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2006年"碧利斯"台风登陆中国大陆后,在湖南、广东和江西三省交界附近地区造成明显暴雨增幅,造成十分严重的灾害,影响巨大.本文利用高分辨率数值模拟资料,从微观云物理过程角度出发,研究了"碧利斯"暴雨增幅发生前和增幅强降水发生时段云微物理特征的差异,探讨了登陆台风暴雨增幅云微物理方面的可能成因,结果指出:暴雨增幅前后,强降水区云微物理特征存在明显不同,与降水强度的明显增强相伴,云中各种水凝物含量也明显增加,其中云冰、雪和霰等固态水凝物的增加尤为显著,冰相过程对地面降水的贡献明显加大,降水云系发展旺盛、高大;云微物理转化率的对比分析发现,暴雨增幅时段,由水汽凝结过程显著增强所带来的云水的增加,主要通过两个途径作用于暴雨增幅:一是通过云中雨水对云水的碰并收集,促进雨水含量显著增加,进而增强地面降水;二是通过云中雪粒子对云水的碰并造成雪粒子含量增加,增加的雪粒子又被云中霰粒子碰并收集造成霰含量增长,进而由霰粒子融化为雨水,并最终作用于地面降水的增幅.文中最后通过分析总结给出了"碧利斯"暴雨增幅云微物理成因示意图.  相似文献   

CAMS云微物理方案的改进及与WRF模式耦合的个例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文在中国气象科学研究院(CAMS)双参数云微物理方案的基础上,增加气溶胶粒子的活化过程,改进原方案中的水汽混合比、云水混合比及云滴数浓度的预报方程,实现对各种水成物(包括云水)的混合比和数浓度的预报.此外,改进后的CAMS云方案被成功耦合到了WRF v3.1中尺度模式.本文利用耦合模式对2009年4月23~24日发生在我国北方地区的一次降水天气过程进行了模拟,将新方案的模拟结果与WRF自带的3个微物理方案进行了比较.结果显示,新方案能够合理地描述地面降水特征,其模拟的雨带分布范围与实测接近,降水中心的强度和位置优于其他3个方案.新方案模拟的云滴数浓度与WDM6方案基本一致,表明加入的气溶胶活化过程是合理的.新方案模拟的其他水成物粒子数浓度与Morrison方案相比有时会有量级的差别,说明粒子数浓度的模拟目前还存在着很大的不确定性,这也是云微物理模式进一步发展的难点.  相似文献   

基于COSMIC掩星探测资料的云底高反演研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于相对湿度廓线进入云层时的突变实现云底高反演的思想,采用2008年11月至2009年1月的COSMIC掩星湿空气数据反演全球云底高度,并与探空资料反演结果进行对比分析,得出以下重要结论:(1)当温度-40 ℃相似文献   

在双参数云微物理方案中,云滴谱的相对离散度(ε)或者形状参数(μ,ε2=1/μ+1)通常假定为常数或利用统计关系求得.观测显示常数假定和统计关系并不适合所有的实际情况.为此,我们根据云微物理学和伽马函数的性质,得到求解云滴平均半径和云滴谱形状参数的方程.利用云滴平均半径、体积半径和它们的比求解云滴谱形状参数方程,可以得到云滴谱伽马分布的形状参数、相对离散度和云滴的谱分布.这个方法得到的是解析解.我们进一步利用观测的云滴谱资料检验了云滴谱形状参数的方程,结果表明该方法是可行的.同时,把这个方法应用到WRF模式的双参数云微物理方案中,进一步检验这个方法的可行性.模式结果显示新方法对降水的模拟有一定改善.说明该方法是可行的,可以应用到双参数云微物理方案中.  相似文献   

在气候模式中,传统的层积云参数化方案(简称LTS方案)高估了自由大气湿绝热过程所引起的垂直温度梯度的作用.在Wood和Bretherton提出的"估算逆温"(EIS)基础上,本文基于卫星资料构建了一个改良的诊断层积云方案,旨在改进当前广为使用的LTS方案.通过将EIS层积云方案引入大气环流模式GAMIL2.0中,并与传统方案进行对比试验发现,EIS层积云方案能有效地改善GAMIL2.0对东亚-西北太平洋季风区乃至全球云-辐射气候特征的模拟能力,一定程度地纠正了模式原来存在的中高纬度净(短波)云辐射强迫模拟偏弱的现象,而该偏差在当前许多模式中普遍存在.此改进与EIS层积云方案合理处理自由大气的温度层结有关.EIS层积云方案亦显著改进了GAMIL2.0对东亚-西北太平洋季风区云辐射年际变率的模拟能力.加入EIS层积云方案后,模式较好地模拟出了ENSO年冬春季东亚边缘海域的净云辐射正异常、海表入射短波正异常和层云量负异常.究其原因是EIS层积云方案比传统方案对海表温度异常的扰动更敏感.海表温度异常通过EIS层积云方案在对流层低层强迫出更强的云量距平,并通过改变加热率和垂直速度影响整个对流层,最终改进模式对云辐射强迫和地表入射短波通量年际变率的模拟.EIS层积云方案还增强了模式对El Ni?o年冬春季节西北太平洋异常反气旋以及东亚降水异常的模拟效果.  相似文献   

北半球大洋与大陆区域间大气质量分布的季节循环   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用NCEP/NCAR以及ERA-40再分析资料,对北半球大洋与大陆区域间大气质量分布的季节变化特征进行了分析,结果表明:随着季节更替,北半球大气质量存在显著的海陆间迁移.在7月份,欧亚大陆上空大气质量达到全年最小值,太平洋上空大气质量达到全年最大值.1月份海陆间大气质量分布情形与7月份相反.不同的是,大西洋上大气质量堆积在5月份达到最大.对于各大陆与海洋地区,大气质量堆积和亏损的维持与面积平均的大气质量通量散度以及蒸发和降水之差有关.纬向垂直环流随季节变化,在海陆间的上升和下沉方向发生改变,将海陆间大气运动联系了起来.海陆间的水汽含量亦存在明显的差异与季节循环,水汽含量可显著地影响大气对来自地表的长波辐射和太阳短波辐射的吸收,并进而影响大气的热力状况.北半球海陆热力差异包括非绝热加热率随季节改变而改变,影响着海陆间温度梯度的方向和大小,既有利于推动季风形成,亦推动了大气质量海陆间交换的季节循环.  相似文献   

利用RAMS数值模式,研究了巨凝结核数浓度改变对半干旱地区春季冰雹云降水特征的影响,研究显示巨核浓度改变对冰雹云中微物理过程及地面降水都有重要影响.累积带对冰雹生成有重要贡献.巨核数浓度增加时,冰雹云中冰雹混合比含量及其云中水平覆盖面积增加;云中过冷雨水和大云滴生成的过冷云水增加,冻结作用增强;地面降雨量增加但降雹量减少;总的地面累积降水量增加但累积冰相降水量减小.对降水的作用在污染云中要比清洁云中明显.地面流场分布随着巨核数浓度的改变而不同.在不同背景气溶胶下,春季冰雹云的判别指标不同于夏季冰雹云.  相似文献   

利用2007年1月至2009年1月的气象、电离层及气候卫星探测系统(COSMIC)湿空气数据,基于相对湿度廓线出入云层时发生突变反演云边界高度进而获取云垂直结构参数的思想,对中国及周边八个不同地区云的垂直结构特征进行统计分析.结果表明:(1)不同地区掩星样本数随季节的变化较小,不同季节各地区间差异却较大,且多层云样本数日变化呈现明显的"双峰"结构;掩星最低探测高度集中在3.0km以下,各地区多层云受限制概率大于单层云,主要影响部分中低云参数的反演.(2)南方各地区云厚及晴空厚度都大于北方,双层云上层云厚大于下层,三层云从大到小依次为顶层、底层和中间层,且顶层与中间层晴空厚度大于中间层与底层;各地区不同季节内各层云云顶高具有相同的排列规律,云底高也基本遵循类似的排列顺序;多层云晴空厚度季节变化不显著,各季节内南方大于北方.(3)中国地区各类云云底高和云顶高二维频率季节变化不大,出现两个较大值区但分布高度各异;另外,南北方有不同的频率分布特点,其中西南和华南在16.0km以上出现"尾翼"分布,表明有深厚对流云产生.  相似文献   

本文利用搭载于我国风云三号B星上的微波成像仪(MWRI)观测亮温数据,结合戈达德廓线反演算法,对1102号"桑达"台风地面雨强和降雨云结构进行反演试验.利用AMSR-E业务降水产品对地面雨强反演结果进行了检验,结果表明,MWRI和AMSR-E反演的地面雨强在空间分布上非常吻合,相关性达76%,均方根误差约2.8 mm/h,二者的观测亮温及地面雨强反演结果具有较好的一致性.提取洋面台风雨区的平均水凝物廓线,其垂直结构显示,雨水和可降冰含量丰富,随高度变化明显,且具有明显峰值高度,云水和云冰含量则较少,且随高度变化不明显;当降水增强时,雨水和可降冰各层含量稳定增加,且峰值高度基本保持不变,云水和云冰含量则增幅不稳,且峰值高度有所改变.地面雨强随距台风中心距离的变化阐释了台风的螺旋结构及降水特点,距台风中心距离0.3°和0.6°附近分别出现了地面雨强峰值和次峰值,且66%的降水集中在距台风中心距离1°的空间范围内.MWRI提供的台风地面雨强和降雨云垂直信息具有较高的可信度,对于我们监测台风降水、分析台风降水结构的时空演变特征以及数值预报模式应用等具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

长江和淮河流域汛期洪涝大气环流特征的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用1990~2010年我国756站汛期(6~7月)逐日降水资料及NCEP逐日再分析资料,选取了这21年间分别发生在我国长江及淮河流域洪涝的典型年份,进行了汛期大气环流场及物理量场的合成分析,结果表明:长江与淮河流域汛期洪涝年的大气环流及物理量场有很大差异.在长江流域汛期洪涝年,南亚高压中心偏东,乌拉尔山及鄂霍次克海区域上空维持着阻塞高压系统,梅雨锋维持在30°N附近;而在淮河流域洪涝年,南亚高压中心位置偏西,北半球中高纬大气环流呈经向型,梅雨锋维持在33°N附近.此外,长江与淮河流域汛期洪涝的水汽来源及输送也有很大不同,长江流域汛期洪涝的水汽输送气流有两支,分别是来自孟加拉湾的西南气流和我国南海季风,这两支气流在我国长江流域上空交汇;而淮河流域汛期洪涝的两支水汽输送气流分别是我国东南洋面上的东南季风及我国南海季风,这两支季风气流在我国淮河流域上空交汇.  相似文献   

By combining AVHRR data from the NOAA satellites with information from a database of in situ measurements, large-scale maps can be generated of the microphysical parameters most immediately significant for the modelling of global circulation and climate. From the satellite data, the clouds can be classified into cumuliform, stratiform and cirrus classes and then into further sub-classes by cloud top temperature. At the same time a database of in situ measurements made by research aircraft is classified into the same sub-classes and a statistical analysis is used to derive relationships between the sub-classes and the cloud microphysical properties. These two analyses are then linked to give estimates of the microphysical properties of the satellite observed clouds. Examples are given of the application of this technique to derive maps of the probability of occurrence of precipitating clouds and of precipitating water content derived from a case study within the International Cirrus Experiment (ICE) held in 1989 over the North Sea.  相似文献   

Biases in shortwave cloud radiative forcing (SWCF), which cause overestimates in tropical regions and underestimates in subtropical marine stratocumulus regions, are common in many climate models. Here, two boundary layer processes are investigated in the atmospheric model GAMIL2, entrainment at the top of the boundary layer and longwave radiative cooling at the top of stratocumulus clouds, in order to reduce biases and reveal the mechanisms underlying these processes. Our results show that including the entrainment process in the model can reduce negative SWCF biases in most tropical regions but increases positive SWCF biases in subtropical marine stratocumulus regions. This occurs because entrainment reduces the low-level cloud fraction and its cloud liquid water content by suppressing the vertical turbulent diffusion in the boundary layer and decreasing the relative humidity when warm and dry free atmosphere is entrained in the boundary layer. Longwave radiative cooling at the top of stratocumulus clouds can enhance turbulent diffusion within the stratocumulus-topped boundary layer. When combined with the entrainment process, longwave radiative cooling reduces the positive SWCF biases in subtropical marine stratocumulus regions that are observed using the entrainment process alone. The incorporation of these two boundary layer processes improves the simulated SWCF in tropical and subtropical regions in GAMIL2.  相似文献   

We have speculated on the influence of organic material on extinction and absorption coefficients and liquid water content of fogs and of clouds immediately after their condensational stage. It results therefore, that the reduction of the speed of growth from fog to cloud droplets due to the presence of organic films largely reduces the properties mentioned. Compared to that their increase coming from the surface tension reduction due to organic material being dissolved or building up films is expected to be less effective.  相似文献   

On the afternoon of 28 October 2013, plume-like streaks were detected by geostationary and polar orbiting satellites over eastern Ontario, Canada. These streaks were characterized by enhanced reflectivity in the visible bands and warmer brightness temperatures at 3.9 µm. These streaks were part of a low-level liquid water cloud layer. Due to the similarity of the streaks to plume-like features in marine stratocumulus caused by smoke from the stacks of ships, so-called ship tracks, a local source of emitted aerosols was suspected and subsequently identified as the burning of logging residue. This event provides further support for the ability of locally enhanced aerosol loading to alter microphysical characteristics of clouds. Ship tracks, pollution plumes from industrial burning, and pyro-cumulus are known examples of this type of interaction. In addition, the plume-like streaks could be used indirectly to identify the location of the source of the emitted particles.  相似文献   

The evolution of a precipitating convective cloud was studied by a time-dependent numerical model in which for the simplification of dynamical framework the domain under consideration was expressed by three regions: inner region of cloud, outer region of cloud and environmental region. Clouds are assumed to have no ice-phase. The size distribution of water drops is described using five size-groups. Two types of cloud droplets (case A and case B) were given at cloud base. There are more small cloud droplets in case B than in case A. The slower production of raindrops in case B results in the later formation of a downdraft and rainfall than in case A. In consequence rainfall efficiency is lower in case B. These differences of both cases had a tendency to be larger in a less unstable atmosphere.  相似文献   

Visible and infrared (VIR) measurements and the retrieved cloud parameters are commonly used in precipitation identification algorithms, since the VIR observations from satellites, especially geostationary satellites, have high spatial and temporal resolutions. Combined measurements from visible/infrared scanner (VIRS) and precipitation radar (PR) aboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite are analyzed, and three cloud parameters, i.e., cloud optical thickness (COT), effective radius (Re), and brightness temperature of VIRS channel 4 (BT4), are particularly considered to characterize the cloud status. By associating the information from VIRS-derived cloud parameters with those from precipitation detected by PR, we propose a new method for discriminating precipitation in daytime called Precipitation Identification Scheme from Cloud Parameters information (PISCP). It is essentially a lookup table (LUT) approach that is deduced from the optimal equitable threat score (ETS) statistics within 3-dimensional space of the chosen cloud parameters. South and East China is selected as a typical area representing land surface, and the East China Sea and Yellow Sea is selected as typical oceanic area to assess the performance of the new scheme. It is proved that PISCP performs well in discriminating precipitation over both land and oceanic areas. Especially, over ocean, precipitating clouds (PCs) and non-precipitating clouds (N-PCs) are well distinguished by PISCP, with the probability of detection (POD) near 0.80, the probability of false detection (POFD) about 0.07, and the ETS higher than 0.43. The overall spatial distribution of PCs fraction estimated by PISCP is consistent with that by PR, implying that the precipitation data produced by PISCP have great potentials in relevant applications where radar data are unavailable.  相似文献   

Ice crystal clouds have an influence on the radiative budget of the earth; however, the exact size and nature of this influence has yet to be determined. A laboratory cloud chamber experiment has been set up to provide data on the optical scattering behaviour of ice crystals at a visible wavelength in order to gain information which can be used in climate models concerning the radiative characteristics of cirrus clouds. A PMS grey-scale probe is used to monitor simultaneously the cloud microphysical properties in order to correlate these closely with the observed radiative properties. Preliminary results show that ice crystals scatter considerably more at 90° than do water droplets, and that the halo effects are visible in a laboratorygenerated cloud when the ice crystal concentration is sufficiently small to prevent masking from multiple scattering.  相似文献   

The clouds of the middle troposphere span the temperature range where both ice and liquid water in a supercooled state can exist. However, because one phase tends to dominate, of the two midlevel cloud types, altostratus are deep ice-dominated, while altocumulus are shallow water-dominated, mixed-phase clouds with ice crystal virga typically trailing below. Multiple remote sensor examples of these cloud types are given to illustrate their main features, and the radiative consequences of the different cloud microphysical compositions are discussed. Spaceborne radar and lidar measurements using the CloudSat and CALIPSO satellites are analyzed to determine the global distributions of cloud frequencies and heights of these clouds. It is found that together these little-studied clouds cover ~25% of the Earth’s surface, which is about one-third of the total cloud cover, and thus represent a significant contribution to the planet’s energy balance.  相似文献   

During a study of the growth of cloud drops by condensation the evolution of cloud drop size spectra with height above cloud base was determined for maritime aerosols, and for continental aerosols containing aerosol particles of mixed composition. Air parcel models were used in which the parcel was either completely closed to mass and heat transfer (strictly adiabatic models), or open to heat transfer and to partial or complete mass transfer (entrainment models). It was found that adiabatic models and models which consider the entraining of air devoid of aerosol particles predict drop size distributions which are considerably narrower than those observed in non-precipitating cumulus clouds, and have only a single maximum. On the other hand, relative broad drop size distributions and distributions with a double maximum — as they are observed in atmospheric clouds — are predicted if the entrainment of both air and aerosol particles are considered in the condensation model. Our results support the findings ofWarner (1973) which were obtained for a purely maritime aerosol.  相似文献   

Airborne surface-active organic substances can form adsorbed films at air-water and air-solid interfaces in the atmosphere. On the basis of considerable laboratory research, it has been suggested that these films can modify the microphysical processes of clouds and fog. The possible alterations of physical processes include retardation of the rate of growth and evaporation of water drops, passivation of cloud condensation nuclei, modification of drop coalescence efficiency, and the promotion of drop instability. The chemical structure of the film-forming compounds and the physical properties of the adsorbed films determine the degree to which the physical processes are modified. Upon consideration of the actual organic composition of the atmosphere, it was concluded that natural surface films will not greatly influence drop growth and evaporation. In addition, there is no definitive evidence from field experiments that other processes are influenced by natural organic films. The potential for useful weather modification through the intentional introduction of film-forming organic substances into the atmosphere was critically evaluated. Although numerous approaches have been suggested by laboratory studies, only the stabilization of airborne drops against evaporation has been unequivocally demonstrated in field experiments.  相似文献   

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