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文章详细对比分析了国内外以"三龙"系列为代表的深海运载器海洋探测开发装备发展现状,特别针对我国以"蛟龙"号为代表的载人潜水器,以"海龙"系列为代表的无人有缆潜水器和以"潜龙"系列为代表的无人无缆自治潜水器的性能和功能进行了剖析,从作业深度、作业时间、取样能力和搭载工具等方面进行了分析研究,并借鉴大洋航次海上调查作业经验,构建了大型运载装备应用能力解析图,明确了不同装备的深海科学考察应用范畴,优化了大型装备的协同作业方案,通过对我国"三龙"装备体系、人才队伍、应用技术和制度体系等能力建设,形成我国三大系列装备转入业务化运行的全链条发展理念,为我国"深海进入,深海探测,深海开发"战略提供强有力的装备支撑。  相似文献   

带缆单人常压潜水服是潜水装备中的一种,它是具有人体形状的带缆常压潜水系统。操作人员穿着后,能够在海底弯腰、行走、倒退、攀爬阶梯、控制前、后倾姿态和利用简单机械手进行各种作业。由于它是带缆单人,结构比较紧凑,体积小,重量轻,便于运输,在水面母船或钻井平台上占用的甲板面积小,吊放回收设施也较简单,它又是常压,毋需设置庞大的甲板加压舱,后勤支持系统简单,对操作人员的要求不高,成本低,潜水作业效率高,经济效益显著。它是带缆单人间接潜水与无人遥控潜水器两种技术的结合,也是载人自航式潜水器与带缆海底爬行器两种技术的结合,是目前世界上潜水装备中的最新成就之一。本文介绍我国第一代带缆单人常压潜水服本身运动时阻力试验的研究,包括上浮、下沉、前进、后退和侧向阻力的测定。  相似文献   

深海遥控潜水器多体系统非线性耦合动力特性模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立带缆遥控潜水器(TROV)系统空间运动模型,探讨支持船-吊缆-中际站-脐带缆-潜水器多体之间的强非线性耦合运动机理。潜器的运动考虑为六自由度,缆索分段的三维动态方程中采用了"凝集参数"模型与平均切向量非线性流体动力载荷处理技术,通过计算非均匀缆索的动张力和瞬态构型,预报导致脐带缆保护层及其内部光电传输芯线结构破坏的巨大瞬间突变载荷,对避免谐振,延长缆索寿命和最大限度地扩大ROV系统安全操作的范围,确保潜水器安全入坞和回收,节约试验费,避免作业事故都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

日本海洋科学技术中心技术发展现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
程斐  陈建平等 《海洋工程》2002,20(1):98-102
主要介绍了日本海洋科学技术中心已研制成功的各类潜水器 ,包括无人缆控潜水器 (ROV)、载人潜水器 (HOV)和无缆自治潜水器 (AUV) ,着重介绍它们在日本海洋科学研究中发挥的作用  相似文献   

2017年我国"蛟龙"号载人潜水器完成了为期5年的试验性应用,期间累计下潜100余次,形成和建立了科学完善的应用保障体系和专业的应用人才队伍。以"蛟龙"号试验性应用中运行与保障的实践经验为基础,针对其中设备与备品备件管理、运行作业管理、拆检总装管理、数据资料查询与利用等方面的重要需求,设计开发了一套"蛟龙"号载人潜水器运行与保障信息管理系统,通过信息化平台实现设备资源、作业成果以及经验积累传承之间的高效衔接与复用,最大限度地降低装备运行成本、提高作业效率、保障海上作业安全。文章提出的载人潜水器运维体系能够为我国其他行业或部门的载人潜水器、远程缆控机器人(ROV)、水下自治机器人(AUV)等重大海洋装备的运行与保障提供有益参考借鉴。  相似文献   

为对载人潜水器运行管理工作进行科学考核评价,保障重大深海装备安全高效运行,文章以“蛟龙”号载人潜水器为例,分析研究了“蛟龙”号载人潜水器的运行管理特点,针对我国科技管理体制和“蛟龙”号载人潜水器的管理技术要求,在结合“蛟龙”号载人潜水器海试与试验性应用实际工作的基础上,建立了科学合理、具备可操作性的考核评价体系。通过在“蛟龙”号载人潜水器运行管理工作中的试应用,充分证明该体系建设方法的有效性,值得在载人无人潜水器等重大装备管理中推广应用。  相似文献   

随着我国综合国力的提升和战略安全环境及新空间的需求,习总书记提出了“海洋强国”的战略目标及深海进入、深海探测、深海开发的发展三部曲战略构想。海洋强国的发展离不开大型运载装备的进步,载人潜水器不仅对资源调查与科学研究做过杰出的贡献,而且在军事界领域也产生过深远的的影响。本文对国内外载人潜水器的应用发展现状进行了重点研究,对世界范围内重型深海载人潜水器及轻型中浅海载人潜水器的应用进展现状进行了全面调研研究,同时介绍了我国蛟龙号、深海勇士号等载人潜水器应用发展情况,也对世界范围内载人潜水器的技术性能和应用情况进行了分析对比,在此基础上,展望了载人潜水器的发展趋势,并讨论了潜水器装备的未来技术进展。  相似文献   

研究有缆遥控潜水器(Remote Operated Vehicles)的脐带缆受到轴向激励所产生的大幅横向振动,即参量共振.ROV脐带缆的参激现象发生会影响ROV的安全性.针对ROV脐带缆的结构特性,推导出其在轴向激励力下的非线性振动方程.运用希尔无穷行列式的方法分析脐带缆的参量不稳定性.以稳定性图为基准分析脐带缆在多...  相似文献   

海洋蕴藏着国家经济发展和国防建设不可或缺的丰富的战略资源,世界各国不断加大在国际海域活动的力度,展开了空前的技术研究与竞赛。深海活动离不开高技术运载装备的支撑,以载人潜水器为代表的运载装备不仅对资源调查与科学研究做过杰出的贡献,而且在军事领域也产生过深远的影响。文中对国内外载人潜水器的发展现状进行了重点分析,对世界范围内重型深海载人潜水器及轻型中浅海载人潜水器的进展现状进行了全面调研,同时介绍了我国"蛟龙号"、"深海勇士号"等载人潜水器发展情况,也对世界范围内载人潜水器的技术性能和应用情况进行了分析对比,在此基础上,展望了载人潜水器的发展趋势,并讨论了潜水器装备的未来技术进展。  相似文献   

一种新型张力保护自动收放脐带缆绞车装置   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍一种新型张力保护自动收放的脐带缆绞车装置的组成及特点。该装置克服了传统脐带缆绞车全人工操作模式所存在的效率低和安全性差等问题,实现了脐带缆绞车的自动收放和排缆,准确控制脐带缆张力,有效保护脐带缆的安全,大幅提高了潜水器等水下作业设备的工作效率和作业安全性。  相似文献   

水下滑翔机器人系统研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
水下滑翔机器人是一种新型的水下机器人,可以作为水下监测平台用于大范围、长时间的大尺度海洋环境监测作业。文中调查了水下滑翔机器人的国内外发展现状,分析了其可能的应用领域。详细介绍了中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所开发的水下滑翔机器人系统,包括载体外形优化设计、载体结构设计和控制系统设计。分析了水下滑翔机器人定常滑翔运动和空间螺旋会转运动的运动性能。  相似文献   

混合驱动自主潜航器融合了自主潜航器机动灵活和水下滑翔机续航能力强的优点,针对自身携带能源有限的问题,对在两种工作模式下如何实现最大航行距离进行了研究.从航行过程中的能源消耗入手,得出航行距离与速度、电子设备功率等的关系,通过理论分析和仿真手段得出最大续航能力的实现方法.在螺旋桨驱动模式下,当以经济航速航行时,可以达到最大航行距离;在浮力驱动模式下,当以最大滑翔效率航行时,水平方向上的滑翔距离最大,并且水平方向上的滑翔距离随着剖面深度的增大而增大,当剖面深度大到一定程度之后,最大滑翔距离趋于恒定.该研究方法可为类似水下航行器电源管理系统的能源分配提供参考,也可为航行器外形的设计和传感器的选型提供理论指导.  相似文献   

In the paper, a hydrodynamic model including the characteristics of maneuvering and seakeeping is developed to simulate the six-degree of freedom motions of the underwater vehicle steering near the sea surface. The corresponding wave exciting forces on the underwater vehicle moving in waves are calculated by the strip theory, which is based on the source distribution method. With the hydrodynamic coefficients relevant to the maneuvering and seakeeping, the fourth-order Runge–Kutta numerical method is adopted to solve the equations of motions and six-degrees of freedom of the motions for the underwater vehicle steering near the free surface can be obtained. The wave effect on the corresponding motions of the underwater vehicle is investigated and some interesting phenomena with respect to different wave frequencies and headings are observed. The hydrodynamic numerical model developed here can be served as a valuable tool for analyzing the ascending and descending behaviors of the underwater vehicle near the sea surface.  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic model of a two-part underwater manoeuvrable towed system is proposed in which a depressor is equipped with active horizontal and vertical control surfaces, and a towed vehicle is attached to the lower end of a primary cable. In such a system the towed vehicle can be manoeuvred in both vertical and horizontal planes when it is towed at a certain velocity and the coupling effect of excitations at the upper end of the primary cable and disturbances of control manipulations to the towed vehicle can be reduced. In the model the hydrodynamic behavior of an underwater vehicle is described by the six-degrees-of-freedom equations of motion for submarine simulations. The added masses of an underwater vehicle are obtained from the three-dimensional potential theory. The control surface forces of the vehicle are determined by the wing theory. The results indicate that with relative simple control measures a two-part underwater manoeuvrable towed system enables the towed vehicle to travel in a wide range with a stable attitude. The method in this model gives an effective numerical approach for determining hydrodynamic characteristics of an underwater vehicle especially when little or no experimental data are available or when costs prohibit doing experiments for determining these data.  相似文献   

In the 21st century,people have come to the era of ocean science and ocean economy.With the development of ocean science and technology and the thorough research on the ocean,underwater mating technique has been widely used in such fields as sunk ship salvage,deep ocean workstation,submarine lifesaving aid and military affairs.In this paper,researches are made home and abroad on mating technology.Two-joint mating system of underwater vehicle is designed including plane system,three-dimensional assembly system and control system in order to increase the capacity of adapting platform obliquity and adopting rotational skirt scheme.It is clear that the system fits the working space of underwater vehicle passageway and there is no interference phenomenon in assembly design.The finite element model of the system shell and the pressurization of the joint are established.The results of the finite element computing and the pressing test are accordant,and thus it can testify that the shell material meet the need of intension and joint pressurization is reliable.Modeling of the control system is accomplished,and simulation and analysis are made,which can provide directions for the controller design of mating system of underwater vehicles.  相似文献   

基于模糊神经网络理论对水下拖曳体进行深度轨迹控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以华南理工大学开发的自主稳定可控制水下拖曳体为研究对象,首先通过水下拖曳体在拖曳水池样机中的试验取得试验数据后作为训练样本,采用LM BP算法,建立基于神经网络理论构建的可控制水下拖曳体轨迹与姿态水动力的数值模型。在此基础上设计了一个控制系统,它主要由两部分组成:基于遗传算法的神经网络辨识器和基于模拟退火改进的遗传算法的模糊神经网络控制器。以满足预先设定的拖曳体水下监测轨迹要求为控制依据,由控制系统确定为达到所要求的运动轨迹而应采用的迫沉水翼转角,以此作为输入参数,通过LM BP神经网络模型的模拟计算预报在这一操纵动作控制下的拖曳体所表现的轨迹与姿态特征。数值模拟计算结果表明:该系统的设计达到了所要求的目的;借助这一系统,可以有效地实现对拖曳体的深度轨迹控制。  相似文献   

Recent advances in autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) and underwater communication technology have promoted a surge of research activity within the area of signal and information processing. A new application is proposed herein for capturing and processing underwater video onboard an untethered AUV, then transmitting it to a remote platform using acoustic telemetry. Since video communication requires a considerably larger bandwidth than that provided by an underwater acoustic channel, the data must be massively compressed prior to transmission from the AUV. Past research has shown that the low contrast and low-detailed nature of underwater imagery allows for low-bit-rate coding of the data by wavelet-based image-coding algorithms. In this work, these findings have been extended to the design of a wavelet-based hybrid video encoder which employs entropy-constrained vector quantization (ECVQ) with overlapped block-based motion compensation. The ECVQ codebooks were designed from a statistical source model which describes the distribution of high subband wavelet coefficients in both intraframe and prediction error images. Results indicate that good visual quality can be achieved for very low bit-rate coding of underwater video with our algorithm  相似文献   

方志远  葛彤  连琏 《海洋工程》2006,24(1):79-85
在潜水器控制系统的基础上,按照结构、功能和组件的关系,为潜水器控制系统进行故障诊断建模。依据基于模型的层次故障诊断技术,建立了适用于潜水器控制系统故障诊断的具体诊断和推理策略,开发了故障诊断软件系统,描述了故障诊断具体过程,并利用数字仿真验证系统设计的有效性。  相似文献   

水下机器人的耐压舱设计要求在满足总体指标的前提下,最大限度地提高设计强度与稳定性,同时尽可能降低质量。本文使用ANSYS Workbench中的Design Explorer模块,对耐压舱进行快速优化设计,一次获得多个优化候选结果,经过对比分析得到最优设计方案。然后,针对装配形式进行接触分析,确保大压力条件下结构不会在接触面发生失效破坏。最后,对舱体结构进行稳定性分析,确保结构能够在大深度环境中不发生失稳破坏。本研究为水下机器人耐压舱体快速优化设计、强度和稳定性校核提供了参考。  相似文献   

Based on the lifting-surface vortex lattice model, a numerical design method of wake-adapted contra-rotating propellers (CRPs) for high-speed underwater vehicles is proposed. According to the given radial circulation distribution, the method can use prescribed camber line shapes to design maximum cambers and pitches of blade sections by controlling circulation at the leading edge, which makes the chordwise distribution of blade loading similar to that of NACA a = 0.8. It also can be performed under prescribed chordwise circulation distributions, where camber line shape and blade section pitch are designed. The Newton–Raphson iterative algorithm is utilised in the design of the pitch and camber. The radial circulation distribution of a set of CRPs for an underwater vehicle is used to redesign CRPs by the proposed method, and the design results are then validated via numerical simulations by solving the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The results indicate that the proposed method is suitable for the design of CRPs with tapered hubs and skewed blades, and it also exhibits good mesh convergence. The CRPs designed with the given camber line shape and the given chordwise loading distribution both have relatively uniform pressure distributions, with the latter being superior.  相似文献   

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