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我国海洋社会组织角色和功能定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海洋社会组织作为协助政府进行海洋公共管理的重要主体,其基本的角色和功能需要首先进行定位。文章从海洋决策影响者、海洋知识教育者和海洋利益维护者三个角色,以及规范行业发展、推动海洋科学进步、协助海洋危机管理、动员公众参与和促进国际合作五个功能出发,对我国的海洋社会组织做了基本界定。随后面对现实案例,揭示海洋社会组织存在教育角色重"理论"轻"实践"、决策影响重事后轻事前、维权者角色软弱无力、危机管理参与有待加强和组织动员能力不强等问题。针对该类问题,提出一系列具体层面的措施以期待海洋社会组织修正偏差,更好地发挥协助海洋管理的作用。  相似文献   

近年来,社会组织方兴未艾,在各个领域中的地位与作用日益凸显,在海洋公共管理中也不例外。社会组织作为海洋公共管理的主体之一,在提高海洋公共服务的供给效率、协调海洋各利益主体之间的矛盾、增强民众对海洋管理的参与以及海洋应急管理等方面起着重要的作用。文章正是对海洋社会组织在海洋公共管理中的作用作了一些浅显的探讨。  相似文献   

2008年的青岛浒苔治理过程暴露出我国应对海洋环境突发事件的严重准备不足,浒苔等海洋环境突发事件的特点决定了社会组织广泛参与的必要性。浒苔问题并非我国独有,近年来国外在各地NPO的组织下,开展了各项浒苔治理工程,凸现了社会组织的主导作用。我国目前正进入经济社会发展的关键时期,对涉及人民生命财产安全的海洋环境问题如果处理不当,极易在沿海地区引发新的社会危机,文章在借鉴国外浒苔治理经验的基础上,通过凸现社会组织的重要性来加强海洋环境应急管理是迫在眉睫的当务之急。  相似文献   

社会需求是海洋环境预报存在和发展的前提条件,是其生命所在.通过搜集、研读、比较大量国内外文献,并结合笔者具体工作体会,分析阐述涉海企事业、政府管理机构、社会大众、国防建设、防灾减灾、应对气候变异等方面对海洋环境预报的需求,为各级海洋环境预报部门在制定战略规划时提供参考,以求海洋环境预报事业发挥其应有的社会功能.  相似文献   

浅海现代沉积作用研究展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
沉积学是对沉积环境特征和演化的研究。自本世纪中叶以来 ,海洋沉积学在现代沉积作用研究方面(如海底浊流沉积、陆架沉积物输运、沉积物来源、河口海岸沉积层序、海底地貌体构造与成因等 )取得了长足的进展 ,获得了大量资料和知识 ,为今后的进一步发展打下了良好的基础。今后的20a海洋沉积学的发展将遇到与过去不同的研究环境 ,即社会对这门学科的实用性提出了比过去更高的要求 ,而科学家群体则对这门学科能否提出对人类智慧而言具挑战性的科学命题更为关切。对于科学来说 ,特别是一门已经发展成熟的科学来说 ,这是很自然的。科学必须持…  相似文献   

判断我国海洋经济-社会-生态系统耦合协调发展态势对促进我国海洋经济高质量发展具有重要的战略决策参考价值。文章运用耦合协调度模型测度2006—2019年我国海洋经济-社会-生态系统耦合协调度水平,并采用障碍度模型分析其主要障碍因子。研究发现:我国海洋经济子系统和社会子系统综合发展指数均呈显著上升趋势,生态子系统综合发展指数最高但未表现出显著增长态势;2006—2019年我国沿海地区整体耦合协调度水平呈上升趋势,耦合协调等级由勉强协调上升为中度协调,三大海洋经济圈耦合协调度水平由高到低依次为东部海洋经济圈、北部海洋经济圈和南部海洋经济圈;海洋劳动生产率、居民人均消费支出、海洋专业专科及以上在校学生数和治理废水项目完成投资额等是制约我国海洋经济-社会-生态系统耦合协调发展的主要障碍因子。  相似文献   

海洋经济对沿海地区社会经济的发展具有巨大的推动作用,二者关系是否协调对沿海地区的发展至关重要。文章构建海洋经济和社会经济发展水平评价指标体系,评价辽宁省沿海6市海洋经济与社会经济发展状况,并利用协调度模型对各市2000—2011年间海洋经济与社会经济发展的协调关系进行分析,研究表明:辽宁省沿海地区海洋经济与社会经济基本处于优度协调状态,个别年份出现其他协调类型;大连市二者的协调关系为最优。最后提出了优化海洋经济和社会经济发展水平及更好地协调二者关系的相关对策建议。  相似文献   

文蛤外套膜"肥大症"的组织病理学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年3~5月,山东莱州某养殖场部分养殖文蛤(Meretrix meretrix Linnaeus)出现外套膜异常肥大现象.组织病理学研究显示,患病贝外套膜、水管、鳃、足等器官组织内粘液细胞增多,水管两侧的外套膜结缔组织中粘液细胞增生尤为明显.同时,患病贝各器官组织还呈现出不同程度的病理学变化,主要表现为组织结构紊乱,上皮细胞肿胀、脱落,生殖细胞滞育、退化,肌纤维变形、溶解,血细胞增生并诱发炎症反应等.在患病贝体内主要观察到3种寄生性原生动物,分别为缘毛类纤毛虫、粘孢子虫及1种顶复门类“孢子虫”.纤毛虫数量较少,主要寄生于鳃表面;粘孢子虫数量较多,寄生在水管、外套膜、鳃、性腺、消化盲囊、血淋巴等器官组织中,以水管结缔组织内数量最多;而顶复门类“孢子虫”主要发现于消化道结缔组织中.组织病理学研究表明,这3种寄生虫可能是病害发生的重要原因.  相似文献   

利用组织学与组织化学染色方法,在光镜下研究了患"性腺萎缩症"海湾扇贝的组织病理学变化.结果表明,患病贝生殖细胞肿胀或萎缩,发育滞后;消化盲囊、鳃等器官组织也呈现明显的病理学变化特征,主要表现为结构紊乱,细胞变形、脱落甚至溃散,血细胞增生,出现强嗜碱性包涵体等异常结构.组织化学研究显示消化盲囊及消化道中酸性磷酸酶、碱性磷酸酶含量下降;鳃、外套膜中多糖类物质含量增加等.  相似文献   

本课题针对中国海洋学会全国海洋科普教育基地展开调查研究,探究社会力量在参与海洋科普事业过程中所取得的实践经验和所面临的问题.进而延展讨论我国社会力量在参与科普事业时的最直接和最根本需求,并在此基础上提出对策性建议,以切实推动我国社会力量参与科普事业.研究为进一步改善政策环境,推动社会力量参与科普事业,尤其是海洋科普事业提出了政策、规划和产业三个层面的对策建议.  相似文献   

Improving maritime communications is the raison d'être of INMARSAT, of which 40 countries are now members. INMARSAT operates the world's only commercial satellite system devoted to international mobile communications. This article describes the system and the services which can be provided through it, and covers the policy issues of interest to INMARSAT. It concludes by considering the future of maritime mobile communications via satellite.  相似文献   

本文比较研究了国际组织和地区性开发机构,如世界银行、亚洲开发银行、欧盟等在国际工程中选择咨询顾问所采用的一般程序;并在此基础上对这些国际组织选择咨询机构的作业文件——选择咨询服务的指南进行了比较研究。这种比较研究可以使我们深入地了解国际组织聘用和选择咨询顾问的运作步骤,及其细微的区别,以正确的更具针对性的策略参与国际项目竞争。同时随着我国招投标法的即将实施,本文也为如何参照国际惯例制定相关领域的具体政策和操作程序提出了有价值的建议。  相似文献   

A process-oriented, quasi-geostrophic, barotropic model has been developed with the aim of studying the relative importance of wind and topographic forcing on oceanic eddy generation by tall, deep water islands. As a case study, we chose the island of Gran Canaria. Topographic forcing was established using different intensities (weak, medium, strong, and very strong) for the oceanic current incident to the island. Wind forcing was introduced to simulate the mean wind curl observed in atmospheric tall island wakes. As observed from in situ data, the resulting wind curl consists of two cells of opposite sign which become a complementary source of vorticity at the island lee. The intensity and the shape of the two cells depend on the strength of the incident wind against the obstacle. The oceanic model was forced at three different wind (trade winds) speeds which correspond to weak, medium and strong wind intensities. Results from several numerical experiments show that in those periods where the incident wind is in the medium–strong range and the incident current speed is low (low Reynolds number), the wind forcing is the trigger mechanism for oceanic eddy generation. Eddies are spun off from the island for a lower Reynolds number (Re)/intensity of the oceanic flow (Re = 20) when compared with only topographic forcing (Re > 60). However, when the current speed is strong (high Reynolds number), the vorticity input by the wind is quickly advected by the oceanic flow and does not contribute to oceanic eddy generation. When only wind forcing is considered, only two stationary eddies are generated in the island wake. In this case, eddies of opposite sign are not sequentially spun off by the island and a Von-Kármán-like eddy street is not developed downstream of the island. Therefore, the main mechanism responsible for the development of an eddy street is the topographic perturbation of the oceanic flow by the island flanks. The wind over the island wake acts only as an additional source of vorticity, promoting the generation of an eddy street at a lower intensity of the incident oceanic flow, but not being capable of generating an eddy street without the topographic forcing.  相似文献   

基于笔者近年来对海洋锋的研究(1990;1992;1995)[1,5~7],本文初次探讨了东海海洋锋的分类问题。同时,对各类海洋锋的海洋学特征及其形成机理做了分析比较。并给出了各种海洋锋的垂直结构模式图。  相似文献   

We examined the impact of a cyclonic eddy and mode-water eddy on particle flux in the Sargasso Sea. The primary method used to quantify flux was based on measurements of the natural radionuclide, 234Th, and these flux estimates were compared to results from sediment traps in both eddies, and a 210Po/210Pb flux method in the mode-water eddy. Particulate organic carbon (POC) fluxes at 150 m ranged 1–4 mmol C m−2 d−1 and were comparable between methods, especially considering differences in integration times scales of each approach. Our main conclusion is that relative to summer mean conditions at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site, eddy-driven changes in biogeochemistry did not enhance local POC fluxes during this later, more mature stage of the eddy life cycle (>6 months old). The absence of an enhancement in POC flux puts a constraint on the timing of higher POC flux events, which are thought to have caused the local O2 minima below each eddy, and must have taken place >2 months prior to our arrival. The mode-water eddy did enhance preferentially diatom biomass in its center, where we estimated a factor of three times higher biogenic Si flux than the BATS summer average. An unexpected finding in the highly depth-resolved 234Th data sets is narrow layers of particle export and remineralization within the eddy. In particular, a strong excess 234Th signal is seen below the deep chlorophyll maxima, which we attribute to remineralization of 234Th-bearing particles. At this depth below the euphotic zone, de novo particle production in the euphotic zone has stopped, yet particle remineralization continues via consumption of labile sinking material by bacteria and/or zooplankton. These data suggest that further study of processes in ocean layers is warranted not only within, but below the euphotic zone.  相似文献   

In this paper we summarise the photo-physiological responses of phytoplankton to upwelling of macronutrients in mesoscale eddies in the subtropical North Atlantic (EDDIES project, Sargasso Sea) and subtropical North Pacific (E-FLUX project, Hawaii). The observations, obtained on two sets of cruises over 2 years, occupied six cyclonic eddies and two mode-water eddies. The photosynthetic physiological parameters were measured using a bench-top fluorescence induction and relaxation (FIRe) system and a submersible in situ fast repetition rate fluorometer (FRRF) deployed on an undulating towed vehicle. Both of these instruments were used to provide highly sensitive and well-resolved data on community responses. The responses are dependent on both the type of eddy and its stage of development. Our results indicate that, while cyclonic eddies in the Atlantic and Pacific can increase primary photosynthetic production early in their development, mode-water eddies in the subtropical North Atlantic can support patchy blooms of large diatoms for long periods of time (more than 3 months).  相似文献   

Flow of winter-transformed Pacific water into the Western Arctic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dynamics of the flow of dense water through Barrow Canyon is investigated using data from a hydrographic survey in summer 2002. The focus is on the winter-transformed Bering water—the highest volumetric mode of winter water in the Chukchi Sea—which drains northward through the canyon in spring and summer. The transport of this water mass during the time of the survey was 0.2–0.3 Sv. As the layer flowed from the head of the canyon to the mouth, it sank, decelerated, and stretched. Strong cyclonic relative vorticity was generated on the seaward side of the jet, which compensated for the stretching. This adjustment was incomplete, however, in that it did not extend across the entire current, possibly because of internal mixing due to shear instabilities. The resulting vorticity structure of the flow at the canyon mouth was conducive for baroclinic instability and eddy formation. Multiple eddies of winter-transformed Bering water were observed along the Chukchi–Beaufort shelfbreak. Those to the west of Barrow Canyon were in the process of being spawned by the eastward-flowing shelfbreak current emanating from Herald Canyon, while the single eddy observed to the east originated from the Barrow Canyon outflow. It is argued that such an eddy formation is a major source of the ubiquitous cold-core anti-cyclones observed historically throughout the Canada Basin. Implications for the ventilation of the upper halocline of the Western Arctic are discussed.  相似文献   

对海洋湍流速度脉动的一维概率密度作了测量,并把测量结果与高 斯分布进行了比较。比较的结果表明,一个接近于高斯分布而另一个却差别较 大。计算到直至五阶湍流相关函数并与网格湍流进行了比较,结果都表明小时 间间隔中测量结果与网格湍流的结果近似一致,而大时间间隔中却相差很大。 以上结论说明了较长的测量时间的必要性。  相似文献   

台湾海峡二氧化碳研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文根据1994年8月和1995年2月的台湾海峡进行的综合调查资料,对海水Too2、Poo2的分布特征及其与环境参数的关系进行了研究,并利用通量模式估算了海-气CO2的净通量。结果显示,表层Too2、Poo2的分布呈明显的季节变化特征,由于夏季受海峡暖流的影响,台湾海峡表层Too2、Poo2普遍较高;冬季受浙闽沿岸水的影响,表层Too2、Poo2呈海峡西部低,东部高的分布趋势。台湾海峡可视为沿岸水  相似文献   

The variability in global oceanic evaporation data sets was examined for the period 1988-2000. These data sets are satellite estimates based on bulk aerodynamic formulations and include the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Satellite-based Surface Turbulent Flux version 2 ( GSSTF2), the Japanese-ocean flux using remote sensing observations (J-OFURO), and the Hamburg Ocean-Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite version 2 (HOAPS2). The National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis is also included for comparison. An increase in global average surface latent heat flux (SLHF) can be observed in all the data sets. Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) shows long-term increases that started around 1990 for all remote sensing data sets. The effect of Mt. Pinatubo eruption in 1991 is clearly evident in HOAPS2 but is independent of the longterm increase. Linear regression analyses show increases of 9.4%, 13.0%, 7. 3%, and 3.9% for GSSTF2, J-OFURO, HOAPS2 and NCEP, for the periods of the data sets. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analyses show that the pattern of the first EOF of all data sets is consistent with a decadal variation associated with the enhancement of the tropical Hadley circulation, which is supported by other satellite observations. The second EOF of all four data sets is an ENSO mode, and the correlations between their time series and an SO1 are 0.74, 0.71,0.59, and 0.61 for GSSTF2, J-OFURO, HOAPS2, and NCEP in that order. When the Hadley modes are removed from the remote sensing data, the residue global increases are reduced to 2.2% , 7. 3%, and 〈 1% for GSSTF2, J-OFURO and HOAPS, respectively. If the ENSO mode is used as a calibration standard for the data sets, the Hadley mode is at least comparable to, if not larger than, the ENSO mode during our study period.  相似文献   

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