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本文据雪峰山区山间盆地农业资源和生态环境特点,在分析与评价资源利用现状及其生态经济问题的基础上,探索了农业生态经济系统模式,设计了农业生态经济系统结构及其空间布局型式,论及了系统的“整体效应”、“边缘效应”,并设想了雪峰山区经济开发的串珠状网点模式。  相似文献   

在对乌蒙山区社会经济、扶贫现状、自然环境及区域地质背景和岩溶地质特征进行分析和研究的基础上,首先系统探讨了其岩溶景观的类型、发育和分布特征,然后从资源潜力、开发适宜性、区位特性、开发条件、市场潜力等方面探讨和分析其岩溶景观旅游扶贫潜力的大小及其与岩溶特征间的关系,认为:1)乌蒙山区拥有118处不同级别优势(78处省级、32处国家级、8处世界级)的岩溶景观单体或景观区,是全球高原岩溶景观的典型集中发育区和杰出范例,形成并表现出明显的类型、区域优势和特色;2)总体上,随着岩溶景观分布密度的依次降低,以及可溶性特征的减弱和景观区级别的降低,贵州、云南、四川三大岩溶片区以及各县域岩溶区、各类岩溶景观单体或景观区资源的优势性、聚集性、规模性及知名性依次降低,旅游扶贫潜力依次下降;3)观光体验和休闲度假,是乌蒙山区各岩溶区最适宜,且最具优势和开发潜力的旅游产品;4)乌蒙山区的区位特性、开发条件和市场潜力等则明显逊色于其他相似的岩溶地区。最后,在上述分析的基础上提出了观光休闲旅游、生态旅游、科学旅游、文化旅游、探险科考等5种乌蒙山区岩溶旅游扶贫模式,并从政府、基础设施、区域旅游发展、区域协作、发展理念等方面探讨了岩溶旅游扶贫的保障机制。  相似文献   

粤北岩溶山区土地石漠化治理与农业综合开发模式研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
粤北岩溶山区是广东省石漠化土地分布的主要区域,经过多年的治理,土地石漠化出现了逐步逆转的态势,但石漠化仍是当地生态环境改善和社会经济发展的主要制约因素。在分析石漠化现状的基础上,依据当地不同的自然、社会和经济发展条件,提出了粤北岩溶山区、高原石漠化防治与农业综合开发模式和粤北岩溶丘陵、洼地石漠化防治与农业综合开发模式。把石漠化治理与农业综合开发密切结合起来,通过发展经济带动石漠化的治理。  相似文献   

韦跃龙 《热带地理》2021,41(5):1073-1095
基于景观资源特色、区域发展水平、区位条件、知名度和管理水平等,将中国近千处岩溶景观区分为四大类,即岩溶旅游胜地、岩溶旅游经典目的地、岩溶旅游新目的地、岩溶旅游新开发区。以时间为主线,运用归纳总结法和类比分析法,深入分析中国岩溶景观近70年以来的旅游开发方式。结果表明:1)1950年以来实施并分别取得不同实施效果的主要旅游开发方式有9类38种,它们分别有不同的条件要求,与不同类型岩溶景观的特征/特色相匹配。2)不同或同一岩溶景观资源共同体/景观区往往具有多种在重要程度、开发效益、发展趋势等方面差异较大的旅游开发方式;反之,同一旅游开发方式则可能在不同岩溶景观资源共同体/景观区的开发中具有不同的实施效果、开发效益和发展趋势。3)总结出特征-利益驱动型无主题分离式开发、特色-科学驱动型主题融合式开发两大开发模式,认为它们均是岩溶旅游在特定阶段的产物,其中前者对促进岩溶旅游的发展和繁荣发挥了非常重要的作用,而后者则融“资源共同体及其特色、科学研究、开发、保护、管理、反馈”等多位一体的新模式,是新形势下岩溶旅游的主要发展趋势之一。最后,运用系统动力学方法,探索主题融合式开发的基本流程:资源共同体及其特色与科学研究分别是“内、外发动机”,以主题为灵魂“发动”衍生出开发、保护、管理、研究(后期)、反馈等运行体系。  相似文献   

以贵州省为核心的中国西南岩溶区面临双重危机:生态恶劣,石漠化严重;人口贫困,全国1/3强的贫困县分布在该地区。石漠化综合治理需要从岩溶生态系统结构和运行规律出发,重点关注岩溶地下水的开发和可持续利用,水土保持和土壤改良,植被恢复和可适应性的经济植物选择,力求区域生态经济双赢、农民脱贫致富。  相似文献   

以贵州省为核心的中国西南岩溶区面临双重危机:生态恶劣,石漠化严重;人口贫困,全国1/3强的贫困县分布在该地区。石漠化综合治理需要从岩溶生态系统结构和运行规律出发,重点关注岩溶地下水的开发和可持续利用,水土保持和土壤改良,植被恢复和可适应性的经济植物选择,力求区域生态经济双赢、农民脱贫致富。  相似文献   

关于西南岩溶区石漠化土地恢复重建目标的讨论   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李阳兵  王世杰 《热带地理》2005,25(2):123-127
根据恢复生态学相关研究进展和西南岩溶区石漠化土地综合治理现状,探讨了石漠化土地生态恢复重建的不同空间尺度目标、阶段性目标、植被生态建设目标、社区文化建设目标和效益目标。指出防治岩溶石漠化的实质绝不仅仅是岩溶山区的水土保持问题和恢复植被,只有实现环境恢复、经济发展和社会进步三者的协调发展,生态建设与富民增收并举,石漠化等环境问题才能得到真正的全面解决。因此,近期石漠化综合治理模式目标必须结合市场重新认识资源环境优势,由扶贫型向提高生活质量型转变,由单一坡改梯向多途径特色农业转变,由防护型向开发型转变,由政府主导向参与式转变,从而打破岩溶脆弱生态背景上土地退化的恶性循环。  相似文献   

岩溶生态系统脆弱性剖析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生态系统的脆弱性评价对于生态系统管理具有重要作用.在分析岩溶生态系统脆弱性特征和影响因素的基础上,构建了针对岩溶自然系统的脆弱性评价指标体系,涵盖了岩溶生态系统的结构脆弱性、生态过程脆弱性、生态功能脆弱性和人为胁迫脆弱性4个方面,评价指标分别是结构稳定性、多样性生境、能量利用和积累、直接使用价值、石漠化程度和速率等.以不同类型的原生岩溶生态系统的生态基准值作为比较基础,评价系统将现有的退化岩溶生态系统的脆弱性划分为轻微脆弱、中度脆弱、重度脆弱以及系统崩溃4级.  相似文献   

本文从洛凡碳酸盐岩区地形地貌、地质方面入手,全面了解该区多层状岩溶模式及水文地质条件。洛凡地区整体地形南西高北东低,碳酸盐岩广泛分布,断层构造南西-北东走向。地表及地下水受地形地貌、地质等因素影响,自南西至北东流向,地下水受碳酸盐岩多层岩溶的作用影响,明暗相间出露于地表,河流两岸出露不同地层及不同高程干涸溶洞,多数溶洞能见流水遗迹。该区碳酸岩溶区深部岩溶带地下水较丰富,分布极不均匀,深部地下水以洛凡河为该区排泄基准面沿四条伏流排泄于洛凡河;表层岩溶带地下水缺乏,地下水主要分布于上部包气带中,出露于其上泉点流量较小且季节性缺水。根据其含水层特征、水循环特征及水动力特征,将研究区地下水系统划分为表层岩溶带岩溶水系统及深部岩溶带岩溶水系统。  相似文献   

北京山区沟域经济发展的空间组织模式   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
沟域经济是山区发展的新模式,基本涵盖了沟域发展的各个层面,是独具山区发展特色的经济地理形态.以沟域为载体的山区要素布局的空间耦合关系是山区发展的新命题,理论与现实意义重大.结合多年的山区发展研究,在初步探讨了沟域经济的内涵和空间组织过程的基础上,分析了北京山区沟域经济发展的现状,并对北京沟域经济发展的空间布局特征指向及其影响进行了研究,最后建立了沟域经济空间组织的合理模式框架.研究认为,沟域经济对北京山区新时期的发展转型作用重大,首先它不以行政区域界限为边界,基本串联了山区的大部分村庄,并与主要交通线走向重合,因此至少能在山区产业结构调整、城乡统筹发展等方面会对山区发展产生积极影响.其次,通过分析认为目前北京山区沟域经济发展正处于第二次集中型空间组织阶段,资源节约、环境友好、产业优化是这一阶段的特点,因此北京沟域经济的发展一定程度上有助于协调好山区生态保护与经济发展的关系,促进山区的综合开发.北京山区沟域经济发展模式的成功实践一方面支持了北京山区功能转型的战略决策,另一方面也为其他山区发展提供了借鉴和指导意义.  相似文献   

持续农业--生态农业及干旱区实践模式探究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
论述了生态农业与持续农业(SARD)提出的背景及其概念,结合干旱区实例介绍,阐述了持续农业与生态农业在中国发展的趋势。  相似文献   

典型喀斯特石漠化治理区水土流失特征与关键问题   总被引:54,自引:7,他引:47  
熊康宁  李晋  龙明忠 《地理学报》2012,67(7):878-888
喀斯特地区的水土流失资料很缺乏, 传统的研究方法很多不适用, 为科学地认识喀斯特石漠化治理区水土流失的特征与变化规律, 制定符合喀斯特环境的防治对策, 2006-2010 年间, 结合石漠化治理工程, 对鸭池、红枫湖、花江典型示范区进行了长期的水土流失定位监测, 结果显示, 总体上各研究区在生态及工程治理后土壤侵蚀量明显下降, 地貌类型从宏观上控制着各区域的侵蚀特征, 高原山地土层厚, 大量陡坡开垦, 水土流失严重;高原盆地自然条件较好, 发展生态畜牧和生态农业, 侵蚀量较小;高原峡谷经历早期的剧烈流失后, 现阶段几近无土可流, 侵蚀量极低。生态修复是石漠化治理的核心, 水保林、封禁治理的生态效益好, 草地畜牧业和经济林模式能带来良好经济与水土保持效益。不同等级石漠化的坡度与土被组合特征差异显著, 对土壤侵蚀量有强烈的控制作用, 今后应根据石漠化等级细化喀斯特地区的水土流失分级和制定合适的治理措施。地下流失受研究深度所限, 目前尚无法准确判断其在地表-地下水土流失总量中的贡献率, 对落水洞等关键部位进行工程防治能大大降低其危害性。  相似文献   

南方丘陵山区现代农业可持续发展模式研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
邱国锋  张正栋 《热带地理》2001,21(2):173-177,182
从区域农业可持续发展的观点和农业生态系统的原理出发,认为促进南方丘陵山区现代农业可持续发展具有巨大的经济、生态和政治意义,提出了“以生态为基础,以科技为主导”的“生态 现代生产 现代经营管理 现代科技 现代市场体系”的可持续发展模式。  相似文献   

贵州喀斯特山区农业生态环境的脆弱性及可持续发展对策   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
万国江  甘露  陈刚才 《山地学报》2001,19(2):130-134
贵州喀斯特山区的农业生态环境极为脆弱,对农业的可持续发展带来了很大的不利影响。本文认为其脆弱性主要是由喀斯特自然过程和人为活动共同作用的结果。并据此探讨了其环境整治和农业可持续发展的战略途径及相应的发展模式。  相似文献   

曾尊固  熊宁  沈思保 《地理研究》2000,19(2):120-127
以江苏省海安县为例,依据实地调研获取的信息,追踪较发达地区农村经济从多种经营-支柱产业形成-农业产业化经营的演进历程,分析其农业产业化的特征,并以禽蛋和茧丝绸业为重点总结较发达地区农业大县农业产业化的地域模式。  相似文献   

西安市城市化与都市农业发展耦合关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
齐爱荣  周忠学  刘欢 《地理研究》2013,32(11):2133-2142
城市化以其强烈的市场效应与辐射功能带动了都市农业的发展,但同时又对都市农业的水土资源、生态环境造成负面影响;都市农业又通过其生产、社会及生态功能推动城市化发展。揭示两者之间的作用规律,对解决城市经济、社会和生态问题,快速推动都市农业发展,协调城乡关系具有重要意义。本文在构建城市化水平与都市农业发展水平测度指标体系的基础上,通过主成分分析法和相关分析法,探讨了城市化与都市农业发展之间的相互作用机制,并定量分析了两者之间的耦合关系。结果表明:① 近10 年,西安市城市化水平与都市农业发展水平都呈上升的趋势,且二者表现出显著的同步性;② 西安城市化水平和都市农业发展水平呈显著的正相关,相关系数达0.955;③ 西安城市现代化水平因子、城市生活质量水平因子和人口与经济结构因子是推动城市化的3 个主要因子,其中城市现代化水平因子是推动西安都市农业发展的主导因子。  相似文献   

The excessive expansion of urbanized areas has resulted in haphazard land utilization, immoderate consumption of superior agricultural land and water resources, significant fragmentation of agricultural landscape, and gradual deterioration of the agro-ecological environment. Combined, these factors cause poor land use efficiency. Under these circumstances, comprehensively assessing land use efficiency for urban agriculture is a key issue in land use research. Currently, evaluation methods for agricultural land use efficiency narrowly concentrate on aspects of economic input and output. However, urban agro-ecosystems can provide diverse economic, social, and ecological services and functions. In particular, the social and ecological services and functions originating from agricultural land, which have a higher value than economic services, play a significant role in ensuring regional social, ecological, and environmental security. However, recent research has rarely taken these benefits into consideration. Therefore, land use value has been greatly underestimated, which has resulted in mishandled and poor land use policies. In this study, we apply Landsat imagery and social and economic statistical data for the Xi’an metropolitan zone (XMZ) to investigate agricultural multi-functionality. We develop an evaluation framework for urban agricultural land use efficiency and identify agro-ecosystem services and functions as important outputs from agricultural land. The land use efficiency of urban agriculture is then evaluated using ecosystem services models, providing a mechanism for assessing spatial-temporal changes in land use efficiency in the XMZ from 1999 to 2015. Four important conclusions are reached from this analysis. First, the rapid urbanization and agricultural transformation from traditional cereal cultivation to modern urban agriculture has resulted in steadily increasing costs, outputs, and land use efficiency of urban agriculture. The total output value increased 41% and land use efficiency per hectare increased by 33.13% on average. Second, the spatial patterns of comprehensive output and land use efficiency were dominated by economic outputs from agricultural land. Areas near cities, which are dominated by orchard and arable land, provide more economic functions. These areas support and regulate services due to the transformation from extensive cereal production to intensive modern urban agriculture; therefore, they have higher output value and land use efficiency. In contrast, areas distant from cities, towns, and high traffic roads, namely, remote rural areas, provide more support and regulating services, but have relatively lower economic function due to inaccessibility to urban markets and slow agricultural transformation. Therefore, these areas have lower output value and land use efficiency. The spatial change in agricultural output and land use efficiency in urban areas is strongly dependent on the degree of urbanization and agricultural transformation. Third, the total output value and land use efficiency of urban agriculture measured with our approach are much higher than evaluations using traditional methods. However, the spatial patterns measured using the two approaches are in agreement. The evaluation framework integrates ecological services and economic and social functions into a comprehensive output from agricultural land. This approach is more methodical and accurate for evaluating the comprehensive efficiency of land use based on quantities and spatial scale because they are at the pixel scale. Finally, the evaluation results have important implications for enhancing current agricultural subsidies and even implementing ecological payment policies in China. Most importantly, they can be directly applied to agricultural transformation regulations, decision- making, and guidance for rational land utilization.  相似文献   

杨振山  蔡建明 《地理研究》2007,26(2):363-372
都市农业是城市化进程中崭新的农业形态,但缺乏对其组织形式和生产方式的实证研究。本文基于对互润(国际)食品集团的调查实例,详细分析了都市农业加工型企业的成长机理,指出制度平台、政府行为和社区沟通是企业发展的外层机理,是企业平稳运行的基础;生产经营活动及其不断的扩张构成了企业发展的内层机理;创新和企业管理及市场的内、外部控制所形成的内核机理是企业发展的核心动力。据此,文章总结了都市农业加工型企业的发展模式,并就都市农业加工型企业如何发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

The excessive expansion of urbanized areas has resulted in haphazard land utilization, immoderate consumption of superior agricultural land and water resources, significant fragmentation of agricultural landscape, and gradual deterioration of the agro-ecological environment. Combined, these factors cause poor land use efficiency. Under these circumstances, comprehensively assessing land use efficiency for urban agriculture is a key issue in land use research. Currently, evaluation methods for agricultural land use efficiency narrowly concentrate on aspects of economic input and output. However, urban agro-ecosystems can provide diverse economic, social, and ecological services and functions. In particular, the social and ecological services and functions originating from agricultural land, which have a higher value than economic services, play a significant role in ensuring regional social, ecological, and environmental security. However, recent research has rarely taken these benefits into consideration. Therefore, land use value has been greatly underestimated, which has resulted in mishandled and poor land use policies. In this study, we apply Landsat imagery and social and economic statistical data for the Xi'an metropolitan zone(XMZ) to investigate agricultural multi-functionality. We develop an evaluation framework for urban agricultural land use efficiency and identify agro-ecosystem services and functions as important outputs from agricultural land. The land use efficiency of urban agriculture is then evaluated using ecosystem services models, providing a mechanism for assessing spatial-temporal changes in land use efficiency in the XMZ from 1999 to 2015. Four important conclusions are reached from this analysis. First, the rapid urbanization and agricultural transformation from traditional cereal cultivation to modern urban agriculture has resulted in steadily increasing costs, outputs, and land use efficiency of urban agriculture. The total output value increased 41% and land use efficiency per hectare increased by 33.13% on average. Second, the spatial patterns of comprehensive output and land use efficiency were dominated by economic outputs from agricultural land. Areas near cities, which are dominated by orchard and arable land, providemore economic functions. These areas support and regulate services due to the transformation from extensive cereal production to intensive modern urban agriculture; therefore, they have higher output value and land use efficiency. In contrast, areas distant from cities, towns, and high traffic roads, namely, remote rural areas, provide more support and regulating services, but have relatively lower economic function due to inaccessibility to urban markets and slow agricultural transformation. Therefore, these areas have lower output value and land use efficiency. The spatial change in agricultural output and land use efficiency in urban areas is strongly dependent on the degree of urbanization and agricultural transformation. Third, the total output value and land use efficiency of urban agriculture measured with our approach are much higher than evaluations using traditional methods. However, the spatial patterns measured using the two approaches are in agreement. The evaluation framework integrates ecological services and economic and social functions into a comprehensive output from agricultural land. This approach is more methodical and accurate for evaluating the comprehensive efficiency of land use based on quantities and spatial scale because they are at the pixel scale. Finally, the evaluation results have important implications for enhancing current agricultural subsidies and even implementing ecological payment policies in China. Most importantly, they can be directly applied to agricultural transformation regulations, decision-making, and guidance for rational land utilization.  相似文献   

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