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鱼虾贝幼体微胶囊饲料的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在水产养殖育苗中 ,人们通常采用活饵作为幼体的饵料 ,如微藻、轮虫和卤虫幼体等。但使用活饵存在着很多的不利因素。一方面 ,由于受环境与管理等多种条件的影响 ,从而造成活饵的产量和质量不稳定 ;另一方面 ,活饵的培养需要耗费很大的财力物力 ,从而导致养殖水产动物的成本很高。为此人们不断地研究开发营养全面、造价低廉、适用于水生动物摄食和消化的人工配合饲料 ,以部分或全部代替水产育苗中的活饵。但是利用人工配合饲料的主要问题是营养物质易流失到水中 ,引发细菌繁殖而污染水体 ;另一方面颗粒在水中稳定性差 ,不易于被幼体摄食。用…  相似文献   

用冷冻海水小球藻培养轮虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
轮虫培养在海水鱼类幼体培养中是一个关健性问题。影响海水鱼类幼体生长和存活最主要的饵料因素是n-3系列的长链多种不饱和脂肪酸,它包括20碳5烯酸(EPA:20∶5 n-3)和22碳6烯酸(DHA:22∶6 n-3),而对淡水鱼品种DHA则不是主要的。为了解决鱼  相似文献   

福建海水鱼类人工繁殖和育苗技术的现状与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自90年代以来,福建海水鱼类人工繁殖和育苗技术已向着多品种和批量化方向发展,各特优种类不断增加,人工种苗为海水网箱和池塘养殖提供大量苗源,科研教学单位的多项育苗成果已转化为生产力,开始进入种苗规模化生产的可持续发展阶段。迄今为止,福建海水鱼类人工繁殖和育苗成功的种类至少有14科30种,1999年大黄鱼的育苗量已超过3亿尾,其他年产种苗千万尾以上的海水鱼类有美国红鱼、花鲈、免状黄姑针、真鲷(春季生殖群体)和花尾胡椒鲷;年产种苗数百万尾的有黑鲷、勒氏笛鲷、断斑石鲈、免鱼和斜带髭稠等种类。石首鱼科鱼类已成为人工繁殖和育苗的主要对象。本文还针对福建海水鱼类增养殖的问题,提出今后可持续发展的几点设想。  相似文献   

我国海水鱼类网箱养殖现状及其发展前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张雅芝 《海洋科学》1995,19(5):21-24
海水鱼类网箱养殖是我国近年新兴的现代化养殖方式,它具有集约化、高密度、高效益等特点,因而发展迅速。同时也出现一系列问题,制约着这一养殖方式的进一步发展。现就我国海水鱼类网箱养殖发展的现状及出现的问题概述如下。1我国海水鱼类网箱养殖现状我国海水鱼类网箱养殖相对于藻、贝、虾类的养殖起步较晚,但发展迅速。其生产性网箱养殖70年代末、80年代初始于广东。1979~1983年珠海市科委开展海水网箱养鱼试验,共试养7科20多种,以新鲜小杂鱼为饵料,有时搭配植物性饵料混合使用,取得初步成果。1982年广东阳江…  相似文献   

王志铮  杨阳 《海洋学报》2007,29(4):111-119
2005年4月以三疣梭子蟹各期幼体为实验动物,开展了短期停食对三疣梭子蟹幼体存活与变态影响试验.结果表明:完全停食处理条件下三疣梭子蟹各期幼体的平均全致死时间按发育先后次序(Z1,Z2,Z2,Z4,M)依次为81,120,141,162和200 h,平均半致死时间为39,66,90,64和174h;短期停食后恢复正常给饵条件下三疣梭子蟹各期幼体停食处理后的变态临界点按发育先后次序依次为停食处理后的33,57,69,54和150 h;单次停食时间在变态临界点内,先停食后正常给饵与"给饵+停食"循环两处理模式中各期幼体的存活率和变态率均随着停食时间的延长而下降,幼体变态所需时间和变态后个体死亡率也分别随之延长和增加,其中Z1停食3 h组与"给饵3 h+停食3 h"循环组、Z2停食4 h组与"给饵4 h+停食4 h"循环组、Z3停食4.5 h组与"给饵4.5 h+停食4.5 h"循环组,Z4停食6 h组与"给饵6 h+停食6 h"循环组、M停食7.5 h组、停食15 h组以及"给饵7.5 h+停食7.5 h"循环组均与对照组无差异.最后,还分别就三疣梭子蟹各期幼体停食处理极限值和限食处理总实验时间的确定、短期停食胁迫对三疣梭子蟹幼体的存活与变态特征以及三疣梭子蟹各期幼体的补偿生长水平及其应用等进行了分析与探讨.  相似文献   

为评估短角异剑水蚤(Apocyclops royi)作为海水鱼类仔稚鱼的饵料价值和投喂效果,比较分析了其与卤虫无节幼体(Artemia nauplii)的脂肪酸组成及2种生物饵料对克氏双锯鱼(Amphiprion clarkii)稚鱼存活、生长和脂肪酸组成的影响。结果显示,短角异剑水蚤DHA、EPA和ARA含量分别达21.185%、11.088%和3.250%,海水仔稚鱼必需脂肪酸(EFA)总含量高达37.417%,均显著高于卤虫无节幼体。投喂短角异剑水蚤的克氏双锯鱼稚鱼(5~20 d)成活率(80.71%±8.23%)与投喂卤虫无节幼体组(76.30%±7.00%)差异不显著;稚鱼体长(7.75 mm±1.18 mm)、体重(0.0163 g±0.0080 g)和体长特定生长率(3.46%±0.75%)均显著高于卤虫无节幼体投喂组;稚鱼体内DHA(21.843%)、EPA(6.914%)和ARA(2.725%)含量也均显著高于后者。研究表明,短角异剑水蚤适于作为海水鱼类仔稚鱼的生物饵料,在水产养殖中具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

介绍了适宜山东沿海鱼类增养殖的主要种类,回顾和山东省主要海水鱼类增养殖种类研究和生产发展的历史、山东省近年海水鱼类养殖概况,最后论述了今后的发展战略与对策。  相似文献   

人工培育脊尾白虾蚤状幼体的饵料基础研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过脊尾白虾蚤状幼体饵料种类,饵料组合和食物密度的比较试验,研究了脊尾白虾育苗的适宜开口饵料和育苗期饵料组合,测定了不同时期蚤状幼体的捕食率及其日粮。结果表明:饵料种类对脊尾白虾蚤状幼体Ⅰ期(Z1)至Ⅱ期(Z2)的变态率和变态所需时间没有明显影响,Z1可以不投饵,但适量投喂单胞藻或轮虫,能明显提高Z2活力和Z2至Z3的变态率。人工培育脊尾白虾蚤状幼体的适宜饵料是卤虫无节幼体,在幼体培育前期(Z1)投喂单胞藻,轮虫,后期(Z3以后)添加鱼糜效果也很好。蚤状幼体对卤虫无节幼体的捕食率和日粮随幼体发育而明显增加,同一发育时期则随饵料密度的增大而增加,但达到一定密度后,捕食率增幅明显下降。根据幼体日粮难以确定育苗期间卤虫无节幼体的最佳投喂方案。  相似文献   

通过两年度的小试和生产性试验,从越冬亲虾入池至产卵过程全部投喂人工配合饵料,其成活率和性腺发育要好于投沙蚕、四角蛤的鲜活饵料组(对照组),生产性试验的产卵量、孵化率和幼体变态率优于对照组。试验用饵的成本比对照组低45.3%。  相似文献   

广东主要海水养殖鱼类繁养殖的现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了广东省10多种主要海水养殖鱼类繁养殖技术的现状,包括:海水鱼类人工繁殖,苗种培育、饲料、病害、健康养殖和可持续发展,产业化工程和养殖技术状况等方面;并对广东省海水鱼类繁养殖业的健康发展和战略部署提出了一些合理化建议。  相似文献   

本文从海鱼鱼卵的脂肪酸组成及各种脂肪酸被利用的顺序、n- 3系列高度不饱和脂肪酸 (n-3HUFA)对海水仔稚鱼生长和存活的影响、乳化油强化轮虫和卤虫饵料的重要性、几种海水仔稚鱼对n- 3HUFA的需要量、DHA和 EPA对海水仔稚鱼不同的生理作用、海水仔稚鱼活饵料和微粒饲料中DHA与 EPA比例的重要性、n- 3HUFA含量与海水比目鱼非正常色素沉着的关系、乳化油和微粒饲料中 n- 3HUFA不同的分子结构形式等方面系统综述了海水仔稚鱼的必需脂肪酸—— n- 3系列高度不饱和脂肪酸的国内外研究进展。旨在学习、借鉴国外的研究成果和经验 ,深入开展我国海水仔稚鱼的营养研究。  相似文献   

海洋养殖鱼类仔稚鱼摄食和营养研究的进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
海洋鱼类人工育苗常出现仔稚鱼死亡率高的情况,它涉及到亲鱼培育、卵子质量、仔稚鱼营养需求、生物饵料供应和配合饲料取代等问题.本文就海洋鱼类仔稚鱼培育的饵料系列、亲鱼和早期发育中的脂类代谢和氨基酸作用、生物饵料的营养强化以及微粒、微囊饲料等研究进展作了概述.  相似文献   

Ichthyoplankton and microzooplankton were collected twice monthly for one year at a single station in Biscayne Bay, Florida. Based on approximate 10-m3, 333-μm mesh bongo net samples, the mean annual densities were 17·7 m?3 and 1·8 m?3 for fish eggs and larvae, respectively. Ichthyoplankton was most abundant in spring-summer. The most common fish larvae were bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), spotted dragonet (Callionymus pauciradiatus), thread herring (Opisthonema oglinum) and gobies (Gobiidae), which comprised 50% of all larvae collected. A comparison of 35-μm and 333-μm mesh, bongo net collections revealed that mean densities of fish larvae were 8·5 times higher in the smaller mesh. The most abundant microzooplankton, based on 35-μm bongo net collections, were copepod nauplii, <100 μm in width, which averaged 90·41?1 and tintinnids which averaged 168·51?1. The mean density of microzooplankton <100 μm wide, potentially suitable food for first-feeding fish larvae, was 104·91?1, exclusive of tintinnids, and 273·41?1 including tintinninds. Excepting tintinnids, seasonal variability in microzooplankton abundance was low relative to that for ichthyoplankton. High microzooplankton densities, combined with low seasonal variability, indicated that feeding conditions for fish larvae were usually good in Biscayne Bay. Copepods, especially nauplii, were the predominant food of fish larvae (71% of all food items). Only mollusc veliger larvae (18% of all food items) were highly preferred prey but they were a small component of most larval fish diets. Average width of prey eaten by first-feeding larvae was 74 μm. Prey size increased in relation to larval length.  相似文献   

Thedietsofthealpinegalaxias(Galaxias paucispondylus Stokell, 1938) and the longjawed galaxias (G. prognathus Stokell, 1940) were studied in Deep Creek, a high‐country stream in the central South Island of New Zealand. Both species are small, slender fish with entirely freshwater life cycles. Their diets were very similar and consisted of aquatic invertebrates, dominated by the larvae of Deleatidium spp. (Ephemeroptera), Hydrobiosis spp. (Trichoptera), and Chironomidae (Diptera). Although diets partly reflected what was available in the stream, both fish selected soft‐bodied prey in preference to cased or harder shelled prey. Both species are probably nocturnal feeders.  相似文献   

The diets of several populations of four recently described species of galaxiid with allopatric distributions were examined in the Taieri River, New Zealand. Comparisons of available prey items and prey consumed were carried out to examine whether the distributions of the galaxiid species might be influenced by food availability and preferences. Seventy‐three prey categories were identified. The availability of four of these (Deleatidium, Oligochaeta, Elmidae larvae and adults) differed among the streams occupied by different galaxiid species. Three differences in the frequency of prey consumption (Deleatidium, Oxyethira, and Elmidae larvae) were detected. Despite differences in diet it was concluded that all four fish species were generalist predators of invertebrates with similar diets that were influenced mainly by prey availability. Furthermore prey availability was not considered responsible for the allopatric distribution of the four species, rather, spawning habitat availability, physical nature of the streams, and prior geological history of the Taieri catchment are considered the controlling influences on galaxiid distribution.  相似文献   

Food and feeding of small fish in the Rakaia River,New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Benthic macroinvertebrates and fish species were collected at monthly intervals during a 12‐month period, from 3 areas of the lower Rakaia River. The composition and abundance of the benthos and stomach contents of the fish were analysed for seasonal trends, food niche breadth and overlap between pairs of fish species, and overlap between the benthos and the diet of each fish species. The diets of bluegilled bully (Gobiomorphus hubbsi), upland bully (G. breviceps), juvenile longfinned eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii), Galaxias brevipinnis, G. paucispondylus, and juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) were similar to the proportions of prey species in the benthos. Deleatidium and chironomid larvae dominated the benthos in all seasons and formed the majority of food items in the diet of these species. Food niche overlap between these species was high, indicating potential competition, but preferred habitat and feeding habit differences plus low fish population density and abundance of main prey items probably eliminate the occurrence of any serious competition. The diet of the other fish species differed from this pattern. The common bully (Gobiomorphus cotidianus) ate proportionally more chironomid larvae and fish eggs than occurred in the benthos; torrentfish (Cheimarrichthys fosteri) ate proportionally more chironomid larvae than occurred in the benthos; and quinnat salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) depended largely upon prey species of terrestial origin, such as adult Deleatidium and dipterans.  相似文献   

海水仔稚鱼脂类营养研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
近年来国外海水仔稚鱼脂类营养研究取得了重要进展。作者从海鱼鱼卵和早期仔稚鱼阶段的脂肪酸成分、海水仔稚鱼饥饿时脂肪酸的保存、海水仔稚鱼脂类的消化、吸收和运输、饲料中磷脂的作用和影响、饲料磷脂与甘油三酯的效率、饲料的必需脂肪酸、必需脂肪酸的定量需要、高度不饱和脂肪酸以及EPA和DHA比例的重要性等方面综述脂类营养对海水仔稚鱼生长的影响  相似文献   

国外仔稚鱼营养研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海水仔稚鱼营养的研究,国外已有相当数量的报道,特别是在脂类中的n-3高度不饱和脂肪酸(n-3 HUFA)方面,已取得了显著的成果(Borlongan,1992; Izquierdo et al,1989a: Kanazawa,1989a; Koven et al,1990; Ostrowski et al,1990)。但迄今为止,我国鱼类营养的研究基本集中于幼鱼和成鱼阶段,而仔稚鱼阶段还未见报道。目前,我国养殖的名贵海鱼,如真鲷 (Pagrosomus major)、黑鲷(Sparus macrocephalus)、牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)等的生产性育苗,因在仔稚鱼阶段大量死亡,成活率一般低于30%。毋庸置疑,从早期仔鱼开始吸收自身卵黄内源营养到转变为摄取轮虫、卤虫等外源营养,某些营养要素的缺乏或不足是导致仔稚鱼大量死亡的一个重要原因。为加快我国海鱼养殖的发展,保证生产所需的优质种苗的供给,开展仔稚鱼营养的研究已成为我国鱼类营养研究工作者的一项极为紧迫的任务。最近,我们已开始进行“人工调节活饵料营养要素对黑鲷仔稚鱼生长、存活的影响”的研究,期望通过该研究,为我国鱼类营养研究从幼鱼和成鱼阶段发展到仔稚鱼阶段提供一个良好的开端。  相似文献   

黄河口及附近海域鱼卵和仔鱼种类组成及分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘霜  张继民  冷宇 《海洋通报》2011,30(6):662-667
根据2009年5月和8月2个航次对黄河口及附近海域18个站位的鱼卵和仔鱼调查资料,对该水域鱼卵仔鱼的种类组成和数量分布特征进行了分析和探讨.结果表明,鱼卵仔鱼的种类组成和数量分布呈现明显的季节变化特征;春季鱼卵仔鱼种类数高于夏季,平面分布范围大于夏季,主要优势种季节更替明显;与历史同期资料相比,鱼卵仔鱼种类和数量大幅下...  相似文献   

Data collected in 1953 and 1954 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were statistically analyzed to ascertain where and when fish eggs and larvae are most abundant on the southeastern U.S. continental shelf. The results are related to some oceanographic processes that might affect the survival of larval fish. Along-shelf differences in numbers of eggs and larvae are minimal compared with differences that occur across the shelf. Highest numbers of fish larvae are found on the outer shelf during fall, winter and spring, but larvae are evenly distributed across the shelf in summer.Upwelling strongly influences the dynamics of plankton production on the outer shelf, and thus during most seasons of the year upwelling may be the most important process controlling the amount of food available to larval fish. During winter and spring, mean winds do not favor shoreward transport of larval fish from the outer shelf if the larvae are located in near-surface waters. Thus, during these seasons variability of winds on the ‘event’ time scale may be more important to onshore and offshore transport of larval fish than the mean strength and direction of monthly or seasonally averaged winds.  相似文献   

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