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丹东位于中朝边界的鸭绿江人海口,是一个沿江、沿海的边境城市。丹东的兴衰发展与朝鲜半岛地缘政治息息相关。本文通过对近现代朝鲜半岛地缘政治格局演变对丹东城市发展兴衰的影响研究,揭示丹东在改革开发形势下相对发展滞后的深层原因,并针对未来朝鲜半岛的地缘走势,提出了发展丹东这一特殊边境城市的应对思路。  相似文献   

鸭绿江,原为中国内河,位于吉林省、辽宁省东部,系中朝两国的界河。发源于长白山南麓,流经长白、临江市、宽甸、丹东等地,沿中朝边界向西南流,汇集浑江、虚川江、秃鲁江等支流,在辽宁丹东的东港市向南注入黄海。鸭绿江全长795公里,流域面积6.4万多平方公里。  相似文献   

近年来,我国ICT产业频频出现了核心技术被西方国家“卡脖子”的现象,由此有必要对我国ICT产品对外贸易的时空格局和演变进行研究。选取联合国商品贸易数据库中2000—2018年的ICT产品贸易数据,从ICT总产品和分产品的进出口两个方面分析中国ICT产品国际贸易的空间格局及其演变特征。研究结果表明:①从时间格局看,我国ICT的进出口贸易均为快速发展,但出口贸易发展快于进口;进口结构中以电子元件为主,出口结构中逐渐以通信设备为主。②从空间格局看,中国ICT贸易伙伴逐年增加,进出口贸易主要集中在少数国家或地区,且近20年变化不大,ICT进口来源国(地区)更为集中,我国与20个贸易伙伴交往较为密切;与进口相比,我国ICT出口国(地区)较为分散,主要集中在30个国家或地区。基于研究结果,提出了促进我国ICT贸易以及数字经济贸易发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

中亚五国是我国西出的首站,是参与丝绸之路经济带建设的重要国家,中国与中亚的贸易投资合作直接关系到我国地缘经济空间的拓展,对“一带一路”建设意义重大。本文从地缘经济和区域经济合作的角度,运用统计分析和比较分析的方法,研究比较了中亚五国经济总量的发展变化,中亚五国的贸易环境及其与中国贸易的成效,以及中亚五国的营商环境和中国对中亚各国投资的成效。主要结论如下:中亚国家的贸易投资环境总体处于较低水平,仍需得到进一步改善;中国对中亚不同国家的贸易和投资呈同向发展的趋势;中国与中亚国家正在形成能源资源进口与民用品出口的格局;中国对中亚国家的贸易投资不平衡,呈现出国别差异较大、个别行业分布过于集中的特点,可能会加大中国对中亚国家贸易投资的风险。为进一步提升双方合作,提出以下建议:提高区域贸易投资便利化水平;因国施策,进一步发挥各方潜力,扩大贸易投资规模;促进区域经济的均衡可持续发展;鼓励双向投资,提高贸易投资的广度和深度,与中亚共同构建更加合理的区域贸易投资体系。  相似文献   

穆克登(公元1663—1733年),满洲镶黄旗人,祖籍珲春。曾任打牲乌喇总管、内大臣等职。清康熙五十至五十一年(公元1711—1712年),他奉旨组织了我国历史上第一次中朝边境国界勘察工作,始称“穆克登查边”。 当时中朝边境的中国一侧,属柳条边封禁地区。人迹罕至,物产丰富。因此,常有关内人潜入挖参捕猎。对岸李氏朝鲜边民也不时潜入,中朝两国民间贸易不断。经济纠纷案件时有发生。康熙四十九年(公元1710年),朝鲜渭原郡民李万枝等乘夜渡江,杀人越货。此事引起清政府极大关注,决定派员赴凤凰城(今凤城市),与朝方人员会审此案。  相似文献   

赵亮 《中国地名》2010,(4):30-33
鸭绿江古称马訾水,发源于长白山南麓,流经吉林、辽宁东南部地区,在辽宁宽甸与浑江汇合.在丹东大东沟入黄海,全长795千米。流经丹东地区、通化集安地区、白山市八道江区、临江市、长自县,在我国的流域面积32466平方千米。提起鸭绿江的名称由来,江水为何千年流淌,碧绿清澈,还有一段美丽的传说。  相似文献   

丹东市赴朝边境旅游发展研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
丹东市是中国最大的边境城市,赴朝旅游是丹东市特许经营的旅游项目,赴朝旅游是丹东市特许经营的旅游项目,赴朝旅游是其旅游业发展的龙头,赴朝旅游主要受制于朝鲜半凫局势的走向,其发展趋势是不断增长的,并且市场具有较大的不稳定性。赴朝旅游带动丹东市旅游业全面发展的同时,也为朝鲜经济的全面振兴注入了活力。  相似文献   

基于联合国商贸数据库中2011—2018年相关数据,从出口规模、产品结构、产品比较优势及出口竞争优势等角度对中国与"一带一路"沿线主要国家的木质林产品国际竞争力及其主要影响因素进行研究。结果表明:中国木质林产品国际竞争力整体处于较低水平,虽然出口规模上占据绝对优势,但在产品结构、产品比较优势及出口竞争力等方面处于相对弱势,"大而不强"仍是我国木质林产品贸易发展面临的突出问题。木质林产品竞争力主要受贸易开放程度、贸易便利化水平及森林资源禀赋水平等因素影响。  相似文献   

基于流量数据的中美两国与东北亚地缘经济关系研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
马腾  葛岳静  黄宇  刘晓凤  林荣平  胡志丁 《地理学报》2020,75(10):2076-2091
由于全球化和市场经济在全球范围内得到普遍认可,在各类地缘关系中地缘经济关系成为最活跃也是研究最多的一类。本文从中国与东北亚各国地缘经济研究现状入手,基于流量数据建立地缘流势模型来探寻地缘经济复杂关系背后的规律性因素,并通过对比中美两国与东北亚的地缘经济关系分析其驱动机制,得出如下结论:① 2000—2016年中国与东北亚地缘经济联系不断加强,其中贸易联系明显强于投资联系,但投资联系在2012年后得到了飞速的发展。② 中国与东北亚地区的总体经济流势呈现上升态势,其中贸易流势起主导作用,中美地缘经济流势表现最强、增速最快,中国对日、韩两国的地缘经济流势强度不断显现,中俄、中蒙、中朝三股地缘经济流势虽然近年来不断增长但对区域整体地缘经济关系影响有限。③ 中美两国与东北亚的地缘经济流势均呈现出波动上升的趋势,并在国家关系分布上较为一致;两国在地缘经济差异主要体现在两个方面:一是驱动因素不同,中国以贸易关系为主而美国主要依赖投资驱动;二是空间分布差异开始显现,美国与东北亚的地缘经济关系越来越集中于中、日、韩三国,而中国与俄、蒙、朝三国联系开始不断加强。  相似文献   

丹东城市文化精神,应该依据丹东的区域文化来确定。以江海之利,纳八面来风;齐各族民心,建富强边城。  相似文献   

Recent interest has focused on whether South Korea may have undergone variable tectonic rotations since the Cretaceous. In an effort to contribute to the answer to this question, we have completed a palaeomagnetic reconnaissance study of Early Cretaceous sedimentary and igneous rocks from the Kyongsang basin in southeast Korea. Stepwise thermal demagnetization isolated well-defined characteristic magnetization in all samples. The palaeomagnetic directions reveal patterns of increasing amounts of clockwise (CW) rotation with increasing age for Aptian rock units. Palaeomagnetic declinations indicate clockwise vertical-axis rotations of R = 34.3° ± 6.9° for the early Aptian rock unit, R = 24.9° ± 10.6° for the middle Aptian, and R = −0.9° ± 11.8° for the late Aptian relative to eastern Asia. The new Cretaceous palaeomagnetic data from this study are consistent with the hypothesis that Korea and other major parts of eastern Asia occupied the same relative positions in terms of palaeolatitudes in the Cretaceous. An analysis of and comparison with previously reported palaeomagnetic data corroborates this hypothesis and suggests that much of Korea may have been connected to the North China Block since the early Palaeozoic. A plausible cause of the rotation is the westward subduction of the Kula plate underneath the Asian continent, which is inferred to have occurred during the Cretaceous according to several geological and tectonic analyses.  相似文献   

在公司区位选择研究的基础上探索跨国公司研发全球化的空间等级体系,是地理学对跨国公司研发全球化研究的有益尝试。跨国公司研发全球化是多种因素协同互动的结果,为了相对科学直观地构建跨国公司全球研发空间等级体系,本文运用因子分析方法对84个样本进行研究表明。跨国公司全球研发网络是多种因素协同互动的结果,综合实力、研发环境、市场规模是其中最重要的区位因子。根据因子分析的综合得分,将跨国公司研发全球化的空间等级分为五个层次,即核心区域、高密区域、中密区域、低密区域和弱势区域。发达国家明显占据全球研发空间体系的主导地位,掌控着科技发展前沿和关键核心技术,但个别发展中国家和地区也已进入较高层次。根据各主因子的得分情况.按照在全球位势强弱和要素空间流向的不同,把全球国家(地区)分为全面发展型、环境优势型和市场潜力型三种类型。其中,中国位列跨国公司研发全球化的高密区域,但仍属市场潜力型国家,处于接受扩散的境地。基础研究和创新能力薄弱以及内外向流动的不均衡,阻碍了跨国公司全球研发空间体系节点区域的创建。  相似文献   

Trade facilitation is one of the five main agendas of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Social network analysis has helped understand the complexity of trade networks, but existing studies tend to overlook the fact that not all bilateral trade relations are equally important to a country. To fill this gap in the literature, this paper focuses on the top 2 trade relations networks to illuminate the structure and evolution of B&R trade relations, the relative positions of different countries, and changes in the composition of trade communities (e.g., the community leaders) and the changing patterns of trade between them. We find rich dynamics over time both inter- and intra-communities. The overall international trade networks of B&R countries experienced a leadership change from Russia to China on one hand, some temporary communities experienced emergence, disappearance (e.g. the Kuwait- and Thailand-led communities) or reemergence (e.g. Poland-led community), and a community membership was generally consistent on the other hand. Since the future impacts of China’s BRI will depend on the degree of integration of the connected regions, some countries with stable and high centrality indices (e.g. Russia, Singapore, Serbia, Greece, Turkey, Iran, Poland, Hungary and Romania) could be selected by China as strategic regional partners, and countries with a strategically important geographical position but weak trade links (e.g. Myanmar, Pakistan, and Belarus) should be prioritized.  相似文献   

孙健  吴康  杨宇 《世界地理研究》2022,31(6):1240-1250
随着全球原油贸易关系的复杂化和亚洲原油需求的上升,全球能源市场的“亚洲溢价”现象成为需要关注的议题。本文基于全球石油贸易网络复杂性视角,选取1993—2018年国际原油贸易数据进行样本数据考察,通过构建复杂网络模型和潜在竞争指数,对全球原油贸易网络中的亚洲溢价现象和中日印韩四国潜在竞争力进行分析。结果表明:全球原油贸易集团分化交融,中日印韩呈现出贸易集团化的趋势。从全球原油贸易网络指标来看,中日印韩四国在全球原油贸易网络地位和影响力不断提升,有力推动了全球原油消费中心向亚太地区转移。潜在竞争指数表明,中国与日本、印度、韩国的潜在原油竞争关系呈现出不同特征,中日表现出“先强后弱”的特点,而中印、中韩表现为整体持续增强的特征。  相似文献   

1EvaluationofCurrentDevelopmentofContainerizedTrafficinLiaoningProvinceAtpresent.contajnerized~cbusinesshasalreadybeendevelopedinthefollowingfourPOrtcihesofLiaoningprovince--DalingYingkou.DandongandJdriou.In1995,Dalian,whichwasranked77mcontainertenninalamongtheworld's100contalnerizedharbors.becamethefourthlargeStcontainerizedtrAncharborinChin4justallerShan~.TianjinandQingdao.Theinternahonalcontainerized~cvolumeofYinkouHalborwas14078cpUin1995.Dandonghalborbeganitscontainerizedtrafficb…  相似文献   

This article investigates the spatial dimension of exports of automobiles from the Republic of Korea (ROK), the market for which has been dominated since 1986 by the United States (US). Two theories are reviewed which have been advanced to explain the pattern and nature of trade, comparative and competitive advantage. This paper examines these theories and assesses their explanatory utility in the light of the evidence from the ROK. The ROK trade patterns in the automobile industry are used to assess these theories and it is suggested that the results are applicable to other locations and industrial sectors.  相似文献   

Paleoecological analyses of sediments from nine northern Great Lakes states (NGLS) lakes reveal small pH changes in seven of these lakes since 1860, four of these being declines. The largest diatom-inferred (DI) pH declines of 0.5 pH units were found in Brown L. and Denton L., Wisconsin. Two other lakes with suspected total alkalinity declines (based on an acidification model and on historical water chemistry, respectively), McNearney L., Michigan, and Camp 12 L., Wisconsin, have not acidified recently according to diatom-inference techniques. Many of the observed trends of increasing pH are coincident with logging; floristic composition of diatom assemblages also changed coincident with fisheries manipulations in some lakes, but these floristic trends did not affect DI pH. Sediment core profiles of Pb, S, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons provide a record of atmospheric deposition of fossil fuel combustion products beginning around the turn of the century; onset is later and accumulation rates are smaller than for other northeastern study regions of the Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification (PIRLA) Project. The response of diatom species to lakewater pH in the NGLS region is very strong and similar to response in other regions. Overall, there is little paleoecological evidence that acidic deposition has caused significant acidification of lakes in the NGLS region.This is the twelfth of a series of papers to be published by this journal which is a contribution of the Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification (PIRLA) project. Drs. D.F. Charles and D.R. Whitehead are guest editors for this series.  相似文献   

本文采用服务贸易国际竞争力常用评价指标体系,对亚洲新兴经济体一亚洲“四小龙”的服务贸易国际竞争力进行了比较分析。研究表明:中国香港的服务贸易国际竞争力最强,优势部门为运输和金融;新加坡服务贸易发展最为迅速;中国台湾和韩国服务贸易处于较低水平,但韩国的政府服务遥遥领先,建筑业已处于世界先进水平。在此基础上,提出应加强亚洲“四小龙”的服务贸易合作,形成优势互补,提高国际竞争力。  相似文献   

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