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黄土微结构图像处理的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本介绍了对黄土微结构电镜图像进行图像处理的常用方法。这些方法可以去除图像噪声,提高图像的对比度,使得图像便于进行人工解译或借助软件的图像分析。  相似文献   

利用小波分析的方法对多分辨率、多波段的遥感图像信息进行融合,原始图像经小波变换,分解成多个子图像,选择适宜的小波基,进行分块处理,再做逆变换,进行图像融合重构,使得融合后的图像最大限度地保留多波段光谱信息的同时,提高了图像的空间分辨率及局部目标的清晰度,与传统方法相比,小波分析方法具有明显的优越性。  相似文献   

图像配准和融合及其在医学影像中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
图像配准和融合是图像分析和处理的基本问题,在医学影像、遥感、计算机视觉等领域有着广泛的应用。本文研究它们在多模态医学影像技术中的应用。本文提出并实现了基于Fourier变换的图像配准和基于子波变换的图像融合方法,在图像融合中,我们采用特征选择的取大原则,这种准则更适合于来自不同图像中的明显特征  相似文献   

图像配准用于fMRI运动伪影的矫正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我们把人头考虑为一个刚体模型,将描写刚体变换的6个参数(平移3个,旋转3个),用于图像配准,确定一组最佳参数,对图像进行变换,使变换的图像数据和参数图像之间方差取最小值,我们的电针刺fMRI图像经这样的三维配准处理后,消除了大部分运动伪影,取得显著的效果。  相似文献   

李莹甄 《内陆地震》2005,19(1):36-43
小震活动有序图像是一种重要的以小震报强震的预报方法。通过对南天山西段强地震前小震活动有序图像进行研究,着重分析了图像与构造、与地震发生的时间、位置以及震源机制之间的联系。认为有序图像是区域应力沿构造快速调整、分布的结果,既可能反映发震构造带的活动,也可起到控震作用,图像受地震的断错性质影响,具一定的中期前兆意义。  相似文献   

基于二维小波变换的FMI图象分割   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了从FMI资料中定量提取参数,一个重要的步骤是从实际FMI资料中分离出反映溶孔、溶洞、裂缝的子图像。本文给出的方法,考虑图像像元邻域的特征,应用二维小波变换求出目标与背景边缘的点集,按这个边缘点集的坐标点所对应的原图像像素灰度值的平均值作为分割阈值进行图像分割。实际资料处理表明,应用这种方法可以从实际的FMI资料中准确地分割出孔洞、裂缝的子图像并且可以按深度段连续自动处理,为后续定量计算参数奠定了良好基础。  相似文献   

介绍了数字图像压缩的一种新的思维方法,即在将给定的图像块根据纹理特征分为平滑块、斜面块、曲面块、边缘块后,在基于不同多项式对不同类图像块分别进行处理的过程中,对于包含大量高频信息的边缘块,通过提取边缘轮廓位置信息,减少图像块内的高频信息量,而后再对被边缘轮廓分割的新图像块进行分类、处理:由于把图像边缘轮廓的大部分高频信息分解于边沿信息中,因此提高压缩比时不会丢失太多高频细节,减少了物体的边界噪声和可见的图块边界,从而在相同压缩比的前提下,更加保证了图像的视觉效果。文章中给出了此种方法的理论公式、推导过程以及整个实现过程,并通过实例比较了此方法与二维离散余弦变换在图像压缩中的性能差异。  相似文献   

SAR图像中目标的检测和识别研究进展   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
SAR图像以其独有的全天时、全天候观测能力、形态探测能力和对地表的穿透性,在地学应用中比光学遥感更具优势.本文结合SAR图像检测和识别应用技术的发展过程,综述了SAR图像在噪声抑制、线状特征和纹理特征提取、图像分割和目标检测等方面的研究进展;介绍SAR图像检测和识别的最新研究情况;最后分析当今国内外SAR图像检测和识别所面临的问题,并对未来发展进行展望.  相似文献   

本文对张北近场地震资料进行了重新定位,并通过网格化处理得到震源空间分布图像、发震时间图像和定位残差图像.震源空间分布图像和发震时间图像细致地显示了极震区周围的发震构造时空特征为明显的北西方向,另外还存在断续的北东向特征.该震区在中新生代以来有过多期岩浆活动,极震区米家沟附近有一个火山口并且地壳内存在低速带和深断裂,复杂的地壳构造为孕震提供了必要的深部环境.  相似文献   

HRCT(高分辨CT)图像是较常规CT具有更清晰的空间分辨率的图像。可明显提高图像质量,从而提高病灶细节以及正常和异常细微结构的显示能力,对配合临床诊断及指导临床治疗有着很高的实用价值。如何利用普及型CT机获得HRCT图像。我们做了技术上的改进,并在不增加硬件设备的基础上利用软件功能,提高一些技术参数,主要是扫描层厚,管电流及扫描时间,高分辨薄层重建,尽可能的缩小显示野,加大矩阵等。所得到的图像分辨率明显高于常规CT,如肺小结节的显示,腔隙性梗塞的检出率,可疑小腔隙与大的像素颗粒的辨别等。我们认为,进一步开发软件功能。会获得更加理想的HRCT图像  相似文献   

γ射线康普顿背散射扫描仪测量的信噪比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细给出了CBS测量中噪声的物理来源和降低噪声的有效措施,还对信噪比进行了定量的分析和讨论。  相似文献   

基于CBS扫描数据,构造了体数据文件,提出了一种改进的体数据分割方法,完成了不同物质间边界面的快速精确提取,实现了对算法的优化。  相似文献   

For flux measurement, the eddy covariance technique supplies a possibility to directly measure the exchange between vegetation and atmosphere; and there are two kinds of eddy covariance systems, open-path and close-path systems. For the system error, it may result in difference of flux measurements by two systems. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the measured results from them. ChinaFLUX covers of eight sites applied the micrometeorological method, in which Changbai Mountains (CBS) and Qianyanzhou (QYZ) carried out open-path eddy covariance (OPEC) and close-path eddy covariance (CPEC) measurements synchronously.In this paper the data sets of CBS and QYZ were employed. The delay time of close-path analyzer to the open-path analyzer was calculated; the spectra and cospectra of time-series data of OPEC and CPEC were analyzed; the open-path flux measurement was used as a standard comparison, the close-path flux measurement results were evaluated. The results show that, at two sites the delay time of CO2 density for close-path analyzer was about 7.0-8.0 s, H2O density about 8.0-9.0 s; the spectrum from the open-path, close-path and 3D sonic anemometer was consistent with the expected -2/3 slope (log-log plot), and the cospectra showed the expected slope of -4/3 in the internal subrange; the CO2 flux measured by the close-path sensor was about 84% of that of open-path measurement at QYZ, about 80% at CBS, and the latent heat flux was balanced for two systems at QYZ, 86% at CBS. From the flux difference between open-path and close-path analyzers, it could be inferred that the attenuation of turbulent fluctuations in flow through tube of CPEC affected H2O flux more significantly than CO2 flux. The gap between two systems was bigger at CBS than at QYZ; the diurnal variation in CO2 flux of two measurement systems was very consistent.  相似文献   

CBS扫描图像的直接重建与处理   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文详细的介绍了CBS扫描图像直接重建技术的原理,列出了利用该原理设计DHB2115医用CT机中出现的主要技术问题和解决方法,并简单介绍系统的主控程序,给出模拟结果。  相似文献   

对已知和未知数字图像分别沿射线作Radon变换(线积分),用同一种布置射线特殊方法布置射线,每条射线积分步长易知皆为常数。从而,得到已知数字图像每条射线的线积分近似值(“观测值”);易建立未知数字图像线性代数方程组。应用“代数重建法”加法修正迭代编制Matlab程序,用此程序处理“观测值”数据,重建未知数字图像,其数值计算结果较好,与已知数字图像相对误差不超过2%。本文是ART加法修正迭代的基础工作,可为有关部门提供研究“代数重建法”实际应用参考。   相似文献   

康普顿背散射技术与产品设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文简介了康普顿背散射扫描(CBS)的基本原理、重要特点,技术难点,产品设计以及本公司的新型CBS产品。  相似文献   

The long-term and continuous carbon fluxes of Changbaishan temperate mixed forest (CBS), Qianyanzhou subtropical evergreen coniferous forest (QYZ), Dinghushan subtropical evergreen mixed forest (DHS) and Xishuangbana tropical rainforest (XSBN) have been measured with eddy covariance techniques. In 2003, different responses of carbon exchange to the environment appeared across the four ecosystems. At CBS, the carbon exchange was mainly determined by radiation and temperature. 0°C and 10°C were two important temperature thresholds; the former determined the length of the growing season and the latter affected the magnitude of carbon exchange. The maximum net ecosystem exchange (N EE) of CBS occurred in early summer because maximum ecosystem photosynthesis (G PP) occurred earlier than maximum ecosystem respiration (R e). During summer, QYZ experienced severe drought and N EE decreased significantly mainly as a result of the depression of G PP. At DHS and XSBN, N EE was higher in the drought season than the wet season, especially the conversion between carbon sink and source occurring during the transition season at XSBN. During the wet season, increased fog and humid weather resulted from the plentiful rainfall, the ecosystem G PP was dispressed. The Q 10 and annual respiration of XSBN were the highest among the four ecosystems, while the average daily respiration of CBS during the growing season was the highest. Annual N EE of CBS, QYZ, DHS and XSBN were 181.5, 360.9, 536.2 and ?320.0 g·C·m?2·a?1, respectively. From CBS to DHS, the temperature and precipitation increased with the decrease in latitude. The ratio of N EE/R e increased with latitude, while R e/G PP, ecosystem light use efficiency (L UE), precipitation use efficiency and average daily G PP decreased gradually. However, XSBN usually escaped such latitude trend probably because of the influence of the south-west monsoon climate which does not affect the other ecosystems. Long-term measurement and more research were necessary to understand the adaptation of forest ecosystems to climate change and to evaluate the ecosystem carbon balance due to the complexity of structure and function of forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

基于CBS的人体安检系统总体设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用核物理、机电一体化和数字图像处理的理论和方法,介绍了一种基于康普顿背散射技术的人体安检系统,详细地说明了系统的工作原理和各个子系统的组成和功能.  相似文献   

DLS1201机是一种高度智能化、小型轻便、多功能的检查仪,是国内外唯一的基于康普顿背散射扫描(CBS)技术研制成功的安全检查设备。本文对其技术要点和技术指标作了简要说明,并与国内外其他安检仪作了对比。  相似文献   

本文应用微波网络理论导出了重建纯导电媒质电导率剖面的一个新的近似解析式.研究结果表明,本文公式比文献[1]的结果更精确.  相似文献   

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