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通过对1972年8月太阳大活动区九个耀斑(包括它全部2级以上大耀斑)的形态和黑子精细结构形态的相关分析,导致以下结论:1.8月2日0355UT本活动区第一次大耀斑的爆发与光球黑子形态变化在时间上和空间位置上有一定的相关性。2.九个耀斑在暗条两侧的初始亮点及其主要发展形态与“O”和“B”黑子的旋涡结构有着密切的相关性。3.耀斑的亮带与色球暗条(它由平行的小纤维组成)、O黑子东面的蛇形半影长纤维、以及H_(11)=O线的走向的一致性,可以看作耀斑爆发沿着太阳表面水平磁场传播的形态表现。  相似文献   

AR6659是22周以来最重要的一个活动区,它爆发了22周最强大的高能事件。本文用云南天文台的光球、色球精细结构照片和北京天文台怀柔站的磁场速度场资料,分析了该活动区磁场速度场的二维位形和大耀斑期间的演化特征。本文分析的4个大耀斑均爆发在中性线附近的N极区磁场梯度大的地方及色球速度场的红移区。偏带观测也显示耀斑物质是向红端移动的。耀斑波沿横场传播在离本黑子群几万至十几万公里的地方激起感生耀斑,在原生耀斑与感生耀斑之间往往有耀斑环相连。此外,本文还从演化特征出发分析了耀斑爆发前活动区等离子体的宏观不稳定性。  相似文献   

1984年2月25日,日面爆发了一个高能大耀斑。我们取得了该耀斑过程的光球黑子活动区强磁场以及黑子、H_α色球等光学资料。分析表明:1.这种高能大耀斑是产生在有黑子剪切运动、新浮磁流和磁场梯度大的磁中性线(H_n=0)两侧;2.耀斑发展到极大前后,不但会掩盖部分后随黑子半影,而且还会进一步掩盖这些后随黑子本影;3.在高能大耀斑爆发过程中,相应的光球黑子活动区的强磁场会出现变化,磁通量增长率为1.0×10~8韦伯/秒,磁场梯度最大为0.2高斯/公里;4.黑子间的相对运动速度最大可达0.3公里/秒。  相似文献   

据X射线、可见光(H_α及白光)和射电波段的观测资料,对1981年4月1日太阳大爆发(4N/X2.3)作了综合描述。分析指出:大黑子光桥的消减(作为磁通量变化或磁流浮现的一种形式)、黑子的隐现及小黑子的运动可能是促成这次爆发的直接原因;耀斑前暗条弯曲程度的增加显示了磁场挤压或剪切程度的增强;爆发的软、硬X射线源和微波源位于磁拱形结构的顶部;能量≥20keV的非热电子在第一个爆发峰中提供的能量约为4.3×10~(31)erg。  相似文献   

1989年1月14日AR5312(怀柔编号89009)活动区,产生了一个2B级耀斑。该活动区经纬度为L306、S32,黑子群磁场分类为δ型。耀斑开始时间为0202UT,结束为0534UT,持续了3个多小时。北京天文台磁场望远镜,得到了一系列较完整的高分辨磁场及速度场资料,包括光球5324A的矢量磁场图和色球4861A的纵向磁场图(图1、2)。从耀斑前后的磁图得到以下结果: 1、耀斑初始亮点位于纵向磁场中性线附近高度剪切区域(见图1B区)、新浮磁流区(图2D区)以及双极磁结构对消区。前两种区域均能形成电流片,并且引起磁流体不稳定性,从而激发耀斑,但对消区和耀斑的关系不是很清楚,有待于理论工作者进一步探讨。 2、耀斑极大时间过后,光球和色球H_(11)=0线附近纵场梯度均有明显下降。 3、在强剪切区域(图1B区),5324A横向磁场和H_(11)=0线之间的夹角在耀斑极大时间过后有明显增大,该现象表明磁能释放后,磁场剪切缓解。 4、耀斑初始亮点产生后磁场高度剪切区、新浮磁流区和双极对消区,其触发耀斑的作用和周围的磁场环境有密切关系,特别是象具有磁海湾结构这样的活动区,似乎更容易产生耀斑。 5. 该活动区色球磁场位形,较光球磁场位形复杂,主要表现在:色球的纵场出现了一些磁弧岛结构,其原因可能是光球之上的磁力线高度剪切区及扭绞所致。0411  相似文献   

史忠先  栾蒂 《天文学报》1997,38(3):257-263
本文描述NOAA6233活动区中的一组双带耀斑及和与之有时间相关性的NOAA6240中的单带耀斑的磁场位形.并着重讨论由观测推断出的磁场拓扑联接性.分析表明:三个单耀斑发生在正极磁区里,与发生在δ黑子区中的双带耀斑,可能有远距离磁环相联系.这一高位磁环与δ黑子中的低位剪切磁环柑互作用,可能是能发双带耀斑的直接原因.在双带耀斑能量初始释放中被加速的电子,可能是沿着高位磁环或磁拓扑分界面(NOAA 6240与NOAA6233间)传播,并导致NOAA6240中的单带耀斑.因此这些单带耀斑都可能是双带耀斑的相应耀斑.  相似文献   

Boulder88161(AR5060)黑子群是1988年所有黑子群中最大的一群,后随部分有一δ型黑子F3。图1为7月2日的白光照片。 1、光学耀斑:(1)S级小耀斑数在28日最大,之后几天逐步下降,但仍保持在每天3~5个。(2)X-射线强度与S级耀斑个数基本一致。M级事件与1,2,3级耀斑相对应。(3)射电流量曲线与耀斑的1,2,3级个数相对应。 2、黑子群的纵向磁场演化:纵向场结构变化十分明显。浮现磁通逐渐变强,梯度最大为0.4~0.5G/Km,在耀斑处为<0.35G/Km。对耀斑处磁通量逐日上升。在耀斑前几天上升很快。黑子群横向场:在3B级耀斑处横向场很弱,尤其在耀斑的位置上。而在黑子后随部分有很强的横向场存在。 3、耀斑的发生过程:7月2日的3B级耀斑约从0030UT开始,0056UT极大,约一个多小时后才消失。此处中性线扭曲,形成一种湾形结构。一条横躺的S形暗条勾出了中性线形状。另有一束很粗的暗条从这一区域出发与黑子后随部分相连。耀斑初始是由S形暗条西端开始发亮的。约5分钟后后随部分有增亮,8分钟后消失。在S形暗条处耀斑增亮达到极大,形状是沿着中性线和暗条走向的。达到最大面积时,发亮区域覆盖了S极性区。 分析:88161是一个非常活跃的新生黑子群。后随部分磁场复杂多变,而大的耀斑并没有发生在那里。其原因:(1)大耀斑不同于小耀斑,  相似文献   

AR6659是22周以来最重要的一个活动区,它爆发了22周最强大的高能事件。本文用云南天文台的光球、色球精细结构照片和北京天文台怀柔站的磁场速度场资料,分析了该活动区磁场速度场的二维位形和大耀斑期间的演化特征,本文分析的4个大耀斑均爆发在中性线附近的N极区磁场梯度大的地方及色球速度场的红移区,偏带观测也显示耀斑物质是向红端移动的。耀斑波沿横场传播在离本黑子群几万至十几万公里的地方激起感生耀斑,在原  相似文献   

根据Marshall空间飞行中心(MSFC)太阳天文台的矢量磁场测量和云南天文台的黑子细节照相资料,作者们详细研究了1986年2月初太阳大活动区(AR4711)的形态和演化。主要结论如下: i)几乎在活动区中每处地方,相距五小时观测到横向磁场排列方向和黑子半影纤维形态之间存在良好的相似性。 ii)利用文[4]的方法,推断了本活动区强的垂直电流源和强的水平电流渠道。 iii)与1972年8月初著名的太阳活动区(McMath 11976)相类似,沿老活动区的中性线的新浮磁通管的两足点(偶极黑子)的分离运动导致了一个密集四极磁结构的形成。 iv)新浮磁通管似乎是本活动区最强的电流系统。 上述结论将为进一步研究本区电流/磁场环系的演化及其与耀斑活动的关系提供一个基础数据。  相似文献   

本文分析了廿一周峰年期间云南天文台观测到的廿个无黑子区耀斑,得到如下结果: 1.无黑子区耀斑的一般特征是:1) 无黑子区耀斑的自然产率约3%,2) 其卡林顿经度分布有向东飘移的趋势,3) 无黑子区的耀斑多为低能耀斑,4) 无黑子区耀斑产生的背景条件和黑子区耀斑一样,必须在耀斑区的太阳大气中存在异极性磁场结构。无黑子区耀斑都发生在沿大尺度磁场中性线(H_=0)延伸的暗条两侧或其附近。 2.在耀斑前,由于磁场的扰动,使被浮托在H_=0线上的宁静暗条在耀斑前几小时到一两天激活,临近耀斑位置的一段暗条先是发展增大,同时伴随着谱斑增亮,在耀斑爆发前几分钟或与耀斑发展的同时,该暗条迅速衰减乃至完全消失。与此同时,有的无黑子活动区的可见纤维与暗条的交角由大变小,表明活动区所受的力由挤压力逐渐转化为剪切力。本文还粗略地估计了无黑子区耀斑的能量。  相似文献   

Excepting intermittent type III activity, all the radio events over the frequency range 8–8000 MHz accompanying the initial stage of the 3B flare of 13 May, 1981 had their onset in a 2-min interval immediately preceding the peak of an impulsive Hα brightening (kernel) well away from the main flare. This kernel is identified as one footpoint of a loop of magnetic flux whose other end terminated in a transient brightening in an adjacent active region.  相似文献   

A solar flare on June 15, 1973 has been observed with high spatial and temporal resolution by the S-054 grazing-incidence X-ray telescope on Skylab. Both morphological and quantitative analyses are presented. Some of the main results are: (a) the overall configuration of the flare is that of a compact region with a characteristic size of the order of 30 at the intensity peak, (b) this region appears highly structured inside with complex systems of loops which change during the event, (c) a brightening over an extended portion of the active region precedes the flare onset, (d) the impulsive phase indicated by the non-thermal radio emission is a period during which a rapid brightening occurs in loop structures, (e) the X-ray emission is centered over the neutral line of longitudinal magnetic field, and the brightest structures at the flare onset bridge the neutral line, (f) loop systems at successively increasing heights form during the decay phase, finally leading to the large loops observed in the postflare phase, (g) different parts of the flare show distinctly different light curves, and the temporal development given by full disk detectors is the result of integrating the different intensity vs time profiles.The implications of these observations for mechanisms of solar flares are discussed. In particular, the flux profiles of different regions of the flare give strong evidence for continued heating during the decay phase, and a multiplicity of flare volumes appears to be present, in all cases consisting of loops of varying lengths.On leave from Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Florence, Italy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we reconstruct the finite energy force-free magnetic field of the active region NOAA 8100 on 4 November 1997 above the photosphere. In particular, the 3-D magnetic field structures before and after a 2B/X2 flare at 05:58 UT in this region are analyzed. The magnetic field lines were extrapolated in close coincidence with the Yohkoh soft X-ray (SXR) loops accordingly. It is found that the active region is composed of an emerging flux loop, a complex loop system with differential magnetic field shear, and large-scale, or open field lines. Similar magnetic connectivity has been obtained for both instants but apparent changes of the twisting situations of the calculated magnetic field lines can be observed that properly align with the corresponding SXR coronal loops. We conclude that this flare was triggered by the interaction of an emerging flux loop and a large loop system with differential magnetic field shear, as well as large-scale, or open field lines. The onset of the flare was at the common footpoints of several interacting magnetic loops and confined near the footpoints of the emerging flux loop. The sheared configuration remained even after the energetic flare, as demonstrated by calculated values of the twist for the loop system, which means that the active region was relaxed to a lower energy state but not completely to the minimum energy state (two days later another X-class flare occurred in this region).  相似文献   

Aurass  H.  Vršnak  B.  Hofmann  A.  Rudžjak  V. 《Solar physics》1999,190(1-2):267-293
We analyze radio observations, magnetograms and extrapolated field line maps, Hα filtergrams, and X-ray observations of two flare events (6 February 1992 in AR 7042 and 25 October 1994 in AR 7792) and study properties, evolution and energy release signatures of sigmoidal loop systems. During both events, the loop configuration seen in soft X-ray (SXR) images changes from a preflare sigmoidal shape to a relaxed post-flare loop system. The underlying magnetic field system consists of a quadrupolar configuration formed by a sheared arcade core and a remote field concentration. We demonstrate two possibilities: a sigmoidal SXR pattern can be due to a single continuous flux tube (the 1992 event). Alternatively, it can be due to a set of independent loops appearing like a sigmoid (the 1994 event). In both cases, the preflare and post-flare loops can be well reproduced by a linear force-free field and potential field, respectively, computed using preflare magnetograms. We find that thermal and non-thermal flare energy release indicators of both events become remarkably similar after applying spatial and temporal scale transformations. Using the spatial scaling between both events we estimated that the non-thermal energy release in the second event liberated about 1.7 times more energy per unit volume. A two-and-a-half times faster evolution indicates that the rate of the energy release per unit volume is more than four times higher in this event. A coronal type II burst reveals ignition and propagation of a coronal shock wave. In contrast, the first event, which was larger and released about a 10 times more energy during the non-thermal phase, was associated with a CME, but no type II burst was recorded. During both events, in addition to the two-ribbon flare process an interaction was observed between the flaring arcade and an emerging magnetic flux region of opposite polarity next to the dominant leading sunspot. The arcade flare seems to stimulate the reconnection process in an `emerging flux-type' configuration, which significantly contributes to the energy release. This regime is characterized by the quasiperiodic injection of electron beams into the surrounding extended field line systems. The repeated beam injections excite pulsating broadband radio emission in the decimetric-metric wavelength range. Each radio pulse is due to a new electron beam injection. The pulsation period (seconds) reflects the spatial scale of the emerging flux-type field configuration. Since broadband decimetric-metric radio pulsations are a frequent radio flare phenomenon, we speculate that opposite-polarity small-scale flux intrusions located in the vicinity of strong field regions may be an essential component of the energy release process in dynamic flares.  相似文献   

The active region NOAA 6555 had several locations of highly sheared magnetic field structure, yet, only one of them was the site for all the five X-class flares during its disk passage in March 1991. The pre-flare observations of high-resolution H filtergrams, vector magnetograms and H Dopplergrams of the 2B/X5.3 flare on 25 March 1991 show that the flaring site was characterized by a new rising emerging flux region (EFR) near the highly sheared magnetic field configuration. The polarity axis of the emerging flux was nearly perpendicular to the pre-existing magnetic neutral line. The location of the EFR was the site of initial brightening in H. The post-flare magnetograms show higher magnetic shear at the flare location compared to the post-flare magnetograms, which might indicate that the EFR was sheared at the time of its emergence. As the new EFR coincided with the occurrence of the flare, we suggest that it might have triggered the observed flare. Observations from Big Bear Solar Observatory and Marshall Space Flight Center also show that there was emergence of new flux at the same location prior to two other X-class flares. We find that out of five observed X-class flares in NOAA 6555, at least in three cases there are clear signatures of flare-related flux emergence. Therefore, it is concluded that EFRs might play an important role in destabilizing the observed sheared magnetic structures leading to large X-class flares of NOAA 6555.  相似文献   

Garaimov  V.I.  Kundu  M.R. 《Solar physics》2002,207(2):355-367
We present the results of an analysis of a flare event of importance M2.8 that occurred at 00:56 UT 28 August 1999. The analysis is based upon observations made with the Nobeyama radioheliograph (NoRH) and polarimeters (NoRP), TRACE, SOHO/MDI, EIT, and Yohkoh/SXT. The images show a very complex flaring region. Pre-flare TRACE and EIT images at 00:24 UT show a small brightening in the region before the flare occurred. The active region in which the flare occurred had evolving magnetic fields, and new magnetic flux seems to have emerged. The X-ray and radio time profiles for this event show a double-peaked structure. The polarimeter data showed that the maximum radio emission (1200 s.f.u.) occurred at 9.4 GHz. At 17 GHz the NoRH images appear to show four different radio sources including the main spot and the main flare loop. Most of the microwave emission seems to originate from the main flare loop. Comparison of BATSE and microwave time profiles at 17 and 34 GHz from the main sunspot source shows that these profiles have similar structures and they coincide with the hard X-ray peaks. The maximum of the flare loop emission was delayed by 10 s relative to the second maximum of the sunspot associated flare emission. Analysis of SXT images during the post-flare phase shows a complex morphology – several intersecting loops and changes in the shape of the main flare loop.  相似文献   

Using TRACE EUV 171 Å line, Hα line, Zürich radio, RHESSI, and HXRS observations the 29 September 2002 flare (M2.6), which occurred in AR NOAA 0134, was analyzed. Flaring structures were compared with a potential magnetic field model (field lines and quasi-separatrix layers) made from SOHO/MDI full-disk magnetogram. Series of high-resolution SOHO/MDI magnetograms and TRACE white-light images were used to find changes in the active region at the photosphere during the flare. The flare began with a rising of a small dark loop followed by the flare brightening observed in 171 Å with TRACE and Hα lines. In radio wavelengths, first type III bursts were observed 5 min prior to the start of hard X-ray emission, indicating a pre-flare coronal activity. The main hard X-ray emission peak (at 06:36 UT) was associated with the second type III burst activity and several slowly negatively drifting features, all starting from one point on the radio spectrum (probably a shock propagating through structures with different plasma parameters). After this time a huge loop formed and three minutes later it became visible in absorption both in Hα and 171 Å EUV lines. The phase of huge dark loop formation was characterized by long-lasting, slowly negatively drifting pulsations and drifting continuum. Finally, considering this huge loop as a surge an evolution of the event under study is discussed.  相似文献   

We study sudden brightenings of coronal loops that interconnect active regions. Such brightenings often occur within one or two days after the birth of a new interconnecting loop, as well as in some old interconnections. The brightenings of young loops are obviously associated with the emergence of new magnetic flux near their footpoints, whereas some enhancements of old loops may be triggered by slowly moving disturbances propagating from other centers of activity. A few loop brightenings are associated with flares, but the loop does not brighten in consequence of energy supply from the flare. Both the flare and the loop brightening are independent consequences of one common agent, presumably newly emerging flux.Temperatures in brightened loops are between 3 and 4 × 106 K and densities are < 2 × 109 cm–3, probably < 5 × 108 cm–3 in some old loops. The top part of a loop is the site of the most intense brightening in the initial phase of a loop enhancement. The most frequent lifetime of these brightenings is 6 to 7 hr.Hale Observatories are operated jointly by the Carnegie Institution of Washington and the California Institute of Technology.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore techniques to identify sources of electric current systems and their channels of flow in solar active regions. Measured photospheric vector magnetic fields (VMF) together with high-resolution white-light and H filtergrams provide the data base to derive the current systems in the photosphere and chromosphere. Simple mathematical constructions of fields and currents are also adopted to understand these data. As an example, the techniques are then applied to infer current systems in AR 2372 in early April 1980. The main results are: (i) In unipolar sunspots the current density may reach values of 103 CGSE, and the Lorentz force on it can accelerate the Evershed flow, (ii) Spots exhibiting significant spiral pattrn in the penumbral filaments are the sources of vertical major currents at the photospheric surface, (iii) Magnetic neutral lines where the transverse field was strongly sheared were channels along which strong current system flows, (iv) The inferred current systems produced oppositely-flowing currents in the area of the delta configuration that was the site of flaring in AR 2372.  相似文献   

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