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海域使用论证是取得海域使用权的一项基础工作,现行的《海域使用论证技术导则》主要适用于以行政配置方式申请用海的海域使用论证,对于市场化配置方式出让海域使用权,因为委托业主的不同和对海域利用方案的不确定性,对海域使用论证的关注点也有所不同,文章讨论对市场化配置方式出让用海的海域使用论证内容进行适当优化,主要从项目用海基本情况、用海资源环境影响分析和用海合理性分析等方面优化进行初步探讨,并提出完善海域市场化配置制度和相关的技术规范的建议。  相似文献   

本文构建了海域资源资产价值核算的理论与方法,采用市场法和收益法测算未取得使用权海域资源资产的预期纯收益,综合核算海域资源资产价值。结果表明,我国海域资源资产价值总量高,主要集中在未取得使用权海域;不同区片未取 得使用权海域的资产价格与功能类型、离岸距离和用海结构有关。通过市场法和收益法核算出的海域资源资产价格相近, 其中收益法核算的未取得使用权海域资源资产的价格较高,与我国海域资源资产市场化程度不高、近年来海域使用金征收标准 调整有关。开展海域资源资产的分类核算能够在我国现有的海域定价基础上,科学合理地评估海域资源资产的预期收益,核算未取得使用权的海域资源资产价值。应根据自然条件和规划用途开展海域资源资产的精细化管理,科学合理地定价, 并完 善资产的有偿使用和用途管制措施, 从而确保国有自然资源资产保值增值,促进海洋经济持续高效发展。  相似文献   

根据国家推行海域有偿使用制度的历程及历年海域使用管理数据,从海域有偿出让方式、海域有偿出让配套措施、海域使用金征收等方面总结了中国海域有偿使用制度实施现状。结果表明:目前,中国海域有偿出让以行政审批为主,同时,市场化方式出让工作稳步推进,沿海各地纷纷开展海域使用权招标拍卖挂牌出让工作。国家海域使用金征收逐步规范,执行2007年新海域使用金标准后,全国海域使用金征收总额大幅增加,以招拍挂方式出让海域征收的海域使用金也逐年递增。不过,填海造地用海海域使用金标准远低于毗邻土地价格,无法有效调控填海造地规模。针对海域有偿使用制度实施现状,提出了几点建议,认为海域使用金标准需要进一步细化,海域市场化出让要和严格的海域用途管制相结合,填海造地项目应该与毗邻土地捆绑出让,海域市场化出让方式暂时以招标和挂牌为主。  相似文献   

海域使用权立体分层设权是国家鼓励探索的一种用海新模式,海域空间的立体化开发利用已成必然趋势,但海域管理领域真正涉及海域使用权立体分层管理机制的系统性研究几乎没有。研究表明:国家是海域使用权立体分层设立的唯一主体;同一宗海区块空间已设定水体用海使用权可开发利用的海域空间边际外部分为客体范围;无偿划拨和有偿出让是两种常见设立方式;迭代升级行政审批程序应增加海域立体空间规划、创新空间管理体系,同时要考虑线性用海动态性;从登记客体、观测技术、登记制度、登记方法和登记内容5个维度改革创新权属登记模式;可通过研制海域使用权立体分层开发规划,赋予已设定海域使用权人优先权,支持相邻海域使用权人设立海域役权等方式协调与已设定海域使用权人权益。  相似文献   

国家海洋局于2015年启动重点区域海域使用权属核查工作,广东省湛江市霞山区是全国首批4个海域使用权属核查试点区域之一,国家海洋局南海调查技术中心承担该试点工作。文章概述海域使用权属核查具体工作情况,包括核查工作流程、核查结果和分类分析;提出对核查工作总体和各阶段的建议,为依法科学配置海域资源、提高海域审批效率和落实不动产登记要求等奠定基础,同时为开展全国海域现状调查积累经验。  相似文献   

随着国家全面推进海域资源市场化配置,海域招拍挂将成为海域使用权出让的重要形式,海域使用权价格评估是其基础性工作。文章设计建设填海造地用海一级市场海域使用权价格评估案例,利用不同评估方法对海域使用权价格进行评估,最后基于评估过程和结果对各评估方法的适用性进行分析。结果显示:假设开发法理论成熟,能很好地体现海域使用权价格的内涵,可作为海域使用权价格评估工作中最优选择的方法;成本法无法体现海域自然属性和其他影响因素对海域使用权价格的影响,且待评估海域往往为裸海,尚未有实际成本发生,因此并不适用于海域一级市场评估;成本法不适用的根源在于其忽略海域增值收益,亟须在原有计算公式的基础上增加海域增值收益。  相似文献   

为了提高海域资源利用效率,实现海域资源集约节约利用,进一步发挥市场配置资源的法定性作用,文章对如何完善海域使用权二级市场流转制度进行研究。研究表明,随着市场流转交易活动日益活跃,海域使用权二级市场存在:缺少统一的、国家层面的管理细则;市场化出让比例低;市场流通体系尚未健全;流转技术支撑相对滞后等问题亟待解决。为此,文章提出了完善海域权能、培育海域市场、加强政策引导、构建海域使用权价值评估体系等建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着国家资源管理体制改革的加快,海域资源市场化配置程度不断提高,海域招拍挂即将成为海域使用权出让的主要方式。对海域基准价格进行研究,可以科学确定海域使用权的价格,为海域资源市场化配置提供科学支撑。本文建立了海域定级和海域基准价格评估方法,并利用建立的方法评估了厦门市货运港口用海、客运港口用海、游乐场用海和游艇泊位用海的海域基准价格。结果显示,厦门市各级各类海域基准价格差异很大,各地区各类用海的海域基准价格在11.04~89.32万元/公顷之间。从区域看,同一区域不同用海类型的海域基准价格相差很大,厦门岛周边海域基准价格普遍较高,与陆域的经济发展水平相对一致;从用途看,同级别海域游艇泊位用海年均海域基准价格最高,货运港口用海最低。  相似文献   

国家积极鼓励海域使用权通过招标、拍卖或挂牌的方式取得,在珠江口海域使用管理实践中,广东省海洋行政主管部门针对地区实际,对采砂区海域使用权挂牌出让工作进行了有益的实践和探索,为国家海域使用权招拍挂工作的开展积累了一定的经验。文章在对珠江口采砂区海域使用权挂牌出让过程进行简要介绍的基础上,对存在的问题进行探讨并提出了改进的建议,以期推动该项工作的进一步完善,为海洋管理工作服务。  相似文献   

以海域物权视角探讨海砂开采海域使用权价格评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在海砂开采海域使用权价格评估中,因对海域使用权与采矿权权利边界认识模糊,不同评估人员对采矿权价款采取不同的计算处理,导致评估结果相差甚大。文章从海域物权的视角分析海域使用权和采矿权的法律属性,研究两者权利标的物的不同法律性质,从而明确海域使用权的海域是由三维空间(水面、水体、海床和底土)、地貌、水深地形、地质条件、潮流、波浪、生态环境、景观等不可分割的固有自然条件要素组成的立体空间,本质上为海域空间资源,是海砂等其他海洋自然资源的载体;海域使用权和采矿权之间的相互独立性,决定了海域使用权价格与采矿权价款间的非包含关系;因此,采用收益法评估海砂开采海域使用权价格时,采矿权价款宜以成本列入计算。  相似文献   

1.海洋生物资源量估计海洋是生物资源宝库。据生物学家统计,海洋中约有20万种生物,其中已知鱼类约1.9万种,甲壳类约2万种。许多海洋生物具有开发利用价值,为人类提供了丰富食物和其他资源。关于海洋生物资源的数量,特别是其中鱼类资源的数量,是人们十分关心的问题,生物学家曾做过许多研究,有些专家用全球海洋净初级生产力(浮游植物年产量)和以估算世界海洋渔业资源数量基础,其结果为:世界海洋浮游植物产量5000亿t。折合成鱼类年生产量约6亿t。假如以50%的资源量为可捕量,则世界海洋中鱼类可捕量约3亿t。2.…  相似文献   


The continental margin of northern Sinai and Israel, up to Haifa Bay, is the northeastern limb of the submarine Nile Delta Cone. It is made up predominantly of clastics from the Nile and its predecessors. The continental shelf and coastal plain of Israel are built of a series of shore-parallel ridges composed of carbonate-cemented quartz sandstone (locally named kurkar), a lithification product of windblown sands that were piled up into dunes during the Pleistocene. The drop in global sea level and regression during the last glacial period exposed the continental shelf to subaerial erosion and created a widespread regional erosional unconformity which is expressed as a prominent seismic reflector at the top of the kurkar layers. The subsequent Holocene transgression abraded much of the westernmost kurkar ridges, drowned their cores, and covered the previous lowstand deposits with marine sands, which were in turn covered by a sequence of sub-Recent clayey silts.

The Mediterranean coasts of Sinai and Israel are part of the Nile littoral cell. Since the building of the Aswan dams the sand supplied to Israel's coastal system is derived mainly from erosion of the Nile Delta and from sands offshore Egypt that are stirred up by storm waves. The sands are transported by longshore and offshore currents along the coasts of northern Sinai and Israel. Their volume gradually declines northward with distance from their Nile source. The longshore transport terminates in Haifa Bay where some sand is trapped, and the test escapes to deeper water by bottom currents and through submarine canyons, thus denying Nile-derived sand supply to the 40-km-long Akko-Rosh Haniqra shelf.

The sand balance along Israel's coastal zone is a product of natural processes and human intervention. Losses due to the outgoing longshore transport, seaward escape, and landward wind transport exceed the natural gains from the incoming longshore transport and the abrasion of the coastal cliffs. The deficit is aggravated by the construction of (1) seaward-projecting structures that trap sands on the upstream side and (2) offshore detached breakwaters that trap sands between themselves and the coast. The negative sand balance is manifested by the removal of sand from the seabed and the consequent exposure of archaeological remains that were hitherto protected by it.

The sediments that escape seaward from the longshore transport system form a 2.5- to 4-km-wide sandy apron adjacent to the shore that extends to where the water is 30–40 m deep. The apron's slope (0.5–0.8°) is steeper than the theoretical equilibrium slope for the median grain-size diameter in this zone (0.1–0.3 mm).

The beach sands and the apron's surficial sands are well sorted. Their grain size decreases with distance from shore, from 0.2–0.3 mm nearshore to 0.11–0.16 mm by the drowned ridge. The coarse-grained fraction consists of skeletal debris (commonly 5–12% carbonate matter) and wave-milled kurkar grains (locally named zifzif). In deeper water, the basal sands underlying the fine-grained sediment cover consist of 1- to 30-cm layers whose composition ranges from silty sands to various types of sands (fine, medium, coarse, and gravelly) to zifzif. For the most part, they contain large amounts of skeletal debris (20–60%) and small fragments of kurkar.

Two types of kurkar rock were encountered offshore: a well-sorted, fine- to medium-grained (0.074–0.300 mm) lithified dune sand with variable amounts of carbonate cement, ranging from hard rock of low permeability to loose sand; and a porous sandstone made up predominantly of algal grains and skeletal debris (calcarenite).  相似文献   

The continental margin of northern Sinai and Israel, up to Haifa Bay, is the northeastern limb of the submarine Nile Delta Cone. It is made up predominantly of clastics from the Nile and its predecessors. The continental shelf and coastal plain of Israel are built of a series of shore-parallel ridges composed of carbonate-cemented quartz sandstone (locally named kurkar), a lithification product of windblown sands that were piled up into dunes during the Pleistocene. The drop in global sea level and regression during the last glacial period exposed the continental shelf to subaerial erosion and created a widespread regional erosional unconformity which is expressed as a prominent seismic reflector at the top of the kurkar layers. The subsequent Holocene transgression abraded much of the westernmost kurkar ridges, drowned their cores, and covered the previous lowstand deposits with marine sands, which were in turn covered by a sequence of sub-Recent clayey silts. The Mediterranean coasts of Sinai and Israel are part of the Nile littoral cell. Since the building of the Aswan dams the sand supplied to Israel's coastal system is derived mainly from erosion of the Nile Delta and from sands offshore Egypt that are stirred up by storm waves. The sands are transported by longshore and offshore currents along the coasts of northern Sinai and Israel. Their volume gradually declines northward with distance from their Nile source. The longshore transport terminates in Haifa Bay where some sand is trapped, and the test escapes to deeper water by bottom currents and through submarine canyons, thus denying Nile-derived sand supply to the 40-km-long 'Akko-Rosh Haniqra shelf. The sand balance along Israel's coastal zone is a product of natural processes and human intervention. Losses due to the outgoing longshore transport, seaward escape, and landward wind transport exceed the natural gains from the incoming longshore transport and the abrasion of the coastal cliffs. The deficit is aggravated by the construction of (1) seaward-projecting structures that trap sands on the upstream side and (2) offshore detached breakwaters that trap sands between themselves and the coast. The negative sand balance is manifested by the removal of sand from the seabed and the consequent exposure of archaeological remains that were hitherto protected by it. The sediments that escape seaward from the longshore transport system form a 2.5- to 4-km-wide sandy apron adjacent to the shore that extends to where the water is 30 - 40 m deep. The apron's slope (0.5 - 0.8) is steeper than the theoretical equilibrium slope for the median grain-size diameter in this zone (0.1 - 0.3 mm). The beach sands and the apron's surficial sands are well sorted. Their grain size decreases with distance from shore, from 0.2 - 0.3 mm nearshore to 0.11 - 0.16 mm by the drowned ridge. The coarse-grained fraction consists of skeletal debris (commonly 5 - 12% carbonate matter) and wave-milled kurkar grains (locally named zifzif). In deeper water, the basal sands underlying the fine-grained sediment cover consist of 1- to 30-cm layers whose composition ranges from silty sands to various types of sands (fine, medium, coarse, and gravelly) to zifzif. For the most part, they contain large amounts of skeletal debris (20 - 60%) and small fragments of kurkar. Two types of kurkar rock were encountered offshore: a well-sorted, fine- to medium-grained (0.074 - 0.300 mm) lithified dune sand with variable amounts of carbonate cement, ranging from hard rock of low permeability to loose sand; and a porous sandstone made up predominantly of algal grains and skeletal debris (calcarenite).  相似文献   

国土资源部海洋油气资源与环境地质重点实验室成立于2007年,依托单位为青岛海洋地质研究所,该研究所是中国地质调查局直属的海洋地质事业单位,承担国家基础性、公益性的海洋地质调查研究和战略性的矿产资源调查研究工作,主要任务是开展近海及海岸带地质与矿产资源调查以及海洋地质实验和科学研究。现任学术委员会主任秦蕴珊院士,实验室主任周永青研究员。  相似文献   

涠洲珊瑚资源破坏严重   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒙蔚 《海洋信息》2001,(3):19-19
涠洲岛珊瑚资源在遭到1998年秋一场厄尔尼诺劫难后,刚恢复元气,现在又在遭受一场触目惊心的劫掠而面临毁灭。 我国是盛产珊湖的国家。主要产地在南海诸岛的台湾、澎湖、海南、涠洲等地。我国珊瑚有200多种,不仅颜色多,赤、橙、红、绿、青、蓝、紫各色齐备,五光十色,异彩缤纷,令人喜爱,而且品  相似文献   

自然资源信息化总体建设方案提出了建立自然资源“一张图”的大数据体系,海洋资源是自然资源的重要组成部分,开展海洋资源数据管理体系设计是将其有机融入自然资源大数据体系的一项基础工作.本文以现有国家海洋数据管理体系为基础,从海洋资源的有关概念和分类入手,分析了在自然资源信息化总体框架下,海洋资源数据管理体系建设的发展形势和需求,探讨了海洋资源数据管理体系总体设计思路与主体框架,并对下一步海洋资源数据管理体系的建设运行提出建议.  相似文献   

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