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国土空间开发适宜性评价既是长期人地关系优化调控研究领域的重要研究内容,也是当前各层级国土空间规划编制的重要基础工作。该文运用文献调研、总结、对比分析等方法,围绕国土空间开发适宜性评价的概念内涵、演进历程、评价方法以及技术手段等方面进行综述,指出现有研究存在的不足与仍需深入研究的领域和方向。主要结论如下:① 当前国土空间开发适宜性评价已具有较为丰富的研究案例,但对国土空间开发的多目标协同评价关注不够,评价指标体系的精细化程度不足,多尺度综合研究存在短板;基础信息数据尚难满足全域、全要素、全时相的评价要求;地球信息技术支撑“智慧评价”的能力不足;② 未来应进一步加强国土空间开发适宜性评价基础理论研究,深化对评价内涵的理论认知,构建指标独立、系统高效的评价体系;丰富多尺度适宜性评价案例,重视区域发展定位,关注区域发展的特殊需求和产业优势,提升评价指标体系的精细化水平;紧跟“智慧社会”建设步伐,加强地球信息技术与物联网、大数据、云计算等新兴技术的融合应用,促进国土空间多源大数据的制定与适宜性评价体系的有效衔接,为实现“智慧评价”提供有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

自1978年以来,我国城镇化经历了外延粗放扩张式的快速发展模式,不具有可持续性。城市群作为推进后城镇化发展阶段的主体形态,其智慧化建设成为重要的研究内容。但智慧城市群建设如果缺乏理论指导,会陷入一定的盲目性。因此,本文力图通过对城市的“智慧”和城市群的空间概念体系的本质认知,构建“互联互通、生产、生活、生态”(简称为“一联三生”)体系下的智慧城市群理论框架。结果表明:① 智慧城市与智慧城市群的建设需要“命运共同体”的灵魂引领。在对心理学领域“智慧”充分认知的基础上,提出“以人为本的自主调节”的智慧城市灵魂。自主调节包括实时的智慧感知、智慧评估和智慧优化;② “一联三生”构成城市群空间概念体系,包含“一联”和“三生”等4个主题内容;③ 实现“一联三生”的智慧感知、智慧评估和智慧优化是智慧城市群构建的核心内容。结合粤港澳大湾区实际,提出了粤港澳大湾区智慧城市群的建设目标与内容,并探讨了地理空间信息在粤港澳大湾区智慧城市群建设中的支撑作用,为我国智慧城市群的框架构建提供理论参考。  相似文献   

茶颜悦色作为中国本土奶茶品牌,将中国传统茶文化与时尚元素相结合,融入浓郁中国风,成为来长旅游者打卡必喝的一种奶茶饮品。探索其空间分布并对其门店选址适宜性进行评估对于优化门店布局、促进经济发展和提升旅游服务水平等具有重要的实际意义。本文基于高德地图API爬取长沙市茶颜悦色POI,运用平均最近邻指数、地理集中指数、不平衡指数、标准差椭圆、核密度估计等方法分析其空间格局,在此基础上融合多源异构空间数据选取一系列影响其空间分布的指示因子并运用随机森林模型对其门店布局适宜性开展实证研究。分析结果表明:① 长沙市茶颜悦色空间分布整体上为集聚型(ANN=0.354,G=40.283),围绕城市核心商圈集聚分布,形成了“一超多核”的空间格局;② 随机森林模型优化后的平均测试精度为92.18%,OOB测试精度为93.45%,其评价结果能够准确反映长沙市茶颜悦色门店选址适宜性与空间分布的异质性;③ 茶颜悦色选址适宜性结果表明,长沙市核心商圈内适宜性概率整体较高,存在明显的高值集聚现象,符合弗里德曼“中心-外围”理论。若将各商圈抽象为不同等级的中心地,其所提供的服务职能和影响范围受到空间距离衰减作用的影响,在空间分布上符合地理学第一定律;④ 特征重要性排序结果显示竞争环境、交通区位和社会经济发展因素对模型的贡献率较大,这与最小差异化准则强调集聚效应和传统商业选址强调区位选择相得益彰,因此在进行门店选址时可以重点考虑此类因素。本研究融合多源空间数据运用数据挖掘技术解决选址问题的方法和结论可以为茶颜悦色门店选址和空间布局提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

六大经济走廊是“一带一路”倡议的战略支柱,该区域横跨亚、欧、非大陆,涉及国家众多,地理条件千差万别,资源环境本底复杂。通过对沿线区域资源环境信息进行系统性、全面性的揭示,能够为科学推进“一带一路”倡议实施提供至关重要的决策支持作用。本文提出了面向协同创新的“一带一路”空间信息服务系统框架,综述了“一带一路”经济走廊地区在资源环境信息开发利用进展,具体包括资源环境格局与时空演变、联合国可持续发展目标监测与评价、防灾减灾知识服务关键技术应用、资源环境信息集成与共享、新冠疫情对经济社会发展影响,进而展望了其发展趋势和潜在的研究方向,为“一带一路”经济走廊的可持续发展提供决策支持。  相似文献   

随着“增减挂钩”和“人地挂钩”等政策的实施,农村居民点的合理布局对缓解建设用地供需矛盾意义重大。本研究以吉林省2010年土地利用变更调查数据和2011年统计年鉴数据,运用ArcGIS空间分析和景观指数定量分析相结合的方法,研究了长吉都市区农村居民点空间格局现状特征及其影响因素。同时,用多因子综合评价法确定农村居民点的区位适宜性,将农村居民点划分为不同的整治规划类型,为该区域国土综合开发整治提供理论支持和参考。研究表明:(1)长吉都市区内农村居民点在区内分布不均衡,数量和密集度差异大;(2)地形条件(坡度)、水源条件(河流)、交通状况(公路和铁路),对研究区农村居民点的空间格局均有影响,另外,不同等级的公路(干线和支线)、不同形式的铁路(铁路线和站点),对居民点的作用程度也不同;(3)在此基础上,评价农村居民点图斑的区位适宜性,将农村居民点分为优先发展型、保留发展型和限制发展型,以确定不同类型农村居民点的整治规划方向。  相似文献   

相较于传统的网络分析,利用在线地图API可以更加准确地获取实时出行时间数据。本文基于高德地图API,在居民出行视角下解析北京首都国际机场(“PEK”,简称“首都机场”)和北京大兴国际机场(“PKX”,简称“大兴机场”)在驾车和公共交通2种出行模式下的可达性空间格局,尝试对双枢纽机场可达性以及城市的“民航+城市交通”一体化发展提出建议。结果表明:① 大兴机场的投用使北京市民航服务在空间分布上趋于“南北均衡”,两机场分别在驾车出行0.5 h和公共交通出行1 h的覆盖范围形成互补,有效提升了城市内部腹地的覆盖;② 在以北京为起止点的出行视角下,驾车出行的1 h覆盖范围开始出现重叠;而公共交通出行模式的1.5 h范围呈现重叠;③ 驾车出行模式下的机场可达性高于公共交通出行模式,且在公共交通出行模式下,北京市两机场1 h服务面积和人口数量均有待提高,亟需打造“1 h公共交通服务圈”;④ 在以北京为中转点的视角下,首都机场到各火车站的可达性高于大兴机场;未来应重点提升大兴机场-城市交通枢纽的可达性,以提升城市内部中转能力。本研究有助于为双枢纽机场城市的“民航+城市交通”一体化发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

随着“碳达峰”、“碳中和”发展目标的提出,液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas,简称LNG)作为清洁低碳能源逐渐受到能源市场的重视。在此背景下,重点分析LNG海上运输网络演化模式,对掌握全球能源格局动态和中国的进口贸易现状具有重要意义。本文利用船舶轨迹数据和复杂网络理论,聚焦2018—2020年全球LNG海上运输网络演化趋势;同时针对中国的贸易现状,重点分析中国LNG进口来源、主要进口港分布及进口量排名前三的进口港的货源流入状况。结果表明:① 2018—2020年,全球LNG海上运输网络呈扩大趋势,并呈现出“无标度”特性;同时骨干网络节点连接的“广度”和“深度”正在增强,全球LNG贸易存在趋于垄断的风险;② “一带一路”国家贸易参与度强,中北美、南亚和东南亚地区的进口港数量和进口航次数增长尤为明显,萨贝塔、邦尼按照贸易出口量排名已进入全球前八;③ 网络的平均最短路径值在2018—2020年逐年递增,“转运港”业务新模态逐渐兴起;截止到2020年共有21个转运港口参与LNG贸易中,美国占据全球转运的主导地位;④ 中国的LNG进口货量规模发展迅速,海上运输网络流向趋于多元,但澳大利亚仍占据主要来源地位;按照进口量统计天津港、深圳港和永安港排名前三,“减碳”压力促使经济发达地区建设接收站并且不断增大进口量。  相似文献   

伴随新型城镇化和全面休闲化时代到来,游憩-居住两大功能空间关系研究成为新时期城市地域结构领域的重要关注议题。基于POI地理空间大数据,通过运用Ripley's K函数、同位区位商、“不一致指数”定量模型和采用全局空间自相关、核密度估计等ArcGIS空间分析方法,探究了长沙市游憩-居住功能空间格局及其匹配关系特征。研究发现:① 两大功能空间均具有显著的空间正相关性,形态格局差异鲜明且均呈以“空间极核”为导向的集聚模式,各类型功能空间集聚强度表现为“居住空间>文化休闲空间>体育健身空间>商业娱乐空间>自然生态空间”;② 两大功能空间存在基于“距离-数量”的函数衰减关系,距离居住空间3000 m半径环带是游憩空间集中分布以及居民日常游憩休闲的重要活动范围;③ 居住空间具有“临近”游憩空间布局的指向特征,但反之不显著,两大功能空间呈单向吸引“非对称性”错位临近关系,居住空间临近不同类型游憩空间的指向强度呈“体育健身空间>文化休闲空间>自然生态空间>商业娱乐空间”位序格局;④ 游憩-居住功能空间协调关系具有较强的空间异质性,湘江西岸整体上优于东岸,岳麓区、望城区为游憩-居住协调型,天心区、芙蓉区、雨花区、开福区为游憩滞后居住型,长沙县为游憩超前居住型。本研究通过聚焦新型城镇化和全民休闲时代的城市游憩设施配置及其与居住空间的关系问题,将为丰富传承新背景趋势下的城市公共设施区位理论、城市空间结构理论等提供重要的理论探索方向,并为长沙市及国内同类大都市合理布局城市游憩休闲设施、优化调整城市空间结构和建设休闲宜居城市等提供科学参考。  相似文献   

城市区域内部建筑物较密集,外围建筑物逐渐稀疏,因此大多存在内部区域POI数据密度大,外围区域POI数据密度逐渐减小的现象,在使用均等网格作为识别单元进行城市“三生空间”的识别的过程中,就会出现网格尺度较大导致识别准确率较低或网格尺度较小导致无数据区较多两种情况。针对以上问题,本研究提出一种基于POI数据及四叉树思想的”三生空间”识别方法:综合利用互联网地图POI、行政区划、遥感影像等数据,引入四叉树思想对网格识别单元进行分级;将POI数据与城市建设用地分类和土地利用现状分类进行衔接,对POI进行重分类;综合各类POI的功能和面积,构建POI分类“三生功能”赋分体系,定量识别“三生空间”。以西安市中心城区为实验区进行实例验证,结果显示正确率在95%左右。通过与均等格网识别结果的对比,进一步证明引入四叉树思想对网格进行分级一方面能有效减少无数据区的存在,另一方面能使识别结果准确率大幅提高,为基于POI数据的城市三生空间的识别提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

快速城市化地区交通主干道对景观格局变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交通主干道建设对两侧景观格局变化有着深远的影响,探索其影响机制对道路生态环境评价和区域可持续发展规划具有重要指导意义。本文以京沪高速公路(简称G2)为例,利用TM遥感影像,提取出1995、2000、2005和2010年长江三角洲地区土地利用/覆被图。同时,用缓冲区分析和景观生态学方法,分别计算不同时段和地域段G2缓冲带景观数量结构特征指数和景观格局指数变化率;并结合相关分析和非线性回归方法研究指数变化率与缓冲带距离的关系,据此判断G2对沿线景观格局变化的影响程度和范围。研究结果表明:(1)G2沿线地区景观格局变化程度与缓冲带距离呈现显著的负相关性,G2对景观格局变化的影响呈现明显的“轴带”规律;(2)G2对沿线景观格局变化的影响范围比自然生态脆弱区的道路建设更广,2000-2005年为6 km,2005-2010年扩大到9 km;(3)从整体来看,2005-2010年间的景观数量结构特征指数相关系数明显高于2000-2005年间,而景观格局指数相关系数则相反,“轴带”影响存在时间差异性;(4)从不同区域段来看,苏北和苏南段景观动态度相关系数均高于上海段,在城市化水平较低的地域段,“轴带”影响更加显著;(5)通过对比道路沿线地区不同时段、不同地域段的相关景观特征指数变化率,并结合缓冲带分析和数量统计方法,较好地评估了交通主干道对沿线景观格局变化的影响程度和范围。  相似文献   

中国太阳能热发电站选址模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太阳能热发电技术在我国新世纪能源战略中具有重要地位,太阳能热发电电站位置的合理选择对发电成本有直接影响,涉及到太阳能热发电技术本身、高时空分辨率的太阳能法直辐射分布、土地利用分布、水资源分布、社会经济分布,以及政策税收等众多因素。本文提出了一个太阳能热发电站选址的决策支持系统框架,就其中的太阳能直法辐射调查进行了初步试验。本文依据供需时空平衡原则进一步讨论了多种绿色能源互补的大能源系统运筹问题。  相似文献   

With the well-being trends to pursue a healthy life, mountain ginseng (Panax ginseng) is rising as one of the most profitable forest products in South Korea. This study was aimed at evaluating a new methodology for identifying suitable sites for mountain ginseng cultivation in the country. Forest vegetation data were collected from 46 sites and the spatial distribution of all sites was analyzed using GIS data for topographic position, landform, solar radiation, and topographic wetness. The physical and chemical properties of the soil samples, including moisture content, pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, exchangeable cations, available phosphorous, and soil texture, were analyzed. The cultivation suitability at each site was assessed based on the environmental conditions using logistic regression (LR) and geographically weighted logistic regression (GWLR) and the results of both methods were compared. The results show that the areas with northern aspect and higher levels of solar radiation, moisture content, total nitrogen, and sand ratio are more likely to be identified as suitable sites for ginseng cultivation. In contrast to the LR, the spatial modeling with the GWLR results in an increase in the model fitness and indicates that a significant portion of spatial autocorrelation in the data decreases. A higher value of the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve presents a better prediction accuracy of site suitability by the GWLR. The geographically weighted coefficient estimates of the model are non-stationary, and reveal that different site suitability is associated with the geographical location of the forest stands. The GWLR increases the accuracy of selecting suitable sites by considering the geographical variations in the characteristics of the cultivation sites.  相似文献   

With the well-being trends to pursue a healthy life, mountain ginseng(Panax ginseng) is rising as one of the most profitable forest products in South Korea. This study was aimed at evaluating a new methodology for identifying suitable sites for mountain ginseng cultivation in the country. Forest vegetation data were collected from 46 sites and the spatial distribution of all sites was analyzed using GIS data for topographic position, landform, solar radiation, and topographic wetness. The physical and chemical properties of the soil samples, including moisture content, p H, organic matter, total nitrogen, exchangeable cations, available phosphorous, and soil texture, were analyzed. The cultivation suitability at each site was assessed based on the environmental conditions using logistic regression(LR) and geographically weighted logistic regression(GWLR) and the results of both methods were compared. The results show that the areas with northern aspect and higher levels of solar radiation, moisture content, total nitrogen, and sand ratio are more likely to be identified as suitable sites for ginseng cultivation. In contrast to the LR, the spatial modeling with the GWLR results in an increase in the model fitness and indicates that a significant portion of spatialautocorrelation in the data decreases. A higher value of the area under the receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve presents a better prediction accuracy of site suitability by the GWLR. The geographically weighted coefficient estimates of the model are nonstationary, and reveal that different site suitability is associated with the geographical location of the forest stands. The GWLR increases the accuracy of selecting suitable sites by considering the geographical variations in the characteristics of the cultivation sites.  相似文献   

An unstructured model FVCOM(The Unstructured Grid Finite Volume Community Ocean Model) with sink momentum term was applied to simulate the tidal current field in Zhoushan Archipelago, China, with focus on the region named PuHu Channel between Putuo Island and Hulu Island. The model was calibrated with several measurements in the channel, and the model performance was validated. An examination of the spatial and temporal distributions of tidal energy resources based on the numerical simulation revealed that the greatest power density of tidal energy during spring tide is 3.6 kW m-2 at the northern area of the channel. Two parameters were introduced to characterize the generation duration of the tidal array that causes the temporal variation of tidal current energy. The annual average available energy in the channel was found to be approximately 2.6 MW. The annual generating hours at rated power was found to be 1800 h when the installed capacity of tidal array is approximately 12 MW. A site for the tidal array with 25 turbines was selected, and the layout of the array was configured based on the EMEC specifications. Hydrodynamic influence due to the deployment of the tidal array was simulated by the modified FVCOM model. The simulation showed that the tidal level did not significantly change because of the operation of the tidal array. The velocity reduction covered a 2 km~2 area of the downstream the tidal array, with a maximum velocity reduction of 8 cm s-1 at mid-flood tide, whereas the streamwise velocity on both sides of the farm increased slightly.  相似文献   

Solar radiation is often shielded by terrain relief, especially in mountainous areas, before reaching the surface of the Earth. The objective of this paper is to study the spatial structures of the shielded astronomical solar radiation(SASR) and the possible sunshine duration(PSD) over the Loess Plateau. To this end, we chose six test areas representing different landforms over the Loess Plateau and the software package of Matlab was used as the main computing platform. In each test area, 5-m-resolution digital elevation model established from 1:10,000 scale topographic maps was used to compute the corresponding slope, SASR and PSD. Then, we defined the concepts of the slope-mean SASR spectrum and the slope-mean PSD spectrum, and proposed a method to extract them from the computed slope, SASR and PSD over rectangular analysis windows. Using this method, we found both spectrums in a year or in a season for each of the four seasons in the six test areas. Each spectrum was found only when the area of the corresponding rectangular analysis window was greater than the corresponding stable area of the spectrum. The values of the two spectrums decreased when the slope increased.Furthermore, the values of the stable areas of the spectrums in a year or in a season were positively correlated with the variable coefficients of the slope or the profile curvature. The values of the stable areas of the two spectrums in a year or in a season may represent the minimum value of test areas for corresponding future research on the spatial structures of the SASR or PSD. All the findings herein suggest that the spatial structures of the PSD and the SASR are caused by the interactions between solar radiation and terrain relief and that the method for extracting either spectrum is effective for detecting their spatial structures. This study may deepen our understanding of the spatial structure of solar radiation and help us further explore the distribution of solar energy in mountainous regions.  相似文献   

This study comprehensively considered the climate, soil, terrain, and land-use type conditions suitable for Rosa damascena trigintipetala and further established an ecological suitability evaluation model of R. damascena trigintipetala in Sichuan Province, China, based on geographic information systems(GIS) and Agro-Ecological Zone(AEZ)models; then we assessed the different ecological suitability grades for this species in Sichuan Province of China and summarized the suitable land areas and spatial distribution pattern for R. damascena trigintipetala. The results show that the suitable areas(which contain highly suitable, generally suitable, and critically suitable areas) for R. damascena trigintipetala are 307.268×104 hm2, which accounts for 6.34% of the total provincial area. Results also indicate that shrub land and open forest land are the major land-use types suitable for R. damascena trigintipetala, with the suitable areas of 303.162×104hm2(6.25% of the total provincial area). An introduction test was conducted in one of the suitable areas, Xichang City, which demonstrated that R.damascena trigintipetala grows well at theexperimental sites. The quality of rose oil extracted from R. damascena trigintipetala planted in Xichang meets the Bulgaria Rose Oil Standard, thus verifying the accuracy and reliability of the ecological suitability assessment results.  相似文献   

开展特定区域水稻种植产业布局是科学制定区域农业种植产业规划的重要内容,而水稻种植适宜性评价是水稻种植产业布局的前提。本文以中国好粮油示范县——福建省浦城县为研究区,基于层次分析模型构建土壤条件、立地条件、灌排条件、气候条件和机械耕作条件5大类共21个指标的水稻种植适宜性评价体系,利用地学模型、回归模型和空间插值等方法计算、模拟评价指标空间分布数据,形成5 m×5 m分辨率的评价指标栅格数据集,基于经验指数法建立适宜度指数模型,开展精细尺度下的水稻种植环境综合适宜性评价。利用实测样点水稻产量与水稻种植环境综合适宜度指数进行分析,发现二者呈显著正相关,验证了本研究评价工作的正确性和可行性。最后利用K-means属性聚类法识别研究区水稻种植多维环境适宜性的空间模式。结果表明:① 研究区水稻种植高度适宜、较适宜、中度适宜耕地面积占全县耕地面积的84.4%,次适宜耕地仅占15.6%,耕地整体适宜性较高;② Ⅰ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性和各类指标适宜性均较高;Ⅱ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较高,但灌排条件适宜性很低;Ⅲ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较高,但立地、土壤条件适宜性较低;Ⅳ类集聚区水稻种植综合适宜性较低,灌排条件适宜性最低。本研究可为水稻种植适宜性评价提供方法借鉴,并为浦城县更合理科学地开展农业种植规划提供依据。  相似文献   

The operation and power generation of utility-scale solar energy infrastructure in desert areas are affected by changes in surface erosion processes resulting from the construction of solar photovoltaic(PV) power stations. However, few studies have addressed the interactions between solar PV arrays and aeolian erosion processes. In this study, wind flow field characteristics and the vertical distribution of sediments were investigated in the near-surface transport layer at three different locations with respect to the solar PV arrays in a 200 WM-p PV power station in the central Hobq Desert, northwestern China. The results indicate that the sediment transport varied around the panels, with the greatest transport occurring between the panels, followed by behind and in front of the panels. The sediment fluxes of all of the observation sites obey an exponential function. The secondary flow field zones formed around the PV panels: the conflux accelerating zone between the panels, the resistance decelerating zone of the under panels, and the transition zone of the rapid velocity increase in front of and behind the panels. This resulted in a greater shear force in front of the panels under the downward flow diversion effect of PV panels, and the wind erosion depressions were finally formed here. The results of this study provide information for planning better technical schemes for wind-sand hazards at solar PV power stations, which would ensure operational stability and safety in desert areas.  相似文献   

利用定性、半定量相结合的层次分析法(AHP),建立地埋管换热系统适宜性递阶层次结构模型,在野外试验、室内测试等基础数据的基础上,选取地下水埋藏深度、砂层厚度、成孔难易程度、地面沉降、热扩散率、比热容、综合热导率等7个评价指标,将东营市浅层地热能开发利用划分为适宜区、较适宜区。这是东营地区第一次利用实测数据开展浅层地热能适宜性评价,为今后的合理开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

In this paper,the performance of the classic snowmelt runoff model(SRM)is evaluated in a daily discharge simulation with two different melt models,the empirical temperature-index melt model and the energy-based radiation melt model,through a case study from the data-sparse mountainous watershed of the Urumqi River basin in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China.The classic SRM,which uses the empirical temperature-index method,and a radiation-based SRM,incorporating shortwave solar radiation and snow albedo,were developed to simulate daily runoff for the spring and summer snowmelt seasons from 2005 to 2012,respectively.Daily meteorological and hydrological data were collected from three stations located in the watershed.Snow cover area(SCA)was extracted from satellite images.Solar radiation inputs were estimated based on a digital elevation model(DEM).The results showed that the overall accuracy of the classic SRM and radiation-based SRM for simulating snowmeltdischarge was relatively high.The classic SRM outperformed the radiation-based SRM due to the robust performance of the temperature-index model in the watershed snowmelt computation.No significant improvement was achieved by employing solar radiation and snow albedo in the snowmelt runoff simulation due to the inclusion of solar radiation as a temperature-dependent energy source and the local pattern of snowmelt behavior throughout the melting season.Our results suggest that the classic SRM simulates daily runoff with favorable accuracy and that the performance of the radiation-based SRM needs to be further improved by more ground-measured data for snowmelt energy input.  相似文献   

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