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1引言随网络技术的发展,人们对业务网络的安全也越加重视。尤其最近暴发的“红色代码”、“蓝色代码”及“尼姆达”等病毒,加深了认识网络安全的重要性。网络的生命在于其安全性。因此,如何在现有的条件下,搞好网络的安全,成了网络管理人员的一项重要任务。下面结合对WINDOWS NT网络管理的一点经验与体会,在技术方面提出对业务网安全的一些看法。  相似文献   

王蔚  江小雪 《黑龙江气象》2007,(1):34-34,36
1引言在自动站投入使用前绝大多数气象站使用的是EL型风向风速计,其瞬间风速是通过风速指示计人工测得的,人为因素大,精度不够,但人工测量给大风重要天气报、大风危险和解除报提供了依据,不会出现大风记录和报文之间的矛盾现象,而自动站的大风记录却不一样,其记录的大风的起止时间,极大风速及出现的时间是非常精确的,要求值班员实时注意查看自动站的大风记录,避免漏报、错报。由于自动站采集控制软件SAWSS在处理大风记录时存在不足,当大风达到不同的发报标准时不能及时报警,以提醒值班人员作出相应的处理,所以极易造成过时报,甚至漏报。  相似文献   

精细农业研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
精细农业是随着全球定位系统、遥感技术和农业新技术、地理信息系统、计算机技术的发展而兴起的现代农业管理方法,它将给农业生产带来深刻的变革.从农业资源的利用现状出发,分析了精细农业概念产生的必然性及其核心指导思想,并阐述了精细农业的技术组成、形成过程、国内外现状、发展趋势和成功应用.  相似文献   

1引言伊春自动气象站是国家基本站(现改为一级站),每天担负8次天气报,资料参加全球交换。当计算机出现故障时,天气报是否能在规定的时间内准确的编发出是至关重要的。出现故障时,在短时间内准确的手工编发出报文难度很大,容易出现错情或造成迟报等重大错情。为了避免这种情况的发生,总结了以下几种方法进行编发报,降低了出错的几率。  相似文献   

不同显式方案模拟对流风暴的不确定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用MM5模式选取mixed phase、graupel(gsfc)、graupel(reisner2)和schultz 4种显式方案对理想的对流风暴进行水平分辨率为2 km的全显式数值模拟,分析不同显式方案模拟的对流风暴不确定性.结果表明:不同的显式方案模拟的对流风暴的最大垂直速度、水平结构和降水以及云物理量的演变都有很大的不确定性,说明要对实际降水进行全显式的数值预报可能需要对不同显式方案导致的预报结果的不确定性作出进一步的估计,集合预报中可能要考虑不同显式方案对预报结果不确定性的影响.  相似文献   

本研究在建立HDF数据图像显示、数据提取和分析平台的基础上,利用乌鲁木齐地基的GPS水汽数据,对比分析了2004年6月2日-8月2日之间37d的MODIS近红外大气可降水含量的精度.发现MODIS反演的近红外PW系统性地比GPS探测的PW偏小,但在变化趋势上是相似的,说明MODIS反演的近红外大气可降水含量还是能够反映水汽的变化趋势.37d中降水出现的日期对应于PW的大值日期,尤其与GPS的大PW日数非常吻合.MODIS近红外大气柱可降水含量能够提供大面积水汽空间分布数据.每天一次的水汽分布数据能够用于研究水汽的时空分布和气候特征.该研究开发的MODIS水汽数据分析处理平台也可应用于其它MODIS反演产品的分析,如地表面温度、气溶胶光学厚度等.  相似文献   

吴悟涯 《气象学报》1936,12(8):450-453
本篇原名Meteorology for Schools and Colleges,是Sir Napier Shaw应TheRoyal Meteorological Society会长的嘱托而作的。他以为观测,列表,制图,图解,预报等基本工作是一个中学生的能力所能及的,对观测结果的物理原因的探求,则非大学程度不行,所以在这中间划了一道高等气象学(Meteorology forColleges)和初等气象学(Meteorology for Schools)的界线。本篇的内容,注重在指示一个中学生或初等气象学者,须怎样地去修养,才能使他自己成为一个研究高等气象学的学者。依照我们的环境,也许这篇是值得我们读一下的吧。  相似文献   

风就那么轻轻地扇了一下,整个荒原就着了火,不停奔忙的救火人却面带微笑。站在垄上,我的心在随着他们的韵律激动地博跳。金黄色玉米,黄金样水稻,所有的稼禾都积极地  相似文献   

江西一次突发性局地强对流天气的雷达回波特征分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
郭艳 《气象与减灾研究》2007,30(1):30-36,F0002
对2004年4月11日赣中出现的突发性局地强对流雷达回波资料进行了分析.分析结果表明,这次强对流过程虽然从天气形势上很难做出预报,但从多普勒天气雷达资料上仍可分析出一定的预报特征:最大反射率(DBZM)和最大反射率高度(HGT)的突降,与降雹和龙卷的发生时间具有较好的相关性;垂直积分液态水含量(VIL)的变化,尤其是跃增的特性,对于判断冰雹的增长非常有效,而对于判断降大冰雹的可能性,尤其是微型超级单体的降雹,VIL密度比VIL具有更明显的指示意义;冰雹指数(HI)对强对流天气的预报具有一定的指示意义,尤其当持续出现"PRO"或"POS"报警时,往往表示风暴已发展成熟,极有可能产生剧烈的强对流天气;三体散射回波(TBSS)的出现,预示风暴中可能有大冰雹生成;风暴追踪信息(STI)产品能有效地预报出回波未来的移动方向和影响区域,但对于转折时间,则需结合反射率等产品来进行预报预警服务;风暴内出现中气旋特征时,应做好发布强对流天气预警的准备工作.  相似文献   

气象水文灾害的防灾减灾教育培训新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要综述了第十届世界气象组织教育与培训大会的主题报告内容.本次大会主要讨论防灾减灾的气象水文教育与培训等问题,集中讨论了"备灾-预防和早期预警"、"减灾-应急、救援和重建"和"跨学科培训"等3个主题,强调集合数值预报系统对于估计出现极端天气事件的风险非常重要,同时必须培训气象、水文工作者使用集合预报中的概率预报信息.中国气象灾害监测、预测和预警已经从单纯提供一般意义上的气象灾害信息提升到有利于社会经济发展的气象灾害服务,既考虑自然因子也考虑经济发展的影响.在跨学科培训方面,将管理知识和气象知识结合起来,可以取得非常好的效果.大会建议提高世界气象组织区域培训中心以及各国气象水文部门培训单位的培训能力,主要通过提供防灾减灾的专门培训单元,对自然灾害风险管理短期课程进行指导,重视各国气象水文部门对于管理和传播领域培训的需求.  相似文献   

Storms that occur at the Bay of Bengal (BoB) are of a bimodal pattern, which is different from that of the other sea areas. By using the NCEP, SST and JTWC data, the causes of the bimodal pattern storm activity of the BoB are diagnosed and analyzed in this paper. The result shows that the seasonal variation of general atmosphere circulation in East Asia has a regulating and controlling impact on the BoB storm activity, and the “bimodal period” of the storm activity corresponds exactly to the seasonal conversion period of atmospheric circulation. The minor wind speed of shear spring and autumn contributed to the storm, which was a crucial factor for the generation and occurrence of the “bimodal pattern” storm activity in the BoB. The analysis on sea surface temperature (SST) shows that the SSTs of all the year around in the BoB area meet the conditions required for the generation of tropical cyclones (TCs). However, the SSTs in the central area of the bay are higher than that of the surrounding areas in spring and autumn, which facilitates the occurrence of a “two-peak” storm activity pattern. The genesis potential index (GPI) quantifies and reflects the environmental conditions for the generation of the BoB storms. For GPI, the intense low-level vortex disturbance in the troposphere and high-humidity atmosphere are the sufficient conditions for storms, while large maximum wind velocity of the ground vortex radius and small vertical wind shear are the necessary conditions of storms.  相似文献   

High-resolution numerical simulation data of a rainstorm triggering debris flow in Sichuan Province of China simulated by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model were used to study the dominant cloud microphysical processes of the torrential rainfall. The results showed that: (1) In the strong precipitation period, particle sizes of all hydrometeors increased, and mean-mass diameters of graupel increased the most significantly, as compared with those in the weak precipitation period; (2) The terminal velocity of raindrops was the strongest among all hydrometeors, followed by graupel’s, which was much smaller than that of raindrops. Differences between various hydrometeors’ terminal velocities in the strong precipitation period were larger than those in the weak precipitation period, which favored relative motion, collection interaction and transformation between the particles. Absolute terminal velocity values of raindrops and graupel were significantly greater than those of air upward velocity, and the stronger the precipitation was, the greater the differences between them were; (3) The orders of magnitudes of the various hydrometeors’ sources and sinks in the strong precipitation period were larger than those in the weak precipitation period, causing a difference in the intensity of precipitation. Water vapor, cloud water, raindrops, graupel and their exchange processes played a major role in the production of the torrential rainfall, and there were two main processes via which raindrops were generated: abundant water vapor condensed into cloud water and, on the one hand, accretion of cloud water by rain water formed rain water, while on the other hand, accretion of cloud water by graupel formed graupel, and then the melting of graupel formed rain water.  相似文献   

欧亚冬季温带反气旋活动的气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田笑  智协飞 《气象学报》2016,74(6):850-859
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析数据,通过判定和追踪温带反气旋的客观方法统计分析了1948-2013年欧亚地区冬季温带反气旋的生成、消亡、移动、生命史、强度等气候特征。结果表明,反气旋的主要源地位于蒙古高原、伊朗及其周边地区、地中海沿岸、中西伯利亚、波罗的海西北部、俄罗斯东北部等地,其中,蒙古高原和伊朗等地也是强反气旋最主要的源地。反气旋活动的大值分布区和反气旋生成的大值中心分布十分相似,主要活跃区对应低空平均经向温度梯度大值区和高空脊前。除源于蒙古高原和西伯利亚东北部的强、弱反气旋的移动距离差别不明显外,其他地区的反气旋移动距离与强度有密切关系。持续1-2 d的反气旋占总数的44.2%,而只有3.2%的反气旋生命史超过一周,且强反气旋比弱反气旋更易持续较长时间。   相似文献   

淮河流域水文极值预测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索气候变化影响下水文极值的非平稳性和预测方法,建立了水文极值非平稳广义极值(GEV)分布的统计预测模型。利用1952-2010年淮河上游流域累计面雨量和流量年最大值资料、同期500 hPa环流特征量资料以及17个CMIP5模式对环流特征量的模拟结果,筛选出对水文极值影响显著的年平均北半球极涡强度指数作为GEV分布参数的预测因子。分析了在RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下2006-2050年淮河上游流域水文极值对气候变化的响应。结果表明,10年以下与10年以上重现期的水文极值在非平稳过程中呈现前者下降而后者上升的相反变化趋势;多模型预测的集合平均在未来情景中均呈现上升趋势,情景排放量越大增幅越大,重现期越长增幅也越大。与极值的常态相比,极值的极端态更易受气候变化影响。  相似文献   

热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带气旋的眼墙非对称结构与其发展过程密切相关。在热带气旋移动过程中,非对称风场伴随着边界层内非对称摩擦而引起的辐合,影响着热带气旋眼墙内的对流分布。此外,风垂直切变作为影响热带气旋强度的重要因子,将上层暖心吹离表层环流,引起眼墙垂直运动的非对称,导致云、降水在方位角方向的非均匀分布。当存在平均涡度的径向梯度时,罗斯贝类型的波动可以存在于涡旋内核区域,影响眼墙非对称结构。海洋为热带气旋提供潜热和感热形式的能量,是热带气旋发展的重要能量来源,关于海洋如何影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的相关研究较少。文中着重回顾了热带气旋与海洋相互作用的研究成果,并提出海洋影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构的机制。海洋对热带气旋最显著的响应特征是冷尾效应,该效应通过降低海表温度,减少海洋向大气输送的潜热和感热,从而影响热带气旋眼墙非对称结构。此外,海浪改变海表粗糙度,通过边界层影响移动热带气旋的眼墙结构。  相似文献   

This article analyzes a political process in the aftermath of a disaster and explains why and how it led to maladaptation. Grounding Gramsci’s theory of the State on a case of post-disaster response to a fatal mudslide in the city of Sarno in Italy, this research argues that, under certain conditions, civil society and the ruling classes may coalesce to produce policies that are maladaptive. We unpack the mechanisms through which consent was reproduced in Sarno, and show how the claims of civil society were articulated and fused with the hegemonic goals of capital circulation and economic growth, reaffirming a view of government as only a provider of safety. A Gramscian treatment of the State as a process, and not as a thing, highlights that the main barrier to adaptation is not the lack of techno-managerial solutions. It is the lack of political struggle around the social reconfiguration of the logic and functions of the State.  相似文献   

A review of recent advances in research on Asian monsoon in China   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper reviews briefly advances in recent research on monsoon by Chinese scholars, including primarily: (1) the establishment of various monsoon indices. In particular, the standardized dynamic seasonal variability index of the monsoon can delimit the geographical distribution of global monsoon systems and determine quantitatively the date of abrupt change in circulation. (2) The provision of three driving forces for the generation of monsoon. (3) The revelation of the heating-pump action of the Tibetan Plateau, which strengthens southerlies in the southern and southeastern periphery of the Plateau and results in a strong rainfall center from the northern Bay of Bengal (BOB) to the Plateau itself. (4) Clarification of the initial onset of the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) in the BOB east of 90°E, Indochina Peninsula (ICP) and the South China Sea, of which the rapid northward progression of tropical convection in the Sumatra and the rapid westward movement of the South Asia High to the Indochina Peninsula are the earliest signs. (5) The provision of an integrated mechanism for the onset of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM), which emphasizes the integrated impact of sensible heat over Indian Peninsula, the warm advection of the Tibetan Plateau and the sensible heat and latent heat over the Indochina Peninsula on the one hand, and the seasonal phase-lock effect of the northward propagation of low frequency oscillation on the other. (6) The revelation of the "planetary-scale moisture transport large-value band" from the Southern Hemisphere through to the Asian monsoon region and into the North Pacific, which is converged by several large-scale moisture transport belts in the Asian-Australian monsoon regions and whose variation influences directly the temporal and spatial distribution of summer rainfall in China. (7) Presenting the features of the seasonal advance of the EASM, the propagation of intraseasonal oscillation, and their relationship with rainfall in Ch  相似文献   

The atmospheric and oceanic conditions before the onset of EP El Ni?o and CP El Ni?o in nearly 30 years are compared and analyzed by using 850 hPa wind, 20℃ isotherm depth, sea surface temperature and the Wheeler and Hendon index. The results are as follows: In the western equatorial Pacific, the occurrence of the anomalously strong westerly winds of the EP El Ni?o is earlier than that of the CP El Ni?o. Its intensity is far stronger than that of the CP El Ni?o. Two months before the El Ni?o, the anomaly westerly winds of the EP El Ni?o have extended to the eastern Pacific region, while the westerly wind anomaly of the CP El Ni?o can only extend to the west of the dateline three months before the El Ni?o and later stay there. Unlike the EP El Ni?o, the CP El Ni?o is always associated with easterly wind anomaly in the eastern equatorial Pacific before its onset. The thermocline depth anomaly of the EP El Ni?o can significantly move eastward and deepen. In addition, we also find that the evolution of thermocline is ahead of the development of the sea surface temperature for the EP El Ni?o. The strong MJO activity of the EP El Ni?o in the western and central Pacific is earlier than that of the CP El Ni?o. Measured by the standard deviation of the zonal wind square, the intensity of MJO activity of the EP El Ni?o is significantly greater than that of the CP El Ni?o before the onset of El Ni?o.  相似文献   

<p>Using the multielements similarity measurement method and 1950–C2017 NCEP/NCAR gridded daily reanalysis datasets, we analyzed season duration in China during 1950–C2016, and we defined the element with maximum absolute sensitivity as the key impact element at each point using the sensitivity analysis method. The decadal change of season duration and its key impact element before and after 1980 were studied. The results indicated obvious meridional and zonal differences in the distribution of season duration for the 67-year average, and that the key impact element has the same distribution characteristics as season duration. In addition, complementary relationships were found between the durations of spring and summer, autumn and winter, and the cold and warm seasons. Of those, the complementary relationship between the durations of spring and summer was strongest and the regions of complementarity were numerous. The complementary regions of autumn and winter durations were found mainly in western China. In the cold and warm seasons, the complementary regions were widespread and the complementary relationship was generally weak. Comparison of the periods before and after 1980 revealed an east–Cwest difference in the interdecadal variation of season duration. Interdecadal variation in spring and summer was found concentrated in northern and western regions, while that in autumn and winter was concentrated in the western region. Areas of significant interdecadal variation of the key elements were found concentrated in northern and western regions, corresponding well with the areas of significant interdecadal variation of season duration.</p>  相似文献   

The predictability of the position, spatial coverage and intensity of the East Asian subtropical westerly jet(EASWJ) in the summers of 2010 to 2012 was examined for ensemble prediction systems(EPSs) from four representative TIGGE centers,including the ECMWF, the NCEP, the CMA, and the JMA. Results showed that each EPS predicted all EASWJ properties well, while the levels of skill of all EPSs declined as the lead time extended. Overall, improvements from the control to the ensemble mean forecasts for predicting the EASWJ were apparent. For the deterministic forecasts of all EPSs, the prediction of the average axis was better than the prediction of the spatial coverage and intensity of the EASWJ. ECMWF performed best, with a lead of approximately 0.5–1 day in predictability over the second-best EPS for all EASWJ properties throughout the forecast range. For probabilistic forecasts, differences in skills among the different EPSs were more evident in the earlier part of the forecast for the EASWJ axis and spatial coverage, while they departed obviously throughout the forecast range for the intensity. ECMWF led JMA by about 0.5–1 day for the EASWJ axis, and by about 1–2 days for the spatial coverage and intensity at almost all lead times. The largest lead of ECMWF over the relatively worse EPSs, such as NCEP and CMA, was approximately 3–4 days for all EASWJ properties. In summary, ECMWF showed the highest level of skill for predicting the EASWJ, followed by JMA.  相似文献   

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