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天然气水合物饱和度的计算通常采用阿尔奇公式、双水模型、Wood 方程等方法,这些方法均基于孔隙度的求取,并需要配合岩心分析来获得公式中的有关参数,存在误差传递导致结果不正确的问题.由于天然气水合物是以固态形式赋存于地层当中,因此研究适用于含天然气水合物储层的评价模型也是解决准确评价天然气水合物储层需考虑的因素.针对沿用油气测井评价方法计算天然气水合物的孔隙度和饱和度中存在的问题,采用径向基函数作为人工神经网络,计算了我国首次采获水合物样品的神狐海域某井天然气水合物的饱和度,以其中一口井的分析数据为样本训练并建立径向基函数神经网络,有效地求出了另一口井的天然气水合物饱和度,其结果与现场孔隙水分析的饱和度基本吻合.避开了天然气水合物饱和度的模型建立及参数求取难题.  相似文献   

为了解决南海西部海域珠江口盆地低阻低渗油藏渗透率评价的难题,详实调研了国内外低阻低渗储层的成因,在此基础上深入分析了珠江口盆地低阻低渗储层渗透率的影响因素。研究表明,孔喉半径是导致渗透率差异大的主要原因。基于岩心资料,采用FZI法将研究区储层划分为6类流动单元,通过建立每一类流动单元的精细渗透率模型求取低阻低渗储层渗透率参数。结果表明,使用流动单元渗透率模型能够有效提高渗透率计算的精度,目前该方法已在南海西部海域各区域推广应用。  相似文献   

印度国家天然气水合物计划(NGHP01)于2016年实施第1次钻探,证实了天然气水合物在印度大陆边缘的广泛分布。选择位于克里希纳-戈达瓦里盆地(KG盆地)的NGHP01-07D和NGHP01-15A钻孔,基于测井数据和岩心样品估算天然气水合物饱和度,分析天然气水合物赋存状态并探讨其形成机制。基于各向同性介质模型利用电阻率和声波测井计算NGHP01-15A钻孔的天然气水合物饱和度为0. 2%~33. 0%,平均值为9. 6%,在NGHP01-07D钻孔利用电阻率计算获得的天然气水合物饱和度高于岩心氯离子异常和气体释放获得的结果,但是基于各向同性岩石物理模型利用声波测井计算的天然气水合物饱和度与岩心结果一致,平均值为5. 0%。前人研究认为NGHP01-10D钻孔中天然气水合物以相对较高饱和度富集在高角度裂隙中。结合前人研究结果推断在克里希纳-戈达瓦里盆地存在3种不同的天然气水合物储层,即泥岩中砂质夹层各向同性储层、泥质/粉砂质高角度低连通性的低饱和度裂隙储层和泥岩中高角度高连通性的高饱和度裂隙储层,并提出对应的3种天然气水合物储层模型。  相似文献   

百色盆地东部坳陷中央凹陷带那读组为陆相碎屑岩沉积地层,其储集层具有岩石结构复杂、物性条件差、低孔低渗、非均质性极强等特点,使用传统方法预测其初始产量比较困难。因此从基础资料入手,分析储层特征,并通过研究储层流体性质的响应特征,提出了运用含油指示参数OID与反映孔隙结构的参数m的交会面积方法来预测初始产量。该方法由于综合了影响该地区储层产量的孔隙度、泥质含量、厚度、含油饱和度、渗透率等关键参数,预测精度和直观性有很大的提高,较好实现对那读组致密储层产量的快速预测,实际应用效果十分显著。  相似文献   

平湖油气田P11储层开发是平湖油气田增储提产的重要目标,也是当前平湖油气田开发面临的难题之一。由于埋藏深,储层物性条件差,试油自然产能低下,储层流体性质复杂,气油比低,凝析油含量高,密度大,储层温度高,压力系数高,给测井解释和评价带来很大困难,对开发方案的实施提出了挑战。根据岩心分析资料,从成岩作用、沉积作用等方面对平湖组放鹤亭P11储层低渗原因进行了分析;对P11储层的测井响应特征进行了总结,对P11储层"四性"关系、孔隙度结构进行剖析,对储层孔隙度、渗透率、饱和度等参数进行了研究,得到一套适合P11储层测井解释评价的方法,为P11储层的开发提供参数依据和测井解释服务。  相似文献   

东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷古近系花港组储层为典型的低孔、低渗储层。基于大量岩心物性、粒度、薄片、压汞等资料,对N气田目的层储层岩性、物性和孔隙结构特征进行精细评价。结果表明:N气田花港组储层岩性以细砂岩为主,矿物成分构成稳定,以石英为主,黏土含量低,岩性较纯;随着埋藏变深,孔隙变差,粒间孔减少,溶蚀孔增加,孔喉半径减小,连通性变差;局部发育砂砾岩,且渗透率大于细砂岩一个数量级以上,可作为甜点储层开发。基于实验和试油资料统计结果,建立了一套适用于花港组储层的综合分类评价标准,包含孔隙度、渗透率、饱和度和地质特征4类储层重要参数,分类结果特征鲜明,分类依据科学可靠,为该区域低孔、低渗储层勘探开发提供依据。  相似文献   

储层孔隙结构是影响低渗储层微观孔隙内流体运移与聚集的主要因素,决定了储层的优劣。以w11-7油田流沙港组三段储层为例,应用压汞资料定性与定量研究储层孔隙结构特征。研究结果表明,孔隙结构分为三类,总体上具有“喉道细、分选差、连通性差”的特点,这种较差的孔隙结构发育特征是造成储层呈低渗一特低渗的核心因素。在此基础上应用多元判别方法优选出排驱压力、中值压力、最大孔喉半径、孔喉半径均值、分选系数五类孔隙结构分类评价参数,并结合常规物性将储层分为三类,其中Ⅱ、Ⅲ类是广为发育的储层。  相似文献   

渐新统沙河街组二段为渤海海域A油田的主力低渗产油层,弄清储层的物性特征及其控制因素对该区有利区带的优选及后期调整方案的制定具有重要指导意义。利用6口取心井的岩矿分析、薄片鉴定、扫描电镜、粒度、常规物性等分析化验资料,在厘清沙二段储层特征的基础上,从沉积、成岩、构造3个方面对沙二段低渗储层物性的控制因素进行了系统研究。研究区沙二段储层以岩屑长石砂岩为主,具有中等成分成熟度、中等胶结物含量的特征,储集空间以混合孔隙为主,储层为中孔—低渗储集性能。原始沉积条件中储层粒径、分选、泥质含量等控制了沙二段储层物性的好坏;成岩作用中压实和碳酸盐胶结是沙二段储层低渗的主要原因,有机酸溶蚀对储层物性有一定的改善作用;构造活动对沙二段储层物性的改善作用较弱。该研究成果为该区沙二段相对高渗区块的优选及调整井的部署提供了依据。  相似文献   

根据渤海海域QHD油田地震、测井、录井及取心资料分析,结合室内实验观察数据,对低阻油层发育段-馆陶组二段2小层(馆细段)的储层岩石学和沉积学特征进行了综合研究。馆细段储层以岩屑长石砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩为主,磨圆度以次棱角-次圆状为主,分选较差。储层砂岩自下而上依次发育杂乱砾石沉积、中型交错层理、槽状交错层理、板状交错层理、波状交错层理及水平层理,泥岩以杂色为主,反映了一种浅水弱氧化-弱还原环境和氧化环境。低阻油层储层具有弱水动力沉积背景,主要发育心滩、辫状水道、泛滥平原和小型冲沟沉积微相。综合分析认为宏观的沉积环境、成岩作用和微观的黏土矿物共同造成了储层物性差及孔隙结构复杂化,使得馆细段束缚水饱和度偏高,是低阻油层形成的主要因素。  相似文献   

阿巴拉契亚盆地下志留系区域性油气聚集主要分布在低渗透性的砂岩中,总共约117000km^2,可采天然气的资源量约30tcf.储层主要为“克林顿”和“麦迪纳”组砂岩。相当于塔斯卡罗拉时期的地层砂岩给整个下志留系区域性储量增加了另外的78000km^2储量。自从1880年开始大约有8.7tcf天然气和400百万桶油产自克林顿/麦迪纳储层。 LSRA东部主要含气层为盆地中心气聚集,而西部为具有盆地中心气混合特征的常规性油气聚集。盆地中心气聚积具有渗透性含气饱和度、束缚水饱和度,并且通常有较低的流体压力。作为对比,常规混源的油气具有较低的渗透性油气饱和度、较高的重力水饱和度,同时具有正常和异常低流体压力。 常规混源储层中的高自由活动水饱和度构成了上倾圈闭,盆地中心气产生了一个几十英里宽的过渡带,这过渡带中具有两种端元聚积类型的特征。尽管盆地中心气聚积的塔斯卡罗拉砂岩部分主要为可渗透性饱和气,但是大多数砂层组成具有较低的孔隙度和渗透率。塔斯卡罗拉砂岩中商业性气田主要形成于天然的裂缝和断背斜中。 LSRA的来源有:(1)奥陶纪黑色页岩的油气生成;(2)通过上覆305m厚的奥陶纪页岩的垂直运移;(3)油生成气时产生的异常高的流体压力;(4)自由孔隙水被超压气的上倾驱替;(5)盆地中心的渗透性气体圈闭;(6)造山期后的抬升与剥蚀,导致气体的漏失和流体压力的显著减少。 克林顿/麦迪纳砂岩的未来天然气产量主要期望来自盆地中心储量。塔斯卡罗拉砂岩能增加部分天然气资源,但主要为低孔和低渗、并且可能具有较低的能量,从而减少了对其勘探的动机。  相似文献   

针对天然气水合物钻探与取样难以解决的水合物矿体空间展布等问题,利用白云-荔湾凹陷高密度分析重新处理的三维地震资料,首先基于模糊数学的多属性融合技术对水合物分布进行刻画;再通过高分辨率速度场对浅层开展高分辨率宽频无井反演技术,提高了水合物层分辨率;最后,利用岩石物理方法及多种模型对水合物饱和度进行定量预测,实现了对5~6m厚水合物层的有效辨别,进而形成了一套适合于孔隙充填型的水合物矿藏目标识别评方法。结果表明:应用该技术可有效对荔湾3水合物富集区第四条带水合物空间刻画,揭示出该区水合物饱和度最高可超40%,同时薄层与厚层水合物具有明显互层分布特征,在水合物矿体刻画及饱和度预测基础上,进一步对该区实施了井位优选,该方法预测的水合物层与实际钻探H1和H2站位吻合较好。这些结果说明常规三维油气地震数据在经过宽频处理后可应用于高分辨率水合物勘探,节约经济成本,同时提高了常规地震在水合物勘探中精度与实用性。  相似文献   

Except for those occurring at seafloor, most of natural gas hydrate form in sediments and are subject to the influence of sediment. Among these factors, the particle size effect on hydrate saturation level in sediment have been studied with a series of silica sands with various sizes, and the results obtained clearly indicate that particle size does play an important role in affecting the saturation level of hydrate in sediments. The proton relaxation times of water confined in the same series of silica sands, which were determined with NMR measurement, show logarithmic relationship with particle size. By comprehensive consideration of the results of hydrate saturation and water proton relaxation times, the particle size effect observed is tentatively explained by the water availability for hydrate formation in sediments.  相似文献   

The BPXA-DOE-USGS Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well was drilled and cored from 606.5 to 760.1 m on the North Slope of Alaska, to evaluate the occurrence, distribution and formation of gas hydrate in sediments below the base of the ice-bearing permafrost. Both the dissolved chloride and the isotopic composition of the water co-vary in the gas hydrate-bearing zones, consistent with gas hydrate dissociation during core recovery, and they provide independent indicators to constrain the zone of gas hydrate occurrence. Analyses of chloride and water isotope data indicate that an observed increase in salinity towards the top of the cored section reflects the presence of residual fluids from ion exclusion during ice formation at the base of the permafrost layer. These salinity changes are the main factor controlling major and minor ion distributions in the Mount Elbert Well. The resulting background chloride can be simulated with a one-dimensional diffusion model, and the results suggest that the ion exclusion at the top of the cored section reflects deepening of the permafrost layer following the last glaciation (∼100 kyr), consistent with published thermal models. Gas hydrate saturation values estimated from dissolved chloride agree with estimates based on logging data when the gas hydrate occupies more than 20% of the pore space; the correlation is less robust at lower saturation values. The highest gas hydrate concentrations at the Mount Elbert Well are clearly associated with coarse-grained sedimentary sections, as expected from theoretical calculations and field observations in marine and other arctic sediment cores.  相似文献   

受低幅度构造、地层倾角小、储层渗透率低、油源供给不足等因素影响,油层中存在自由水,若整个开发层系的油层大面积内均为油水同层,则称为低含油饱和度油藏。低含油饱和度油藏油井投产初期就具有一定含水率。由于室内岩心试验获得的油水相对渗透率曲线是在饱和油情况下进行,因此,油田实际含水与采出程度和利用室内试验曲线计算出的理论含水与采出程度曲线不能较好吻合,当油藏原始含水饱和度较高时这种误差会很大,导致含水与采出程度理论曲线无法正确预测油藏含水上升规律。根据试验获得的相渗曲线和实际生产数据,采用试验数据与生产实际相互印讧的方法,修正油藏含水上升规律,计算油藏原始含水饱和度,解决了油藏原始含油饱和度计算以及具有原始含水饱和度油藏含水上升规律预测问题,对正确认识油藏和开发指标预测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《Marine and Petroleum Geology》2012,29(10):1801-1805
Except for those occurring at seafloor, most of natural gas hydrate form in sediments and are subject to the influence of sediment. Among these factors, the particle size effect on hydrate saturation level in sediment have been studied with a series of silica sands with various sizes, and the results obtained clearly indicate that particle size does play an important role in affecting the saturation level of hydrate in sediments. The proton relaxation times of water confined in the same series of silica sands, which were determined with NMR measurement, show logarithmic relationship with particle size. By comprehensive consideration of the results of hydrate saturation and water proton relaxation times, the particle size effect observed is tentatively explained by the water availability for hydrate formation in sediments.  相似文献   

The gas hydrate petroleum system at the 2009 Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate Joint Industry Project Leg II (JIP Leg II) Green Canyon 955 (GC955) site shows a complex seismic amplitude and waveform response of highly negative and positive amplitudes with continuous and discontinuous character within inferred gas-hydrate- and gas-bearing sand reservoirs. Logging-while-drilling (LWD) data obtained during JIP Leg II and conventional 3-D seismic data allowed for the identification of thick highly concentrated hydrate layers by integrating rock physics modeling, amplitude and thin layer analysis, and spectral decomposition. Rock physics modeling with constraints from three JIP LWD holes allowed for the analysis of variations in acoustic amplitude characteristics as a product of hydrate saturation, gas saturation, and reservoir thickness. Using the well log-derived acoustic models, thick highly concentrated gas hydrate with and without underlying free gas accumulations have been identified. These results suggest that thick highly concentrated gas-hydrate-bearing sand units (with thicknesses greater than half of the seismic tuning thickness and gas hydrate saturations greater than 50%) underlain by gas can be differentiated from sands containing only gas, but thin gas-hydrate-bearing sand units with low gas hydrate concentrations (with thicknesses less than half of the seismic tuning thickness and gas hydrate saturations less than 50%) are difficult to identify from post-stack seismic amplitude data alone. Within GC955, we have identified six zones with seismic amplitude anomalies interpreted as being caused by gas hydrate deposits with variable lateral extent, thickness and saturation, and in some cases overlying free-gas-bearing intervals. Synthetic seismic images produced from well-log- and model-derived velocity and density distributions mimic similar reflection characteristics in the corresponding field seismic data.  相似文献   

According to the preliminary geological data of gas hydrate bearing-sediments (GHBS) at site GMGS3-W19 in the third Chinese expedition to drill gas hydrates in 2015, a production model using three different recovery pressures was established to assess the production feasibility from both production potential and geomechanical response. The simulation results show that for this special Class 1 deposit, it is a little hard for gas production rate to reach the commercial extraction rate because the degree of hydrate dissociation is limited due to the low reservoir permeability and the permeable burdens. However, the free gas accumulating in the lower part of the GHBS can significantly increase gas-to-water ratio. It also generates many secondary hydrates in the GHBS at the same time. Decreasing the well pressure can be beneficial to gas recovery, but the recovery increase is not obvious. In term of geomechanical response of the reservoir during the gas recovery, the permeable burdens are conducive to reduction of the sediment deformation, though they don't facilitate the gas recovery rate. In addition, significant stress concentration is observed in the upper and lower edges of GHBS around the borehole during depressurization because of high pressure gradient, and the greater the well pressure drop, the more obvious the phenomenon. Yield failures and sand production easily take place in the edges. Therefore, in order to achieve the purpose of safe, efficient and long-term gas production, a balance between the production pressure and reservoir stability should be reached at the hydrate site. The production pressure difference and sand production must be carefully controlled and the high stress concentration zones need strengthening or sand control treatment during gas production. Besides, the sensitivity analyses show that the hydrate saturation heterogeneity can affect the production potential and geomechanical response to some extent, especially the water extraction rate and the effective stress distribution and evolution. Increasing GHBS and its underlying free gas formation permeabilities can enhance the gas production potential, but it probably introduces geomechanical risks to gas recovery operations.  相似文献   

Gas-in-place (GIP) is one of the primary controlling factors in shale gas production, but studies examining GIP have been lacking for the Lower Silurian Longmaxi shale in South China. In the present study, a suite of Longmaxi shale samples was collected from an exploratory well in Southeast Chongqing, South China, and the adsorption parameters were fitted using a supercritical Dubinin-Radushkevich (SDR) model based on the high-pressure methane adsorption experiment data for the samples. The results show that the adsorbed phase density and the adsorbed gas capacity of the samples have a positive correlation with the content of total organic carbon (TOC) but a negative correlation with temperature. Combined with the geological characteristics of the Longmaxi shale in Southeast Chongqing, GIP models were constructed under three different fluid pressure conditions. The absolute adsorbed amount of the samples increases and later decreases with increasing depth with a maximum corresponding to depths between 800 and 1200 m. The fluid pressure coefficient has no obvious effect on the absolute adsorbed amount when burial depth is over 2000 m but controls the free gas content. Overpressure primarily increases the free gas content and thus increases the total gas content. The free gas content of the Longmaxi shale in the Pengshui Block is reduced to 47%–58% of that in the Fuling Block, which is the main reason for its low gas production. Further exploration of the Longmaxi Formation should be expanded to deeper burial shales in the eastern area of Southeast Chongqing.  相似文献   

2D and 3D seismic reflection and well log data from Andaman deep water basin are analyzed to investigate geophysical evidence related to gas hydrate accumulation and saturation. Analysis of seismic data reveals the presence of a bottom simulating reflector (BSR) in the area showing all the characteristics of a classical BSR associated with gas hydrate accumulation. Double BSRs are also observed on some seismic sections of area (Area B) that suggest substantial changes in pressure–temperature (P–T) conditions in the past. The manifestation of changes in P–T conditions can also be marked by the varying gas hydrate stability zone thickness (200–650 m) in the area. The 3D seismic data of Area B located in the ponded fill, west of Alcock Rise has been pre-stack depth migrated. A significant velocity inversion across the BSR (1,950–1,650 m/s) has been observed on the velocity model obtained from pre-stack depth migration. The areas with low velocity of the order of 1,450 m/s below the BSR and high amplitudes indicate presence of dissociated or free gas beneath the hydrate layer. The amplitude variation with offset analysis of BSR depicts increase in amplitude with offset, a similar trend as observed for the BSR associated with the gas hydrate accumulations. The presence of gas hydrate shown by logging results from a drilled well for hydrocarbon exploration in Area B, where gas hydrate deposit was predicted from seismic evidence, validate our findings. The base of the hydrate layer derived from the resistivity and acoustic transit-time logs is in agreement with the depth of hydrate layer interpreted from the pre-stack depth migrated seismic section. The resistivity and acoustic transit-time logs indicate 30-m-thick hydrate layer at the depth interval of 1,865–1,895 m with 30 % hydrate saturation. The total hydrate bound gas in Area B is estimated to be 1.8 × 1010 m3, which is comparable (by volume) to the reserves in major conventional gas fields.  相似文献   

The Ordos Basin is a large cratonic basin with an area of 250,000 km2 in central China. Upper Paleozoic coals and shales serve as gas source rocks with peak generation and migration at the end of the early Cretaceous. Recent exploration has verified the huge gas potential in the “basin-centered gas accumulation system” (BCGAS). However, the mechanism for the gas accumulation is controversial. With an integrated approach of thin-section petrography, ultra-violet fluorescence microscopy, fluid inclusion microthermometry, Raman microspectrometry, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffractometry, we identified diagenetic trapping and evaluated the diagenetic history of sandstone reservoirs in the Yulin Gas Field in the central area, where structural, stratigraphic and/or sedimentary lithologic traps have not been found. It was revealed that three phases of diagenesis and hydrocarbon charging occurred, respectively, in the late Triassic, late Jurassic and at the end of the early Cretaceous. In the first two phases, acidic water entered the reservoir and caused dissolution and cementation, resulting in porosity increase. However, further subsidence and diagenesis, including compaction and cementation, markedly reduced the pore space. At the end of the early Cretaceous, the bulk of the gas migrated into the tight reservoirs, and the BCGAS trap was formed. In the updip portion of this system, cementation continued to occur due to low gas saturation and has provided effective seals to retain gas for a longer period of time than water block in the BCGAS. The mechanism for the gas entrapment was changed from water block by capillary pressure in the BCGAS to diagenetic sealing. The diagenetic seals in the updip portion of the sand body were formed after gas charging, which indicates that there is a large hydrocarbon exploration potential at the basin-centered area.  相似文献   

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