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为了加强对洞庭湖区入侵植物的管理,2019年11月7日至2021年5月31日期间,在东、西和南洞庭湖区,开展了入侵植物野外实地调查;结合筛查到的文献资料,对野外调查记录的入侵植物物种名单进行了补充。研究结果表明,洞庭湖区有入侵植物35科82属107种;有26科83种入侵植物为恶性入侵、严重入侵、局部入侵和一般入侵物种,其中,恶性入侵、严重入侵、局部入侵和一般入侵物种的数量分别为19种、24种、15种和25种;在调查的入侵植物物种中,有25种菊科植物,占洞庭湖区入侵植物总物种数量的23.36%;有70种入侵植物的原产地为美洲,占洞庭湖区入侵植物总物种数量的65.42%,有22种入侵植物的原产地为欧洲,占20.56%;在东、南和西洞庭湖区分别记录了20科47种、31科74种和18科48种入侵植物;洞庭湖区入侵植物科的特征区系以世界广布为主,世界广布入侵植物科的数量占总科数的51.43%;入侵植物属的区系分布则主要集中在世界分布和泛热带分布两种类型,其入侵植物属的数量分别占总属数的24.39%和23.17%;入侵植物物种表现出明显的热带区系特征;与以往记载的入侵植物物种数量相比,目前洞庭湖区的入侵植物物种数量明显增加,表明外来植物的入侵与扩散速度迅猛,因此,应该加大对洞庭湖洲滩上外来入侵植物的防控力度。  相似文献   

西溪湿地外来植物及其风险管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用经典分类及群落学研究方法,通过实地调查和资料分析,对西溪湿地外来植物,特别是外来入侵植物的种类、生境、危害程度等进行了研究。结果表明:西溪湿地现有外来种子植物97科234属328种,其中被子植物91科220属311种。菊科、禾本科和蔷薇科等14科所含属种是该地外来植物的主要组成部分,菊科、禾本科占绝对优势;菊科外来植物在外来种中所占比例大,且危害较重。景观改造、湿地植物园引种是西溪湿地外来植物种类大量增加的主要原因。西溪湿地现有外来入侵植物共27科55属71种,原产地为美洲的48种,占总种数的67.61%;原产地为欧洲的9种,占12.68%。外来入侵植物以一年生或二年生草本居多,有52种,占总种数的73.24%,落叶灌木仅1种(占1.41%)。提出西溪湿地外来植物的编目、监测和数字化管理的建议,并建议将美丽飞蓬、南美天胡荽、再力花和黄菖蒲等4种外来植物列入中国外来入侵植物名录。  相似文献   

中国湿地生态系统的外来入侵种研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
湿地是地球上各种生命形式高度聚集的生态体系之一,被称为“物种基因库”。湿地良好的环境条件不仅有利于本地种的生存,也利于外来物种的入侵。据现有资料统计,目前中国湿地生态系统中有外来入侵植物10种,隶属7个科;外来入侵动物53种,涉及哺乳类、鸟类、爬行类、两栖类、甲壳类、软体动物、鱼类和昆虫类。论述了这些入侵种的主要入侵途径,包括作为饲料、观赏、净化水质等目的人为有意引种,以及由非人为因素引起的入侵;同时还讨论了这些外来入侵种给湿地生态系统造成的不良影响,即导致物种多样性丧失、降低社会经济价值、破坏原有的生态系统和景观。  相似文献   

外来物种入侵目前已成为威胁湿地生态状况的五大主要因子之一。以华侨城湿地为例,调查发现该湿地入侵植物12科23属26种,入侵动物2科2属2种;并提出了外来入侵物种防治施工设计的目标、原则、技术要点、验收标准,具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

深圳华侨城湿地物种多样性及其保护研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
深圳华侨城湿地位于珠江口深圳湾北岸,通过箱涵与深圳湾海水相通,总面积69万m2,水域面积约50万m2,是深圳湾湿地生态系统的重要组成部分。对华侨城湿地植被、鸟类、底栖生物、浮游生物的多样性进行了调查,结果表明:华侨城湿地共有植物60科162种,其中真红树植物5科6属7种,半红树植物3科4属5种,外来入侵植物27种;鸟类共有12目36科101种,约占深圳湾鸟类总种数的50%,其中国家Ⅱ级重点保护野生鸟类6种;共鉴定出藻类5门11属14种;浮游动物25种。华侨城湿地面临严重的生态危机,主要包括入侵植物大面积分布、物种单一,鸟类、底栖生物类等生物多样性与福田红树林保护区及凤塘河口相比较低,并据此提出了相应的保护建议。  相似文献   

河北衡水湖自然保护区入侵植物及其管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
所谓入侵植物就是指因人为或自然原因,从原来的生长地进入另一个环境,并对该环境的生物、农林牧渔业生产造成损失,给人类健康造成损害,破坏生态平衡的植物。目前已知我国有入侵植物达380多种,外来入侵物种通过压制或排挤本地物种,形成单优势种群,危及本地物种的生态,最终导致生物多样性的丧失。  相似文献   

五台山风景区人为干扰下湿地植物物种的生态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从湿地植物的科属和区系特征以及生活型和生态型的角度,研究了五台山风景区人为干扰下不同群落类型区植物种的生态特性。结果表明,①人为干扰强烈的区域,其植物属数和种数明显小于人为干扰少的区域;豆科(Leguminosae)、唇形科(Lamiaceae)、菊科(Asteraceae)、蓼科(Polygonaceae)和禾本科(Poaceae)植物种类出现的频率最高,属于忍耐性的植物种类;单型科、单型属和单型种出现的频率也较高。②就物种的区系对人为干扰的生态响应而言,温带成分具有广泛分布的态势,而世界分布和热带分布的植物种类贫乏。随着人为干扰程度的加剧,物种区系成分趋于单一。③除牡蒿群落(Comm.Artemisia japonica)区外,随着人为干扰程度的加剧,一年生植物的比例在明显增加,地上芽植物的比例在明显减少。④随着人为干扰程度的加剧,湿生植物的比例不断增加,而旱生植物、中旱生植物、旱中生植物和中生植物的比例都呈减少趋势。  相似文献   

通过实地调查和文献检索,对梅州城市湿地外来入侵植物的组成、生活型、危害程度、原产地、入侵途径等进行了分析。结果表明:梅州城市湿地主要外来入侵植物有16科29属33种,其中菊科植物的数量最多,占入侵植物总数的27.3%;生活型以草本植物为主;有10种入侵植物给当地生态环境带来严重危害;原产地以美洲为主;引入途径主要以人为有意或无意引入为主。在分析城市湿地外来入侵植物现状的基础上,提出了建立入侵植物生态风险评估系统、加强入境检疫、加强地区合作、提高公众防范意识、有效防控和变害为宝等对策,为城市生态及经济的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

以2009~2012年实地样方调查和前人研究资料为基础,对山西省37个自然保护区中的湿地种子植物区系和地理成分进行了研究。在山西省37个自然保护区中,共记录有湿地种子植物56科154属294种;在4个生活型中,草本植物种类最多,共有278种,占总种数的94.56%。将湿地植物的生态型划分为7类,其中,湿生植物269种,占总种数的91.5%,是山西省自然保护区中湿地种子植物的主要组成部分,沼生植物88种,水生植物74种,构成山西省自然保护区中湿地植被的建群种和优势种。在属的水平上,种子植物区系地理成分以温带分布区类型为主,共有82属,占总属数的53.25%,表明温带性质比较明显;种子植物种的区系成分中,温带分布占绝对优势,达160种,占总种数的54.42%,中国特有分布种有40种。山西省自然保护区中的湿地植物区系与温带亚洲和东亚植物区系联系最为紧密。在湿地种子植物区系中,有国家级和省级重点保护野生植物2种。  相似文献   

为了系统了解山东省潍坊市湿地公园维管植物资源现状,于2019年10月2~10日和2020年8月15~23日,对该市4座湿地公园中的维管植物资源进行了野外调查,结合相关历史资料,研究了维管植物群落的物种组成、区系分布、生态型和生活型。研究结果表明,在4座湿地公园中,共记录维管植物51目108科352属533种;其中,有399种资源植物、9种保护植物、3种山东省稀有植物以及52种入侵和归化植物;禾本科(Poaceae)、菊科(Asteraceae)、豆科(Fabaceae)和蔷薇科(Rosaceae)为优势科,单属(种)科和寡属(种)科占优势;在区系组成上,有15种类型、9变型,北温带分布属最多(占21.60%),其次是泛热带分布属(占16.48%)。总体上,4座湿地公园中的维管植物种类比较丰富,但是,各湿地公园中的乔木过多,人工种植植物的比例和数量较大,野生物种和水生维管植物相对匮乏,存在一定数量自然混入或人为引进的入侵和有害植物物种。  相似文献   

Invasive plant species are a growing concern in many regions of the world, yet little information is available on the effects of habitat type and distance to urban settlements on the ability of alien plants to become established. We studied plant communities from the arid steppes to the Andean forest within two national parks and surroundings, in northwestern Patagonia, Argentina. Alien and native vascular plant species were sampled using 90 × 100 m2 plots and analyzed in relation to both climatic and environmental variables and distance to urban centres. We also compared life-forms of alien and native species. Precipitation and distance to an urban centre were important determinants of alien species community richness and composition, and shrubland sites had significantly more alien species than forest or steppe sites. Alien flora (15% of the species) was composed of a higher proportion of annuals and biennials than native flora. Our results suggest that precipitation, distance to source population, and anthropogenic disturbance influence the invasion process in this region, together with the availability of open niches. This work stresses the importance of monitoring invasive species in natural reserves, and of considering habitat types as well as idiosyncratic characteristics of the non-natives for developing management strategies.  相似文献   

北固山湿地植物群落特征及其物种多样性研究   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
北固山湿地位于镇江市东北,由长江携带泥沙长期沉积形成,植被属原生裸地演替,植物种类丰富。但近年由于污染排放及渔民围网捕鱼,植被受到破坏,生态功能被削弱。采用样方法调查了镇江北固山湿地植物群落的组成,种类和外貌,并分析了其物种的多样性差异,从而为湿地的生态修复提供理论和技术依据。试验结果表明:群落物种组成较为丰富,有15科28属33种,但仅限于草本植物,生活型以地面芽植物和一年生植物占优势,物种出现频度上以D、C两个级别为主,表明群落内物种的分布较为均匀。从季相动态上看,季相明显,群落的优势种2~4月前是虉草(Phalarisarundinacea)单优种群,4~6月是虉草-芦苇(Phargnitescommunis)共优种群,6~11月是芦苇-酸模叶蓼(Polygonumlapathifolium)共优种群。随着基底高程的变化,植物呈现明显的平行于堤岸的带状分布,并形成区别明显的三个区域。其中,物种的丰度、多样性指数、群落的均匀度以及生物量均随基底高程的增加而增加,而生态优势度却随基底高程的增加减小。物种多样性指数受立地环境和人为因素的共同影响。其中,一定程度的人为干扰虽降低物种丰度,但由于其对优势种芦苇破坏较为严重,降低了群落的生态优势度而相应提高了群落的均匀度,最终对物种多样性指数有增加效应。在以上研究的基础上,提出了禁止污染排放及围网捕鱼等措施,并在裸露或物种稀少区域人工栽培土著物种以增加湿地生态系统物种的多样性和稳定性。  相似文献   

Species abundance and habitat distribution are two important aspects of species conservation studies and both are affected by similar environmental factors. Forest resource inventory data in 2010 were used to evaluate the patterns of habitat for target species of Cervidae in six typical forestry bureaus of the Yichun forest area in the Lesser Xing’an Mountains, northeastern China. A habitat suitability index(HSI) model was used based on elevation, slope, aspect, vegetation and age of tree. These five environmental factors were selected by boosted regression tree(BRT) analysis from 14 environmental variables collected during field surveys. Changes in habitat caused by anthropogenic activities mainly involving settlement and road factors were also considered. The results identified 1780.49 km2 of most-suitable and 1770.70 km2 of unsuitable habitat areas under natural conditions, covering 16.38% and 16.29% of the entire study area, respectively. The area of most-suitable habitat had been reduced by 4.86% when human interference was taken into account, whereas the unsuitable habitat area had increased by 11.3%, indicating that anthropogenic disturbance turned some potential habitats into unsuitable ones. Landscape metrics indicated that average patch area declined while patch density and edge density increased. This suggests that as habitat becomes fragmented and its quality becomes degraded by human activities, cervid populations will be threatened with extirpation. The study helped identify the spatial extent of habitat influenced by anthropogenic interference for the local cervid population. As cervid species clearly avoid human activities, more attention should be paid on considering the way and intensity of human activities for habitat management as fully as possible.  相似文献   

Diversity theory predicts that species numbers should be highest at intermediate levels of both disturbance and environmental stress. We examined woody and herbaceous plant species richness and cover in the San Pedro River flood plain, along lateral gradients of water availability (ground-water depth), flood disturbance (inundation frequency), and distance from and elevation above the channel, and along longitudinal gradients of water availability (ground-water depth, surface flow permanence, and rainfall) and flood disturbance (total stream power). Herbaceous species were recorded during four sampling periods, and spatial patterns for this group were time-dependent, reflecting temporal variation in limiting factors. During the summer dry season of a dry year, when overall richness was low, richness and cover of herbaceous species declined laterally from the stream channel with increasing ground-water depth, consistent with the idea that low resource levels can limit species richness. Following the summer monsoon rains and floods, when water was less limiting and annuals were seasonally abundant, lateral patterns shifted such that herbaceous species richness and cover increased with increasing plot location above or from the channel. The relationship of herbaceous species richness with tree canopy cover also varied seasonally, shifting from positive (greater richness under canopy) in dry seasons to negative (lesser richness under canopy) in wet seasons. Longitudinally, herbaceous species richness and cover were limited primarily by stream flow and/or ground-water availability during the summer dry season of a dry year. Following the summer monsoon rains and floods, patterns were weighted by the seasonally abundant annuals, and richness increased among sites primarily with distance upstream (and related rainfall gradients). Richness and cover patterns also varied between years with different flood conditions. During the two sampling seasons in the year following a large flood, herbaceous species richness increased with flood disturbance intensity but declined at the few most intensely disturbed sites, consistent with intermediate disturbance theory.For woody species, richness within plant functional groups varied in opposing ways along the lateral gradients: hydromesic pioneer species decreased and hydromesic and xeric competitors increased with distance from or above the channel, with no overall change in species richness. Among sites, woody species richness patterns were related to water availability, but not to flood disturbance. However, richness of woody hydromesic pioneer species increased with both increasing site moisture and flood disturbance. Woody and herbaceous species richness both increased among sites as a function of increasing flood-plain width, likely due to species–area effects. Overall, results indicate that flood disturbance and water availability both influence species richness of riparian plants in the flood plain of this semi-arid region river, with the relative influence of each factor varying among plant groups and over time.  相似文献   

张涵  黎夏  石洪  刘晓娟 《地理学报》2021,76(3):680-693
科学地评估自然保护区缓解人类活动压力的效果,对于有效的自然保护至关重要。目前中国国家尺度下的这方面研究,仅将保护区内、外的人类活动压力进行对比,其缺陷是样本选择性偏差会导致评估结果的不合理。本文选择了倾向得分匹配(Propensity Score Matching)方法来克服保护区评价中的样本选择性偏差问题。首先耦合多源数据构建了2013年、2015年、2017年的人类活动压力指数,然后采用倾向得分匹配方法对自然保护区内、外的随机点进行匹配,使两个对比组的观测变量尽可能相似。最后通过相对有效性指标和面板模型从不同层面评估了中国680个自然保护区在2013—2017年间缓解人类活动压力的效果。研究结果表明:① 2013—2017年,全国86.72%的自然保护区内人类活动压力指数呈现上升趋势,其面积占保护区总面积的43.80%。② 69.85%的自然保护区在缓解人类活动压力方面的效果较好。其中,除了海洋海岸、野生植物、野生动物类的保护区以外,其余保护区类型都表现出较好的缓解人类活动压力的效果,且保护区级别越高,保护效果越好。③ 中国自然保护区建设在2013—2017年间能缓解22.90%的人类活动压力,且保护区缓解人类活动压力的能力存在区域性差别。本文研究结果可为中国自然保护区监测、评估和管理提供更科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

The River Continuum Concept (RCC) is an existing theory regarding the distribution of plant communities along riverbanks. This study is concerned with the pattern of riparian vegetation along the Lower Ogun River (LOR) in relation to the observed downstream variation of various environmental factors (bank height, width, gradient, distance, cross‐sectional area and particle size). The LOR transits between undisturbed and disturbed sections. Forty‐eight cross sections were established at bankfull stage along the river channel stretch of about 90 km. Environmental variables distribution were determined using standard field procedures. Gradient was estimated from a 1:50 000 topographical map. At each corridor along the study sites, a 0.1 ha sampling site was chosen, in which 10 transects of 100 m2 were demarcated. In all, 332 individuals stratified under 80 species were recorded across the transects. The study revealed that total species richness (TSR) downstream decreases exponentially. TSR is significantly correlated with channel width, suggesting that hydraulic variable contributes more to the variation in TSR. The downstream total environmental factors revealed that width is inversely significant with downstream distance, suggesting that the river channel is narrower downstream. This affects plant life form distribution downstream and confirms why there is appearance of anthropogenic induced species downstream as against those in the upper course.  相似文献   

中国国家级自然保护区人类活动及变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然保护区是中国自然保护地的基础,是生物多样性保护的核心区域,国家级自然保护区更是中国自然保护区的主体。基于高分辨率影像数据,提取了中国446个国家级自然保护区2015年的人类活动及2013—2015年人类活动变化信息,分不同功能区、不同人类活动、不同区域和不同类型国家级自然保护区分析了人类活动及变化情况,并评估了2013—2015年人类活动变化强度和规律,结果表明:2015年,446个国家级自然保护区人类活动普遍存在,以农业用地和居民点占绝对优势,这两种类型人类活动总面积占国家级自然保护区人类活动总面积的88.94%、总数量占77.67%。2013—2015年,有66.59%的国家级自然保护区存在新增或规模扩大人类活动,人类活动数量增幅达到2.45%,相较于农业用地和居民点,开发建设活动的新增或规模扩大趋势更为明显。2013—2015年,33.41%的国家级自然保护区人类活动无变化,45.06%的国家级自然保护区人类活动变化较小,仅有21.53%的国家级自然保护区人类活动变化明显和较明显。从空间分布看,总体上东部的国家级自然保护区比中西部的国家级自然保护区人类活动变化强度大,沿海、沿河国家级自然保护区人类活动变化强度相对较大。  相似文献   

The storage of inorganic carbon in estuarine wetlands is of great significance for mitigating global warming. The Dagu River estuary and Yanghe River estuary of Jiaozhou Bay were selected as sampling areas, and data analysis was carried out by Duncan method to explore the distribution characteristics and influencing factors of soil inorganic carbon (SIC) reserves. The results showed that increasing distance from the estuary led to higher reserves in the mudflat along the coastal zone. The scouring action of seawater bodies was the main factor driving this distribution. In the vertical section, the SIC reserves in 40-60 cm depth were relatively high, accounting for 34.11% of the 0-60 cm soil depth, and resulting from the transport of water and salt in seawater. In the river flat along the vertical coastal zone, the SIC reserves first decreased and then increased with increasing distance from the sea, and the SIC reserves in 0-20 cm depth were relatively high in the vertical section, accounting for 38.18% of the 0-60 cm soil depth. These reserves were affected by synergetic factors such as oceanic factors and anthropogenic activities. The invasion of Spartina alterniflora decreased the SIC reserves of wetlands, mainly due to its root transformation and the differences of growth characteristics and years being the main reasons for the observed decreases. Aquaculture activities changed the physical and chemical properties of the soil in aquaculture ponds, and consequently changed the distribution of SIC reserves.  相似文献   

Yin  Le  Dai  Erfu  Zheng  Du  Wang  Yahui  Ma  Liang  Tong  Miao 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(7):1140-1154
Mapping the human footprint(HF) makes it possible to quantify human influence, which has had an unprecedented impact on the global ecosystem. Using five categories of human pressure data, this study mapped the HF of the Hengduan Mountain region and assessed the effectiveness of nature reserves in reducing human impacts. The results showed that the HF of the Hengduan Mountain region was generally higher in the south and lower in the north. The HF increased by 11.24% over the past 25 years, with faster growth in the southeast. The HF growth rate in nature reserves was much lower than that across the region, which indicated that nature reserves played an important role in reducing the impact of human pressure. A study of Baimaxueshan nature reserve found that establishing nature reserves could effectively reduce the impact of human activities, and no "leakage" occurred. Population growth was an important reason for the increased HF in nature reserves. The development of ecotourism in nature reserves must be based on ecological protection. Strengthening the long-term monitoring, evaluation, and management of nature reserves is a basic requirement for their long-term development.  相似文献   

税伟  郭平平  朱粟锋  冯洁  孙祥  李慧 《地理科学》2022,42(7):1295-1306
以云南省沾益自然保护区内典型而宏大的喀斯特中度退化天坑——深陷塘为例,分析了该天坑地下森林的34种木本植物的8个功能性状的变异程度,并从种内和种间水平进一步探究功能性状变异与科类群、生活型、生长型和生态因子的关系及土壤因子对植物性状变异的解释效应。结果表明:天坑地下森林内分布的木本植物具有叶厚度大、比叶面积较小、叶干物质含量较高的特点;灌木植物性状种间变异普遍小于乔木,植物性状变异程度在常绿和落叶间相差不大,大部分叶性状的种内种间变异大于小枝性状;天坑内植物性状的平均种内变异系数达23.45%,相较于其他非喀斯特区域的植被类型,其性状种内变异幅度较低,表明喀斯特天坑区域的植物具有较小的形态可塑性;土壤养分是决定样地尺度上群落性状变异的主导环境因素,但物种系统发育历史及其生活史特性也是该地带性植被功能性状变异的内生动力。综上,表明天坑地下森林的木本植物物种在长期演化过程中,其功能性状及其变异程度受非生物环境因素、系统发育过程、生活史策略等的综合影响。研究结果可为负地形的喀斯特天坑的物种避难所价值提供材料和证据,为提升云南高原喀斯特生态脆弱区和自然保护区生态系统服务功能、科学开展天坑外部区域和地带性植被的生态恢复工作提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

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