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海底多金属硫化物开发动态与前景分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了澳大利亚鹦鹉螺矿业公司和海王星矿业公司在西南太平洋区域对海底块状多金属硫化物 ( SMS ) 的商业勘探活动和开采计划等活动的最新进展,并从海底多金属硫化物的金属品质、开发的技术可行性与经济性、深海采矿的环境保护与法律政策等方面对海底多金属硫化物开发的前景作了分析.  相似文献   

1993年2月20日,是海地人民最悲痛的一天。海地政府为了悼念“海王星”号海难中的死难者,规定这一天为全国哀悼日。成千上万的人面对着茫茫的大海,祭奠那些死不见尸的葬身鱼腹的亡灵。是谁夺走了他们的生命呢?“海王星”号是一艘旧船,船龄已经39岁,原来是货船,后来改装成客轮,可载运旅客800人。近年海地政局不稳,公路年久失修,加之汽油奇缺,公共汽车锐减,陆路交通不畅,人们被迫坐船走海路,其中许多人是出售农产品的农民。  相似文献   

不久前美国国家科学基金投向了国家科学院 ,建议评估创立新的全面研究世界大洋深部及其海底系统的必要性和可能性。现在以 W Ryan为首的专家组已制定了计划。专家组认为 ,建立传播发生在水层和洋底的物理、化学、生物及其它过程的信息、并能长期工作的遥测站系统是必要的 ,技术上是可能的。它们可以固定在专门的浮标上或当前不再使用的水下电力或通信电缆上 ,并与自主操作的下沉仪器同时工作。专家组的副组长地球物理学家 R Detrick建议立刻将新的规划与已经在华盛顿大学开展的“海王星”系统制定工作相结合 ,初步的评价表明 ,建立新的系…  相似文献   

“加拿大海王星”是世界上最大的海底有线局域网,随着它在2009年12月8日正式启动,海洋学研究有望迎来一个全新的时代。借助于这个全新的海底监测网络,科学家对海洋深处进行探索时将与过去的一些常用手段说“再见”,系缆浮标或者利用船只上传仪器在简短的时间里拍摄的手段将被淘汰。  相似文献   

加拿大在海底观测网研究方面居于世界领先地位,它的"海王星"海底观测网(NEPTUNE-Canada)被誉为人类的水下"哈勃",是全球首个深海海底大型联网观测站。维多利亚海底试验网(VENUS)与NEPTUNE都从属于加拿大海洋观测网络(ocean networks Canada,ONC),有着许多相同的概念和设计。VENUS支持研究近海观测,本文主要介绍VENUS的背景及科学研究目标,并在分析其基础设施及构建进展的基础上,提出对我国开展海底观测网建设的启示。  相似文献   

随着各国对深海多金属硫化物勘探与开发的步伐逐渐加快,为确保并指导承包者在区域内开采多金属硫化物作业安全且符合保护环境规定,首先论述开采深海多金属硫化物的工艺技术,以此为基础结合加拿大鹦鹉螺和美国海王星矿业公司试采多金属硫化物案例,分析其作业过程所涉及的硫矿泄漏、结构失效、机械伤害、火灾爆炸等安全问题和破坏海底动植物群及其栖息地、排放采矿废水尾矿等环境影响,最后就作业安全与环境影响问题分别给出了针对性的对策与建议,可为工程实践提供参考。  相似文献   

大洋科学钻探计划是地球科学领域迄今为止历时最长、成效最大的国际科学合作计划。自1968年以来,先后经历了深海钻探计划、国际大洋钻探计划、综合大洋钻探计划和国际大洋发现计划4个阶段。进入国际大洋发现计划,IODP工作组两次发布科学框架,文章对两个科学框架进行了对比分析。大洋科学钻探的特点和发展趋势是坚持解决重大科学问题,由地球拓展到太阳系,重视技术和大数据,以及扩大社会影响和宣传。这给我国发起国际大科学计划提供了启示,一要注重科技创新,运用大数据等先进技术;二要加强科学管理,促进开放和共享;三要重视提升影响力,扩大宣传和影响。  相似文献   

中国ARGO计划发展状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ARGO全球海洋观测网计划是借助卫星定位和通讯系统向地面接受站实时发送海洋温度和盐度数据以及浮标位置等信息的计划。本文全面介绍了中国加入国际ARGO计划的背景情况和意义、我国ARGO计划的实施情况、国际ARGO计划的发展现状及我国实施ARGO计划的总体设想。  相似文献   

海洋测绘科研经费网络化管理系统设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
分析了海洋测绘科研经费计划与管理的现状、发展方向以及存在问题,结合海洋测绘科研经费计划与管理主管部门的应用需求和财务管理的特点,系统地分析了科研经费数据的特性和财务管理的机制,设计了科研经费计划与管理、财务报销管理及公共经费查询三大功能模块,实现了科研经费计算机网络化计划和管理系统。  相似文献   

全球海洋观测系统及我们的对策初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球海洋观测系统( G O O S- the Global Ocean Observing System) 是一个新型的、根据用户需要对海洋资料进行获取、收集、质量控制和分发的全球性业务化系统。它由气候、海洋生物资源、海洋健康、海岸带环境和海洋服务等五个模块组成。 G O O S 计划目前已由概念设计阶段进入到地区性示范阶段,东北亚 G O O S 计划和欧洲 G O O S 计划已取得一些进展。 G O O S 计划已受到世界各海洋国家的关注和支持,参与的国家越来越多。本文介绍了 G O O S 计划的背景、目标、任务和 G O O S系统的构成,简述了迄今取得的进展,讨论了我们从参与 G O O S 计划可获得的效益,并对我国实施 G O O S 计划提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The objective of the North East Pacific Time-Integrated Undersea Networked Experiments (NEPTUNE) is to establish a permanent, subsea observatory surrounding the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate. To achieve this objective, a special power distribution system is designed to provide continuous power to science equipment, vehicles, and laboratories located as deep as 5 km below the water surface. The NEPTUNE power system is significantly different from terrestrial power systems in many aspects and it requires different switching, protection, and control strategies. In this paper, we address the design of system switching and fault isolation equipment.  相似文献   

The March 11, 2011, megaquake caused a catastrophic tsunami recorded throughout the Pacific. This paper presents an analysis of the sea-level records obtained from deep-water tsunami meters (DART and NEPTUNE). To evaluate the effect of the sea-level oscillations’ decay, a statistical analysis of observations and numerical modeling of tsunami generation and propagation have been conducted. The main goal is to uncover physical mechanisms of the tsunami wave field formation and evolution at scales up to tens of thousands of kilometers in space and a few days in time. It is shown that the tsunami lifetime is related to the wave-energy diffusion and dissipation processes. The decay time of the variance of the tsunami-generated level oscillations is about 1 day. Multiple reflections and scattering by irregularities of the bottom topography make the field of the secondary tsunami waves stochastic and incoherent: the distribution of the wave energy in the ocean reaches a statistical equilibrium in accordance with the Rayleigh-Jeans law of equipartition of the wave energy per degree of freedom. After the tsunami front has passed, the secondary-wave energy density turns out to be inversely proportional to the water depth.  相似文献   

Understanding long-term trends in species abundance and distribution represents an important challenge for future research in the deep sea, particularly as management of human impacts becomes a more important concern. However, until natural higher frequency variability is better understood, it will be difficult to interpret any long-term trends that may be apparent in data sets. We present here the results of the first year of observations at the NEPTUNE Canada cabled observatory site in Barkley Canyon, off the coast of Vancouver Island, in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Presence/absence and abundance data for 28 faunal groups were extracted from daily video records from an observatory camera. Concurrent CTD and current meter data were collected from co-located instruments. Water mass properties, currents and faunal community composition exhibited notable seasonal trends. Distinct seasonal faunal groupings were observed, together with summer and winter trends in temperature, salinity and current patterns. Variations in abundance of decapod crustaceans and fishes were responsible for most differences between faunal groups. We suggest that faunal composition may have been responding to seasonal variations in food availability, together with direct and indirect physical influences on predator and prey abundance.  相似文献   

国际海洋观测技术发展趋势与中国深海台站建设实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20世纪80年代以来,海洋观测呈现"多元化、立体化、实时化"的发展趋势,地区和国家的海洋观测系统在关键海域发挥着重要作用。随着技术的发展和理念的创新,区域海洋观测系统被广泛应用并得到不断完善。国际海洋观测台站如英国爱尔兰海区域、美国卡罗来纳州海区和加拿大维多利亚海底实验观测网的多元化观测系统(VENUS)都是值得借鉴的例子,他们把多元化、立体化的实时测量数据与海洋物理、生态和生物化学模式紧密结合起来,实现了海洋环境的可预报性。同时,美国、英德法等国和日本实施的一系列海底观测系统,使海洋观测更加完备化。在这种国际大背景下,我国积极推进的海洋观测研究网络工程中的第一个深海台站——西沙海洋观测研究站在2008年已经建设完成并投入运行,该台站实现了长时效的多参数海洋环境实时监控。西沙观测系统主要包括自动气象站、岛屿外缘坐底式海底和海底边界层观测子系统、生物捕获器、西沙上层海洋环境观测子系统和海洋光学监测子系统等。由于海洋环境结构复杂、工作环境恶劣以及资源缺乏等因素的影响,海洋观测一直是高风险的工作。最后希望通过比较国内外观测系统,中国海洋观测事业能够学习国外先进的思路和技术,自身取得更大进步。  相似文献   

Observations on seafloor features from subbottom profiling and seabed photography data show that the undisturbed and natural conditions before the benthic disturbance undergo a substantial change after operation of the disturber. The effects can be seen in the form of deep trenches and grooves, formed by the action of the sleds and the pumping of the sediment along its path, as well as sediment piles on either side of the track. Biological traces such as fecal coils, casts, tubes, burrows, and trails get obliterated in the areas of disturbance and resedimentation. The smooth, uniform nature of the seafloor observed in predisturbance phase shows microtopographic changes in and around the disturbed area as a result of sediment excavation and resettlement. Vertical mixing as well as lateral transport of sediment alter the geological, biological, physical, and chemical conditions on the seafloor, which need to be monitored over time to assess the process and the time taken for restoration of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Sediments of the continental slope are commonly bioturbated by endo- and epibenthic organisms, particularly in and around submarine canyons and channels. This study reviews the architecture and depositional environments associated with canyons and channels on the continental slope, and assesses the key physical and chemical conditions encountered in and around these conduits. Hydrodynamic energy, concentration and quality of organic carbon, dissolved oxygen concentration and sedimentation rate are identified as key controls on the composition of benthic ecosystems in slope environments. Submarine canyons and channels focus a variety of turbid and clear-water currents, all of which serve to increase the concentration of oxygen, labile organic carbon and other nutrients, which tend to elevate the abundance and biodiversity in the seafloor sediments, compared with those of the surrounding slope. Ancient slope channel and canyon systems reflect some of the variation in ichnological assemblages that is seen in modern analogues, although processes of erosion and trace fossil preservation mean that the benthic environment is often incompletely preserved in the ancient record. By integrating current understanding of sedimentology, oceanography, biology and ichnology of slope environments it is possible to provide a first order summary of the inter-relationships between ichnology and depositional environments on the continental slope. The combination of these data has the potential to improve our understanding of changes in deep marine benthic ecosystems through geological time, and to further the use of ichnology in assessing hydrocarbon reservoir presence, quality and performance from bioturbated slope, canyon and channel-levee hydrocarbon reservoirs.  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art in modelling the marine ecosystem of the greater North Sea is reviewed, providing an overview especially about three-dimensional models that describe and predict how the marine ecosystem of the greater North Sea area functions and how concentrations and fluxes of biologically important elements vary in space and time, throughout the shelf and over years, in response to physical forcing. Articles with a strong concentration on modelling were selected from the available literature, and all articles around the existing “ecological modelling groups” dealing with the area of the North Sea were sorted in chronological order of their appearance in the literature. We found eleven of such groups and described their different modelling efforts. Selecting the seven three-dimensional models (NORWECOM, GHER, ECOHAM, ERSEM, ELISE, COHERENS and POL3dERSEM), we characterized the complexity of the models, by comparing the resolution in time and space, and the resolution of the trophic structure by discussing the number and kind of state variables and of the processes relating these state variables to each other.The review of biogeochemical/ecological modelling for the greater North Sea shows that important findings by model simulations have either confirmed existing knowledge derived from field work or have given new insight into the mechanisms of the functioning of the North Sea system: the temporal and spatial development and magnitude of primary production, its spreading from the coasts to the north-west over the open North Sea, its mechanisms of limitation, the functioning of the pelagic small food web and of the benthic web, the mechanisms of nutrient regeneration, the effects of riverine and atmospheric nutrient inputs causing eutrophication of coastal waters, the extent of eutrophication in the North Sea, and the budgets for nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicon. The three-dimensional ecological models of the greater North Sea have provided consistent distributions and dynamics of the lower trophic levels on their regional, annual and decadal scales which cannot be derived to this degree of coverage by observations.The state-of-the-art in validation for these models is presented in part 2  相似文献   

本研究采用解剖学及组织学方法对管角螺消化系统的结构进行了系统分析.结果表明,管角螺的消化系统由消化道和消化腺两大部分组成.消化道包含吻、食道、嗉囊、胃、肠、直肠及肛门;消化腺由唾液腺、肝及食道腺组成,其中肝为最大消化腺.唾液腺细胞分为粘液细胞和分泌细胞;食道腺细胞由排泄细胞和杯状细胞组成.在光学显微镜下,消化道的管壁由外向内依次为:外膜、肌层、粘膜下层和粘膜层4层;唾液腺、肝及食道腺均为复管状腺.管角螺的肝由肝被膜和许多盲管(肝小管)组成,肝管的组织结构与消化道基本相同,内有单层纤毛柱状上皮,可观察到肌层和管腔。  相似文献   

1Introduction Bacteriaareactivelyinvolvedinthedecomposi tionanddegradationoforganicmatterandxenobiotic compound,biogeochemicaltransformationsandnu trientrecyclingoflife essentialelements.Owingto freshwaterrunoff,wastewaterdischargeandaquacul turalpractice…  相似文献   

红树林是具有重要碳汇功能的生态系统,其保护和修复成为海洋领域应对气候变化的重要手段。适宜的生境条件是红树林生态修复成功与否的关键因素,而红树植物物种和种植措施等也决定了修复后生态系统结构和功能的发展。本研究综述了红树林生态修复固碳功能的特点,分析了生境条件、物种和种植措施等因素对红树林生态系统固碳效果的影响,以期为红树林生态修复提供参考。总体上,红树林生态修复促进了有机碳在植物体和土壤中的累积,而在生态修复初期红树植被的固碳能力高于土壤。水文条件、滩涂高程、底质条件、物种、种植密度和种苗来源等关系到修复后红树植物的生长、颗粒态有机物的沉降、有机物的输出和保留、有机质的分解等过程,进而影响生态系统的固碳能力。因此,开展红树林生态修复时选择适宜生境条件的修复地块,合理选择物种和种植措施,在提高植被恢复效果的同时可提高红树林固碳增汇的生态功能。  相似文献   

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