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Nino海区SSTA短期气候预测模型试验   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
采用奇异谱分析(SSA)与自回归(AR)预测模型相结合的方案,对Nino海区平均SST逐月距平序列作自适应滤波意义下的超前预报。结果表明,对1997-1998年这次强ENSO事件的超前预报十分有效;利用相应的历史样本作三次强ENSO事件的回溯预报试验,发现均有较高可信度。可见,该方案预报技巧稳定,独立样本试验和实际预报试验都有很高的准确率。将SSA-AR方案进一步完善,可望作为ENSO业务预报的有  相似文献   

SHORT-TERMCLIMATECHANGEANDITSCAUSEANDCLIMATEPREDICTIONINCHINA¥WeiFengying(魏凤英)(InstituteofSynopticandDynamicMeteorology.)Beij...  相似文献   

NINO区SST与SOI的耦合振荡信号及其预测试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用奇异交叉谱(SCSA)分析方法,提取Nino 海区各区的平均海温(SST)和南方涛动指数(SOI)之间的耦合振荡信号,由此描述其年际和年代际的时变特征。基于SCSA,重建耦合振荡分量序列(RCCS),并与回归分析相结合,对Nino 各海区平均的SST月际序列作短期气候预测试验。结果表明,各海区SST与SOI的显著耦合振荡周期各有特色,其年际或10 年际变化不尽相同,从而构成了ENSO信号在时空演变型态上的复杂性。SCSA基础上的回归预报模型的预报技巧绝大部分优于SSA-AR预报模型,实际预报试验证明效果优良  相似文献   





用于ENSO预报的计算机模式DakeChen(美国哥伦比亚大学)ENSO(厄尔尼诺/南方涛动)现象是全球气候中最大的年际变动。由于ENSO对区域和全球气候及经济都有重大影响,因此近年来已引起了人们广泛的关注。为期10年的TOGA(热带海洋全球大气)计...  相似文献   



海门一次F1级龙卷的多普勒天气雷达特征分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
林应  陈铁  张树民  缪燕  严晓庆 《气象科学》2012,32(S1):126-133
用多普勒天气雷达、常规观测和地面加密观测资料对2011年7月13日发生在江苏南通海门市树勋镇的龙卷风过程进行了详细分析。得出:较长时间的不稳定层结的存在,较低的抬升凝结高度,较强的水平和垂直风切变以及地面干线的存在为龙卷风的发生发展提供很好的动力条件;底层冷空气的切入,较强的风切变易使单体发展更加旺盛。强回波中心高度和垂直积分液态含水量的下降,径向速度风场中气旋性涡旋的迅速发展是对龙卷风提前警戒的很好指标。龙卷风进行过程中,此系统为低位质心的对流系统,产生的天气是龙卷,伴随大风,与冰雹的高位质心对流系统有明显的区别。中气旋高度,最大切变高度的骤降,中气旋尺度的急剧收缩预示着龙卷的发生,为我们今后的龙卷风预警提供有利的参考。  相似文献   

This article analyzes a political process in the aftermath of a disaster and explains why and how it led to maladaptation. Grounding Gramsci’s theory of the State on a case of post-disaster response to a fatal mudslide in the city of Sarno in Italy, this research argues that, under certain conditions, civil society and the ruling classes may coalesce to produce policies that are maladaptive. We unpack the mechanisms through which consent was reproduced in Sarno, and show how the claims of civil society were articulated and fused with the hegemonic goals of capital circulation and economic growth, reaffirming a view of government as only a provider of safety. A Gramscian treatment of the State as a process, and not as a thing, highlights that the main barrier to adaptation is not the lack of techno-managerial solutions. It is the lack of political struggle around the social reconfiguration of the logic and functions of the State.  相似文献   

Knowledge on climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability is fragmented, because it is found in disparate case studies which use inconsistent terminology and focus on distinct aspects relevant to adaptation. While large-scale syntheses such as the Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change provide a high level overview and are useful for international decision-making, there is a need for systematic and flexible access to this research-based knowledge in order to aid future adaptation research and decision-making. Against this background, we present a ‘conceptual’ meta-analysis, a novel approach to meta-analyse studies on climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability in Europe. The meta-analysis results in a classification scheme for relating the diverse studies. This scheme consists of (i) a classification of studies according to the type of adaptation-relevant results they produce and (ii) a hierarchical classification of the regional and thematic context of studies. The implementation of this scheme, for example in the form of a database, overcomes some of the identified gaps of current adaptation knowledge representation. We furthermore present a quantitative analysis of the classified studies that exemplifies how the developed classification scheme can be applied to get a systematic and quantitative overview of the knowledge they contain. Thus, the conceptual meta-analysis and the classification scheme represent a first step towards a systematisation of knowledge on climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability and may be seen as a useful complement to qualitative literature reviews.  相似文献   

Convective burst(CB) characteristics at distinct stages of a rapidly intensified Typhoon Mujigae(2015), are investigated based on a 72-h simulation. The spatial features show that almost all CB elements develop in the eyewall. The number of CBs in the inner-core region within a 100 km radius—which account for a large proportion of the total CBs, with a sharp increase about 6 h before the onset of rapid intensification(RI)—provides some indication of the RI of the typhoon. The CBs during pre-RI and RI are examined from dynamic and thermodynamic viewpoints. The combination of lower-level convergent inflow and upper-level divergent outflow pushes a relay-race-like transmission of convective activity, favorable for the development of deep convection. A double warm-core structure is induced by the centripetal outflow sinking and warming associated with CBs, which directly accelerates RI by a sudden decrease in hydrostatic pressure. By utilizing the convection activity degree(CAD) index derived from the local total energy anomaly, a correlation formula between CBs and CAD is deduced.Furthermore, an intense CAD(ICAD) signal threshold(with a value equal to 100) to predict CBs is obtained. It is verified that this ICAD threshold is effective for estimating the occurrence of a CB episode and predicting RI of a typhoon. Therefore,this threshold may be a valuable tool for identifying CB episodes and forecasting rapidly intensified typhoons.  相似文献   

This study investigates an abnormal artificially triggered lightning event that produced two positive upward propagations: one during the initial stage (i.e., the upward leader (UL)) and the other after a negative downward aborted leader (DAL). The triggered lightning was induced in a weak thunderstorm over the experiment site and did not produce a return stroke. All of the intra-cloud lightning around the experiment site produced positive changes in the electric field. The initial stage was a weak discharge process. A downward dart leader propagated along the channel produced by the first UL, ending at a height of approximately 453 m and forming a DAL. Under the influence of the DAL, the electric field at a point located 78 m from the rod experienced a steady reduction of about 6.8 kV m-1 over 5.24 ms prior to the initiation of a new upward channel (i.e., the second upward propagation (UP)). The second UP, which started approximately 4.1 ms after the termination of the DAL and propagated along the original channel, was triggered by the DAL and sustained for approximately 2.95 ms. Two distinct current pulses were superimposed on the current of the second UP. The first pulse, which was related to the sudden initiation of the second UP, was characterized by a more rapid increase and decrease and a larger peak value than the second pulse, which was related to the development of the second UP into the area affected by the DAL. The second UP contained both a similar-to-leader process and a following neutralization process. This study introduces a new type of triggering leader, in which a new upward discharge is triggered in an established channel by an aborted leader propagating along the same channel with opposite polarity and propagation direction.  相似文献   

Observations of the dispersion of a contaminant plume in theatmospheric boundary layer, obtained using a Lidar, are analysedin a coordinate frame relative to the instantaneous centre of massof the plume. To improve the estimates of relative dispersionstatistics, maximum entropy inversion is used to remove noise fromthe Lidar concentration profiles before carrying out the analysis.A parametric form is proposed for the probability density function(pdf) of concentration, consisting of a mixture of a betadistribution and of a generalised Pareto distribution (GPD). Thispdf allows for the possibility of a unimodal or bimodaldistribution, and is shown to give a satisfactory fit toobservations from a range of positions relative to the source. Thevariation of the fitted parameters with crossplume location isanalysed, and the maximum possible concentration is found todecrease away from the plume centre.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to quantitatively formulate some necessary conditions for the development of intense atmospheric vortices. Specifically, these criteria are discussed for tropical cyclones (TC) and polar lows (PL) by using bulk formulas for fluxes of momentum, sensible heating, and latent heating between the ocean and the atmosphere. The velocity scale is used in two forms: (1) as expressed through the buoyancy flux b and the Coriolis parameter lc for rotating fluids convection, and (2) as expressed with the cube of velocity times the drag coefficient through the formula for total kinetic energy dissipation in the atmospheric boundary layer. In the quasistationary case the dissipation equals the generation of the energy. In both cases the velocity scale can be expressed through temperature and humidity differences between the ocean and the atmosphere in terms of the reduced gravity, and both forms produce quite comparable velocity scales. Using parameters b and lc., we can form scales of the area and, by adding the mass of a unit air column, a scale of the total kinetic energy as well. These scales nicely explain the much smaller size of a PL, as compared to a TC, and the total kinetic energy of a TC is of the order 1018 - 1019 J. It will be shown that wind of 33 m s-1 is produced when the total enthalpy fluxes between the ocean and the atmosphere are about 700 W m-2 for a TC and 1700 W m-2 for a PL, in association with the much larger role of the latent heat in the first case and the stricter geostrophic constraints and larger static stability in the second case. This replaces the mystical role of 26~C as a criterion for TC origin. The buoyancy flux, a product of the reduced gravity and the wind speed, together with the atmospheric static stability, determines the rate of the penetrating convection. It is known from the observations that the formation time for a PL reaching an altitude of 5-6 km can be only a few hours, and a day, or even half a day, for a TC reaching 15-18 km. These two facts allow us to construct curves on the plane of Ts and △T= Ts - Ta to determine possibilities for forming an intense vortex. Here, Ta is the atmospheric temperature at the height z = 10 m. A PL should have △T > 20℃ in accordance with the observations and numerical simulations. The conditions for a TC are not so straightforward but our diagram shows that the temperature difference of a few degrees, or possibly even a fraction of a degree, might be sufficient for TC development for a range of static stabilities and development times.  相似文献   

陈磊  田文寿  王婵 《高原气象》2009,28(2):233-245
利用中尺度模式对一半干旱地区植被和下垫面发生改变后大气产生的局地和非局地的响应进行了模拟分析.结果表明,植被变化对区域内温度的影响比较复杂,并有明显的日变化.相比与区域城市化形成的强而稳定的增温中心,植被减少只会在区域形成较弱而间断的增温中心并敏感地依赖于地面净能量在感热、潜热和土壤热通量之间的分配.区域内植被变化和下垫面特性的改变导致的局地温度变化在背景风场的作用下向区域外传播,其传播的细节与风场的特征和地形密切相关.在适当的环流背景下,迎风坡下垫面改变导致的温度变化可在背景风场的输送下,绕过很高的山脊在背风坡形成一个持久的变温中心.植被减少导致的变温中心会在原有的环流形式上叠加一个强迫的二级环流.在中等风速条件下,近地面约1K的区域变温所造成的二级环流深度可达到1.1 km.区域植被的减少,一方面减少了地面向上的水汽输送,导致了区域内气柱水汽含量的减少;另一方面增温引起的强迫二级环流会使区域外水汽向内输送,部分地补偿了地面向上输送水汽的减少,但是二者总体的效果是区域内的气柱水汽总量减少.在实验区域之外,上风向趋于增湿而下风向趋于减湿.  相似文献   

北京1951—2008年升温趋势和季节变化   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
采用均一化订正的北京南郊地面日平均气温资料,分析了北京地区1951—2008年气温变化趋势。结果表明,年平均最高和最低气温的升高呈明显的不对称性,其中年平均最低气温升高较为明显,升温趋势为0.46℃/10a。根据1951—2008年日平均气温计算北京春、夏、秋、冬四季的季节长度和起始日期,发现北京地区冬季最长,秋季最短;夏季在逐渐延长,冬季在逐渐缩短,夏、冬两季长度变化的线性速率分别为4.4d/10a和-4.7d/10a。春、夏两季逐渐提前,趋势分别为3.0d/10a和2.5d/10a;而秋、冬两季在逐渐推迟,趋势分别为2.0d/10a和1.7d/10a。将季节起始日期与年平均气温进行相关性分析发现,春、夏两季的起始时间与年平均气温存在显著负相关,而秋、冬两季起始时间与年平均气温存在显著正相关。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the asymmetry in the duration of El Ni?o and La Ni?a and the length of their decaying phases. The results suggested that the duration asymmetry comes from the long decaying ENSO cases rather than the short decaying ones. The evolutions of short decaying El Ni?o and La Ni?a are approximately a mirror image with a rapid decline in the following summer for the warm and cold events. However, a robust asymmetry was found in long decaying cases, with a prolonged and re-intensified La Ni?a in the following winter. The asymmetry for long decaying cases starts from the westward extension of the zonal wind anomalies in a mature winter, and is further contributed to by the air-sea interaction over the tropical Pacific in the following seasons.  相似文献   

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