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根据新型城镇化的内涵,利用复合指标法从人口城镇化、经济发展、社会公共环境三个层面构建宿迁市新型城镇化综合评价指标体系。在此基础上,利用Pearson相关性分析和回归分析的方法对宿迁市新型城镇化水平与耕地面积之间的关系进行分析。结果显示,2002-2012年耕地面积变化与新型城镇化发展成负相关,到2012-2016年趋势变化转为正相关,可以得出耕地面积变化与城镇化发展不是完全对立的,并由此提出相关建议。  相似文献   

推动新型城镇化高质量发展对于优化我国城镇化布局和形态具有重大意义。以武汉城市圈为研究对象,构建新型城镇化发展质量指标体系,对城镇化质量进行分析评价,并辅以互联网交通大数据进行协同发展研究,找出区域发展中存在的问题,以期促进武汉城市圈整体新型城镇化水平与区域协调的提升,为进一步推进高质量城镇化供参考。首先,使用统计年鉴数据构建新型城镇化发展质量评价体系,对城镇化质量进行评价。其次,使用腾讯LBS数据计算人群流动量,使用高德地图数据及互联网班次数据计算对外交通可达性与便利度,综合考虑人群流动量与交通便利度计算对外交通人群流动指数。最后,使用耦合协调度模型检测新型城镇化质量与对外交通指数之间的协同发展状态。研究结果表明,武汉城市圈整体维持高质量城镇化趋势,人群流动指数远高于其他城市,但区域极核现象明显,发展平衡性较差,区域交通基础设施建设存在差距。武汉与黄石存在城乡二元化现象,但总体来看,武汉城市圈整体处于良性协同发展状态。  相似文献   

新型城镇化是党的十八大提出的,在原来城镇化和城乡一体化建设标准的基础上提出的更高层次的建设目标,是新形势下城镇化和城乡一体化发展到一定阶段所包含的不同工作内涵。改革三十多年来,城镇化建设也面临许多新情况、新问题,我们必须在总结以前城镇化和城乡一体化建设经验、教训的基础上,以科学发展观为指导,围绕新目标,制订新政策,多措并举,特别要用活、用好土地政策,着力推进新型城镇化建设的持续、健康和快速发展。  相似文献   

正中国要走什么样的新型城镇化之路?对此,中党的十八届三中全会和中央城镇化工作会议已经指明了方向和路径。然而,当土地规划"遇上"新型城镇化,会发生哪些"化学反应"?日前,由中国土地学会土地规划分会主办的"新型城镇化与土地规划研讨会"在京召开,来自全国的40多位专家学者,聚焦新型城镇化发展中土地规划改革的思路和方向,共谋未来发展良策。  相似文献   

正党的十八大报告以及十八届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》(下称《决定》)中均明确提出,走中国特色新型城镇化道路。如何透彻理解中国特色新型城镇化的科学内涵?如何科学评估我国城镇化的发展进程,正确认识城镇化发展过程中存在的问题?国外城市化发展的实践带给我们怎样的启示?怎样才能走出一条具有中国特色新型城镇化发展道路?所有这些疑问的探讨与解答不仅有助于我们准确把握中国特色新型  相似文献   

城镇化是衡量一个国家和地区工业化和现代化的重要标志,是实现区域社会经济增长、促进地区和谐发展的战略决策。随着城镇化水平的不断提升,合肥市耕地非农化速度过快、耕地资源数量大幅降低等现实问题凸显,导致城镇化发展与耕地保护之间的关系日趋复杂,进一步加剧了社会经济发展与耕地资源保护二者之间的矛盾。适时开展耕地资源数量变化与城镇化协同性关系研究,深入挖掘城镇化过程中耕地资源数量变化的内在规律,对于妥善处理经济发展与耕地保护、持续推动区域新型城镇化建设具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

党的十八大报告明确提出了2020年全面建成小康社会的主要目标,并强调走中国特色新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化道路。中央经济工作会议指出,城镇化是我国现代化建设的历史任务,也是扩大内需的最大潜力。城市是经济、政治、文化最活跃的区域,也是节约资源、保护环境的重点区域。城市的发展方式、管理能  相似文献   

伴随我国经济和社会发展特征的转变,城镇化从高速增长转向追求以人为本和高质量发展的新型城镇化阶段。城镇化要素的时空分布特征和城镇化发展的空间格局都在发生转变。结合我国新型城镇化的特点和发展趋势,适应国家对新型城镇化的发展要求,充分整合多元时空数据,构建一套适用于多空间尺度、多监测专题的新型城镇化动态监测评估指标体系,并搭建全国新型城镇化监测评估平台,及时、准确地反映城镇化的发展趋势和空间分异特征,全方位、立体化地实现对全国新型城镇化发展的动态监测评估。  相似文献   

如何处理好"建设"与"吃饭"的关系问题,一直是中国城镇化发展过程面临的艰难抉择和挑战。作为重要的生产要素,土地资源对城镇化发展的支撑作用与制约作用远远超过其他生产要素。土地资源在城镇化进程中扮演了重要的角色。本文基于对土地城镇化发展和演变进程的判断,从提高土地城镇化质量的角度出发,对土地利用区域统筹及国土空间开发利用提出研究的总体方向和基本思路。  相似文献   

归纳了城镇化质量内涵,从经济发展质量、社会发展质量、景观环境质量和城乡协调发展质量4个维度出发,建立了城镇化质量评价体系,并通过熵值法对成渝城市群2006~2015年各城市的城镇化质量统一评价,基于评价结果分析了各城市城镇化质量变化原因,引入面板回归模型来对影响城镇化质量的因素进行分析。得出结论:(1)成都平原经济区与重庆市城镇化质量最高,川东北地区城镇化质量水平最低。(2)区域城镇化质量稳步提升,成渝发展主轴城镇化质量提升速度最快。(3)面板回归结果反映出产业结构、基础设施、公共服务、景观环境对城镇化质量有显著影响,并且模型显示影响因素在不同城市之间不存在结构化差异。  相似文献   

While urbanization has accelerated, the rural population in China has started decreasing in recent years. However, the expan- sion of rural settlement has not been sufficiently curbed. The questions of why this has happened and who has driven the land-use change (LUC) of rural settlement in China have aroused great interests among researchers. In this paper, it is suggested that population is not always a positive driving force for the LUC of rural settlement in China. Furthermore, socio-economic driving forces other than urbanization, population and industrialization are analyzed. On a national scale, the major driving forces are the per-capita rural housing area and the cultivated land area. On a regional scale, the main driving forces in the eastern China are the house-building capacity of rural households and the per-capita rural housing area; while in the central China, the main driving forces are rural housing investment, the proportion of primary industry employees in the rural working population, and the cultivated land area. For the western China, the main driving forces are rural register population and cultivated land area.  相似文献   

I.DEVELOPMENTDIFFERENCESAMONGTHEEASTERN,CENTRAL~~AN~orchIc~ntdifferencesamongtheeastern,centralandwesternPatsofChinahavealready~aquestionattractingworld-wideattention.FormTable1,itcanbeseenthatInanyaspeCtS,suchasgrOSSeconondcoutput,grOSSdomeSticproducts(GDP)Percapita,totalforeigninvestment,totalinvestmentscale,etc.presentagradualdescendingtrendfromtheeaSternparttothewesternpin.Thefurtheranalysesshowthatthereisasbocontrastasfollows:intheeasternpart,theproPOrtionofsecon…  相似文献   

Urbanization is a comprehensive and complex socioeconomic phenomenon that plays an influential role in promoting global socioeconomic development. The Loess Plateau region is an important part of the China's ecological security pattern, and occupies an important position in the implementation of China's new-type urbanization strategy and the realization of the urban dream. The characteristics of the staged changes and regional differentiation of urbanization in the area from 1990 to 2018 were studied with focus on regions and subregions by selecting 341 county-level administrative units on the Chinese Loess Plateau as the research area, and employing partition analysis and geographic detector methods. This revealed the formation mechanism of the spatial differentiation pattern of urbanization on the Loess Plateau. We found that the urbanization of the Loess Plateau,previously in a slow growth phase, entered the accelerated development phase, presenting a macro pattern of high rates of urbanization in central and eastern areas and low rates in western areas. The formation of the regional differentiation patterns of urbanization on the Loess Plateau were the combined results of natural geographical and socioeconomic factors. Among these factors, the interaction of any two factors had a stronger impact on regional urbanization patterns than a single factor, which was specifically manifested as nonlinear or bi-factor enhancement effects. The findings of this paper may provide a theoretical reference and scientific basis for the scientific promotion of healthy urbanization on the Chinese Loess Plateau and the ecologically fragile areas of developing countries around the world.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the distribution and production layout of the major mineral resources in China,including coal,iron ore,copper and bauxite,from a national perspective.It also identifies the incompatibility between the mineral resources distribution and regional economic development.Significant issues with China’s mineral resource industry cause challenges for the sustainable development of both the mining industry and the national socio-economy.The sustainability of regional mineral resources and the environmental pollution by mining in the western China were also analyzed.Results show that the distribution of China’s mineral resources is misaligned with its regional layout of economic development.China’s mineral resources have been over-exploited,and the mineral resources production in the eastern China is unsustainable.The continuously expanding production of mineral resources in the western China has heavily endangered the ecological environment.We propose strategies to boost the sustainable development of mineral resources,including measures to accelerate economic development and enhance the sustainability of domestic mineral resources.We also offer suggestions for scientifically planning the mineral resource prospecting and exploitation and regional economic layout,as well as for proactively undertaking industry transfer in the eastern China and raising the environmental benchmark requirements for the mineral industry in the central and western China.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a comprehensive concept, a trinity process that population urbanization, economic urbanization and space urbanization, is based on the interactions and mutual influences among the in which, people are the central and leading players in this process, while economic activities serve as the driving force and space is the carrier-the physical or material setting as well as the product. So the coordination among these processes is crucial for a country or region's sustainable development. China is experiencing rapid growth of cities and a surge in urban population, with the basic national condition of many people and little land, which calls for a systematic study of the issue of coordinated urbanization from theoretical, methodological and practical perspectives. Based on the concept of urbanization and non-coordination of urbanization, this article built a quantitative method to identify and evaluate the urbanization and non-coordination of urbanization, and made an empirical analysis in China between 2000 and 2008. The results show that the non-coordination overall level of China's urbanization declined during the study period, because population urbanization, economic urbanization, and space urbanization exhibited different trajectories of change. This study also reveals that performance assessment system, household registration system, and urban land expropriation system, etc., are the main affecting factors. At the end, we put forward some suggestions to achieve sustainable development of China's urbanization from the aspects of improving the local government's obiective function, imolementing the urban plalming svstem, enforcing public particination asnects and so on.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to summarize the disparities of lnternet development in China spatially-temporally. The major objective is to measure the differences between Eastern, Central and Western China. Methods of map presentation, correlation, Lorenz curve, Gini Coefficient and location quotient analysis are conductcd in this study.For convenience, the indicator of regional lnternet development is simplified as the number of domain names registered under .CN in each province. The data used are collected from the semi-annual surveys of the Statistical surrey Report on the Internet Development in China since 1999. There are several findings: 1)The number of domain names in each province (city) declines gradually from the east to the west. 2) The gap between the highest growth provinces (cities) and the lowest ones is rather large. 3) Although the absolute differences between the eastern, ccntral and western China have been enlarged, the relative diffcrences in each province (city) have remained constant.4) Provinces (cities) are classified into three types according to location quotient changes, namely, rising type,changeless type and declining type. Compared with industrial and economic growth, lnternet sector in the eastern and western China is relatively ascending, while that in the central China is descending. 5) The number of domain names at provincial level is not statistically consistent with GDP.  相似文献   

Although the factors affecting rural-to-urban migration have been discussed and analyzed in detail, few studies have examined the spatiotemporal dynamic characteristics of rural migrants' employment and working-cities in the post-immigrate era, which is essential for the citizenization and social integration of new-type urbanization in China. This study uses survey data from rural migration laborers across the eastern, central, and western China to construct a comprehensive labor migration stability index, and compares the determinants of the migration stability of rural labor among cities and industries using Geodetector. The results are as follows: 1) Compared with the midwestern cities, eastern cities have attracted younger and more skilled rural labor, and industries with higher technical content have higher migration stability among rural laborers. 2) Rural laborers more often adapt to changes by changing employment instead of changing working-cities. 3) The individual experiences of rural laborers and urban characteristics have significant impacts on the stability of migration, and family and societal guanxi(Chinese interpersonal relationships) enhance migration stability. 4) A unified labor market and convenient transportation have somewhat slowed industrial transfers and labor backflow. This study enhances our understanding of the roles of industrial transfer and new-type urbanization in shaping the labor geography landscape and provides policy implications for the promotion of people-oriented urbanization.  相似文献   

In post-reform China, local governments, instead of the central state, have become major promoters of urbanization. Differing from the existing literature based on Western theories, this article argues that a localized perspective, ‘administrative urbanization', can provide a contextual explanation for the mechanism of urbanization in the reform era. The case study of Ordos indicates that new town construction, especially in the inland area, has become the main strategy for investment attraction and economic development. The local government has played a dominant role in this construction through a series of administrative measures, including avoidance of central state regulations, land leasing, high standard infrastructure construction, relocation policies and industrial attraction. This article also explores the issue of unsustainability in the new town, and identifies that underdeveloped industrialization, slow population agglomeration and real estate bubbles are primary threats to the sustainability of administrative urbanization.  相似文献   

城市环境容量集成模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对我国城市化形势和信息时代的信息集成需求,分析了城市化集成模型的内涵。在研究城市化对生态环境各种影响的基础上,提出了基于巨量数据的子模型体系。阐述了现代信息技术条件下城市化集成模型的主要特点。  相似文献   

Urbanization is a complex process that covers a wide range of topics, of which population, industry and land urbanization are three important aspects. Jilin Province is an important agricultural province in China. The contradiction between population, industry and land urbanization is especially prominent here, and its coupling development is of great practical significance. In this paper, the coupling degree of population-industry-land urbanization in Jilin Province in 1990, 2000 and 2010 is measured by coupling mode. The spatial pattern of the coupling degree is analyzed by trend surface analysis and global and local spatial autocorrelation. The influence factors and their spatial differentiation are discussed using multiple linear regression (MLR) model and geographic weighted regression (GWR) model. The results show that: 1) the coupling degree of population-industry-land urbanization in Jilin Province is at a low level. Judging from the change of time scale, the urbanization of most research units is becoming more and more coordinated. From the comparison of spatial scales, there is significant spatial difference in the research units of different administrative levels. 2) Judging from the global change trend, the coupling degree of population-industry-land urbanization in the central region is higher than that in western and eastern regions. The coordination of urbanization in the central region is relatively good, and the distribution of the cold and hot spots is basically the same as that overall. 3) The spatial pattern of the coupling degree is related to the cold and hot spot distribution of the influence coefficient of urban population density and per capita urban construction land. The variation of the coupling degree spatial pattern is synchronous with the spatial change of the urban population density influence coefficient. 4) The degree of agglomeration of the urban population is the main factor promoting the coupling pattern of population-industry-land urbanization in Jilin Province, and the extent of its influence is gradually increasing. In addition, the level of city administrative, the efficiency of urban expansion and the capacity of market consumption also have an important influence on the coupling pattern.  相似文献   

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