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西藏波密米堆沟泥石流堵河模型试验   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
游勇  程尊兰 《山地学报》2005,23(3):288-293
通过室内模型试验,对西藏波密米堆沟不同类型、不同规模的泥石流与主河不同频率洪水遭遇情况下,泥石流堵塞主河及溃决可能性,泥石流、洪水的危害模式进行了研究。米堆沟泥石流堵河模型试验结果表明。不同类型、规模泥石流进入主河与不同规模洪水遭遇。在交汇口表现出不同的堵溃特征;频率P=5%,重度12.74kN/H13,试验流量4.50l/S的水石流在主河仅暂时阻水。不会对主河产生堵塞和溃决;频率P:2%。重度14.70kN/m^3,模型流量8.01l/S稀性泥石流会部份阻塞主河道,瞬间完全阻塞及溃决现象不会出现;频率P=1%,重度16.66kN/ml,模型流量10.21l/S泥石流,对主河造成较为严重阻塞,但不会造成瞬间完全堵塞和溃决。  相似文献   

泥石流堵塞主河条件   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了泥石流堵河的主要影响因素,包括泥石流与主河流量比,泥石流与主河交汇角,主河宽度,泥石流体的抗冲强度和主河底床坡度.通过对这些主要因素的分析和对比,将这5个主要因素简化为4个无量纲量.针对这些无量纲参数进行了一系列的泥石流堵塞主河试验.对比本次研究和其他文献关于泥石流堵河试验的变量和结果,可以得出无量纲化的泥石流堵塞主河的临界条件.实验结果表明,泥石流堵河的临界值C≥0.87,而且当流量比小于1时难以形成堵河现象.用该堵塞主河的条件能正确判断许多原型泥石流堵塞主河事件.  相似文献   

小秦岭金矿区人为泥石流   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
1994-07-11小秦岭金矿区西峪内发生重大人为泥石流,造成51人死亡,数百人失踪,经济损失巨大.西峪内集体和个体矿点乱弃废石,堵塞沟道,在暴雨激发下,形成泥石流.目前矿区滥采、乱堆仍十分严重,部分沟段又被废石所堵塞,可能会再发生人为泥石流.  相似文献   

四川省都江堰市大干沟地震泥石流   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009-07-17,四川省都江堰市虹口乡大干沟在强降雨作用下发生滑坡堵塞沟道,在强大洪水作用下堵塞体溃决,暴发泥石流,造成2人失踪、大量农田被毁等严重灾害.这是汶川"5.12"地震引起大干沟内山体松动,在后期降雨作用下形成的泥石流,是典型的地震泥石流.这种后发型地震泥石流暴发具有一定隐蔽性,不易被察觉.大干沟在强降雨下很有可能再次暴发较大规模的泥石流,并堵塞白沙河、危害公路.  相似文献   

滑坡、泥石流堰塞湖灾害主要的成灾特点与减灾对策   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
"5·12"汶川特大地震,在灾区形成了大量堰塞湖,具有明显危害的达34处,严重地危害或威胁到上下游人民生命财产安全.为了及时有效地处置和减轻堰塞湖灾害损失,收集、分析了我国西部一些滑坡、泥石流堰塞湖灾害的形成、危害和处置的资料,启示如下:滑坡、泥石流形成的堰塞湖灾害往往较滑坡、泥石流本身的灾害更严重;滑坡堰塞湖一般较泥石流堰塞湖规模大,堵塞时间长,危害更严重;大地震既能形成滑坡堰塞湖,余震又能造成其溃决;冰湖溃决泥石流易堵塞江河,形成堰塞湖;控制或减缓湖水位上涨,尽早在水位较低时泄流是滑坡、泥石流堰塞湖首选的减灾对策.  相似文献   

夏斯塔山区的惠特尼河和波伦河、马德河、阿什河和潘瑟河流域的泥石流堆积以及发育在河床和邻近地区的木本植物提供了该区300年的泥石流频率记录。泥石流树木年轮断代的结论与文献记载的结论相一致。历史文献中没有记录的九处泥石流也都借助于树木年轮法确定了它们的年代。最早的泥石流树轮年代约在1670年。地貌和植物证据的综合研究表明,夏斯塔山区泥石流非常活跃。搬运距离在2公里以上的泥石流的频率为每百年8.3次。小型泥石流频率高但通常搬运距离不远。位于河床及邻近地区的树木形态可反映出泥石流的周期性侵蚀和堆积特征,并能揭示泥石流的频率和周期。无论小型或大型泥石流都是夏斯塔山区及其邻近地区刻蚀地表,塑造河床和形成巨大冲积扇的主要地貌外营力。  相似文献   

2016年7月6日凌晨新疆喀什地区叶城县柯克亚乡玉赛斯(六村)发生滑坡堰塞坝溃决泥石流灾害,造成36人死亡、6人失踪、7户民房被完全毁坏,其余数十间房屋和大量基础设施不同程度受损。现场调查研究表明:(1)此次灾害性泥石流形成过程为:降雨→土质滑坡→滑坡堰塞坝→堰塞湖→堰塞坝溃决→泥石流;(2)9#土质滑坡堰塞坝在持续强降雨作用下发生溃决,溃口洪峰流量达977.8 m~3/s,形成堰塞坝溃决型泥石流,致使1#土质滑坡堰塞坝发生串联溃决,其溃决洪峰流量为459.2 m~3/s;(3)泥石流断面流速为4.51-6.51 m/s,断面流量为443.2-524.7 m~3/s,泥石流堆积扇最大长度283.9 m,最大宽度234.3 m。  相似文献   

汶川地震后四川安县甘沟培溃泥石流及其对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
汶川地震诱发的大量崩塌和滑坡不仅直接为泥石流活动提供松散固体物质,还可能造成沟道堵塞.沟道内的堵塞坝虽然不像主河道上的堰寒湖那样造成大范围灾害,但溃央后却会引发大规模泥石流,给人民生命财产和基础设施等造成严重危害.以四川省安县高川乡甘沟为例,说明其造成泥石流的危害特征及防治对策.通过对甘沟自然环境背景条件的分析,发现甘沟具备泥石流暴发的地形地貌和降水条件;流域内地震诱发的崩滑体不仅为泥石流的形成提供丰富的松散固体物质,还造成沟道堵塞,形成堵溃型泥石流.甘沟已建的排导槽存在过流能力不够、槽底和侧墙已基本被破坏、弯道处未考虑超高、沟内未布置拦挡工程等问题.目前沟内由于松散固体物质充足,在一定的降水条件下,仍会再次暴发泥石流.针对甘沟的具体情况,提出了修建拦挡、重建排导槽并结合预警预报措施的防治对策,并对重建排导槽的过流断面进行了优化设计.  相似文献   

云南东川蒋家沟泥石流频率高,变化多.每场泥石流包含几十到几百个阵流,各阵流具有不同的密度、流体性质和运动形态,流量涨落达3个数量级.这些特征意味着泥石流具有很强的随机性.根据蒋家沟的演化分区和野外观测,可以发现泥石流形成于特殊的源地分支.土体活动(包括滑坡、崩塌和局部的土体流动等)随机发生在那些分支流域,如果认为各源地的土体活动是独立的,而且活动强度正比于源地的面积,那么泥石流的形成和汇流就是一个空间Poisson过程.其结果是阵流流量服从指数分布,这很好地符合蒋家沟的泥石泥观测数据.从蒋家沟泥石流的随机性可见,泥石流依赖于流域的特定源区及其分布,而不是笼统地取决于全流域的地貌或几何因子.  相似文献   

胡凯衡  李泳 《山地学报》2001,19(2):145-149
对东川蒋家沟发生的一次阵性泥石流序列进行周期性分析。然后根据分析结果,提出了泥石流发生相关的几个问题。  相似文献   

谷坊坝是泥石流治理的重要工程措施之一。化石板沟泥石流治理工程共设13座谷坊坝,组成梯级谷坊坝群;坝体主要分布在泥石流形成区和流通区,混凝土结构,轴向两端嵌入沟道两侧基岩0.5~1 m。通过对比化石板沟谷坊工程修建前后沟床纵坡比降、沟道两侧斜坡稳定性及泥石流侵蚀速率等方面的差异,证明谷坊工程能够有效拦蓄松散固体物质、稳固沟床和岸坡、降低沟道纵坡比降、降低泥石流流速和耗散流体能量、抬高沟道上游泥石流侵蚀基准面。研究发现,化石板沟谷坊坝群共拦截固体物质2.76×104 m3,仅占流域物源总量574.9×104 m3的0.5%,占近期可供给泥石流活动的物源量85×104 m3的3.3%;稳固沟床松散物质4.37×104 m3,仅占流域物源总量的0.76%,占近期可供给泥石流活动的物源量的5.2%;稳固沟道两侧坡体松散物质134.07×104 m3,占流域物源总量的23.3%,泥石流物源减少;回淤的沟道比降为原比降的60%~75%,相同频率下泥石流流速、峰值流量降低,沟道侵蚀速率下降,泥石流输沙量减少35%~57%;上游泥石流支沟侵蚀基准面抬升0.3~0.5 m。泥石流呈现从粘性到稀性,再到含沙水流的趋势发展。  相似文献   

The formation of lahars and a debris avalanche during Holocene eruptions of the Spurr volcanic complex in south-central Alaska have led to the development of volcanic debris dams in the Chakachatna River valley. Debris dams composed of lahar and debris-avalanche deposits formed at least five times in the last 8000–10,000 years and most recently during eruptions of Crater Peak vent in 1953 and 1992. Water impounded by a large debris avalanche of early Holocene (?) age may have destabilized an upstream glacier-dammed lake causing a catastrophic flood on the Chakachatna River. A large alluvial fan just downstream of the debris-avalanche deposit is strewn with boulders and blocks and is probably the deposit generated by this flood. Application of a physically based dam-break model yields estimates of peak discharge (Qp) attained during failure of the debris-avalanche dam in the range 104<Qp<106 m3 s−1 for plausible breach erosion rates of 10–100 m h−1. Smaller, short-lived, lahar dams that formed during historical eruptions in 1953, and 1992, impounded smaller lakes in the upper Chakachatna River valley and peak flows attained during failure of these volcanic debris dams were in the range 103<Qp<104 m3 s−1 for plausible breach erosion rates.Volcanic debris dams have formed at other volcanoes in the Cook Inlet region, Aleutian arc, and Wrangell Mountains but apparently did not fail rapidly or result in large or catastrophic outflows. Steep valley topography and frequent eruptions at volcanoes in this region make for significant hazards associated with the formation and failure of volcanic debris dams.  相似文献   

Aprons of bouldery diamicton frequently have been observed in concave landscape positions in the Southern Blue Ridge. Because of their relatively flat topography, large aprons often are the focus of local economic activity. An environmentally sound development of these landforms can benefit from systematic pedological studies. The present research provides characterization data, and examines spatio-geomorphic variability, for some pedons that have developed on these debris aprons under a warm to temperate humid climate. This study also compares the pedons to those derived from nearby saprolite. Thirteen pedons, located variously on the foot slopes and the apices of the aprons, were studied in three sequences of multiple deposits. The pedons typically contain high amounts of rock fragments and have clay contents that are related to age. Most pedons have lithologic discontinuities. Some of these discontinuities result from the stacking of different deposits, whereas others represent internal variations within one deposit. Because of the heterogeneity in parent material, many soil characteristics do not possess systematic trends with depth. Depth to maximum clay mass and free-iron mass accumulation, however, systematically increase from foot to apex positions, and from topographically low to high deposits. deposits. [Key words: debris flows, soils, lithologic discontinuities, Blue Ridge.]  相似文献   

In many areas of Svalbard, the Neoglacial terminal deposits represent the Holocene glacial maximum. The glaciers began the retreat from their Neoglacial maximum positions around 1900 AD. Based on high resolution acoustic data and sediment cores, sedimentation patterns in four tidewater glacier-influenced inlets of the fjord Isfjorden (Tempelfjorden, Billefjorden, Yoldiabukta and Borebukta), Spitsbergen, were investigated. A model for sedimentation of tidewater glaciers in these High Arctic environments is proposed. Glacigenic deposits occur in proximal and distal basins. The proximal basins comprise morainal ridges and hummocky moraines, bounded by terminal moraines marking the maximum Neoglacial ice extent. The distal basins are characterized by debris lobes and draping stratified glacimarine sediments beyond, and to some extent beneath and above, the lobes. The debris lobe in Tempelfjorden is composed of massive clayey silt with scattered clasts. Distal glacimarine sediments comprise stratified clayey silt with low ice-rafted debris (IRD) content. The average sedimentation rate for the glacimarine sediments in Tempelfjorden is 17 mm/yr for the last ca. 130 years. It is suggested that the stratified sediments in Tempelfjorden are glacimarine varves. The high sedimentation rate and low IRD content are explained by input from rivers, in addition to sedimentation from suspension of glacial meltwater. The debris lobes in Borebukta are composed of massive clayey silt with high clast content. Distal glacimarine sediments in Yoldiabukta comprise clayey silt with high IRD content. The average sedimentation rate for these sediments is 0.6 mm/yr for the last 2300 years.  相似文献   

Widespread till and moraines record excursions of middle-Pleistocene ice that flowed up-slope into several watersheds of the Valley and Ridge Province along the West Branch of the Susquehanna River. A unique landform assemblage was created by ice-damming and jökulhlaups emanating from high gradient mountain watersheds. This combination of topography formed by multiple eastward-plunging anticlinal ridges, and the upvalley advance of glaciers resulted in an ideal geomorphic condition for the formation of temporary ice-dammed lakes. Extensive low gradient (1°–2° slope) gravel surfaces dominate the mountain front geomorphology in this region and defy simple explanation. The geomorphic circumstances that occurred in tributaries to the West Branch Susquehanna River during middle Pleistocene glaciation are extremely rare and may be unique in the world. Failure of ice dams released sediment-rich water from lakes, entraining cobbles and boulders, and depositing them in elongated debris fans extending up to 9 km downstream from their mountain-front breakout points. Poorly developed imbrication is rare, but occasionally present in matrix-supported sediments resembling debris flow deposits. Clast weathering and soils are consistent with a middle Pleistocene age for the most recent flows, circa the 880-ka paleomagnetic date for glacial lake sediments north of the region on the West Branch Susquehanna River. Post-glacial stream incision has focused along the margins of fan surfaces, resulting in topographic inversion, leaving bouldery jökulhlaup surfaces up to 15 m above Holocene channels. Because of their coarse nature and high water tables, jökulhlaup surfaces are generally forested in contrast to agricultural land use in the valleys and, thus, are readily apparent from orbital imagery.  相似文献   

Debris flows are widespread and common in many steeply sloping areas of southern California. The San Bernardino Mountains community of Forest Falls is probably subject to the most frequently documented debris flows in southern California. Debris flows at Forest Falls are generated during short-duration high-intensity rains that mobilize surface material. Except for debris flows on two consecutive days in November 1965, all the documented historic debris flows have occurred during high-intensity summer rainfall, locally referred to as ‘monsoon’ or ‘cloudburst’ rains. Velocities of the moving debris range from about 5 km/h to about 90 km/h. Velocity of a moving flow appears to be essentially a function of the water content of the flow. Low velocity debris flows are characterized by steep snouts that, when stopped, have only small amounts of water draining from the flow. In marked contrast are high-velocity debris flows whose deposits more resemble fluvial deposits. In the Forest Falls area two adjacent drainage basins, Snow Creek and Rattlesnake Creek, have considerably different histories of debris flows. Snow Creek basin, with an area about three times as large as Rattlesnake Creek basin, has a well developed debris flow channel with broad levees. Most of the debris flows in Snow Creek have greater water content and attain higher velocities than those of Rattlesnake Creek. Most debris flows are in relative equilibrium with the geometry of the channel morphology. Exceptionally high-velocity flows, however, overshoot the channel walls at particularly tight channel curves. After overshooting the channel, the flows degrade the adjacent levee surface and remove trees and structures in the immediate path, before spreading out with decreasing velocity. As the velocity decreases the clasts in the debris flows pulverize the up-slope side of the trees and often imbed clasts in them. Debris flows in Rattlesnake Creek are relatively slow moving and commonly stop in the channel. After the channel is blocked, subsequent debris flows cut a new channel upstream from the blockage that results in the deposition of new debris-flow deposits on the lower part of the fan. Shifting the location of debris flows on the Rattlesnake Creek fan tends to prevent trees from becoming mature. Dense growths of conifer seedlings sprout in the spring on the late summer debris flow deposits. This repeated process results in stands of even-aged trees whose age records the age of the debris flows.  相似文献   

低频率泥石流灾害及工程防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王士革  范晓岭 《山地学报》2006,24(5):562-568
重现期>50 a的泥石流被定义为低频率泥石流。低频率泥石流灾害可能发生在生态环境良好的地区,并造成重大的财产损失和人员伤亡。低频率泥石流灾害具有需要大暴雨、特大暴雨、冰湖或水库(尾矿坝)溃决、火山爆发、冰雪融化、冰崩、雪崩、滑坡、地震等特殊因素激发,危害严重,难于预测预报等特点。低频率泥石流灾害应采取土木工程进行预防性治理,工程设计的要点是,在沟谷中布置坚固的大中型骨干拦挡工程,并保证有充足的拦淤库容。新型拦砂坝设计采用重力式结构,低坝群布置,浆砌石建造,在坝体上设置大孔口,具有工程投资小,就地取材,施工简单,有选择性地拦截泥沙,拦淤库容可以反复使用等优点,适合我国国情。  相似文献   

The style and degree of channel narrowing in aggrading reaches downstream from large dams is dependent upon the dominant geomorphic processes of the affected river, the magnitude of streamflow regulation, and the post-dam sediment transport regime. We measured different magnitudes of channel adjustment on the Green River downstream from Flaming Gorge Dam, UT, USA, that are related to these three factors. Bankfull channel width decreased by an average of about 20% in the study area. In reaches with abundant debris fans and eddy deposited sand bars, the amount of channel narrowing was proportional to the decrease in specific stream power. The fan–eddy-dominated reach with the greatest decrease in stream power narrowed by 22% while the reach with the least decrease in stream power narrowed by 11%. In reaches with the same magnitude of peak flow reduction, meandering reaches narrowed by 15% to 22% and fan–eddy-dominated reaches narrowed by 11% to 12%. Specific stream power was not significantly affected by flow regulation in the meandering reaches.In the diverse array of reach characteristics and deposit types found in the study area, all pre- and post-dam deposits are part of a suite of topographic surfaces that includes a terrace that was inundated by rare pre-dam floods, an intermediate bench that was inundated by rare post-dam floods, and a post-dam floodplain that was inundated by the post-dam mean annual flood. Analysis of historical photographs and tree-ring dating of Tamarix sp. shows that the intermediate bench and post-dam floodplain are post-dam landforms in each reach type. Although these two surfaces occur at different levels, they are forming simultaneously during flows of different magnitude. And while the relative elevation and sedimentologic characteristics of the deposits differ between meandering reaches and reaches with abundant debris fans and eddies, both reach types contain deposits at all of these topographic levels.The process of channel narrowing varied between fan–eddy-dominated and meandering reaches. In the meandering reaches, where stream power has not changed, narrowing was accomplished by essentially the same depositional processes that operated prior to regulation. In fan–eddy-dominated reaches, where significant reductions in stream power have occurred, channel narrowing has been accompanied by a change in dominant depositional processes. Mid-channel sand deposits are aggrading on deposits that, in the pre-dam era, were active gravel bars. These deposits are creating new islands and decreasing the presence of open-framework gravel bars. In eddies, bare sand bars are replaced with vegetated bars that have a simpler topography than the pre-dam deposits.  相似文献   

干热退化山地不同类型侵蚀沟生物生态工程治理试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冲沟是生态环境治理和控制泥石流活动的关键地段。结合云南南涧县城后山泥石流生物生态工程治理试验示范研究,总结出由土石混砌与土木筑造结构的生物谷坊,浆筑结构拦坝和谷坊等组成的沟道侵蚀治理方法,并成功地进行了相应的生物坝系建设,筛选出大叶桉,赤桉,马鹿花,台湾相思,马占相思,新叶合欢,夹竹桃等一批适宜干热生境和沟道植被恢复及防护林建设的植物种类,同时采取冲沟与谷坡同时整治,生物治理与调蓄水措施相结合的坡面治理方法。结果表明,这些生物生态工程措施对于防止沟床侵蚀,抑制泥石流活动和护床固坡效果显著。  相似文献   

次仁拉姆 《山地学报》2006,24(B10):240-244
泽错公路是西藏自治区主骨架公路网络“六大通道”之一,由于该区域独特而又脆弱的自然环境因素,泥石流灾害分布广泛,暴发频繁,活动强烈,类型众多,严重地影响公路的畅通。泽错公路全长217km,有泥石流沟71条,平均密度为3.27条/10km,其中,夏果沟泥石流危害比较严重,其发育特征及其危害方式在公路沿线非常典型。夏果沟是一条高频率亚粘性泥石流沟,每年平均暴发泥石流10次左右,泥石流体含有大量石块,比较粘稠,汇集到公路后发生强烈堆积成灾,形成路堑阻断交通。每次泥石流暴发其堆积厚度可达2m以上,长度65m左右,一般要2—3d或更长时间才能清除,严重地影响到公路畅通。根据夏果沟泥石流对该段公路及灌渠和农田的危害特点,防治工程的重点是将泥石流固体物质拦蓄在沟内,采取拦挡停淤的工程整治措施。工程实施后,该公路段泥石流灾害消除,保证公路畅通和灌渠及农田的安全,取得良好的效益。  相似文献   

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