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EOP预报误差对导航卫星轨道预报的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导航卫星轨道预报是利用精密定轨结果在惯性系下进行轨道外推,再将外推得到的惯性系轨道转换为地固系轨道,然后生成卫星星历数据。由于坐标系转换时使用的是带有误差的地球定向参数(EOP:Earth Orientation Parameters)预报值,转换结果会产生误差,进而影响轨道预报结果的精度。分析了EOP快速预报产品公报A的预报精度,研究了参数预报误差对轨道预报精度的影响。结果表明,对于利用GPS精密星历外推模拟得到的卫星轨道而言,EOP预报1天引起的轨道预报误差大致分布在0.232±0.183m,参数预报7天引起的轨道预报误差大致分布在0.438±0.356m。  相似文献   

随着星载GPS接收机性能和精密轨道、钟差产品精度的提高,星载GPS观测技术已成为确定CHAMP、GRACE和GOCE等低轨卫星精密轨道的重要手段。文章以GRACE卫星为例,分别利用非差弱动力法和非差运动学方法精密确定其轨道,并将结果和美国喷气动力实验室(JPL)事后精密轨道对比。结果表明:GRACE卫星非差弱动力法和非差运动学定轨精度均可达到厘米级;在使用相同的星历、钟差等产品时,弱动力法定轨精度略微优于运动学方法。此外,本文采用超快预报精密星历实时确定GRACE卫星轨道时精度也优于10cm。  相似文献   

为了实现对北斗导航卫星的监测与跟踪,需要对其轨道进行预报。利用双行星历(TLE)采用SDP4模型对北斗导航系统的3类卫星(GEO、IGSO、MEO)进行轨道预报,并对比了Trimble公司的接收机历书星历和HPOP高精度轨道外推模型预报出的星历,采用GFZ公布的北斗精密星历对其预报精度进行了评估。分析表明,SDP4模型计算速度快,可以实现对于北斗导航卫星的轨道预报,满足跟踪和监测的精度要求,具有实用价值;该模型对于MEO卫星轨道预报效果最好,IGSO卫星次之,GEO卫星最差;3日以内的短期轨道预报可以采用历书星历或者HPOP外推模型预报的星历,但是3日以上轨道预报利用SDP4模型更好;对不同预报时间下的预报轨道可以使用的领域提出了建议。  相似文献   

当前,在低轨导航增强、对地观测和科学应用等领域,低轨卫星对轨道参数的精度和实时性提出了更高的要求。利用国际GNSS服务组织实时服务(international global navigation satellite system service real-time service,IGS-RTS)播发的GPS卫星轨道与钟差改正数,针对极区实时改正数接收中断情况下实现厘米级星载GPS实时定轨的关键问题开展研究。首先分析了实时改正数及其短时外推引起的星历综合误差的变化特性;然后以此为依据,在星载GPS实时精密定轨数学模型中构建分段随机游走的伪模糊度参数随机模型,以减小星历综合误差对实时精密定轨的影响,从而实现厘米级精度的实时定轨。采用自主研制的实时精密定轨软件SATODS,使用GPS广播星历与CLK93实时产品,对为期一周的重力场恢复和气候实验(gravity recovery and climate experiment,GRACE)C卫星的GPS双频实测数据模拟在轨实时精密定轨处理。实验结果表明,在考虑极区改正数接收中断的情况下,所提实时精密定轨方法可以达到7.04 cm的位置精度以及0.20 mm/s的速度精度,所提方法具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

随着GPS卫星型号的不断更新,目前共存在8种型号的卫星。每一种型号卫星的材质不尽相同,关于卫星的光压模型也略微不同。探究了不同型号卫星在body-fixed坐标系下光压加速度分量关于B角的约函数模型;利用IGS提供的精密星历,通过动力学轨道平滑过程来拟合8 d的数据,生成在solar-oriented坐标系下的加速度;把加速度在solar-oriented坐标系D-Y-B轴的分量转换到在body-fixed坐标系X-Y-Z轴分量;利用最小二乘法则拟合关于B角的约函数模型,建立关于B角的不同型号卫星的傅里叶光压模型,并进行轨道的外推。通过分析轨道外推的精度,验证GPS不同型号卫星光压模型拟合的精准性,为以后北斗卫星的光压建模提供理论依据。  相似文献   

GPS精密星历的外推精度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常志巧  郝金明  张成军 《测绘工程》2006,15(2):27-29,39
列出了轨道拟合和轨道外推所用的摄动力模型,讨论了轨道拟合和轨道积分的过程。利用轨道拟合的方法拟合出高精度的初始轨道参数,在此基础上外推7天的轨道,将结果与IGS提供的最终星历比较,得出GPS轨道的外推精度:每颗卫星都是切向误差最显著,径向和法向的误差不明显;星蚀卫星的轨道外推精度明显低于一般卫星;问题卫星的轨道外推误差特别大。  相似文献   

LEO卫星轨道根数型星历参数与接口设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
低轨卫星是导航增强系统发展的新兴力量,具有独特优势。广播星历参数是其实现星基增强的重要指标。中轨GPS星历采用16/18参数模型,若直接用于LEO的星历参数拟合,卫星沿迹方向的位置分量拟合误差大,且对小偏心率近圆轨道有潜在的拟合法矩阵病态问题。基于第一类无奇点根数,通过增加或修改轨道沿迹向和径向摄动参数,设计了适用于近圆低轨卫星的16~19参数的5种星历模型。基于300~1500 km高度LEO的拟合试验表明:提出的16/17/18/18~*/19参数星历,URE最大值分别优于10/6/4/5/2.5 cm。最后,根据拟合参数的变化范围,对5个星历模型进行了接口设计。在数据截断对URE的影响为毫米量级要求下,总比特位分别为329/343/376/379/396,其中16/17参数星历模型比GPS16参数模型减少了29/15个,18/18~*/19参数星历模型比GPS18参数星历模型减少了64/61/41个。  相似文献   

利用GPS广播星历计算卫星坐标是GPS实时定位中的重要部分,卫星轨道精度对GPS定位结果有很大影响。依据Bernese卫星定轨流程,利用Fortran语言实现了卫星轨道处理程序,并通过实例对计算得到的卫星轨道坐标与Bernese5.0软件处理的广播星历和精密星历得到结果进行比较分析,误差均小于±2.5m,程序定位效果良好,证实了自编程序的可行性。  相似文献   

低轨导航增强卫星的轨道状态型星历参数设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导航增强卫星从高轨拓展到低轨,需要设计可靠的低轨道LEO广播星历参数。GLONASS广播星历模型能够利用9个状态参数高精度描述30min内中高轨卫星的摄动运动,但不能直接用于低轨卫星。为了适应LEO的摄动力的短期快变化,设计了基于轨道状态型的21参数广播星历模型。分析了低轨卫星主要摄动力的短期变化规律,选取了二次多项式和基于轨道半周期的三角函数来补偿大气阻力等主要摄动在3个方向上的累计。基于星历拟合试验讨论了拟合参数个数、拟合时段和数据间隔对500~1200km轨道高度的LEO圆轨道的拟合精度影响。试验表明,当拟合时段为20min(约1/5个轨道周期)时,轨道高度大于700km的近圆轨道,拟合用户距离误差(FURE)精度优于0.05m;高度为1000km时,FURE平均精度达到0.03m。  相似文献   

首先对GPS卫星的轨道定轨的原理进行了简单描述,以卫星的广播星历数据为基础,计算出卫星的16个轨道参数,进而得到该卫星任一时刻的瞬时坐标。以2017年4月7日的GPS07号卫星的广播星历数据为例,计算该GPS卫星当天的轨道坐标,并将结果与当天IGS提供的精密星历所提供的卫星轨道坐标进行比较,计算结果显示广播星历误差可达5 m。最后使用STK软件调用MATLAB软件读取数据进行仿真分析,模拟出卫星的轨道,并计算出卫星的坐标,数值结果可为轨道设计提供技术参考。  相似文献   

在近地低轨卫星上安装GPS接收机,并同时能捕获到四颗GPS卫星的话,我们就可以直接利用GPS观测值来组成观测方程,解算被求卫星的轨道位置。但由于GPS卫星是为地面上的用户设计的,其主要是满足地面用户的导航定位要求,再加上近地卫星的高动态性、高速度性,有时还不能同时捕获到四颗GPS卫星,这都给近地卫星的定轨带来了不确定的因素。本文主要对这一想法进行了试验,并分析了定轨的精度。  相似文献   

基于低轨(low earth orbit,LEO)卫星星载GNSS反射事件的数学判据,分别用BDS、GPS、Galileo、GLONASS和4系统耦合GNSS星座模拟信号源,仿真分析了LEO卫星轨道高度、轨道倾角、下视天线视场角等参量对反射事件数量和时空分布的影响;进而研究了用上述4大GNSS系统进行GNSS反射信号遥感技术(GNSS reflectometry,GNSS-R)探测对接收机通道数量的需求。统计结果表明:LEO卫星轨道越高,天线视场越大,反射事件越多,镜面反射点分布越稠密;轨道倾角越小,反射事件镜面点越趋于赤道地区分布;GNSS-R接收机所需通道数随LEO卫星轨道高度和下视天线视场范围增大而增加;而LEO卫星轨道倾角变化对通道数需求影响不明显。研究结果对GNSS-R低轨卫星系统设计具有一定的理论参考价值。  相似文献   

Kinematic positions of Low Earth Orbiters based on GPS tracking are frequently used as pseudo-observations for single satellite gravity field determination. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the satellite trajectory is partly limited because the receiver synchronization error has to be estimated along with the kinematic coordinates at every observation epoch. We review the requirements for GPS receiver clock modeling in Precise Point Positioning (PPP) and analyze its impact on kinematic orbit determination for the two satellites of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission using both simulated and real data. We demonstrate that a piecewise linear parameterization can be used to model the ultra-stable oscillators that drive the GPS receivers on board of the GRACE satellites. Using such a continuous clock model allows position estimation even if the number of usable GPS satellites drops to three and improves the robustness of the solution with respect to outliers. Furthermore, simulations indicate a potential accuracy improvement of the satellite trajectory of at least 40 % in the radial direction and up to 7 % in the along-track and cross-track directions when a 60-s piecewise linear clock model is estimated instead of epoch-wise independent receiver clock offsets. For PPP with real GRACE data, the accuracy evaluation is hampered by the lack of a reference orbit of significantly higher accuracy. However, comparisons with a smooth reduced-dynamic orbit indicate a significant reduction of the high-frequency noise in the radial component of the kinematic orbit.  相似文献   

实时GPS精密单点定位需要实时的卫星轨道和钟差产品,为此提出一种利用区域GPS连续运行参考站和IGS发布的IGU超快轨道进行实时精密单点定位的方法.该方法首先利用连续运行参考站观测数据与IGU超快轨道预报部分进行实时GPS卫星钟差的估计,然后利用估计得到的实时GPS卫星钟差产品和IGU超快轨道预报部分,进行用户GPS接...  相似文献   

The GNSS Occultation Sounder instrument onboard the Chinese meteorological satellite Fengyun-3C (FY-3C) tracks both GPS and BDS signals for orbit determination. One month’s worth of the onboard dual-frequency GPS and BDS data during March 2015 from the FY-3C satellite is analyzed in this study. The onboard BDS and GPS measurement quality is evaluated in terms of data quantity as well as code multipath error. Severe multipath errors for BDS code ranges are observed especially for high elevations for BDS medium earth orbit satellites (MEOs). The code multipath errors are estimated as piecewise linear model in \(2{^{\circ }}\times 2{^{\circ }}\) grid and applied in precise orbit determination (POD) calculations. POD of FY-3C is firstly performed with GPS data, which shows orbit consistency of approximate 2.7 cm in 3D RMS (root mean square) by overlap comparisons; the estimated orbits are then used as reference orbits for evaluating the orbit precision of GPS and BDS combined POD as well as BDS-based POD. It is indicated that inclusion of BDS geosynchronous orbit satellites (GEOs) could degrade POD precision seriously. The precisions of orbit estimates by combined POD and BDS-based POD are 3.4 and 30.1 cm in 3D RMS when GEOs are involved, respectively. However, if BDS GEOs are excluded, the combined POD can reach similar precision with respect to GPS POD, showing orbit differences about 0.8 cm, while the orbit precision of BDS-based POD can be improved to 8.4 cm. These results indicate that the POD performance with onboard BDS data alone can reach precision better than 10 cm with only five BDS inclined geosynchronous satellite orbit satellites and three MEOs. As the GNOS receiver can only track six BDS satellites for orbit positioning at its maximum channel, it can be expected that the performance of POD with onboard BDS data can be further improved if more observations are generated without such restrictions.  相似文献   

Precise orbit determination for the GRACE mission using only GPS data   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The GRACE (gravity recovery and climate experiment) satellites, launched in March 2002, are each equipped with a BlackJack GPS onboard receiver for precise orbit determination and gravity field recovery. Since launch, there have been significant improvements in the background force models used for satellite orbit determination, most notably the model for the geopotential. This has resulted in significant improvements to orbit accuracy for very low altitude satellites. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how well the orbits of the GRACE satellites (about 470 km in altitude) can currently be determined using only GPS data and based on the current models and methods. The orbit accuracy is assessed using a number of tests, which include analysis of orbit fits, orbit overlaps, orbit connecting points, satellite Laser ranging residuals and K-band ranging (KBR) residuals. We show that 1-cm radial orbit accuracy for the GRACE satellites has probably been achieved. These precise GRACE orbits can be used for such purposes as improving gravity recovery from the GRACE KBR data and for atmospheric profiling, and they demonstrate the quality of the background force models being used.  相似文献   

针对低轨卫星搭载BDS/GPS接收机实现定轨将成为定轨领域热点的现状,该文讨论了基于星载BDS/GPS实时定轨和精密定轨需要考虑的数学模型,阐述了实时定轨和精密定轨的模型差异。基于自主研发程序,利用高动态信号仿真器仿真的星载BDS/GPS数据研究了基于星载BDS/GPS实时定轨和精密定轨的可行性及其能达到的精度。试验结果表明,星载BDS/GPS实时定轨位置精度为1.19m,速度精度为2.35mm/s。GPS信号发生中断时即仅采用BDS观测数据进行实时定轨时,三维位置误差达到3.73m;星载BDS/GPS精密定轨位置精度为2.30cm,仅采用BDS观测数据进行精密定轨时,三维位置误差可达到8.26cm。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the quality of onboard data of tracking signals from GPS satellites on the far side of the earth and determines the orbit of the geostationary satellite using code and carrier phase observations with 30-h and 3-day orbit arc length. According to the analysis results, the onboard receiver can track 6–8 GPS satellites, and the minimum and maximum carrier to noise spectral densities were 24 and 45 dB-Hz, respectively. For a GPS receiver on a high-altitude platform above the navigation constellations, the blocking of the earth and a weak signal strength usually cause a piece-wise GPS signal tracking and an increase in the number of ambiguity parameters. Individual GPS satellites may be continuously tracked for as little as several minutes and as long as 3 h. Moreover, considering the negative sign of elevation angles reflects the fact that GPS satellites are tracked below the receiver in the study. GPS satellites appear mainly in the elevation angle range of ??53° to ??83°, and dilution of precision values could reach ten or one hundred and more. Also, it is observed that when a signal suffers from atmospheric refraction, other GPS signals tracked simultaneously by the receiver experience strong systematic errors in the code observations. Based on single-frequency code and carrier phase measurements, the mean 3D root mean square (RMS) value of the overlap comparisons between 30-h orbit determination arcs is 2.14 m. However, we found that there were also some biases in the carrier phase residuals, which contributed to poor orbit accuracy. To eliminate the effects of the biases, we established a correction sequence for each GPS satellite. After corrections, the mean 3D RMS was reduced to 0.99 m, representing a 53% improvement.  相似文献   

本文对导航卫星的单星定轨进行了初步探讨,针对单星定轨时卫星钟钟差和接收机钟钟差难以处理的特点,提出了定轨的同时解算测站距离偏差和采用平均距离变化率进行定轨两种方案,采用GPS的实测数据试验计算表明,两种计算方案均能初步完成单星定轨任务。  相似文献   

现代卫星重力测量主要利用星载GPS接收机、加速度计、星载测距仪等来确定重力卫星的轨道 ,削弱非保守力的干扰 ,由此根据卫星的位置、速度及其变率来确定地球重力场。而上述GPS等星载仪器所提供的数据 ,包括卫星轨道坐标及其速率、扰动加速度、星间距离及其变率 ,都是以三维直角坐标 (x ,y ,z)的形式表示的 ,因此 ,地球重力场、重力和重力梯度在三维直角坐标系中的表达式在卫星重力解算中具有实际意义  相似文献   

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