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河流水系连通性机制及计算方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
河流水系连通性具有水文调蓄、保障生物迁徙通畅、改善水土环境等功能,目前主要从水文、景观和生态等方面对其进行了定义,而河流水系连通性对社会发展也发挥着重要作用,故河流水系连通性具有自然和社会双重属性,其连通性机制主要表现为纵向、横向、垂向连通性。目前主要从景观学、水文学、水力学、生态学等学科角度提出了图论法、水文-水力学法、景观法、生物法和综合指标法等计算方法,各方法有其适用性和不足,应用中须针对实际问题选择适宜方法或进行修正。河流水系连通性未来研究应综合多尺度、多领域、多学科,在研究内容上,重点开展尺度协同、连通性含义界定、响应机理及修复问题研究,在研究手段上,重点开展多方法、多技术集成问题研究。  相似文献   

河流分类体系研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
简要阐述河流分类的目的和方法,重点对基于地貌、水文、生态、价值的分类体系进行了回顾,按照时间顺序说明了各种分类体系的发展过程。河流分类体系不断走向系统与综合,体现在从单要素到多要素、从定性到定量、从结构到过程、从单尺度线状河流到多尺度等级系统,以及从自然系统到包含社会价值。随着河流生态学实验及理论的发展、多学科的合作以及多尺度数据源条件的改善,具有预测功能的分类体系将逐步取代描述性的分类体系。国际河流分类体系的研究成果对于我国多类型河流的生态恢复与管理具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

景观格局与水土流失的尺度特征与耦合方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
景观格局与生态过程的耦合研究是景观生态学研究的核心科学问题,也是综合自然地理学深化和发展的关键.尺度广泛存在于生态学现象中,尺度效应与尺度转换是景观生态学研究面临的挑战,探讨格局与过程之间相互作用机理与尺度特征是为解决尺度问题提供理论依据的必然途径.水土流失作为一种生态过程,是国内外颇为关注的生态问题.依据多种研究手段,在不同尺度上开展景观格局与水土流失的相互关系与尺度特征的研究,在分析景观格局的时空异质性、水土流失的影响因子与尺度效应的基础上,揭示流域景观格局与水土流失的耦合机理,发展尺度转换方法和景观格局-水土流失过程耦合模型,是完善景观生态学的理论基础,是为水土流失区生态建设提供科学依据的重要途径.  相似文献   

尺度推绎研究中的几点基本问题   总被引:49,自引:3,他引:49  
尺度推绎作为将一个尺度上的信息推绎到另一个尺度上的过程,具有尺度依赖性、模型非线性和研究的复杂性等特征,其理论基础主要有等级理论、分形理论等,其研究的关键问题表现为尺度选择与信息提取问题、尺度域与特征尺度问题、模型问题等方面。针对相邻尺度推绎和跨尺度推绎两种情况,还介绍了不同情况下尺度推绎研究的基本思路。尺度推绎作为现代地学、生态学等学科研究的重要问题之一,其发展需要多学科的交流和理论与技术的创新。  相似文献   

河流泥沙模拟技术进展与展望   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
胡春宏  王延贵  张燕菁 《水文》2006,26(3):37-41,84
本文系统总结了河流模拟技术的发展过程和研究成果。河流模拟技术包括河流实体模型和泥沙数学模型两部分。在实体模型方面,已建立了一整套河工模型的相似理论、设计方法和试验技术,在模型变态、模型沙选择、高含沙水流模拟、模型测验等方面取得了重要的研究成果,并解决了大量的工程泥沙问题。在数学模型方面,建立了一维、二维和三维泥沙数学模型,并随着泥沙基本理论研究的不断深入与广泛的工程应用,在计算模式、数值计算方法、计算结果的后处理、参数选择、高含沙水流问题处理等方面均取得了重要进展。本文还展望了河流模拟技术今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

水文土壤学面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水文土壤学是以土壤发生学、土壤物理学和水文学为主的新兴交叉学科,综合研究不同时空尺度土壤与水的相互作用关系,在地球表层系统科学综合集成研究中具有特殊地位和重要作用。阐述了水文土壤学形成背景与内涵、学科与理论基础及研究进展,并展望未来面临的机遇与挑战。水文土壤学重点解决以下2个科学问题:①土壤结构及土壤—景观分布格局在不同时空尺度上如何主导和影响水文过程以及与其相关的生物地球化学循环和生态系统演变;②景观系统水文过程如何影响土壤发育、演变、异质性及其功能。水文土壤学面临研究方法和理论创新、多尺度综合观测网络体系构建及人才培养等方面的挑战。  相似文献   

国内外多功能景观研究进展与展望   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
作为沟通自然景观与人类社会的重要桥梁,景观功能一直以来都是景观生态学的重要研究内容;多功能景观通过对自然景观功能赋予人类价值评判,与土地利用决策紧密相关,已成为当前景观功能研究的重要发展方向、多学科景观综合研究的重点领域和景观生态学新的学科生长点。在系统梳理多功能景观概念内涵的基础上,对比分析了其与景观多功能性、生态系统服务及多功能农业的概念异同;并从景观多功能性评价、多功能景观空间识别、多功能景观规划与管理等3个方面,重点探讨了近年来国内外多功能景观研究的进展及其主要不足;最后,展望了当前国内外多功能景观研究的重点发展方向,即多功能景观权衡机理解析、多功能景观区域类型识别、多功能景观尺度与划区效应评估、多功能景观动态预测及情景模拟。  相似文献   

杜尧  马腾  邓娅敏  廖曼  郑倩琳 《地球科学》2017,42(5):661-673
精确量化潜流带水文交换和生物地球化学反应一直是一个挑战,潜流带水文-生物地球化学研究的核心任务是将小尺度上的水文通量及生物地球化学反应动力学与更大尺度上它们对河流水质和生态的累积效应关联起来.基于潜流带水文-生物地球化学耦合原理,系统综述了渗流仪测量、测压管测量、示踪剂注射试验、温度示踪等潜流带水文学研究方法以及野外示踪试验、室内培养试验等生物地球化学研究方法,针对性地评述了潜流带水文-生物地球化学过程在更大尺度上的累积效应及其对河流生态系统的重要意义,并指出未来的研究将从潜流带研究技术方法的先进化、水文地貌理论与模型的深入化和潜流带生物地球化学过程的尺度化等方面持续地发展.   相似文献   

河流是大陆景观最为动态化的地貌构成单元,地质学家经过长期的研究,得出了一个引人注目的假说,即古生代中期曲流河的显著发育与陆生植被的繁盛存在紧密的联系,从而导致了在陆生植被对河流沉积作用影响方面的深入研究。尽管还存在一些不同的认识和争论,陆生植被对河流沉积作用的影响,得到了越来越多的地质事实的支持。立足于前人的研究成果,从陆生植被阶段的划分以及植物在古生代早中期关键的演变事件入手,介绍植被的起源和演化与河流沉积作用尤其是河流样式演变之间的耦合关系。厘清上述科学理念的变化和进步,将有助于河流相沉积的正确解释,从而为现代和古代河流过程的进一步研究提供重要的思考线索和研究途径。更为重要的是,在地球历史长河之中,有胚植物(陆生植物)在陆生大陆景观上的古生代繁殖是最为壮观的变化之一,由此而造成的全球变化包括:(1)由于岩石风化作用和碳储存的增强,将造成的大气圈二氧化碳含量的降低;(2)晚古生代冰川作用;(3)陆生营养物径流量的增加与海洋生物的灭绝事件之间的联系等。所以,陆生植被的起源与演化对河流沉积作用的影响,就成为生物沉积作用研究的一个重要主题。  相似文献   

景观格局变化的水质净化服务响应关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
景观格局变化对生态系统水质净化服务具有重要影响.为深入探究景观格局对水质净化服务的影响机制,通过国内外相关文献的系统梳理,总结出不同时空尺度下,景观格局对水质净化服务的影响存在差异,即水质净化服务对景观格局的响应具有尺度依赖性.相同尺度下,不同地形条件和景观基质也会使得景观格局对水质净化服务的影响表现出空间分异性.同时,景观格局与水质净化服务之间存在阈值效应,这使得决策者进行景观格局优化与水质保护时需要更为全面地考虑各种因素.针对当前研究存在的水质净化服务对景观格局响应的特征空间尺度不明晰、景观配置及空间分异特征研究有待加强,阈值效应不明确等问题,未来需开展多等级多尺度的对比研究,从不同侧面阐释景观格局与水质净化服务作用的特征尺度,发展能表征生态过程的景观格局指数,加强景观配置对水质净化服务影响的研究,深化不同影响因素下,两者之间空间分异特征探索,探究水质净化服务对景观格局响应的阈值识别方法,有效地判定阈值,为区域景观格局优化和水环境管理提供决策支持.  相似文献   

在气候变化和人类活动日趋增强的影响下,同一流域往往面临着水资源、水环境、水生态和水沙等多种水问题,且干旱和洪涝等极端事件发生的频率日渐增强;系统治理及减缓极值化,成为流域综合治理关键任务,而提升流域对水循环多过程的调节能力则是其关键。在对中国水问题发展形势进行研判的基础上,系统剖析了传统治水模式中强调“状态改变”、“末端治理”、“过程分离”等的不足;明晰了变化环境下水问题系统治理的总体需求和生态海绵智慧流域建设的总体思路;提出了生态海绵智慧流域建设的总体技术框架和若干关键问题。生态海绵智慧流域建设将充分遵循水循环多过程的演变规律,规范人类水土资源开发活动,实现地表-土壤-地下多过程、水量-水质-泥沙-水生态的联合调控,最大限度实现“去极值化”,建设健全流域的综合服务功能,保育“山水林田湖”生命体功能。  相似文献   

Scale, as concept, has featured prominently in political ecology and remains, even if implicitly, a crucial point of analytical reference. Recent studies, drawing from both human geography and ecology, have sought to demonstrate how scales, rather than pre-existing ontologically, are both socially and environmentally produced. Given the different scales through which social and environmental processes occur, the study of society-environment relations can be improved by analysing varying scalar configurations of interaction. This recent and promising methodological corrective would greatly benefit from a dialogue with world-systems approaches, which integrate diverse scale-producing processes and to some extent overlap in scope with political ecology. World-systems perspectives, by focusing on the long-term systemic character of people-environment relations, effectively connect micro- to macro-scale social and ecological processes and explain long-term internal dynamics and interrelations of systems at different scales. Conversely, world-systems approaches could learn much from political ecologists’ consideration of nonhuman processes into understandings of scale and society-environment relations, which has a long tradition in geography, as well as from the more context-sensitive analytical framework brought to those understandings. Case studies are discussed to demonstrate not only how these two perspectives could be integrated, but also how explanations of environmental change can be thereby improved. Combining the two approaches provides the basis for a more ecologically oriented world-systems paradigm and, in political ecology, for greater sensitivity to socially large-scale systemic processes and, given the originally anti-capitalist underpinnings of both paradigms, for more political coherence.  相似文献   

潜流交换研究涉及地表水-地下水系统交互作用的物理机制、影响因素和生化作用等方面,是近年来水文学、生态学、环境学等学科的研究热点。潜流交换过程包含水流运动、溶质运移以及能量传输过程。以稳态流动条件作为控制因素的潜流交换研究成果已经不能满足相关学科发展的要求。因此,近年来非稳态潜流交换过程的研究及其成果渐受关注。当前相关研...  相似文献   

This paper argues that research in political ecology would benefit from more explicit and careful attention to the question of scale and scalar politics. Although political ecologists have extensively considered scale as a methodological question, they have yet to develop an explicit theoretical approach to scale as an object of inquiry. We highlight one principal drawback to this underdeveloped approach to scale: what we call “the local trap” in which political ecologists assume that organization, policies, and action at the local scale are inherently more likely to have desired social and ecological effects than activities organized at other scales. Over the past 10 years or so, an increasingly sophisticated literature on scale has been developing among scholars in geography working in the political economy tradition. This literature has argued that scale is socially produced rather than ontologically given. Therefore, there is nothing inherent about any scale, and so the local scale cannot be intrinsically more desirable than other scales. We suggest that a greater engagement with this scale literature offers political ecology a theoretical way out of the local trap. As a first approximation of the kind of scalar analysis we advocate, we present a case study that examines the scalar politics that have shaped environmental change in the Brazilian Amazon.  相似文献   

欧洲景观生态学研究展望   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
随着土地利用变化的加剧以及社会经济体制的改变,欧洲传统景观生态学近切需要改革和创新。如何保持景观生态学在未来社会中的重要地位并发挥它解决实际问题的作用是摆在欧洲景观生态学家面前的迫切课题。介绍了欧洲景观生态学目前的研究热点,对未来欧洲景观生态学的发展趋势、研究框架和主要研究领域进行了展望,以期对中国景观生态不的发展有所借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the key contributions made by Piers Blaikie to the field of political ecology. Those contributions relate to the way in which this scholar has sought to dismantle barriers to thought by: (1) integrating the insights of political economy with those from environmental science, (2) opening up theoretical space in political ecology by engaging fruitfully with post-structural critiques, (3) moving beyond a narrow area-studies and development studies focus, and (4) helping to internationalise the research field beyond its core American base. The paper also highlights ambiguity in the role played by Blaikie in political ecology, as stances that he has taken in his work have provoked wider debate over the field’s purpose and coherence. Ensuing tensions over theory and practice as well as single versus multiple truths persist yet, pace Blaikie and others (e.g. Robbins), a robust political ecology is nonetheless able to consider what people ‘do’ from a healthy diversity of theoretical positions. The multiple contributions of Piers Blaikie underpin a reputation for having produced a pioneering body of work that has inspired scholars across theoretical, empirical and disciplinary boundaries, thereby ensuring that his will be a reputation that is interpreted and re-interpreted for many years to come.  相似文献   

生态水文学与生态水文地质学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析生态水文学学科发展过程的基础上,对生态水文地质学的研究对象、内容和方法进行了讨论。生态水文地质学是生态学与水文地质学交叉渗透后形成的学科,是地下水资源可持续利用的理论基础。当前中国生态水文地质学研究的主要任务是生态状况的定量描述、水文地质条件与生态状况的关系、多重界面水分转换机制及其生态效应、含水层中地下水各种物理化学过程的生态效应和气候变化对地下水的影响及其生态响应等问题。生态水文地质学必将在中国实施可持续发展战略的过程中发挥巨大的作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical framework for analyzing human–environment issues that examines shifting, dialectical relationships between social and power relations, cultural beliefs and practices, and ecological processes to allow an interdisciplinary, complex assessment of social and environmental change in Nepal. The purpose of this analysis is to capture the complexity and non-static nature of environmental and social change in the context of uneven development. Drawing from political ecology and feminist geography, this framework brings together scholarship on aspects of human–environment issues that are often pursued in isolation, yet all three processes, social–political relations, cultural practices and ecological conditions, have been acknowledged as important in shaping the trajectory of social and ecological change. I argue that a consideration of the articulations between them is necessary to understand first, how specific land management regimes arise and are dominant over time in specific places. And second, I examine the extent to which these regimes distribute resources equitably within communities, promote economic development and sustain ecological resilience. In this analysis, ecological processes are conceptualised as co-productive of social and cultural processes to explore their role in land management regimes without resorting to environmental determinist or similarly reductive paradigms. I present this framework through the example of natural resource management, specifically community forestry in Nepal, as it offers a rich case study of the relationships between the political economy of land use and the ecological effects of natural resource extraction.  相似文献   

Urban political ecology attempts to unravel and politicize the socio-ecological processes that produce uneven waterscapes. At the core of this analysis are the choreographies of power that influence how much water flows through urban infrastructure as well as where it flows, thereby shaping conditions and quality of access in cities. If these analyses have been prolific in demonstrating uneven distribution of infrastructures and water quantity, the political ecology of water quality remains largely overlooked. In this paper, we argue that there is a clear theoretical and practical need to address questions of quality in relation to water access in the South. We show that conceptual resources for considering differentiated drinking water quality are already present within urban political ecology. We then contend that an interdisciplinary approach, highlighting the interdependencies between politics, power, and physiochemical and microbiological contamination of drinking water, can further our understandings of both uneven distribution of water contamination and the conceptualisation of inequalities in the urban waterscape. We illustrate our argument through the case of water supply in Lilongwe, Malawi. Our political ecology analysis starts from an examination of the physicochemical and microbiological quality of water supplied by the formal water utility across urban spaces in Lilongwe. We then present the topography of water (quality) inequalities in Lilongwe and identify the political processes underlying the production of differentiated water quality within the centralised network. This paper thereby serves as a deepening of urban political ecology as well as a demonstration of how this approach might be taken forward in the analysis of urbanism and water supplies.  相似文献   

内陆河流域水文过程研究的一些科学问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水科学研究的发展,对水文科学提出了新的挑战,即如何在流域、区域和全球尺度进行学科交叉、综合集成和协同研究,从而更全面地认识水在地球资源和环境变化中的作用,认识水圈及其与大气圈、岩石圈和生物圈的相互作用。为了解内陆河流域水文循环和水量平衡各分量之间的变化和转化关系及其与生态和环境之间的相互作用,以及对全球变化和人类活动的响应和反馈,基于内陆河流域上游山区径流形成区、中游人工绿洲水资源开发利用区和下游荒漠绿洲径流散失区的流域水文循环特征,从能水通量、生态和生物地球化学过程讨论了山区水文过程;从生态水文、尺度转换、阈值和反馈讨论了水文和植被的相互作用;从国外提出的关键作用带的概念讨论了内陆河流域地下水—土壤—植被作用层的水文过程。提出了开展内陆河流域水文过程观测和研究的基本框架。  相似文献   

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