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重大火山喷发(MVEs)越来越受到科学界的关注.已有很多工作研究了过去2000年MVEs对气候的影响,但古气候重建资料和气候模拟资料显示的全球和中国气候对MVEs的响应存在较大差异.本文汇总了观测、重建、模拟和同化数据,系统地总结了MVEs的史实、对气候的影响和机制以及未来的研究方向.主要结论是:过去2000年MVEs密集时期发生在公元530~700、1200~1460和1600~1840年.对温度影响上, MVEs会引起年际-年代际尺度全球和中国的显著降温,但模拟的年际尺度降温幅度明显大于重建结果.对降水影响上,热带MVEs会导致全球季风降水显著减少;在中国区域,长江流域的降水有所增加,但在华北、东北以及青藏高原南部区域,不同数据所反映的结果存在较大差异.频繁的强火山爆发、火山叠加太阳活动极小期、气候系统内部变率叠加火山的作用都可能引起北半球季风区和中国东部的年代际干旱事件.在机制上, MVEs既通过直接辐射效应影响气候,也通过调制气候系统内部变率来间接影响气候,如火山喷发会影响厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)和大西洋多年代际振荡(AMO)的变化.然而, MVEs调制ENSO和AMO等...  相似文献   

GRACE估算陆地水储量季节和年际变化   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用最新公布的GRACE GFZ RL04数据,分析了2003年1月~2007年12月全球27条流域和陆地水储量的季节性和年际变化.结果表明,相近流域季节性变化相位接近.2003年1月~2007年12月陆地水储量季节性变化为1572.4 km3,其中变化最大流域为亚马逊河,其次分别为鄂毕河、尼罗河和尼日尔河等流域.5年来 GRACE陆地水储量的年际变化为-75.4±40.3 km3/a,其中亚马逊河、勒拿河和马更些河等流域的年际变化呈现正增长,而刚果河、密西西比河、恒河、育空河和雅鲁藏布江等流域则相反.GRACE与GLDAS数据均表明2006年后陆地水储量年际变化存在明显增加.  相似文献   

新疆北部汛期降水年际和年代际异常的环流特征   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
新疆北部汛期(7~8月)降水量具有明显的年际和年代际变化.针对年代际、除去年代际后年际和不同年代际背景下年际变化三种时间尺度,利用NECP/NCAR再分析资料,分析相应的大气环流.结果表明,三种时间尺度降水变化的物理机制不同,年代际背景非常重要.新疆北部汛期降水异常时,欧亚中高纬环流系统具有相当正压结构的显著异常.从气候角度和年代际大气环流变化,提出新疆年代际增湿存在索马里越赤道急流到新疆的三段式水汽接力输送方式,索马里急流和热带印度洋是中亚和新疆的重要水汽补充源之一.  相似文献   

气候系统模式对北极涛动的模拟   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
本文系统分析了参与IPCC AR4 “20世纪气候模拟"(20C3M)的23个气候系统模式模拟的1950~1999年冬季(JFM)北极涛动(AO).结果表明,在22个模式中,AO模态都表现为北半球中高纬大气年际变率的第一模态.不过,18个模式模拟的AO模态在北太平洋地区表现偏强,有两组模式结果均表明,提高模式的水平分辨率能够克服此偏差.所有模式模拟的AO指数均未出现与观测相当的增强趋势,只有两个模式(ECHO-G和UKMO-HadGEM1)模拟的AO指数与观测存在显著正相关.多数模式能够模拟出纬向风伴随AO位相变化在中高纬出现的偶极子异常特征,部分模式对平流层AO特征的模拟能力仍需要提高.对AO垂直结构模拟较好的模式,例如CCSM3、MRI CGCM2-32和UKMO-HadGEM1,能够较为合理地再现伴随AO指数增强出现的极区平流层变冷和中纬度对流层增暖现象.AO与欧亚大陆地表气温和降水的相关分布,在多数模式中有较好的体现,个别模式还对AO与东亚气候的相关关系具有一定的模拟能力.对AO各指标均有较好模拟能力的模式是UKMO-HadGEM1.本文结果为改进气候系统模式对北极涛动的模拟能力提供了依据,亦为学术界利用IPCC AR4的耦合模式数据、开展与AO相关的气候变率研究提供了基础参考.  相似文献   

在热带太平洋,观测数据表明海表叶绿素(Chl)表现出年际尺度变率和由热带不稳定波(TIW)引发的中小尺度扰动这两者的共存现象;两者通过海洋生物引发的加热(OBH)反馈对ENSO造成的联合影响尚未得到充分的表征和理解.本文利用一个混合型大气-海洋物理-生物地球化学耦合模式(HCM AOPB)来量化年际和TIW尺度上Chl扰动对ENSO的单独以及联合调制影响. HCM敏感性试验结果证实了两者对ENSO振幅存在相反的作用,其中大尺度Chl年际变率造成的海洋生物-气候反馈效应通过其对上层海洋层结和垂向混合的影响来减弱ENSO,而TIW尺度的Chl扰动则倾向于增强ENSO.气候模式中ENSO的模拟敏感地依赖于对不同尺度上Chl效应的表征方式,因此有必要在气候模式模拟中充分地考虑不同尺度上Chl引发的气候效应.本文揭示了热带太平洋Chl效应是气候模式中ENSO模拟的一个偏差源,可为不同尺度上热带太平洋气候系统与海洋生态系统间相互作用提供新的见解.这些结果也揭示了ENSO调制的复杂性:即热带太平洋海洋生物地球化学过程相关的年际和TIW尺度上的Chl扰动与物理过程间的相互作用可对ENSO产生协同效应.  相似文献   

利用中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟实验室研发的全球海洋-大气-陆面过程气候系统耦合模式(IAP/LASG GOALS 40),对比分析了考虑和不考虑气候的外强迫因子(太阳活动、温室气体及硫酸盐气溶胶)变化对2003年夏季中国区域的短期气候预测的影响.结果发现,由于外强迫因子变化的影响,模式模拟的中国区域2003年夏季降水距平的分布比不考虑这种变化时更接近实况,它有效地改善了无外强迫变化时模式模拟预测的中国区域降水不真实偏大的缺点,使一些地区的模拟降水量值减小,范围扩大,位置北抬.更重要的是,由于考虑了外强迫的变化,GOALS耦合模式很好地模拟出了2003年夏季淮河流域较大的降水正距平区,同时相应的500 hPa环流场的模拟也有较大的改进.  相似文献   

最近的一个器测资料分析显示,东亚气温超前大西洋年代际振荡(AMO)5~7年时,而不是同期或AMO稍微领先东亚气温时,二者正相关最大.这一新结果对此前的认识—AMO对东亚气温年代际变化具有显著影响—提出了异议.因为大气对海洋的响应是快过程,AMO对东亚气温具有显著影响意味着同期或AMO稍微领先东亚气温时,二者正相关最高.考虑到器测资料序列可能包含工业革命以来人类活动的影响信号,这一新结果是否也存在于工业革命前的代用资料序列中,从而很大程度上反映了自然气候系统内部的真实联系,是一个需要回答的问题.本文利用近500年来的多个重建资料序列,结合国际耦合模式相互比较计划第5阶段(CMIP5)给定工业革命前强迫的参照试验数据,对这一问题进行了分析研究.结果显示:东亚气温超前AMO变化这一现象也存在于小冰期后半期(1500AD~1860AD),因此可能是自然气候系统中的一种真实联系.本文结果对AMO与东亚气候的联系可能提出了新认知.  相似文献   

在气候系统的变量时间序列中往往存在着不同尺度间的自相似结构,这种自相似结构,又称为分形的特征.本文运用多分形去趋势波动分析方法(MF-DFA),分析北京市近50年来不同气象变量的逐日序列,并用一个扩展的二项式串级模式来分别估计其多分形谱.结果表明,平均气温等变量表现出多重分形的特征,并且多分形谱宽一致.而气温日较差和日照时数则表现出单分形的特征.且这种分形特征与长程记忆性相关,为中长期气候预测提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

利用1951~2000年中国东北地区23个台站资料,对东北夏季气温的时空分布进行了研究,发现其变化除具有整体的一致性外,东北南部和北部的夏季气温在年际和年代际时间尺度都表现出很大不同,其中北部区域的夏季气温在1987~1988年间发生了一次显著的气候突变. 另外,剔除夏季气温全区一致变化的年份后,南北两区夏季气温与大气环流和海表温度的关系表明:突变前,影响北部和南部冷/热夏季的大气环流形势存在显著的不同,关键海域亦有很大差异:影响南部的为中纬度西太平洋和印度洋部分海域,影响北部的主要为ENSO事件;突变后,两区的夏季气温及相应大气环流和关键海区都趋于一致. 在整个分析时段内,北部夏季气温与东亚夏季风存在显著负相关,而南部的关系则不明显.  相似文献   

本文利用资料分析和数值模拟方法研究了欧亚地区夏季大气环流的相关性及其与亚洲夏季风的关联信号,以期为欧亚地区的气候变异及可预测性研究提供科学依据.结果表明:欧亚区域同期(JJA)500 hPa高度场年际变化的关键区包括热带区、中纬度的贝加尔湖和巴尔喀什湖之间以及欧洲地中海附近地区;表面气温的关键区主要位于热带海洋;海平面气压的关键区包括热带的海洋性大陆区域、印度洋和非洲大陆赤道附近部分区域、中高纬的贝加尔湖与巴尔喀什湖之间的地区.另外,夏季大气环流年际变化的春季关键区明显西移/南退,特别是表面气温(其西太平洋区不再是关键区).公用气候系统模式CCSM4.0的大气模式在给定海温年际变化的情况下对于上述大气环流相关场及其关键区的模拟基本合理,其中500 hPa高度场的模拟结果较好,海平面气压场的结果逊之;对于同期和前期的结果,模式都有夸大西太平洋海温影响的倾向.对于东亚夏季风指数与大气环流的同期年际变化信号而言,其空间分布基本表现为以30°N为界呈西南东北向的波列状分布;其春季前期信号中,30°N以南的显著区几乎都位于海洋,30°N以北主要位于欧洲、巴尔喀什湖与贝加尔湖之间的地区.南亚夏季风指数的前期显著相关区比同期明显西移/南退.总之,模式的模拟结果和观测结果相当吻合,但其同期模拟结果比前期的更好一些.这些结果说明:模式对于大气环流年际变化的耦合变化信息的刻画是基本合理的,这为利用气候模式进行有关可预测性研究和降尺度预测研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

The Himalayan region of north India is composed of complex mountain ranges with different altitudes and orientations, causing prevailing weather conditions to be complex. Wintertime eastward moving synoptic weather systems `Western Disturbances' (WDs) yield large amounts of precipitation over this region. Numerous micro/mesoscale circulations become generated along with prevailing weather due to surface heterogeneity and land-use variability of the Himalayan region. WDs along with these circulations may give rise to very adverse weather conditions over the region. Intraseasonal variability of surface climate over the Himalayas is studied using regional climate model (RegCM3) with 60 km resolution. A 6-month (Oct. 1999–Mar. 2000) period, as this period has received an enormous amount of precipitation in the form of snow, is considered to study surface climate variability in terms of temperature, precipitation and snow amount. Model simulations show cold bias over the Himalayan region and warm bias over the northwest India. Average monthly distribution of temperature indicates that a controlled experiment could capture the areas of lowest temperature regime. Precipitation fields could be simulated only up to a certain degree of satisfaction and the influence of topographic elevation and valleys needs to be seen. RegCM3 provides a representation of resolvable atmospheric circulations that results in explaining mean variability during winter.  相似文献   

杜明  赵鹏 《地球》2012,(11):104-109
干旱是影响社会发展和农业生产的重要因素之一。本文基于EOS/MODIS卫星遥感资料,选取江西省2001-2006年的NDVI时间序列数据,分析了NDVI对干旱的响应规律。计算了NDVI与气温、降水之间的关系。并提取植被状态指数(VCI),分析VCI与气温距平、降水距平的空间分布规律。结果表明:2003年江西夏季旱灾以高温少雨天气为主。这一时期的NDVI数值明显低于其他年份同一时期的NDVI值。气温温度越高,NDVI值越大;日照时数时间越长,NDVI值越大;降水量越高,NDVI值越大;降水距平百分率越高,VCI值越高;平均温度距平越小,VCI值越高。说明气候因素对NDVI指数和VCI指数有很大影响。研究表明,基于MODIS的植被指数可以反映旱灾的时空分布规律。  相似文献   

D. Markovic  M. Koch 《水文研究》2014,28(4):2202-2211
Long‐term variations and temporal scaling of mean monthly time series of river flow, precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, duration of bright sunshine, degree of cloud cover, short wave radiation, wind speed and potential evaporation within or in vicinity of the German part of the Elbe River Basin are analyzed. Statistically significant correlations between the 2–15 year scale‐averaged wavelet spectra of the hydroclimatic variables and the North Atlantic Oscillation‐ and Arctic Oscillation index are found which suggests that such long‐term patterns in hydroclimatic time series are externally forced. The Hurst parameter estimates (H) based on the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) indicate persistence for discharge, precipitation, wind speed, air pressure and the degree of cloud cover, all having an annual cycle and a broad low‐frequency distribution. Also, DFA H parameter estimates are higher for discharge than for precipitation. The major long‐term quasi‐periodic variability modes of precipitation detected using Singular Spectrum Analysis coincide with those detected in the discharge time series. Upon subtraction of these low‐frequency quasi‐periodic modes, the DFA H parameter estimates suggest absence of the persistence for both precipitation and discharge. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Z. X. Xu  J. Y. Li  C. M. Liu 《水文研究》2007,21(14):1935-1948
Some previous studies have shown that drying‐up of the lower Yellow River resulted from decreasing precipitation and excessive industrial and agricultural consumption of water from the middle and downstream regions of the Yellow River. On the basis of average air temperature, precipitation, and pan evaporation data from nearly 80 gauging stations in the Yellow River basin, the monotonic trends of major climate variables over the past several decades are analysed. The analysis was mainly made for 12 months and the annual means. The isograms for annual and typical months are given in the paper. The result shows that the average temperature in the study area exhibits an increasing trend, mainly because of the increase of temperature in December, January and February. The largest trend is shown in December and the smallest is in August. There are 65 of 77 stations exhibiting a downward trend for annual precipitation. In all seasons except summer, there is a similar trend in the upstream region of the Yellow River, south of latitude 35°N. It is interesting to note that the pan evaporation has decreased in most areas of the Yellow River basin during the past several decades. April and July showed the greatest magnitude of slope, and the area from Sanmenxia to Huayuankou as well as the Yiluo River basin exhibited the strongest declining trend. The conclusion is that the decreasing pan evaporation results from complex changes of air temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, and wind speed, and both climate change and human activities have affected the flow regime of the Yellow River during the past several decades. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Detrending is a key step in the study of the scaling behaviors using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) to explore the long‐range correlation of hydrological series. However, the irregular periodicity and various trends within hydrological series as a result of integrated influences of human activities such as construction of water reservoirs and human withdrawal of freshwater and climate changes such as alterations of precipitation changes in both space and time make difficult the selection of detrending methods. In this study, we attempt to address the detrending problem due to the important theoretical and practical merits of detrending in DFA‐based scaling analysis. In this case, with focus on the irregularity of the periodic trends, a modified DFA, varying parameter DFA (VPDFA), and its combination with adaptive detrending algorithm (ADA) are employed to eliminate the influences of irregular cycles on DFA‐based scaling results. The results indicate that, for streamflow series with no more than 20 cycles, VPDFA is recommended; otherwise, the combined method has to be employed. Comparison study indicates that the scaling behavior of the detrended observed streamflow series by average removed method, when compared to those by DFA, VPDFA, and ADA, is the one of the periodic residues around the averaged annual cycle for the entire series rather than that excluding all annual cycles. However, although the result by VPDFA for short observed streamflow record can well correspond to that for numerically simulated series, the scaling behavior obtained by combined method analyzing long record looks strange and is different from that by numerical analysis. We attribute this difference to the complicated hydrological structure and the possible hydrological alternation due to the increasing integrated impacts of human activities and human activities with the extending record. How to include the most of the important factors into the detrending procedure is still a challenging task for further study in the analysis of the scaling behavior of hydrological processes. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1961-2003年间鄱阳湖流域气候变化趋势及突变分析   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
本文利用1961-2003年间鄱阳湖流域14个气象站的气温、降水量、蒸发量等观测数据和8个主要水文站的流量数据,研究该时段内鄱阳湖流域的气候变化趋势、突变及其空间分布的差异.研究表明,鄱阳潮流域气温和降水均在1990年发生突变,继而呈现显著的上升趋势;在季节变化上,冬季平均气温在1986年发生突变,增温显著;夏季降水量和夏季暴雨频率均在1992年发生突变增加,暴雨频率增加是夏季降水量增加的主要原因;蒸发皿蒸发量和参照蒸散量均呈现显著下降趋势,该变化在夏季尤为明显.上述变化趋势均以1990s最为显著,这与长江流域气候变化趋势基本一致.在空间分布上,饶河水系、信江水系和赣江下游等气候变化更为显著.笔者认为,鄱阳湖流域气候变化在长江流域中比较突出.该流域1990s暖湿气候在加强;气温的升高、降水量和暴雨频率的增加以及蒸发量的下降强化了五河流量的增加趋势,由此可大致判定鄱阳湖流域气候变化与洪涝灾害之间可能存在的关系,这可为理解气候变化在该流域的响应和预测该流域未来可能的洪涝灾害提供依据.  相似文献   

Snowmelt is an important source of runoff in high mountain catchments. Snowmelt modelling for alpine regions remains challenging with scarce gauges. This study simulates the snowmelt in the Karuxung River catchment in the south Tibetan Plateau using an altitude zone based temperature‐index model, calibrates the snow cover area and runoff simulation during 2003–2005 and validates the model performance via snow cover area and runoff simulation in 2006. In the snowmelt and runoff modelling, temperature and precipitation are the two most important inputs. Relevant parameters, such as critical snow fall temperature, temperature lapse rate and precipitation gradient, determine the form and amount of precipitation and distribution of temperature and precipitation in hydrological modelling of the sparsely gauged catchment. Sensitivity analyses show that accurate estimation of these parameters would greatly help in improving the snowmelt simulation accuracy, better describing the snow‐hydrological behaviours and dealing with the data scarcity at higher elevations. Specifically, correlation between the critical snow fall temperature and relative humidity and seasonal patterns of both the temperature lapse rate and the precipitation gradient should be considered in the modelling studies when precipitation form is not logged and meteorological observations are only available at low elevation. More accurate simulation of runoff involving snowmelt, glacier melt and rainfall runoff will improve our understanding of hydrological processes and help assess runoff impacts from a changing climate in high mountain catchments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

张冬峰  石英 《地球物理学报》2012,55(9):2854-2866
采用高水平分辨率区域气候模式进行区域未来气候变化预估,对理解全球增暖对区域气候的潜在影响和科学评估区域气候变化有很好的参考价值.这里对国家气候中心使用25 km高水平分辨率区域气候模式RegCM3单向嵌套全球模式MIROC3.2_hires在观测温室气体(1951—2000)和IPCC A1B温室气体排放情景下(2001—2100)进行的共计150年长时间模拟结果,进行华北地区未来气温、降水和极端气候事件变化的分析.模式检验结果表明:模式对当代(1981—2000)气温以及和气温有关的极端气候事件(霜冻日数、生长季长度)的空间分布和数值模拟较好;对降水及和降水有关的极端气候事件(强降水日期、降水强度、五日最大降水量)能够模拟出它们各自的主要空间分布特征,但在模拟数值上存在偏大、偏强的误差.和全球模式驱动场相比,区域模式模拟的气温、降水和极端气候事件有明显的改进.2010—2100年华北地区随时间区域平均气温升高幅度逐渐增大,随之霜冻日数逐渐减少,生长季长度逐渐增多;同时随温室效应的不断加剧,未来降水呈增加的趋势,强降水日期和五日最大降水量逐渐增多、降水强度逐渐增大.从空间分布看,21世纪末期(2081—2100)气温、降水以及有关的极端气候事件变化比21世纪中期(2041—2060)更加明显.  相似文献   

Mohammad Safeeq  Ali Fares 《水文研究》2012,26(18):2745-2764
The impact of potential future climate change scenarios on streamflow and evapotranspiration (ET) in a mountainous Hawaii watershed was studied using the distributed hydrology soil vegetation model (DHSVM). The hydrologic response of the watershed was simulated for 43 years for different levels of atmospheric CO2 (330, 550, 710 and 970 ppm), temperature (+1.1 and + 6.4 °C) and precipitation (±5%, ±10% and ±20%) on the basis of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR4 projections under current, B1, A1B1 and A1F1 emission scenarios. Vegetation leaf conductance and leaf area index were modified to reflect the increase in CO2 concentration. The relative departure of streamflow and ET from their levels during the reference scenarios was calculated on a monthly and annual basis. Results of this study indicate that the streamflow and ET are less sensitive to changes in temperature compared with changes in precipitation. However, temperature increase coupled with precipitation showed significant effect on ET and streamflow. Changes in leaf conductance and leaf area index with increasing CO2 concentration under A1F1 scenario had a significant effect on ET and subsequently on streamflow. Evapotranspiration is less sensitive than streamflow for a similar level of change in precipitation. On the basis of a range of climate change scenarios, DHSVM predicted a change in ET by ±10% and streamflow between ?51% and 90%. From the six ensemble mean scenarios for AR4 A1B, simulations suggest reduction in streamflow by 6.7% to 17.2%. These reductions would produce severe impact on water availability in the region. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of variability in climate and watershed (groundwater withdrawal and land use) on dry‐weather streamflows were investigated using SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool). The equation to predict the total runoff (TR) using climate data was derived from simulation results for 30 years by multiple regression analysis. These may be used to estimate effects of various climate variations (precipitation during the dry period, precipitation during the previous wet period, solar radiation, and maximum temperature). For example, if daily average maximum temperature increases by 3 °C, TR during the dry period will decrease by 27·9%. Similarly, groundwater withdrawals strongly affect streamflow during the dry period. However, land use changes (increasing urbanization) within the forested watershed do not appear to significantly affect TR during the dry period. Finally, a combined equation was derived that describes the relationships between the TR during the dry period and the climate, groundwater withdrawal and urban area proportion in a small monsoon watershed. This equation will be effective to predict the water availability during the dry periods in the future since it is closely related to changes of temperature, precipitation, solar radiation, urban area ratio, and groundwater withdrawal quantity. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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