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大气(气候)系统可预报性问题的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了大气(气候)系统可预报性问题,并指出:1.线性系统、一维自治动力系统、二维自治动力系统和部分可化为二维自治动力系统的一维非自治动力系统是可以进行数值预报的,其预测结果要比统计方法更为科学。而对浑沌动力系统的预报,统计方法则比动力方法更为严谨。2.非浑沌动力系统或浑沌动力系统在非浑沌区的演化行为客观上存在着可预报期限。  相似文献   

新疆一读者来信问:现在有不少文章讨论“浑沌论”在地震预报中的应用问题,什么是“浑沌论”?有的文章称之为“紊乱论”或者“复杂学”,并断言“这是对经典牛顿力学的否定”等等。我们有些糊涂,请帮助解答。关于浑沌论,是研究复杂事物或复杂过程的一种新的认识论和方法论。因为这种复杂事物往往具有简单线性方程所无法表征的无序或无规性质,因而常与描述复杂图象的分维或分形概念。或者常与表示无序程度的熵等概念有一定联系。但是,不能也不应籍此简单地把浑  相似文献   

和宏伟 《地震研究》1992,15(2):154-161
本文简要介绍了应用门限自回归方法处理浑沌时间序列,建立了浑沌时间序列自回归预报模型,并用其进行外推预报的基本方法及步骤。作者运用该方法建立了云南及滇西、滇东和滇西南等三个片区的半年最大震级序列的震级预报模型。由此预测了1991年上半年模型相应地区可能发生的最大地震震级。  相似文献   

康乃尔(Comell)大学的两个地质学家所作的一项实验表明:地震断层显现一种浑沌状态,地震本来就不能预报.科学家们用计算模型模拟相互联接的地震断层,发现了他们认为有关该断层系处于“确定的浑沌状态”(deterministic chaos)的有价值的证据.他们的模型由一对模拟块体组成,块体间是弹性联接,可在一个平面上滑动,且可以被与其弹性相联的第三个驱  相似文献   

本文根据非线性科学观点,从多分形、自组织临界现象和浑沌动力学等三个方面综述了地震孕育过程的动力学演化特征及其系统的不稳定性问题。  相似文献   

正引言30年前,梅世蓉先生作为中国科学家代表团成员访问美国归来后,曾打电话问我什么是浑沌?为什么美国科学家开口闭口就是Chaos?这说明,那时对地震预报问题,中美地震学界已在科学的认知上有了显著不同和差距。虽然如此,地震预报发展到今天,国际上对地震问题仍被浑沌(Chaos)所困扰尚未能走出来;而在我国今日不仅如是,更在地震能否预报,应否直面社会的问题上,已不像20世纪六、七十年代那样一路绿灯积极推  相似文献   

该文综述了近年来应用浑沌动力学研究固化介质中裂纹的传播问题,描述了地震发生的动力学模拟,探讨了利用时间序列的相空间重构问题,最后对这些问题进行了简略的讨论。  相似文献   

蕴震系统前兆场的浑沌吸引子及其分维   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈子林  周硕愚 《地震学报》1993,15(4):463-469
简述了蕴震系统前兆场时空演化的浑沌吸引子及其前兆时空分布的分维,并发展了由单个时间序列重建复杂系统动力学的计算方法.探讨了前兆分布在大震前的降维现象.文章着重给出了对由大区域构造网络组成的蕴震系统中多台或多手段组成的多个时间序列数据组建复杂系统动力学的时空综合方法.它对系统的自组织行为给出了更全面、更准确的描述,剔除了单台或单手段的不确定性和随机性.实际计算了京-津-唐地区前兆场演化的浑沌吸引子和前兆时空分布的分维及其在大震前的变化趋势.   相似文献   

刘晓春  胡平 《华南地震》1991,11(1):88-91
随着对复杂事物认识的不断深入,系统科学被引入地震科学研究中。本文 郑重讨论了浑沌论、协同学、耗散结构理论和突变论等理论在研究地震问题中的相互关系,并从认识论的角度探讨了一些问题,以期有益于有关研究。  相似文献   

探讨孕震过程中的非线性特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安镇文  潘寒萌 《地震学报》1993,15(3):276-281
应用谱分析方法,研究了海城、唐山和澜沧等7个大震前、后地震活动的功率谱特征.结果得到大震前、后地震活动都有连续的功率谱,表现为某种非周期行为.当距大震发生时间较远时,其活动特征均伴有明显的随机成分.主震前一年左右,在由谱幅度构造的相空间,运动轨道有收缩趋势,表现为一种闪变噪声.其它时间轨道几乎遍历整个相空间.主震后地震活动本质上为一种伴有许多噪声的浑沌态.   相似文献   

Based on relocating the Jiujiang-Ruichang earthquake sequence which occurred on November 26, 2005 in Jiangxi Province with the double-difference (DD) algorithm and master event technique, the paper discusses the focal mechanism of the main shock (MsS.7) and the probable seismo-tectonics. The precise relocation results indicate that the average horizontal error is 0.31kin in a EW direction and 0.40kin in a NS direction, and the average depth error is 0.48kin. The focal depths vary from 8kin to 14kin, with the predominant distribution at 10kin - 12kin. The epicenter of the main shock is relocated to be 29.69^oN, 115.74^oE and the focal depth is about 10.Skin. Combining the predominant distribution of the earthquake sequence, the focal mechanism of the main shock and the tectonic conditions of N-E- and NW-strike faults growth in the seismic region, we infer that the main shock of the earthquake sequence was caused by a NW striking buried fault in the Rnichang basin. The nature of seismic faults needs to be further explored.  相似文献   


The upper Niger and Volta rivers exhibit a great and highly contrasting variability of inter-annual runoff. The Bani River, the largest tributary to the Niger River in Mali, shows a dramatic decrease in runoff after the 1970s, with the result that many boreholes in the region have dried up since the drought began. In contrast, the Nakambe River (Upper Volta basin, in Burkina Faso) shows an increase in runoff for the same period, leading to unexpected flood peaks that damaged infrastructures. The contribution that the groundwater and its variability make to surface runoff variability is assessed in this study by comparing the data of the national groundwater monitoring networks of Mali and Burkina Faso to surface runoff. Several variables are compared at the basin scale: the date of the maximum level of the water table, the annual rainfall, discharge, low flows and depletion coefficients. Variability in the low flows of the Bani River is well correlated to a decrease in the water table. Since 1970, the greater decrease in runoff in comparison to the rainfall decrease is due to a reduction in the baseflow, related to the cumulated rainfall deficit. Concerning the Nakambe River, the runoff increase is not supported by a water table increase, but is due to the increase in runoff coefficient related to land degradation.  相似文献   


The one-dimensional transient downward entry of water in unsaturated soils is investigated theoretically. The mathematical equation describing the infiltration process is derived by combining Darcy's dynamic equation of motion with the continuity and thermodynamic state equations adjusted for the unsaturated flow conditions. The resulting equation together with the corresponding initial and boundary conditions constitues a mathematical initial boundary value problem requiring the solution of a nonlinear partial differential equation of the parabolic type. The volumetric water content is taken as the dependent variable and the time and the position along the vertical direction are taken as the independent variables. The governing equation is of such nature that a solution exists for t > 0 and is uniquely determined if two relationships are defined, together with the specified state of the system, at the initial time t = 0 and at the two boundaries. The two required relations are those of pressure versus permeability and pressure versus volumetric water content.

Since the partial differential equation has strong non-linear terms, a discrete solution is obtained by approximating the derivatives with finite-differences at discrete mesh points in the solution domain and integrated for the corresponding initial and boundary conditions. The use of an implicit difference scheme is employed in order to generate a system of simultaneous non-linear equations that has to be solved for each time increment. For n mesh points the two boundary conditions provide two equations and the repetition of the recurrence formula provides n—2 equations, the total being n equations for each time increment. The solution of the system is obtained by matrix inversion and particularly with a back-substitution technique. The FORTRAN statements used for obtaining the solution with an electronic digital computer (IBM 704) are presented together with the input data.

Analysis of the errors involved in the numerical solution is made and the stability and convergence of the solution of the approximate difference equation to that of the differential equation is investigated. The method applied is that of making a Fourier series expansion of a whole line of errors and then following the progress of the general term of the series expansion and also the behavior of each constituent harmonic. The errors (forming a continuous function of points in an abstract Banach space) are represented by vectors with the Fourier coefficients constituting a second Banach space. The amplification factor of the difference equation is shown to be always less than unity which guarantees the stability of the employed implicit recurrence scheme.

Experiments conducted on a vertical column packed uniformly with very fine sand, show a satisfactory agreement between the theoretically and experimentally obtained values. Many experimental results are shown in an attempt to explain the infiltration phenomenon with emphasis on the shape and movement of the wet front, and the effects of the degree of compaction, initial water content and deaired water on the infiltration rate.  相似文献   

Abstract In this paper, a summary of the tectonic history of the Mirdita ophiolitic nappe, northern Albania, is proposed by geological and structural data. The Mirdita ophiolitic nappe includes a subophiolite mélange, the Rubik complex, overlain by two ophiolite units, referred to as the Western and Eastern units. Its history started in the Early Triassic with a rifting stage followed by a Middle to Late Triassic oceanic opening between the Adria and Eurasia continental margins. Subsequently, in Early Jurassic time, the oceanic basin was affected by convergence with the development of a subduction zone. The existence of this subduction zone is provided by the occurrence of the supra‐subduction‐zone‐related magmatic sequences found in both the Western and Eastern units of the Mirdita ophiolitic nappe. During the Middle Jurassic, continuous convergence resulted in the obduction of the oceanic lithosphere, in two different stages – the intraoceanic and marginal stages. The intraoceanic stage is characterized by the westward thrusting of a young and still hot section of oceanic lithosphere leading to the development of a metamorphic sole. In the Late Jurassic, the marginal stage developed by the emplacement of the ophiolitic nappe onto the continental margin. During this second stage, the emplacement of the ophiolites resulted in the development of the Rubik complex. In the Early Cretaceous, the final emplacement of the ophiolites was followed by the unconformable sedimentation of the Barremian–Senonian platform carbonate. From the Late Cretaceous to the Middle Miocene, the Mirdita ophiolitic nappe was translated westward during the progressive migration of the deformation front toward the Adria Plate. In the Middle to Late Miocene, a thinning of the whole nappe pile was achieved by extensional tectonics, while the compression was still active in the westernmost areas of the Adria Plate. On the whole, the Miocene deformations resulted in the uplift and exposition of the Mirdita ophiolites as observed today.  相似文献   

Water quality analyses for the Niger River for the 1980/81 hydrological year are presented. The samples were collected from the main river at Lokoja, and from two main tributaries, the Kaduna and the Benue Rivers. Different water types were distinguished by the concentrations of major ions. The type Ca > Na > Mg > K - HCO3 > SO4 > Cl was represented at all stations during at least part of the year. Chloride was found to dominate the sulphate ion in the Kaduna and Niger, while the Benue maintained a higher concentration of sulphate relative to chloride all year round. Distinct patterns of seasonal variation in the ion concentrations were observed, particularly for the samples collected at Lokoja. Low ion concentrations were prominent during periods of high discharge, while low flow periods coincided with high dissolved ion concentrations. The contribution of rainwater to the total dissolved solids in the river waters was assessed indirectly using rainwater chemistry data from the Gulf of Guinea. The estimated rainwater contribution to the Lower Niger amounts to 5.15 mg 1?1. Geochemical weathering calculations involving reactions of the four major minerals of granitic rocks - anorthite, biotite, albite, and K-feldspar - with carbon dioxide and water, can account for the average water composition of the Lower Niger. The proportion of the ionic components was also related to the occurrence of the respective element in the minerals.  相似文献   

随着我国医疗保险制度的全面实施和逐步完善和医疗保障体制改革的深入开展,我国医疗卫生行业必将引进社会主义经济体制下的宏观调控和市场竞争机制,这无疑有利于我国卫生事业的健康发展。面对当今科技进步与医院建设的新形势,对开展医院医疗仪器设备的管理提出了挑战。为此,本文探讨了在医院中,医学影像设备管理的几个问题和解决的方案。  相似文献   

Historical earthquakes noted in the written records of the South China region, including Hong Kong, are not well delineated along identified prominent fault sources. Despite the lack of any definitive, localised trend in the spatial distribution of seismic activity in the region, there does appear to be some major disparity in the seismic activity rates (especially for large magnitude earthquakes) between the near-field and the far-field regions of Hong Kong. Despite this observation, previous studies of the regional seismic activity and seismic ground motion hazard (the latter using a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, PSHA) have considered very broad source zone regions, in which uniform levels of seismic activity have been assumed. The present paper further scrutinises this broad source zone (BSZ) approach by adopting a novel expanding circular disc (ECD) method to determine the rates of earthquake recurrence. Such a method is intended to counter-check previously developed models by determining earthquake scenario events in terms of magnitude–distance (M–R) pairs or combinations, having defined values of average return period. Unlike the BSZ approach, the ECD method specifically accounts for the supposed variations in the seismic activity rates between events in the near-field and the far-field of Hong Kong.The form of the developed method is particularly suited to the determination of design-level earthquake ground motions for bedrock sites, since it assumes a directionally-independent attenuation model as described in the companion paper. It is found that, whilst the BSZ approach may indicate the overall average levels of hazard that are representative of the South China region as a whole, it does not capture the large disparity in seismic activity rates between near-field and far-field events. This important feature is expected to have a significant impact upon engineering assessments of the seismic safety of structures in Hong Kong and elsewhere in the South China region. For example, it is found that for events with M≥6, the seismic activity rate (normalised by time and area) in the very far-field is around 3.5 times larger than in the near-field and medium-field of Hong Kong. The resulting design M-R combinations, covering a range of return periods from 70 to 2500 years, are limited, for very long return periods and for distant events, by the maximum credible earthquake (MCE) magnitude. Intensive research to determine this seismic hazard parameter is recommended, in order to refine further the results of the ECD analysis, which presently conservatively assumes the MCE to range between M=6 in the near-field of Hong Kong to M=8 in the very far-field, at distances greater than 280 km from Hong Kong.  相似文献   

This paper gives analytical expressions for the 1-D and 2-D frequency spectra of the self-potential field produced by a polarized sphere. In 1-D, the amplitude spectrum of the potential field leads to a criterion for determination of the depthh to the centre of the sphere. The polarization angle of the buried sphere can be calculated from the maximum point of the amplitude spectrum of the electric field. In 2-D, the depth to the centre of the polarized sphere can be calculated if the polarization is vertical.  相似文献   

Linux系统在辽宁地震信息网络中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了Linux系统在辽宁地震信息网络CIS模式中Server端的应用,从Linux系统的安装到各种网络应用服务器的配置都进行了描述。  相似文献   

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