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中国国家级自然保护区人类活动及变化特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然保护区是中国自然保护地的基础,是生物多样性保护的核心区域,国家级自然保护区更是中国自然保护区的主体。基于高分辨率影像数据,提取了中国446个国家级自然保护区2015年的人类活动及2013—2015年人类活动变化信息,分不同功能区、不同人类活动、不同区域和不同类型国家级自然保护区分析了人类活动及变化情况,并评估了2013—2015年人类活动变化强度和规律,结果表明:2015年,446个国家级自然保护区人类活动普遍存在,以农业用地和居民点占绝对优势,这两种类型人类活动总面积占国家级自然保护区人类活动总面积的88.94%、总数量占77.67%。2013—2015年,有66.59%的国家级自然保护区存在新增或规模扩大人类活动,人类活动数量增幅达到2.45%,相较于农业用地和居民点,开发建设活动的新增或规模扩大趋势更为明显。2013—2015年,33.41%的国家级自然保护区人类活动无变化,45.06%的国家级自然保护区人类活动变化较小,仅有21.53%的国家级自然保护区人类活动变化明显和较明显。从空间分布看,总体上东部的国家级自然保护区比中西部的国家级自然保护区人类活动变化强度大,沿海、沿河国家级自然保护区人类活动变化强度相对较大。  相似文献   

在青藏高原选择11个代表性自然保护区,基于高寒草地植被净初级生产力(Net Primary Production,简写NPP)变化过程数据,比较分析了自然保护区与其相邻等面积区域的NPP变化差异;采用样区对比法,在自然保护区内外选取21组对比样区,比较自然保护区建立前后及其内外的生态状况,评估了自然保护区的保护成效。研究表明:1. 1982-2009年间,82%的代表性自然保护区NPP比保护区周邻区域及青藏高原的平均水平低,反映了自然保护区的生态系统状况更为脆弱;2. 在代表性自然保护区中,曼则塘自然保护区的NPP增长趋势最为明显,塔什库尔干野生动物自然保护区的NPP增长趋势最弱;除色林错自然保护区外,以草甸和湿地为主的自然保护区NPP增速明显高于以草原与荒漠草地为主的自然保护区;3. 代表性样区的研究发现:① 自然保护区内76%以上的样区和国家级保护区内82%以上的样区NPP增加幅度明显高于保护区外对应样区的增幅;② 取得明显保护效果的有中昆仑、长沙贡玛、若尔盖和色林错等自然保护区;曼则塘自然保护区的东南部边缘地区和塔什库尔干野生动物自然保护区的北部边缘地区的效果不明显,可能与保护区及其周邻地区人类扰动增强密切相关;③ 高寒草甸类型自然保护区的保护效果最为显著,高寒草原类型自然保护区的保护效果较差。本研究展示了样区对比法在评估大区域生态变化中所具有的独特优势,其关键在于科学设计样区并进行合理的空间抽样。  相似文献   

中国典型自然保护区生境状况时空变化特征   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
祝萍  黄麟  肖桐  王军邦 《地理学报》2018,73(1):92-103
中国已建立各类自然保护区2740个,占全国陆地面积的14.8%。本文以典型国家级自然保护区为例,基于遥感反演、模型模拟、空间分析等方法,获得植被覆盖度、净初级生产力(NPP)和土地覆被时空数据集,分析2000-2015年中国不同区域、不同类型自然保护区生境状况时空变化及人类扰动的影响,进而评估自然保护区在栖息地及生物多样性保护方面的效果。结果表明:2000-2015年,国家级自然保护区植被覆盖度从36.3%提高到37.1%,各类型自然保护区均有不同程度提高,其中森林类保护区年增速0.11%,草原草甸类0.84%,内陆湿地类0.21%,荒漠生态类0.09%,野生动物类和野生植物类则分别为0.11%和0.08%。草原草甸类、内陆湿地类、荒漠生态类、野生动物类自然保护区植被NPP年增速分别为2.06 g·m-2、1.23 g·m-2、0.28 g·m-2、0.4 g·m-2,而森林类和野生植物类则分别以3.45 g·m-2和2.35 g·m-2的年速率减少。近15年,国家级自然保护区内人类扰动呈现微弱变化,除青藏高原区和南亚热带湿润区内保护区人类扰动略微下降以外,其他区域均有所增强,特别是北亚热带和温带湿润区,其保护区人类扰动由4.70%明显增至5.35%。  相似文献   

中国自然保护区建设已有近60年的历史,并成为我国最有效的保护生物多样性网络。如何对已建自然保护区,特别是快速演变的湿地类型自然保护区的保护成效进行评估已成为我们面临的最紧迫任务之一。中国人与生物圈国家委员会对其认定的保护区开展评估已有多年,但政府部门和学术界对此知之甚少。以中国人与生物圈国家委员会对以盐城世界生物圈保护区十年评估为案例,介绍了该组织对自然保护区保护成效评估方式与过程、特点,提出了我国湿地自然保护区今后如何开展保护成效评估的3点启示:1我国自然保护区事业必需转型到重建设和保护成效的新阶段;2对保护对象的科学研究和长期监测是提高保护成效的重要基础;3要特别重视滨海湿地的保护。  相似文献   

生态建设背景下三江源自然保护区生态系统服务价值变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青海三江源是我国淡水资源的重要补给地,也是全国生态保护和建设工程的重点实施区域,对其开展生态恢复过程的生态系统服务价值变化研究,有利于揭示生态保护和建设工程的实施效果。在构建三江源生态系统服务价值评估指标体系的基础上,选择生态工程前后两个时间段(2000年和2008年),采用物质量和价值量相结合的方法对三江源自然保护区生态系统服务价值进行了评估和对比分析,结果表明:2000—2008年保护区生态系统服务总价值呈现明显的增长趋势,8 a间一共增加1.68×1010元。保护区草地生态系统的整体质量状况大幅度提升,生态系统服务价值增加48.69%,是由生态建设和气候因子变化共同作用的结果;森林生态系统服务价值增加12.71%,主要跟森林区域水热条件的改善有关;水体与湿地生态系统服务价值在8 a间减少56.08%,关键是由区域气温升高和降水量减少所致,而非人为因素的影响;2000—2008年间,保护区人口数量增加了26.08%,较高的人口增长压力促使大量的草地被开垦为农田,导致农田面积增加392.52%,从而引起农田生态系统服务价值大幅波动。  相似文献   

中国沿海陆地自然保护区景观连接度评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金奇豪  汪倩旻  李艺  李杨帆 《地理学报》2021,76(11):2830-2840
人类社会发展进入人新世时期,以人类活动为主导的高频率干扰和自然资源的高强度开发对生态环境造成严重威胁,提升自然保护区的景观连接度是缓解和应对外界干扰的关键手段之一。传统意义上景观连接度研究侧重于景观基质对物种迁徙的累积负向阻碍作用,评价体系中忽略了生物多样性对物种迁徙的正向支持作用。本文以中国沿海省份作为研究区域,将生物多样性空间分布作为生态系统关键功能的表征,并将其纳入景观连接度评价体系,构建了生态廊道的连通适宜性及生态支持力二维评价新方法,进一步分析人类活动干扰和物种空间分布对自然保护区景观连接度的影响。研究结果表明沿海地区人类活动对景观连接度的影响存在明显的边缘效应,即自然保护区边缘地带的人类干扰范围(46.46%)明显高于其内部区域,人类活动干扰使保护区面积减少约720.25 km2,且造成廊道起点和终点位置的改变。自然保护区边缘地带人类干扰导致了研究区域内95条廊道的连通适宜性下降;78条廊道的生态支持力有明显提升,“一降一升”的评价结果能有效地衡量景观基质对物种迁移的支持能力变化。基于景观基质阻碍和促进作用的二维评价可为中国未来自然保护区连通性和生物多样性保护提供更为全面的时空格局动态变化模拟,为优化自然保护区空间布局提供更为完善的景观连接度评估新方法。  相似文献   

王敏  冯相昭  吴良  郭群  朱秋睿  田春秀 《中国沙漠》2015,35(6):1700-1707
基于单位面积的生态系统服务价值评估方法,结合遥感和GIS技术分析了锡林郭勒草原国家级自然保护区1985-2014年的生态系统服务价值,并探讨了气候变化对该保护区生态系统服务价值变化的贡献率。结果表明:(1)近30年保护区草地面积持续减少,生态系统服务价值总体呈减少趋势,每10年至少减少18亿元;(2)平均温度和降水对保护区生态系统服务价值变化的贡献率至少为52.5%,保护区每10年因气候变化损失的生态系统服务价值至少为9.5亿元;(3)保护区现有生态保护力度一定程度上缓解了气候变化对其生态系统服务功能的影响。本文的研究结果可为建立自然保护区生态补偿机制,制定合理的区域生态保护和经济开发政策以及保护和恢复保护区生物多样性提供较为可靠的依据。  相似文献   

保护区有效性评价可以为自然资源保护与管理提供重要的科学依据。选取能够反映湿地格局变化的指标,构建保护区湿地保护的有效性评价指标体系,以周边地区为参照背景,利用信息熵模型,用地理信息系统相关软件,对1985年、1995年、2005年和2017年4个时期的洪河国家级自然保护区的湿地保护有效性进行定量评价。研究结果表明,洪河国家级自然保护区中的湿地面积呈增加趋势,湿地保护有效性总体有所提升,比同期周边地区的湿地保护效果好;4个时期中,2005年洪河国家级自然保护区湿地保护的相对效果最好,1995年的相对效果最差。从自然保护区的各功能区来看,核心区湿地保护的效果最好,其它依次为实验区、缓冲区。  相似文献   

中国荒漠类自然保护区保护成效评估指标及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自然保护区的保护成效是近年来一个重要科学问题。中国荒漠类自然保护区面积比例较高,而针对其保护成效问题的研究较少。本文以中国荒漠类自然保护区为研究对象,结合国内外自然保护区保护成效的相关研究,构建了荒漠类自然保护区保护成效评估指标体系,包括5个因素层共计20个评估指标,并在安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区进行了示范应用。结果表明:本研究构建的指标体系能够反映荒漠类自然保护区主要保护对象的动态变化,从而为科学客观评估荒漠类自然保护区保护成效、提升管理水平提供重要参考依据。此外,通过示范评估可以看出,安西保护区在物种及珍稀濒危生物保护方面取得了一定成效,但在珍稀濒危及特有物种和生态系统服务功能等方面的科研监测尚有待加强。  相似文献   

利用遥感影像数据,采用斑块密度、形状指数、聚集度指数等景观指数和景观开发强度指数、景观压力指数,分析了2004年、2010年和2016年衡水湖国家级自然保护区的景观格局、保护成效及其主要影响因素。研究结果表明,2004年、2010年和2016年衡水湖国家级自然保护区的景观格局都是西部主要为耕地和东部主要为自然湿地;随着时间的推移,林地、草地和道路的面积在明显增大,尤以草地的面积增幅最大;虽然该保护区的保护性景观面积所占比例增大,但是道路等基础设施的建设使该保护区的景观破碎化;该保护区的景观开发强度有所减弱,总体景观保护成效较好,但是自然湿地周边局部的景观开发强度增大;耕地、林地、草地、鱼塘和公园绿地面积的变化决定了2004年、2010年和2016年衡水湖国家级自然保护区保护成效的变化;耕地面积减小和林地面积增大使该保护区的景观压力减轻,自然湿地萎缩及其周边鱼塘和公园绿地面积的增大导致该保护区景观压力增大,影响了其保护湿地的成效。未来应该进一步加强对衡水湖国家级自然保护区自然湿地周边人类活动的管理和控制,充分考虑野生动植物的生境需求,禁止不必要的设施建设和园林绿化等;在保护湿地的前提下,开展湿地生态系统恢复工作。  相似文献   

Twenty-one typical coupled large samples were chosen from areas within and surrounding nature reserves on the Tibetan Plateau using the large sample comparison method(LSCM).To evaluate the effectiveness of the nature reserves in protecting the ecological environment,the alpine grassland net primary production(NPP) of these coupled samples were compared and the differences between them before and after their establishment as protected areas were analyzed.The results showed that:(1) With respect to the alpine grassland NPP,the ecological and environmental conditions of most nature reserves were more fragile than those of the surrounding areas and also lower than the average values for the Tibetan Plateau.(2) Of the 11 typical nature reserves selected,the positive trend in the NPP for Manzetang was the most significant,whereas there was no obvious trend in Taxkorgan.With the exception of Selincuo,the annual NPP growth rate in the nature reserves covered by alpine meadow and wetland was higher than that in nature reserves consisting of alpine steppe and alpine desert.(3) There were notable findings in 21 typical coupled samples:(a) After the establishment of the nature reserves,the annual rate of increase in the NPP in 76% of samples inside nature reserves and 82% of samples inside national nature reserves was higher than that of the corresponding samples outside nature reserves.(b) The effectiveness of ecological protection of the Mid-Kunlun,Changshagongma,Zoige and Selincuo(Selin Co) nature reserves was significant; the effectiveness of protection was relatively sig-nificant in most parts of the Sanjiangyuan and Qiangtang nature reserves,whereas in south-east Manzetang and north Taxkorgan the protection effectiveness was not obvious.(c) The ecological protection effectiveness was significant in nature reserves consisting of alpine meadow,but was weak in nature reserves covered by alpine steppe.This study also shows that the advantage of large sample comparison method in evaluating regional ecology change.Careful design of the samples used,to ensure comparability between the samples,is crucial to the success of this LSCM.  相似文献   

Twenty-one typical coupled large samples were chosen from areas within and surrounding nature reserves on the Tibetan Plateau using the large sample comparison method (LSCM). To evaluate the effectiveness of the nature reserves in protecting the ecological environment, the alpine grassland net primary production (NPP) of these coupled samples were compared and the differences between them before and after their establishment as protected areas were analyzed. The results showed that: (1) With respect to the alpine grassland NPP, the ecological and environmental conditions of most nature reserves were more fragile than those of the surrounding areas and also lower than the average values for the Tibetan Plateau. (2) Of the 11 typical nature reserves selected, the positive trend in the NPP for Manzetang was the most significant, whereas there was no obvious trend in Taxkorgan. With the exception of Selincuo, the annual NPP growth rate in the nature reserves covered by alpine meadow and wetland was higher than that in nature reserves consisting of alpine steppe and alpine desert. (3) There were notable findings in 21 typical coupled samples: (a) After the establishment of the nature reserves, the annual rate of increase in the NPP in 76% of samples inside nature reserves and 82% of samples inside national nature reserves was higher than that of the corresponding samples outside nature reserves. (b) The effectiveness of ecological protection of the Mid-Kunlun, Changshagongma, Zoige and Selincuo (Selin Co) nature reserves was significant; the effectiveness of protection was relatively significant in most parts of the Sanjiangyuan and Qiangtang nature reserves, whereas in south-east Manzetang and north Taxkorgan the protection effectiveness was not obvious. (c) The ecological protection effectiveness was significant in nature reserves consisting of alpine meadow, but was weak in nature reserves covered by alpine steppe. This study also shows that the advantage of large sample comparison method in evaluating regional ecology change. Careful design of the samples used, to ensure comparability between the samples, is crucial to the success of this LSCM.  相似文献   

Evaluating the effectiveness of protecting nature assets is a vital component of responsive, pro-active management of protected areas. It is important to protect reserves of geological (including fossils) assets as a means to also protect national and natural heritage. At the end of 2013, 2669 protected areas had been established in China and 123 of them are reserves for nature assets. This paper builds an evaluation framework for protection effectiveness of these assets. The current elements and characteristics for effective protection are analyzed, along with an analysis of existing problems so as to construct a scientific approach to protect these assets. The influencing elements and characteristics for effective protection of nature asset reserves are included in an index evaluation system for effective protection in such areas, which contains four parts-target layer, evaluation criteria, evaluation indexes, and evaluation parameters-based on related documents and files. For the target layer, it includes nature asset evaluation and management evaluation. In the end, it is discussed how to build a comprehensive evaluation model and achieve an effective quantitative evaluation.  相似文献   

以5个保护区为例来探究外来入侵植物与环境及人为因子间的关系。利用CCA分析了环境变量与外来入侵植物丰度的关系,采用了多元回归得出了与外来入侵植物最为相关的环境与人为因子。结果显示,从泰山自然保护区到丰林自然保护区,外来入侵植物分别为25种、12种、13种、5种、5种,沿着包括纬度、最高温度,最低温度、最高降雨量等环境因子强度的降低而下滑。而同时,外来入侵植物的数量随着人为活动的干扰度增强而增加。从起源上来看,热带成分从31%降至0,而北美起源的植物则逐渐增加。从科的组成上看,五个自然保护区中均有菊科分布,所占比例分别为15%、33%、36%、 40% 和20%,显示了其世界广布的特性,而其他科属入侵植物的分布并不均衡。从生活型上看,一年生或多年生草本植物为主要成分。外来入侵植物的传入途径在很大程度上受人类活动及利用喜好的驱动。  相似文献   

It is important to quantitatively analyze the effects of protection of important eco-logical spaces in China to ensure national ecological security.By considering changes in the ecological land,this study examines the effects of protecting three types of important natural ecological spaces in China from 1980 to 2018.Moreover,considering important ecological spaces and their surroundings yields differences in the effects of protection between internal and external spaces,where this can provide a scientific basis for the categorization and zoning of China's land.The results show the following:(1)In 2018,the ratio of ecological land to important natural ecological spaces accounted for 92.64%.This land had a good ecological background that reflects the developmental orientation of important ecological spaces.(2)From 1980 to 2018,the area of ecological land in important ecological spaces shrank but the rate of reduction was lower than the national average,which shows the positive effect of regulating construction in natural ecological spaces.The restorative effects of ecological projects to convert farmland into forests and grasslands have been prominent.The expanded ecological land is mainly distributed in areas where such projects have been implemented,and the reduced area is concentrated in grain-producing areas of the Northeast China Plain and agricultural oases of Xinjiang.In the future,the government should focus on strength-ening the management and control of these areas.(3)The area ratio of ecological land was the highest in national nature reserves.The rate of reduction in its area was the lowest and the trend of reduction was the smallest in national nature reserves,which reflects differences in the status of ecological protection among different spaces.(4)The ratio of ecological land to important ecological spaces was higher than that in the surrounding external space,and the rate of reduction in it was lower.Thus,the effects of internal and external protection had clear differences in terms of gradient.  相似文献   

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