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基于RS与GIS的南汇东滩围垦研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RS和GIS技术是滩涂围垦监测最经济和有效的方法之一。本文基于1983年以来多期遥感影像,解译出了不同时期人工岸线的位置,在此基础上利用GIS技术分析了近30年来南汇东滩的围垦过程及其与滩涂淤涨速率的关系。结果表明,近30年来南汇东滩的围垦过程呈现"由慢至快"的发展趋势,经历了"缓慢—稳步—高速"三个发展阶段:(1)1983~1995年年均围垦速率约1.23km2/a,圈围速率较小;(2)1995~2000年为7.95km2/a,围垦速率处于稳步增长阶段;(3)2002~2005年为35.27km2/a,是围垦速率最大的阶段。2002年以前,围垦速率与滩涂淤涨速率基本一致,2002年之后,围垦速率远大于滩涂淤涨速率。本文认为8km2/a是南汇东滩适宜的围垦速度。2002年之后南汇东滩的快速围垦并没有导致上海整体滩涂面积的减少,围垦可不囿于局部滩涂面积的稳定,以全市总体滩涂面积和湿地水平的动态平衡,可为滩涂资源开发利用提供现实选择。  相似文献   

认识崇明东滩岸线的演变规律,对于崇明东滩湿地的保护和利用具有重要意义。利用面向对象的方法,选取1987年至2006年中的6景Landsat-5 TM卫星影像数据,解译出对应年份的东滩岸线。为了对较复杂的非平直岸线的变化进行建模,提出了基于地形梯度的正交断面方法,构建了基于图形学的分析预测模型,对岸线的演变进行分析,预测了2010年和2015年的岸线位置。结果显示:(1)崇明东滩以东南角节点为界,分为南侧的侵蚀岸段和其余的淤涨岸段,总体淤涨速率有减慢趋势,最大侵蚀速率为22.0 m/a,最大淤涨速率为247.2 m/a;(2)北侧自东旺沙水闸向东约4 km长的岸段存在明显的冲淤交替现象;(3)岸线演变受抑制区段都位于东滩两侧岛影缓流区的边界;(4)由于岸外东南侧发育有10 m深槽,除非有特殊的水动力条件出现,东滩未来的岸线将偏向东北方向演变。  相似文献   

环渤海海平面上升与三角洲湿地保护   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26       下载免费PDF全文
环渤海地区三角洲是我国滨海重要的湿地发育区,在淤泥质滩地型湿地上发育着众多的动、植物群落,成为若干珍稀水禽的栖息地。从地面垂直形变与潮位资料等分析,黄河三角洲和辽河三角洲的地面下降速率为3~4mm/a和3.5~4.5mm/a,而相对海平面上升速率为45~5.5mm/a和5~6mm/a,预计至2050年总体的相对海平面上升量可达40~55cm。海平面上升对三角洲湿地的影响首先是直接淹没大片农田、油井和市区,其次是加剧海岸线的侵蚀与后退,还有风暴潮与洪涝灾害的加剧。针对三角洲湿地生态系统所面临的生态风险与人为活动干扰,有必要采取更加科学合理的保护与开发模式。本文介绍了生境更新与湿地调整的管理策略,以及淤长型滨海湿地的滚动开发模式。交替采用“渐进”与“跃进”的滚动开发,可保持湿地总量的动态平衡,有利于三角洲的可持续发展。  相似文献   

潮间带周期性淹水区域水深、流速的变化过程是潮滩水动力过程的基本组成部分,也是潮流与泥沙相互作用的基础。通过2002年4月至2003年1月4个季节的野外实测,获得了平静天气条件下,崇明东滩滩面潮流水深、流速与流向的变化过程数据。结果表明,崇明东滩盐沼和邻近光滩处涨潮历时均小于落潮历时,水深过程变化呈现出“陡涨缓落”的特点。光滩与盐沼交界处光滩一侧流速过程呈“双峰型”特征,涨落潮均出现流速峰值;盐沼(植物生长期)流速过程具有“单峰型”特点,仅在涨潮初出现峰值。研究区潮流不对称性明显,主要表现为涨潮优势,且由光滩向盐沼上部不断增强,潮沼植物和地形变化是加强盐沼区涨潮优势的主要原因。流速变化过程的差异和潮流不对称性使盐沼区域发生稳定的泥沙淤积,盐沼前缘光滩则会出现较频繁的冲淤变化,平静天气条件下,它们是控制崇明东滩泥沙输移和潮滩动力地貌过程的动力基础。  相似文献   

长江中游洪灾形成的地学分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
地质地貌条件是长江中游洪灾形成的背景条件,近代洪水位不断上升是人-地不和谐作用下流域环境系统演化的结果.人类作用导致的多流归槽改变了长江中游河流的地貌过程和水文特性,致使洪水过程显著;大堤修筑导致堤外河漫滩出现泥沙加积,自1650年荆江大堤合拢以来,边滩总体淤积厚度为2.8~11.0m,平均淤积速率12.54~25.64mm/a;围湖造田导致江汉-洞庭平原蓄洪空间减少和"小水大灾"局面的形成;漫滩筑堤围垸严重影响了长江行洪,仅荆江段就有围筑的民垸84个,总面积为4895.95km2,民垸面积是泄洪面积的近9倍.因此,在认识自然规律的基础上,正确协调人-地-水关系,重建良性循环的流域环境系统,是解决长江中游的水患的根本出路.  相似文献   

龚士良  杨世伦 《水文》2007,27(5):78-82
长江口入海泥沙的淤积是上海后备土地资源的重要来源,分析岸带冲淤的演变.有助于对岸带经济圈特别是围垦促淤地区因经济工程活动引发的地面沉降问题的剖析。本文以上海崇明东滩为例,分析30年来的冲淤变化及未来趋势,并据此对新近沉积土的地面沉降效应作简要阐述。  相似文献   

在全球气候变化背景下,不断上升的海平面和地面沉降使黄河三角洲面临着严峻的海水淹没风险,对未来黄河三角洲的可持续发展造成威胁。预估黄河三角洲由于地面沉降而造成的相对海平面变化有助于深入认识当前海水淹没风险,并可以及时采取措施应对。首先,基于小基线集干涉测量技术得到2016年2月至2019年9月的平均沉降速率,利用水准数据进一步提高InSAR结果精度,补偿后最大平均沉降速率达-357 mm/a,结合高分影像的目视解译发现地面沉降的主要原因为地下卤水和油气的开采。其次,结合沉降点分布发现自然沉积作用对沿岸沉降影响还在继续。最后,使用有源算法,结合地面沉降结果和IPCC AR6中SSP2-4.5情景下海平面上升高度的置信区间建立海水淹没模型。模型结果表明:以当前沉降速率,到2030年、2050年和2100年,海水淹没面积占比分别为6.76%~6.84%、10.81%~11.11%和28.71%~30.92%;当沉降速率降至当前速率的50%和25%时,海水淹没面积占比分别为5.84%~5.91%、8.20%~8.40%、19.05%~21.51%和5.34%、6.60%~6.69%、9.89%~...  相似文献   

淤地坝是黄河中游地区治理水土流失的主要措施之一.本文通过利用高精度测量的全球定位系统(GPS)动态测量技术和MAPGIS的分析功能,结合淤地坝内泥沙颗粒的沉积旋回和沉积物的分析,对内蒙南部砒砂岩分布区内一淤地坝内的泥沙淤积速率进行了定量评价,计算结果表明该淤地坝的年平均泥沙淤积总量是41651.419 t/a,年平均淤积速率是10371 t/a·km2.  相似文献   

摘 要:因鄱阳湖主湖区与毗邻碟形湖区之间存在季节性动态的连通条件,导致了主湖区和碟形湖区水体淹没状况的非一致性,这种差异造就了两者不同的生境特点。基于ESTARFM(Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Adaptive reflection fusion model)模型,通过重构2000-2020年鄱阳湖区连续的高时空分辨率水体淹没数据,分析了鄱阳湖洪泛系统淹没动态的时空变化特征及其驱动因素。研究发现,近20年来鄱阳湖洪泛系统主湖区与碟形湖区水体淹没面积多年平均值分别为1239 km2和407 km2。受湖泊淹水自然过程和人为干扰的影响,碟形湖的淹水动态在涨水期(3月)和退水期(10月)与主湖区存在明显差异。在空间上,鄱阳湖的淹没频率总体上呈“北高南低”的分布格局,主湖区和碟形湖区水体淹没频率分别为58%和36%。研究时段内,鄱阳湖洪泛系统水体淹没面积与淹没频率整体上呈减小趋势,但碟形湖区内二者均呈微弱的上升趋势。近年来,鄱阳湖流域入湖流量的增加是导致碟形湖区水体淹没面积和淹没频率呈现增加趋势的主要原因,而主湖区水体淹没面积和淹没频率的下降主要归因于长江中上游来水减少、三峡工程运行引起的长江中下游河床降低、以及鄱阳湖区大规模采砂活动引起的入江水道下切侵蚀等综合作用造成的湖泊泄流能力的增大。研究结果对于深化湖泊洪泛系统水文复杂性的认识、促进洪泛湿地系统的管理实践具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

刘红  何青  吉晓强  王亚  徐俊杰 《沉积学报》2008,26(5):833-843
通过对崇明东滩两个海滩剖面、表层沉积物和悬沙粒度以及同步水沙资料的分析,探讨波流共同作用下表层沉积物和地貌的分异规律。受波流共同作用的影响,表层沉积物中值粒径由破波带向两侧逐渐变细,分选由破波带向两侧逐渐变差,偏度由极正偏变为正偏,峭度由很窄尖变为宽平和中等峭度。由破波带向岸方向,流速逐渐减小,含沙量逐渐增加。悬沙和表层沉积物粒度特征的对比分析表明,潮间带上部的悬沙主要来源于破波带泥沙的再悬浮。破波带内泥沙以“波浪掀沙”引起的分选运移为主,而破波带两侧的泥沙以潮流对破波带水体的“平流输移”为主。以潮汐水位和高精度海滩剖面数据对崇明东滩微地貌类型按高程进行了新的划分。  相似文献   

Analysis of Holocene sediment accumulation in the Guadiana estuary (southern Portugal) during sea‐level rise since ca. 13 cal. ka BP was used to simulate the long‐term morphological evolution of the lower Guadiana estuary and the associated intertidal zone for 21st‐century predicted sea‐level rises. Three sea‐level rise scenarios given by the IPCC ( 2007 ) were used in the simulations of morphology using a large‐scale behaviour‐oriented modelling approach. Sedimentation rate scenarios were derived both from the Holocene evolution of the estuary and from a semi‐empirical estimation of present‐day sediment aggradation. Our results show that the net lateral expansion of the intertidal zone area would be about 3–5% of the present intertidal zone area for each 10 cm rise in sea level. Under constraints imposed by the lack of fluvial sediment supply, the lateral expansion of the landward boundary of the intertidal zone will occur mainly in the Portuguese margin of the Guadiana estuary, while submergence of the salt marshes will occur in the Spanish margin. Therefore the Spanish margin is highly vulnerable to both sea‐level rise and lack of sediment supply. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

天津市潮间带表层沉积物的类型及其分布   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
根据在天津市潮间带地区采集的108个底质样品的粒度分析结果,划分了潮间带表层沉积物的类型,并探讨了潮间带的粒度分布特征和沉积作用。结果表明,天津潮间带可分为3个岩性区,分别以海河口、独流减河口为界,海河口以北至涧河口为片状粘土质粉砂分布区,海河口以南至独流减河口为多岩性、条带状的砂-粉砂分布区,独流减河口至歧口为片状粘土质粉砂分布区。海河口以北的潮间带是以低能潮汐作用为主的泥质粉砂潮滩沉积环境,海河口以南的潮间带是以河口沉积为主体,后经潮汐改造的潮滩环境,驴驹河-独流减河河口岸段潮间带早期水动力较强,后受到潮滩环境的改造,歧口岸段潮间带以潮滩沉积环境为主。  相似文献   

Contemporary deposition (artificial marker horizon, 3.5 years) and long-term accumulation rates (210Pb profiles, ~150 years) of sediment and associated carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) were measured in wetlands along the tidal Savannah and Waccamaw rivers in the southeastern USA. Four sites along each river spanned an upstream-to-downstream salinification gradient, from upriver tidal freshwater forested wetland (TFFW), through moderately and highly salt-impacted forested wetlands, to oligohaline marsh downriver. Contemporary deposition rates (sediment, C, N, and P) were greatest in oligohaline marsh and lowest in TFFW along both rivers. Greater rates of deposition in oligohaline and salt-stressed forested wetlands were associated with a shift to greater clay and metal content that is likely associated with a change from low availability of watershed-derived sediment to TFFW and to greater availability of a coastal sediment source to oligohaline wetlands. Long-term accumulation rates along the Waccamaw River had the opposite spatial pattern compared to contemporary deposition, with greater rates in TFFW that declined to oligohaline marsh. Long-term sediment and elemental mass accumulation rates also were 3–9× lower than contemporary deposition rates. In comparison to other studies, sediment and associated nutrient accumulation in TFFW are lower than downriver/estuarine freshwater, oligohaline, and salt marshes, suggesting a reduced capacity for surface sedimentation (short-term) as well as shallow soil processes (long-term sedimentation) to offset sea level rise in TFFW. Nonetheless, their potentially large spatial extent suggests that TFFW have a large impact on the transport and fate of sediment and nutrients in tidal rivers and estuaries.  相似文献   

基于潮间带和浅海12个柱状样粒度、地球化学元素、210Pb同位素实测数据,结合河流年代特征、岸线历史变化等资料,参照前人关于沉积相和沉积速率研究成果,对现代黄河三角洲南部潮间带及莱州湾西部海域沉积特征进行了分析。根据剩余210Pb比活度信息,综合运用历史地理学方法、沉积环境判别公式和粒度曲线变化特征,初步认识了现代黄河三角洲南部潮间带地区具体沉积年代。对柱状样的数据进行分析后,运用相关特征值定量区分了沉积物的物源。结果表明:在潮间带这样不稳定的沉积环境下,210Pbex比活度阶段性倒置的分布模式虽然无法对年代进行连续标定,但可以在很大程度上指示沉积环境变化。现代黄河三角洲南部潮间带沉积物形成时间要远早于莱州湾西部,210Pb结合沉积环境判别函数、历史地理资料以及粒度特征可以将深度102 cm、80 cm、32 cm分别标定为1929年、1934年和1947年。广利河水系在深度20 cm范围内影响沉积环境。地球化学元素相关特征值分析显示:现代黄河三角洲南部潮间带沉积物风化程度介于黄河和莱州湾南岸之间,个别微量元素富集程度与莱州湾沉积物差异明显,就沉积环境而言,与现代黄河沉积物已有所不同。  相似文献   

Tidal freshwater wetlands (TFW) are situated in the upper estuary in a zone bordered upstream by the nontidal river and downstream by the oligohaline region. Here, discharge of freshwater from the river and the daily tidal pulse from the sea combine to create conditions where TFW develop. TFW are often located where human population density is high, which has led to wetland degradation or destruction. Globally, TFW are largely restricted to the temperate zone where the magnitude of annual river discharge prevents saline waters from penetrating too far inland. The constant input of river water delivers high loads of sediments, dissolved nutrients, and other suspended matter leading to high sedimentation rates and high nutrient levels. Prominent biogeochemical processes include the transformation of nitrogen by bacteria and immobilization of phosphate. A diverse, characteristic vegetation community develops which supports a rich fauna. Biotic diversity is highest in the high marsh areas and decreases in the lower levels where tidal inundation is greatest. Benthic fauna is rather poor in diversity but high in biomass compared to other regions of the estuary. Global climate change is a threat for this system directly by sea level rise, which will cause brackish water to intrude into the fresh system, and indirectly during droughts, which reduce river discharge. Salinity will affect the presence of flora and fauna and facilitates sulfate reduction of organic matter in the soil. Increased decomposition of organic matter following saltwater intrusion can result in a lowering of wetland surface elevation. The papers assembled in this issue focus on how these tidal freshwater wetlands have changed over recent time and how they may respond to new impacts in the future.  相似文献   

渤海湾西北岸大吴庄牡蛎礁是近年来研究程度最高的礁体,天津空港物流中心牡蛎礁则是近年来新发现的礁体。该两处礁体上部的牡蛎个体内部充填的泥、个体之间的泥以及礁体上覆沉积泥层中的硅藻研究表明,礁顶上下(即礁体的上部-顶部和上覆沉积泥层的下部)均富含潮间带环境指示种的Auliscus caelatus,表明礁体发育后期和上覆沉积泥层的初期,均为潮间带环境。尽管如此,从礁顶向上覆沉积泥层转换方式在两处礁体却不相同:(1)大吴庄:Auliscus caelatus种向上逐渐减少,暗示着大吴庄剖面由礁体上部的潮间带中上部、直至上覆沉积泥层下部的潮间带上部、进一步向上覆沉积泥层上部的潮上带转化的趋势。(2)空港:牡蛎礁上覆沉积泥层出现了比例达6%~23%的河口咸水-半咸水种Achnanches brevipes,而下伏礁体内则未见该种,暗示此处泥层受河口作用显著影响。此种不同揭示了礁体停止发育的原因有所不同:在5 520cal BP时,大吴庄礁顶进入潮间带中上部,礁体经常脱离海水而发育停止;在约4 000 cal BP时,空港礁体所在位置因河流作用突然增强,在时间上看很可能是黄河改道在天津入海,古黄河携带大量泥砂入海,掩盖了潮间带的牡蛎礁而导致牡蛎礁发育停止。  相似文献   

Inactive deltas are more extensive than active deltas in most deltaic landscapes; thus, the subsurface generally is dominated by mineral sediments that rapidly accreted at different times, whereas the landscape at any one time generally is dominated by ephemeral emergent wetlands that are slowly accreting via vegetative growth. Subsidence is slow enough in most deltas that emergent wetlands, although ephemeral, can persist for millennia but accelerating global sea level rise probably will slow wetland creation in active deltas and accelerate the loss of existing wetlands in inactive deltas this century worldwide. A recent publication created confusion regarding the effects of river management on coastal Louisiana, where spatially variable subsidence is great enough in some areas to mimic extremely rapid sea level rise. I show how integrating Successional Ecology with the Delta Lobe Cycle, and correcting some omissions and errors in recent publications, clarifies the effects of river management in coastal Louisiana and provides a framework for predicting deltaic landscape dynamics worldwide. Successional Ecology provides a framework for understanding changes in natural and managed environments worldwide, whereas the Delta Lobe Cycle provides a framework for understanding river-dominated deltas worldwide. Sediment diversions are a form of river management that removes artificial barriers to river flow and are designed to mimic hydrologic conditions during the active delta stage of the Delta Lobe Cycle by focusing rapid mineral sedimentation in open water and thus creating new emergent wetlands. Freshwater diversions are another form of river management that also removes artificial barriers to river flow but are designed to mimic hydrologic conditions during the inactive stages of the Delta Lobe Cycle by reducing salinity stress over large areas of emergent wetlands and thus promoting marsh vertical accretion via vegetative growth. The Delta Lobe Cycle and both types of river diversions also create salinity gradients that simultaneously increase the sensitivity of emergent wetlands to disturbance while increasing the ability of emergent wetlands to recover from disturbance. Freshwater diversions only slow the loss of existing wetlands because the natural Delta Lobe Cycle, artificial channels that increase salinity stress, artificial ridges that increase flooding stress, and repeated disturbances eventually will cause vertical accretion via vegetative growth to become inadequate. Formally integrating these concepts might advance research and restoration in deltaic landscapes worldwide especially in the majority of deltas where inactive deltas are more extensive than active deltas.  相似文献   

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