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本文研究了小麦株高和株高增长速率与气象因子间的关系,分别建立了小麦株高,株高增长速率的气候生态模型和川东南小麦株高分布函数,揭示了川东南小麦随纬度和海拔的变化规律。  相似文献   

结合试验资料,对旱育抛秧水稻进行了研究人为旱育抛秧水稻子物重增长和千粒重的增加均符合Logistic曲线;相对生长速率随生育期逐渐减小,且光、温对相对生长连串的作用是互补的;灌浆速度也受温、光的限制,水稻的发育速度通过温、光模式来反映快慢。为了实现抛栽高产的目的,必须掌握适宜的栽培秧龄、密度和基本苗数。  相似文献   

基于阳西县2004—2013年水稻分蘖期密度观测资料与同期光温要素数据,统计分析了水稻分蘖期茎蘖增长速率与分蘖期积温、总日照的关系,建立了基于光温条件的水稻群体茎蘖增长模拟模型,并对模型进行了应用效果验证。结果表明:该模型在一般天气情况下具备较高的使用价值,在面对不同品种的预测应用时也具备一定程度的参考价值,但在极端天气情况下密度预测时偏差较大。  相似文献   

水稻植株高度(简称株高)是指水稻植株茎基部到穗尖(不包括芒长)的高度,它是表征水稻植株生态特性的重要因素之一,在生产上具有重要意义。据大量统计事实表明,任何品种对气候的适应性,最佳的栽培密度、合理的群体结构都与株高有着不可分割的联系。最适的栽培密度与株高有近乎于反比的关系。因此,育种专家们为了使栽培  相似文献   

2018年在黑龙江省庆安县选用寒地水稻龙粳31品种进行淹水试验,在拔节孕穗期、抽穗开花期,分别设定3个淹水深度(1/3株高、2/3株高、3/3株高)、2个淹水历时(3 d、7 d)共12个淹水处理,测定淹水前后的株高、叶面积、干物质及收获后的每穗粒数、结实率、千粒重及产量等。结果表明:水稻淹水后,株高、叶面积指数、干物质平均增长量基本高于同时期对照组,在一定程度上可以说明适度的淹涝胁迫对水稻植株生长具有促进作用,拔节孕穗期各项与对照组相比的增长程度均低于抽穗开花期;不同淹涝胁迫均导致水稻减产,拔节孕穗期全淹没7 d减产最严重,穗结实粒数仅55粒,千粒重16.9 g,远低于对照,减产率高达70%,抽穗开花期全淹没7 d减产也较严重,穗结实粒数为71粒,千粒重略低,但单位面积有效穗数最少,为2.83×106穗,减产率达57%;淹水深度1/3 h、2/3 h、3/3 h处理的平均减产率依次为16%、18%、48%,淹水持续3 d、7 d的平均减产率分别为21%、33%,可见随着淹水深度加深、淹水历时加长,水稻减产幅度加大;淹涝胁迫条件下,拔节孕穗期水稻产量的下降幅度大于抽穗开花期,导致两个发育期减产的主要产量构成因素分别为穗结实粒数、单位面积有效穗数。  相似文献   

1 引言 纹枯病是盘锦稻区水稻三大病害之一,轻者可造成稻株叶鞘和叶片的提早枯死,影响谷粒灌浆,形成大量秕谷,减产达6%~10%,重者使水稻不能正常抽穗倒伏,甚至腐烂枯死,可减产30%~50%。 2 纹枯病发生历史及现状  相似文献   

张楚河  周培杰 《气象》1988,14(2):53-54
水稻三化螟,也叫钻心虫,是水稻的主要害虫。蚁螟孵化后约半小时,即可钻入稻株内。苗期受害造成枯心苗;孕穗—抽穗期受害,造成白穗。及时准确地预报三化螟发生期(尤其是始盛蛾、始盛孵期),对于防治其危害是十分必要的。  相似文献   

淹涝胁迫对水稻植株叶片光合性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高水稻作物生长模型中淹涝胁迫对水稻生长和产量影响的定量评估能力,通过开展水稻盆栽淹涝试验,研究了不同淹涝胁迫程度对粳稻和籼稻植株叶片光合性能的影响,并将两者之间的关系进行了定量化,结果表明:1)两种水稻植株叶片的光量子效率AQE、最大光合速率P_m均随淹涝天数的增加而明显下降,全淹处理的下降幅度较大,受全淹处理8天后平均下降幅度近五成,而半淹处理的下降幅度较小,半淹处理8天后平均降幅约一成左右;叶片基础荧光F_0、最大荧光产额F_m和最大光化学效率F_v/F_m也均随着淹涝胁迫天数的增加出现不同程度的降低。2)植株叶片光量子效率和最大光合速率随淹涝深度和淹涝天数变化可用定量关系模型y=1-aH-bH~3T来描述,用独立的试验资料对该模型进行检验后表明,模型的模拟值与实测值有很好的一致性,两者的相关系数高、RMSE值低,模拟效果令人满意。3)全淹处理下,水稻植株叶片最大光合速率P_m和最大荧光产额F_m下降幅度具有较好的相关性,可运用荧光测定的信息来快速估计淹涝胁迫对水稻叶片光合速率影响的程度。本研究可为改进水稻模型中淹涝胁迫条件下的水稻干物质累积和产量的模拟提供依据。  相似文献   

一、观测的目的中造水稻生育期在7—8月,此时是我省最高温时期,中午前后短时间内气温常高于32℃,同时雨量多,湿度大,水稻株间形成了高温高湿的小气候,有利于病虫害发生发展。欲通过排灌措施以适当降低土壤及田间气温及空气湿度,更有利于中造水稻生长发育,从而获得中造水稻的稳产高产。为此,本观测设  相似文献   

我社地处山区,气候变化复杂,要摸索水稻高产稳产途径,除种子、水肥管理条件外,还要从气候因素与水稻的关系进行摸索。把粮食搞上去,为四个现代化建设作出贡献。去年春,我哨开展水稻分批播种,同期插秧的试验。在水稻各个生育期所遇到的气象情况,我们都及时向公社党委汇报。去年春播期间,我们观测秧苗3—4张叶时,是水稻抗寒力最弱阶段,这个阶段遇到长期低温阴雨天气,灌水保温比不灌水保温有明显区别:灌流动水与灌静止水又有不同。在低温阴雨天气里,流动水温度又比静止水的温度高1一2℃,我们  相似文献   

In the rice field methane is produced in the soil layer with depths of 2-25 cm. The vertical profile of methane production rate in the paddy soil during the water covering period differs from that in the paddy soil in dry phase. Only a small part, about 30%. of the produced methane is emitted to the atmosphere through rice plant, air bubbles, and molecular diffusion. Therefore, the methane emission rate from the rice field depends not only on the methane production rate in the soil, but also on the transport efficiency of the rice plant, air bubble formation that in turn depends on the production rate, and molecular diffusion.Field measurements show that methane emission rates from a particular rice field have very large diurnal, seasonal and interannual variations, which are related to soil characteristics, water regime, farming procedure, local climate, and rice growing activities. The relationship between the methane emission rate and the above mentioned factors is very complicated. The emission rate  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate change does not only affect water resources but also water demand. Future water and food security will depend, among other factors, on the impact of climate change on water demand for irrigation. Using a recently developed global irrigation model, with a spatial resolution of 0.5° by 0.5°, we present the first global analysis of the impact of climate change and climate variability on irrigation water requirements. We compute how long-term average irrigation requirements might change under the climatic conditions of the 2020s and the 2070s, as provided by two climate models, and relate these changes to the variations in irrigation requirements caused by long-term and interannual climate variability in the 20th century. Two-thirds of the global area equipped for irrigation in 1995 will possibly suffer from increased water requirements, and on up to half of the total area (depending on the measure of variability), the negative impact of climate change is more significant than that of climate variability.  相似文献   

Climate change will affect irrigation water demand of rice via changes in rice physiology and phenology, soil water balances, evapotranspiration and effective precipitation. As agriculture is the main sector of water use in Bangladesh, estimation of the agricultural water demand in the changing environment is essential for long-term water resources development and planning. In the present paper, a study has been carried out to estimate the change of irrigation water demand in dry-season Boro rice field in northwest Bangladesh in the context of global climate change. The study shows that there will be no appreciable changes in total irrigation water requirement due to climate change. However, there will be an increase in daily use of water for irrigation. As groundwater is the main source of irrigation in northwest Bangladesh, higher daily pumping rate in dry season may aggravate the situation of groundwater scarcity in the region.  相似文献   

中国单季稻种植北界的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
段居琦  周广胜 《气象学报》2012,70(5):1165-1172
确定单季稻种植北界可为调整单季稻生产布局和科学应对气候变化提供依据.基于中国单季稻种植区地理分布及其主导气候因子,结合最大熵模型,研究了雨养(水热共同作用)与灌溉(热量限制)条件下中国单季稻种植区的北界,并与已有方法确定的中国单季稻北界进行了对比验证.结果表明:雨养条件下,中国单季稻种植北界可达黑龙江漠河县北部,沿漠河—塔河—呼玛中部以西的大兴安岭地区及龙江—泰来—杜尔伯特—大庆—肇州—肇源以西的地区不适合种植水稻;灌溉条件下中国单季稻种植的北界则不存在,即在中国最北部的漠河地区仍可种植单季稻,沿漠河—塔河—呼玛中部的水稻种植界限往西略有偏移.本研究确定的中国单季稻种植北界与当前单季稻种植北界更为接近,明显优于已有方法确定的单季稻种植北界.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature underscoring the importance of climatic variance by developing a framework for incorporating the means and tails of the distributions of rainfall and temperature into empirical models of agricultural production. The methodology is applied to estimate the impact of climate change on the discrete choice decision to adopt irrigation since it is an important adaptation to climate change. We develop a discrete choice model for the decision to install irrigation capacity that captures the effects of both climate means and extremes. Climatic means and frequencies of climatic events in the upper tails of the temperature and precipitation distributions are used to estimate the parameters of a normal distribution for temperature and a Weibull distribution for precipitation. Using estimates from a probit model, we examine the independent effects of changing climatic mean and variance on the probability of adopting irrigation. Increasing the mean temperature, holding variance constant, shifts the entire distribution toward warmer temperatures—increasing the frequency of extreme temperatures. For precipitation, the specification captures the separate effects of mean rainfall, frequency of rainfall, and frequency of extreme events. The results show that the tails of the temperature and precipitation distributions, not the means, are the dominant climatic determinants in irrigation adoption. The results also show that water availability, soil characteristics, farm size and operator demographics are important determinants of irrigation.  相似文献   

Ram Fishman 《Climatic change》2018,147(1-2):195-209
Recent studies have found that increasing intra-seasonal precipitation variability will lead to substantial reductions in rice production in India by 2050, independently of the effect of rising temperatures. However, these projections do not account for the possibility of adaptations, of which the expansion of irrigation is the primary candidate. Using historical data on irrigation, rice yields, and precipitation, I show that irrigated locations experience much lower damages from increasing precipitation variability, suggesting that the expansion of irrigation could protect Indian agriculture from this future threat. However, accounting for physical water availability shows that under current irrigation practices, sustainable use of irrigation water can mitigate less than a tenth of the climate change impact. Moreover, if India continues to deplete its groundwater resources, the impacts of increased variability are likely to increase by half.  相似文献   

两系杂交稻制种基地气候风险评估的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
通过对两系杂交稻制种气候风险的数学定义, 根据江西省1:25万地形数据和84个气象台站40年气候资料, 在分析气候要素与海拔高度关系的基础上, 运用地理信息系统的空间分析方法, 对两系杂交稻制种气候风险进行评估, 找出了最佳制种地理区域和季节。对农业生产具有重要的意义, 分析结果在生产实际中得到证实。  相似文献   

水稻耗水规律及节水灌溉技术的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据18年的水稻耗水量试验资料,寻找水稻耗水量与光、温、水等气象要素的一般规律。在此基础上,考虑未来天气趋势和土壤性质的作用,确定水稻的灌溉量。该灌溉技术既满足水稻生理需求,又能达到节约用水,减小成本,夺取稳产高产的目的。  相似文献   

为探讨北方冬麦区节水灌溉的关键时期,借助干旱和灌溉对冬小麦冠层光分布,获取本地化参数,为华北农业干旱预报模型的修正提供依据。采用美国CID公司生产的CI-110型植物冠层分析仪,对干旱和灌溉条件下冬小麦冠层内光分布进行直接测定。结果表明,干旱和灌溉条件下,无论是高氮还是低氮、中氮,平均叶面倾角(MLA)都随生育期的延长呈现出先下降再上升的趋势。高氮和低氮时,随着生育期的延长,干旱处理和灌溉处理的冬小麦散射辐射透过系数(TCDP)都呈现先下降再上升的变化趋势;中氮时,干旱处理和灌溉处理的冬小麦TCDP在开花期和灌浆期都呈现一直上升的趋势。无论高氮还是中氮、低氮,冬小麦直接辐射透过系数(TCRP)的值都随着天顶角角度的增大而减小,冬小麦TCRP的值随着冬小麦生育期的推进,都呈现出先下降、后上升的变化趋势。高、中、低氮3种情况下,干旱和灌溉处理的冬小麦每个生育期均呈现随着天顶角角度的增加,消光系数K也增大;高氮时,多数情况下,冬小麦冠层的消光系数K干旱的大于灌溉的;中氮、低氮时,多数情况下,冬小麦冠层的消光系数K干旱的小于灌溉的。干旱和灌溉对冬小麦冠层光分布的影响:灌溉增加了冬小麦的平均叶面倾角(MLA);干旱和灌溉处理条件下冬小麦的TCDP差异较小,TCDP与MLA变化趋势相似,也都呈现出先下降、再上升的变化规律;干旱和灌溉处理冬小麦TCRP,无论高氮还是中氮、低氮,都随着天顶角角度的增大而减小,在7.5°、22.5°时干旱和灌溉对冬小麦TCRP的影响较大,而在37.5°、52.5°、67.5°时对冬小麦TCRP的值影响很小;每个生育期消光系数K均随着天顶角角度的增加而增大。  相似文献   

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