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魏浩  胡明宝  艾未华 《气象科学》2016,36(5):667-673
大气折射率结构常数描述了大气湍流起伏的强弱,它表征了大气折射率随机不均匀性的剧烈程度。光波和无线电波在大气中传播时会受到大气湍流的影响而产生各种不良效应,如:光斑漂移、闪烁、相位起伏等。因此,对大气折射率结构常数的研究具有重要的意义。本文利用常规探空资料对微波波段大气折射率结构常数进行了仿真研究,结果表明:在低空,特别是大气边界层之内,大气折射率结构常数主要为湿度所贡献;在高空,大气折射率结构常数主要为温度所贡献。在微波波段,影响大气折射率结构常数最大的气象因子并不是温湿压的大小,而是它们梯度的大小,其中湿度梯度的大小对其影响最大,在实际的低空测量大气折射率结构常数时,主要考虑湿度梯度与温度梯度的影响。  相似文献   

刘辉志  王雷  杜群 《大气科学》2018,42(4):823-832
本文总结了2012~2017年中国科学院大气物理研究所大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室大气边界层物理研究的最新进展,主要包括不同下垫面(城市、青藏高原、草原、沙漠、湖泊、海洋等)大气边界层观测实验、大气湍流和阵风相干结构的理论研究以及大气数值模拟的参数化改进等,同时对未来几年内大气边界层物理的发展方向做了展望。  相似文献   

大气化学是大气科学领域一门新兴的分支学科。本书是在气象出版社1991年出版的《大气化学》的基础上修订而成的。《大气化学(第二版)》保留了第一版的基本结构和主要内容,除修改了个别印刷错误外,对一些数据和信息进行了更新,并增加了一些新的内容,其中大部分是作者和他的学生们在近几年取得的最新研究成果。本书第1~3章系统介绍大气化学基础知识,包括大气化学的研究内容和研究方法,大气的组成、结构,控制大气化学成分的关键过程,大气微量成分的循环过程等。第4~7章分别介绍大气化学几个重要方面的最新研究成果,涉及大…  相似文献   

用结构分析方法分析了2006年6月3日西安突发性暴雨探空信息的大气垂直结构特征。结果表明:暴雨发生前和暴雨过程中垂直探空信息具有独特的结构特征,说明突发性的核心问题在于结构特征的转折性;大气的超低温、滚流方向等均是大气结构转折变化的先兆信息。揭示了突发灾害天气可预测性,为区域性暴雨的预测提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

沙漠-绿洲大气边界层结构的数值模拟   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
吕世华  罗斯琼 《高原气象》2005,24(4):465-470
利用美国NCAR新版中尺度MM5V3.6非静力平衡模式,采用三重嵌套的模拟方法,模拟研究了沙漠绿洲的环流及边界层特征。结果表明:在没有西风气流背景的影响下,绿洲沙漠环流和大气边界层结构是对称的。沙漠绿洲改变了原有沙漠地区环流结构及温、湿场的分布,绿洲上空大气下沉,沙漠上空大气上升,从而产生了绿洲上空大气冷干,沙漠上空大气暖湿的边界层特征。绿洲边缘形成了由干到湿的强湿度梯度带围绕着绿洲,起到了保护绿洲的作用。在有西风背景气流的影响下,绿洲沙漠环流和大气边界层结构是非对称的。但是,西风背景气流的存在可以破坏绿洲系统对称的环流结构,不利于绿洲系统的稳定发展。  相似文献   

南沙海域近海层大气湍流结构及输送特征研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据南沙群岛渚碧礁的一次大气湍流观测资料,分析研究南沙海域的湍流热通量输送、方差相似性、风速各分量谱、温度谱及各湍流通量协谱等大气湍流结构和输送特征,并与陆地下垫面上的结果作了比较,得到了一些有关南沙海域大气湍流输送及湍流结构的新认识。  相似文献   

青藏高原大气水分循环特征   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
青藏高原对亚洲季风环流的形成有重要作用,同时作为"世界屋脊"拥有丰富的冰川、积雪、河流、湖泊和地下蓄水层。青藏高原特殊大地形动力和热力作用深刻地影响着亚洲与全球大气水分循环,也对全球气候与环境产生深远的影响。基于青藏高原在亚洲夏季风系统大气水分循环过程的重要地位,从青藏高原对全球大气水分循环重要作用的视角,综述了青藏高原大气水分循环过程中青藏高原局地热力对流、高原的"阶梯式"水汽流爬升"第二类条件不稳定(CISK)"物理模型、青藏高原视热源结构影响及多尺度水汽汇流通道、海洋-青藏高原"水汽源-汇"结构、青藏高原跨半球垂直环流圈水分循环结构、青藏高原大气水分循环综合模型等的相关研究进展,剖析了青藏高原大气水分循环综合模型的研究背景,探讨了青藏高原特殊大地形热力驱动机制及其云水效应,描述出与青藏高原热力驱动的亚洲区域和跨半球垂直环流圈水分循环结构,揭示了青藏高原热力强迫与海洋-大气-陆地水文过程特殊的相互反馈作用。青藏高原发源的亚洲河流水系是为人口众多的亚洲区域供给生活、农业和工业用水的重要水资源之一。因此,认识在全球变暖背景下青藏高原的水分循环及其对水资源变化影响至关重要,仍需深入地探讨青藏高原大气水分循环机制及其全球影响效应。  相似文献   

本文研究了大气锋区的耗散结构理论;导出了锋区的最小熵产生定理;建立了大气锋区下层流体的运动方程组,揭露了大气锋区建立新平衡态的原因和条件,给出了大气锋区的耗散结构特征和自组织规律.  相似文献   

不同高度的大气结构和运动,具有不同的特点.许多年来通过各种气象研究计划(例如全球大气研究计划),大气的低层部分得到了经久不衰的研究.近年来随着火箭和卫星技术的发展,以电离层为主体的超高层大气研究也得到了迅速的发展.但是处于这两者之间的平流层、中间层和热成层下部的大气状态,人们对它的了解有限.这一层大气从10公里到100公里,称为中层大气,也  相似文献   

地形作为大气的外部强迫,其动力和热力作用对波动结构演变及极端天气出现都有不能忽视的作用。本文通过数值求解考虑地形强迫的β平面正压准地转位势涡度方程,探讨了地形强迫作用对大气长波调整的可能影响,结果表明:同非线性作用和纬向非均匀基流作用一样,无基流情形下具有纬向差异的地形分布影响了大气长波结构的演变,也能强迫出大气长波调整现象。大气长波调整依赖于地形的高度和地形分布,地形越高,长波越容易出现波数的调整;地形波数越大,即地形结构复杂,越不易出现波数变化。大气长波调整还与纬度有关,纬度越高,β越小,地形强迫作用越突出,长波调整容易出现;反之,低纬度以β效应为主的线性波动不易出现波数调整。大气长波调整对波动初始波动的振幅不敏感,但依赖于波动的初始结构。此外,有基流作用时,地形强迫还是诱发定常波的重要因素,且定常波流场结构依赖于地形高度分布,与波动初始结构无关。  相似文献   

The atmospheric thermodynamic equations are solved analytically to study the urban circulation caused by city heating.The perturbed flow and temperature fields are obtained and compared with observational facts from some urban boundary experiments.The agreement between the theoretical and observational results shows that this study may shed light on the physical characteristics of heat island circulation.  相似文献   

The coupled atmosphere–ocean box model of the interhemispheric thermohaline circulation (THC) formulated by Scott et al. [Scott, J.R., Marotzke, J., Stone, P.H., 1999. Interhemispheric THC in a coupled box model. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 29, 351–365.] is solved analytically, by introducing the approximation that the time variations of salinity in the ocean are much slower than the time variations in the temperature. The analytic solution shows that there is an unstable limit cycle near the bifurcation where the flow becomes unstable, as suggested by Scott et al.'s numerical solutions. The solution also leads to an analytic expression for the conditions under which the instability discovered by Scott et al. sets in, which is more general than that found by Scott et al. In particular, it includes the effect of coupling the THC to the atmospheric meridional transports of heat and moisture. It shows that the stability of THC is much more sensitive to the representation of the atmospheric heat transport, i.e., to how it depends on the meridional temperature gradient, than it is in hemispheric models. In particular, it shows that interhemispheric ocean models that use mixed boundary conditions, or couple the ocean to a diffusive representation of the atmospheric heat transport, are less susceptible to this kind of instability than when the ocean is coupled to a representation of the atmospheric meridional heat transport which is more sensitive to the meridional temperature gradient, as is implied by observations and theory.  相似文献   

小尺度地形引起的切变重力波   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桑建国  李启泰 《气象学报》1992,50(2):227-231
在大气边界层中,特别是山区的边界层中,经常可以观测到重力波的活动。例如Bull和Neisser分析了1974年4月至7月的2300时的微气压计记录。他们发现约38%的观测时间里都存在振幅至少为10—20 dPa的重力波活动,其中大多数重力波的振幅为25—70 dPa。由于风速切变和温度层结的不同,重力波引起的垂直位移的大小可能为百米,也可能达到整个夜间边界层厚度的量级。 很多大气活动都可能引起重力波,例如锋面、低空急流、局地风切变、逆温及强对流等等。地形特别是在夜间也是产生重力波的重要来源。当稳定度随高度急剧减少或风速随高度急剧增加时,在山脊的背风坡经常可以发现一系列的波动活动。  相似文献   

The vertical structures of atmospheric temperature anomalies associated with El Nio are simulated with a spectrum atmospheric general circulation model developed by LASG/IAP (SAMIL). Sensitivity of the model’s response to convection scheme is discussed. Two convection schemes, i.e., the revised Zhang and Macfarlane (RZM) and Tiedtke (TDK) convection schemes, are employed in two sets of AMIP-type (Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project) SAMIL simulations, respectively. Despite some deficiencies in the up...  相似文献   

The monthly and seasonal anomalies of temperature and precipitation over the Arctic are considered depending on the global and regional patterns of atmospheric circulation. Ñlimate indices are used to identify patterns. The composite analysis allowed identifying the geographic regions where the influence of atmospheric circulation modes on temperature and precipitation is statistically significant. The contingency of atmospheric circulation patterns in the Northern Hemisphere was statistically estimated. Special attention is paid to the case studies where the extreme episodes of circulation indices are associated with the significant anomalies of air temperature and precipitation. The potential is demonstrated of the numerical simulation of extreme episodes on monthly and seasonal timescales with the global semi-Lagrangian model SL-AV developed in the Institute of Numerical Mathematics jointly with the Hydrometcenter of Russia.  相似文献   

全球海温距平对月预报影响的数值试验   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对1992年7月19日个例,进行了有、无海温距平的对比数值试验,研究了海温距平对月预报的影响。个例试验结果表明,海温距平对月预报的影响是重要的。海温距平不仅对全球降水量的影响明显,而且对温度场预报的影响也很明显。大气(温度、降水和高度场)对异常海温强迫开始响应的时间大约是10天。  相似文献   

淮河流域大气环流型在冬季气温预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用Lamb-Jenkinson大气环流分型方法,根据由1970—2012年NCEP/NCAR逐日海平面气压场计算得到的环流指数,对淮河流域的环流进行分型。分析了冬季主要环流型和气温的分布特征及两者的联系,并以环流指数和主要环流型为预测因子,结合经验正交函数分解(EOF)方法和逐步回归方法,建立了淮河流域冬季气温距平的预测模型。结果表明,淮河流域冬季的主要环流型是东北风型、东风型、反气旋环流型以及东北风、东风配合下的反气旋性环流型,划分的环流型符合实际情况,这些环流型具有显著的年际和年代际变化特征。通过对预测模型进行后报试验和独立预报试验,表明该模型具有一定的预报技巧。  相似文献   

The impact of the simulated large-scale atmospheric circulation on the regional climate is examined using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model as a regional climate model. The purpose is to understand the potential need for interior grid nudging for dynamical downscaling of global climate model (GCM) output for air quality applications under a changing climate. In this study we downscale the NCEP-Department of Energy Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP-II) Reanalysis using three continuous 20-year WRF simulations: one simulation without interior grid nudging and two using different interior grid nudging methods. The biases in 2-m temperature and precipitation for the simulation without interior grid nudging are unreasonably large with respect to the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) over the eastern half of the contiguous United States (CONUS) during the summer when air quality concerns are most relevant. This study examines how these differences arise from errors in predicting the large-scale atmospheric circulation. It is demonstrated that the Bermuda high, which strongly influences the regional climate for much of the eastern half of the CONUS during the summer, is poorly simulated without interior grid nudging. In particular, two summers when the Bermuda high was west (1993) and east (2003) of its climatological position are chosen to illustrate problems in the large-scale atmospheric circulation anomalies. For both summers, WRF without interior grid nudging fails to simulate the placement of the upper-level anticyclonic (1993) and cyclonic (2003) circulation anomalies. The displacement of the large-scale circulation impacts the lower atmosphere moisture transport and precipitable water, affecting the convective environment and precipitation. Using interior grid nudging improves the large-scale circulation aloft and moisture transport/precipitable water anomalies, thereby improving the simulated 2-m temperature and precipitation. The results demonstrate that constraining the RCM to the large-scale features in the driving fields improves the overall accuracy of the simulated regional climate, and suggest that in the absence of such a constraint, the RCM will likely misrepresent important large-scale shifts in the atmospheric circulation under a future climate.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the performance of a coupled general circulation model FGOALS_s1.1 developed by LASG/IAP in simulating the annual modes of tropical precipitation.To understand the impacts of air-sea coupling on the annual modes,the result of an off-line simulation of the atmospheric component of FGOALS_s1.1,i.e.,LASG/IAP atmospheric general circulation model SAMIL,is also analyzed.FGOALS_s1.1 can reasonably reproduce major characteristics of the annual mean precipitation.Nonetheless,the coupled model shows overestimation of precipitation over the equatorial Pacific and tropical South Pacific,and underestimation of precipitation over the northern equatorial Pacific.The monsoon mode simulated by FGOALS_s1.1 shows an equatorial anti-symmetric structure,which is consistent with the observation.The bias of the coupled model in simulating monsoon mode resembles that of SAMIL,especially over the subtropics.The main deficiency of FGOALS_s1.1 is its failure in simulating the spring-fall asymmetric mode.This is attributed to the false phase of sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) annual cycleover the equatorial central-castern Pacific and Indian Ocean,which leads to the bias of the Walker circulation over the equatorial Pacific and the anti-Walker circulation over the Indian Ocean in boreal spring and fall.In addition,the domains of the western North Pacific monsoon and Indian monsoon simulated by the coupled model are smaller than the observation.The study suggests that the bias of the fully coupled oceanatmosphere model can only be partly attributed to the bias of the atmospheric component.The performance of FGOALS-s1.1 in simulating the annual cycle of equatorial SST deserves further improvement.  相似文献   

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