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考古调查和初步试掘表明,江苏无锡杨家遗址是太湖流域北部一处以马家浜文化晚期(6270~5920cal.a BP)堆积为主体的新石器时代遗址.为了解太湖北部史前遗址的植被景观、环境特征及稻作农业情况,本文在杨家遗址开展了较为系统的植物考古工作.炭化水稻的百分含量、出土概率和标准密度等指标在所有出土的种子类植物遗存中均为最高.除此之外,杨家遗址还出土了小二仙草科、莎草科、苔草属、酢浆草等多种湿地杂草.孢粉和植硅体分析结果表明,马家浜文化晚期杨家遗址及其附近的环境景观为:以栎属和栲属为代表的亚热带常绿-落叶阔叶混交林趋于减少,以禾本科为代表的陆生草本植物发育,水域面积扩大、水体活动加强,气候总体温暖湿润,呈现适宜稻作农业发展的湿地景观.大植物遗存、孢粉和植硅体等多种记录表明,杨家遗址被利用以前其所在区域即有野生稻分布;马家浜文化晚期,稻作农业得到迅速发展.  相似文献   

陶寺遗址位于山西省襄汾县陶寺村南,分布面积约300万平方米,是黄河中游地区以龙山文化陶寺类型为主的遗址,距今4300—3900年,为陶寺文化的命名地.陶寺遗址被认为是先秦史籍中最早出现"中  相似文献   

正汉长安城是举世公认的丝绸之路起点、发源地、决策地,是与古罗马城并称的世界上最早的国际化大都市,史称"东长安、西罗马"。汉长安城是当时世界上规模最大的城市,也是中国古代使用时间最长、定都朝代最多、遗迹最丰富的都城遗址。上千年的都城史孕育了完璧归赵、张骞通丝路、貂蝉美人计、武则天削发为尼、元宵节起源等历史文化故事。不久前,国家文物局公布了第三批国家考古遗址公园名单,西安市汉长安城未央宫遗址成功入选国家考古遗址公园。  相似文献   

青藏高原东北部的官亭盆地史前群发性自然灾害对齐家文化时期大型聚落喇家遗址毁灭的影响是近20年备受关注的科学问题之一.研究焦点多集中在自然灾害对单一遗址的影响,该盆地内新石器-青铜时代聚落演变及其影响因素的研究则相对薄弱,该时段人地关系演化的过程与机制尚不清晰.本文依据官亭盆地内新石器-青铜时代遗址点的位置、海拔和面积,探讨盆地内该时段聚落的时空演变特征,发现仰韶文化晚期(5500~5000cal a BP),盆地内黄河三级阶地上出现4处遗址,聚落分布范围较小;马家窑文化至齐家文化时期(5300~3600cal a BP),遗址数量、聚落规模和分布范围明显增加,聚落分布整体向靠近黄河的海拔较低的区域移动;辛店文化时期(3400~2700cal a BP),遗址数量和聚落规模呈现下降趋势,聚落范围收缩,聚落分布发生空间分异,一部分向高海拔移动,另一部分则处于低海拔位置.结合研究区周边的全新世气候记录、考古及古洪水资料,显示官亭盆地新石器-青铜时代遗址数量、规模和分布范围与甘青地区史前文化的演变和分布范围密切相关,而大区域文化格局的演变又受到气候变化和农业发展的影响.新石器-青铜时代官亭盆地聚落海拔高程的空间分布则主要受到生业模式变化的影响,尚无证据显示其与古洪水事件有紧密关联.  相似文献   

滕玲 《地球》2019,(7):76-79
奇妙壮观的雅丹地貌,山泉相映的鸣沙山-月牙泉,广袤壮阔的沙漠、戈壁和西湖湿地,举世闻名的莫高窟,见证古丝绸之路的文化遗址阳关、玉门关以及古军事遗址汉长城,构成了敦煌最鲜明的特色。千百年来,敦煌作为东西方多种文化融汇与碰撞的交叉点,孕育了深远悠长、令人神往的敦煌文化,吸引着全世界热爱文化和艺术的人们。不久前,敦煌世界地质公园举行揭碑开园仪式,这是保护敦煌地质遗迹、合理开发旅游资源的一个新的里程碑.  相似文献   

黄河上游积石峡史前时期发生了一次严重的堰塞事件,形成了水体达11.71×10^8m^3的古堰塞湖;山体崩塌是黄河发生堰塞的直接原因,而地震则很可能是触发山体崩塌的关键因素.堰塞湖在形成后不久即发生了部分溃决,造成了洪峰近35000m3·s^-1的异常洪水,相当于该河段万年一遇洪水流量的3倍多;残余堰塞湖则因泥沙的逐渐淤积而消亡.年代学研究表明,这一堰塞及溃决事件发生在大约1730B.C.,与其下游25km处黄河岸边喇家遗址毁灭的年代一致.根据该遗址在很短的时间内先后毁灭于地震和洪水,可以推测积石峡黄河古堰塞溃决事件与喇家遗址的毁灭存在密切的联系.流量-水位关系的计算则表明,黄河上游万年一遇的洪水不能淹没喇家遗址,而积石峡古堰塞湖的溃决洪水则完全可以将喇家遗址毁灭.因此,毁灭喇家遗址的异常洪水并不是气候变化造成的洪水,而是由强烈地震所诱发的堰塞湖溃决洪水;也就是说,地震及其次生堰塞湖溃决洪水共同毁灭了喇家这一齐家文化的重要遗址.这一发现和研究对认识史前人地关系具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

中国东部滨海平原史前文化遗址分布密集,是中国最重要的新石器文化区之一,也是稻作农业的重要起源区,环境变化记录丰富,为研究过去"人-地关系"提供了重要素材.本文统计了史前和商周时期遗址2000余处,其中年代确定的新石器遗址655处.利用DEM和GIS分析方法,对遗址点的时空分布格局进行分析,发现遗址数量的变化和时空分布在很大程度上受控于区域地貌的演化(尤其是海岸线的变化),而区域地貌的演化又受控于全新世海平面变化.早全新世早期,遗址零星分布于浙东山间盆地,远离海洋.在约9~7ka期间,中国东部滨海平原区(包括陆架区)广泛海侵,其西南和南侧为滨海的低山及岛屿,为新石器人类提供了有限的生存空间,文化类型中含有明显的"海洋成分".7ka前后是全新世海平面变化的重要转折期,海平面接近于(但是低于)现在的高度.约7ka之后海平面上升速率大幅度降低,而此时流域沉积物供给丰富,因此快速淤积成陆,海岸线东撤,陆域面积的扩大为新石器人类的生产和生活提供了广阔的空间.由于中国东部滨海平原区地势平坦,海拔很低,河网密布,又处于黄淮、江淮和钱塘江等大河的下游洪泛区,容易受到极端气候环境事件的袭扰,从而影响新石器文化的分布、迁移和演替.  相似文献   

全新世高温期环境变化对太湖流域新石器文化的影响   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
施少华 《湖泊科学》1993,5(2):136-143
从太湖流域新石器时代(包括马家浜、崧泽和良渚三个文化期)文化遗址的分布范围、遗址数量、生产方式和文化特征等多方面,分析了全新世高温期(8—3ka B.P.)环境变化对本地区新石器时期古文化发展的影响。结果表明,全新世高温期暖湿而且较为稳定的气候环境,有利于先民们的生活,促使了本地区新石器文化的飞跃发展,包括原始农业、家畜业的产生和发展,先民们活动范围扩大和遗址数量增加等等。但高温期中存在气候剧烈波动阶段和气候迅速变化的低温事件,以及伴随它们出现的各种严重自然灾害,严重阻碍和限制了古文化的发展,甚至是毁灭性的打击,使得文化性质发生根本的变化。  相似文献   

神秘的三星堆古蜀国是怎样消失的 ?目前学术界较为流行的说法是 ,都是洪水惹的祸。但据长期在四川省地震局从事地震工作的高级工程师李友才称 ,他经过 2年的潜心研究 ,认为三星堆古国不是亡于洪水 ,而是毁于地震。据成都日报报道 ,目前普遍认为三星堆古国是在洪水中消亡的。对此 ,李友才认为此说缺乏说服力。三星堆附近发现的一层 2 0~ 50cm厚的淤泥 ,且文化层被破坏 ,被认为是三星堆遭受洪灾的一项重要证据。但李友才称 ,这层淤泥只在一个狭窄的层面存在 ,而其他地方的文化层都还存在 ,不可能是大规模的洪水 ;对于第二种假设 ,李友才反…  相似文献   

通过对甘肃西山坪遗址剖面进行磁化率、粒度、元素以及C/N等参数分析,初步探讨西山坪遗址区域古环境演变以及先民活动特征.各指标参数研究结果表明:西山坪遗址沉积物源主要来自黄土高原风成沉积,环境演变特征主要分为3个研究阶段,在其时间序列上,环境演变呈现中全新世中晚期环境干凉化特征.在此气候环境条件下,先民活动进一步发展,尤...  相似文献   

古遗址、古墓地发掘过程中自然变形现象的识别研究是反演或充实最新构造变形历史记录的重要工作。地震部门会同文物考古部门对安徽寿县丁家孤堆遗址文化层进行宏、微观研究,发现了自然变形痕迹,其主要表现为文化层被砂脉穿切,初步研究显示为地震液化遗迹,发生时代处于龙山晚期至西周时期。研究有助于推动中国东部文化层中地震遗迹的识别。  相似文献   

古遗址、墓地发掘过程中自然变形的识别研究是反演或充实历史或史前地震变形资料的重要工作。地震部门与文物考古部门合作,对安徽固镇垓下遗址考古现场进行了专题发掘研究,发现了断层和裂缝,初步研究显示为同期2次层位变动事件的遗迹,发生时代约相当于大汶口文化晚期,该工作有助于推动中国东部人类文化层中地震遗迹的识别  相似文献   

Earthquake archaeological research was conducted in recent years at four archaeological excavation sites in Shandong, focusing on the identification and analysis of the tectonic deformation phenomena. The non-tectonic deformation phenomena were distinguished at the site of the Shang Dynasty ruins at Daxinzhuang in the Jinan suburbs. In Longshan, sand vein-filled cracks were recognized in the cultural layers of the Chengziya site, Zhangqiu City. Sand veins on the trench wall and sand tubes at the trench bottom were found densely distributed at the Shang and Zhou Dynasty cultural layers, at Qinhuangtai site, Binzhou City. The tectonic and non-tectonic origin cracks were identified on the city wall of the Site of Capital of State Qi, Linzi City. In Rizhao city, parallel distributed sand vein fracture groups were found in the cultural layer of Longshan-Warring States-Han Dynasty at Yaowangcheng site. Typical conjugate shear fractures were identified on the city wall of the ancient city of the State of Xue, Tengzhou City. The above natural deformation phenomena are concentrated in the culture layers of the Spring and Autumn-Warring States-Han Dynasties and before, and characterized by seismic sand-soil liquefaction traces, which indicate that these regions might have been in the seismic active episodes in the corresponding periods. The above inference has been confirmed by microscopic data analysis.  相似文献   

关于华北地区几个古地震遗迹的认识   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文简要报导华北地区几个古地震实例:1.内蒙磴口西北地震毁坏的汉代古城废墟;2.宁夏平罗西北红果子沟长城错开及古地震断层陡坎;3.宁夏中宁古城子古地震断层及沙基液化变形;4.天水—宝鸡—常兴古地震黄土滑坡带;5.辽宁海城黑音寺山地震裂缝及岩崩;6. 山东临朐山旺湖相硅藻土层中地震引起的揉皱变形;7.江苏新沂嶂山闸古地震裂缝  相似文献   

During the Anyang period in Shang dynasty (13c.BC ∼ 11c.BC), the bronze manufacture of Ancient China reached its maximum glory and splendor, as evidenced by the casting moulds and cores unearthed in the Yinxu. The pre-casting firing temperature of the moulds, one of the key technologies in the casting system, is still a controversial issue. In this article, the firing temperature of the mould and the core, unearthed at the Xiaomintun Site, Yin ruins, is estimated to be 600°C–700 °C, analyzed by luminescence techniques. This study can settle down the dispute in the results of the thermal expansion analysis.  相似文献   

The results of an archeoseismological investigation of the Dvin (ancient Armenian capital) ruins are presented. Multiple occasions of seismogenic damage and destructions have been revealed in the remains of walls, including places where they are tilted or pushed out, or fragments and particular stone blocks are rotated. The extensive cracks that run through several blocks have also been found. The identified systematics in how deformations occurred suggests that the epicenter of the ancient earthquake that struck Dvin in the late 9th century was located close to the city. Most likely, the western termination of an unnamed east-tonortheast trending fault (situated north of the city) was ruptured.  相似文献   

Atomic weapons testing at the Nevada Test Site has introduced many tracers for quantifying subsurface hydrologic transport processes in arid climates. In 1975, groundwater adjacent to the Cambric test, conducted beneath Frenchman Flat 10 years earlier, was pumped steadily for 16 years to elicit information on the migration of residual radioactivity through the saturated zone. Radionuclides in the pumping well effluent, including tritium, 14C, 36Cl, and 85Kr, were extensively monitored prior to its discharge in an unlined ditch, where approximately a third of the flow infiltrated over a distance of 1 km. Radionuclide infiltration through a 220-m thick vadose zone created a second, and rather unique long-term field experiment. Effluent data have been utilized in conjunction with geologic data, new radionuclide measurements, isotopic age-dating estimates, and vadose zone flow and transport models to better understand the movement of radionuclides between the ditch, the water table and a nearby groundwater monitoring well. Detection of tritium in the monitoring well occurred approximately 16 years after its initial discharge into the ditch. Modeling and tritium age dating have suggested 3–5 years of this 16-year transit time occurred solely in the vadose zone. They also suggest considerable recirculation of the pumping well discharge back into the original pumping well. Notably, there have been no observations of 14C or 85Kr in the monitoring well, suggesting their preferential retention or volatilization during transit to the water table.  相似文献   

Urban area of ancient Ephesos (present Turkey) is too large to be fully excavated, so geophysical prospection and mapping can help with the investigation. Georadar is one of the most effective tools for it. Two different tasks solved by georadar are presented. The first problem was the interconnection between the city and the temple of Artemis. By historical records, it was made by two sacred procession roads, which had character of Graeco–Roman stoa, i.e., a roofed road. Only small parts of these roads were discovered in ruins or excavated. Some hundreds of metres from total length of a few kilometres became known, but the questions above were not solved. Then, the area was prospected by georadar. Series of GPR lines were scanned gradually from the last known points and evaluated right on the spot. As a result, a plan of georadar indications could be drawn. These indications created two lines tracing unknown parts of both roads joining together and then continuing till the entry of the temple. The results were confirmed by two boreholes. The second task was mapping of Hellenistic level of Tetragonos agora. At present, it is under the Roman level, and is visible only in some excavation pits. About a half the square was covered by detailed georadar survey. Numerous anomalies indicated presence of underground objects. Compared with the results of excavations, they were interpreted as ancient remains in several levels. Then plans of these indications were compiled for separated levels. Hellenistic buildings remains were mapped, forming an older agora, smaller and slightly different by its shape from the Roman building plan. Besides it, uncovered parts of Roman ruins were detected, as well as some remains of Classic and Archaic settlement levels. Some traces of even older human presence were found under them. Georadar results will serve as a guideline for future excavations.  相似文献   

A number of ancient charred paddies with a 14C dating of about 5900 a BP were recovered in the sixth excavation at Chuodun Site and are assigned to the Majiabang culture (7–6 ka BP). To understand their formation mechanism, the ancient charred paddies were compared to modern paddies using FT-IR spectrum and thermaogravimetric analysis. At the same time, modern charred paddies were made in helium by the laboratory method, and the structural characteristics of them and the ancient ones were revealed using CP/MAS-13C-NMR. Our results show there are more aromatic moieties in ancient charred paddies compared to modern paddies. The aliphatic components of modern charred paddies decrease continuously, accompanied by the accumulation of aromatic components, when the duration and temperature of oxidation increase, and the structure buildings of modern charred paddies are more similar to ancient ones. Given the planting manner of paddies during Majiabang culture period, these ancient charred paddies might be a result of the original farming mode involving fire. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40571088)  相似文献   

通过调查青海省四处典型土遗址发现表面剥蚀、冲沟、裂缝、坍塌、人为破坏等病害普遍存在,门源古城和湟中县部分长城因缺乏保护,人为破坏情况严重,土遗址保存状况恶劣;大通县长城和湟中县加牙烽燧在开展保护工程后,土遗址整体保存状况良好。大通县长城2处墙体的现场脉动观测结果显示:(1)2处墙体的速度峰值随高度增加有明显放大现象,一号墙体由底部到顶部速度峰值放大1.7倍,二号墙体放大2.9倍,放大效应让2处墙体在地震时更不稳定;(2)两处墙体的测试频率在3.04 Hz至5.71 Hz之间,通过计算获得一、二号墙体差值百分比分别为30.5%和11.1%,表明二号墙体与场地相互作用明显,处于高风险影响,当遭遇地震的卓越频率与之相近时会发生明显的共振现象。因此应对观测处墙体进行加固,以减小与场地的相互作用,提高墙体的抗震稳定性。  相似文献   

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