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对中国西部大开发战略中防震减灾工作的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了防震减灾工作在中国西部大开发战略中的地位和作用 ,做好西部大开发战略中防震减灾工作的指导思想以及西部防震减灾工作的现状、问题和建议  相似文献   

充分认识四川防震减灾工作在实施西部大开发战略中的地位与作用,找准切入点,努力为实施西部大开发战略做贡献;培育生长点,为实施西部大开发战略服务,促进四川防震减灾事业和地震工作的发展;解放思想,深化改革,为服务于西部大开发战略创造条件。  相似文献   

对新世纪中国西部地震工作的思考和建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知 ,全球第二大地震活动带——欧亚地震带贯通中国西部 ,导致中国大陆 90 %以上的破坏性地震都发生在这里。同时 ,这里也是中国经济相对不太发达的区域。这是我们研究地震孕育、发生机理及过程得天独厚的有利场所。我国经济建设经过 2 0多年的改革开放 ,综合国力大大增强。我们党和政府经过充分的研究和论证 ,在 2 0世纪末作出了西部大开发的伟大战略决策。新千年、新世纪伊始 ,又传来了国家将对我国地震事业加大投入的喜讯。充分利用有利的地理条件 ,抓住历史机遇 ,加快提高我们的地震科研、监测预报 ,特别是短临预报和防震减灾能力 …  相似文献   

而立 《地球》2010,(6):43-43
随着城镇化进程的加快和西部大开发战略的推进,缺水问题正成为中国尤其是西部地区发展的一大心病,为此,承担着中国水文地质调查及相关技术研发工作的中国地质调查局水文地质环境地质调查中心进行了多年不懈的努力,取得了不少经验和成果。近日,本刊记者专访了该中心的水文地质调查室主任、水工环教授级高级工程师张福存。  相似文献   

工程地球物理检测疑难问题研究进展   总被引:4,自引:18,他引:4  
工程地球物理是应用地球物理学的一个重要分支,是地球物理科学服务于经济建设的重要窗口.近年来工程地球物理技术应用于铁路、公路、水利、电力、油气、城建等基础建设领域,在场地勘查、质量检测、病害诊治等工作中发挥着重要作用,成为一种不可缺少的高科技手段[1].随着我国西部大开发战略的推进,中、西部基础建设规模越来越大,西电东送、西气东送、南水北调西线工程等大型工程陆续开工建设,特别是高速公路的建设速度和投资规模空前惊人.2002年全国高速公路建设总投资超过2000亿元,西部高速公路的投资占有很大的比重.四川年投资超过150…  相似文献   

钟自然 《地球》2014,(8):52-54
经过长达半个多世纪的调研、摸索、技术储备和攻关,伴随经济持续发展和西部大开发战略的有力实施,盐湖,这个蕴藏着丰富资源和巨大价值的聚宝盆,正在迅速揭开神秘面纱,彻底展露她的无穷魅力,从以往的“小打小闹”进入到大规模开发的新阶段……  相似文献   

开发水利资源中应注意的一些问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着西部大开发和西电东送工程的建设,在西部地区,特别是云、桂、贵、川等地水利资源丰富的大江大河上兴建的水电站越来越多,其中有一些坝很高、库容大的水电站建在或即将建在断裂发育、构造活动强烈、地震烈度高的地区.结合铜街子水库蓄水后,其周围地区的地震活动发生了变化,同时结合发生在四川两次地震水灾,提出在开发西部地区丰富的水力资源时应注意的六个问题。  相似文献   

我国西部处于构造活动带,在水电开发过程中的地震和水库诱发地震问题一直受到公众的关注.本文对约翰·杰克逊先生“中国西部地震灾害与水电大坝”中的一些问题做了针对性的讨论,对其文章的专业性和某些结论提出了质疑.本文认为“中国西部地震灾害与水电大坝”的作者,引用的基础资料都是极小比例尺的图件,精度较差,不能作为精细论证的依据.构造板块学认为:构造板块的边缘地带,构造运动最活跃,板内次级断裂活动性就相对差些.我国西部除西藏处于板块碰撞的边缘地带外,四川、云南等大片水电能源蕴藏地属于板内构造,并非最活跃区.通过对近代地震工程学的发展和翔实的事例论证,说明他得出我国西部建坝是“灾难性后果的危险尝试”的结论是荒谬的.最后,对汶川大地震与水库诱发地震的问题进行了阐述.  相似文献   

1920年海原大震的发生是中国地震工作由古代低层次的记载进入了现代科学研究的里程碑。文章回顾了海原大震的历史事件,研究了大震发生后造成的大区域地震活动变化后果,在实施西部大开发的今天,必须重视历史经验教训,加强对抗震对策的研究。  相似文献   

水资源与城市供水   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
水是人类生存和发展必不可少的资源,中国已处于水资源短缺状态,勘探和开发水资源和节约用水和城市供水是中国发展,尤其是开发中国西部的关键所在。  相似文献   

生态保护红线划定是保障国土空间生态安全的重要举措,对保持生态系统的完整性,实现可持续发展具有重要意义.本文基于生态系统服务功能和生态敏感性对杞麓湖流域进行生态安全格局体系的构建,并开展精细化的生态保护红线划定研究,并进一步结合无人机航拍影像及实地调研成果,构建管控路径.得到结论:(1)水源涵养、水土保持、生物多样性、洪水调蓄重要性评价中的极重要区域叠加得到生态系统服务功能极重要区.者湾河、长沙河、大沙河及沟谷密度较大的山区敏感性最高,坝区整体生态敏感性较高.(2)一级生态保护红线范围包括生态极重要区域、生态极敏感区域及湖泊岸线、水库.二级生态保护红线范围包括环湖生态缓冲区、山区林地生态缓冲区及以河流为主的生态廊道.三级生态保护红线范围为生态协调区,土地覆盖以农田为主.(3)一级生态保护红线范围内的生态极敏感区应采取相关生态修复技术进行生态功能的保护.二级生态保护红线范围以生态保护为重点,保持该区域的生态环境质量.三级生态保护红线范围通过生态修复进行整体优化,提高生态环境承载能力.  相似文献   

China’s economic and social development is severely restricted by regional water deficiency, and the determination of water deficiency level in different regions is an important basis of water resource management. In this study, we zoned 32 provinces of China into five surface water deficiency levels based on surface water deficit index derived from the Chinese meteorological satellite FY-2C images. The result shows that China is facing serious water shortage crisis with only 15.44% of total area without water deficiency, which is located in the south and southeast coast. More than 60% of total area of China suffered from severe or extremely water deficiency, which are mainly distributed in western and northern regions. Jingjinji area (namely Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province), which is a special region with high amount of gross domestic product and relative abundant water resources, is suffering from severe water deficiency. It revealed that water resources were interacted with regional development and water management should consider local conditions. To Jingjinji area, water management should focus on adjustment of industrial structure, urban expansion control and scientific water resources allocation. In general, the surface water deficit index based water deficiency zoning will be of significant value to be applied in water resources management at regional scales.  相似文献   

肖锡红 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):46-50
鄱阳湖区具有相对丰富的自然资源,是江西十分重要的农产品淡水产品主产区, 对江西经济的发展起着举足轻重的作用.就这块风水宝地其经济发展总是相对滞后,部分农村社区群体甚至还生活在贫困线以下.究其原因,主要是频繁的自然灾害、资源的不合理利用导致资源减少和环境问题的日渐突出、农村生产力低下等.鄱阳湖区要实施可持续发展战略,必须解决自然灾害问题,建立鄱阳湖区自然灾害预警系统,同时大力发展替代产业,加快职业技术教育,广开致富门路,保护生态环境,加快产业升级,逐步把鄱阳湖区建设成资源高效利用的产品深加工基地和精品出口基地.  相似文献   

Regional differences and determinants of built-up area expansion in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on remote sensing data on land use provided by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and socio-economic data collected by the authors,this paper analyzes the trends and regional differences in built-up area(BUA) expansion in China from the late 1980s to 2000,and empirically estimates the major determinants of BUA expansion in different regions in 1996―2000.In 1989―2000,although China's overall BUA expansion accelerated,the trends differed significantly among regions.BUA expansion in the central and western regions accelerated significantly,but it slowed down considerably in the east-ern region.The estimation results from our econometric analysis reveal that BUA expansion in the eastern region reached a period when economic growth had no further significant impact on per capita BUA,the land utilization in this region has become more intensive with further expansion of the economy.In the central and western regions,the BUA has expanded remarkably due to the relatively more flexible land development policies and the relatively cheap land prices.Therefore,as the econ-omy continues to grow rapidly,policies relating to BUA expansion and cultivated land reductions may face more serious challenges in the central and western regions.  相似文献   

In many coastal regions oil spills can be considered to be one of the most important risks for the coastal environment. Efficient contingency management in responding to oil spills is critically important. Strategic priorities in contingency management highly depend upon the importance attributed to different economic and ecological resources such as beaches or birds. Due to the lack of a market for natural resources in the real world, these resources cannot be directly measured in monetary terms. This increases the risk that natural resources and their services are neglected in contingency decision making. This paper evaluates these natural resources in a hypothetical market by using the methodology of stated choice experiments. Results from a pilot survey show that according to the perspective of individuals, an oil spill combat process should focus on the protection of coastal waters, beaches and eider ducks.  相似文献   

Grassland fire disasters have occurred frequently and adversely affected livestock agriculture and social-economic development greatly in the grassland regions of Jilin province, China. Moreover, both the frequency of grassland fire and loss from them are considered to be increasing with the global warming and economic development. This study presents a methodology for risk analysis and assessment of grassland fire disaster, taking western Jilin province as a case study area based on geographic information system (GIS). The composite grassland fire disaster risk index (GFDRI) combined the hazard of grassland fire, the exposure of the region, the vulnerability and emergency response and recovery capability for grassland fire disaster of the region were developed to assess and compare risk of grassland fire disaster in different counties in western Jilin province, China using the natural disaster risk index method (NDRIM), analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and weighted comprehensive method (WCM). Then, the risk degree of grassland fire disaster was assessed and regionalized in the western Jilin province, China based on GFDRI by using GIS. It is shown that the most places of western Jilin province were in mediate risk. Zhenlai, Tongyu were in heavy risk. Taobei, Ningjiang, Fuyu were in light risk. The information obtained from interviewing the district official committees in relation to result compiled was statistically evaluated. The GFDRI was developed to be an easily understandable tool that can be used to assess and compare the relative risk of grassland fire disaster in different counties in t western Jilin province, China, and to compare the different relative contributions of various factors, e.g., frequency of grassland fire and quality of emergency evacuation plan. The GFDRI is specifically intend to support local and national government agencies of grassland fire disaster management as they (1) make resource allocation decisions; (2) make high-level planning decisions; and (3) raise public awareness of grassland fire disaster risk, its causes, and ways to manage it.  相似文献   

Water is a critical natural resource upon which all social and economic activities and ecosystem functions depend. With a surprising social and economic development in the past decades, water has become an important constraint for China’s sustainable development, and a matter concerning economic security, ecological security and national security of the country. Understanding the changes of water resources is greatly helpful in analyzing the impacts of climatic change, formulating plans for utilization and protection of water resources, and making water resource decisions. Based on China’s national water resources assessment, the Mann-Kendall’s test, and Morlet wavelet, we analyzed the changing trends and periods of China’s renewable water resources during 1956–2010. The results as following: (1) There is no significant change trend of water resources on the countrywide scale during the period 1956–2010, the total water resources show a slight increasing trend, and the national annual average water resources during the period 1991–2010 increased by 1% relative to that of the period 1961–1990. (2) The changes of water resources in different level-I water resource regions vary significantly. Annual average water resources of the Haihe River and Yellow River regions in the northern China decreased 19% and 17% respectively in the past 20 years. Water resource increased in Southern and Northwestern rivers regions, particularly in the Northwest rivers region, with the increasing amplitude by nearly 10% in the past 20 years. (3) The inter-annual variation of national water resource became larger in the past 20 years, as compared with that of the period 1961–1990. The coefficients of water resource variation increased in Northwestern and Southwestern rivers regions, while the inter-annual variation tended to decrease in the Haihe and the Yellow River regions where significant decline of water resources happened. (4) A 14-year quasi-periodicity of the national water resource variation was detected, overlapping with various periodicities of water resources of different level-I water resource regions. Remarkable uniformity exists between the first or secondary primary periodicity of water resource variation in adjacent level-I water resource regions.  相似文献   

为了解巢湖湖区及主要出入湖河流沉积物中重金属的污染特征,对表层沉积物中重金属元素含量进行分析,基于地积累指数法、潜在生态风险指数法和沉积物质量基准法对沉积物污染风险进行评价,并对沉积物重金属来源进行初步分析.结果表明,河流沉积物中重金属的平均含量显著高于湖区,是湖区沉积物重金属含量的1.18~5.15倍,其中南淝河Cu、Zn、Pb、As和Hg含量较高,分别是背景值的3.53、16.98、3.98、5.84和23.11倍,西半湖Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd和Hg平均含量要高于东半湖,是全湖平均的1.04~1.45倍.地积累指数法和Hkanson潜在生态风险指数法评价结果均表明,Cd和Hg是主要的生态风险贡献因子,在所调查的表层沉积物中Cd和Hg数值分别为43.17~3870.94和29.96~924.57,已处于较大风险数值.此外,源分析结果表明,巢湖湖区及主要出入湖河流表层沉积物中Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr、Hg和As相关性显著,具有相似的来源,可能来自于工业废水与生活污水.  相似文献   

蔡梅  钱旭  王元元  陆志华  张玮 《湖泊科学》2022,34(5):1493-1504
为进一步了解人类活动及环境因子对太湖磷污染的贡献,揭示磷在太湖不同介质中的迁移转化规律,本文以太湖主要入湖湖区竺山湖、西部沿岸区、南部沿岸区和主要出湖湖区东太湖为对象,调查了表层水、上覆水、间隙水和沉积物中总磷(TP)分布的概况,分析了不同介质中磷的交换特征及其影响因素. 结果表明,表层水和上覆水TP浓度基本相当,平均值均为0.10 mg/L,上覆水和间隙水TP差异较大,间隙水平均浓度约为上覆水的7倍,表层沉积物TP含量为474~2160 mg/kg. 在本研究水域中,TP具有较强的沉积物吸附特性,沉积物作为“汇”的特征明显强于其“源”的特征,且磷的留存能力高度依赖于铁浓度. 空间分布上,入湖湖区磷污染程度明显高于出湖湖区,竺山湖和西部沿岸区存在较大的底泥污染释放风险,但竺山湖外源污染影响较内源污染更加突出,应列为当前太湖磷治理重点关注的区域,建议以控源截污作为竺山湖周边区域的治理重点. 西部沿岸区需注重外源和内源污染同步控制. 南部沿岸区周边区域需妥善处理好未来经济发展与废水排放负荷的关系.  相似文献   

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