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在南海番禺某存在硬壳层的平台场址内,使用工作级ROV搭载多波束测深系统、浅地层剖面仪和侧扫声纳等设备进行高精度工程物探调查,为钻孔作业提供可靠信息;使用动力定位船及其钻井设备装载大钻头直接钻松浅表砂层(硬壳层),使用ROV在水下为钻杆精确定位,最终消除硬壳层对钻井平台插桩造成的穿刺威胁。  相似文献   

中国海洋石油南海西部公司是从事海洋石油、天然气勘探开发的企业。现在该公司拥有5座海上钻井平台、12艘三用工作船和2艘从事海洋物探工程调查的专用船,以及一艘17万吨级具有海上处理和储存石油能力的浮式装置,还有能处理三维地震资料的计算中心、现代化的通讯系统以及支持海上作业的一系列配套服  相似文献   

为防御和减轻雷电对工业用PLC系统造成的损害,需要对该系统进行防雷保护.首先介绍了PLC系统的基本概念,然后从直击雷、屏蔽、接地、等电位连接、安装浪涌保护器等几个方面阐述如何对PLC系统进行防雷保护.  相似文献   

远海浮式结构物与供应船旁靠系泊特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对远海浮式结构物与供应船进行旁靠作业时,水动力干扰、两船的相对运动、旁靠系缆系统和护舷系统的受力特征等问题开展研究。建立各船的有限元模型,设计出两船旁靠连接缆系统,选取合适的系泊缆和护舷参数。研究表明:浮式结构物和供应船的横荡、纵荡方向存在一定的同步性或跟随性,幅值相差不大,其它方向的运动并不存在明显的同步特征;供应船的各自由度运动幅值均比浮式结构物偏大;旁靠护舷的受力时历出现了明显的低频效应,说明护舷的受力较大程度上受船体低频慢漂运动的影响;浮式结构物对供应船的水动力干扰较大,当浮式结构物在供应船的上风位置时,表现为屏蔽效应,供应船的运动较小;在其背风位置时,运动加剧,出现多次共振、峰值放大现象,供应船对浮式结构物的水动力性能几乎无影响,因此,供应船从浮式结构物的下风口一侧靠泊作业将更有利于船舶的安全性能。这些研究结论可为实际工程操作提供参考。  相似文献   

由中海油田服务股份有限公司投资建造的12缆深水物探船“海洋石油720”于2010年12月20日在上海船厂船舶有限公司顺利下水,标志着该船钢结构和主要设备安装已基本完成,进入码头舾装、调试阶段。“海洋石油720”是国内自主建造的第一艘大型深水物探船,作为海洋深水工程重大装备纳人国家科技重大专项,是中海油深水油气勘探的重要配套装备之一。  相似文献   

本着"不搞重复建设,海陆统筹"的思想设计了航空重力数据库表结构,与航磁总场、航磁梯度、航电、航空伽玛能谱一起建成了统一的航空物探数据库,实现"海陆一张图"的航空物探勘查全过程数据的管理。基于GeoProbe平台,采用插件技术和WebGIS技术研发数据服务软件,与完善后的数据库数据采集软件、航空物探遥感资料目录服务系统,构成一体化的航空物探数据管理服务体系。采取规范的数据整理流程和严格的数据质量检查措施,入库更新了渤海、黄海等约3.5万km~2的海洋航空重力数据,形成覆盖渤海、黄海、东海、南海南部及海岸带约497万km~2的海洋航空物探数据库,可提供全海域一张图的系列服务产品,从而为基础调查项目的工作部署、数据处理及成果解释、报告编写等工作提供基础资料及成果信息共享和服务。  相似文献   

无人船是一种新型的无人多功能海洋监测平台,能够以遥控或自动方式完成连续性海洋参数测量。针对湖泊和近海的海洋环境监测,自主研发了一种双体双推进式无人船系统"USBV"。利用该无人船系统,搭载信标差分GPS、单波束测深仪和CTD(温盐深仪),于2014-10-11在连云港当路水库和连岛海域,开展了水深、温度和盐度的自动航行监测。通过分析无人船的自动航行性能和深度、温度与盐度的测量结果,验证了无人船"USBV"用于海洋环境监测的自动性和可行性。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的不断发展,现代战争对武器装备提出了更新、更高的要求,由于受水域作战条件的限制.特种部队所使用的水下运栽器无法做到精确的导航定位,作战效能远没有得到充分的发挥.针对我国军用小型水下运栽器的需要,设计了组合导航定位系统,并介绍了系统组成、系统工作流程,通过试验验证.此系统性能优良.  相似文献   

基于北斗短报文的震源船跟踪系统设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过在震源船上部署3套GPS接收机,并对3个点的位置信息进行汇总和压缩,利用北斗短报文将压缩后的位置信息推送到陆海联测指挥部,实现对震源船航速、航向的实时监控.根据3个点位信息计算的实时震源船航向,有助于准确把握震源船在进行固定点悬停激发时的航向,克服了以往使用前后两个时刻推算的平均航向代替实时航向等问题.使用我国自主知识产权的北斗短报文进行通讯,大大提高了系统的安全性、可靠性和稳定性;同时陆海联测指挥部可以实时查看震源船是否按事先设定的测线、事先设定的速度和航向进行作业,有效保障了监控平台对震源船的监控,进一步提升安全生产的风险控制能力.  相似文献   

珠江口水文信息系统的水文观测站都是无人站, 采用的均是浮子式水位计, 且数量逐年增多, 发生故障后, 修复时间长, 造成数据缺测。为了解决这个问题, 本文提出使用浮子水位、雷达水位双备份观测方式, 数据中心可以通过人工干预或系统自动智能诊断方式分时间段分别从浮子水位、雷达水位中挑选数据作为该站点的实际连续观测数据。本文阐述浮子水位和雷达水位双备份观测的实时数据传输系统组成及工作原理, 并通过对浮子水位、雷达水位观测数据的对比分析, 验证数据中心通过这种分时间段组合挑选的数据具有连续性、有效性, 可作为观测站的实际观测数据, 浮子水位、雷达水位双备份观测系统可以应用在珠江口水文信息系统或类似观测领域。  相似文献   

Low-frequency electromagnetic methods are used in geophysical exploration to detect the magnetic field distortion between a transmitter and receiver produced by locally conductive bodies. Both ground and airborne systems are in current use. It is possible to similarly conduct underwater geophysical exploration by using an underwater towed source of electromagnetic radiation and a receiving magnetic or electric field detector. The receiver can be towed on an auxiliary cable, mounted on a boom on the towing platform, or land based. An underwater towed electromagnetic source suitable for ocean-bottom exploration has been constructed, and its underwater propagation characteristics at low frequency have been studied. This underwater calibrated source (UCS) is 4 m long, weighs 383 kg in air, and can produce vertical and horizontal magnetic dipoles and a horizontal electric dipole. Powered by a current-feedback-controlled, high-power, modified sonar amplifier, the UCS can produce 9710 ampereturn.m2 of magnetic dipole or 200 A.m of electric dipole at 50 A at frequencies up to 200 Hz without significant attenuation from coil inductance. This paper concentrates on the mechanical, hydrodynamic, and magnetic design details of the UCS and the electrical system, consisting of the high-current drive power system and the shipboard monitoring system for attitude and depth detectors.  相似文献   

走航式海洋放射性物质探测是一种高效、经济的海洋地球物理勘探方法,其应用范围包括海洋环境放射性污染监测、海洋地质矿产勘查以及海洋工程地质调查等。本试验的探测器由大体积碘化钠晶体(5R5)、前置放大器、数字化谱仪以及减压缓震材料等部件组成;配套软件功能齐全,操作简便、智能。室内稳定性测试、分辨力测试、铯-137源测试、海上现场试验结果表明,该探测仪性能稳定、能量分辨力高、灵敏度高。此外,初步试验结果表明,探测仪对不同物质的响应有明显的差异,能够根据其探测结果对物质进行放射性分类,对海底沉积物的分类研究也有很大的应用前景。  相似文献   

在海洋地质调查中,如何取得好的沉积物样品是每一位海洋地质学家所向往的,而获得好的沉积物样品的关键又很大程度上取决于先进的海洋调查仪器的使用。法国“阿塔郎特”号海洋调查船上的重力取样管不管在性能上,还是安全性上都瞰称世界上比较先进的取样设备。  相似文献   

Non-intrusive measuring instruments are desirable tools to investigate the response of vessels or marine structures subjected to water waves, whether in a laboratory or in the field. An ultrasonic sensing device is designed and built to measure surface displacements of a floating body. An ultrasonic sensor can sense any surface that lies in front of it, whether it is a solid or a liquid surface. In this study, a specialized electronic circuit board is designed to measure a wide range of surface displacements. The proposed system not only can be used to measure heave, surge, and pitch of a floating body continuously but also it can act as a water waveform recording instrument. The proposed ultrasonic measuring device is far more accurate than the current standard instruments (e.g. potentiometers) based on the simple fact that the measured surface is not disturbed. Furthermore, this device is of low manufacturing cost and has a practical size that renders it suitable for a broad range of applications. Hence, it can be used in a laboratory setup as well as in conducting field tests.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1999,22(6):687-697
The physical structure of coral reefs, like that of rainforests and other spatially-complex ecosystems, modulates light, fluid flow, and other physical variables to create a spatially and temporally complex mosaic of microhabitats. Accurate and affordable methods for quantifying this spatio-temporal variation are required to address many basic and applied research questions related to the ecology and management of reefs. Recent advances in semiconductor electronics technology have made it easier and much less expensive to build small and reliable datalogging instruments, which can be deployed in arrays to record spatio-temporal patterns of ecologically-important variables. Suitable instruments are already commercially available for $100 (US) or less per unit, and more are being produced. Moreover, people with modest electronics training and equipment can now design and build their own instruments successfully using the powerful features and modularity of modern “off-the-shelf” integrated circuits. Commercial instruments, as well as all of the parts necessary to construct custom-made instruments, can be ordered by telephone or internet and shipped worldwide. Thus, these technologies are now available for reef research and monitoring in remote regions, including the many developing island nations whose people depend on healthy reefs for healthy economies.  相似文献   

“东海高精度无线电定位系统”是地质矿产部在八十年代中建立起来主要用于物探的定位系统,也是东海海洋地质调查主要的定位手段。该系统精度的难证、工作方式、实际工作的资料统计结果进一步论证了该系统在东海的实用价值,随着海洋地质调查工作的发展和深化,对导航定位的要求越来越高,“东海高精度无线电定位系统”的设备也在不断更新和发展,以适应东海对外开放的需要。  相似文献   

浅地层剖面探测技术及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浅地层剖面技术是应用声学原理高效获取海底面之下浅部地质地球物理信息的探测技术,主要应用于海底浅地层信息探测和海底特殊目标调查等方面。以往研究者主要集中在浅地层剖面的具体应用,未对不同类型的浅剖应用效果进行综合对比分析,本文比较4种不同类型浅地层剖面系统的组成、工作方式和探测技术参数,认为不同尺度的探测目标需要应用不同类型的浅地层剖面系统。分析和对比不同震源类型浅剖的应用案例,发现电火花震源穿透能力最强,分辨率随工作频率的增大而提高;电磁式震源穿透深度与分辨率适中;压电换能器震源分辨率较高,穿透能力弱;参量阵震源利用差频原理,信号中包含高频与低频两部分,能够同时得到较高的分辨率与较大的穿透深度。未来浅地层剖面探测技术向深穿透、高分辨率、高效率、二维向三维甚至高维探测方面发展。  相似文献   

Marine seismic exploration has potentially detrimental effects upon marine life and marine mammals in particular. Potential effects range from disturbance that may lead to displacement from feeding or breeding areas, to auditory damage and potential mortality. Nations including the USA, Canada and Brazil have followed the example set by the United Kingdom by introducing guidelines to minimise acoustic disturbance to marine mammals. This paper describes the mitigation measures central to the guidelines currently in place, and identifies the similarities, differences and deficiencies within them. A need for further review by some nations is identified, with a recommendation that an international standard should be produced, benefiting both the geophysical exploration industry and the conservation community.  相似文献   

A series of new miniaturizedin situ geotechnical instruments were developed and subsequently field tested with the Deep Sea Research Vessel (DSRV)Alvin during October of 1980 in various sedimentary features on the U.S. East Coast continental slope and upper rise within the Wilmington Geotechnical Corridor. These instruments are herein described and include a cone penetrometer, resistivity/conductivity probe, miniature piezometer, an inclinometer and a small diameter coring system. The various drive systems, controls and data recording systems are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

During several decades of investigation, the East Pacific Rise seafloor-spreading center at 9°-10°N has been explored by marine geologists, geophysicists, chemists, and biologists, and has emerged as one of the best studied sections of the global midocean ridge. It is an example of a region for which there is now a great wealth of observational data, results, and data-driven theoretical studies. However, these have yet to be fully utilized, either by research scientists or educators. While the situation is improving, a large amount of data, results, and related theoretical models still exist either in an inert, noninteractive form (e.g., journal publications) or as unlinked and currently incompatible computer data or algorithms. Presented here is the prototype of a computational environment and toolset, called the Virtual Research Vessel, to improve the situation by providing marine scientists and educators with simultaneous access to data, maps, and numerical models. While infrastructure is desired and needed for ready access to data and the resulting maps via web GIS in order to link disparate data sets (data to data), it is argued that data must also be linked to models for better exploration of new relations between observables, refinement of numerical simulations, and the quantitative evaluation of scientific hypotheses. For widespread data access, web GIS is therefore only a preliminary step rather than a final solution, and the ongoing implementation of the Virtual Research Vessel (scheduled for final completion in 2004-2005) is a case study for the midocean ridge community to test the effectiveness of moving beyond the data-to-data mode towards data-to-models and data-to-interpretation.  相似文献   

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