjected to tension load, a highly effective iterative computer program was developed using the proposed skin friction softening model. Comparisons of the load-settlement response for the well-instrumented tests were given to demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed simple method.  相似文献   

Drilled displacement (DD) piles with a screw-shaped shaft (referred to as DD piles) are installed using a continuous full thread hollow rod (without a displacement body) inserted and advanced in the soil by both a vertical force and a torque. As a type of newly developed pile, current understanding of the bearing mechanism of DD piles is unsatisfactory, which restricts their further applications in engineering. The primary aim of this paper is to study the bearing mechanism of this type of pile using a numerical method. First, a numerical model for calculating the bearing capacity of the DD piles was created and validated by a laboratory test. Then, the effects of the parameters of pile–soil interface, soil strength, and pile geometrical parameters on the bearing mechanism of the DD piles were investigated in parametric studies. The results of parametric studies show that the limit shear stress on the pile–soil interface, the friction angle of surrounding sand, screw pitch, and thread width significantly influence the bearing capacity of the DD piles, whereas the friction coefficient at the pile–soil interface and the thread thickness have little effect. Based on the results of the parametric studies, the failure mechanism of the DD piles under vertical load is analyzed. Finally, an equation for predicting the ultimate bearing capacities of helical piles based on cylindrical shear failure was used for estimating the bearing capacity of the DD piles, and the calculated results were verified with the numerical results.  相似文献   

The super-long and large-diameter steel pipe piles are often adopted for the construction of offshore oil platforms in deep sea. One constructability issue related to driving heavy pipe piles is the pile running. The term pile running refers to the quick penetration of a pile into the seabed as a result of its high self-weight and low resistance from the seabed. The unexpected pile running can cause the steel wire of the hammer to break or even the loss of the hammer. A case study of pile running at an oil platform is introduced in this paper. A simplified theoretical method is proposed to explain the mechanisms of the pile running in this case. A factor of friction degradation is proposed to calculate the dynamic skin friction from the static ultimate skin friction of surrounding soil. The comparisons between the predictions to the case history show that the proposed simplified method can be used to predict the pile running condition.  相似文献   

Calibration chamber tests were conducted on open‐ended model piles driven into dried siliceous sands with different soil conditions in order to clarify the effect of soil conditions on load transfer mechanism in the soil plug. The model pile used in the test series was devised so that the bearing capacity of an open‐ended pile could be measured as three components: outside shaft resistance, plug resistance, and tip resistance. Under the assumption that the unit shaft resistance due to pile‐soil plug interaction varies linearly near the pile tip, the plug resistance was estimated. The plug capacity, which was defined as the plug resistance at ultimate condition, is mainly dependent on the ambient lateral pressure and relative density. The length of wedged plug that transfers the load decreases with the decrease of relative density, but it is independent of the ambient pressure and penetration depth. Under several assumptions, the value of earth pressure coefficient in the soil plug can be calculated. It gradually reduces with increase in the longitudinal distance from the pile tip. At the bottom of the soil plug, it tends to decrease with increase in the penetration depth and relative density, and to increase with the increase of ambient pressure. This may be attributed to (1) the decrease of friction angle as a result of increase in the effective vertical stress, (2) the difference in the dilation degree of the soil plug during driving with ambient pressures, and (3) the difference in compaction degree of soil plug during driving with relative densities. Based on the test results, an empirical equation was suggested to compute the earth pressure coefficient to be used in the calculation of plug capacity using one‐dimensional analysis, and it produces proper plug capacities for all soil conditions.  相似文献   

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