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沙尘气溶胶对云和降水影响的模拟研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用二维分档云模式,对比背景大气气溶胶分布,讨论了扬沙和沙尘暴天气条件下矿物气溶胶对云微物理结构、光学特性以及降水形成的影响.结果表明:扬沙和沙尘暴天气增加大气中大核和巨核的浓度,促进云中水汽的活化,使降水提前出现,暖云和冷云降水量均大幅增加,但可忽略巨核增加对云光学厚度和反照率的作用;当矿物沙尘粒子同时作为有效的云凝结核和冰核参与云的发展时,冰核浓度增加使水成物有效半径减小,抑制了暖云和冷云降水,云内存留的大量冰晶增强云的光学厚度和反照率.  相似文献   

气溶胶、云、降水相互关系是现今大气科学的前沿领域。本文总体概括了气溶胶作为云凝结核和冰核,对云宏微观物理特性及降水的影响原理研究的主要成果。并根据气溶胶自身化学性质的吸湿性,从吸湿性气溶胶和非吸湿性气溶胶两方面,重点探讨了模拟研究中,硫酸盐、海盐、沙尘、黑碳气溶胶对于云和降水的影响,以及各类气溶胶与其它类型气溶胶相比,作用于云降水的不同方式。提出之前研究工作的不足,以期为今后该方向的研究提供一些思路。   相似文献   

陈丽  银燕 《高原气象》2008,27(3):628-636
通过对吸收性矿物气溶胶在远程传输过程中引起的大气增温效应以及大气中云凝结核(CCN)和冰核(IN)浓度增加的数值模拟,发现传输过程中沙尘最大浓度出现于云底和3 km高度处(T>-5℃)时,沙尘传输导致的大核和巨核(GCCN)浓度的增加,促进冷暖云降水,并在降水效率增加和增温产生的蒸发效应的共同作用下,云的光学厚度和反照率降低;当沙尘传输层位于温度低于-5℃的层结时,沙尘作为有效的大气冰核影响云和降水的发展,在这种情况下,冰核增多导致降水减少,并使云的光学厚度和反照率增加。总的来说,沙尘传输层中吸收性矿物气溶胶越多,高度越低、厚度越大,蒸发效应越强,云的形成和发展受到的抑制作用也越强。  相似文献   

中国北方沙尘暴研究牛生杰著该书内容涉及:沙尘暴发生频次的时空分布及其变化趋势;沙尘暴热力、动力结构及近地层要素变化特征;沙漠地区的大气扩散规律和边界层结构以及起沙通量模型;沙尘气溶胶微结构;沙尘气溶胶光学特性反演及其辐射模型;沙漠地区云凝结核、冰核的时空分布规律及其对云和降水的影响。该书适用于大气物理学、大气化学、大气环境、  相似文献   

大气冰核研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李丽光  周德平 《高原气象》2011,30(6):1716-1721
大气冰核在冷云降水物理过程、人工影响天气、云和气溶胶的气候效应乃至全球变化等对大气和气候方面的研究中具有重要的意义。本文主要从大气冰核的观测方法、来源、化学组成、成冰活性、浓度时空分布及其与气象条件如天气系统、天气现象、气象因子等各方面综述了国内外近几十年大气冰核的研究进展,并在探讨国内外大气冰核研究现状的基础上,提出...  相似文献   

1960年以来东亚季风区云-降水微物理的直接观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云-降水的直接观测结果是云微物理参数化的重要依据。自1960年以来,处于东亚季风影响下的中国实施了大量对云-降水微物理参数的观测和研究,旨在加深对云-降水微物理过程的认识,从而改进数值模式中云微物理参数化方案和指导人工影响天气作业。云-降水微物理参数包括气溶胶、冰核、云滴、雨滴、冰晶、雪晶、冰雹等粒子浓度和谱分布,以及云滴、雨滴含水量等。中国已有云-降水微物理参数的成果可归纳为:(1)通常云-降水微物理粒子浓度变化较大,但总体变化有一定的范围;(2)采用Γ函数拟合云滴谱更接近实际谱,但不同拟合谱参数差异较大;(3)可用指数函数和Γ函数来拟合层状云降水雨滴谱,Γ函数拟合积云和层积混合云降水雨滴谱精度更高;(4)中国冰核浓度较高,冰核浓度随温度的降低近似成指数变化;(5)冰晶谱、雪晶谱、冰雹谱通常采用指数函数来描述;(6)通常使用荣格(Junge)和Γ函数来分段描述气溶胶粒子谱拟合误差更小。由于云-降水过程及其反馈作用描述不准确是数值模式预报结果不确定性的最大因素,中国正在不断地推进云降水的微物理观测研究,以期进一步加深对东亚季风区云-降水微物理特征的认识,从而为模式中微物理参数化方案的改进提供观测依据和科学指导。基于数值预报模式中云微物理过程参数化发展的需要,总结了中国1960年以来云-降水微物理直接观测的研究成果,可为东亚地区云-降水微物理研究及其模式参数化方案的改进提供观测依据。此外,针对云微物理参化发展的需求,结合过去已有的大量观测提出了几点建议,为今后云-降水物理综合性观测方案的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

气溶胶对云宏微观特性和降水影响的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
气溶胶—云—降水相互作用是当今大气科学研究的热点和前沿问题.概述性地回顾了气溶胶对云宏微观特性和降水影响的研究进展,分别讨论了气溶胶对层状云、对流云等典型云系的动力和微物理过程的影响,总结了国内外研究关于气溶胶对云宏微观特性影响的可能的物理解释.回顾外场观测及数值研究表明,气溶胶对云液态水含量、地面降水及光学厚度的影响...  相似文献   

沙尘气溶胶对大气冰相过程发展的敏感性试验   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
陈丽  银燕 《气象科学》2009,29(2):208-213
利用分档云动力学模式,研究了沙尘气溶胶输送过程中在不同大气背景环境条件下对云内冰相粒子形成、发展和降水过程的影响.通过敏感性试验发现:在背景气溶胶浓度不断增加的情况下,冰相降水率以及冰相降水在总降水量中的比例逐渐减小;只有在大陆性云和污染严重的地区,含有一定比例可溶性物质的沙尘粒子提高了大气中的巨核浓度,使云中冰相降水质粒提前出现,有利于降水的形成.另一方面,当把不可溶矿物气溶胶粒子作为有效的大气冰核参与云降水形成的物理过程时,由矿物气溶胶引起的大气冰核浓度增加在一定程度上抑制云中冰相降水质粒的发展,部分抵消巨核对降水的促进作用.  相似文献   

用滤膜法观测大气冰核的静力扩散云室本项目是在中国气象局云物理基金资助下完成的。它是通过模拟冰核活化环境对大气冰核(或人工冰核)浓度进行观测,研究冰核活化机制,为云物理和人工影响天气的研究提供基本参数的设备。该设备由大气气溶胶粒子滤膜取样器、扩散云室及...  相似文献   

影响云和降水的动力、热力与微物理因素的研究概述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
廖菲  洪延超  郑国光 《气象》2006,32(11):3-11
由于云和降水的发生、发展是大气动力、热力过程与云中微物理过程相结合的产物,因而受到这些过程的共同制约和影响。为了更加详细地了解影响云和降水的动力、热力与微物理因素,分别从3个方面概要性地进行了阐述。(1)动力作用对云和降水发展的影响:主要讨论了风切变、天气系统抬升、地形动力作用和湍流的作用等因素的作用。(2)影响云和降水发展的热力因素:分别对热力扰动、潜热的作用、辐射作用等做了分析。(3)微物理过程对云和降水发展的影响:主要从微物理过程对动力热力过程的影响、带电过程对云降水粒子的影响、以及微物理过程对云降水影响的相对重要性等方面进行讨论。并在最后扼要地指出了在研究云和降水问题时,将动力、热力过程和微物理过程结合起来研究的必要性。  相似文献   

飞机观测是云中粒子相态、分布和转化特征的重要探测技术。我国云降水物理飞机观测开始于20世纪60年代,经过60多年的发展,在飞机平台、机载测量技术、云微物理结构和降水形成机制认识等方面均取得了长足进步。发现积层混合云中对流泡区具有更高的过冷水含量,凇附增长起重要作用,符合“播撒-供给”降水形成机制,而在层云区,当云厚度较小时,过冷水含量很少,冰雪晶的凝华、聚并增长起主导作用,并不符合“播撒-供给”降水形成机制,而当云厚度较大时,过冷水含量较为丰富,凝华、聚并和凇附增长起主导作用,基本符合“播撒-供给”降水形成机制;我国北方冬季降雪过程的形成机制主要是凝华-聚并机制,只有在水汽非常充足、云较厚的情况下,凇附增长过程才具有重要作用。近年虽然在人工影响天气播撒效应、数值模式云物理过程验证、卫星及雷达遥感数据检验、对流云结构观测等方面也取得了一些进展,但仍较薄弱,亟待加强。  相似文献   

气溶胶的时空分布及其核化成云的转化过程是云降水物理研究的重点,也是气候变化中气溶胶间接效应关注的热点问题。利用2013~2014年期间在华北中部山西地区开展的9架次夏季晴天和积云天气情况下的气溶胶、云凝结核(CCN)及云滴数浓度观测资料,分析研究了气溶胶的垂直分布、谱分布、来源特征及其与云凝结核、云滴数浓度的转化关系。研究结果表明,大气边界层逆温层结对气溶胶、CCN垂直分布有重要影响,不同天气条件下气溶胶谱型在低层差异较大而高层基本一致;垂直方向上CCN数浓度与气溶胶数浓度有较好的相关性,过饱和度0.3%条件下CCN比率(云凝结核/凝结核)与气溶胶有效直径呈线性关系;积云云下气溶胶与云滴的线性拟合方程为y=1.3x?616.3,拟合相关系数为0.96,气溶胶转化为云滴的比率可达到47%。在过饱和度0.3%条件下,云下CCN与云滴的线性拟合方程为y=1.6x?473.8,拟合相关系数也为0.96,CCN转化为云滴的比率可达到69%。  相似文献   

This study performed a three-dimensional regional-scale simulation of aerosol and cloud fields using a meso-scale non-hydrostatic model with a bin-based cloud microphysics. The representation of aerosols in the model has been improved to account for more realistic multi-modal size distribution and multiple chemical compositions. Two case studies for shallow stratocumulus over Northeast Asia in March 2005 were conducted with different aerosol conditions to evaluate model performance. Improved condensation nuclei (CN) and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) are attributable to the newly constructed aerosol size distribution. The simulated results of cloud microphysical properties (cloud droplet effective radius, liquid water path, and optical thickness) with improved CN/CCN number are close to the retrievals from satellite-based observation. The effects of aerosol on the microphysical properties of shallow stratocumulus are investigated by model simulation, in terms of columnar aerosol number concentration. Enhanced aerosol number concentration results in increased liquid water path in humid case, but invariant liquid water path in dry case primarily due to precipitation occurrence. The changes of cloud microphysical properties are more predominant for small aerosol burden than for large aerosol burden with the retarded changes in cloud mass and size due to inactive condensation and collision-coalescence processes. Quantitative evaluation of sensitivity factor between aerosol and cloud microphysical properties indicates a strong aerosol-cloud interaction in Northeast Asian region.  相似文献   

Aerosol–cloud–radiation interactions represent one of the largest uncertainties in the current climate assessment. Much of the complexity arises from the non-monotonic responses of clouds, precipitation and radiative fluxes to aerosol perturbations under various meteorological conditions. In this study, an aerosol-aware WRF model is used to investigate the microphysical and radiative effects of aerosols in three weather systems during the March 2000 Cloud Intensive Observational Period campaign at the US Southern Great Plains. Three simulated cloud ensembles include a low-pressure deep convective cloud system, a collection of less-precipitating stratus and shallow cumulus, and a cold frontal passage. The WRF simulations are evaluated by several ground-based measurements. The microphysical properties of cloud hydrometeors, such as their mass and number concentrations, generally show monotonic trends as a function of cloud condensation nuclei concentrations.Aerosol radiative effects do not influence the trends of cloud microphysics, except for the stratus and shallow cumulus cases where aerosol semi-direct effects are identified. The precipitation changes by aerosols vary with the cloud types and their evolving stages, with a prominent aerosol invigoration effect and associated enhanced precipitation from the convective sources. The simulated aerosol direct effect suppresses precipitation in all three cases but does not overturn the aerosol indirect effect. Cloud fraction exhibits much smaller sensitivity(typically less than 2%) to aerosol perturbations, and the responses vary with aerosol concentrations and cloud regimes. The surface shortwave radiation shows a monotonic decrease by increasing aerosols, while the magnitude of the decrease depends on the cloud type.  相似文献   

During the 2nd Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE‐2), relationships between stratocumulus cloud properties and aerosols were examined. Here, the relevant measurements including the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activation spectrum, updraft velocity, cloud microphysical and aerosol properties are presented. It is shown that calculations of droplet concentration based on updraft velocity and the CCN activation spectrum are consistent with direct observations. Also discussed is an apparent disparity among measurements of the CCN activation spectrum, the accumulation mode size distribution, and the composition of the submicrometric aerosol. The observed consistency between CCN, updraft and cloud droplets is a necessary refinement; however, extended analyses of the ACE‐2 data set are needed to guide improvements in model simulations of the interaction between aerosols and cloud microphysics. In particular, there is need for an examination of aerosol size spectra and chemical composition measurements with a view towards validating droplet activation schemes which relate the aerosol and cloud dynamical properties to cloud albedo.  相似文献   

2014年8月15日,山西省人工降雨防雹办公室在山西忻州开展了气溶胶和浅积云的飞机观测,本文利用机载云物理资料,详细分析了华北地区气溶胶、云凝结核(CCN)和浅积云微物理特性及其相互影响。主要结论有:(1)此次过程的边界层高度约为3600 m,不同层结情况下,0.1~3 μm尺度范围内的气溶胶粒子浓度Na、有效直径Da和CCN数浓度的垂直廓线明显不同,近地面Na可达2500 cm?3。(2)CCN的主要来源为积聚模态、爱根模态或者核模态的气溶胶颗粒,0.2%过饱和度下,气溶胶活化率(AR)在各高度层的结果变化不大;0.4%过饱和度下,AR随着高度增加而降低。(3)后向轨迹模式分析表明,2 km以下的气溶胶主要来自于当地城市排放,由细颗粒污染物组成;2 km以上的气溶胶主要来源于中国西北和蒙古地区的沙漠,由亚微米沙尘组成,溶解度相对较低,可作为潜在的冰核。(4)本文细致分析了两块相邻浅积云(Cu-1和Cu-2)的云物理特性。Cu-1云底高度约4500 m,云厚约600 m,云体松散,夹卷较多;云中液态含水量(LWC)基本保持在0.5 g m?3,云粒子浓度Nc平均值为278.3 cm?3,云滴有效直径Dc整体在15 μm以内;毛毛雨滴粒子浓度最大值为0.002 cm?3,云中几乎无降水粒子;粒子谱宽随着高度增加而增大,主要集中在30 μm以内。Cu-2云底高度约3900 m,云厚约1200 m,云体密实;云中过冷水丰沛,LWC有多个超过1 g m?3的区域,云顶附近出现冰晶,云中粒子从凝结增长状态直接进入到混合相态;积云内部粒子水平分布不均,同一高度Nc相差较大,最大可达1240 cm?3。Dc随着高度增加而增大;粒子谱宽随着高度增加而拓展,最大可达1100 μm,谱型由单峰向多峰转变;降水粒子和冰晶图像大多为霰粒子、针状和板状。  相似文献   

In recent years, an increase in the number of anthropogenic aerosol particles has raised the global mean content of aerosol particles in the atmosphere from that of preindustrial times. The indirect effects of aerosols on weather and climate cannot be ignored. In this paper, the fifth generation Pennsylvania State University (PSU)?CNational Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model (MM5) is used to simulate Typhoon Chanchu (international designation: 0601), which affected the northwest Pacific. Simulations are conducted in three two-way nested domains with Mercator map projection. The horizontal grid resolutions of the three domains are 27, 9, and 3?km. A period of 60?h is simulated. Surface and rawinsonde conventional observation data and ocean wind data are additionally incorporated into the initialization data. A control (CTL) experiment is run to produce a reasonable forecast. We change the parameter of the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration (CNP) in the Reisner-2 scheme of the CTL experiment (the default value is 100?cm?3) to conduct two sensitivity experiments. They are the very clean marine (VCM) CNP experiment (CNP?=?25?cm?3) and the severe contamination (SC) CNP experiment (CNP?=?1,000?cm?3). We investigate the effects of the CNP on Typhoon Chanchu by comparing and analyzing the simulation results of the three experiments in terms of the track, intensity, precipitation, vertical structure, and microphysical processes. The main results show that Typhoon Chanchu slightly weakens as the CNP increases. Increasing the CCN to 1,000?cm?3 results in less graupel, rainwater, and cloud ice but more cloud water. However, the mixing ratio of snow does not distinctly change as the CNP changes. Increasing the CCN leads a rapid decrease in the autoconversion of cloud water to rainwater. There is no autoconversion of cloud water to rainwater in a seriously polluted continental air mass. As the CNP increases, there is more condensation, evaporation, accretion of cloud water by rainwater, and precipitation fallout. Finally, a seriously polluted continental air mass can result in distinctly lower precipitation efficiency.  相似文献   

This study investigates aerosol indirect effects on the development of heavy rainfall near Seoul, South Korea, on 12 July 2006, focusing on precipitation amount. The impact of the aerosol concentration on simulated precipitation is evaluated by varying the initial cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) number concentration in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Double-Moment 6-class (WDM6) microphysics scheme. The simulations are performed under clean, semi-polluted, and polluted conditions. Detailed analysis of the physical processes that are responsible for surface precipitation, including moisture and cloud microphysical budgets shows enhanced ice-phase processes to be the primary driver of increased surface precipitation under the semi-polluted condition. Under the polluted condition, suppressed auto-conversion and the enhanced evaporation of rain cause surface precipitation to decrease. To investigate the role of environmental conditions on precipitation response under different aerosol number concentrations, a set of sensitivity experiments are conducted with a 5?% decrease in relative humidity at the initial time, relative to the base simulations. Results show ice-phase processes having small sensitivity to CCN number concentration, compared with the base simulations. Surface precipitation responds differently to CCN number concentration under the lower humidity initial condition, being greatest under the clean condition, followed by the semi-polluted and polluted conditions.  相似文献   

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