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琼东南盆地陵水凹陷构造演化及其对深水大气田形成的控制作用成为深水区研究的热点。利用钻井地质、地震勘探资料,运用层序地层学、构造解析方法,认识了陵水凹陷的构造动力学机制和构造变形;探讨了陵水凹陷构造演化及其对深水大气田形成的控制作用;提出了陵水凹陷经历了古新世—始新世断陷、渐新世坳—断、早中新世断—坳和中中新世—更新世坳陷(深水盆地)4期构造演化阶段的新认识,并认为构造演化控制了深水大气田的形成。(1)古新世—始新世断陷、渐新世坳—断作用分别控制了湖相、海陆过渡相—海相烃源岩分布,中中新世—第四纪坳陷作用拓宽了烃源岩生气时窗;(2)渐新世坳—断作用控制发育了扇三角洲储层,中中新世—更新世坳陷作用控制发育了深水限制型、非限制型碎屑岩储层和碳酸盐岩生物礁储层;(3)渐新世坳—断演化阶段以走滑—伸展构造变形为主,控制发育了断鼻、断背斜圈闭,中中新世—更新世坳陷作用控制发育了深水限制型重力流水道砂岩性圈闭群、非限制型盆底扇岩性圈闭和生物礁地层圈闭;(4)渐新统、中中新统地层超压产生断裂/裂隙,构成了良好的天然气输导体系。  相似文献   

轴向重力流沉积是一种重要的深水储层,其形成的岩性油气藏也是目前莺歌海盆地重点勘探领域。通过钻井、测井、地震和区域地质等资料的综合研究,分析莺歌海盆地中新统轴向重力流沉积特征和演化规律,探讨轴向重力流岩性油气藏的成藏条件和控制因素。结果表明,中新统储层为重力流沉积成因的厚层细砂岩,主水道和朵叶复合体是重力流沉积有利的沉积微相;中新世海南物源供给充足、断裂坡折带发育以及盆地轴向负向地形是该区形成轴向重力流沉积的宏观地质条件,在中新世各个时期形成了一系列沿盆地轴向分布、具有前积反射结构特征的轴向重力流沉积。研究区中新统轴向重力流储层厚度大、沉积规模广、临近烃源岩、构造脊微裂隙发育、圈闭保存好,具备优越的岩性油气藏成藏条件,是盆地下一步勘探的重要领域。  相似文献   

西纳土纳盆地是发育在东南亚巽他克拉通内的裂谷盆地,也是印度尼西亚重要的含油气盆地。运用盆地分析及石油地质学的理论与方法,对盆地构造—沉积演化及主力烃源岩、储集层及盖层等成藏要素进行综合研究,系统总结油气成藏特征及分布规律,并通过对比分析指出构造演化与沉积充填差异是造成盆地内烃源岩演化、储集层发育、油气成藏特征差异的主控因素。研究表明,油气可采储量区域上集中在Anambas地堑和Penyu次盆东北部,主要油气田(藏)类型包括挤压背斜、披覆构造和地层—构造型;层系上,油气主要储集于上渐新统和下中新统。盆地内远景地层圈闭以上始新统—下渐新统Belut组冲积扇相砂砾岩和上渐新统—下中新统Gabus—下Arang组河流下切谷砂岩为有利储层,勘探程度低,资源潜力较大。  相似文献   

近几年,东非海岸坦桑尼亚盆地发现了14个大中型气田,使得坦桑尼亚成为全球深水油气勘探的焦点。以收集到的盆地最新地质基础资料和油气田资料为依据,归纳总结该盆地构造沉积演化特征,分析烃源岩、储集层、盖层及含油气系统特征,预测其勘探前景。研究认为,盆地发育3套烃源岩,主力烃源岩为中上侏罗统页岩、下白垩统三角洲相页岩和上白垩统海相页岩。主要储层是下白垩统河流三角洲砂岩以及上白垩统、古新统和渐新统的深水水道砂岩。潜在储层包括卡鲁群河流三角洲砂岩、中侏罗统砂岩和灰岩。盆地内具有优良盖层质量的黏土岩层序出现在整个侏罗系—新近系地层,形成了区域和层间盖层。陆上及浅水区以构造成藏组合为主;深水区以重力流砂体在陆坡形成的构造—地层成藏组合为主。勘探的目标应着重于白垩纪以来重力流砂砾沉积物及河道充填沉积物形成的斜坡扇和海底扇。  相似文献   

通过系统收集和分析库泰盆地钻井岩屑样品及野外露头样品,首次对下中新统海相油气系统进行了评价。结果发现该区域以生物礁碳酸盐岩为标志层,发育多套海相沉积旋回,海相沉积油气系统具有自生自储自封堵特征:暗色海相泥岩为主力烃源岩,海相砂岩为有利储层,同时,海相泥岩作为有效盖层。下中新统海相烃源岩样品有机质类型为Ⅱ/Ⅲ型,以Ⅱ型为主,总有机碳质量分数(TOC)平均值1.92%,有机质处于低熟-成熟阶段,为有效烃源岩,烃源岩厚度较大,指示良好的生烃潜力;储层多期发育,具有低阻特征。自西向东,库泰盆地油气成藏系统时代变新、层系变浅:①盆地东部望加锡海峡深水-半深水区域以上中新统-上新统深水沉积成藏系统为主;②中部马哈坎三角洲-浅海区域以中中新统三角洲相成藏组合为主;③马哈坎褶皱带以下中新统海相成藏组合为主;④盆地西部以渐新统-始新统裂谷期成藏组合为主。新层段海相油气成藏系统的发现,揭示了库泰盆地有利成藏组合的分带规律,指明了库泰盆地中西部区域的未来油气勘探方向。  相似文献   

马来盆地前I群(即J、K、L、M群,渐新统—下中新统)具有良好的油气成藏条件:①发育多期有利于成藏的构造运动:前中新世伸展断裂阶段,湖相烃源岩大量发育;早、中中新世构造沉降阶段,并伴随盆地反转,形成前I群油气系统的储盖系统;②烃源岩优越:烃源岩为湖相富含藻类的页岩,成熟度较高,有机质含量较高;③储集层丰富:K群储集层为辫状河砂岩,J群储集层为河口湾河道砂岩和潮间砂岩;④盖层良好:主要盖层为盆地海侵期沉积的前J群三角洲—浅海相泥岩,次要盖层为K、L和M群内的湖泊相泥岩;⑤油气运移通道畅通:上倾侧向运移为主;⑥有利的生储盖组合:自生自储和下生上储的组合方式有利于油气藏的形成。前I群油气系统位于马来盆地的东南部,以生油为主。分析认为盆地的油气分布主要受烃源岩的分布、质量和成熟度以及构造圈闭形成的相对时间和油气运移方式的控制。  相似文献   

北部湾盆地迈陈凹陷油气成藏条件分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
迈陈凹陷位于北部湾盆地东北部,勘探程度低,对油气成藏条件缺乏系统和深入的认识。以油气地质理论为指导,在构造和沉积地层特征研究的基础上,重点分析了烃源岩、储集层、圈闭及输导介质等油气成藏的基本要素,认为迈陈凹陷拥有较好的烃源岩,发育多套储集层、多种类型圈闭和复合的输导介质,具备油气藏形成的基本条件,具有广阔的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   

东海西湖凹陷油气成藏地质认识   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以东海西湖凹陷勘深资料为背景,从盆地演化、地层层序、储集岩、盖层、烃源岩、圈闭等地质因素来深讨东海西湖凹陷油气成藏情况。西湖凹陷的烃源岩主要为泥岩和煤,储集岩主要为始新统平湖组和渐新统花港组的砂岩,基层的泥岩厚度大,连续性好,多种圈闭类型,配置好。总体看来西湖凹显的生、储、盖、圈等油气成藏地质条件好,是东海大陆架油气最丰富的地区。  相似文献   

为明确库泰盆地充填演化历史与勘探方向,从库泰盆地构造演化分析出发,在明确构造演化对盆地沉积充填控制作用基础上,分析了盆地烃源岩分布和沉积演化特征,探讨了盆地油气勘探方向。研究结果如下:(1)盆地演化经历了3个构造演化阶段,断陷期(始新世)、坳陷期(渐新世—早中新世)、反转期(中中新世之后),并以中新世末为界进一步划分为快速沉积期和剥蚀改造期;(2)陆上始新统烃源岩局部发育,不发育中新统烃源岩;海上发育中新统三角洲煤系烃源岩,具有较强的生烃能力,两套烃源岩分布不同,导致海陆油气发现的差异性;(3)陆上生烃能力有限,超深水区风险较大,有利区位于中新统烃源灶60km范围内,有利区带内中中新统—上新统岩性圈闭是勘探的潜力目标。  相似文献   

通过收集相关资料,结合气源岩、生储盖组合及圈闭特征方面的研究,对北海南部盆地大型气田的形成条件进行了分析,总结了其形成的基本规律后得出:北海南部盆地气源岩为上石炭统维斯特伐利亚阶煤系地层(C22);主力储层为赤底统砂岩,部分地区储层为下三叠统砂岩;区域盖层为上二叠统蒸发盐岩.北海南部大型气田多为反转断裂构造圈闭,其形成...  相似文献   

The deepwater of the northwestern South China Sea is located in the central to southern parts of the Qiongdongnan Basin(QDN Basin),which is a key site for hydrocarbon exploration in recent years.In this study,the authors did a comprehensive analysis of gravity-magnetic data,extensive 3D seismic survey,cores and cuttings,paleontology and geochemical indexes,proposed the mechanism of natural gas origin,identified different oil and gas systems,and established the model of hydrocarbon accumulations in the deep-water region.Our basin tectonic simulation indicates that the evolution of QDN Basin was controlled by multiple-phased tectonic movements,such as Indochina-Eurasian Plate collision,Tibetan Uplift,Red River faulting and the expansion of the South China Sea which is characterized by Paleogene rifting,Neogene depression,and Eocene intensive faulting and lacustrine deposits.The drilling results show that this region is dominated by marineterrestrial transitional and neritic-bathyal facies from the early Oligocene.The Yacheng Formation of the early Oligocene is rich in organic matter and a main gas-source rock.According to the geological-geochemical data from the latest drilling wells,Lingshui,Baodao,Changchang Sags have good hydrocarbon-generating potentials,where two plays from the Paleogene and Neogene reservoirs were developed.Those reservoirs occur in central canyon structural-lithologic trap zone,Changchang marginal trap zone and southern fault terrace of Baodao Sag.Among them,the central canyon trap zone has a great potential for exploration because the various reservoirforming elements are well developed,i.e.,good coal-measure source rocks,sufficient reservoirs from the Neogene turbidity sandstone and submarine fan,faults connecting source rock and reservoirs,effective vertical migration,late stage aggregation and favorable structural–lithological composite trapping.These study results provide an important scientific basis for hydrocarbon exploration in this region,evidenced by the recent discovery of the significant commercial LS-A gas field in the central canyon of the Lingshui Sag.  相似文献   

The Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea has received huge thickness (>12 km) of Tertiary-Quaternary sediments in the deepwater area to which great attention has been paid due to the recent discoveries of the SS22-1 and the SS17-2 commercial gas fields in the Pliocene-Upper Miocene submarine canyon system with water depth over 1300 m. In this study, the geochemistry, origin and accumulation models of these gases were investigated. The results reveal that the gases are predominated by hydrocarbon gases (98%–99% by volume), with the ratio of C1/C1-5 ranging from 0.92 to 0.94, and they are characterized by relatively heavy δ13C1 (−36.8‰ to −39.4‰) and δDCH4 values (−144‰ to −147‰), similar to the thermogenic gases discovered in the shallow water area of the basin. The C5-7 light hydrocarbons associated with these gases are dominated by isoparaffins (35%–65%), implying an origin from higher plants. For the associated condensates, carbon isotopic compositions and high abundance of oleanane and presence of bicadinanes show close affinity with those from the YC13-1 gas field in the shallow water area. All these geochemical characteristics correlate well with those found in the shales of the Oligocene Yacheng Formation in the Qiongdongnan Basin. The Yacheng Formation in the deepwater area has TOC values in the range of 0.4–21% and contains type IIb–III gas-prone kerogens, indicating an excellent gas source rock. The kinetic modeling results show that the δ13C1 values of the gas generated from the Yacheng source rock since 3 or 4 Ma are well matched with those of the reservoir gases, indicating that the gas pool is young and likely formed after 4 Ma. The geologic and geochemical data show that the mud diapirs and faults provide the main pathways for the upward migration of gases from the deep gas kitchen into the shallow, normally pressured reservoirs, and that the deep overpressure is the key driving force for the vertical and lateral migration of gas. This gas migration pattern implies that the South Low Uplift and the No.2 Fault zone near the deepwater area are also favorable for gas accumulation because they are located in the pathway of gas migration, and therefore more attention should be paid to them in the future.  相似文献   

琼东南盆地物源和沉积环境变化的重矿物证据   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于11口钻井岩心样品的重矿物数据,结合古生物学、元素地球化学和地震资料,对琼东南盆地的物源及沉积环境演变进行了分析.结果表明,盆地基底沉积以陆相沉积为主,自渐新世起,盆地逐渐接受海侵,大致经历了海陆过渡→滨浅海→浅海→半深海的沉积环境演变过程,水深总体呈逐渐增大的趋势且在同一时期南部区域水深整体上大于北部.随着沉积环境的变化,各地层(崖城组至莺歌海组)物源呈现出多源性特征,经历了原地→近源→远源的演变过程.在渐新世早期,物源以近源玄武质火山碎屑和邻区陆源碎屑为主,之后演变为远源的陆壳碎屑,物源区包括北部海南岛、南部永乐隆起、东北部神狐隆起、西部红河、西南部中南半岛乃至更广的区域.海南岛物源自早渐新世便开始发育,至中中新世成为盆地最主要的物源,并持续至现今;永乐隆起和神狐隆起物源在晚渐新世至早中新世期间最为发育,于中中新世逐渐消退;红河物源于晚中新世大规模加入,为中央峡谷的主要沉积物源,影响至上新世结束;中南半岛莺西物源自上新世发育,影响至更新世时期.此外,自生组分对盆地(尤其是南部区域)的沉积贡献也不容忽视.  相似文献   

About 120 gas seepage vents were documented along the west and southwest coast of the Hainan Island, South China Sea, in water depths usually less than 50 m. The principal seepage areas include the Lingtou Promontory, the Yinggehai Rivulet Mouth, Yazhou Bay, the Nanshan Promontory and the Tianya Promontory. They occur along three major zones, reflecting the control by faults and lateral conduits within the basement. It is estimated that the total gas emission from these seepage vents is 294–956 m3/year. The seepage gases are characterized by a high CH4 content (76%), heavy δ13C1 values (−38 to −33‰) and high C1/C1–5 ratios (0.95–1.0), resembling the thermogenic gases from the diapiric gas fields of the Yinggehai Basin. Hydrocarbon–source correlation shows that the hydrocarbons in the sediments from seepage areas can be correlated with the deeply buried Miocene source rocks and sandstone reservoirs in the central depression. The 2D basin modeling results based on a section from the source rock center to the gas seepage sites indicate that the gas-bearing fluids migrated from the source rocks upward through faults or weak zones encompassed by shale diapirism or in up-dip direction along the sandstone-rich strata of Huangliu Formation to arrive to seabed and form the nearshore gas seepages. It is suggested that the seepage gases are sourced from the Miocene source rocks in the central depression of the Yinggehai Basin. This migration model implies that the eastern slope zone between the gas source area of the central depression and the seepage zone is also favorable place for gas accumulation.  相似文献   

By the end of 2019, more than 220 gas fields had been discovered in the South China Sea. In order to accurately determine the geological characteristics of the large-and medium-sized gas fields in the South China Sea, this study conducted a comprehensive examination of the gas fields. Based on the abundant available geologic and geochemical data, the distribution and key controlling factors of the hydrocarbon accumulation in the South China Sea were analyzed. The geological and geochemical features of the gas fields were as follows:(1) the gas fields were distributed similar to beads in the shape of a "C" along the northern, western, and southern continental margins;(2) the natural gas in the region was determined to be composed of higher amounts of alkane gas and less CO_2;(3) the majority of the alkane gas was observed to be coal-type gas;(4) the gas reservoir types included structural reservoirs, lithologic reservoirs, and stratigraphic reservoirs, respectively;(5) the reservoir ages were mainly Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene, while the lithology was mainly organic reef, with some sandstone deposits; and(6) the main hydrocarbon accumulation period for the region was determined to be the late Pliocene-Quaternary Period. In addition, the main controlling factors of the gas reservoirs were confirmed to have been the development of coal measures, sufficient thermal evolution, and favorable migration and accumulation conditions.  相似文献   

YC21-1 is a gas-bearing structure found within the Yanan sag in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea. While the structure bears many geological similarities to the nearby YC13-1 gas field, it nevertheless does not contain commercially viable gas volumes. The main reservoirs of the YC21-1 structure contain high overpressures, which is greatly different from those of the YC13-1 structure. The pressure coefficients from drillstem tests, wireline formation tests and mud weights are above 2.1. Based on well-log analysis, illite content and vitrinite reflectance data of mudstones in well YC21-1-2, combining with tectonic and sedimentation characteristics, the timing and causes of overpressure generation are here interpreted. The results indicate the existence of two overpressure segments in the YC21-1 structure. The first overpressure segment resides mainly within the lower and the middle intervals of the Yinggehai Formation, and is interpreted to have been mainly caused by clay diagenesis, while disequilibrium compaction and hydrocarbon generation may also have contributed to overpressure generation. The second overpressure segment comprising the Sanya Formation (Pressure transition zone) and the Lingshui and Yacheng Formations (Hard overpressure zone) is interpreted to owe its presence to kerogen-to-gas cracking. According to petrography, homogenization temperature and salinity of fluid inclusions, two stages of oil-gas charge occurred within the main reservoirs. On the basis of overpressure causes and oil-gas charge history, combining with restored tectonic evolution and fluid inclusion characteristics, a complex accumulation and leakage process in the YC21-1 gas bearing structure has been interpreted. Collective evidence suggests that the first oil charge occurred in the Middle Miocene (circa 16.3–11.2 Ma). Small amount of oil generation and absence of caprocks led to the failure of oil accumulation. Rapid subsidence in the Pliocene and Quaternary gave rise to a sharp increase in geotemperature over a short period of time, leading to prolific gas-generation through pyrolysis and, consequently, overpressure within the main reservoirs (the second overpressure segment). During this period, the second gas charge occurred in the Pliocene and Quaternary (circa 4.5–0.4 Ma). The natural gas migrated in several phases, consisting of free and water soluble phases in a high-pressure environment. Large amounts of free gas are considered to have been consumed due to dissolution within formation water in highly pressured conditions. Water soluble gas could not accumulate in high point of structure. When the pore-fluid pressures in main reservoirs reached the fracture pressure of formation, free gas could leak via opened fractures within cracked caprocks. A repeated fracturing of caprocks may have consumed natural gas stored in formation water and have made water-soluble gas unsaturated. Therefore, the two factors including caprocks fracturing and dissolution of formation water are interpreted to be mainly responsible for the failure of natural gas accumulation in the YC21-1 structure.  相似文献   

位于主动大陆边缘的缅甸安达曼海域中部天然气资源丰富,成因多样。天然气成因类型直接影响勘探领域与方向的确定。通过气体组分、CH4和CO2碳同位素资料,对缅甸安达曼海域中部天然气成因类型及气源岩进行了判识。结果表明:上新统部分天然气具有较轻CH4碳同位素,为生物成因气,部分碳同位素较重的天然气属于热成因气;中新统及渐新统天然气CH4碳同位素均较重,属于热成因气;CO2碳同位素显示其存在无机、有机2种成因;此外,还存在少量生物气与热成因气或无机气的混源气。认为该区无机成因CO2与CH4共存体系通过基底断裂来源于地壳深部或上地幔;上新统生物气来自上新统未熟源岩;产于上新统、中新统热成因气,来源于上新统下部、中新统或渐新统上部等深层高-过成熟烃源岩。  相似文献   

The Late Miocene Zeit Formation is exposed in the Red Sea Basin of Sudan and represents an important oil-source rock. In this study, five (5) exploratory wells along Red Sea Basin of Sudan are used to model the petroleum generation and expulsion history of the Zeit Formation. Burial/thermal models illustrate that the Red Sea is an extensional rift basin and initially developed during the Late Eocene to Oligocene. Heat flow models show that the present-day heat flow values in the area are between 60 and 109 mW/m2. The variation in values of the heat flow can be linked to the raise in the geothermal gradient from margins of the basin towards offshore basin. The offshore basin is an axial area with thick burial depth, which is the principal heat flow source.The paleo-heat flow values of the basin are approximately from 95 to 260 mW/m2, increased from Oligocene to Early Pliocene and then decreased exponentially prior to Late Pliocene. This high paleo-heat flow had a considerable effect on the source rock maturation and cooking of the organic matter. The maturity history models indicate that the Zeit Formation source rock passed the late oil-window and converted the oil generated to gas during the Late Miocene.The basin models also indicate that the petroleum was expelled from the Zeit source rock during the Late Miocene (>7 Ma) and it continues to present-day, with transformation ratio of more than 50%. Therefore, the Zeit Formation acts as an effective source rock where significant amounts of petroleum are expected to be generated in the Red Sea Basin.  相似文献   

Stress, fluid and temperature are three of the major factors that impact natural gas migration and accumulation. In order to study the influences of tectonic stress field on natural gas migration and accumulation in low-permeability rocks, we take the Kuqa Depression as an example and analyze the evolution of the structure and tectonic stress field at first. Then we study the influences of tectonic stress field at different tectonic episodes on fractures and fluid potentials through the numerical simulation method on the section across the KL2 gas field. We summarize two aspects of the impact of the tectonic stress field on natural gas migration and accumulation. Firstly, under the effects of the tectonic stress field, the rock dilation increases with the added stress and strain, and when the shear stress of rock exceeds its shear strength, the shear fractures are well developed. On one hand, the faults which communicate with the hydrocarbon source rocks become the main pathways for natural gas migration. On the other hand, these positions where fractures are well developed near faults can become good reservoirs for natural gas accumulation. Secondly, because fluid potentials decrease in these places near the faults where fractures are well developed, natural gas can migrate rapidly along the faults and accumulates. The impact of tectonic stress fields on natural gas migration and accumulation allows for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in the low-permeability rocks in an active tectonic compressive setting.  相似文献   

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