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一边是蒜苗、菠菜、生菜等各种时令蔬菜,一边的猪圈内有五头将要出栏的肥猪.猪圈旁边是沼气池,沼气池为水泥结构,圆锥形,上边留一个直径有半米的圆孔以便向内填充植物垃圾和秸秆,其余的地方用土填好以后还可以种上菜,墙根没有硬化的地方,还零落地留着苦瓜、南瓜的枯藤.这是日前笔者在修武县城关镇河北辛庄村民范庆河家中看到的景象.  相似文献   

这是一个令人振奋的喜讯. 据河南省国土资源厅于2007年9月5日召开的新闻发布会透露,截至8月底,全省已有4个省辖市、53个县(市、区),在经历了一年多的艰苦、细致工作后,终于关闭了辖区内的所有砖瓦窑厂,与"秦砖汉瓦"彻底告别.让我们记住吧,记住这4个省辖市的名字.它们分别是:漯河市、安阳市、鹤壁市、焦作市.让我们记住吧,记住这53个县(市、区)的名字.它们中有:舞阳县、临颍县、召陵区、文峰区、淇滨区、修武县、孟州市、伊川县等.  相似文献   

法国有许多在世界上驰名的标志性建筑或胜地,仅巴黎就有卢浮宫、凡尔赛宫、凯旋门、埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院等.笔者这里要说的是那条尽人皆知的香榭丽舍大街. 一些历史性的建筑往往标志着一个城市或地区的文化含量.而一条大街则常常标志着这一个城市或地区经济上的繁荣.如美国纽约的华尔街金融大街;日本的银座和日本桥商业街;我国北京的王府井商业大街,都成为这个城市甚至国家的代表.香榭丽舍大街则是巴黎乃至法国的代表.  相似文献   

浙东大地,河山锦绣,景奇色美.其中许多景区藏而不露,少为世人所知,东海之滨的桃渚便是一例. 桃渚景区是8000万年前火山喷发而形成的独特的火山遗迹地貌,即喀斯特地貌.山上古洞幽壑遍布,奇岩秀石突兀,断崖索桥点缀,处处皆是大自然的神来之笔,令人叹为观止.与天台、雁荡等名山大川相比,亦毫不逊色.怪不得当年文天祥逃出元军的囚禁,落荒从海道经桃渚时,被桃渚雄奇瑰丽的风景所感动,情不自禁赋诗赞美:"海上仙子国,邂逅寄孤蓬.万象图画里,千崖玉界中."  相似文献   

亲爱的读者朋友,正所谓"春风送佳音,百花迎宾来".当您在办公室里、在田间地头、在行进的火车上捧起本期杂志时,您可能会有一个惊奇的发现:几年来,您一直热情关注和钟爱的《河南国土资源》杂志,经国家新闻出版署批准,已正式更名为《资源导刊》了.我国期刊园林又盛开了一朵鲜艳的花朵.  相似文献   

嵌入式技术以及信息技术的发展使得越来越多的设备接入网络成为可能,这两项技术的融和具有广泛的应用前景.首先分析了嵌入式系统网络化的需求,结合对嵌入式操作系统Vxworks和对ARM芯片的研究,分析了相关网络协议,最后提出构建嵌入式WebServer的软硬件解决方案.  相似文献   

A field monitoring system was established in an active river bank landslide in the Three Gorges area, China, and a consecutive monitoring for about 5 years were conducted to understand the displacement characteristics of flexible piles and the surrounding soil. It was found that piles deformed elastically under reservoir operation, and the soil in front of piles was gradually separated from piles. The movement of the pile heads exceeded that of the soil between and behind piles. This phenomenon was further studied by a large-scale physical model test to gain insights into the pile-soil interaction. The displacement relationship between pile heads and the surrounding soil is in good agreement with the field data. The physical model test shows that the deformation process of pile-reinforced landslides can be divided into two stages: firstly, when the piles head movement exceeds soil movement, the soil arching is mainly affected by the deflection of the piles, the arches between and behind piles bent upwards;but when the soil movement exceeds piles head movement, the arches near the upslope and downslope bent downwards and upwards, respectively. Furthermore, the different deformation of two adjacent piles and the pile stiffness influenced the arch’s shape and formation;the flexible piles exhibit great coordinated deformation with the landslide, and caused the soil arch on the downslope.  相似文献   

在嵌入式产品开发中,除操作系统之外,开发人员关注最多的一个系统软件组件就是图形支持系统.只要是面向人机交互的嵌入式产品,就涉及到文字或者图形的输出.通过比较各种嵌入式Linux平台上的GUI系统的结构和特点,最终选定了MiniGUI作为研究对象.重点研究并实现了MiniGUI在嵌入式Linux上的移植以及Thttpd的GUI控制界面的实现方法及过程,最终在MagicARM2410开发板上成功实现了Thttpd的GUI控制界面.通过GUI界面能够实现对Thttpd的启动、停止、重新启动的功能,实现了GUI控制界面的用户登录限制而且允许用户在登录后更改用户密码.  相似文献   

2008年,各市、县(市、区)国土资源局不断加强宣传工作,广大干部职工积极为本刊撰写稿件,宣传国土资源法律法规和国土资源管理工作。与往年相比,2008年基层来稿量大幅上升,稿件质量也有明显提高。现将2008年度各省辖市和各县(市、区)的来稿发表情况公布如下(排名以总字数为准)。  相似文献   

The growth, metabolism and physiological response of the sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, were investigated during periods of inactivity. The body weight, oxygen consumption rate (OCR), activities of acidic phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (AKP), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), and content of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) in the body wall and coelomic fluid of A. japonicus were measured during starvation, experimental aestivation and aestivation. The results showed that the body weight of sea cucumber in the three treatments decreased significantly during the experimental period (P < 0.05). The OCR of sea cucumber reduced in starvation and experimental aestivation treatments, but increased gradually in natural aestivation treatment. The activities of ACP and AKP of sea cucumber decreased gradually in all treatments, whereas those of SOD and CAT as well as Hsp70 content decreased in the starvation and experimental aestivation treatments and increased in natural aestivation treatment. The sea cucumber entered a state of aestivation at 24℃. To some extent, the animals in experimental aestivation were different from those in natural aestivation in metabolism and physiological response. These findings suggested that the aestivation mechanism of A. japonicus is complex and may not be attributed to the elevated temperature only.  相似文献   

Fatty acids (FAs) provide energy and also can be used to trace trophic relationships among organisms. Sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus goes into a state of aestivation during warm summer months. We examined fatty acid profiles in aestivated and non-aestivated A. japonicus using multivariate analyses (PERMANOVA, MDS, ANOSIM, and SIMPER). The results indicate that the fatty acid profiles of aestivated and non-aestivated sea cucumbers differed significantly. The FAs that were produced by bacteria and brown kelp contributed the most to the differences in the fatty acid composition of aestivated and non- aestivated sea cucumbers. Aestivated sea cucumbers may synthesize FAs from heterotrophic bacteria during early aestivation, and long chain FAs such as eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) that produced from intestinal degradation, are digested during deep aestivation. Specific changes in the fatty acid composition of A. japonicus during aestivation needs more detailed study in the future.  相似文献   

Estivation, hibernation, and starvation are indispensable inactive states of sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus in nature and in culture ponds. Generally, temperature is the principal factor that induces estivation or hibernation in the sea cucumber. The present study provided insight into the physiological adaptations of A. japonicus during the three types of inactivity (hibernation, estivation, and starvation) by measuring the oxygen consumption rates (Vo2) and biochemical compositions under laboratory conditions of low (3°C), normal (17°C) and high (24°C) temperature. The results show that the characteristics of A. japonicus in dormancy (hibernation and estivation) states were quite different from higher animals, such as fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, but more closely resembled a semi-dormant state. It was observed that the shift in the A. japonicus physiological state from normal to dormancy was a chronic rather than acute process, indicated by the gradual depression of metabolic rate. While metabolic rates declined 44.9% for the estivation group and 71.7% for the hibernation group, relative to initial rates, during the 36 d culture period, metabolic rates were not maintained at constant levels during these states. The metabolic depression processes for sea cucumbers in hibernation and estivation appeared to be a passive and an active metabolic suppression, respectively. In contrast, the metabolic rates (128.90±11.70 μg/g h) of estivating sea cucumbers were notably higher (107.85±6.31 μg/g h) than in starving sea cucumbers at 17°C, which indicated that the dormancy mechanism here, as a physiological inhibition, was not as efficient as in higher animals. Finally, the principle metabolic substrate or energy source of sea cucumbers in hibernation was lipid, whereas in estivation they mainly consumed protein in the early times and both protein and lipid thereafter.  相似文献   

The sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus, undergoes aestivation to improve survival during periods of high-temperature. During aestivation, the metabolic rate is depressed to reduce the consumption of reserved energy. We evaluated the role of epigenetic modification on global gene silencing during metabolic rate depression in the sea cucumber. We compared the expression of epigenetic modifiers in active and aestivating sea cucumbers. The expression of three genes involved in DNA methylation and chromatin remodeling (DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferase 1, Methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2), and Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 5) was significantly higher during aestivation (Days 20 and 40). Similarly, we observed an increase in the expression of genes involved in histone acetylation (Histone deacetylase 3) and Histone-binding protein RBBP4) during the early (Days 5 and 10) and late phases (Days 20 and 40) of aestivation. There was no change in the expression of KAT2B, a histone acetyltransferase. However, the expression of histone methylation associated modifiers (Histone-arginine methyltransferase CARMER and Histone-lysine N-methyltransferase MLL5) was significantly higher after 5 d in the aestivating group. The results suggest that the expression of epigenetic modifiers involved in DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, histone acetylation, and histone methylation is upregulated during aestivation. We hypothesize that these changes regulate global gene silencing during aestivation in A. japonicus.  相似文献   

Sea cucumbers, Apostichopus japonicus Selenka, were fed diets containing non-immunostimulant (basal diet), 0.2% β-glucan and 0.02% glycyrrhizin in a recirculatory water system for 45 days, and subsequently challenged with Vibrio splendidus by injection at 1.0×108 cfu / sea cucumber for 15 days. Phagocytic capacity (PC), intracellular superoxide anion production (ISAP), lysozyme (LSZ) activity and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the coelomic fluid were analyzed on the 0th, 5th, 10th and 15th days after injection. Results showed that after the 45-day feeding period, PC, ISAP, LSZ activity and SOD activity in sea cucumbers fed with dietary β-glucan or glycyrrhizin were significantly higher than in those fed with the basal diet. On the 5th day after infection, all the immune parameters examined in the sea cucumbers injected with V. splendidus decreased in value significantly. On the 15th day, PC, ISAP and LSZ activity returned to levels similar to those on the 0th day. For the sea cucumbers injected with saline, there were no significant differences in all the immune parameters examined and in the cumulative morbidity during the 15-day challenging trial. After injecting with V. splendidus, the cumulative morbidity of sea cucumbers fed with the basal diet was significantly higher than those fed with dietary β-glucan or glycyrrhizin when challenged with V. splendidus challenged sea cucumber fed with the basal diet was significantly higher than those fed with dietary β-glucan or glycyrrhizin. There was no significant difference in cumulative morbidity between the dietary β-glucan and glycyrrhizin treatments over time.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the change of digestive physiology in sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus(Selenka) induced by corn kernels meal and soybean meal in diets. Four experimental diets were tested, in which Sargassum thunbergii was proportionally replaced by the mixture of corn kernels meal and soybean meal. The growth performance, body composition and intestinal digestive enzyme activities in A. japonicus fed these 4 diets were examined. Results showed that the sea cucumber exhibited the maximum growth rate when 20% of S. thunbergii in the diet was replaced by corn kernels meal and soybean meal, while 40% of S. thunbergii in the diet can be replaced by the mixture of corn kernels meal and soybean meal without adversely affecting growth performance of A. japonicus. The activities of intestinal trypsin and amylase in A. japonicus can be significantly altered by corn kernels meal and soybean meal in diets. Trypsin activity in the intestine of A. japonicus significantly increased in the treatment groups compared to the control, suggesting that the supplement of corn kernels meal and soybean meal in the diets might increase the intestinal trypsin activity of A. japonicus. However, amylase activity in the intestine of A. japonicus remarkably decreased with the increasing replacement level of S. thunbergii by the mixture of corn kernels meal and soybean meal, suggesting that supplement of corn kernels meal and soybean meal in the diets might decrease the intestinal amylase activity of A. japonicus.  相似文献   

Optimal stocking densities were investigated for the sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus Selenka under feed-supplement and non-feed-supplement regimes in net enclosures for 333 d. Substantial weight loss occurred during the aestivation phase (AE). Decreased growth rates were also observed during the winter phase (WT). In contrast, sea cucumbers showed rapid growth during the spring (SP) and autumn (AU) phases. Feeding regimes considerably influenced the growth performance, i.e., sea cucumbers grew faster under feed-supplement regime than under non-feed-supplement regime (P < 0.05). The average survival rates of sea cucumbers under feed-supplement regime were higher than those under non-feed-supplement regime for both the autumn phase and spring phase, but the differences were only significant for the latter phase (P < 0.05). The fitted B-N curves showed that the optimal stocking densities, in terms of net production, were 22.3 ind. m-2 for feed-supplement regime and 14.1 ind. m-2 for non-feed-supplement regime.  相似文献   

The effects of a diet containing Hanseniaspora opuntiae C21 on growth and digestive enzyme activity were estimated in juvenile Apostichopus japonicus. Groups of sea cucumbers were fed diets containing H. opuntiae C21 at 0(control), 10 4, 10 5, and 10 6 CFU(colony-forming units)/g feed. Results showed that after 45 d the specific growth rate(SGR) of sea cucumbers fed a C21-supplemented diet at 10 4 CFU/g feed was significantly higher than that of the control( P 0.05). Intestinal trypsin and lipase activities were significantly enhanced by C21 administration at 10 4 and 10 5 CFU/g feed compared with the control( P 0.05). After feeding for 23–42 d, C21 was demonstrated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis to be present in the intestine of sea cucumbers. In addition, after feeding the C21-supplemented diets for 15 d, the sea cucumbers were switched to an unsupplemented diet and C21 was confirmed to be capable of colonizing the intestine for at least 31 d after cessation of feeding. In conclusion, C21 was shown to successfully colonize the intestine of juvenile A. japonicus via dietary supplementation, and improve growth and digestive enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The marine yeast strain N13d, producing an extracellular amylase, was isolated from the deep sea sediments of the Pacific Ocean. This strain was identified to be Aureobasidium pullulans by 18S rRNA gene sequence analysis and routine yeast identification methods. The optimal sea water medium for amylase production by this yeast strain was 1.0% peptone and 1.0% soluble starch with pH 4.0. The optimal conditions for amylase production by this yeast strain were with temperature 28 °C, aeration rate 6 Lmin−1 and agitation speed 250 rmin−1. Under these conditions, 58.5 units of amylase activity per mg protein were produced within 56 h of fermentation.  相似文献   

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